1 ) Local farmers urged to effectively use good foundations laid down by State to boost per acre yield of crops
Extra success achieved in agricultural sector contributes to national economic growth
Phaunggadaw Dam in Ngazun Township, Myingyan District,
Mandalay Division, commissioned into service
The opening ceremony of Phaunggadaw Dam
Yangon, 22 Aug - The opening ceremony of Phaunggadaw Dam in Ngazun Township, Myin-gyan District, Mandalay Division, was held at the pandal near the dam yesterday morning. Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence attended the ceremony and made a speech.

First, Maj-Gen Ye Myint made a speech. He said the dam was built on Phaunggadaw Creek near Phaunggadaw village in Ngazun Township. Its irrigation capacity is 2,000 acres. Ngazun Township lies in Myingyan District in the dry Anya region, and gets only 20 inches of rain per year. Despite the
township's location which is near the Ayeyawady River, the local farmers had to work hard due to the uncertain weather.
Thus, Head of State Senior General Than Shwe gave guidance on laying down and implementing the Nine Districts Greening Project to supply cultivation and drinking water in the dry Anya region and to beautify it. The project which has been drawn with the aim of bringing practical benefits to the dry region is gaining success due to the collective efforts of the government bodies and the public.

The number of districts covered by the project has been extended to 13, and it has become a dry region greening project.
After making survey on the volume of natural water resources in Anya region, the government has been building dams, river water pumping stations and ground water pumping stations, using a large amount of money. The government is trying to implement plans step by step to make use of the natural water resources of the dry region, pouring a lot of cash into the irrigation projects.
In Mandalay Division alone, the government has built 33 dams including the Phaunggadaw Dam since 1988 at a cost of over K 6,800 million. The facilities are now irrigating about 323,000 acres of crops.
The Tatmadaw government has build 13 dams including Phaunggadaw, Myo-tha, Zeedaw, Pinchaung, Welaung, Taungtha, North Pinle and South Pinle dams in Myingyan District alone. In addition to the dams, the government is also implementing river water pumping projects. Some of the projects are, Kyauktalone, Hsindat and Ngazun-3 water pumping projects in Ngazun Township and Hsimigon-1, Hsimigon-2 and Hsekaninn projects in Myingyan Township. Letpanchebaw and Lawkananda water pumping stations are in construction stage.
Due to the government's efforts to build good foundations to supply water, the seasonal cultivation fields have become paddy fields, and the farmers who had never grown paddy in the past are now cultivating the crop.
The local farmers will have to effectively use the good foundations laid down by the State in their efforts to boost per acre yield of the crops. Efforts are required to increase the per acre yield of paddy and other crops to a significant degree. Farmers are required to grow crops in accord with the methods disseminated by the departments concerned to boost per acre yield to reach 100 baskets per acre for paddy, 15 baskets per acre for groundnut, 15 baskets per acre for sesame and over 300 viss per acre for long staple cotton.
As Mandalay division is a producer of a large amount of paddy, cotton, sugarcane, edible oil crops and kitchen crops, it is included in the most economically reliable regions of the nation. The people of Mandalay are urged to strive more as extra success achieved in the agricultural sector will contribute to national economic growth.
The government led by Senior General Than Shwe while implementing the dry region greening project is also striving to realize the aims of the five rural development tasks. Thus, transport from Ngazun to Myotha, TadaU, Kyaukse, Natoegyi, Hsimigon and Myingyan has become easier.
Only when there is development in the rural areas, will there be also progress in the towns which are relying on the rural products, thereby leading to advancement of the whole nation and narrowing the gap between urban and rural. Moreover, the nation will become prosperous and developed.
Hence, the government is spending millions of kyats in giving priority to implementing the irrigation and greening projects, aiming not only at serving the interests of the present era, but also handing down the good heritage to the future generations.
The government and people have to make much efforts to achieve a success and lay a good foundation in carrying out the nation-building tasks. They have never relied on any other country. Because of the
State's leadership, the people's participation and the government
employee's efforts the prospects are bright for the nation's future development.
