1 ) State Peace and Development Council Chairman Senior General Than Shwe sends
felicitations to Malaysia
Yangon, 31 Aug - On the occasion of the 45th Anniversary of the National Day of Malaysia, which falls on 31 August 2002, Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council and Prime Minister of the Union of Myanmar, has sent messages of felicitations to His Majesty Duli Yang Maha Mulia Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin lbni Al-Marhum Tuanku Syed Putra Jamalullail, Yang di-Pertuan Agong of Malaysia and His Excellency
Dato' Seri Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad, Prime Minister of Malaysia.
State Peace and Development Council Chairman Senior General Than Shwe accepts credentials of Ambassador of Islamic Republic of Iran

Yangon, 30 Aug - Mr Rasoul Eslami, newly accredited Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Union of Myanmar, presented his credentials to Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, at Zeyathiri Beikman, Kon-myinttha
at 10 am today.
( 2 ) Work coordinated to organize UN poster exhibition
Yangon, 30 Aug
- A work coordination meeting on organizing the UN poster exhibition took place in the meeting hall of Zeyathiri Beikman on Konmyinttha here this evening.
Patron of the Committee for Organizing the UN Poster Exhibition Sec-
retary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt addressed the meeting.
The Secretary-1 said that the meeting is held to coordinate work for organizing the UN poster exhibition smoothly.
In response to the request of the officials of UN headquarters to Myanmar, arrangements are being made to hold the poster exhibition in Myanmar.
The exhibition will be devoted to the works of world-famous artists, posters and photos by famous
lens men and historical posters which dates back to 1938.
These invaluable posters need to be put on display in various sectors such as peace-keeping, development, environment, fight against hunger, poverty, illiteracy, human rights and disarmament.
The UN poster exhibition was already held at UNESCO in Paris and the UN office in Geneva, in
Warsaw, Bonn, Norway, the Republic of Korea and Japan and at ESCAP in Bangkok. Now it will be hosted in Myanmar.
The exhibition will be held in the beginning of November 2002 in commemoration of UN Day which falls on 24 October.
Therefore, essay, poem and painting competitions are to be held in commemoration of the UN Day and the UN poster exhibition.
The exhibition will accentuate the friendly co-operation between Myanmar and the UN.
The Union of Myanmar is actively taking part in the activities of the UN and also cooperating with the UN
organizations in launching activities.
In conclusion, the Secretary-1 called on all to actively cooperate with one another in organizing the exhibition.
Then, Vice-Chairman of the Committee Vice-Chief of Military Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win and Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung reported on the measures being taken by the committee and subcommittees to organize the exhibition.
Deputy Minister for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung, Deputy Minister for Transport Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint, Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Kyaw Myint, Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung
Win and officials of the committee and subcommittees reported on
matters related to the holding of the essay, poem and painting
competitions at the higher and basic education levels, the UN poster
exhibition, health and cleanliness, invitation and reception.
The meeting ended with concluding remarks by the
Yangon Declaration
30 Aug- The
4th Inter-Country Consultation on Framework Convention on Tobacco
Control concluded in the hall of at Sofitel Plaza in Yangon at
12: 30 pm today. After the meeting, "The Yangon Declaration
", was issued
collecting the discussions of international representatives.
Affirming the Jaipur Declaration adopted by the
countries of the South East Asia Region (SEAR) on 15 February 2002,
Acknowledging the difficulties faced by the Chair in reconciling the
various positions taken by the countries, and Appreciating the
simplicity and clarity of the New Chair's Text of the Framework
Convention on Tobacco Control, and Concerned that certain provisions
of the New Text do not reflect the position of the SEAR, Emphasizing
the need for is- sues of public health to receive priority over
existing trade obligations, Recognizing that strong measures on
advertising, packaging and labeling as well as sales to and by
minors need to be incorporated in the Framework Convention on
Tobacco Control, Reiterating the need for a comprehensive financial
mechanism to support developing countries in fulfilling their
obligations under this Convention, determined to develop a strong
and effective Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, the countries
of SEAR 'present at Yangon agree that the following primary
negotiating positions emerged during the Fourth Intercessional
Trade and Health
In the New Chair's Text, there are certain
Articles in which the issues of public health and specifically
tobacco control and international trade arise concurrently.
