1 ) Secretary-1 receives Ambassador of Arab Republic of Egypt

Yangon, 27 Aug - On behalf of the Chairman of the State Peace and development Council, Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt received Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt to Myanmar Dr Farouk Mabrouk who had completed his tour of duty at Zeyathiri Beikman in Konmyinttha here at 10 am today.
( 2 )
Youths being nurtured to know alien conspiracies and to
safeguard Union, national solidarity, sovereignty
Union and sovereignty will perpetuate only if there is national unity
Secretary-1 meets students who completed engineering course at
Nationalities Youth Resource Development Degree College (Yangon)

Yangon, 27 Aug - Chairman of the Work Committee
for Progress of Border Areas and National Races Secretary-1 of the
State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt met with
students who completed the engineering course in 2000-2001 and
2001-2002 academic years at Nationalities Youth Resource Development
Degree College (Yangon) of the Education and Training Department of
the Ministry for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and
Development Affairs, at Diamond Jubilee Hall on Pyay Road this
Speaking on the occasion, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin
Nyunt said as is known to all, the government has been striving for
development of the border regions which lagged behind in progress
for the past 40 years due to internal insurgency, practicing "Our
Three Main National Causes --- non-disintegration of the Union;
non-disintegration of the national solidarity; and perpetuation of
the national sovereignty --- as the principal policy of the
nation. In implementing the border area development tasks since
1989, it formed the Central Committee for Progress of Border Areas
and National Races, the Work Committee, the subcommittees and the
regional bodies.
The government also formed the Ministry for
Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs
in 1992 for rapid progress of the border areas. It can be witnessed
that the border areas are developing in leaps and bounds due to
prevalence of peace and stability and further strengthening of
national unity. During the past 12 years and up to now, the
government has laid down short-term and long-term projects for
proportionate development of the border areas covering transport,
agriculture, health, education, social, economic and other sectors
on a wider-scale.
The Ministry for PBANRDA has opened 17 border
areas and national races development schools where basic education
primary, middle and high school lessons are being taught to bring
out human resources which have the ability to perpetually develop
and safeguard the border areas. The schools are also giving priority
to teaching the subjects concerning Union Spirit and culture. The
Education and Training Department has opened one Nationalities Youth
Resource Development Degree College each in Yangon and Mandalay. The
students who pass the matriculation examination from the border
areas and national races development schools can attend the degree
colleges, which were opened with the following six objectives:
- to enable the national race youths to possess
love and unity among themselves and strengthen their Union Spirit
while pursuing education;
- to enable the youths of the Union to have belief in "Our Three
Main National Causes" and to protect it;
- to enable them to understand and preserve the traditions and
cultures of the national races;
- to vitalize their spirit to work for further improvement of the
living standard of the border areas;
- to nurture the youths to have the ardent will to take part in
building a peaceful, modern and developed nation;
- to enable them to complete the higher education courses and to
serve the regional interests in the respective sectors.
The degree colleges opened since 2000-2001
academic year are conducting three-year arts and science courses and
two-year engineering courses. After completion of their degree
courses and diploma courses, they will have to go back to their
native regions to discharge duties there. The degree college in
Yangon has produced the first batch of 20 engineers who have
completed the two-year diploma course. The respective ministries
will appointed them at their departments to work for development of
the border areas. Head of State Senior General Than Shwe has given
guidance, saying that "intellectuals and technicians who will serve
the national interests are required for emergence of a modern and
developed nation. We can strive to build the nation and develop it
only with the intellectuals and technicians." Now the Ministry for
PBANRDA has realized the guidance. In other words, it is striving to
implement the project which is producing highly-skilled human
resources needed for the nation and the regions.
As various national races are living together in
the Union, the Union itself and the sovereignty will perpetuate only
if there is national unity. The Union of Myanmar had experienced the
divide-and-rule policy for over 100 years under the colonialist
rule. After the nation regained independence, it faced attempts to
cause national dissension for many times. Till now some foreign
nations are using various methods to cause disagreement between the
nation races. The youths have been nurtured to become
persons who know the alien conspiracies to break up the national
unity and who will safeguard the Union, the national solidarity and
the sovereignty at the risk of their lives.
