1 ) General Maung Aye inspects construction of Nanmyint Tower in National Kandawgyi Gardens in PyinOoLwin
Yangon, 3 Sept
- Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung
Aye, left here by air and arrived at Mandalay
International Airport at
9.30 am on 31 August.
General Maung Aye and party were welcomed at the airport by Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Ye Myint, Mandalay Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein, Deputy Chief Justice U Khin Maung Latt, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Nay Win and officials.

General Maung Aye and party and the commander went to PyinOoLwin by helicopter. They were welcomed by Military-Appointment General Brig-Gen Hsan Hsint, Deputy Chiefs of Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen Win Myint and Brig-Gen Aung Kyi, senior military officers of the Ministry of Defence, station commander of PyinOoLwin, Rector of Defence Services Academy Brig-Gen Ohn Myint and senior military officers.
On 2 September, General Maung Aye and party arrived at the construction site of Nanmyint Tower in National Kandawgyi Gardens in PyinOoLwin.
At the briefing hall, Minister for Forestry U Aung Phone said in accord with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe the National Kan-dawgyi Gardens is being renovated. Tasks for the first and second phases have been implemented. Now works for the third phase including construction of Nanmyint Tower are under way.
Construction of Nanmyint Tower started on 11 June 2002 and efforts are being made for completion of the tower in March 2003.
Next, Architect Dr Kyaw Latt reported on designing
of an earthquake-resistant tower.
Afterwards, Managing Director of Asia World Co Ltd U Tun Myint Naing reported on construction of approach road to the tower and support structures, construction of the tower and stockpiling of construction materials.
Director-General of Forest Department U Shwe Kyaw reported on planting of various kinds of local and foreign timber species.
In his discussions, General Maung Aye said systematic arrangements are to be
made for upgrading of the National Kandawgyi Gardens step by step. He also gave instructions on inspection of the progress of work in accord with the standard set and durability.
General Maung Aye and party inspected scale model of tower, stockpile of construction materials and construction of the tower.
The tower is 222 feet high and its diameter including the stairs is 56 feet.
The lift will be installed at the tower. A viewing deck that can hold 100 people will be built at 120 feet level of the tower.
In the first phase, the tasks including construction of log archway in Myanma style and pagoda archway, arrival and reception halls, paving of walkway linking the visitor centre and view plaza, construction of 19 timber trellis, construction of view plaza, construction of two fountains and a waterfall in the visitor centre area, construction of 60 feet fountain in No 1 Lake, raising of earth level of the island in No 1 Lake, crazy paving, planting of seasonal flowers, construction of rainbow view deck, construction of wooden bridge to the entrance of Phaya Laykyun, upgrading of the paths in the garden, construction of toilets and others were undertaken.
In the second phase, the tasks included extension of 240-acre garden to 436.96 acres, increasing numbers of rows of flowers from 94 to 369, growing of 16 seasonal big trees and 324 small plants, placing of Ingyin rock in the garden, construction of rock and orchid gardens, swamp walkway, club house, cement grouting to prevent from leaking water in the garden by the Irrigation Department and construction of elevated timber walkway.

Moreover, rare four takins, 58 birds of 13 local species and 178 birds of 16 foreign species are bred in the garden.
Minister for Electric Power Maj-Gen Tin Htut and officials inspected Wetwon hydel power station in PyinOoLwin Township. Mandalay Division Deputy Electrical Engineer U Win Aung, Township Electrical Engineer U Myo Nyunt and power station in-charge U Win Maung reported on maintenance of turbines at the station.
The minister inspected the station and its environs and gave instructions.
No 1 and No 2 turbines of the power station were installed in 1933 and 1939 respectively. The turbine generates 255 kw
( 2 )
Secretary-1 attends coord meeting on air transport
Yangon, 3 Sept
- A coordination meeting on air transport of the Ministry of Transport was held at the meeting hall of the ministry this morning, attended by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Speaking on the occasion, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt said local flight programmes are being conducted by Myanma Airways of the Ministry of Transport, Yangon Airways and Air Mandalay. Airways engaged in local aviation sector need to attend to safety, comfort and convenience of the
travelling people, both local and foreign, reaping fair profit for further development of the airlines.