In line with the arrangements of the government, the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation has made efforts to implement 137 water supply projects including Phaunggadaw Dam by building one dam a month; as a result, clusters of dams have emerged all over the nation; irrigated areas have been linked with one another.

Previously, there were 138 irrigation facilities all over the nation, and they supplied water for 1,360,000 acres of land; in the time of the present government, another 137 dams have been built, and can supply water for 3,350,000 acres of land.
River-water pumping projects are also being implemented. In 1988, crops were cultivated on only 12% of 20 million acres of land with the water of the dams. Now 19% of over 26 million acres of land are being put under crops with the water of the dams.
These projects are being implemented with the use of money, man power and a lot of materials in a short time. This reflects the goodwill of the head of State towards the people.
Agricultural work has been successful in Mandalay Division, central Myanmar. Therefore, local people need to keep this tradition alive by using dams in cultivation crops. Phaung Gadaw Dam, constructed as of July 2001 at a cost of K 176 million, can irrigate 2,000 acres of land. To harness 6,750 acre-feet of water from Phaung Gadaw Creek which has watershed-areas of 27 square miles, an earth embankment, 67 feet high and 2,850 feet long, has been built.
The State is pleased as equally as the local people for Anya region where water is essential has got another dam which will be of assistance in agricultural sector.
The region, where the dam now exists, generally received the rainfall about 25 inches for 40 raining days. Rainfall reached 15 inches for 20 raining days in years of bad weather and which made local peasants worried not only about the agriculture but also about the drinking water. Every cultivation resulted in low yield.
In a bid to overcome the life which did rely on rain and to successfully cultivate the crops, the Phaung Gadaw Dam, the second in Ngazun Township, was constructed.
Paddy cultivation lands are being reclaimed for boosting the State's staple crop. 615,734 acres of monsoon paddy and 149,185 acres of summer paddy
totaling 764,919 acres of lands have been into cultivation in Mandalay Division for the 2001-2002 year, and 647,827 acres of monsoon paddy and 170,524 acres of summer paddy totalling 818,351 acres of lands under the planning stage to be put into cultivation for the 2002-2003 year.
Therefore, crops producers are to make sure systematic utilization of water and to minimize loss and wastage and to preserve the dam for the everlasting existance of trees in the region.

Afterwards, on behalf of the local people, Secretary U Aye Hlaing of Ngazun Township USDA spoke
words of thanks for the opening of the dam to the government.
Then, Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Commander Brig-Gen Ye Myint, Minister Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin and guests took the position in front of the stone plaque of the dam, and Minister Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin formally unveiled the stone plaque.
Next, Maj-Gen Ye Myint, together with the commander and the minister, formally opened the dam. Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party inspected round the dam and the ceremony came to a close.
The dam, with 2850-feet long and 67-feet high earthen embankment and storage capacity of 1,100 acre-feet to 7900 acre-feet, situated 1.7 mile east of Phaungkadaw Village in Ngazun Township, Myingyan District, Mandalay Division, and can irrigate 2,000 acres of land and will prevent 180 acre of cultivated land form floods in the rainy season.
The dam was built by Construction Group 7 of the
Irrigation Department starting from July 2001.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint inspects road works and
regional development tasks
Yangon, 22 Aug - State Peace and Development Council member Maj-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence, inspected the upgrading of TadaU-Myotha road section near Yaykamoe Village on TadaU-Myotha road this morning.
Deputy Superintending Engineer U Aung Ngwe of Road Construction Special Group-13 of Public Works and officials reported to Maj-Gen Ye Myint on construction of the 16-mile long TadaU-Myotha road section.
Then, Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party inspected the paving and tarring of TadaU-Myotha road section of NyaungU-Myingyan-TadaU road. Mandalay Division Superintending Engineer U Sai Thein Maung, Deputy Superintending Engineer U Aung Ngwe and officials reported to Maj-Gen Ye Myint on the tasks being carried out and future tasks.