* Article 2,
Sections 2 and 3 (Relationship between this .Convention and other
agreements and legal instruments)
* Article 4, Section
5 (Guiding principles)
Concerning these articles, the SEAR countries
have ex- pressed concern that while tobacco control must be
considered in concert with existing trade obligations, trade should
not be considered more important than public health in general and
specifically tobacco control. As such, the New Chair's Text for
these sections has been replaced with the parallel text elaborated
in the Jaipur Report, with the exception that the word should have
been replaced with "shall" in Article 4, Section 5 to increase the
strength of the provision.
Price and tax measures
Article 6 of the New Chair's Text addresses price and tax
measures to reduce demand for tobacco. The SEAR countries have
adopted the following positions:
1. The elimination of all duty-free sales of tobacco products
2. The need for earmarking some of the revenue from taxes on
tobacco products for tobacco control programmes.
Packaging and laI1elling of tobacco products
Article 11 of the New Chair's Text addresses
tobacco product packaging and labeling, The SEAR countries have
adopted the position that the FCTC should reflect that a certain
percentage namely no less than 50 percent of the front and the rear
of all tobacco product packaging should comprise health warnings.
Language to this effect has been added to Article 11, Section I (d)
in the version of this section developed during this ISM.
Passive smoking
Article 8 of the New Chair's Text addresses
passive smoking. Because the SEAR countries have a commitment to
protecting all people from the effects of passive smoke, they have
deleted the final sentence of this Article to eliminate all
ambiguity and to strengthen the obligation.
Advertising, promotion and sponsorship
Article 13 of the New Chair's Text addresses
tobacco product advertising, sponsorship and promotion. The SEAR
countries have articulated a strong position on advertising,
promotion and sponsorship: namely, that all of these activities
should be prohibited and eliminated. Language to this effect \has
been included in the version of this section as developed during
this ISM.
Sales to and by minors
Article 16 addresses the sale of tobacco products
to minors. The SEAR countries feel strongly that not only should
supply and sales to minors be considered in this section of the
Convention, but also supply and sales by minors. Further, there is a
consensus in this group that although penalties against those who
sell to minors or use minors to sell tobacco products are necessary,
those penalties should not be levied against the minors themselves.
Language to this effect has been included in the version of this
section as developed during this ISM.
Protection of the environment
The New Chair's Text includes Article 18, which addresses
protection of the environment in relation to tobacco cultivation and
manufacturing. The SEAR countries have adopted the position that
because there has been no negotiation or discussion of this material
in any of the past Intergovernmental Negotiating Bodies, this
article should be deleted.
Financial resources
In Article 26 of the New Chair's Text, financial
resources are addressed. The SEAR countries agree that the New
Chair's Text does not adequately reflect the regional position that
creation of a global fund with a clearly defined funding mechanism
is essential to the success of global tobacco con- trol. As such,
this entire section has been replaced by the parallel text (i.e
Section Q) elaborated in the Jaipur Report.
Amendments to the Convention
Article 28 of the New Chair's Text addresses the
requirements for amending the Convention. The SEAR countries have
expressed their resolve that these requirements be strict in order
to protect against dilution of the obligations in the Convention.
Accordingly, in the version developed during this ISM, a requirement
that any amendment must have the sup- port of one fourth of the
Parties to the Convention before it can be officially submitted as a
proposal has been added to Article 28 (1). Further, the majority
needed to pass any pro- posed amendment has been changed to
three-fourths of the Parties present and voting in Article 28 (3).
Standard and best practices for measuring the content of
tobacco products
Article 9 of the New Chair's Text addresses
regulation of contents of tobacco products. The SEAR countries feel
that prescribing the contents of tobacco products would be
counterproductive as it would convey the impression that at the
regulated levels, tobacco products were safe. Therefore, in the
version of the text elaborated at this ISM, changes have been made
to both the title and the content of this Article to reflect the
SEAR countries' desire that standards and best practices be the
focus of this Article.
( 3
) Minister U Win Aung sends
felicitations to Malaysia
Yangon, 31 Aug - On the occasion of the 45th Anniversary of the National Day of Malaysia, which falls on 31 August 2002, U Win Aung, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency
Dato' Seri Syed Hamid bin Syed Jaafar Albar, Minister of Foreign
Affairs of Malaysia.
Health Minister receives Ambassador
Yangon, 30 Aug - Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein received Ambassador of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Mr Ubhayasekara Mapa at his office on Pyidaungsu Yeiktha
Street in Dagon Township at 11.30 am today.
Health Minister receives guests
Yangon, 30 Aug - Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein received Director of Asian Pacific Region (Latin America & Canada) of the Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd Mr Vinod Dhawan and party at his office at 10.30 am today.
