1 ) State Peace and Development Council Secretary-1
Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt receives Bangladeshi Ambassador

Yangon, 28 Aug - On behalf of the Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council, Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt received Ambassador of the
People's Republic of Bangladesh to the Union of Myanmar Mr Ahmed Rahim who has completed his tour of duty at the hall of Zeyathiri Beikman in Konmyittha at 9 am today.
( 2 )
Industry-1 Minister receives guests
Yangon, 28 Aug - Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung received China National Building Equipment Corporation of the
People's Republic of China Chairperson Ms Fang Fang and members at his office at 2.30 pm and Tomiva Apparel Co Ltd of Japan Chairman Mr Katsuya Kida and members at 3.30 pm today respectively.
Chinese tourism delegation concludes visit

Yangon, 28 Aug - The visiting 10-member Chinese tourism delegation led by Vice-Mayor of Kunming Municipal
People's Government of the People's Republic of China Mr Lei Xiaoming left here by air this afternoon.
They were seen off at Yangon International Airport by Deputy Minister for H&T Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu, Director-General of Directorate of Hotels and Tourism U Khin Maung Latt and officials and staff of the embassy of PRC.
In the morning the Chinese delegation led by Vice-Mayor Mr Lei Xiaoming visited Myanma Gems Emporium and toured Yangon.
( 3
) Minister inspects cooperatives activities in Mandalay, Magway Divisions

Yangon, 28 Aug - Minister for Cooperatives Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe and officials inspected Lathe Work Cooperatives Society LtdÊin Meiktila on 25 August.
Officials reported on production of brakes and spare parts.
The minister met members of the board of directors and staff. He gave instructions on innovation of new items.
The minister and party went to Sibintha Agricultural
Producers' Cooperatives Society Ltd in Kyaukpadaung Township. Township Staff Officer U Maung Maung Shein reported on work done of the cooperative societies. Director of Mandalay Division Cooperative Department U Aung Phyu, Vice-Chairman of Agricultural Producers Cooperative Syndicate U Khin Maung Aye and Managing Director of Central Cooperative Society U Kyi Tint gave supplementary reports. The minister then inspected collective cultivation on 48 acres of land.
On 26 August, the minister presented prizes to outstanding students at the third lacquerware diploma presentation ceremony of lacquerware training school in NyaungOo Township, Director-General of Cottage Industries Department U Sein Than certificates to 13 students and the principal to eight students.
Next, the minister inspected lacquerware made by students.
The minister and party went to Magway and inspected vehicles of Lamintha Transport of Magway Division General Economic Enterprise Cooperative Society. The minister also inspected Shining Star ice factory, production of groundnut oil at Shwenyamye General Economic Enterprise Cooperative Syndicate Ltd. The minister inspected 30-ton oil mill of Magway Division Cooperative Society
Syndicate and rural water supply in Hsartaingkan Village and running of oil mill of Magway Division General Economic Enterprise Cooperatives Syndicate and construction of a warehouse.
Yesterday, the minister attended the opening ceremony of new building of Magway Division Cooperative Training School. Secretary of Magway Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Myo Aung and Deputy Director-General of Cooperative Department U Tin Win formally opened the building. The minister formally unveiled the building.
The minister then met officials of co-operative department and Vice-Chairman of Central Cooperative Society U Ye Aung and officials reported on progress of work.
Those present took part in the discussions.
The minister inspected NaungYoe Industrial Services Cooperative Society, Yenatha Weaving Cooperative Society and Kathit General Industrial Cooperative Society Ltd.
Inauguration Ceremony of 4th Inter-country Consultation on FCTC held

Yangon, 28 Aug - The fourth Inter-country Consultation on FCTC hosted by Myanmar took place at the Sofitel Plaza here on Alanpya Pagoda Street here this morning, with an address by Chairman of the National Tobacco Control Committee Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein.
Also present were Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Kyaw Myint, members of the Control Committee, directors-general of the departments under the ministry, departmental heads, officials of the WHO and the SEARO, WHO Resident Representative Dr Agostino Borra,
Ambassadors of the embassies of ASEAN nations to Myanmar,
representatives of UN agencies, representatives from Myanmar,
Bhutan, India, Indonesia, Maldives, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Nepal and
Bangladesh, observers from NGOs and guests.