The degree college produced eight students who
are entitled to enroll at the B Tech course. It is an achievement to
realize the Myanmar education goal Ñ to create a constant learning
He said it was heartening to The Nationalities
Youth Resources Development Degree Colleges would produce not only
engineering diploma holders and arts and science graduated youths at
the end of academic year. Those who qualified for MA and MSc courses
are allowed to join the respective universities. This contributes
toward constant learning education in the national education
promotion special project. According to the national education
promotion programmes being implemented in Myanmar, 304 e-Education
Learning Centers using Data Broadcasting System were established.
Information and communication technology can be taught at multimedia
classrooms and e-Education Learning Centre of the Nationalities
Youth Resources Development Degree Colleges.
The government with the aim of equal development
of the national people and narrowing the gap of living standard
established 24 special zones in 14 states and divisions.
Universities, technological colleges and computer colleges were
opened in these regions for highly-qualified human resource
A total of K 25,805.11 million K 14,537.46
million from border area development fund of the Ministry of
Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs
and K 11,267.65 million from the fund of other ministries concerned
were spent in border area development from 1989 to July 2002. The
government spent a large sums of money in the development of border
area and national races for equal development in the whole country
in building a peaceful, modern developed nation.
The Secretary-1 spoke of the need for the youths
from various border areas who completed the engineering course to
implement the six objectives of the course based on knowledge gained
at the course in combination with practical life to be encountered
in the regions.
also urged them to nurture regional national youths to possess
modern technology, outlooks and knowledge consolidating the Union
He said the government assigned duties to the
engineer officers and they are to make for uplift of social life of
national brethren in border areas in all means while discharging
chief duties on regional development.
He said the youths were trained at the degree
college and were sent to border areas to discharge duties for
implementation of Our Three Main National Causes ---
non-disintegration of the Union, non-disintegration of national
solidarity and perpetuation of sovereignty. He spoke of the need to
make efforts for propagation of the spirit of national solidarity
and the Union Spirit in the region. He said now some foreign nations
are driving a wedge among the national brethren in various means and
they are attempting to break up the Union that has existed for
thousands of years.
After the national brethren had realized the fact
that they are driving a wedge among them, national engineers are to
organize and lead the national people for safeguarding Our Three
Main National Causes, he said. In conclusion, he said with the
development of border areas and living standard of local people
would improve and the uplift of social standard would lead to
national solidarity and further consolidating of the Union.
He urged the graduate youths to actively
participate in border area development tasks after realizing the
gratitude of the State.
Then, the Secretary-1 presented best student
award and a certificate of honour to Maung Khin Maung Oo, a Rakhine
national student majoring in civil engineering with the student
registration number 0039; and outstanding engineering award and a
certificate of honour to Maung Lein Nai (a) Maung Lin Naing,
a Chin national student of civil engineering with the student
registration number 0036. Later, the first session of the ceremony
Afterwards, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and
party posed for a photo together with the graduating students. The
Secretary-1 also cordially met with the faculty of the college,
students, graduating students and their parents.
At 10 am, a ceremony to present AGTI Engineering
Diploma and to assign duties ensued. At the ceremony, Principal of
the college U Sein Htay conferred AGTI Engineering diplomas on 20
national students. After Col Than Win, Director-General of the
Education and Training Department, presented assignment of duty to
graduating students, the ceremony came to an end.
( 3
) Health Minister receives guests

Yangon, 27 Aug - Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein received the delegation led by Mrs Shirin Nirzi (a) Daw Kyi Kyi Win of Pakistan-Myanmar Friendship Association at his office on Pyidaungsu Yeiktha Street at 10 am today. Similarly, the minister received Leprosy Control Project in-charge of WHO Dr Vijay Kumar Pannikar and Resident Representative of WHO Dr Agostino Borra at the same venue at 11 am today.