During his call, Mr Vinod Dhawan presented HIV/AIDS medicines worth K 5 million to the minister, who then presented a certificate of honour to him.
H & T Minister receives foreign guests
Yangon, 30 Aug - Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin received Chairman of Golden Triangle Paradise Resort Co Ltd Mr Prasit Pothasuthon and Managing Director Mr Jerawat Arnupavathum, who are running Golden Triangle Paradise Resort Hotel in Tachilek, at his office at noon today.
They discussed matters related to hotels and tourism and arrangements for ensuring the arrival of tourists to be organized by the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism.
( 4
) Industry-1 Minister receives guests
Yangon, 30 Aug - Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung received Vice- President of CNTIC Trading Co Ltd of the
People's Republic of China Mr Zhang Guodong and party at 2.30 pm, Italian Ambassador to Myanmar Dr Raffaelle Miniero at 3 pm, and Iranian Ambassador to Myanmar Mr Rasoul Eslami,
whose office is in Bangkok, at 4 pm at his office today.
Commerce Minister receives Italian Ambassador
Yangon, 30 Aug - Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone received Ambassador of Italy to Myanmar Dr Rafaelle Miniero
at his office at 1 pm today.
Appointment of Ambassador agreed on
Yangon, 31 Aug - The Government of the Union of Myanmar has agreed to the appointment of Mr John Bentum-Williams as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the
Republic of Ghana to the Union of Myanmar.
Mr John Bentum-Williams was born on 13 August 1938. He graduated from the University of Western Ontario, Canada, with B.A (Hons) in
Economics in 1963. He also received a Diploma in
Management of Public Enterprises from Harvard University in 1973. He held various executive and consultancy positions with economic and financial institutions in Ghana for over 30 years.
Mr John Bentum- Williams will be concurrently accredited to the
Union of Myanmar with residence in Kuala Lumpur. He is married.
4th Inter-Country Consultation on FCTC concludes
Yangon Declaration released
Yangon, 30 Aug - The 4th Inter-Country Consultation on Framework Convention on Tobacco Control hosted in Myanmar concluded in the hall of the Sofitel Plaza Yangon at 12.30 pm today. After the meeting,
:The Yangon Declaration," was issued which is a collection of the
discussions of international representatives.
( 5 )
Traditional medical research and
production technique handed over
Yangon, 30 Aug
- Respective ministries are trying their best to do research on
diseases common to the public and to locally produce medicines based
on traditional medicinal herbs in carrying out public health care
services by forming a committee for producing medicines to cure six
major diseases in line with the guidance of the Head of State.
A ceremony to hand over traditional medical
research and technique of the two kinds of traditional medicines,
which the Medical Research Department of the Ministry of Health has
succeeded in carrying out research on, to the Ministry of Industry-1
by the Ministry of Health took place at the meeting hall of the
department (Lower Myanmar) in Dagon Township this morning.
Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein and Minster for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung
attended the ceremony.
Prof Dr Mya Oo explained endeavours made by the Ministry of Health to abundantly produce medicines for public use under the directive of the committee.
With regard to the traditional medical research and production technique, Dr Aye Aye Than, researcher, then explained matters related to introduction of potent medicines for treatment of diabetes with the use of bitter gourd; and Dr Thaung Hla, malaria and
diarrhea with the use of brucea mollis.
Concerning the research findings, queries on requirements for producing medicines were answered by researchers concerned, Prof Dr Mya Oo and Prof Dr Kyaw Myint.
Then, Brig-Gen Kyaw Win gave an account of the law for the handing over of the technique. Director-General of MRD (Lower Myanmar) Dr Paing Soe and General Manager of Myanmar Pharmaceutical Factory U Zaw Win signed the agreement and exchanged the documents. The ceremony came to an end after U Zaw Win expressed words of thanks.
Minister inspects edible oil refinery
Yangon, 30 Aug
- Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin inspected refining of palm oil, invention of small oil-refiners and trial production of thit-seint oil in the oil refinery of Myanma Perennial Crops Enterprise in Thingangyun Township this morning.
The manager of the refinery reported arrangements for the extended production of edible oil.
The minister gave necessary instructions. The minister inspected crude oil and refined oil samples, by-products and the production process. Managing Director U Myint Oo reported on capacities of edible oil refiners.
The minister gave instructions on invention of edible oil refiners in cooperation with the technicians within the country.
