1 ) L&F Minister receives Chinese delegation

Yangon, 29 Aug - Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein received the delegation led by Director Mr Cui Li Feng of the Ministry of Agriculture of the
People's Republic of China at his office at 4 pm today.
Home Affairs Minister receives guests

Yangon, 29 Aug - Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing received Adviser (Narcotic Drugs and HIV/AIDS) of the Office of United Nations International Drugs Control Programme in Vienna Dr Morur Adelekan, Consultant Mr Christian Krell and party, together with the resident representative of UNDCP Office in Yangon, at his office this afternoon.
PBANRDA Minister receives Ambassador

Yangon, 29 Aug - Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt received Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Myanmar Dr Klaus Peter Wild at his office this afternoon.
( 2 )
Minister inspects jute-based paper factory, model farm

Yangon, 29 Aug - Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin, accompanied by officials, arrived at Panhlaing sluice-gate in Nyaungdon Township, Ayeyawady Division yesterday morning and inspected the floodgate controlling the flow of waters from the Panhlaing river to the land reclamation project in wet-land areas of Nyanungdonkyun and prevention of silting in the river.
Then, the minister met with Yangon and Ayeyawady Division Agricultural Coordination Committees and gave instructions on completion of monsoon paddy cultivation and maintenance of dams. Over 98 percent of fields have been put under monsoon paddy in Yangon and Ayeyawady Divisions.
Afterwards, the minister proceeded to the paper factory of Myanma Jute Enterprise near Pantaput Village in Maubin Township and heard a report on production of writing and tissue paper from jute presented by the factory manager.
Managing Director U Myint Maung reported on arrangements made in cooperation with CYC Co of the
People's Republic of China to install machinery which can produce 5,000
tones of high-quality paper with the use of jute yearly. The minister inspected round the factory.
Then, the minister and party arrived at the jute extraction factory in Maubin and inspected the production process. The minister met with division, district and township level officials and discussed matters related to cultivation and dams. The minister and party proceeded to Yadanamyay 400-acre agricultural educative model farm in Hsamalauk Village, Nyaungdon Township and heard reports on the educative model farm producing over 100 baskets per acre and new Oakthamhway paddy strain and mixed-crop cultivation of grams and sunflower presented by the division manager and Managing Director U Tun Than of Myanma Agriculture Ser-vice.
The minister met
with farmers in the model farm and gave instructions on cultivation
of quality strain paddy, the increasing of per-acre yield and
utilization of modern technologies. Then, the minister inspected the
CEC Member attends Meiktila District USDA Annual General Meeting, inspects Kyaukse bran oil mill
Yangon, 29 Aug - The Annual General Meeting (2002) of Meiktila District Union Solidarity and Development Association was held at Kandaw Mingalar Hall in Meiktila on 24 August, with an address by CEC Member Brig-Gen Pyi Sone.
In his address, the CEC member said that USDA members were to make collective efforts with added momentum in carrying out tasks in respective sectors for speedy development under the correct leadership of the Head of State. He added that the members are also to carry out community welfare services. The government has laid down the five rural development tasks for public interests and so these ones are to be accomplished. In conclusion, he called on the USDA members to make earnest endeavours with a view to enabling the association to be strong and the members to possess higher qualification.
Then, the CEC member presented gifts to the students who passed the matriculation examination (2002) with flying colours in respective townships in the district. Afterwards, Mandalay Division USDA Secretary U Tin Maung Oo presented a prize to Thazi Basic Education High School for gaining the best pass rate in 2002 matriculation exam in the district, and District USDA Secretary U Saw Htay, to Mahlaing Township USDA for its excellent performance in organizing measures, and Meiktila Township USDA for its excellent performance in carrying out social welfare activities.
After that, the CEC member, chairmen of district and township Peace and Development Councils and entrepreneurs presented cash donations for Meiktila District USDA through respective officials.
The secretary of the District USDA made an opening speech. Then, the executive committee presented reports sector-wise, followed by a general round of discussions. Next, the reports and future tasks were approved.
The CEC member inspected progress of construction of the office building of Konle Village USDA in Mahlaing Township. At the briefing hall, he met with village elders and USDA members.
Later, the CEC member looked into the new building of post primary school constructed by the Olympic Co Ltd, the park and the playground, and presented exercise books to four primary schools in Thekan Village-tract in the same township.