Afterwards, Maj-Gen Ye Myint arrived at Mile Post No 483/7 of TadaU-Myingyan road between Kywe Sein Village and Nawarat Village where he inspected the paving and tarring of the road section and heard reports on condition of construction works by Myingyan District Superintending Engineer Daw Tin Nwe Aye and officials.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party then inspected the thriving cotton and Pezinngon plantations of farmer U Paw Mya at the entrance to Ngazun. After hearing reports on cultivation tasks by Ngazun Township Myanma Cotton and Sericulture Enterprise Manager U Than Nyunt and officials, Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party met district/township level departmental officials at the hall of Ngazun Township Peace and Development Council.
Also present on the occasion were Myingyan District Peace and Development Council member U Nyunt Myint Than and party, Township Peace and Development Council Chairman U Myint Ko Than and party, departmental officials, members of USDA, MCWA, WVO, Red Cross and Auxiliary Fire Brigade.
Myingyan District Peace and Development Council member U Nyunt Myint Than briefed Maj-Gen Ye Myint on the geographical features of the district, condition of economic, social and rural area development tasks.
Township Agriculture Manager U Aung Win and Myingyan District Land Records Department Staff Officer U Aung Hlaing also
made reports on cultivation and land to Maj-Gen Ye Myint. After hearing reports on tasks of respective departments in the township, Maj-Gen Ye Myint made a speech. He said Phaungkadaw dam was built in accordance with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe and local people and authorities are to strive for water supply that will contribute to development of economy. They are also to implement the five rural area development tasks and to maintain roads under construction and roads already completed, he pointed out.
At a time when priority is being given to rural area development tasks, local people and authorities concerned are to strive for successful implementation of regional development tasks, he said.
In the afternoon, Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party visited Ngazun Township Hospital and were conducted around there by Medical Superintendent Dr San San Tint and officials.
In the evening, he arrived in Mandalay and there paid obeisance to Dekkhina Rama Phayagyi Taiknaya Kyaung Presiding Sayadaw Abhidhaja Saddhammajotika Bhaddanta Maedhiya-bhivamsa, Masoeyein Taikthit Dhammakaya Kyaung Sayadaw Vice-Chairman Sayadaw of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Abhidhaja Maha Rahta Guru Bhaddanta Sirinandabhivamsa, Masoeyein Taikhaung Vinaya Nayu Padetha Kyaung Maha Nayaka Masoeyein Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Pan–asamibhivamsa and Maha Visuddayon Taikthit Zeya Maedini Waso Kyaung Sayadaw Joint Shwekyin Sasanabaing Abhidhaja Maha Rahta Guru Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Aggiya and offered provisions to the Sayadaws.
Then, he spent the night there.
This morning, he met division level departmental officials and officials from ministries at the hall of Central Command and held a coordination meeting to discuss findings on rural area development tasks in his tour in Mandalay Division from 19 to 22 August.
Present on the occasion were Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Central Command Commander Brig-Gen Ye Myint, Mandalay City Development Committee Chairman Mandalay Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Nay Win, Tactical Operations Commander Col Thein Hlaing of the command, Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Secretary Lt-Col Tin Ohn, senior military officers from the command, officials from ministries and division level departmental officials.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint made a speech and gave necessary instructions. Then, Commander Brig-Gen Ye Myint reported to Maj-Gen Ye Myint on growing of teak along Yangon-Mandalay six-lane highway, arrangements for construction tasks to be carried out in open season, greening tasks for Ngazun Township and drainage system for Mandalay Industrial Zone. Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein also briefed Maj-Gen Ye Myint on arrangements for drainage system in Mandalay. Officials concerned reported to Maj-Gen Ye Myint on arrangements of their respective departments for rural area development tasks.
The meeting came to a close with concluding remarks by Maj-Gen Ye Myint.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party left Mandalay for Yangon by air this morning.
( 2 )
Maj-Gen Tin Aye, Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe inspect
tax-free markets in Yangon
Yangon, 22 August - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Tin Aye of the Ministry of Defence, accompanied by Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe, this morning inspected tax-free markets, gave necessary instructions to officials and fulfilled the requirements.