CPT Minister and party arrive back
Yangon, 30 Aug - Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw, after attending the Second ASEAN Telecommunications Ministers Meeting held in Makati, the Philippines, from 27 to 28 August, arrived back here this evening.
The minister was welcomed back at Yangon International Airport by Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint, Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin and departmental heads of the Myanma Posts and Telecommunications and the Directorate of Telecommunications.
Assistant General Manager U Zaw Tint of the Myanma Posts and
Telecommunications also arrived back on the same flight.
Minister visits Indakaw Industrial Zone
Yangon, 30 Aug - Minister for Industry-2 Maj-Gen Saw Lwin, visited Indakaw Industrial Zone of the Ministry of Industry-2 in Indakaw region, Bago Division, this morning.
Managing Director of Myanma Automobile and Diesel Engine Industry U Soe Thein reported on arrival of machinery from India for the smelting plant and the ball-bearing factory; Managing Director of Myanma Machine Tool and Electrical Industry U Kyaw Win on machinery for the
aluminum wire factory; Managing Director of Myanma Industrial Construction Services U Ye Tun on construction of a smelting plant, a ball- bearing factory and an
aluminum wire factory. The minister gave instructions on
construction of buildings.
Then, the minister inspected the machinery
purchased from India and construction of the plant and factories.
The minister gave instructions on sending machinery to respective
Phaunggyi Creek Bridge (Yangon Division) inaugurated

Yangon, 30 Aug - The opening ceremony of Phaunggyi Creek Bridge in Hlegu Township, Yangon North District, built by Public Works under the Ministry of Construction was held at the pandal of the bridge this morning.
Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe and Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun
delivered addresses.
In his address, the commander said that Phaunggyi Bridge inaugurated today is an important facility as it was built across Ngamoyeik Creek between Phaunggyi East Village and Phaunggyi West Village in Hlegu Township.
The old bridge was of Bailey-type and had a 10 feet and nine inches wide motorway. It could withstand only 13-ton loads with one-way system and consequently it was difficult for heavy vehicles to pass through it. But the new one has a 28-foot-wide motorway with two four-foot-wide pedestrian lanes on either side. The bridge is a reinforced concrete one which can withstand 60-ton loads. Thus it is very useful for local people in sending their local goods to other regions. Furthermore, it contributes to further development of education, health, economic and social sectors as well as smooth transport.
The commander expressed words of thanks to the Head of State and officials of the Ministry of Construction who took part in the project. It took only seven months to complete the bridge. The minister presented certificates of honour to Deputy Superintending Engineer of the Special Bridge Construction Group-13 U Soe Myint and service personnel of the project.
Many bridges have been built in Yangon Division in accord with the farsighted guidance of the Head of State. Previously, the people in the regions had to rely mainly on water transport in the past. Now they can go to Yangon conveniently. The betterment of transport leads to improvement of the living standard of the local people. In conclusion, he urged local residents to maintain the bridge.
The minister said that in building a modern developed nation, the Ministry of Construction is improving the transport sector essential in building the economic infrastructure. The Head of State has given guidance that the earlier a bridge completes, the sooner it will serve the
people's interests.
A total of 23 bridges have been constructed in Yangon Division at a cost of K 16,716 million and over US$ 68 million. He said that the government is constructing development infrastructures such as roads and bridges spending huge sums of money for regional development and improvement of living standard of the people.
Later, Secretary of Township USDA U Kyi Aung spoke words of thanks.
The commander, the minister and guests took positions at the top of the bridge. At the auspicious time, the commander and the minister formally opened the bridge.
Afterwards, the minister pressed the button to unveil the stone plaque of the bridge.
Then, the commander, the minister, the deputy ministers, officials and local people walked on the bridge. The bridge linking Hlegu and Phaunggyi
is 240 feet long with a 28-foot-wide motorway and two four-foot-wide
pedestrian lanes. It is of reinforced concrete one and can withstand
60-ton loads.
( 6 )
Campaign launched to free Myanmar from leprosy by year 2003
Yangon, 30 Aug - Yangon Division Peace and Development Council held a meeting on launching the national leprosy eradication campaign this afternoon.
Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe
gave a speech. The commander said a campaign is being launched to free Myanmar from leprosy by the year 2003. It was found that MDT, a compound of three kinds of drugs, has the potency to cure the disease. Thus, it is also found that leprosy can be cured at its early stage. Wider dissemination of the knowledge on the leprosy is required.
During the leprosy campaign week, which will be held from 24 to 30 October 2002, billboards will be posted; pamphlets will be distributed; and video footages on the disease will be shown in the wards.