The CEC member inspected village development tasks, fish breeding ponds, tasks for ensuring water supply and proper drainage in the village and its surrounding areas, and dams, and attended to the needs.
At the office of Mahlaing Township USDA, the CEC member met Township USDA executives and members and dealt with future tasks of the association.
On 25 August, Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone inspected progress of construction of Mahlaing Home for the Aged and left necessary instructions.
The minister then proceeded to bran oil mill No 020 and the 25-ton rice mill No 098 construction project. At the briefing hall, Managing Director of Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading U Min Hla Aung and officials reported on work progress, ensuring timely arrival of raw materials and milling and storage to the minister, who then left necessary instructions.
The minister inspected assembly of machine parts of No 020 bran oil mill, breeding of fish in the mill compound, pilot milling of the 25-ton rice mill No 090 and warehouses and left necessary instructions.
The CEC member inspected the post primary school of West Thagara Village in Kyaukse and donated exercise books to the school.
Later, the minister went to Myohaung warehouse of MAPT in Mandalay. At the briefing hall, Division Manager U Kyaw Win reported on work being done. Then, the minister gave necessary instructions to the officials concerned.
( 3
) Myanmar-Korea Business Seminar held
Yangon, 29 Aug - The seminar on business between Myanmar and Korea Dong-gu Incheon Korea Trade Mission, organized by the KOTRA of Commercial Department of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea, was held at Mingala Hall of the Inya Lake Hotel this morning.
Officials of nine member companies of the entrepreneurs association in Inchon, Republic of Korea, and interested private entrepreneurs in Myanmar discussed matters related to machinery, machine parts, construction materials, machine parts used in drilling oil, electronic appliances, consumer products and stationery sold by the nine member companies of the association.
Korean Ambassador to Myanmar Mr Lee Kyung-woo, Commercial Attaché Mr Kim-Jae Chan and officials of the Korean Embassy attended the seminar.
( 4
) Tasks for regional development undertaken in Shan State (South)
Yangon, 29 Aug - Chairman of Myanmar National Working Committee on Prevention of Trafficking in Persons Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung, accompanied by the secretary of the working committee, made a field tour of townships in Shan State (South) for regional development tasks from 24 to 28 August.
On 24 August, the deputy minister and party met with the Commander of Eastern Command at the Office of the Strategic Studies in Homein Township, Shan State (South). On 25 August, the deputy minister and party also met with members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Working Committee for
Women's Affairs, Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Red Cross Society and Auxiliary Fire Brigade, and townselders totalling nearly 300 at the city hall of Homein Township and then attended a coordination meeting on implementation of regional development tasks, at which he took part in discussions together with deputy ministers led by the commander.
Next, the deputy minister handed over four sewing machines and K 100,000 donated by Myanmar Women Entrepreneurs Association. On 26 August, the deputy minister and party also met with members of the USDA, WCWA, MCWA, Red Cross Society and Auxiliary Fire Brigade, and
towns elders totaling about 300 at the city hall of Monai Township and discussed matters related to arrangements being made by the State for regional development and tasks to prevent human trafficking. In the evening, the deputy minister met with members of USDA and WVO at the city hall of Kunhing Township and gave instructions.
In the morning, the deputy minister met with towns elders and local people
totaling 305 at the monastery in Wanpan village in the township.
He also met with
towns elders and local people totaling 350 at the monastery in Wanpon village, Namhsan Township, in the afternoon, and gave instructions on tasks being carried out by laying down plans for the progress of border areas and national races, tasks for prevention of human trafficking, unity among national races and vitalization of the patriotic spirit.
In the evening, the deputy minister arrived at Konsa Palaosukyi village in Namhsan Township and donated K 200,000 and 20 dozens of exercise books for the primary school build on a self-reliance basis.
During his tour, the deputy minister met with staff of departments under the ministry in Homein, Langkho, Monai, Kunhing, Namhsan and Taunggyi and gave instructions on the growing of such perennial trees as Thitseint,
tamarind, plum and toddy palm as well as vegetables and seasonal
crops in the compound of every employee.
Later, the deputy
minister inspected the agriculture and livestock breeding on a
manageable scale at staff quarters.