Bangladeshi Transport Minister concludes visit

Yangon, 27 Aug - Bangladeshi Transport Minister Mr Barrister Nazmul Huda left here for home by air at 10 am today.
The minister was seen off at the Yangon International Airport by Minister for National Planning and Economic Development U Soe Tha, Bangladeshi ambassador to Myanmar Mr Ahmed Rahim and officials of the ministry.
Yangon Mayor receives Chinese Vice-Mayor of Kuming
Yangon, 27 Aug - Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Mayor U Ko Lay received the visiting delegation led by Vice-Mayor of Kuming Municipal
People's Government of People's Republic of China at the city hall of YCDC at 10 am today.
( 4
) Mass activities for eradication of dengue hemorrhagic fever launched
Yangon, 27 Aug - Members of the National Health Committee Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein and Yangon Mayor U Ko Lay and party inspected mass activities for eradication of dengue hemorrhagic fever launched in Ward 20, Dagon Myothit (South) Township in Yangon East District today.
The minister, the mayor, Deputy Minister for Health Prof Dr Kyaw Myint and officials arrived at the office of the Staff Officer of Dagon Myothit (South) Township Development Affairs Department. At the hall of the office, Head of Health Department Dr Yee Yee Thein of Yangon City Development Committee and Township Health Officer Dr U Myint Kyi Aye reported on preventive measures for dengue hemorrhagic fever, healthcare tasks and future plans to the minister and the mayor who attended to the needs.
Then, the minister, the mayor and party inspected mass activities on Yaynantha-1 Street in Ward 20 by staff of the township health department and the health department of YCDC, the chairman and members of Ward Peace and Development Council, members of USDA,
Women's Affairs Committe MCWA, Red Cross Society and Auxiliary Fire Brigade and people in the ward.
Leading Committee for Organizing Myanmar Women's Efforts Exhibition meets
Yangon, 27 Aug - A coordination meeting of the Leading Committee for Organizing Myanmar Women's Efforts Exhibition to be conducted by Myanmar National Committee for Women's Affairs was held at the office of the minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement on Opponseik Street, Mayangon Township, this afternoon.
Chairman of th Leading Committee Minister Maj-Gen Sein Htwa made a speech on the occasion.
Then, the vice-chairperson-2 reported on matters related to organizing the exhibition and Member of the Working Committee Director of the Exhibition Director of the National Museum of the Department of Cultural Institute Daw Nu Mra Zan, on progress of work for opening booths.
Next, representatives of the Fund-Raising Committee, the Opening Ceremony Organizing Group, the Invitation and Reception Group, the Booth Opening Group, the Security Group, the Entertainment Group, the Souvenirs Displaying Group, the Information Group, the Computer Quiz Competition Organizing Group, the Photo Competition Organizing Group, and the Management Group reported on work progress, followed by a general round of discussions.
After that, the resolutions were approved. The
meeting came to a close with concluding remarks by the minister.
Construction Minister looks into roads, bridges in Bago Division
Yangon, 27 Aug - Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, accompanied by officials inspected Bago-Naunglaybin road section and Nyaunglaybin-Madauk road section this morning. He heard reports on maintenance of Nyaunglay-bin-Madauk-Shwekyin road section during the rainy season and future tasks to be undertaken in the open season reported by Bago Division Superintending Engineer U Kyaw Lwin.
The minister gave instructions on matters relating to construction tasks to the officials concerned.
Then, the minister and party proceeded to the Shwekyin-Madauk bridge construction project and inspected completion of bridge and future tasks to be implemented. At the briefing hall, the minister heard reports on completion of all approach bridges, 12 out of 36 reinforced concrete beams of the main bridge, approach road on both Madauk and Shwekyin banks and future tasks to be completed by Senior Engineer U Win Aung.
Next, the minister gave instructions on construction tasks for the bridge.
( 5 )
Minister inspects factories in Kyaukse
Industrial Zone

Yangon, 26 Aug - Member of Central Organizing Committee of Myanmar War Veterans Organization Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung inspected construction of welfare shop of Mandalay Division War Veterans Organization in Singaing Township yesterday.
