1 ) Maj-Gen Ye Myint inspects six-lane Yangon-Mandalay Highway

Yangon, 20 Aug - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence arrived at Mandalay by air yesterday morning.
Next, Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party accompanied by Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Ye Myint left for Meiktila by car and inspected the six-lane Yangon-Mandalay highway and earth work of the Mandalay-Meiktila road section being undertaken by Honpang Construction Co Ltd.
At the briefing hall of Honpang Construction Co Ltd near Meiktila, Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party heard reports on progress of work by managing director U Khin Maung Myint and officials.
Afterwards, Maj-Gen Ye Myint gave instructions on the bypass to be constructed and trees to be planted on either side of the road and attended to their needs.
Next, Maj-Gen Ye Myint inspected earth work being carried out with the use of heavy machinery at the mile post (351/7) of Mandalay-Meiktila road section of the six-lane Yangon-Mandalay highway, the chosen site for the bypass to be constructed, the axis of Wundwin-Kyaukse road
Then, Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party arrived at tar factory and heard reports on completion of earth work and preparation for tarring the road by managing director of Honpang Construction Co Ltd U Khin Maung Myint and officials, designation of the axis of the bypass by Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Ye Myint and Chairman of Kyaukse District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Aung Kyi Shein.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint gave instructions to the officials concerned and arrived back Mandalay.
Billboard put up to hail the
Annual General Meeting of USDA
Yangon, 20 Aug - Hailing the Annual General Meeting 2002 of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, a ceremony to put up a billboard was held in front of Mandalay Division USDA office in Chanayethazan Township, Mandalay, on 15 August morning, attended by Patron of Mandalay Division USDA Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Ye Myint.
Then, USDA member outstanding trainee Maung Myo Ko Ko, outstanding trainee in New Generation Marine Youth Course, and six distinctions winner in 2002 matriculation exam Maung Thu Han Htet formally unveiled the
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Ambassador of Israel calls on Minister for Culture
Yangon, 20 Aug - Ambassador of Israel Mr Yaacov Avrahamy called on Minister for Culture U Tin Winn at the latter office this evening.
L&F Minister meets guests
Yangon, 20 Aug - Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein met President of Texchem Group of Companies of Malaysia Mr Dato Seri Fumihiko Konishi and party at his office this morning.
Malaysian Ministers conclude visit
Yangon, 20 Aug - Visiting Minister of Energy, Communications and Multimedia Dato Amar Leo Moggie and Minister of International Trade and Industry Dato Seri Rafidah Aziz of Malaysia left here by air this afternoon.
They were seen off at Yangon International Airport by Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi, Director-General of Protocol Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Thura U Aung Htet, Malaysian Ambassador to Myanmar Dato Cheah
Sam Kip and officials.
( 3
) Asian solutions and assistance becoming more and more important for nation's future
Rapid advancement in technology, driving force in globalization process
Myanmar-Malaysia Technology Conference concludes

Yangon, 20 Aug - The Myanmar-Malaysia Technology Conference on Business Opportunities and Technology Collaboration between Malaysia and Myanmar continued at six designated venues at Sedona Hotel on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road here today.
Six parallel sessions were conducted under six topics
Utility Management, Health, Education, Information & Communication Technology, Agriculture and Trade & Investment.
Discussions were cordially made and Chairman of Organizing Committee for the Conference Minister at the State Peace and Development Council Chairman's Office Brig-Gen Abel made a closing speech and the conference successfully ended.
The conference was attended by chairmen and members of the work committee and sub-committees for organizing the conference, entrepreneurs, high-ranking officials and entrepreneurs from Malaysia.