Books donated to Ministry of Education
Yangon, 29 Aug - A ceremony to donate books
"Htalot Myanmar" to the Ministry of Education by Ayar Myay Co Ltd was held at the Jubilee Hall in Kamayut Township this morning attended by Deputy Minister for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung, directors-general, chairmen, rectors and officials, the managing director and officials of Ayar Myay Co Ltd, township education officers and principals.
At the ceremony, managing director U Thet Oo of Ayar Myay Co Ltd spoke on the purpose of donation.
He presented a total of 2000 books "Htalot Myanmar" worth K 600,000 to Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung, who spoke words of thanks to the wellwishers.
( 5 ) Development projects and highland reclamation inspected in Loilem District

Yangon, 29 Aug - Chairman of Shan State Peace and Development Council Commander of Eastern Command Brig-Gen Khin Maung Myint,on 23 August inspected Wantein River Water Pumping Project in Wanhat Station, Langkho Township.
At the briefing hall, officials reported on arrangements made for cultivation of crops with the use of water from Nantein Creek, and conditions in irrigating 2,500 acres of land in Wanhat Station. The commander and deputy ministers gave necessary instructions and fulfilled the requirements.
Then, the commander and the deputy ministers went to Ma Ounlaung Village in the same township and inspected arrangements made for construction of a canal and a sluice gate and left necessary instructions.
On completion of the canal, some 1,000 acres of land in Ma Ounlaung-inn can be cultivated all round year.
After that, the commander and party inspected cultivation of paddy by local farmers near Dargon Village, the Namtpak Creek, the natron field and thriving plantations. They gave necessary instructions and fulfilled the requirements.
Later, the commander and party went to Nanyun Creek bridge construction project site near Wansalaung Village. At the briefing hall, Senior Engineer of the project U Than Shwe reported work being done and requirements with the use of charts. After giving necessary instructions, the commander fulfilled the needs and inspected the construction site.
On 24 morning, the commander and party proceeded to Homein Withuddikyaung and presented offertories to Abbot Sayadaw Bhaddanta Javinda and members of the Sangha, followed by sharing of merits. The commander supplicated on religious matters.
Afterwards, the commander and the deputy ministers inspected the installation of pipelines for another power station to be constructed at Naunglon Lake in Homein, repair work for the Naunglon Lake 50-watt power station and construction of a 120-watt power station, and left necessary instructions and attended to the needs.
On completion of the 120-watt power station, it will electricity to local puplic and industries for regional development.
Then, the commander and party inspected Homein garment factory and attended the work coordination meeting on highland reclamation and agriculture and livestock breeding development in Homein region at the Panchon Hall. At the meeting, the commander elaborated on endeavours being made for development of Homein region. He spoke of the need for departmental personnel to co-operate with local residents in unison.
Next, the deputy ministers reported on tasks being carried out by the ministries for the development of Homein region. A peasant, on behalf of local peasants, also reported on agricultural work and the requirements; and an
entrepreneur on livestock breeding. The commander gave instructions on expansion of agriculture and livestock breeding work and reclamation of highland farming in the region and attended to the requirements.
Later, cash and kind were presented for departmental staff, social organizations and local people of Homein region. Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Than Tun
accepted K 12 million donated by the Ministry for Progress of Border
Areas and National Races and Development Affairs for the
construction of Withuddikyaung in Homein; Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Khin Maung, five sewing machines donated by Myanmar Women Enter-preneurs Association to Work Committee for
Women's Affairs; Commander Brig-Gen Khin Maung Myint, 50 dozens of exercise books and Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Than Tun, 80 dozens of Arrow brand exercise books donated to schools in Homein region; Commander Brig-Gen Khin Maung Myint, 5 bags of rice, 5 bags of salt, 150 viss of potatos, 750 viss of dried fish, and 2,000 eggs donated for departmental employees and locals; Brig-Gen Khin Maung, K 1 million by Kambawza Bank
Ltd and K 300,000 by Ruby Dragon Co Ltd to Homein WCWA and MCWA; Brig-Gen Khin Maung Myint, K 200,000 by Shan State Peace and Development Council, Brig-Gen Khin Maung, K 200,000 by Shan State USDA, Deputy Minister U Aung Thein, K 500,000 by Kanbawza Bank Ltd and Ruby Dragon Co, Head of Regional Development Committee U Maha Ja, K 200,000 by Homein Region Development Committee to USDAs in Langkho, Mongpan and Homein.