The minister went to vest factory project (Kyaukse) site in Kyaukse Industrial Zone. He inspected production of sports shirts and vests and installation of machines and gave instructions.
Next, the minister presented fruit basket to Chinese experts. The minister inspected sewing machine factory in Kyaukse.
The minister then inspected the plot chosen for construction of asbestos brick factory that can produce 2,500 tons annually.
The minister inspected plastic factory (Kyaukse) and presented fruit basket to Chinese experts who rendered assistance for construction of the factory.
The minister went to the site of cement factory and inspected progress of work, construction of kiln and computer control room. He gave instructions on opening of the factory in November.
The minister inspected No 3 paper mill in Singaing Township and accessories workshop.
Minister for Culture inspects tasks in MraukU Cultural Heritage Region
Yangon, 27 Aug - Minister for Culture U Tin Win inspected maintenance of Laungkyettaung Stone Inscriptions on Laungkyettaung Hillock. The minister then paid obeisance to Shwekyatpha Pagoda on Laungkyettaung Hillock and Wish-granting Khaunglaungswe Pagoda and gave necessary instructions to officials.
On 25 August morning, the minister arrived at Htokhtanthein Stupa built in 1571 by Rakhine King Phalaung in MraukU and inspected the maintenance work there. Deputy Director U Phone Kyaw reported on arrangements being made for the maintenance work.
Then, the minister and party inspected Laymyetna Stupa, Yanaung Zeya Stupa (a) Shitthaung Stupa and Andawthein Stupa. The minister held a coordination with officials on maintenance of Andawthein Stupa. Next, the minister inspected decoration work on the platform of Linbanpyauk Pagoda and left instructions to officials.
In the evening, the minister inspected renovation of stone wall of MraukU Era in MraukU Cultural Region and Archaeological Museum in MraukU and gave necessary
Sports equipment donated to
football teams undergoing
training in Sagaing Division
Yangon, 27 Aug
- Under the development programme of youth football, a ceremony to donate sports equipment to the football teams which are undergoing training in Sagaing Division was held at the office of Sagaing Division Union Solidarity and Development Association this morning.
First, Chairman of Myanmar Olympic
Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint was introduced to the members of football teams. In his speech, the minister said the youth football development project is being drawn up for turning out of new generation footballers to enable them to enhance the football standard. The three football teams U-13, U-17 and U-21are being formed, track suits and footballs will be presented to them and good salaries will be also offered to the coaches, he said. He then presented track suits and sports equipment to the deputy commander.
In the afternoon, Sagaing Division Sports and Physical Education Committee Commander of North-West Command Brig-Gen Soe Naing and the minister watched the final of the third State/Division novice soccer tournament of USDA CEC member Sports Minister's bowl. The commander accepted cash donations for Sagaing Division SPEC made by Sagaing, Monywa, Shwebo and Katha districts and donated K 1.5 million to Sagaing Division USDA. Then the minister presented K 100,000 each to five basic education schools, which participated in the opening ceremony.
Later, the commander, minister, deputy commander
and officials presented prizes to winning teams and individuals.
USDA CEC member addresses Management Multiplier Course
Yangon, 27 Aug - The opening ceremony of the Management Multiplier Course No 17 organized by Bahan Township Union Solidarity and Development Association was held at the hall of the Township USDA office this morning, with an address by USDA CEC member Col Tin Hlaing.
Then, donations were made for the course. Yangon Division USDA presented K 100,000; U Tin Oo-Daw Hmwe (D-Shadow Cosmetics K 50,000; Traditional Medicine Practitioner U Bo Gyi-Daw Than Than (Pyilonchantha medical house), K 30,000 U Aung Aung (Moekaungkin restaurant), K 30,000 and township USDA 1,000 ball-point pens to the CEC member who accepted the donations and presented certificates of honour to the wellwishers.
Altogether 65 trainees are attending the two-week course.