The Critical Success Factors for Effective Utility Development session was held at Mindon Hall-3 there and high-level departmental officials from Myanmar, entrepreneurs took part in the discussions. Expert U Win Myint of the Department of Human Settlement and Housing Development of the Ministry of Construction acted as the moderator. Director-General U Soe Myint of the Energy Planning Department of the Ministry of Energy, Director-General of the Department for Civil Aviation of the Ministry of Transport, Head of Department U Tun Than Tun of the City Planning and Land Reclamation Department of Yangon City Development Committee, Director-General Datuk Dr Iskandar Dzakurnain of the Economic Planning Unit of the Prime Minister's Office and Chairman Datuk Ir Mohd Annas Hj Mohd Nor of Energy Commission of Malaysia took part in the discussions and replied to queries raised by those present.
Similarly, the Enhancing Accessibility to Healthcare session was held at Ahlone Hall there.
Director-General Prof Dr Maung Maung Wint of the Department of Medical Science of the Ministry of Health acted as the moderator. Director-General Dr Kyi Soe of the Health Planning Department of the Ministry of Health, Deputy Director-General of Ministry of Health of Malaysia Dato Dr Mohd Ismail Merican took part in the discussions and replied to queries raised by those present.
The Enhancing Accessibility to Education was held at Latha Hall. Director-General U Saw Lwin of the Higher Education Department of the Ministry of Education acted as the moderator. Rector Dr Soe Yin of Yangon University of the Ministry of Education and President Prof Tengku Shamsul Bahrin of Malaysian Association of Private Colleges took part in the discussions and replied to queries raised by those present.
The Bridging Digital Divide: Case Study session was held at Mindon Hall-1 there.
Deputy Secretary-General Ms Suriah Abd Rahman of the Ministry of Energy, Communications and Multimedia, Malaysia, acted as the moderator. President U Thein Oo of Myanmar Computer Federation, Chief Executive Dato Dr Khir Abd Rahman of the Telekom Malaysia Berhad and Senior Vice-President Dr Muhamad Ghazie Ismail of the Multimedia Development Corporation (MDC), Malaysia, took part in the discussions and replied to queries raised by those present.
Likewise, the Value-Addition for Increased Productivity session was held at Dagon Hall there. Secretary-General Dato Abi Musa Assari Mohamed Noor of the Ministry of Agriculture, Malaysia, acted as the moderator.
Director-General U Tin Htut Oo of the Agriculture Planning Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, Group Managing Director Mr Hj Ibrahim Ahmad Badawi of Dewina Berhad and Deputy Group Chairman Dato Mohd Ibrahim Nor of Bernas Berhad, Malaysia, took part in the discussions and replied to queries raised by those present.
The Promoting Trade, Technology and Investment session was held at Ball Room there. Chief Executive Officer Mr Merlyn Kasimir of Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) acted as the moderator.
Director-General U Nyunt Aye of the Directorate of Trade of the Ministry of Commerce, Ambassador (Retd) U Hla Maung, Executive Vice President Mr Hashimi Al Bakri of Bank Bumiputra Commerce Berhad and Chairman Dato Dr Keng Chin Sengim of Pensonic Malaysia took part in the discussions and replied to queries raised by those present.
The conference on Business Opportunities and Technology Collaboration between Malaysia and Myanmar continued.
Speaking on the occasion, Chairman of the Organizing Committee Minister at the State Peace and Development Council Chairman's Office Brig-Gen Abel said: For the past one and a half days we have had very fruitful and knowledgeable sessions which is benefiting this K-economic era.
The fast pace economic interdependence in the region, the strong economic power houses of Japan, the Republic of Korea and the People's Republic of China, brought about the need for a firm foundation for economic integration in our region.
Globalization has led to increasing interaction, interconnectiveness,
interlink ages, integration and interdependence between nations. By being more collaborative, consultative and competitive, this conference have illustrated that governments, the private sectors and the academic can work together in search of ways to take advantage of the opportunities and minimize the negative consequences of globalization.
Myanmar, as others, needs to work towards sustainable development. More and more, Asian solutions and Asian assistance are becoming important for our future. We have learnt a bitter lesson that decision making at the international level disregards the views, concerns and needs of the developing and the least developed countries.
Trade and investments are the basic foundations for economic growth. Her Excellency,
Dato' Seri Rafidah Aziz's presentation is enlightening, to say the least.
