1 ) State Peace and Development Council Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt receives Bangladeshi Minister and party

Yangon, 26 Aug - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt received the visiting Minister for Communications of Bangladesh Mr Barrister Nazmul Huda and party at the hall of Zeya Thiri Beikman, Konemyinttha, at 4.30 pm today.
( 2 ) Significant achievements in national education promotion
programmes made in short period due to harmonious efforts of the government and the people
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt attends opening of multimedia classrooms in Pyawbwe Township

Yangon, 26 Aug - The ceremony to open and hand over a new building of Intawkyai Village Post-primary School in Kyauk-padaung Township in Mandalay Division and to present teaching aids was held at the school on 24 August afternoon.
It was attended by Myanmar Education Committee Chairman State Peace and Development Council Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Deputy Minister for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung and wellwishers Ambassador U Hla Maung and Daw Thanda Khin formally opened the school building.
Then, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt formally unveiled the stone inscription of the school building.
The ceremony to hand over the new school building and to present teaching aids was held at Maung Naw Hall of the school. Ambassador U Hla Maung explained the purpose of donating the building. Kyaukpadaung Township Education Officer U Tin Hla briefed the Secretary-1 on construction of the school building.
Afterwards, wellwisher U Soe Myint explained the purpose of presenting modern teaching aids and school furniture.Ambassador U Hla Maung and Daw Thanda Khin handed over documents and photos relating to the new school building worth K 19.8 million and construction tasks undertaken in the school compound to Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt then presented a TV set, a video cassette player, a cassette player and teaching tapes, 205 dozen exercise books and 70 dozen pencils to Headmaster U Kyaw Maung.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt accepted three sets of computer, audio-lab machinery and furniture worth K 5 million, and K 200,000 for the education trust fund presented by wellwishers U Soe Myint and Dr Khine Khine Kyaw.
Wellwishers U Soe Aung and Daw Yee Yee Phyu presented K 1 million through the Secretary-1 towards the education trust fund.
Afterwards, Minister for Education U Than Aung accepted K 50,000 each presented by U Myint and wife Daw San Tint, Capt Thein Hla (Retd) and wife Daw Phwa Shin and U Myint Wai and wife Daw Khin Than Yee for the education trust fund. Ambassador U Hla Maung and wife Daw Thanda Khin presented school uniforms, exercise books and sport equipment for 414 students and 11 teachers to Headmaster U Kyaw Maung.
School Board of Trustees Patron U Chit Hlaing expressed thanks to well-wishers. Minister U Than Aung, on behalf of the ministry, spoke words of thanks to wellwishers.
In his speech, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt expressed his thanks to wellwishers Ambassador U Hla Maung and wife for donating a grand school building to the post-primary school in Intawkyai, the native village of wellwishers. He said that the donation contributes to successful implementation of the
State's education goals and policy to narrow down the education gap
between urban and rural areas and development of human resources.
The State has laid down and implemented the five rural development tasks and one of which is to upgrade education standard of children in rural areas. Contributions of wellwishers are beneficial to children and parents as well as the State, he added. Wellwishers donated not only a grand new building but multimedia classrooms that can contribute to learning of Information Technology which is popular in the world. Although it is a rural area, education lessons can be learnt there like an urban area, he pointed out.
In conclusion, the Secretary-1 said he is sure that rural schools like this one will continually produce intellectuals and intelligentsia who can be relied by the State in building a modern nation.
The Secretary-1 and party inspected computer skills room, audio room and school library and the ceremony came to a close. Wellwishers Ambassador U Hla Maung and wife donated a reinforced concrete building that has nine rooms, a 625-gallon reinforced water tower, a concrete stand for drinking water pot, brick wall, 12 cupboards for school library and two water closets worth K 19.8 million.

The Secretary-1 and party proceeded to Pyawbwe in Mandalay Division and attended the ceremony to open multimedia classrooms of Pyawbwe Basic Education High School held at the school in the evening.
Also present on the occasion were Yamethin District/ Pyawbwe Township Peace and Development Councils members, departmental officials, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association and social organizations, the director-general of No 2 Basic Education Department and officials, members of School Board of Trustees and Parent-Teacher Association, the school head, teachers and students, members of pom pom troupe, band troupe and dance troupe and invited guests.