In his address, the
minister said: it gives me great pleasure to welcome you all on this
auspicious occasion, inaugurating the 4th Inter-country Consultation
on Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and for having the
opportunity to deliver the opening address. First of all, I would
like to warmly welcome you to our Golden Land of Myanmar. This is
indeed a unique occasion and I would like to express my heartfelt
thanks to the World Health Organization, for providing us the
opportunity to be the host country for this Inter-country
Consultation. According to the WHO estimates, currently there are
about 1.1 billion smokers in the world, the largest share of them is
Asia. While smoking prevalence is declining steadily in most
high-income countries, the epidemic is expanding in developing
countries. Low and middle-income countries account for 82 % of all
smokers now.
Recent studies show that tobacco is becoming a greater cause of death and disability than any other single disease. Currently, tobacco kills 4 million people a year globally. By 2030, tobacco is predicted to become the leading cause of death and disability, killing 10 million people every year, 70 % of them in developing countries. Tobacco poses a major challenge not only to health, but also to social and economic development and to environmental sustainability.
WHO reorganized its tobacco control efforts in 1996 within a new structure, the Tobacco Free Initiative (TFI). Myanmar has also been conducting anti-tobacco activities on its own initiative for quite a long time and stepped up its campaign by launching the Tobacco Free Initiative Project in the year 2000.
Recognizing the serious problem of tobacco use, a strong political commitment is already evident. The
National Health Committee
of Myanmar, Chaired by
Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council, has issued specific guidelines on tobacco control at its 26th and 34th meetings. The State Peace and Development Council has also officially formed the National Tobacco Control Committee that is headed by the Minister for Health and consists of heads of related departments and NGOs.
The National Tobacco Control Committee has committed itself to many issues of tobacco control. Since tobacco control is a socio-economic and developmental issue, it should not be left to health professionals alone. Tobacco control encompasses many areas, including law, economics, education, environment as well as the media. A large-scale collaborative effort is urgently needed. Recognizing the vital role of multi-sectoral involvement in tobacco control, the related Ministries are joining hands to combat the spread of the tobacco epidemic.
In accordance with the guidelines laid down by the 26th meeting of the National Health Committee, efforts have been made to ban tobacco advertisement from all forms of media. Establishment of tobacco free hospitals, schools, workplaces, industries and public places including cinema halls, railway stations, airports and public transport have been carried out.
Health personnel as well as NGOs are conducting Advocacy meetings/ training workshops/ health education talks and exhibitions all over the country. Cigarette advertising billboards have been removed from the vicinity of schools, hospitals and gymnasiums. It has been also stated that advertising billboards will no longer be permitted at major cross-roads of the city when their term of contract expires. Various research studies have also been carried out on the prevalence of tobacco use and its impact on health and economics.
In the year 1996, WHO decided to initiate the development of a binding international instrument on tobacco control, the FCTC. It was also learnt that International Negotiating Bodies (INB) had met four times since 2000 and prior to each INB, inter-country consultation meetings had been held in South East Asian Region countries.
This is the 4th meeting of that kind to work out the Regional Stand on FCTC prior to the 5th INB.
Myanmar has actively participated at all the INBS and inter-country consultations. On behalf of the Ministry of Health and as chairperson of the National Tobacco Control Committee, I am proud to host this important meeting. Let me assure you, that the Ministry of Health will do its utmost to prevent tobacco use in the country and reduce the morbidity and morality caused by tobacco.
In conclusion, I would like to thank the organizers for their efforts in arranging this meeting. I wish you all success in your deliberations and look forward to your valuable recommendation that would contribute towards tobacco control in the region. While working to achieve your objectives, I hope you will have time to enjoy your stay in Myanmar.
I wish you all the best.
Then, WHO Resident Representative Dr Agostino Borra and FCTC Coordinator Mr Shri S.K Naik extended greetings.
After the ceremony, the minister, together with the representatives of the FCTC coordination meeting, posed for a documentary photo.
The meeting continues up to 30 August.
Minister Maj-Gen Ket Sein hosted a dinner in honour of the representatives of the FCTC coordination meeting at the Karaweik
Palace in the evening.