First, Maj-Gen Tin Aye and the commander arrived at the tax-free market at the corner of Hanthawady and Kyundaw Roads at 6.30 am. Commander of No 3 Military Region Col Yan Naing Oo, Chairman of Yangon West District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Maung Maung Shein and officials welcomed them.
Maj-Gen Tin Aye and the commander and party inspected sales at the vegetables, meat and eggs shops at the market. They also inspected the tax-free market on Pantra Road in Dagon Township and gave instructions to the officials.
Next, they proceeded to the tax-free market on Kyaikkasan Road in Tamway Township, where they were welcomed by Chairman of Yangon East District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Aung Pyi and officials.
Maj-Gen Tin Aye and the commander inspected sale of the vegetables, fish, meat and eggs at the market and gave instructions to the officials.
Later, Maj-Gen Tin Aye and the commander and party arrived at the tax-free market on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road in Yankin Township. Commander of No 2 Military Region Col Tin Oo Lwin and officials welcomed them. Maj-Gen Tin Aye and the commander inspected the sale of goods.
Afterwards, Maj-Gen Tin Aye and the commander went to the Nawaday tax-free market on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road in Mayangon Township. They were welcomed there by Commander of No 1 Military Region Col Khin Maung Soe and officials. Then, Maj-Gen Tin Aye and the commander inspected the vegetable, meat, fish and eggs shops in the market and shops of the tax-free market at Konmyinttha.
Then, Maj-Gen Tin Aye said the producer's tax-free markets are being opened by officials concerned with the aim of enabling the public to consume fresh vegetables and meat and fish at fair prices. He spoke of the need for officials to take measures for ensuring fresh vegetables and meat and fish at the markets and to keep the markets and their surrounding areas clean.
At the tax-free markets in Yangon Division, vegetable shops of the Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Home Affairs, Yangon City Development Committee, regiments and units under Yangon Command, departments, Nyaunghnapin Vegetable and Poultry Farming Special Zone, eggs, chicken and milk shops of the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries, YCDC and Yangon Command, fish shops of Kyimyindine Central Sanpya Fish Market, meat and sea fish shops of the companies and producers, rice shops of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council and Myanmar Rice Wholesalers Association and consumer products shops of the Ministry of Industry-1 are being kept open daily.
( 3
) L&F Minister receives guests
Yangon, 22 Aug - Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein received Secretary of the Committee of Honghe Hani & Yi Nationalities Autonomous Prefecture (CPC) of Yunnan Province, the
People's Republic of China, Mr Yang Guang-cheng and party, together with Chinese Ambassador to Myanmar Mr Li Jin Jun, at his office this evening.
Mines Minister receives guests
Yangon, 22 Aug - Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint received visiting Chairman of Korea-Myanmar Friendship Association Prof Dr Kim Jung Ho and party at his office this afternoon.
( 4
) A&I Minister inspects dams, supply of water
in Mandalay Division
Yangon, 22 Aug - Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin inspected Myotha Dam in Ngazun Township, Mandalay Division, yesterday morning.
Then, the minister inspected the canal which can irrigate 300 acres of crop land near Yitkan Village, Myittha Township.
The minister also inspected the cultivation of paddy using water from that canal and gave instructions on growing such crops as cotton, sugarcane and beans and pulses in regions where water can be supplied.
Next, the minister and party arrived at the Sama Reservoir built on Samon river near Myittha and inspected the storage of water and supply of water there.
The minister and party went to the cotton mill of Myanma Cotton and Sericulture Enterprise in Myittha and oversaw the work process there.
Later, the minister and party proceeded to the work site of Myanma Agricultural Machinery Industries, where he heard reports by officials on installation of machinery at the factory buildings.
Afterwards, the minister and party inspected the installation of machinery to produce machines at workshop-1, 2 and 3 and the
( 5 )
Agriculture and livestock breeding tasks inspected in Aung San
Yangon, 22 Aug - Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe inspected progress of agriculture and livestock breeding works being undertaken by the local battalion at Aung San in Insein Township, Yangon North District, this afternoon.