Headmaster U Khin Maung Aye and School Board of Trustees Chairman U San Tun formally opened the multimedia classrooms.

Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt then formally unveiled the billboard of the multimedia classrooms and inspected the language lab, computer skills room, computer aided instruction room, projected media room, audio visual room and printed media room. After viweing the learning of students there, he inspected the fine arts room and domestic room. He enjoyed skills demonstration of students.
Then opening of multimedia classrooms was held. On behalf of students, tenth grader Ma Aye Nyein Ko Ko spoke words of respect.
Next, Headmaster U Khin Maung Aye explained the purposes of opening multimedia classrooms and School Board of Trustees Chairman U San Tun, efforts for opening of multimedia classrooms.
Afterwards, School Board of Trustees Patron U Ko Lay-Daw Than Khin and family of Myothit Ward in Pyawbwe presented K 20 million for construction of Dhammayon, School Board of Trustees Patron U Tin Oo Shein-Dr Daw Win Win Yee of Myinbet Ward, K 6.3 million for school library, School Board of Trustees member 7-Vitan soft drink industry owner U Myint Soe and Township MCWA Chairman Daw San Lay of Shwepyi Yannaing Ward, K 4 million for recreation room to Headmaster U Khin Maung Aye.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt then presented teaching aids for the school to the headmaster and made a speech. On behalf of the State he thanked wellwishers and those who contribute assistance to opening of multimedia classrooms.

He said today information and technology is used widely in the world. With the aim of keeping abreast with international communities, multimedia classrooms are opened at schools in urban and rural areas in cooperation with the wellwishers under the leadership of the government. Therefore multimedia classrooms have been opened at almost all basic education high schools and some middle and primary schools throughout the country due to the participation of the wellwishers and under the leadership of the government, he said.
He said significant achievements in national education promotion programmes have been made in a short period due to the harmonious efforts of the government and the people.
Besides the multimedia classrooms at the high school, he said that the wellwishers donated the prayer's hall, Dhammayon, library where students can get good cultural practices, morale, civil ethics and knowledge and recreation hall for teachers. It is encouraging to note that the school possesses the characteristics of a high school, he added.
The Secretary-1 said the multimedia classrooms enable the student to improve their qualifications and he urged them to try to become intellectuals and intelligentsia who will serve the interest of the country for emergence of a modern developed nation.
Next, the Secretary-1 and party had photos taken together with members the school board of trustees, teachers and
( 3
) H&T Minister receives Chinese tourism delegation
Yangon, 26 Aug - Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin received Chinese tourism delegation led by Vice-Mayor Mr Lei Xiaoming of Kunming Municipal
People's Government of People's Republic of China at his office at 11:30 am today.
On the occasion, they discussed arrangements for ensuring the convenience of tourists from Yunnan Province, China, development of tourist destinations in Myanmar and visits of
Chinese tourists in large number. The minister also explained preparations made by the ministry.
Minister meets Bangladeshi Minister
Yangon, 26 Aug - Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone met with Minister for Communications of Bangladesh Mr Barrister Nazmul Huda and party, and the Ambassador of Bangladesh to Myanmar at the ministry this afternoon.
Also present were Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, Director-General of the Directorate of Trade U Nyunt Aye and officials of the Border Trade Department and Myanma
Agricultural Produce Trading.
( 4
) Han Nyaung Shwe and Sein Win engineer scheme of manufacturing allegations of sexual violence against Shan women

Yangon, 26 Aug - The Press conference on the allegations and fabricated report concerning sexual violence against Shan women by Tatmadaw members was held at Tatmadaw Guest House on Inya Road this morning.
Present were Vice-Chief of Military Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win, Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein, senior military officers of the Ministry of Defence, heads of departments, officials of the Ministry of Information, U Sein Win of Kyodo News Agency, Patron of Myanmar Foreign Correspondents Club U Hla Htwe, Chairman U Sao Kai Hpa and members and guests.