Educational course on health care with traditional medicine concludes

Yangon, 28 Aug - An educational course No 1/2002 on health care with traditional medicine, jointly conducted by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Religious Affairs, concluded at the training hall of Pitakat Taik of Foreign Missionary Division of the Department for Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana on Kaba Aye Hill here at 2 pm today.
Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin spoke on the occasion, and then Health Minister Maj-Gen Ket Sein made a speech on traditional medicine.
Next, Maj-Gen Ket Sein presented course completion certificates to trainees and prizes to outstanding trainees.
Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin and Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko later presented gifts to course instructors.
Then, Minister U Aung Khin accepted the donations of various kinds of traditional medicines worth K 187,200 collectively contributed by traditional medicine entrepreneurs U Win Aung and Daw Yin Yin Myint (Aungtaman medical house), U Nyan Lwin (member of traditional medicine council), Daw Thein Nwe (Daw Thein Nwe medical house), U Soe Tint and Daw Khin Nu (Shwe Taung Gyi medical house), U Myint Lwin and Daw Khin Khin Htwe (Galon Yaza medical house), U Soe Naing and Daw Hla Maw Win (Theikdhi Aung traditional medicine production), and Daw Lay Myint (U Tha Yin medical house).

Afterwards, the ceremony came to an end.
A total of six nuns and 24 persons on missionary duties for promotion and propagation of the Sasana at border areas attended the course, which started on 26 July and ended today.
Ancient manuscripts parabeik and bronze bell donated

Yangon, 28 Aug - A ceremony to present ancient palm-leaf manuscripts, parabeik and a bronze bell to the Department of Archaeology was held at the meeting hall of the Ministry of Industry-1 at the corner of Kaba
Aye Pagoda Road and Industry-1 Street this afternoon.
The ministers and the deputy ministers inspected the bronze bell donated by Pudatsargon Village in Taungtha Township, Mandalay Division.
Then, Minister U Aung Thaung explained the purpose of donations of ancient palm-leaf manuscripts, parabeik written some 150 years ago and a bronze bell from Kwunsaik, Neiku, Pudatsargon and Htanaunggon villages in Taungtha Township.
After that, Minister U Aung Thaung presented 77 bundles of palm-leaf manuscripts and parabeik donated by Kunsaik Village Kyaungdawyakyaung Saya-daw U Pannicca, 98 bundles of palm-leaf manuscripts by Taungtha Township Neikukyaung Sayadaw U Jotika, 10 bundles of palm-leaf manuscripts and a bronze bell by Pudatsargon Village Kyaungtaik Sayadaw U Vinnika, and five bundles of palm-leaf manuscripts by Htanaunggon Village Kanthitkyaung Sayadaw U Tikkhacara to Minister U Tin Winn.
Next, Minister U Tin Winn spoke words of thanks and the ceremony came to a close.
( 4
) Minister for Culture inspects museums in Sittway
Yangon, 28 Aug - Minister for Culture and for Labour U Tin Winn, together with officials, arrived at Sittway on 26 August and inspected Cultural Museum of the Department of Cultural Institute, Rakhine State. Deputy Director of the museum U Tin Aung Soe and staff welcomed the minister and conducted him round the museum.
The minister inspected the booths of ancient Rakhine cities, ancient arts and architect, Golden Jubilee commemorative booth of the Ministry of Culture, and arts gallery displayed on the ground floor, the booths of dressing mode and culture of Rakhine national races, instruments, handicrafts, Rakhine traditional wedding ceremony, wrestling competition and water festival demonstrated on the first floor, and tasks being carried out to set up the modern
e-Library on the second floor, collecting the books and arrangements to lend the books to public, and gave necessary instructions.
Next, the minister met with officers and staff at the hall of the museum. The minister urged them to make concerted efforts for the success of the departmental work.
Then, the minister inspected the Sittway Buddhology Museum of the Department of Archaeology. Research Officer U Kyaw Zan conducted the minister round the museum, and the minister gave necessary instructions.
Then, the minister met with state and district level officers, staff and nurses of the Labour Department, the Factories and General Labour Laws Inspection Department, the Social Security Board, and the Inland Freight Handling Committee at the office of the labour department, and made a speech.