The commander was welcomed by Commander of No 3 Military Region Col Yan Naing Oo, Commanding Officer of local battalion Lt-Col Ye Aung and officials.
Then, the commander viewed the reproduction of pigs and pig farming by the companies, breeding of Labeo rohita, zalavia, river catfish and fish larva at the fish ponds, breeding of broilers. Lt-Col Ye Aung reported on agriculture and livestock breeding works being carried out by the battalion.
After hearing the report, Maj-Gen Myint Swe gave instructions on sales of the products from the farming to Yangonites through tax-free markets.
The local battalion has cultivated 12 arces of vegetables, is breeding 598 pigs, over 17,000 broilers, and 32 acres of fish breeding ponds selling the produce to people through tax-free markets here.
Cash and gifts presented to Tatmadawmen
Yangon, 22 Aug - A ceremony to make donation in cash and kind for the Tatmadawmen discharging national defence duty at the far-flung areas of the country was held at Thirikhittaya Yadana City Hall in Pyay, Bago Division (West) on 19 August morning.
Brig-Gen Soe Nwe accepted the donation in cash and gifts presented by wellwishers including wafers worth K 700,000 donated by U Zaw Lwin Oo, U Zaw Min Oo and Daw Thin Thin Maw of Golden Owl Bakery in Ywabe Ward, Pyay, K 100,000 by division, district and township level administration departments and cash donated by shopkeepers, merchants, staff of Myanma Agriculture Service and entrepreneurs in the town. Staff Oficer (Grade-1) Lt-Col Win Naing and commanding officers of the local regiments and battlions accepted the donation of wellwishers from Pyay, Paukkaung, Paungde, Thegon/Shwedaung, Thaya-wady, Letpadan, Minhla, Okpo, Gyobingauk, Zigon and Nattalin.
Brig-Gen Soe Nwe spoke words of thanks to the wellwishers. Today's donation of wellwishers from 14 townships in Bago Division (West) totalled K 4,567,880.
( 6 ) MMCWA tailoring course opened

Yangon, 22 Aug - A ceremony to conclude tailoring course No 23/2002 and to open tailoring course No 24/2002 of the Vocational Training Centre, organized by Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association, was held at the multi-purpose meeting hall of the association at the corner of Parami Street and Thanthuma Street in South Okkalapa this morning.

It was attended by MMCWA Chairperson Professor Daw Kyu Kyu Swe, Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe and CEC members, members of the training course supervisory committee, course instructors and trainees.
The chairperson made an address on the occasion. Then, the chairperson and
the vice-chairperson presented certificates to the trainees. The vice-chairperson presented gifts to outstanding trainees Ma Theint Theint Ko and Ma Zin Zin Aye. Next, the trainees presented souvenirs for the centre through Patron of the training course supervisory committee Daw San San Myint.
Afterwards, on behalf of the trainees, two trainees spoke words of thanks.
The trainees paid respects to the chairperson, the vice-chairperson, CEC members, members of the supervisory committee and course instructors, which brought the concluding ceremony to an end. Then, the opening ceremony of the course No 24/2002 followed. Anyone may attend the tailoring courses which are opened every two months. The school fee is K 2,000 per head. Knitting courses will be opened in October in the MMCWA.
Duties assigned to members of MCWA in Sittway
Yangon, 22 Aug - A ceremony to assign duties of giving medicines to tuberculosis patients to the members of the Maternal and Child Welfare Association and to open a DOTS refresher course of Sittway Township, Rakhine State was held at the hall of No 5 BEHS in Sittway Township at 1 pm on 17 August, attended by Patron of the Supervisory Committee for Rakhine State MCWA and wife of the Commander of Western Command Dr Daw Nyunt Nyunt Oo and committee members, TB specialist Dr Daw YinYin, Paediatrictian Dr Myint Myint Thein and doctors, township health officer Dr U Shwe Thein and staff, midwives and members of MCWA.
Patrons of the Supervisory Committee for Rakhine State MCWA Dr Daw Nyunt Nyunt Oo and TB specialist Dr Daw Yin Yin made speeches on the occasion.