Myanmar is an agricultural country and will remain so for sometime. But we cannot remain an
agro-based economy ad infinitum.
As factories rise, so will urban life and demand for effective utility development.
The driving force in the globalization process is the rapid advancement in technology. Bridging the development gap is very very important for regional integration. In the K-economy, the
workers' very survival is a key economic issue. We require a strategic direction to the development of human resource capacity towards national competency.
I hope the participants have not only shared their experiences, but also consolidated their views and opinions. I look forward to the inputs to the government on policy formulation.
Tan Sri Datuk Dr Ahmad Zaharudin Idrus, Joint Chairman of MIGHT and Senior Advisor of Prime Minister's Department of Malaysia, and Tan Sri Datuk Dr Ahmad Tajudin Ali, Joint Chairman of MIGHT, also gave speeches.
Minister Brig-Gen Abel, Tan Sri Datuk Dr Ahmad Zaharudin Idrus and Tan Sri Datuk Dr Ahmad Tajudin Ali presented gifts to moderators and participants of the conference.
Tan Sri Datuk Dr Ahmad Zaharudin Idrus presented a gift to Minister Brig-Gen Abel.
In his concluding address, Minister Brig-Gen Abel said: I think all of you will agree that we had a successful day yesterday; one that will enhance the existing cooperation between Malaysia and Myanmar.
Like the Secretary-1, I am short of words to express how deeply we appreciate that Honourable
Dato' Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad graced this conference with his presence. He assured us that our economies have strengthened through intra-ASEAN trade and investments and through regional collaboration. Malaysia believes of a win-win philosophy which the Prime Minister said is entirely possible, is a vision we must reckon. His statement on the possibilities of Malaysian businessmen, traders and investors coming to Myanmar is very encouraging.
Datuk Amar Leo Moggie's paper gave an insight into the drivers of economic growth in the digital age. We are thankful to him for the explanation of Malaysia's approach for economic growth through MSC. Malaysia's proposed collaboration with Myanmar is highly appreciated. I take this opportunity to express out sincere thanks to Malaysia for the support and assistance in the ICT field. This morning, we had six parallel session, in which businessmen from the two countries exchanged experiences and ideas. The Chair Panel has taken notes on the salient resolutions of each session. We will study these resolutions on depth and after due considerations take necessary actions for the implementation of the resolutions.
The two-day conference is jointly organized by MIGHT, MATRADE and ISI. On behalf of Myanmar, may I express our gratitude and appreciation to these institutions, Tan Sri Datuk Dr Ahmad Zaharudin Idrus and Tan Sri Datuk Dr Ahmad Tajudin Ali, moderators, resource persons, businessmen and participants, and the three secretaries and the Sedona hotel staff, for their contributions toward making the conference a success.
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) Ministry of Health staff families offer
Yangon, 20 Aug
- Staff families of Ministry of Health offered a day's meal and offertories to the members of the Sangha in the State Pariyatti Sasana University (Yangon) here this morning.
It was attended by Rector Sayadaw of the University Agga Maha Gantha-vacaka Pandita Bhaddanta Vannita and members of the Sangha, Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein and wife Daw Yin Yin Myint, Deputy Minister Prof Dr Mya Oo and wife, Deputy Minister Prof Dr Kyaw Myint and wife, directors-general, the deputy directors-general, rectors, medical superintendents and staff families of the ministry, Director U Tun Mra Aung of the Department for Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana and officials.
First, the congregation received the Five Precepts from Sayadaw Bhaddanta Vannita. Then, the minister, deputy ministers and their wives offered offertories to the members of the Sangha.
Maj-Gen Ket Sein presented K 100,000 for a day's meal through U Tun Mra Aung. Then, the rector Sayadaw delivered a sermon. The ceremony came to an end after sharing of merits gained. The minister and party offered soon to the Sayadaws and members of the Sangha.