( 6 ) Coord meeting on promotion of tourism between Myanmar and China held
Yangon, 27 Aug
- A coordination meeting to promote tourism industry between Myanmar and the
People's Republic of China and mutual cooperation successfully concluded at Summer Palace Hall of the Traders Hotel on Sule Pagoda Road this evening.
Present on the occasion were Vice-Mayor Mr Lei Xiao Ming of Kunming Municipal
People's Government, China, Director-General U Khin Maung Latt of Directorate of Hotels and Tourism of the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism and officials, the chairman of Union of Myanmar Travel Association and members, Vice Director-General of Kunming Municipal Tourism Bureau Mr Mao Cheng Yi and others.
Mr Lei Xiao Ming spoke on the occasion and thanked the Minister for Hotels and Tourism and the Chinese Ambassador to Myanmar for their arrangements for the meeting of Chinese tour operators with Myanmar tourism entrepreneurs.
Joining hands in undertaking the tourism industry will result in the development of mutual cooperation, further strengthening of friendship between the two countries, he said. He then extended invitations to Myanmar tourism entrepreneurs to visit Kunming.
Director-General of Directorate of Hotels and Tourism U Khin Maung Latt also spoke on the occasion. He said the Myanmar Deputy Minister for Hotels and Tourism and the Chinese Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs signed an agreement on tourism cooperation between the two countries on 16 July 2000.
This coordination meeting is the first step towards the success of tourism development for both countries, and Myanmar officials and tourism entrepreneurs will pay a visit to Kunming, he said. Myanmar tourism entrepreneurs are making efforts to achieve success, and departmental officials concerned will render assistance to them when required.
Chinese tourism delegation visits Kanbawzathadi Palace
Yangon, 27 Aug - The visiting Chinese tourism delegation led by Vice-Mayor Mr Lei Xiaoming of Kunming Municipal
People's Government of the People's Republic of China, accompanied by officials from the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism, visited Kanbawza-thadi Palace and paid obeisance to pagodas in Bago yesterday afternoon.
The Chinese delegation arrived at the palace site of King Bayintnaung excavated and reconstructed by the Archaeology Department of the Ministry of Culture where officials from the department briefed them on construction tasks at the briefing hall.
After looking around the archaeology museum and Bamayathana throne chamber, the delegation visited Shwe-mawdaw Pagoda, Shwetha-hlaung Image and Kyaikpon Pagoda in Bago and arrived back here in the
Demonstration of admixtures given
Yangon, 27 Aug - Suntac Technologies gave the demonstration of admixtures which are used in producing reinforced concrete manufactured by Master
Builder's Technologies, Switzerland, at International Business Centre on Pyay Road this morning.
First, Chairman of Myanmar Construction Entrepreneurs Association U Khin Shwe made an opening speech and General Manager of Suntac Technologies made an introductory speech.
Then, Mr Kimmarfleet of Degussa explained chemical construction materials of Degussa and Mr Desking of Master
Builder's technologies on concrete admixtures.
Use of admixtures imported by Suntac Technologies can reduce the construction cost.
( 7 ) Agricultural and livestock breeding tasks inspected in Shan State (North)
Yangon, 27 Aug
- Chief Medical Officer of the Ministry of Industry-2 Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, accompanied by Patron of the Ministry Maternal and Child Welfare Association wife of the minister for Industry-2 Daw Moe Moe Myint and executives, arrived at Indagaw Industrial Zone of the Ministry in Bago Division this morning.
They were briefed on the salient points of the industrial zone, the strength of the staff, health care services, construction of factories and others by officials.
Then, they inspected machine parts produced by Myanma Automobile and Diesel Engine Industries and production functions of the respective workshops.
Afterwards, they inspected the clinic of Social Security Board for service personnel of the factory.
Dr Myo Thaik in-charge of the clinic reported on opening of the clinic to the chief medical officer, who gave necessary instructions.
Next, the chief medical officer and party inspected assembly of power tiller engine of Myanma
Agricultural Machinery Industries at the factory.
