1 ) Secretary-1 pays obeisance to historic Thanthay Katkyaw Hsutaungpyi Buddha image in Amarapura
Yangon, 25 Aug - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and party paid obeisance to historic Thanthay Katkyaw Hsutaungpyi Buddha image built by Padonmin (a) Bodawphaya at Hmandan Ward in Amarapura Township yesterday morning.

The image was mounded from Thanthay (a form of iron) donated by Bermei Sayadaw.
The Secretary-1 paid obeisance and presented offertories to Hsinkyo Shweku Katkyaw Kyaung Sayadaw Bhaddanta Nanobhasa. The Secretary-1 inspected the condition of the image for the offering of Shwethingan and condition of Gandaku-tikyaung for renovation.
Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Ye Myint reported on 21 significant points of the image, donations received and all-round development.
Next, the Secretary-1 inspected steel Htidaw to be hoisted in Gandakutikyaung, measures taken for all-round development and ancient
artifacts excavated.
The image is situated in Hmandan Ward in Amara-pura Township, Mandalay Division. Padonmin (a) Bodaw-phaya had the image moulded from Thanthay donated by Bermei Sayadaw in 1152.
As its name implies, the 21 points on the image do not react to the magnet.
The ancient image and Gandakutikyaung are old and gradually fell into ruin due to natural elements. The leading committee for renovation of the image and various sub-committees were formed.
All-round renovation tasks including the offering of Shwethingan to the image, the gilding of the image, renovation of the platform, construction of the prayer hall, the hoisting of new Htidaw of Gandakutikyaung and construction of the road to the image are under way.
Next, the Secretary-1 and party went to the historic Thanthay Katkyaw
Hsutaungpyi Buddha image.
The Secretary-1 and party went to the construction site of the University of Traditional Medicine (Mandalay) in Mandalay and inspected construction work.
A cornerstone laying ceremony of the main building of Traditional
Medicine Hospital in Mandalay was held at the site in the morning,
attended by the Secretary-1.

Next, the Secretary-1 placed the nine-gem casket in the foundation. At the auspicious time, the Secretary 1, Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Commander Brig-Gen Ye Myint and ministers laid the foundation.
The Secretary-1 placed the plaque among the cornerstones.
Later, the Secretary-1 and party sprinkled scented water over the cornerstones.
After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 performed the rituals of silver and golden showers.
The Secretary-1 viewed the scale model of the University of Traditional Medicine in the briefing hall.
Then, Managing Director of AEC Construction Group U Tint San reported on construction of buildings of the university and the tasks to be carried out for greening of the campus of the university.
The Secretary-1 gave instructions.
Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt attended the opening ceremony of the Special Refresher Course No 15 for Basic Education Teachers at the Central Institute of Civil Service (Upper Myanmar) in PyinOoLwin Township, Mandalay Division yesterday.
After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 and party left for Meiktila, Mandalay Division, by Tatmadaw helicopter and arrived there at 11 am.

The Secretary-1 and party were welcomed by Commander of No 99 LID Col Aung Khin Soe, Commander of Flying Training Base Col Khin Maung Tin and Commander of Ground Training Base Col Thura Khin Maung Win and officials.
Later, the Secretary-1 and party went to the project site for the upgrading of Yangon-Mandalay Union Highway undertaken by Hongpan Company near Thabyewa Village, in Meiktila Township.
Managing Director of Hongpan Company U Khin Maung Myint reported on the arrangements to tar the 50-feet-wide two-way road of 21-mile-long Mandalay-Kyaukse section covered by 84-mile-long Mandalay-Meiktila section, the earth work to build the existing road into a three-lane one on 10-mile Kyaukse-Yaywun road, construction of a three-mile-long and 50-feet-wide two-way road from Mile Post 348 to Mile Post 351 in Meiktila Township, construction of a road which bypasses Kume, Wundwin, Meiktila, Paleik, Kyaukse and a road which bypasses Han-myintmoh Village in Kyaukse Township and the building of small and big bridges.
Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander Brig-Gen Ye Myint gave an additional report.
The Secretary-1 gave instructions on the upgrading of Yangon-Mandalay Union Highway.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party inspected construction of a 50-feet-wide two-way lane at Mile Post 349 near Thabyewa Village, Meiktila Township.

Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and party viewed Kyetmauktaung Dam in Kyaukpadaung Township, Mandalay Division by helicopter.
In the briefing hall of the dam, Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation U Ohn Myint reported on facts about the dam project, the volume of water storage, water supply, arrangements to build Kyaukdaga Dam on Kyaukdaga creek near Kyaukdaga Village, Nat-mauk Township and Taungyaychaung Dam on Taungyay creek near Talpinte Village, Kyauk-padaung Township, and facts about Kyetmauktaung Dam water supply project to be implemented on completion of the two dams.
Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt attended the opening ceremony of the basic education primary school and the teaching aids donation ceremony in Indawgyi Village, Kyauk-padaung Township, and the opening ceremony of the multimedia classrooms of Pyawbwe Basic Education High School yesterday afternoon.
Then, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and party arrived at the construction site of the 300-bed hospital of the Ministry of Health in Kyatpyay Village, Pyinmana Township, where they were welcomed by heads of department and enterprise, members of Yamethin District and Pyinmana Township Peace and Development Councils, departmental staff and officials. AryonU Construction Co Managing Director U Zaw Win reported to the Secretary-1 on progress of construction of the management ward, out-patient department, emergency ward, diagnostic ward, operation theatre, delivery room and other wards which are being undertaken by the first phase out of 21 buildings to be constructed, the layout plan, construction of the entrance road to the hospital and requirements.
Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein then gave a supplementary report.
The Secretary-1 attended to the needs and gave necessary instructions for the requirements of the layout plan of the buildings.
The Secretary-1 proceeded to construction project site of the Medical Research Department (Central Myanmar), the Ministry of Health, in Pyinmana Township and heard reports presented by Tawwin Family Co Chairman U Ko Ko Htwe on the construction of the buildings of the department. Minister Maj-Gen Ket Sein then gave a supplementary report. The Secretary-1 gave instructions on the construction of buildings with new modern designs meeting the set standard.
Afterwards, Deputy Minister for Electric Power U Myo Myint reported on tasks being carried for Kyaukohgyi Creek diversion weir to supply water for the 300-bed hospital and Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation U Ohn Myint on construction work of Yanaungmyay Dam which can irrigate 3,000 acres of cultivated land. The Secretary-1 then gave necessary instructions.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party arrived at Pyinmana and stopped over the night there.
Secretary-1 and party left Pyinmana by helicopter this morning and arrived at the construction site of Yangon-Mandalay Union Highway Upgrading Project of Asia World Co Ltd near mile-post 258 in Tatkon Township, Mandalay Division, at 7.30 am.
Project Director U Maung Kae of Asia World Co Ltd reported on work done for the extension of the existing road to a 24-foot wide 3-lane one, including extension of earth shoulders on 35 miles long section, foundation laying for 21 miles long section, laying of gravels on 16 miles long section, tarring on 16 miles long section and completion of conduits and bridges, in the 48 miles long road in Pyinmana-Yamethin road section of the road being carried out by the company.
The Secretary-1 gave instructions on timely completion of earth work of the double-carriage way in coming open season, extension of existing road to a six-lane one, completion of the road with set standards included in the aims of the construction of the Union Highway, cooperation between the ministries concerned and the companies for the harmonious completion of roads and bridges and timely mending of pot-holes in the rainy season.
Afterwards, Commander Brig-Gen Ye Myint reported on surveying of the axis for the Tatkon bypass.
The Secreetary-1 gave necessary instructions.
Next, the Secretary-1 and party proceeded to new runway construction project in Ela Airport in Lewe Township. Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe reported on salient points of the projects. Project Director U Maung Kyay of Asia World Co Ltd reported on pre-engineering works of the project. The Secretary-1 gave necessary instructions.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party proceeded to Yangon-Mandalay Union Highway Upgrading Project of Dagon International Co Ltd in Tharwihti in Lewe Township. Project Director U Than Shein of Dagon International Co Ltd reported on repaving work on 23 miles section between Yedashe and Yeni road section of the existing road, tarring of 13 miles section, maintenance work being carried out in 25 miles section between Yedashe and Yeni road section and completion of earth work in 12 miles 4 furlongs long Pyinmana-Lewe bypass.