Deputy Head of Department of the Ministry of Defence Col San Pwint said that in previous Press conferences, the false and fabricated news about Myanmar concocted and spread by such armed insurgent groups as SURA, KNU and KNPP, the groups opposing the State, some western nations and runaways in Yodaya, news agencies based in Yodaya and the western media in cooperation had been explained in detail. They are cooperating in systematically inventing accusations concerning democracy, human rights, forced labour, narcotic drugs, national races, human trafficking and sexual violence against Shan women.

Three fact-finding teams including Myanmar National Working Committee for
Women's Affairs were sent to Shan State (East) to investigate the allegations. The findings of the investigation showed that the allegations were fabricated and groundless. Now the organizations and those who fabricated the allegations were found out.
Those who engineered the scheme of manufacturing these allegations systematically are Managing Director Han Nyaung Shwe of the Burma Fund, an anti-Myanmar government group, and runaway Sein Win. Han Nyaung Shwe is a son of ex-president Sao Shwe Thaik. Like NCGUB of runaway Sein Win, the Burma Fund gets about 500,000 dollars in aid every year. It is learnt that some EU nations and a big western nation are their main financial supporters. The chief task of the Burma Fund is to publish and spread anti-Myanmar publications.
Han Nyaung Shwe now lives in Canada. After 1988, he got assistance from some western nations because of his so-called democracy movement. The organizations from the US and Canada lost faith in him as he abused the monetary assistance. So, he moved to Brussels, Belgium, after 1997, and opened Euro Burma Office. Some foreign nations showed him a way of fabricating allegations of sexual violence against Shan women with the aim of causing difficulty for the Myanmar Tatmadaw government and inciting racial hatred. In line with that way, Terror Campaign was launched. Runaway Han Nyaung Shwe and Sein Win gave financial assistance to so-called Shan Women's Action Network under SURA drug-trafficking insurgent group based in Chiang Mai about one year ago to invent false news. Involved in this campaign were Mrs Pipa Curwen, an English women and wife of DBA member runaway Aye Hsaung, of Burma Relief Council based in Chiang Mai, and Nang Hseng Noung, a Shan women and wife of Bertil Lintner who always writes about Myanmar from the negative point of view. In this way, they compiled a report entitled
"License to Rape" and spread it in the international community. This activity is aimed at diverting attention from SURA drug-trafficking insurgent group which has found itself in a militarily difficult situation and synchronizing the case with ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) held in Brunei.

To obtain financial assistance from some foreign nations, runaways Han Nyaung Shwe and Sein Win launched anti-Myanmar movements and at the same time fabricated false news in order to cause misunderstandings between the international community and Myanmar.
In collusion with SURA drug-trafficking insurgent Ywet Sit, they invented stories and videotapes concerning the shifting of villages, human rights, narcotic drugs and sexual violence against Shan women. They are asking for international assistance using the media of Yodaya and other nations. The assistance thus obtained was sent to SURA drug-trafficking insurgent Ywet Sit, it is learnt.

Maj-Gen Kyaw Win and Deputy Minister U Khin Maung Win replied to the queries raised by the journalists.
Then, Maj-Gen Kyaw Win said that the Myanma Tatmadaw is a patriotic Tatmadaw formed with the offspring of the people. It is not a mercenary one. The Tatmadaw members feel unhappy with these accusations against the Tatmadaw. There are military laws and disciplines and they have to obey them and have not done anything wrong. But it is necessary to present the true facts. Now the journalists have been informed of the real culprits and their intention. Although unscrupulous persons including terrorist insurgents are
leveling false and fabricated accusations, the Tatmadaw government will continue to work hard for the emergence of a modern, developed nation in cooperation with the national people.
The Press conference ended at 10.30 am.
( 5 ) Myanmar to attend 8th ASEAN Transport
Ministers' Meeting
Yangon, 26 Aug - A coordination meeting to attend 8th ASEAN Transport
Ministers' Meeting to be held in Jakarta, Indonesia was held at the meeting hall of Ministry of Transport today, attended by Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe.
Deputy Director-General of Transport Department Lt-Col Win Pe reported on ASEAN Framework Agreement on Multimodal Transport and Director-General of Road Transport Department U Hla Myint Thaung, on Protocol 9 Dangerous Goods which will be signed by the Minister for Transport.