The Government will render necessary assistance for the long-term development of airways. On
companies' side, coordination should be made in return for the comfortable and convenient travelling of the people and for progress of their own airways. Officials from respective airways are to report on present flight conditions for the boosting of the aviation sector, he said.
Then, the chairmen of Yangon Airways and Air Mandalay reported to the Secretary-1 on matters related to services of their airways, type of aircraft and strength of the fleets, annual number of travellers and mileage, income and expenditure. Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe also made an additional report.
After the Secretary-1 had given necessary instructions, the meeting came to an end.
( 3
) UN, international reports acknowledge decrease in poppy cultivation and
opium production in Myanmar
News on Yodaya's deportation of anti-government activists to Myanmar untrue
SURA recruiting new men by force from villages it uses as refugee camps
Government has no plan to issue 5,000-kyat notes, withdraw 200-kyat and
500-kyat notes from circulation
Rice transport to Yangon as usual, no decrease in rice supplies to city
Yangon, 3 Sept - A regular press meet was held at Tatmadaw Guest House on Inya Road at 10 am today.

Present were Minister for Labour U Tin Winn, Vice-Chief of Military Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung, senior military officers, heads of department, media personnel of the Ministry of Information, U Sein Win of Kyodo news agency, Patron of Myanmar Foreign Correspondents Club U Hla Htwe, President U Sao Kai Hpa and members and guests.
Concerning the UN report on decrease in Myanmar's poppy production, Deputy Head of Department of the Ministry of Defence Col San Pwin said the Tatmadaw is eradicating narcotic drugs as a national task. Beginning 1999-2000, the main 15-Year Drug Elimination Plan is being launched. Of the five work programmes
of the project, drug production elimination project is achieving

It was learnt from their reports that the UN and
international agencies have acknowledged that there has been a
significant decline in theopium cultivation and production year after year in Myanmar. According to the report issued by the United Nations Information Service on 27 August 2002, land survey on illicit poppy cultivation was jointly conducted by the Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention (ODCCP) and the Myanmar government on about 6,000 acres of opium poppy fields at 2,000 villages in five zones in Shan State from December 2001 to the second week of March 2002. The zones included Lashio Zone, Taunggyi Zone, Kengtung Zone and Southern Wa (Mongpouk) opium-substitute development project zone in Wa Special Region. The ODCCP had also conducted the similar survey in Afghanistan and Laos. The ODCCP launched the survey in Myanmar comparing the land survey records and satellite photos to get the exact results. In 2002, poppy was cultivated on 81,400 hectares of land, and the opium production for the year was 828 tons. Previous year's opium production was 1,097 tons. Thus, there was a drastic decrease in production. ODCCP Executive Director Mr Antonio Maria Costa said that it was a correct step for Myanmar to strive to decrease opium production to a significant degree; that new steps were required to reduce the opium cultivation; and that he expected that Myanmar would do so.

Similarly, Myanmar and the US jointly conducted the Eighth Opium Yield Survey in Mongshu Township in eastern Shan State and Hsenwi, Tangyan and Kukai townships in northern Shan State from 25 February 2002 to 2 March 2002. During the survey, opium pod sampling was conducted for 61 times and poppy juice, poppy leave and soil sampling for about 40 times. According to officials of the US Criminal Narcotics Centre (CNC), opium poppy per acre yield in Myanmar at present is 3.08 kilos, down from 4.4 kilos in the past; opium-substitute crops have been cultivated on the former poppy fields; the situation in Lonhtan region in Kutkai Township, where poppy was largely grown in the past, has undergone a drastic change; the Tatmadaw columns are destroying the poppy fields; the local people have asked help, for, they are facing much difficulties in growing opium-substitute crops. The report issued by the US estimated that Myanmar's poppy production in 2002 was reduced to half of the total production of 865 tons in 2001.
He then explained the matter concerning the arrest and deportation of persons opposing the Myanmar government, and who were living in Yodaya. The 21 August issue of The Nation daily said that a police unit of Sunkhalaburi Police Station in Kanchanaburi District searched the houses where the persons opposing the Myanmar government were living on 20 August at 9.30 am in the area. The daily also said that the anti-government activists included members from the so-called democracy groups, NLD (LA), ABSDF, Democratic Party for New Society and PDF, and ethnic insurgent groups, KNU and Mon Youth Progressive.