The Secretary-1 gave necessary instructions.
Then, the secretary-1 and party proceeded to Toungoo and inspected extension and maintenance work of Yangon-Mandalay Union Highway along the road.
The Secretary-1 was welcomed at Myohla by Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than of the Ministry of Defence and Chairman of the Bago Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Southern Command Brig-Gen Aung Min and officials.
Later, the Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and party arrived at the briefing hall of Toungoo University construction project and they were welcomed there by Deputy Minister for Education U Myo Nyunt, Pro Rector U Kyaw Myint Oo, the professors, the heads of department, lecturers, assistant lecturers and officials of the university.
At the briefing hall, Depurty Minister U Myo Nyunt reported to the Secretary-1 on progress of construction of buildings, academic matters and management.
Deputy Superintending Engineer U Kyi
Tun of also reported on of construction works .
Then, the Secretary-1 gave necessary instructions and inspected the lecture hall with the capacity of 300 students which had already been constructed and construction works of the three-storey building.
Later, the Secretary-1 and party arrived at historic Kaung Hmudaw Pagoda in Mahaaungmye, Toungoo, where they were welcomed by member of the Pagoda Board of Trustees.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party paid obeisance to Buddha Image in prayer hall and made a cash donation and went round the pagoda clock wise.
The Secretary -1 and party went to Toungoo Airport and left there. They arrived back here in the
( 2 )
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than inspects development tasks,
construction of roads, bridges in Bago Division

Yangon, 25 Aug - State Peace and Development Council member Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than of the Ministry of Defence and party, accompanied by Bago Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Southern Command Commander Brig-Gen Aung Min, arrived at the office of Kyaukgyi Township Peace and Development Council yesterday morning. Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than met with Taungoo District Peace and Development Council Chairman Lt-Col Tun Aye and members, Kyaukgyi Township Peace and Development Council Chairman U Tint Kyaw Lwin and members, district/township level departmental officials, members of WVO, USDA, MCWA and Women's Affairs Work Committee, members of Auxiliary Fire Brigade and Red Cross Society and made a speech on development tasks of the township.
Taungoo District Peace and Development Council Chairman Lt-Col Tun Aye reported to Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than on the location of the township, the growing of monsoon paddy and arrangements for the growing of summer paddy, the growing of monsoon groundnut, monsoon sesame and jute, the raising of fish, prawn, poultry and pig, matters related to education, health care and transportation, installation of phone lines, water supply and formation of social organizations.
Then, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than made a speech. He said people are to strive for development of the town in cooperation with the Tatmadaw. The State is making efforts for development of agriculture and livestock breeding sectors by laying down projects; people are to cooperate with local authorities and departmental officials in implementing these projects. Socio-economic life of rural people will improve when projects designed to narrow the development gap between urban and rural areas and the five rural development tasks are successfully implemented, he pointed out.
After the meeting, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than cordially greeted those present. He then proceeded to the construction site of Kwin Creek Bridge which will link Phyu and Kyauktaga Townships at mile post 129/6 on Yangon-Mandalay Union Highway. Chief Engineer U Kyaw Tint of Public Works and Bago Division Superintending Engineer U Kyaw Lwin reported on construction of the bridge and future
tasks. The bridge is 300 feet long and its approach road each on Yangon and Mandalay bank is 500 feet long. The motor way is 48 feet wide and pedestrians on both sides of the bridge is 6 feet wide. It can withstand 60 ton loads.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party inspected construction tasks for extending Yangon-Mandalay Union Highway of High Star Public Co Ltd of Olympic Co Ltd and Kanbawza Pathfinder Industries Ltd.
Today, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than left Taungoo for Yangon.
Provisions donated to monasteries and nunneries in North Okkalapa and South Okkalapa Townships
Yangon, 25 Aug
- The ceremony to donate provisions and cash for the funds for 11 Pariyatti Sarthintaiks and three nunneries in North Okkalapa Township of Yangon North District was held at Dhamma Yaungchi Sarthintaik on Shwebon-pwint Pagoda Road, Kyaukyedwin Ward, North Okkalapa Township this morning.