In his speech, he said the purpose of his meeting with staff of the ministry is to know the requirements of the grass-root level departments and to attend to them. It is necessary for all employees to discharge their duties at any sector in which they are assigned as now is the time for building a modern and developed nation. Priority should be given to the staff welfare, he said.
The minister and party arrived back here yesterday.
Home Affairs Minister inspects Central Police Training Unit
Yangon, 28 Aug
- Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, inspected the Central Police Training Unit in PyinOoLwin on 25 August. Principal of the School Police Brig-Gen Win Myaing reported to him matters on construction of the archway at the school.
Next, the minister arrived at the construction site of two-storey hostel for trainees of police officers training course.
He urged officials concerned to minimize loss and wastage, to ensure the building to meet the set standards and to strive for timely completion. The minister also inspected construction of the parlour at the training school. Then, he inspected the modern teaching and learning programmes with the use of computers at the training hall. He also inspected library of international standard.
Afterwards at the meeting hall there, the principal reported on conducting the courses and teaching methods.
The minister gave necessary instructions and attended to the needs.
On 26 August, the minister inspected the construction of buildings at Myittha Township Police Station and TadaU
Township International Airport Police Station and fulfilled the
Minister inspects fish breeding ponds in Khayan Township
Yangon, 28 Aug - Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein attended livestock breeding development meeting held at Byammaso hall of Khayan Township Peace and Development Council yesterday.
The minister heard reports on agriculture and livestock breeding work being carried out in the region by Chairman of Township Peace and Development Council U Maung Maung Soe and explained measures taken for development of livestock breeding sector and assistance rendered to national entrepreneurs by the ministry.
Next, the minister proceeded to the fish breeding pond of U Soe Kyi in Gyone Gyone Kya village, viewed sales of fish, met with fish entrepreneurs and attended to their needs. Fish breeding entrepreneur U Than Win spoke words of thanks.
Then, the minister inspected Ayeyawady Modern Fingerling Station and gave necessary instructions.
Afterwards, the minister arrived at Shwehlay village and inspected progress of the construction of a primary school and a monastery. Then he met with villagers and gave instructions on rural development and livestock breeding on a manageable scale.
( 5 ) Air-conditioners donated to Industry-2 MCWA
Yangon, 28 Aug - A ceremony to donate three air-conditioners to Maternal and Child Welfare Association of the Ministry of Industry-2 by Association of Japan Myanmar Mutual Cooperation and Silver Wave Trading Limited was held at the hall of the
minister's office of the ministry on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road at 9 am today, attended by Minister for Industry-2 Maj-Gen Saw Lwin and wife, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Aung Thein Lin and wife, Deputy Minister Lt-Col Khin Maung Kyaw and wife, Vice-Chairperson of Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association Chief Medical Officer of the Ministry of Industry-2 Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, executives of MCWA of Industry-2 Ministry and departmental heads.
At first, Mr Sakai of Association of Japan Myanmar Mutual Cooperation explained about the donation of three air-conditioners.
Next, Mr Sakai and Managing Director of Silver Wave Trading Limited U Min Min Aung donated three air-conditioners. Vice-Chairperson of Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association Chief Medical Officer of the Ministry of Industry-2 Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe accepted the donation and presented certificates of honour to the wellwishers.
Then, Director-General of Directorate of Myanma Industrial Planning U Khin Maung spoke words of thanks.
Cash and kind donated to MMCWA

Yangon, 28 Aug - Wellwishers presented cash, medicine and medical equipment to Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association at multi-purpose building of MMCWA at the corner of Parami Road and Thanthuma Road in South Okkalapa Township this afternoon.
Donations were K 185,000 by Merck Marker (Pvt) Ltd of Pakistan; ECG machine, ECG paper, glucometer and glucometer strip worth K 850,000 by Asia Royal Service Co Ltd; cardiac medicine and sphygmomanometer worth K 150,000 by Dr U Than Htay; cardiac medicine worth K 183,750 by Nu Life Co Ltd; cardiac medicine worth K 120,000 by Sun Co Ltd; cardiac medicines and vitamins for children worth K 107,125 by KMT Group Ltd; cardiac medicines worth K 100,000 by Ranbaxy Co Ltd; cardiac medicines worth K 83,100 by Capri Co Ltd; cardiac medicines worth K 51,000 by Prime Trading Enterprise; cardiac medicines worth K 47,050 by Thit Gabar Co Ltd;
child's weighing machine worth K 60,000 by U Aung Tin and Daw Myint Myint Yi; and other medicines worth K 85,733 by United Pharma Co. MMCWA Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe accepted the donations.