In the afternoon, the commander and deputy ministers arrived at Dakkhinarama monastery in Narmonlon Village and paid homage to Abbot Sayadaw U Nandcara.
Then, the commander and the deputy ministers inspected the reclamation of high land farms with the aid of manpower and machinery. Director-General U Win Maung of the Agricultural Mechanization Department reported on land reclamation and water supply tasks.
The commander and Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Khin Maung gave necessary instructions.
Afterwards, the commander and deputy ministers paid homage to Pyinyeinaye Pagoda and Eiksathara Pagoda in Homein. They also inspected the television relay station in the town and attended to the requirements.
In the evening, the commander and Central Executive Committee member of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Khin Maung met with the local members of USDA at the garden hall and gave necessary instructions. At the same time, Deputy Minister for Livestock and Fisheries U Aung Thein inspected arrangement for fish breeding in lakes in Homein and gave necessary instructions.
Deputy Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Brig-Gen Than Tun met with the members of the border areas development committee and the employees of the development affairs department in Homein Township.
He discussed with them matters related to regional development.
On 25 August morning, the commander and the deputy ministers, together with Deputy Minister for Home Affairs, who arrived at Homein, met with departmental officials, members of social organizations and local people.
Commander Brig-Gen Khin Maung Myint spoke on the occasion.
Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung elaborated on development of border areas, drug control, prevention of trafficking in persons and protection of women.
Chairman of Border Areas Special Administrative Committee Maj Moe Hein reported on the development tasks being undertaken in Homein region.
Chairman of the Committee on Prevention of Trafficking in Persons Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung donated four sewing machines and K 100,000 to Homein
Women's Affairs Committee.
Member of Homein
Women's Affairs Committee Daw Saw Nang Khin spoke words of thanks.
In the evening, the commander and deputy ministers arrived at Nakon Village in Linkhe.
Deputy Head of Township Irrigation Department U Than Naing Oo reported on arrangements to build a dam on Nampat creek.
The commander and deputy ministers gave instructions and had a cordial meeting with local farmers.
Then, the commander and deputy ministers selected the site from where the water of Namtein creek can be pumped into the fields in the region.
On 26 August morning, the commander and deputy ministers went to Linkhe Bridge Project being implemented on Namtein creek.
Senior Engineer U Than Shwe reported on construction work.
The commander and deputy ministers gave instructions.
Linkhe bridge, 290 feet long and 24 feet wide, can support 60-ton loads. It will provide access to Mongpan, Mongton and Monghsat from Linkhe.
The officials reported on the implementation of the water pumping project on Namtein creek.
The commander and Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Khin Maung gave instructions.
Afterwards, the commander and deputy ministers inspected monsoon paddy fields and monsoon sesame and peas and beans plantations.
The commander and deputy ministers met with township-level departmental officials, members of social organizations,
towns elders, breeders and local farmers in the meeting hall of Linkhe Township Peace and Development Council.
The commander and deputy ministers elaborated on regional development, agriculture and livestock breeding, improvement of transport, drug control and crime reduction.
Commander Brig-Gen Khin Maung Myint donated K 3 million to the fund of construction of a town hall in Linkhe and K 500,000 to the fund of construction of a building for Maternal and Child Welfare Association.
In the afternoon, the commander and Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Khin Maung Myint inspected the site chosen for construction of a new building for the basic education high school in Momauk.
The commander addressed the ceremony to donate a plot of land for the new school building.
The commander and deputy minister also inspected the model monsoon paddy field in Momauk
Township and gave instructions.
Advanced and basic tailoring courses open

Yangon, 29 Aug - The domestic training school in Kengtung opened Advanced Tailoring Course No 3/2002 and Basic Tailoring Course No 31/2002 at the school on 26 August morning.
Commander Brig-Gen Khin Zaw made an opening speech. Local national girls from the townships of Shan State (East) and members of stations are attending the 14-week courses.
( 6 ) Commander attends opening of two-storey building of school for the deaf
Yangon, 29 Aug - The opening and handing over ceremony of a new two-storey building donated for the fourth time to the school for the deaf in Chanmyathazi Township, Mandalay Division, by Chairman Mr Sadaaki Tachiki of Kyoshin Co Ltd, Japan, was held at the school on 27 August morning.