The 11 monasteries were Dhamma Yaungchi, Aungthawady, Hinthada, Mawgyun, Dhamma Theingi Pyawbwe, Dhamma Rek-khita, Thuwunna, Dandayon, Dhammalinkara, Okkalathiri Theinkyaung and ward-2 Chauksetshit monasteries. The three nunneries were Zeyatheingi, Sasanamizari and Maniyadana. Presiding Sayadaw of Dhamma Yaungchi Pariyatti Sarthintaik member Sayadaw of State Central Working Committee of the Sangha Dwipitakadhara Agga Maha Gandhavacaka Pandita Bhaddanta Agga Dhamma administered the Five Precepts.

Next, Maj-Gen Thein Sein, the ministers, the deputy ministers, senior military officers and departmental heads presented the donations of cash and kind to the Sayadaws.
On behalf of families of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy, Air Force), Vice Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo, Ayeyawady Naval Region Command Headquarters Commander Commodore Maw Thein, Colonel General Staff (Air) Col Zin Yaw presented offertories to Sayadaws and nuns.
Next, YCDC, the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Yan-gon Division/ Yangon East District and North Okkalapa Township Peace and Development Councils, Myanma Salt and Marine Chemicals Enterprise, Myanma Fishery Association and Yangon Division Fishery Association and wellwishers donated rice, 1,550 viss of salt, 155 tubes of tooth paste. Altogether 600 boxes of Kay Thi Pan medicated balm, 450 boxes of Htet Lin digestive medicines, 360 boxes of Htun Shwe Wa embrocation, 216 bottles of Kyaw
medicines, 144 boxes of Hmancho medicines, 48 boxes of Pyilonchantha medicines were presented to officials.
U Tin Win, Daw Mya Yi Nanda and family donated rice and 10 packets of Durian-jam.
Wellwishers also made cash donations towards the funds. The donations were K 140,000 each by Families of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy, Air) and Myanma Economic Holdings Ltd; K 42,000 by Yangon Division Peace and Development Council; K 140,000 by Ayeyamyay Industries and Kyaw Pharmacy, K 100,090 by U Thein Maung, Daw Pa Pa of Sandi traditional medicine; K 100,000 each by U Tin Win of Myanmar Pyithahay KN Co Ltd, Thamada robes, U Thaing Win-Daw Htay Htay Nyunt of BTB Co, Win Yadana travel agency, Shwepaukkan Myothit Peace and Development Council and wellwishers; K 70,000 each by Htet Lin medical house and U Aung Mon- Daw Hla Hla Maw (Myint Myat rice trading); K 60,000 by Pyilonchantha medical house; K 50,000 by Sun Myanmar Co Ltd; 30,000 by Myanmar Fishery Association and Yangon Division Fishery Association; K 50,000 by Kaba Kyaw plastic industry; K 30,000 by Daw Hla Hla of Lanmadaw Township, 20,000 each by Hmancho medical house, Tun Shwe Wa medical house, Kay Thi Pan medical house and North Okkalapa Township Maternal and Child Welfare Association; K 11,900 by U Tin Win and family of Dagon International Co; and K 10,000 by U Yan Naing of Sayagyi Co.
Chief of Staff (Air) Col Zin Yaw of the Ministry of Defence explained donations.
Then, Director-General U San Lwin of Department for Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana supplicated religious matters. Afterwards, the Presiding Sayadaw of Dhamma Yaungchi Pariyatti Sarthintaik delivered a sermon, followed by sharing of merits gained.
Today donations include 409 bags of rice, 312 viss of edible oil, 1,550 viss of salt, 155 bottles of fine salt, 1,458 bottles of traditional medicines, 10 packets of Durian-jam, 156 viss of beans & pulses and K 1,992,990.
A similar ceremony to present provisions to Mandalay, Yadana Theingi, Shwe Taung Maw, Dhamma Deikhtan, Maha Ghandhayon, Yadana Dipan and Sein Yadana Sarthintaiks in South Okkalapa Township was held at Mahamuni Dhammayon of Okkalapa Pagoda on Thanthuma Road in South Okkalapa Township this afternoon.
The ceremony was attended by member of the State Peace and Development Council Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein Sein.