The health staff and members of humanitarian organizations will also hold talks and organize the people to participate in the week. The Township Health Departments are going to issue reports on the leprosy campaign.
Thus it is required for the entire people and social organizations to strive for the success of the leprosy eradication project.
National Adviser at WHO Dr Kyaw Lwin explained the leprosy campaign in Myanmar and the world. The participants then took part in the discussions.
The meeting ended with concluding remarks by Dr Tin Maung Win.
Work coordination meeting on elimination of
leprosy held in Mandalay
Yangon, 30 Aug - A work coordination meeting on elimination of leprosy in Mandalay Division was held at the Mandalay Division Health Department in Mandalay on 28 August morning.
Mandalay Division Health Committee Chairman of
Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central
Command Brig-Gen Ye Myint made a speech. Dr Tin Myint explained the tasks for the elimination of leprosy. Then, a general round of discussions followed.
( 7 ) Reconstruction of Kambawzathadi Palace seen over
Yangon, 30 Aug - Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt, together with officials, arrived at the construction site of Kam-bawzathadi Palace of King Bayintnaung in Bago yesterday morning.
The deputy minister gave instructions on implementation of the guidance of the Head of State and timely completion.
Deputy Director-General of the Department of Archaeology U Tun Zaw reported on progress of work, Assistant Director U Myat Swe and Director Daw Sanda Khin, on earth work for plantation of flowering plants, U Ye Kyaw, on progress of constructin of Myanma artistic works, Junior Engineer U Tun Tun Naing of Public Works, on progress of painting, and Bago Division Secretary Maj Thein Htay, on rendering assistance for beautifying the palace.
The deputy minister gave instructions on systematically carrying out tasks. He then inspected Nandawya Kyundaing Museum and left necessary instructions.
Book on Myanma educational concept in circulation
Yangon, 30 Aug - A book on Myanma educational concept by National Literary Award Winner Writer U Than Oo has been published in Myanmar and English as a special issue by Pyinnyatansaung Publishing House.
Collected articles on education were published with the aim of ensuring the successful
implementation of the objectives of Myanmar Education in striving for the emergence of a constant learning Myanmar society.
The book is available at Pyinnyatansaung Publishing House, No 3, Yan Aung Street, Sangyoung Township, at K 300 per copy by dialing 510917.
( 8
) Myanma Tatmadaw athletes leave for Singapore

Yangon, 30 Aug - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Chief of Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen Kyaw Win met with the Myanma Tatmadaw
athletes who are going to take part in the 12th armed forces
shooting contest of ASEAN to be held in Singapore from 3 to 14
September, at the passenger lounge of Yangon International Airport
this morning.
Maj-Gen Kyaw Win said that shooting is a kind of sport concerned with morale. Morale is also of great importance. Not only the whole team but also individuals need to take part in the contest with morale. Only then will they win prizes.
The families presented bouquets of flowers to the athletes.
Then, Maj-Gen Kyaw Win and party saw them off at the airport.
Volleyball tournament opened
Yangon, 30 Aug - The opening ceremony of Taninthayi Division Peace and Development Council
Chairman's Bowl Inter-Township Volleyball Tournament was held at the indoor stadium in Myeik on 26 August afternoon.
It was attended by Chairman of Taninthayi Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Coastal Region Command Brig-Gen Tha Aye and wife Daw Wai Wai Khaing, local authorities, departmental officials, members of social organizations and fans.
The commander made a speech and viewed the match between Dawei Township and Myeik Township.
( 9
) Drug dealers sentenced
Yangon, 30 Aug - A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Railway Police Force, acting on a tip-off, searched the upper class of
No 55 up train in Mandalay Station and arrested passenger Ma Htu Ra with 735 grams of raw opium.
Action was taken against Ma Htu Ra, 33, daughter of U Gam Mon of Kyauk Kyam village of Nawnghkir Township under Section 15/19 (A) of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law. The Mandalay District Court handed down 12
years' imprisonment on her under Section 19 (A).
Similarly, a combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Taunggyi Special Anti-drug Squad, acting on information, stopped and searched DT motorbike and seized 816.5 grams of opium and 16.33 grams of khatkhu.
Action was taken against Kya Shin (a) Kyar Shin, 32, son of U Arm Kyi of region-2 Lwe Saung Htauk, Monghsu Township under Section 15/19 (A) of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
On 17 June 2002, the Loilem District Court sentenced 17 years' imprisonment on him under Section 19 (A).