Next, Chairperson Daw Kyu Kyu Swe spoke words of thanks after which the ceremony came to an end.
( 6 )
Commander inspects production of transformers
Yangon, 28 Aug
- Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe went to Soe Electric and Machinery Co Ltd at No 1 Industrial Zone in Dagon Myothit (South) Township, Yangon East District, yesterday evening and there he inspected the production of transformers, gave instructions and attended to the requirements.
The commander was welcomed there by Commander of No 2 Military Region Lt-Col Myint Kyi, Yangon Division electric engineer U Hla Paik of Myanma Electric Power Enterprise, Chairman of Yangon East District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Aung Pyi, Managing Director U Soe Tint of Soe Electric and Machinery Co Ltd and officials.
Managing Director U Soe Tint of Soe Electric and Machinery Co Ltd reported to the commander on production process of transformers.
After hearing the reports, the commander gave instructions on increased production of quality transformers and left there. Soe Electric and Machinery Co Ltd is manufacturing transformers with capacities ranging from 50 KVA to 20 MVA. It is also making arrangements for repairing old power and distribution transformers made in various countries.
Maha Aungmyay Township Peace and Development Council Office building opens
Yangon, 28 Aug - A ceremony to open the new building of Mandalay Division Maha Aungmyay Township Peace and Development Council and Township General Administration Department was held at the building on 26 August morning.
Chairman of the township Peace and Development Council U Myo Lwin explained matters relating to the construction of the new building.
Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council
Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Ye Myint and the minister formally opened the ceremony. They then inspected round the building and gave necessary instructions to the officials.
Afterwards, the commander addressed the opening ceremony of the year 2002 Central Command
Commander's Bowl Men's/Women's Volleyball Tournament.
Then, the commander watched the first match of
men's volleyball tourney.
Thirteen men's teams and 13 women's teams are participating in it.
Commander meets departmental officials, discusses regional
development tasks in Rakhine State
Yangon, 28 Aug -
Chairman of Rakhine State Peace and Development Council Commander of Western Command Brig-Gen Maung Oo, together with departmental officials, on 23 August morning met with Rakhine State, District and Township level departmental officials, townselders and teachers at the Affiliated Basic Education High School in Zinchaung Village, Kyaukpyu Township.
The commander made an address on the occasion. In his address, the commander elaborated on tasks being carried out for regional development. The commander spoke of the need for departmental personnel and local people to make collective efforts.
Then, Rakhine State level departmental officials reported on projects being implemented sector-wise for regional development, and Principal of the affiliated school U Tin Han and
towns elders, on requirements. The commander attended to their needs and inspected progress of construction of a new school building for the affiliated school.
In the afternoon, the commander proceeded to Konbaung 1 Model Village in Yanbye Township. At the meeting hall of the village affiliated BEHS, the commander met with departmental personnel and village elders and discussed conditions in carrying out the five rural development tasks, and fulfilled the requirements and inspected the affiliated school.
Later, the commander looked into the 500-acre model monsoon paddy farm being undertaken by Gwazone, Ywagyi and Konbaung villages in Yanbye Township. There, the commander held a coordination meeting on implementation of the five rural development tasks with Rakhine State, District and Township level departmental heads at the office of the Township Peace and Development Council.
The commander left necessary instructions and fulfilled the needs regarding the reports presented by the officials concerned.
On 24 August morning, the commander went to the Yanbye BEHS. Rakhine State education officer U Maung Maung and Headmaster U Hla Tun Aung reported on endeavours being made for promotion of the education standard and requirements.
Then, the commander saw over the school and arrangements being made for opening a multimedia teaching class centre. Afterwards, the commander gave necessary instructions to the officials and attended to the needs.
After that, the commander headed for Yanbye Township
People's Hospital (16-bed). At the meeting hall of the hospital, the commander met with service personnel and dealt with health care services. The commander then inspected X-ray room and wards and fulfilled the requirements.