Presiding Sayadaw of Yadana Theingi Sarthintaik Chairman of Township Sangha Nayaka Committee Bhaddanta Nandamala administered the Five Precepts.
Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein Sein, the deputy minister for Religious Affairs, senior military officers and departmental heads presented provisions to the Sayadaws.
Next, on behalf of families of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy, Air), Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo, the commander of Ayeyawady Naval Region Command Headquarters and Chief of Staff (Air) Col Zin Yaw presented offertories to Sayadaws and nuns.
Ministry of Religious Affairs, YCDC, Yangon Division/Yangon East District and South Okkalapa Township Peace and Development Councils, Myanmar Fishery Association, Yangon Division Fishery Association, departments in South Okkalapa Township and social organizations presented rice, edible oil, beans & pulses; Myanma Salt and Marine Chemicals Enterprise, iodized salt and bottles of fine salt; and Pyilonchantha medical house, Htet Lin medical house, Tun Shwe Wa medical house, Kyaw Traditional Medicine, Kay Thi Pan medical house and Hmancho medical house, traditional medicines to Sayadaws.
Then, cash donations were made for trust funds of seven Sarthintaiks.
Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein Sein, the deputy minister and senior military officers accepted donations: K 70,000 each by families of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy, Air) and Myanma Economic Holdings Ltd; K 21,000 by Yangon Division Peace and Development Council; K 100,000 by U Tin Win of Myanmar Pyithahay KN Co Ltd; K 25,000 by Yangon Division and Yangon East District Peace and Development Councils; K 70,000 each by BTB Co, Thamada robes, Htet Lin medical house, Kyaw traditional medicines and Ayeyamyay industries; K 65,000 by wards Peace and Development Councils in South Okkalapa Township; K 60,000 by U Bo Gyi; K 50,000 each by Win Yadana travel agency, U Maung Maung-Daw Swe Swe Latt, Kaba Kyaw plastic industry; K 35,000 each by Sun Myanmar Int'l Co, U Aung Mon-Daw Hla Hla Maw (Myint Myat rice trading), K 30,000 each by Myanmar Fishery Association and Yangon Division Fishery Association and Daw Hla Hla of Lanmadaw township and donations made by others.
Chief of Staff (Air) Col Zin Yaw of the Ministry of Defence explained donations.
Then, Director-General Dr Myo Myint of Religious Affairs Department supplicated religious matters. Afterwards, the Presiding Sayadaw of Mandalay Sarthintaik delivered a sermon, followed by sharing of merits gained.
Today's donations included 157 bags of rice, 104 viss of edible oil, 500 viss of salt, 50 bottles of fine salt, 1,290 bottles of traditional medicines, 157 viss of beans & pulses, 10 packets of Durian-jam and K 1,382,900.
Provisions donated to monasteries and nunneries in Bahan Township
Yangon, 25 Aug - The ceremony to present provisions and to set up trust funds for 16 Pariyatti Sarthintaiks and 4 nunneries in Bahan Township here was held at Maha Visuddhayon Sarthin-taik in Bahan Township of Yangon West District this morning.
The congregation received the Five Precepts from the Yaw Sayadaw. Then, Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein Sein, Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe, Minister Maj-Gen Sein Htwa, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko, Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo, Commodore Maw Thein and senior military officers presented provisions to the Sayadaws.
Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo, Commodore Maw Thein and Lt-Col Chan Maung of Commander-in-Chief (Army)Ős Office presented 546 bags of rice, 218 viss of edible oil, 436 viss of peas and 2,154 viss of iodized salt donated by families of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy, Air) and wellwishers to Sayadaws.
Tatmadaw families, Myanma Salt and Marine Chemicals Enterprise, Dr Aung Win and Daw Su Su Aung, Traditional Medicine Practitioner U Bo Gyi, Htet Lin medical house, Myanma Rice Merchants and Rice Dealers Association, U Nyein and Daw Ohn Kyin of OK rice trading, Hmancho medical house, Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telegraphs, Dr Aye Kyaw of Kyaw Pharmacy, Daw Htay Myint of Shwe Nan Myint medical house, Kay Thi Pan medical house, Dagon U Tin Win, Sandi traditional medical house, departmental heads and wellwishers also presented provisions of rice, salt, edible oil, medicines, pulses & beans and ball-pens to the Sayadaws.