The 22 August issue of The Nation daily quoted police chief Vorachat of the police station as saying that of the 31 arrested persons, 15 had already been deported to Myanmar on 21 August; that the remaining 16 would be deported to Myanmar on 22 August; that as they had no connections with the politics, they were treated as the illegal immigrants in deporting them to Myanmar.
The Myanmar Embassy in Bangkok asked the Yodaya Foreign Ministry about the matter. The Embassy also made contacts with the officials concerned. Police Capt Kaittikulstaporm of the police station told the embassy that the illegal immigrants were arrested in accord with the existing laws; that after investigating them, they were expelled from the country; that two of the arrested were still under temporary detention to expose the Yodaya citizens who
harbored the illegal immigrants.
The Yodaya dailies were saying that the arrested had already been handed over to Myanmar. In reality, the Yodaya immigration transported the arrested persons by car to the place near the border; then the Yodaya police sent them back to their homes in Yodaya territory by car. In reality it was just a feigning trick.
The police station filed a law suit against the 13 arrested persons, Aung Hsan Nyunt of NLD (LA), Aung Kyaw Soe of DPNS, Thein Lwin of ABSDF, Mehm Maung Hsan, Ma Tint, Ma Waing, Ma Ni, Ma Khin Moe Wai, Moe Wai, Moe Khaing, Khin Aung, Htay Aung, Mya Thein Zan and Sein Lwin of MYO, fined them baht 1,000 each, and handed them over to the Yodaya immigration officials. The Yodaya immigration transported them by car to a place near Thonzu village. They were left on the road side. The three policemen from the police station took them back to Sunkhalaburi town by car.
Col San Pwint then explained the concoctions floated in collusion by Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Senate of the Yodaya, SURA drug-trafficking terrorist insurgents and the Yodaya news agency.
The Chiangmai News daily published in Chiangmai on 17 August featured a news report under the heading
"Foreign Affairs Committee of Yodaya Parliament exposes Myanmar Tatmadaw's sexual enslavement of young women war victims". The news report said that a team led by Chairman of the committee Karaisat Chuhawun toured Weinhin Township, Chiangmai District, studied the situation of war victims at Yodaya-Myanmar border and held a press meet. The news report quoted Karaisat as saying that according to ethnic Shan victims, the Myanmar Tamadaw and the local authorities were imposing various kinds of restrictions on them since five years ago; that they were conscripted into the army by force; that they were forced to carry heavy loads; that some of them were hanged; and that they were also subject to horrible situation such as torture and rape; that the team had got the names of three or four rape victims of the total of over 10; and that the ages of the victims were ranging from 11 to 48.
The Yodaya iTV also broadcast a fabrication under the special news report, saying that the team led by Karaisat met with ethnic Shan victims at Luwun village, Weinhin Township, at Yodaya-Myanmar border, west of Chiangmai.
The TV station said that the team met with the Shan women at the refugee camp; that the Tatmadaw not only molested the Shan women, but also tortured them; that not only the Tatmadaw, but also the Wa and Lahu troops were capturing, raping and killing women; that especially the victims were accused of being the SURA informers, and tortured and killed; that no action was taken against the culprits in the Myanmar Tatmadaw; that the officers raped women in front of their soldiers.
It also said that some women were put into confinement, and subject to repeated rapes; that women from ages between 11 and 40 were in danger of being molested and murdered; that an 11-year-old girl died after being raped by 20 Tatmadaw officers; that the refugees would face severe problems if they would be deported to Myanmar; that the Myanmar government sent fact-finding missions to the areas were the incident were said to have occurred after the
"Licence to Rape" was issued; that the missions instead of investigating the truth, applied pressures on the locals to sign the documents which said that they had never seen or experienced any such cases. In reality, what the TV station had broadcast were nothing but lies.