Next, Director of Department for Civil Aviation U Khin Maung Myint reported on ASEAN Memorandum of Understanding on Air Freight Services to be signed at the 14th ASEAN Senior Transport Officials Meeting.
Then, Director-General of Transport Department Col Nyan Tun Aung reported on 15th,16th ASEAN Senior Transport Officials Meeting and 9th ASEAN Transport
Ministers' Meeting to be hosted in Myanmar. Afterwards, a general
round of discussions followed and the minister made concluding
Academic Offerings introduced
Yangon, 26 Aug - A Academic Offerings, jointly organized by Asian Institute Technology and Suntac Technologies, was introduced at Myanmar Information and Communication Technology Park (MICT Park) this morning.
On the occasion, General Manager U Tin Myint of Suntac Technologies and Secretary U Aung Myo Thaik of AITAA Myanmar (Chapter) made opening speeches.
Then, Prof Huynh Ngoc Phine, Dr Nitin Vafzulp Purkar Irerikl J Bohez,
Dr Teerapatsanguan Kot-charorn, Dr Sumanta Guha and Prof Michiro Kusanagi explained Academic Offerings on computer science, information management, telecommunications, space technology applications and research, industrial engineering and management, design and manufacturing engineering michatronics and micro electronics.
Next, queries put by those present were answered by officials.
In cooperation with Asian Institute of Technology, Suntac Technologies will soon conduct multiplier courses on development of space technology and research works and design and manufacturing engineering michatronics.
Talks on promotion of tourism
between Myanmar and China held
Yangon, 26 Aug - Talks on promotion of tourism on a mutual beneficial basis between Myanmar and China took place at the Traders Hotel here this morning.
Present were Vice-Mayor of Kunming Municipal
People's Government Mr Lei Xiaoming of the People's Republic of China, Director-General of the Directorate of Hotels and Tourism U Khin Maung Latt and officials, the chairman and members of the Union of Myanmar Travel Association, entrepreneurs of China-Myanmar border tour companies, Vice-Director-General of Kunming Municipal Tourism Bureau Mr Mao Cheng Yi, Secretary of Kunming Municipal Government Mr Chen Bo, Marketing Representative of Kunming Municipal Tourism Bureau Mr Zhang Qian and members of the delegation
Director-General U Khin Maung Latt spoke about the agreement on promotion of tourism industry between the two nations, matters related to Foreign Independent Traveller and China International Tourism Exposition.
Vice-Mayor Mr Lei Xiaoming also spoke on the occasion.
Then, a general round of discussions followed.
Director-General U Khin Maung Latt presented VCDS on the culture and traditions of Myanmar to the vice-mayor.
Japanese professors perform demonstration on treatment of liver diseases
Yangon, 26 Aug - Professor NaobumiYashiro and Dr Koji Yabu of Kameda General Hospital of Japan performed demonstration on Transarterial Embolization (TAE) and Percutaneous Ethanol Injection Therapy (PEIT) at the Radiology Department, Yangon General Hospital here today in cooperation with Professor Khin Maung Win of the Hepatology Department and Professor Myint Kyu
of the Radiology Department with the permission of the Ministry of
Health. The professors and doctors from Yangon General hospital
attended the demonstration and lecture.
Symposium on Treatment of Liver Cancer held
Yangon, 26 Aug - A
Symposium on New Approach to Treatments of
Primary Liver Cancer jointly organized by the Gastro-enterology and Liver Society of Myanmar Medical
Association and Myanmar Yutani Co Ltd was held at Traders Hotel here on 24 August.
Professor Nabumi Yashiro and Dr Koji Yabu of Kameda General Hospital of Japan gave lectures on new treatments of liver cancer disease. Later, Managing Director of Myanmar Yutani Co Ltd Mr Yoshinori Komaru donated K 100,000 each to GLS and Defence Services Liver Hospital.
( 6 )
Cooperatives Minister attends diploma conferring ceremonies
Yangon, 26 Aug
- Minister for Cooperatives Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe, accompanied by officials, attended sixth diploma conferring ceremony of Mandalay Cooperative Regional College held at National Theatre in Mandalay this morning.
The minister presented prizes to three outstanding students. Officials gave away diplomas to 177 students.