First, Chairman of
Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central
Command Brig-Gen Ye Myint made a speech. Wellwisher Mr Sadaaki Tachiki explained the purpose of donation and handed over documents related to the new school building to Deputy Minister U Hlaing Win.
The deputy minister spoke words of thanks and exchanged gifts with the wellwisher.
Then, the deputy minister and wellwisher formally opened the new school building and the ceremony came to a close.
After the ceremony, the commander observed the children studying in the multi-purpose building of the school.
Wellwisher Mr Sadaaki Tachiki will donate school buildings, hostels and teaching aids to the school up to the fifth time.
He had donated a hostel worth US$ 47,000, two vehicles, a computer set and 50 sets of hearing aids for the first time, a two-storey school building worth US$ 3,300 for the second time and five computer sets and sewing machines, four knitting machines, two computerized embroidery machines and four embroidery machines, three book binding machines, one fax machine, one transformer worth US$ 26995 for the third time and now donated one two-storey hostel worth US$ 20700.
Commander attends Tri-Pitaka treatises donation ceremony in Yanbye
Yangon, 29 Aug - A ceremony to hand over Tri-Pitaka treatises donated by Maha Saddhamma Jotika-dhaja Meditation Instructor U Goenka, was held at Dakkhinarama Wihara (Taung Kyaung) Pariyatti Sarthintaik in Yanbye on 25 August morning.
Chairman of Rakhine State Peace and Development Council Commander of Western Command Brig-Gen Maung Oo, together with officials, attended the ceremony. The commander and party took the Five Precepts from Sayadaw Bhaddanta Indavamsa of the Sarthintaik.
Then, the Sayadaw and members of the Sangha recited parittas. The commander and wife presented Tri-Pitaka treatises and offertories to the Sayadaw.
Then, the Sayadaw delivered a sermon, followed by the sharing of merits gained.
In the afternoon, the commander met with members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Red Cross Society and Auxiliary Fire Brigade of the Township at the hall of the Township Peace and Development Council Office. The commander gave instructions on regional development tasks.
At 5.30 pm, the commander met with Rakhine State, District and Township level departmental officials, social organizations and
town elders at Pyinnya Yadana Hall of Basic Education High School in Taungup. The commander gave instructions on making concerted efforts in implementing the five rural development tasks.
Then, the commander attended the work coordination meeting for regional development at the same venue.
The departmental officials reported on progress of work and future plans and Brig-Gen Kyi Thein of Taungup Station on the work being done for ensuring smooth transport.
The commander attended to the requirements and made closing remarks.
( 7 ) Commander attends Myitkyina Township USDA Annual General Meeting

Yangon, 29 Aug - Myitkyina Township Union Solidarity and Development Association held the Annual General Meeting 2002 in conjunction with a prize-presentation ceremony at the city hall of Myitkyina at 1 pm on 27 August.
Commander Brig-Gen Maung Maung Swe delivered an address on the occasion. Then, Secretary of Myitkyina Township USDA U Nyunt Win reported to the commander on the tasks being carried out by the association.
Next, prizes were presented to USDA member students who won three distinctions and above in the 2001-2002 matriculation examination. Commander Brig-Gen Maung Mung Swe presented awards to six-distinction winner Ma Thida Swe of No 3 Basic Education High School, Myitkyina, five-distinction winners Maung Kaung Kyaw Swe of No 4 Basic Education High School, Myitkyina, and Ma Aye Myat Chan Nyein of No 3 Basic Education High School; and Commander of Myitkyina Air Base Brig-Gen Bo Kyi, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen San Tun and officials, to 34 students who got three distinctions and above.

Later, donations of cash were presented to Myitkyina Township USDA. Deputy Commander Brig-Gen San Tun handed over K 100,000 donated by Northern Command; Secretary of Kachin State Lt-Col Myint Thein, K 100,000 by Kachin State Peace and Development Council. Myitkyina Township USDA Secretary U Nyunt Win accepted K 100,000 by U Ye Myint, member of the board of directors of Northern Star Trading Co Ltd.