They then made cash donations towards the funds. Families of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy, Air) and Myanma Economic Holdings Ltd donated K 190,000 each; Ayeyamyay Industries, K 300,000; U Mya Han-Thiri Thudhamma Theingi Daw Khin Sabe (Fortune IntŐl), K 300,000; Dr Aye Kyaw (Kyaw Traditional Medicine Ltd), Asia Express U Win Sein, Thiha Thudhamma Manijotadhara U Than Naing-Thiha Thudhamma Theingi Daw Kyi Kyi Swe (Thamada robes), U Thaing Win-Daw Htay Htay Nyunt (BTB Co), U Bo Gyi-Daw Than Than (Pyilonchantha Shwepadaetha medical house), and U Pwint Kaung-Agga Maha Thiri Thudhamma Theingi Daw Khin Nwe Yee (Shwe Pazun), K 200,000 each; U Tin Wan (Mahasi), K 102,500; U Thein Maung-Daw Pa Pa (Sandi Traditional Medicine), K 200,090; U Khin Maung Tun (Htet Lin medical house), U Maung Maung Oo and brothers (Great Wall medical house), U Aung Mon-Daw Hla Hla Maw (Myint Myat paddy enterprise), U Tin Win-Daw San Win (KN Co), and Win Yadana travel agency, K 100,000 each; Yangon Division Peace and Development Council, K 60,000; U Shaung-Daw Shwe Zin (Gold Uni), U Myo Aung-Daw Khin Yee Mon (Sun Myanmar Int'l), U Maung Maung Kywe-Daw Mawli Tin (a) Daw Swe Swe Latt, U Nyein-Daw Ohn Kyin (OK rice trading), and Nyein Chan Bus Line Supervisory Committee, K 50,000 each; Daw Hla Hla of Lanmadaw Township, K 30,000; Dagon U Tin Win (Dagon/Myanmar Co Ltd), K 21,800; Hmancho medical house and Kaythipan medical house, K 20,000 each; Saya San Ward Peace and Development Council, K 15,000; Dr Pe Nyan (Adviser to Ministry of Culture), U Kyaw Yin-Daw Yin Ngwe, Daw Htay Myint (Shwe Nan Myint medical house), U Yan Naing-Daw Yee Yee Thein, and Yedanashay Ward Maternal and Child Welfare Association, K 10,000 each; and Bahan Ward MCWA, K 3,000 to the officials.
Col Tha Han of the Ministry of Defence explained donations.
Then, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko supplicated religious matters. Afterwards, the Yaw Sayadaw delivered a sermon, followed by sharing of merits gained.
Today's donations include 577 bags of rice, 218 viss of edible oil, 436 viss of peas, 4,354 viss of iodized salt, 200 bottles of fine salt, 1,974 bottles of various traditional medicine and K 3,412,390.
( 3
) Minister meets Bangladeshi

Yangon, 25 Aug - Minister for National Planning and Economic Development U Soe Tha met Minister of Transport of Bangladesh Mr Barrister Nazmul Huda arriving here on a goodwill visit at the ministry this afternoon.
Chinese tourism delegation arrives

Yangon, 25 Aug - At the invitation of the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism, a ten-member delegation led by Vice-Mayor Mr Lei Xiaoming of Kunming Municipal People's Government arrived here at 1 pm today.
They were welcomed at Yangon International Airport by Director-General of Directorate of Hotels and Tourism U Khin Maung Latt and officials and officials of the Embassy of the
People's Republic of China.
The delegation, together with officials of MHT, visited and paid homage to the Shwedagon Pagoda this evening.
Then, Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin hosted a dinner in honour of the delegation at the Traders Hotel on Sule Pagoda
Bangladeshi Minister arrives
Yangon, 25 Aug - Minister of Transport of Bangladesh Mr Barrister Nazmul Huda arrived here on a goodwill visit by air this afternoon.
The Bangladeshi minister was welcomed at Yangon International Airport by Minister for National Planning and Economic Development U Soe Tha, Bangladeshi Ambassador to Myanmar Mr Ahmed Rahim and officials of the Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development.