After the ceremony, TB specialist Dr Daw Yin Yin lectured on DOTS work to the midwives and members of MCWA.
Educative talks on health held
Yangon, 22 Aug - Under the school health activity programme, educative talks on health of girl teenagers, organized by the Women Chapter (Yangon) of Myanmar Medical Association, took place at Yuzana Hall of No 3 Basic Education High School in Mingala Taungnyunt Township yesterday. Chairperson of the Women Chapter Dr Daw Yee Yee Hla delivered a speech on the occasion.
Then, Vice-Chairperson Daw Khin Lay Gyi gave talks on introductory facts about teenagers; and Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Ohn Lwin, on the health of teenagers. They also replied to the queries raised by the schoolgirls.
( 7 ) Books donated to libraries of IPRD
Yangon, 22 Aug - A ceremony to donate books to the libraries of the Information and Public Relations Department, Ministry of Information, was held at the department on Pansodan Street this morning. Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein accepted the books and spoke words of thanks to the wellwishers.
First, the deputy minister accepted the books donated by the wellwishers and presented certificates of honour to them.
Books donated at the ceremony were 100 copies of "His biography, his life and his
philosophy" by Suddhamajotikadhaja Thiha-thudhammamanijotadhara
U Kyaw Khin Myint
( Maung Yint Kyu-Myaung-mya) and Daw Khin Khin Sein, 1790 assorted books by Hnalonehla Publishing House to mark its 40th anniversary, 5,000 copies of
"World's Champion Sports Journals" by U Ko Ko Maw, 200 copies of "Twantay
Canal" and 170 copies of "Practical Law" by U Kyi Tun (Htan Hlaing), 100
copies of " Gita Ooyin" by U Tin Aye (Dawei) Gita Ooyin, 641 assorted books by U Aye Cho and Daw May May Mya (Mya Zinyaw Medical House), 2,000 copies of
"Hta Lawt Myanmar" by U Thet Oo (Managing Director - Eyarmyay), 446 copies of Panorama Magazine, 75 copies of pamphlets and 1,200 exercise books by U Myat Thu Win (Managing Director- Shwe Mintha Co), 20 assorted books and 123 assorted journals by U Thu Shein and Daw Swe Swe Han (Shwe Mintha Co) and 300 copies of book written by Chit Naing (Psychology) by U Kan Nyunt of No 45, East Paho Street in Bahan Township.
Wellwishers explained the purpose of donation, and the deputy minister spoke words of thanks.
New National Library inspected
Yangon, 22 Aug - Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt arrived at the construction site of the new National Library in Kyaikkasan project site this afternoon. Director-General of the Department of Cultural Institute U Myint Thein Swe, Project Director of Dagon International Construction U Than Shein and officials reported on completion of
"A" building and placing of books and furniture at the library. The deputy minister attended to the requirements, and gave instructions on partition of rooms of
"A" building.
( 8
Myanmar Youth team beat Laos 1-0
Yangon, 22 Aug - ASEAN U-21 invitational soccer tournament for Brunei
Sultan's Cup continued in Brunei today. Myanmar Youth Team beat Lao Youth Team 1-0 in the last match of group-A. Aung Kyaw Tun shot the only goal for Myanmar team at the 13th minute of the second half.
Myanmar team secured the first position in group A matches by winning all 4 matches and gained 12 points. Lao team took the second position in group A matches.
Myanmar team will play against Thai team at the first semi-final match and Indonesia team and Lao team at the second semi-final match on 24 August.
Tourists from Italy arrive

Yangon, 22 Aug - Under the supervision of the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism and the arrangement of Myanmar Lotus Asia Tour Ltd, a Yangon-Phuket-Milan chartered flight with 63 tourists on board landed at Yangon International Airport from Milan, Italy, at 11.5 am today.
The tourists were welcomed at the airport by various national belles from the cultural troupe of the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism, and then they together had a souvenir photo taken.