In Sagaing he inspected Sagaing GEC shop and bean-grinder.
The minister attended the fourth diploma conferring ceremony of Sagaing Cooperative Regional College.
Minister Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe presented prizes to six outstanding students. Then, on behalf of the chairman of the Supervisory Committee for Cooperative Colleges, member of the committee Sagaing Cooperative Regional College Principal U Han Soe gave away diplomas to 126 students.
Later, the minister inspected fish breeding of Theingi Oo Sanpya Agriculture and Production Cooperative Society in Myindaw Village, Wetlet Township in Shwebo District, Sagaing Division. He also inspected salt industries in the township and gave instructions to the officials.
At night, the minister visited Seinpan Industrial Cooperative and inspected factories of the cooperative.
On 25 August, the minister attended the opening ceremony of Khine Malar drinking water factory at the corner of Theikpan Street and 53th Street in Maha Aungmyay Township in Mandalay Division and inspected the factory.
Minister inspects roads, construction of bridge in Ayeyawady Division
Yangon, 26 Aug - Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Myint Thein and officials inspected Wakema-Kyungon and Ywathit-Kyungon-Einme Roads yesterday.
Ayeyawady Division Superintending Engineer U Ye Myint Swe and Myaungmya District Senior Engineer U Myint Swe reported on Wakema-Kyungon-Einme-Darka road, maintenance of the road during the rainy season and the tasks to be undertaken in the open season. The minister then gave instructions.
The minister and party arrived at the construction site of Darka Bridge. Project Engineer Deputy Superintending Engineer U On Zapar and officials reported on progress of work on the bank of Pathein, the tasks to be undertaken, vehicles and requirements. The minister then gave instructions.
The minister inspected Darka-Thongwa-Yekyi-Ngathainggyoung Road. Pathein District Senior Engineer U Myint Thein reported on maintenance of the road section during the rainy season and the tasks to be carried out in the open season.
Deputy Superintending Engineer U Soe Tint of Road Special Group-2 reported on maintenance of Thongwa-Yekyi Road section and Yekyi-Ngathaingchaung-Gwa Road section during the rainy season and the tasks to be performed in the open
season.The minister arrived back here in the evening.
USDA CEC member attends prize presentation ceremonies

Yangon, 26 Aug - Central Executive Committee member of the Union Solidarity and Development Association U Aung Thaung attended the prize presentation ceremony held at Basic Education High School in Ngazun, Myingyan District, Mandalay Division yesterday and presented honorary prizes to three two-distinction winners and 11 one-distinction winners and the teachers.
Then, the CEC member inspected the teaching to the students with teaching aids and extension of school building and attended to the needs.
In the afternoon, the CEC member met with township USDA secretary, executives, and organizers at Ngazun Township USDA Office and heard report on progress of works on political, social and economic matters and gave instructions to the officials to emphasise the public welfare works.
Later, the CEC member inspected the successful plantation which had been cultivated by township USDA.
Thence, the CEC member inspected the learning of the students with teaching aids at Myotha BEHS and attended to the needs.
A 3 pm, the CEC member attended the prize presentation ceremony of Natogyi BEHS. At the ceremony, he made an address and presented the honorary prizes to the 58 distinction winners and the 23 teachers including the headmistress who taught the students to gain the distinctions.
The CEC member attended the opening ceremony of the bridge linking Tamapin, Nyaunggit, Nwarshayoe village tracts and Myingyan-Mandalay Road.
First, Myittha Township USDA Secretary U Aung Kyi reported on the purpose of the construction of the bridge. Then, Chairman of the bridge construction committee U Khin Maung Myint and village USDA organizers U Nyein Maung and U Maung Maung formally opened the bridge.
In the evening, Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung inspected sale of products at Winthuza Shop in Kyaukse
and gave instructions on the systematic storage and rapid sales of
goods, continuous distribution of the goods and abiding by rules and
regulations of the Ministry of Industry-1.
Mandalay Division USDA holds its annual general meeting
Yangon, 26 Aug - An Annual General Meeting 2002 of the Union Solidarity and Development Association of Mandalay Division was held at the meeting hall of the association in Chanayethazan Township, Mandalay this morning.