The report issued by the team led by Karaisat and the news report aired by the TV station were just to discredit Myanmar Tatmadaw internationally. Myanmar had already sent three fact-finding missions to the areas, and explained that all these accusations were just concoctions. But Karaisat even tried to discredit the fact-finding missions. In reality, he is a person who is giving encouragement to SURA drug bandits. He was floating fabrications as he has profound hatred for Myanmar.
Col San Pwint then explained the matter concerning the SURA's misconduct to recruit men by force and create refugee camps in order to get aids from NGOs. The SURA is recruiting the persons who are working in Yodaya and Shan and Akha youths through intimidation and force them as its new members. It has also made some of the villages as refugee camps to get aids from international agencies.
At present, there were five youths who ran away from the SURA training school at Old Shawkhaik village in Yodaya. The five members were recruited by the SURA under threats and force. They were in front of the journalists. According to the five youths, it was known that they were captured, and were forced to join the SURA. There are 100 houses in the five villages from Shawkhaik-1 village to Shawkhaik village-5. Shans are living in Shawkhaik-1, Shawkhaik-2, Shawkhaik-3 and Shawkhaik-5 villages. Christian Akhas are living in Shawkhaik-4 village. The persons who are working in Yodaya are being lured with false promises of good jobs and better salaries to the villages. The SURA makes arrangements for them to settle at the villages, and puts them under the name
"refugees'. Na Thaw, an ethnic Shan of the SURA, is administering the five Shawkhaik villages. The SURA is recruiting the youths who have reached the age of 16 from every household of the villages.

Every month, the SURA is providing about six pyis of rice per child under age ten, and eight pyis of rice, about 25 ticals of cooking oil, half a kilo of soybean and a little salt per child over age ten. Sometimes blankets are being distributed at the villages. All the assistance are being transported to the SURA camp by the Yodaya army. Photos are also taken at every time the assistance is being rendered to the villagers. According to the headmen of the villages, the assistance is being provided by the foreign agencies. The donors asked the life condition at the villages and the reason behind their arrival to the villages as refugees. The villagers have to tell the donors as told to them by the SURA. They have to make a lie saying that they ran away as the Myanmar soldiers were looting their poultry, rice and destroying their houses. They arrived at the refugee camps inside Yodaya as they had nothing to eat, and had to live in fear. With the help of Yodaya army, the SURA poses the five Shawkhaik villages as refugee camps. They have become the places where the SURA is recruiting new members.
Recently there are rumours in Yangon which said that 5,000-kyat notes would be issued; that the 200-kyat and 500-kyat notes would be withdrawn from circulation; and that the amount of rice transported to Yangon from other places was decreasing. These are all false information as the State has not any plan to withdraw the 200-kyat and 500-kyat notes from circulation and to issue the 5,000-kyat notes.
There are also fabrications saying that there were floods along the banks of Chindwin and Ayeyawady rivers in upper Myanmar which have destroyed the rice fields in the region; that the amount of rice flowing into Yangon was decreasing; rice prices were rising in Ayeyawady Division. As many countries are facing over flowing of rivers in the current rainy season, Myanmar is also facing floods in some areas. But the floods in Myanmar have never destroyed any rice warehouses or crops fields. Over 30,000 rice bags are entering Yangon every day. The amount is enough for the city consumption. There is no rice price rise in Ayeyawady Division. So it is clear that the
rum ours are being spread by the greedy merchants to hike the rice prices.
In connection with broadcasting of fabricated news, he said VOA broadcast a news story about Myanmar at 6 am on 2 September. It reported that Myanmar government troop and Democratic Kayin Buddhist Army (DKBA) that has made peace with the government exchanged fire in Hpa-an. Three Tatmadaw-men and one from DKBA were killed. On 27 August, the report added, Hpa-an based regional intelligence unit and the groups under 999 DKBA battalion exchanged fire with small arms for about half an hour in Hpa-an. No local people was killed. Local people said that the crash took place due to the dispute on sharing of money gained from drug trafficking, it added. The broadcast included an interview with a merchant who witnessed the fighting. In reality, the news is totally untrue. There had been no clash between the Tatmadaw and DKBA and there was no problem among them. It is a fabricated news to cause misunderstanding between the Tatmadaw and DKBA. The news aimed at tarnishing the dignity of the Tatmadaw and DKBA, saying that they were involved in drug cases.