Director-General of Directorate of Hotels and Tourism U Khin Maung Latt, officials, Managing
Director of Myanmar Lotus Asia Tour Ltd Mr Giulio Mariani and staff also welcomed the tourists at the airport terminal.
The tourists will visit Yangon, Mandalay, Bagan, NyaungU, Pyay, Magway, and Inle region of southern Shan State.
( 9
) Illegal timber seized in Sagaing Division
Yangon, 22 Aug - Acting on the information that timber smugglers were floating down the river timbers of various kinds illegally felled in such townships in Sagaing Division as Homalin, Phaungpyin, Mawlaik, Ka-laywa and Mingin, a combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit, Myanmar Police Force, the Forest Department and local authorities, combed the areas near 20 villages and Thapauk creek, Myaungsin creek and Themalauk creek in Mingin Township from 10 to 14 July in 2002.
They seized 27 logs of teak weighing 13.281 tons, 69 logs of Pyinkadoe weighing 20.318 tons, 1,164 logs of In weighing 698.384 tons totalling 732.344 tons.
Similarly, a combined team consisting of members of the local intelligence unit, Myanmar Police Force and the Forest Department, acting on a tip-off, combed the areas near DaikU Township, Zaloakgyi Village, Kyauk-daga Township, Theinseik Village and Yenwe Creek in Bago Division on 9 July. The team seized illegal sawn timber weighing 25.3844 tons, logs of teak weighing 30.468 tons, sawn Pyingadoe timber weighing 1.88 tons and three illegal saw mills.
The team also seized 88 logs of teak weighing 24.5766 tons near Banbwegon Village and Sangyi Village in Minhla Township on 15 July 2002.
Acting on the tip-off about the carrying of illegal timber from Mandalay to Yangon by timber smugglers, a combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit, Myanmar Police Force and the Forest Department, checked the vehicles at the top of Myitnge Bridge in Amarapura Township, Mandalay Division.
The team seized illegal sawn timber weighing 16.0414 tons with ten-wheeled Isuzu car (9Ka/6262); the team also seized illegal sawn timber weighing 12.0862 tons with 12-wheeled Nissan car (4 Kha/2607) at the junction of Yangon-Mandalay Highway and Myingyan motor road in Myittha Township. Sai Tun Myint, owner of illegal timber, of Shop No 129, Aungmyay Mandalar Sports Grounds, between 22nd street and 23rd street and between 90th street and 91st street, Aungmyaythazan Township, Mandalay, ran away. Action is being taken against the owners of illegal timber according to the law.
Drug trafficker gets life imprisonment
Yangon, 22 Aug - The Hpa-an District Court handed down life imprisonment on a drug trafficker on 23 July this year.
The combined team made up of members of the local intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force, acting on information, stopped and searched a Nissan truck with the number plates No 4Kha/1690 at the Thanlwin river bridge (Hpa-an) and seized 6.85 million stimulant tablets on 13 October 2001.
The Hpa-an Police Station opened a case against Kyaw Lin Aung (a) Lee Hsin Lin (a) Ar Lin, 25, son of U Lauk Lu of No 219, Ward 3, Kutkai, under Section 15/19(A)(B) / 20 (A)(B) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
The Hpa-an District Court heard the case and sentenced him to life
imprisonment under Section 19(A).
Marijuana seized in Lewe
Yangon, 22 Aug - A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and local battalion, combed through Thitkyein Village-tract in Lewe Township at 2 am on 30 July and searched two suspects Maung Thein and Tin Win on southern path and seized 33.475 kilos of marijuana.
Further investigation led to the seizure of 3.2656 kilos of marijuana in the house of Shwe Yin and Ma Khin Win Wah of HaymanU Village.
The Thawuthti Police Station is taking action against Maung Thein, 37, son of U Pu of Ma Auk Village in Pyinmana, Tin Win, 46, son of U Tun Shwe of HaymanU Village, Maung Myint, 34, son of U Shein, Shwe Yin, 46, son of U Tun Yee and Ma Khin Win Wah, 33, daughter of U Tun Yee, under Section 15/16(C)/19(A)/21 of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.