( 4
) CPT Minister leaves
for Philippines

Yangon, 25 Aug - Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw left here by air this afternoon to attend the Second ASEAN Telecommunications Ministers, Meeting to be held in the Philippines, on 27 and 28 August.
The minister was seen off at Yangon International Airport by Minister for Finance and Revenue U Khin Maung Thein, Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin, departmental heads of Myanma Posts and Telecommunications and Directorate of Telecommunication and family members.
Also included in the delegation was Assistant General Manager U Zaw Tint of MPT.
Ambassador U Kyaw Tint Swe presents Credentials to President of Mexico
Yangon, 25 Aug - U Kyaw Tint Swe, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Union of Myanmar to the United Mexican States, presented his credentials to His Excellency Mr Vincente Fox Quesada, President of the United Mexican States on 13 August 2002 in Mexico City.
( 5 )
Construction Minister inspects roads, bridges in Ayeyawady Division

Yangon, 25 Aug
- Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, accompanied by Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Myint Thein and officials of Public Works inspected Sarmalauk-Kazen-Tarkwae road and Bo Myat Tun bridge approach road and Yangon-Pathein road in Ayeyawady Division on 16 August.
The minister and party heard reports on maintenance of road sections during the rainy season, tasks so far being carried out, future tasks to be implemented in open season reported by Ayeyawady Division Superintending Engineer of Road Special Group-16 U Kyaw Htay and Deputy Superintending Engineer U Ye Tun and the minister gave instructions on maintenance of roads in the rainy season, preparation for future tasks to be undertaken in open season and collection of road materials in advance to them.
Then, the minister and party left there and heard reports on maintenance of Pantanaw-Shwelaung Wakema road section in the rainy season and future tasks explained by Maubin District Senior Engineer U Kyaw Shein and Myaungmya District Senior Engineer U Myint Swe and the minister gave instructions on present and future tasks to them.
Next, at the briefing hall of Wakema bridge construction site, the minister and party heard reports on completion of reinforced concrete flooring tasks of approach structure of Wakema bridge (Yangon bank), installation of the reinforced concrete beam, installation of the iron beam and flooring tasks of the main bridge and approach roads being carried out explained by Deputy Superintending Engineer U Khin Maung Sei and the minister gave instructions on present and future tasks to be completed in time and viewed round the construction site.
Afterwards, the minister and party arrived at Lanthamile bridge construction site and inspected construction tasks and heard reports on progress of work by Deputy Superintending Engineer U Khin Maung Sei and gave necessary instructions to the officials.
( 6 ) Rail Transportation Minister
attends consecration ceremony
Yangon, 25 Aug - A ceremony to consecrate Bagan ancient pagoda No (285) renovated by Ministry of Education and Ministry of Rail Transportation was held at No 1 guest house of Bagan Station at 7 am on 24 August, attended by Minister for Rail Transportation U Pan Aung and wife Daw Nyunt Nyunt Lwin, Deputy Minister for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung, directors-general and managing directors of Transport Planning Department, Road Transport Administration Department and Road Transport, principal, officials and guests.
Then, the congregation received the Five Precepts from Bagan Township Thatbyiinyu Sayadaw Bhaddanta Naninda and the wellwishers offered offertories to members of the Sangha.
Next, NyaungU Township Gukyaung Sayadaw State Ovadacariya Aggha Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Jagara delivered a sermon and this was followed by sharing of merits gained by those present, which brought the ceremony to an end.
( 7 ) Minister inspects
livestock breeding farms
Yangon, 25 Aug - Minister for Livestock and Fisheries
Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein, together with Managing Director of
Livestock, Feedstuff and Dairy Products Enterprise U Khin Maung Aye and
officials, visited the poultry farm in Mingaladon Township here
General Manager of Livestock, Feedstuff and Dairy
Products Enterprise Dr Than Shwe reported on arrangements for production
of new chicken strains. The minister gave instructions and inspected the
farm. Then, the minister and party went to the central training school
of the Union Solidarity and Development Association in Nyaung-hnapin,
Hmawby Township. The minister inspected fish ponds there and gave
instructions on the development of the fish/meat sector. Afterwards, the
minister and party proceeded to the layer breeding farm in Ngasutaung,
Hlegu Township.