At the office of the township Peace and Development Council, the commander met departmental heads, local authorities, members of social organizations and towns-elders and elaborated on measures related to regional development, ensuring smooth transport, promotion of education, health and agricultural and livestock breeding sectors and boosting production.
Later, departmental officials reported on work being done sector-wise. The commander then attended to the needs.
Commander attends opening of Chess Tournament
Yangon, 28 Aug - A ceremony to open Chess Tournament for the Commander's Shield of Triangle Region Command (2002) was held at the command's stadium in Kengtung at 2 pm on 23 August, attended by Triangle Region Command Commander Brig-Gen Khin Zaw and senior military officers, members of the state and district Peace and Development Council and the commanding officers of the battalions and units, families of the officers and other ranks, competitors and fans.
The commander made a speech on the occasion.
Next, the competitors took the designated seats and the commander opened the first match with a start move in first event of Techilek station and Kengtung station.
Afterwards, the commander and those present viewed the matches. Altogether 8 teams of the stations under Triangle Region Command are taking part in the tournament.
Speedy implementation of projects
coordinated in Taninthayi Division
Yangon, 28 Aug - A work coordination meeting to expedite implemention of annual projects (2002-2003) of Taninthayi
Division Peace and Development Council was held at the meeting hall
of the council on 24 August morning. The commander made an opening address on the occasion. Head of Taninthayi Division Planning Department U Kyi Shein reported on matters pertaining to expediting implementation of projects for 2002-2003. Then, heads of Dawei, Myeik and Kawthoung District Planning Department reported on conditions on expediting implementation of projects sector-wise, and members of District and Township Peace and Development Councils, on projects implemented annually.
The meeting came to an end with concluding remarks by the commander.
( 7 ) Remnants of armed groups exchange arms for peace
Yangon, 28 Aug - State Peace and Development Council is striving with might and main in turning the nation into a peaceful, modern and developed one with genuine goodwill. Realizing it, remaining armed groups, with the conviction that their subversive acts did not benefit the State and the people in any way and their regions did lag behind development, have been exchanging arms for peace in groups or individually.
Up to 31 July 2002, private Sai Lyan of No 451 Battalion of SURA armed group, together with one M-22 automatic rifle, one magazine and 27 rounds of ammunition, Company Commander Sali, Platoon Commander Aik Sai, privates Aik Yi, Aik Aon, Aik San Kham, Aik Put (a) Aik Tu, Aik Kyan, Aik San and Aik Yi of No 618 Battalion, together with one pistol, one M-79 launcher, one M-23 automatic rifle, five M-22 automatic rifles, nine 40-mm grenades, and 98 rounds assorted ammunition, exchanged arms for peace at Triangle Region Command.
In the Eastern Command region, private Aung Kham of remnant SURA armed group, together with one M-22 automatic rifle, 10 rounds of ammunition, one M-79 launcher, five 40-mm grenades, and private Min Min of Company No 4 of No 2 Battalion of remnant KNPP armed group, together with one M-16 automatic rifle, one M-16 and M-79 combined gun, five magazines, 100 rounds of ammunition, nine 40-mm grenades, exchanged arms for peace.
In the South-East Command region, private Zaw Latt (a) Mude of No 202 Battalion of KNU armed group, tax in-charge Saw Yaukkya of No 6 Brigade, together with one grenade, Sergeant Saw The Naing (a) Than Naing Oo of Kya-in-Seikyi regional battalion, together with one AK-47 automatic rifle, one magazine, ten rounds of ammunition, exchanged arms for peace.
In the Coastal Region Command, Phadon Lay Oh and wife Ma Nu Kyi, son Myat Kyaw and Thin Yi Naing of No 11 Battalion of KNU armed group, Saw Phee Cha and wife Ma Mya Than, son Saw Myo Sein and daughter Naw Myat Saw, together with one grenade, private Aung Kywe and wife Ma Htay Yi, son Chit Ko, private Maung Cho and wife Ma Than Aye, daughter Naw Juu, together with one mine, Aye Tun (a) Zar That Pyin and wife Ma Moe Moe, daughter Sanda
Moe of No 12 Battalion, together with one .22 revolver, six rounds of
ammunition, also exchanged arms for peace.