Brig-Gen Ye Myint and U Aung Thaung spoke on the occasion. Secretary of Mandalay Division USDA U Tin Maung Oo presented documents relating to renovation of 218 schools under rural development projects to the Mandalay Division education officer. He also presented documents relating to construction of 135-mile earth road, 152-mile gravel road and seven bridges and 242
tube wells to an official of Mandalay Division General Administration Department.
Next, the commander presented awards to seven outstanding students who passed the 2002 matriculation exam with flying colours; and executives to outstanding marine and aviation new generation youths; and the mayor to outstanding youths of fire brigade and red cross brigade.
Then, donations of cash were made K 150,000 by Mandalay City Development Committee, K 300,000 by AAA cement factory, and K 200,000 each by Myanmar Elephant cement factory and merchant U Zaw Min. The donations were accepted by U Aung Thaung, who presented certificates of honour to the wellwishers.
Similarly, donations were also made K 100,000 each by factories in Mandalay, Sagaing, Paleik and Kyaukse of the Ministry of Industry-1 and U Naing Zaw Oo of Letkaung village, K 50,000 by Daw Kyi Kyi Myint of Zegyo Market, K 30,000 each by Daw Se and family and Daw Thet Thet Mar, and K 9,000 and nine kinds of books by U Kan Hla (Maung Khine Phyoe family), which were accepted by U Tin Maung Oo.
The meeting chaired by U Tin Maung Oo then followed. Executives of Mandalay Division USDA read out reports on respective sectors. Afterwards, the meeting came to an end.
Annual meeting of Sagaing
Division USDA held
26 Aug - Sagaing Division Union Solidarity and Development Association held an annual general meeting (2002) at the association in Monywa, Sagaing Division, yesterday.
It was attended by member of the Panel of Patrons of USDA Commander of North-West Command Brig-Gen Soe Naing, USDA CEC member Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint, Deputy Commander of North-West Command Brig-Gen Soe Myint and divisional departmental officials, members of social organizations, secretaries and executives of division, district and township USDAs and outstanding students.
First, the commander and the CEC member made speeches.
Next, the CEC member presented prizes to the students who stood first to tenth in 2001-2002 matriculation examination in the division; the commander to five-distinction winner students and other prize winners; and the deputy commander and officials to those who participated in the construction of Maha Shwesigyi Pagoda and Maha
Thantamuni Pagoda, and who won prizes in sports competitions.
Then, the meeting continued. Matters related to USDA's organizational tasks, management, economic, social, culture and education seminars were explained.
Shan State (North) USDA Annual General Meeting held
Yangon, 26 Aug - The Annual General Meeting 2002 of Shan State (North) Union Solidarity and Development Association took place at the city hall in Lashio at 8 am on 24 August.
Member of Central Panel of Patrons of the USDA Patron of Shan State (North) USDA Chairman of Shan State (North) Peace and Development Council Commander of North-East Command Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing and member of the central executive committee of the USDA Col Tin Hlaing attended the meeting and made speeches.
Speaking on the occasion, Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing said it was heartening to see members of the association shouldering the duties actively and unitedly for the benefit of the people, the region and the State. In line with the guidance of the Head of State, all are to actively participate in the implementation of tasks for self-sufficiency of crops in the region and exert cooperative efforts to eradicate narcotic drugs.
Then, Col Tin Hlaing also made a speech. Next, Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing and Col Tin Hlaing presented awards to 22 outstanding students. Later, Shan State (North) USDA Secretary U Aye Thaung accepted 15,268 membership applications.
Col Tin Hlaing then accepted cash donated to Shan State (North) USDA by wellwishers.
Afterwards, at the meeting hall of Shan State (North) USDA a coordination meeting on work review took place. Awards were then presented to township associations for their achievements in organizational, managerial, economic and social sectors.
( 7 ) Commander attends cash
donation ceremony
Yangon, 26 Aug - The fourth ceremony to donate cash to the fund raising and prize presentation sub-committee of the Tenth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions was held at the city hall here this afternoon.
Chairman of the Leading Committee for Holding the Tenth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe accepted the cash donations and spoke words of thanks to the wellwishers.