Deputy General Manager Maj Than Shwe and Managing
Director U Khin Maung Aye reported on the breeding of layers and
distribution of eggs. The minister attended to the requirements and
inspected the farm. Next, the minister and party went to the duck farm
in Ngasutaung. Manager Dr Thein Win reported on the breeding of ducks.
The minister fulfilled the requirements and inspected the farm. The
minister and party also inspected the agricultural and livestock
breeding farm of Myanma Yaungni Oo Company (Ngasutaung).
( 8
Yangon North District Myanma Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions open
Yangon, 25 Aug - The opening ceremony of the Tenth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions was held at the hall of Public Works in Insein Township this morning, attended by Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe.
First, Lt-Col San Ma Tu formally opened the competitions and spoke. Then, Ma Zalat Phyu, Maung No No Lapyi and Gold Medallist (Amateur Level) Ma Aye Aye Maw performed dances. The commander presented gifts to the performers. A total of 58
participants 42 in amateur level, 16 in professional level are taking part in the competitions which continue tomorrow.
( 9
) 62,620 stimulant tablets and drugs seized
Yangon, 25 Aug - A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit, Mandalay Special Anti-Drug Squad, acting on a tip-off, on 2 July searched the house of Aike Shwe Aung (a) Aike Lun of No 3/45, Nawarat Lane, between 40th and Gantgaw Streets, Maha Myaing Ward-1, Maha Aungmyay Township and seized 62,620 stimulant tablets, a bottle of anthranilic acid containing 0.5 kilo, a bottle of pholcodine containing 0.5 litre, a bottle of phensedyl containing 30 mill litre, 0.5 kilo of paraphin
wax and seven numbers of paraphernalia together with the arrests of
eight men Aike Shwe Aung, Maung Hte, Aike Shin, Maung Aye (a) Chein Yon Chin, Bauk Kan, Kyi Win, Soe Phyu and Mar Yu Chi.
In connection with the case, action is being taken against Aike Shwe Aung (a) Aike Lun, 32, son of U Ba Lwe Sein, Aike Shin, 30, son of U Law Aike of Ward-3, Muse Village, Tangyan, Maung Aye (a) Chein Yon Chin, 45, son of U Chin Hla of Room No 1, Building-2, Yuzana Lane, Aungmye-thazan Township, Maung Hte, 30, son of U Aike Lu of No 45, corner of 11th and 81st Streets, Amara Htarne East Ward, Aungmyethazan Township, Mar Yu Chi, 31, son of U Aike Maung of Matmann Chan Village, Pansan, Bauk Kan, 29, son of U Tun Shin Kyein of Ward-5, Lashio, Kyi Win (a) Chi Tin Shoke, 53, son of U Chi Mekyu of Mayga Giri Ward, Aungmyethazan Township and Soe Phyu (a) Ar Phyin, 29, son of U Hla Tha of, Ward-5, Lashio,
by No 9 Police Station, Mandalay, under section 15/19 (A)/21 of
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Drug dealers sentenced
Yangon, 25 Aug - A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Yangon Special Anti-Drug Squad, acting on information, searched the house of Lin Kyi (a) Jala, No 618, Moe Sanda-1 Street, Ward-26, Dagon Myothit (South) Township and seized 163.29 grams of marijuana on 13 November 2001. In connection with the case, Dagon Myothit (South) Township Police Station opened the case against Lin Kyi, 23, son of U Sein Lay, under section 15/19(A)/20(A) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Then, Yangon East District Court sentenced him to 20
year's imprisonment under section 19 (A) on 24 June 2002.
Likewise, on 22 March 2002 a combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Muse Special Anti-Drug Squad, acting on a tip-off, searched the house of Ma Jee (a) Maywal, Manhaing Village, Muse Township and seized eight grams of heroin and 150 stimulant tablets. In connection with the case, Action was taken against her, 24, daughter of U Marittan, under section 15/19 (A) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by Muse Police Station. On 28 June 2002 Muse District Court handed down 20
year's imprisonment on her under section 19 (A).