Minister inspects Yangon-Pathein road
Yangon, 20 Aug - Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, accompanied by Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Myint Thein and officials, inspected maintenance work between mile-posts 0/0 and 21/0 being carried out by Yangon (North) District and road sections being carried out by Road Construction Special Group 4 and 16 on Yangon-Pathein Road on 18 August morning.
Senior Engineer of Yangon (North) District U Kar Daw and Deputy Superintending Engineer U Ye Tun and U Kyaw Htay conducted the minister along the road. The minister gave instructions on implementation of maintenance work and tasks to be carried out in the rainy season and storage of road construction materials. Then, the minister thoroughly looked into the road section between mile-posts 36/0 and 38/0, where the road might be damaged by the floods of the Ayeyawady river, and gave detailed instructions on prevention work.
Yesterday, the minister attended a contract signing ceremony for purchasing suspension bridge construction materials between Public Works of the Ministry of Construction and Ovm Liuzhou Construction Machinery Factory General (OVM) held at the head office of Public Works on Shwedagon
Pagoda Road. First, the minister and the chairman made speeches.
Then, the chairman and Deputy Managing Director (Works) U Soe Aung of Public Works signed the contract and exchanged the documents.
Minister inspects training of athletes

Yangon, 20 Aug - Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint attended the ceremony to present the best national team trophy won by Myanmar at the 55th World Amateur Men's Bodybuild-ing Championships at the National Indoor Stadium -1 in Thuwunna this afternoon.
Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint spoke on the occasion.
Vice-President of International Federation of Bodybuilding and Secretary-General of Asian Body-building Federation Mr Paul Chua also spoke on the occasion. President of Myanmar Bodybuilding and Physical Culture Federation Col Myint Aung reported on the best national team trophy won by Myanmar at the 55th World Amateur Men's Bodybuilding Championships.
Next, Mr Paul Chua presented the trophy to the minister. This morning, the minister inspected training of four Myanmar selected bodybuilders at the training camp of Yangon City Development Committee for participation in the XIV Asian Games. He then gave instructions and presented T-shirts to them.
The minister also met Myanmar men's and women's Sepak Takraw players at the Youth Training Centre in Thuwunna and presented T-shirts to them.
Next, the minister went to the training camp of Myanmar Boxing Federation and inspected training of Myanmar selected boxer Kyaw Swa Aung and new generation boxers. The minister then presented T-shirts to
USDA management course concludes
Yangon, 20 Aug - The conclusion ceremony of the basic management multiplier course No 3/2002 for executives, conducted by Mayangon, Hline and Kamayut Townships Union Solidarity and Development Associations, was held at the Kyaikwaing Youth Training Centre in Mayangon Township this morning.
It was attended by USDA CEC members Col Tin Hlaing and Col Maung Pa, secretaries and executives of Yangon West District and Mayangon, Hline and Kamayut Townships USDAs, district and township level departmental officials, social organizations, wellwishers and trainees.
CEC member Col Tin Hlaing made a speech on the occasion.
Then, Col Tin Hlaing and Col Maung Pa presented prizes to the outstanding trainees.
Next, wellwishers U Khin Zaw-Daw Thida donated sport-shirts worth K 200,000 for the youths of the training centre to Principal U Tha Tun.
Later, Mayangon Township USDA Secretary U Kyi Win presented completion certificates to the trainees.
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Yangon Division USDA holds annual general meeting
Yangon, 20 Aug
- The annual general meeting of Yangon Division Union Solidarity and Development Association took place at the office of the association at the corner of West Myinpyaingkwin Street and Saya San Street in Bahan Township this morning, with an address by Member of the Panel of Patrons of the USDA Patron of Yangon Division USDA Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe.
In his address, the commander said that the number of Division USDA members stood at over 2.8 million. He continued that these members are to be trained and nurtured so as to possess higher qualification. He spoke of the need for the members to enthusiastically participate in the five rural development tasks. The members also need to render assistance in fulfilling
public requirements and solving difficulties and problems. They should pay greater attention to public needs, to co-operate with people and to strengthen public organizational task, he added. In conclusion, the commander called on the members to participate with might and main in building a peaceful, modern and developed nation, to make concerted efforts in order to become a national force on which the entire public can rely.