The queries raised by the journalist were answered by Minister U Tin Winn, Maj-Gen Kyaw Win and Col San Pwint. The press conference ended at 10.50 am.
The journalists then viewed the map showing the villages which are being used by the SURA as refugee camps and interviewed the five national race youths, Ah Ge, Ah Saw, Ah Je, Ah Hsaw and Law Ya, who had run away from the SURA military camps.
( 4
Kyweku-Kyaukphya Bridge Construction Project inspected in Myeik
Yangon, 3 Sept
- Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Maung Bo of the Ministry of Defence, accompanied by Chairman of Taninthayi Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Coastal Region Command Brig-Gen Tha Aye and departmental officials, left Dawei, Taninthayi Division, by car on 1 September morning.
On the way, Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party inspected Cinchona tree nursery of Myanma Agriculture Service, the oil palm farm of the Annawa Trading Co Ltd and progress of construction of the new two-storey building of Pedat Village Affiliated Basic Education High School in Thayetchaung Township, Dawei District. They arrived at Thamoklut Village, Myeik Township, in the afternoon.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party proceeded to Kyweku-Kyaukphya Bridge Construction Project in Myeik Township and inspected progress of installation of iron frames, work being done and construction of motorway and pedestrian lanes of the approach bridge.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party then went to Kyweku Village on Myeik Township side, where they were welcomed by Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, Commander of Taninthayi Naval Region Command Headquarters Commodore Maung Win, senior military officers, local authorities and departmental officials. At the briefing hall, Superintending Engineer (Project) U Ba Wan reported on progress in constructing foundation of piers, approach bridge and installation of iron frames, tasks being carried out and requirements; Deputy Superintending Engineer U Khin Maung Kyaw on construction of 51-mile Myeik all-weather tarred bypass and functions; and Commander Brig-Gen Tha Aye, Chief Engineer (Road) U Kyaw Tint and officials on measures being undertaken after forming respective committees for timely completion of the bridge and the bypass.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo gave instructions on ensuring worksite safety, completion of the bridge construction in time with set standards, minimizing loss and wastage and construction of Myeik bypass including the 39-mile Pathaung-Darthway-Papyin section and the 12-mile Thabut-PinO-Dawl section before the third week of March 2003.
The Kyweku-Kyaukphya Bridge is being built across Kyaukphya river on Myeik-Dawei motor road at Kyweku village in Myeik Township. It is being built with the aim of ensuring smooth and secure transport and speedy flow of commodities. It will be 3,612 feet long. Its motorway is 28 feet wide and there are 6 feet wide pedestrian lanes on either side of the motorway. The clearance under the bridge will be 236 feet wide and 28 feet high. Its approach road on Kyweku side is 1,300 feet long and that on Kyaukphya side is 200 feet long. The lower structure of the bridge is of reinforced concrete piers and the upper structure, of steel framed PC beams. So far, 75 per cent of bridge construction has been completed.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party proceeded by car and arrived at the paddy fields of 16 farmers in plot Nos 252 and 253 in Sandawut village-tract, Myeik Township. They attended the ceremony to broadcast effective micro-organism on the 100-acre paddy field to obtain the yield of 100 baskets per acre.
First, Divisional MAS Manager U Than Naing reported on cultivation of monsoon paddy on model plots for the year 2002-2003 and broadcast of EM fertilizer at the temporary briefing hall. Commander Brig-Gen Tha Aye gave a supplementary report.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo gave necessary instructions and viewed the broadcast of EM fertilizer. Next, he proceeded to the proposed site for construction of Shwedagon replica pagoda and gave necessary instructions. Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party then left by car and arrived back in Myeik
in the evening to spend the night.
( 5 )
Meeting on domestic airlines
development coordinated
Yangon, 3 Sept - The coordination meeting on domestic airlines transport sector development of the Ministry of Transport was held at the meeting hall of the ministry this afternoon.
It was attended by Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint, Director-General of the Department for Civil Aviation U Win Maung, Director-General of the Transport Department Col Nyan Tun Aung, Managing Director of Myanma Airways U Tin Hlaing Hme and chairmen and members of boards of directors from domestic airlines. At the meeting, the minister gave instructions on making efforts for passengers to travel smoothly and safely, and assistance to be provided for development of airways transport sector by the ministry.