The commander, the military region commanders and the chairman of the sub-committee accepted the cash donations of 29 wellwishers including K 1 million donated for the fourth time by Yangon City Bank Ltd, K 500,000 by All Bus Lines Control Committee (Yangon Division), K 200,000 by the Ministry of Construction, K 150,000 by the Ministry of Industry-2, K 200,000 by U Win Myint of Shwe Naga Min Co and K 100,000 each by Golden Flower Co Ltd and Myanmar May Flower Bank and presented certificates of honours to them. Afterwards, the commander spoke words of thanks to the wellwishers. Wellwishers donated K 2,646,000 today and the total amount of the donations for the competitions reached K 24,115,200.
No 1 Provost-Marshal company men's and women's volleyball teams win championship shields
Yangon, 26 Aug
- The finals of Yangon Command Commander's Shield Men's and Women's Volleyball were held at gymnasium in Hline Township this evening.
In women's event, No 1 Provost-Marshal company team beat Defence Services Records Office team 3-0 and No 1 Provost-Marshal company team beat No 323 Supply and Transport Battalion
3-1 in men's event.
Commander of No 1 Military Region Col Khin Maung Soe presented prize to No 1 Provost-Marshal company team that stood first and the commanders to other teams. Captain Maung Maung Soe presented gifts to referees.
Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe presented championship shields to men's and women's teams of No 1 Provost-Marshal
Youth Educative Training Camp opens
Yangon, 26 Aug - An opening ceremony of Youth Educative Training Camp No 1/2002 organized by Supervisory Committee for Shan State (East) Maternal and Child Welfare Association was held at the hall of the Kengtung Hotel, Kengtung Township, at 8 am on August 22.
The Chairman of Shan State (East) Peace and
Development Council Triangle Region Command Commander Brig-Gen Khin Zaw made a speech. Supervisory Committee for Shan State (East) MCWA secretary Dr Zin Mar Oo explained matters relating to the opening of the camp.
A total of 32 trainees are taking part in the activities of the camp, which will last one week.
( 8
) CEC of MWJA meets
Yangon, 26 Aug - Central Executive Committee
Meeting 8/2002 of Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association was
held at the office of the association at noon today. Vice-Chairman-1
U Tin Kha (Takkatho Tin Kha) chaired the meeting and Joint-Secretary
U Khin Swe (Shwe Son Nyo) acted as emcee.
Those present took part in the discussions and
respective committees presented their performance of work. Then, the
CEC members also had the advisory discussions. The meeting ended
with the conclusion remarks by Vice-Chairman-1 U Tin Kha (Takkatho
Tin Kha).
Mineral blocks for foreign
Yangon, 26 Aug - The Ministry of Mines has made arrangements to allot 42 blocks, each of which has area coverage of 270 square miles, to interested foreign companies for the fourth time to be able to conduct exploration of precious minerals such as gold, copper, zinc, silver, platinum, tin and tungsten.
For detailed information, contacts may be made to the Geological Survey and Minerals Exploration Department No 90, Kanbe Road in Yankin Township. Sealed bids are to be sent by 18 October and summery of general terms and conditions, instructions and information will be included in dailies. Interested companies can contact the director-general of the department for preliminary reconnaissance site visit to blocks.
( 9
) 10 grams of heroine seized in Mansi
Yangon, 26 Aug - A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and Bhamo Special Anti-drug Squad, acting on information, intercepted a van with number plates KaKa/1640 en route from Namhkam to Bhamo, and seized 10 grams of heroin from Daw Le Ma Tein, 46, daughter of U Lel Hla of Ward-5, Monkoe.
In connection with the case, action is being taken against her under Section 15/19(A) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances
Drug possessor gets 20 years
Yangon, 26 Aug - A combined team including members of local intelligence unit and local police force, acting on information, searched Aung Lin Tun at Thiri Mingala Market in Kyimyindine Township and seized 653.17 grams of marijuana together with him on 19 July 2001.
In connection with the case, Kyimyindine Police Station opened the case against him, 38, son of U Win Thein of Badonma Street, Ward-16, Phyapon, under section 15/19(A)/21 of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Yangon West District Court sentenced 20 years imprisonment to him under section 19(A)/21 on 27 June 2002.