( 8
Yangon Division Myanmar Traditional Cultural
Performing Arts Competitions open
Yangon, 27 Aug
- The opening ceremony of the 10th Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions (Basic Education Level) of Yangon Division was held at No 6 Basic Education High School in Botahtaung Township this morning, attended by Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe.
The competitions will be held at four venues. Singing competition will be held at No 1 BEHS in Latha Township; dance competition at No 6 BEHS Botahtaung Township; song composing competition at No 2 BEHS in Dagon Township; and music competition at No 1 BEHS in Lanmadaw Township.
There are 336 participants and the competitions will continue till 29 August.
Waso robes and rice donated to members of the Sangha in Mandalay
Yangon, 27 Aug - The 12th ceremony to donate Waso robes and rice to some 34,800 members of the Sangha and 2,704 nuns of 2,013 monasteries in Aung-myethazan, Chanayethazan, Mahaaungmye, Chanmya-thazi, Pyigyidagun, Amara-pura and Patheingyi townships in Mandalay District, Mandalay Division, organized by Division Satu Pissaya Nuggaha Offertories Donating Association, was held at the Myanan Sangyaw Shwenandawgyi in Mandalay Nanmyo on 23 August.
Sayadaw Bhaddanta Agghiya administered the Nine Precepts to the congregation. Then, members of the Sangha recited parittas.
Afterwards, the commander supplicated on the religious affairs. Association
Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council
Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Ye Myint and wife and the officials presented Waso robes and rice to the Sayadaws.
Next, Sayadaw Bhaddanta Sirindabhivamsa delivered a sermon, followed by sharing of merits gained.
After the ceremony, "soon" was offered to members of the Sangha.
Today's donations totaled 1,016 sets of robes for 1,016 Sayadaws and 12,502 bags of rice for members of the Sangha
and nuns in the seven townships.
Agricultural and livestock breeding tasks inspected in Shan State (North)
Yangon, 27 Aug - Chairman of Shan State (North) Peace and Development Council Commander of North-East Command Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing and CEC Member of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Col Tin Hlaing, accompanied by officials, inspected the 50-acre model farm of Hsinshweli high-yield strain paddy being undertaken by Hopeik Village USDA in Lashio Township on 24 August.
Officials concerned and farmers reported on the model farm which are thriving and participation of the USDA members. The commander and the CEC member gave necessary instructions.
Then, the commander and the CEC member looked into the 120-acre model farm of Hsinshweli high-yield strain paddy being undertaken by Shan State Peace and Development Council in Humon Village in the same township. The farmers in Hsenwi also observed the model farm.
The commander and the CEC member proceeded to the poppy-substitute corn cultivation and bee keeping camp of the North-East Command in Bonmon Village, Lashio Township.
At the briefing hall, the commander dealt with cultivation and distribution of poppy-substitute corn and future plans to be implemented. Then, Lt-Col Nay Lin Aung of the command reported on conditions of the bee keeping camp, future tasks and production and marketing of honey and honey products. Afterwards, the commander and the CEC member saw over the bee keeping camp and the 500-acre Hsinshweli high-yield strain paddy field.
They then went to the livestock breeding farm of the command and inspected systematic breeding of pigs and fish.
The CEC member met with USDA members, members of Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Committee for Women's Affairs, Red Cross Society, Auxiliary Fire Brigade and townselders at Banbwe Village, Nawnghkio Township USDA and Manhe Village on 23 August, and Kongtha Village in Hsipaw Township on 25 August.
The CEC member then discussed participation of USDA members in rural development tasks and community welfare work, cooperation with social organizations, organizing measures, economic tasks and organizing of USDA multiplier management courses. After that, the CEC member attended to needs regarding the reports presented by the USDA members.
( 9
) 29 fires broke out in July
Yangon, 27 Aug - Altogether 29 fires broke out across the nation in July, causing the loss of K 3.34 million worth of property. Of them, 23 took place due to negligence; 5 broke out due to electrical fault; there was one false fire alarm.
Now, in spite of being rainy season, there has been fires because of negligence and electrical fault. To reduce fires outbreaks, the personnel concerned are asked to make plans for prevention of fire outbreaks.