Next, officials of airlines reported on tasks
being carried out and future tasks for their respective airlines
transport. Then the deputy minister gave a supplementary report and
the minister gave necessary instructions.
Minister inspects University of Culture (Yangon)
Yangon, 3 Sept - Minister for Culture U Tin Winn arrived at University of Culture (Yangon) at 3 pm today and inspected it. He gave instructions on building of roads included in the master plan, planting of shady trees along the roads and keeping the campus of the university green and pleasant.
Later at the meeting hall there, officials concerned reported to him on existing buildings of the university and the plan to build a new museum for displaying the works of painting and sculpture of graduating students. The minister then gave necessary instructions.
Commerce Minister tours Myeik
Yangon, 3 Sept - Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone on 1 September met with the staff of Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading in Myeik, Taninthayi Division, and made a speech.
Minister presents sports equipment in Bago
Yangon, 3 Sept - Myanmar Olympic Committee Chairman Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint, accompanied by President of Myanmar Archery Federation U Khin Shwe and officials from the ministry, arrived at Bago on 31 August.
At Thiri Hantha Hall there, he made an opening address at the ceremony to present sports equipment held under the Youth Soccer Promotion Programme and presented sports equipment to officials.
Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint made a speech. He said under the Youth Soccer Promotion Programme, three youth soccer teams ÑÊU-13, U-17 and U-21ÑÊhave been trained all the year round in states and divisions. Training equipment will be provided twice a year and the coaches will be provided with cash. Trainees with full training equipment are to strive for becoming Myanmar selected players the State can rely upon.
Then the minister presented sports equipment worth K 507,500 to Division SPEC Chairman Lt-Col Aung Min who later spoke words of thanks. Chairman of Zay Kaba Co President of Myanmar Archery Federation U Khin Shwe also presented K 300,000.
After the ceremony, the minister and party proceeded to Kyaikhto and Bilin. The minister gave necessary instructions to members of township SPECs and presented sports equipment to committees. U Khin Shwe also presented K 100,000 each to committees. The minister inspected township sports grounds. At Thaton District Sports Ground, Myanmar selected archers presented demonstration of archery to student youths.
The minister met with local authorities at the hall of Kayin State Peace and Development Council Office in Hpa-an and presented sports equipment to officials. U Khin Shwe presented K 300,000 each to Kayin State SPEC, Kayin State MCWA, No 22 LID and Hpa-an BEHS-4. The minister inspected Thanlwin Sports Ground in Hpa-an and together with fans, watched skill demonstration of selected Myanmar women archers.
At the hall of Kyaikmaraw Township Peace and Development Council Office, the minister together with Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Myo Hla of South-East Command met officials from township SPEC, staff and players and presented sports equipment. U Khin Shwe also presented K 100,000 to officials.
The ceremony to provide sports equipment to football teams in Mon State was held at Ramanya Hall of Mon State Peace and Development Council Office yesterday, attended by Mon State Peace and Development Council Chairman South-East Command Commander Maj-Gen Thura Myint Aung.
The minister made a speech on the occasion and presented sports equipment. Dr Khin Shwe presented K 500,000 each to Mon State SPEC, Mon State MCWA and K 1 million to Mawlamyine BEHS-1.
Together with about 3,000 fans, the commander and the minister enjoyed the skill demonstration of selected Myanmar women archers at Ramanya Sports Ground in Mawlamyine. The ministry has formed three football teams in each state and division. Sports equipment worth K 507,500 will be provided to each state and division twice a year and cash assistance to the coaches.
( 6 )
Commander inspects Yangon circular railroad
Yangon, 3 Sept - Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe, accompanied by Deputy Minister for Rail Transportation Thura U Thaung Lwin, Commander of No 4 Military Region Brig-Gen Myo Myint and commanders of Military Regions, Managing Director of Myanma Railways U Min Swe, Secretary of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Kyaw Tint and members, chairmen of District Peace and Development Councils and officials, inspected clean-up tasks being done along Yangon circular railroad and durability of the railroad this afternoon.