Officials of the
military camps warmly welcomed 32 persons who exchanged arms for peace
and fulfilled their requirements. There are still more members of armed
groups to exchange arms for peace.
( 8
Military and marching song competitions to commemorate
58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day to be held
Yangon, 28 Aug - As a gesture of hailing the 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day, which falls on 27 March 2003, the subcommittee for holding of the military and marching song competition of the work committee for the organizing of poem and arts competition led by Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt (Htila Sitthu) as chairman announced that military and marching song competitions for the Armed Forces Day will be held.
There will be only one category, professional level, for the military marching song competition, while the military song competition is grouped into two categories, level 1 and level 2. First, second and third prizes as well as consolation prizes will be awarded.
Rules of the competitions are as follows:
In military marching song competition, any one will be allowed to take part in it as the professional level. In military song competition, there will be two levels level 1 and level 2. For the military marching song competition, songs must be composed and based on the twelve objectives of the State, the objectives of the 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day and the twelve fine traditions of the Tatmadaw. Composers and vocalists are not permitted to compete in level 2 of the military song competition nor those who stood first, second or third in level 2 of last
year's military song competition.
They are to enter in level 1. Only a song is allowed for individuals or groups. Entry songs must be in accord with the military song composing techniques. Military songs must be in Myanma melody and mode as well as in own tune. The time of the song must be from 4 to 6 minutes. There will be a preliminary contest for entry songs with strong vocals and suitable music. Only a song must be recorded on an entry cassette tape or a reel. A suitable title may be given. Words of the entry song with its ten typed copies and an origin of its music notes must be attached to the cassette tape or reel. The brief autobiography of the entrant and the singer together with three passport size colour photos must be sent.
Those tentatively selected will be informed.
The tentatively-selected songs must be re-recorded and are to compete for finals. Entry songs should be sent to U Ko Ko Htwe, Secretary, Subcommittee for the holding of military and marching song competition, Myanma Radio and Television, Pyay Road, Yangon, not later than 31 December 2002.
( 9
) Drug traffickers sentenced
Yangon, 28 Aug - A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and Magway Special Anti-Drug Squad, acting on information, searched bicyclist Maung Khaing on Minbu-Sagu Road in Minbu on 3 November 2001, and seized 653 grams of marijuana from his basket and 82 grams of marijuana were also seized from his house after his confession.
Action was taken against Maung Khaing (a) Khaing Lwin, 27, son of U Hla of No 2, Kyauktada Ward, Minbu, and his accomplices Tun Min Aung (a) Nyi Su, 28, son of U Tun Phyu of Minbu, and Chit Wan, 22, son of U Bi of Naung Village, Ngape Township, under Section 15/19(A) /20(A)/ 21 of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by Minbu Police Station.
Minbu District Court handed down five year's imprisonment each under Section 15 and 15
year's imprisonment each under Section 19(A)/21 on Maung Khaing (a) Khaing Lwin and Tun Min Aung (a) Nyi Su to serve separately, and five yearsÕ
imprisonment under Section 15 on Chit Wan, on 18 June 2002.
Stimulant tablets and raw opium seized in Shan State
Yangon, 28 Aug - A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and Lashio Special Anti-Drug Squad, acting on information, searched the house of Le Pein Aein (a) Lauk Aein of Zaythit Street, Ward 2, Laukkai, on 20 June, and altogether 35,800 stimulant tablets were seized.
Action is being taken against Le Pein Aein (a) Lauk Aein, 25, son of U Le Te Phu, under Section 15/19(A) of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by the Kunlong police station.
Similarly, a combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and Bhamo Special Anti-Drug Squad, acting on a tip-off, searched a Hilux vehicle with number plates 1Ka/2870, en route from Namkhan to Bhamo, at Kaikhtate Check Point in Mansi on 30 June, and seized 1.6329 kilos of raw opium from the basket of passenger Ma Kawt Phan.
In connection with the case, action is being taken against Ma Kawt Phan, 29, daughter of U Naw Maing of Mankan Village, Namkhan Township, under Section 15/19(A) of the Narcotic Drugs and psychotropic Substances Law by Mansi
Police Station.