U Nyunt Win also accepted donations K 100,000 by Daw Ywe Aung, K 80,000 by U Zai Htaung and Daw Khaung Sae (MKA brick industry), K 50,000 by Daw Amli (Taung-thonelon medical house), and K 30,000 by U Marit Lajar and Daw Nan Mon (Bawathit medical house).
Librarianship course opens in Pyay
Yangon, 29 Aug - A
librarianship course for basic education schools in Bago Division (West) was opened at No 1 Basic Education High School in Pyay on 28 August.
Chairman of Bago Division (Western Branch) Peace and Development Council Brig-Gen Soe Nwe made an opening speech.
Staff Officer of No 1 Basic Education Department Daw Khin Thein Myint and Education Officer of Bago Division (Western Branch) U Thu Kha explained matters related to the course.
Brig-Gen Soe Nwe and officials looked round the training hall and attended to the requirements.
Then, Brig-Gen Soe Nwe and officials visited General Hospital in Pyay.
He looked round the hospital and met with the physicians, doctors and medical staff in the meeting hall.
Brig-Gen Soe Nwe and officials accepted K 2 million donated to the fund of the hospital by 29 wellwishers including K 1 million by Bago Division (Western Branch) Peace and Development Council, K 50,000 by Brig-Gen Soe Nwe and wife Daw Lay Lay Nwe, K 300,000 by Laykyun Mandaing Cooperative Ltd, K 100,000 by Lt-Col Ye Myint and wife Daw Khin Thein Yee, K 100,000 by U Htaing Htaing (a) U Hla Moe, K 100,000 by Kyapyan Matkauk Cheroot Industry and K 50,000 by Pyit-tainghtaung Cheroot Industry.
In the afternoon, Brig-Gen Soe Nwe and officials visited Yadana Htiphyu Pagoda.
He met with the members of the pagoda board of trustees and gave instructions on the renovation of the pagoda.
( 8
) Tenth
Yangon Division Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions
Yangon, 29 Aug - Singing and music competitions of the 10th Yangon Division Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions (basic education level) were held at the designated venues for the last day this morning.
At Baho Sanpya Hall of No 1 Basic Education High School Latha Township, 26 schoolboys and 41 schoolgirls participated in the modern song competition, at Swan Ar Hall of No 1 BEHS Lamadaw Township, 4 schoolboys participated in the music competition (Oze).
( 9
) Drug traffickers get prison terms
Yangon, 29 Aug - A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Yangon Special Anti-drug Squad, acting on information, searched Zaw Naing Oo (a) Gadon's house at Thumingalar-4 Street, Ward-19, Hlinethaya Township and seized 2.938 kilos of marijuana on 6 March 2002.
In connection with the case, Hlinethaya Police Station opened the case against Zaw Naing Oo (a) Gadon, 30, son of U Thaung Myint under Section 15/19(A) of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law. Yangon North District Court handed down 20
years' imprisonment on him under Section 19 (A).
Similarly, a combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Hpa-an Special Anti-drug Squad, acting on a tip-off, searched Anaing's house in Ward-2, Myawady and seized 90.018 grams of marijuana.
Action was taken against Anaing, 20, son of U Daung Nyo under Section 15/19(A)/20(A)(B) of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law. Myawady District Court sentenced 5
years' imprisonment on him under Section 15, and 15 years' imprisonment under Section 19 (A) to serve separately on 14 June.
Heroin seized in Myitkyina
Yangon, 29 Aug - A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force, acting on information, searched U Lamone's Kachin Traditional Restaurant at Tatkone North East Ward in Myitkyina on 18 August and arrested narcotic drug trafficker, Nyunt Htay, son of U Aung Than of Kanthaya village, Khin Oo Township, Sagaing Division together with 11 grams of heroin. In connection with the case, action is being taken against him by police station concerned under
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Opium seized in Myitkyina
Yangon, 29 Aug - A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Myitkyina Special Anti-drug Squad, acting on a tip-off, stopped and searched a vehicle with
license plates Pa/3407 en route from Lonkin village to Tawmaw village in Phakant Township on18 June this year. The authorities seized 146.7 grams of opium from passenger Than Aung, 35, son of U Pyo of Ward-3,Tawmaw village.
Action was taken against him and his accomplice Ma Htu Yaw, 22, daughter of U Moe Ba Yan of No-73, Ward-4, Lonkin village in Phakant Township under Section 15/19(A)/21 of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by Phakant police