The commander gave instructions on keeping railway stations clean and tidy, planting shady trees on either side of the railroad, railroad safety, systematic disposal of garbage by wards along the railroad. Then, the deputy minister reported to the commander on tasks for making the circular railroad and stations clean and pleasant, and assistant head of the department of Yangon City Development Committee U Kyaw Soe on tasks to be carried out by YCDC.
The commander gave instructions. Ñ MNA
of traveller and mileage, income and expense. Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe
also made additional reports. After the Secretary-1 had given
necessary instructions, the meeting came to an end.
( 7 ) Training of Service Providers for Trafficking in Women and Children Course opened
Yangon, 3 Sept - A ceremony to open the Training of Service Providers for Trafficking in Women and Children Course jointly organized by Myanmar National Working Committee for
Women's Affairs and UN-Inter Agency Project in Combating Trafficking (UN-IAP) was held at Sedona Hotel in Kaba Aye Pagoda Road here at 9 am today.
Present on the occasion were Chairman of Myanmar National Working Committee for
Women's Affairs Deputy Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement U Hlaing Win, Chairman of the Working Comittee for Prevention of Trafficking in Persons Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung, member of Myanmar National Committee for
Women's Affairs Deputy Minister for Immigration and Population
U Maung Aung, member
of Myanmar National Committee for Women's Affairs and Vice-Chairperson of Myanmar National Working Committee for
Women's Affairs Prof Daw May May Yi, member of Myanmar National Committee for
Women's Affairs and member of Myanmar National Working Committee for
Women's Affairs Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, members of MNCWA, advisers, members of Yangon Division Committee for
Women's Affairs, officials, heads of UN agencies, head of course instructor Prof Daw Khin Aye Win and course instructors and trainees.
First, Head of Working Group on Prevention of Violence Against Women and Rehabilitation Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe delivered an address on the occasion.
Next, Resident Representative of UNICEF, main sponsor of (UN-IAP), Mr Bertrand Mendis made a speech on the occasion.
Then, Head of Educative Group of MNCWA Prof Daw Khin Aye Win
explained the purpose of opening the course. The three-day course from 3 to 5
September is attended by 35 trainees.
( 8
) Billboard to hail USDA Annual General Meeting 2002 put up
Yangon, 3 Sept - In hailing the Annual General Meeting 2002 of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, a ceremony to put up a billboard was held in front of the City Hall of Yangon on Maha Bandoola Street, Kyauktada Township, Yangon West District this morning.
At the ceremony, Chairman of Yangon West District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Maung Maung Shein, executive of Yangon Division USDA U Min Thein and chairmen of Kyauktada and Latha Township Peace and Development Councils unveiled the billboard by cutting a ribbon.
( 9
) Stimulant tablets seized in Kengtung
Yangon, 3 Sept - A combined team made up of members of local intelligence unit and Kengtung Special Anti-Drug Squad, acting on information, searched the house of Sai Kham Hsai in Kyaingka Village, Kengtung Township, at 8.15 pm on 15 July and arrested Sai Kham Hsai, Ma Ar Sun Tar, Sai Ywet and Ar Soe together with 110 stimulant tablets.
The Kengtung Police Station is taking action against Sai Kham Hsai, 43, son of U Lwe Kho of Ward 2, Kyaingka Village, Kengtung Township, Ma Ar Sun Tur, 23, daughter of U Kya Lu, Sai Ywet, 25, son of U Lon Pein, and Ar Soe, 18, son of U Shan Mwe and their accomplice Kya Yaw, 35, son of U Kya Htaw of Naungkon Village, Ketpha Village-tract, Kengtung Township, under Section
15/16 (C)/ 19(A)/ 20(A)/ 21 of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Heroin seized in Muse
Yangon, 3 Sept - Acting on information, a combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit, Myanmar Police Force and local nationals, intercepted and searched two pedestrians, coming from Manwain Village, Muse Township, on the bank of Nampaw Creek in Muse, Shan State (North), on 22 August. The authorities seized Yan Ei of Tonsa Village, Lonkhun Township, China, together with 0.44 kilo of heroin kept in 22 soap boxes, while the other managed to escape.
In connection with the case, action is being taken against the culprit under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by the police station concerned.