Then, CEC Member Col Tin Hlaing dealt with formation of Yangon Division USDA with the five objectives, and future tasks.
Next, the commander presented gifts to outstanding member trainees of basic and advanced marine and aviation courses and the members who won prizes in the extempore talks (central level) to mark the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day and the computer quiz, and for outstanding performance in Red Cross and Auxiliary Fire Brigade CEC Members Col Tin Hlaing and Col Maung Pa, to outstanding trainee members of management courses for USDA executives, and outstanding township USDAs; and CEC Member Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung, certificates of honour to the outstanding members.
Afterwards, the cash-donation ceremony followed. A total of 15 wellwishers presented K 1,901,500 for the education promotion project of the five rural development tasks including K 1.1 million and 800 dozens of exercise books donated by U Thein Oo-Daw Khin Khin Sein and family; K 100,000 by Yangon City Development Committee; K 200,000 by Myanmar Crab Entrepreneurs Association; and K 100,000 by Soe Moe Kyaw and Waing Waing Le lottery family to Col Tin Hlaing and Col Maung Pa, who then presented certificates of honour to them.
After that, Division USDA Secretary U Aye Myint handed over documentaries on carrying out rural development tasks to respective departments, and the first session came to an end.
Later, the second session was held according to the agenda of the meeting.
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Additional prize presented to
Nun Ma Yuzana Nyani
Yangon, 20 Aug - A ceremony to honour Nun Ma Yuzana Nyani who received a gold medal at the first graduation ceremony of BA (Buddhism) in 2001-2002 academic year organized by International Thera-vada Buddhist Missionary University of the Ministry of Religious Affairs, took place at Thameikdodaya Thukhita Yama Daw Nyanasari Myan-aung Nunnery in Sangyaung Township on 18 August.
It was attended by Lt-Gen Tin Oo's wife Daw Khin Than Nwe, the director-general of the Religious Affairs Department, departmental heads, advisors of Myanmar National Working Committee for Women's Affairs, members of the working committee, the chairperson and executives of Myanmar Maternal Child Welfare Association and trainees of ITBMU.
The congregation was then invested with the Nine Precepts by State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Vice-Chairman Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Bhaddanta Silavamsa.
Next, the autobiography of Sayalay Ma Yuzana Nyani was read out.
Lt-Gen Tin Oo's wife Daw Khin Than Nwe, Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung's wife Daw Khin Khin Lay, Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi's wife Daw Khin Ma Aye, Yangon City Development Committee Chairman Mayor U Ko Lay's wife Daw Khin Khin, Chairperson of MMCWA Prof Dr Daw Kyu Kyu Swe, Director-General of the Religious Affairs Department Dr Myo Myint and Myanmar Historian Dr Khin Maung Nyunt presented offertories to members of the Sangha led by the vice-chairman Sayadaw.
Later, Lt-Gen Tin Oo's wife Daw Khin Than Nwe offered the gold medal award given by senior nuns of Thameikdawthukhiyama Daw Nyanasari Myanaung Nunnery to Sayalay Ma Yuzana Nyani, who then spoke words of thanks. Afterwards, ITBMU Pro-rector Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhamo Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kumarabivamsa spoke words of praise. After Mandalay Wizitayon Kyaung Sayadaw Bhaddanta Vicarinda delivered a sermon, the congregation shared the merits gained.
Video Censor Board explains rules and
regulations to video producers
Yangon, 20 Aug - The Video Censor Board of the Ministry of Information met with producers of Myanmar videos and VCDs and explained rules and regulations of the Film and Video Censor Board and action to be taken against those if they break the rules and regulations at Myanmar Motion Picture Enterprise yesterday.
Members of the Video Censor Board discussed the condition of running checks on Myanmar videos and VCDs and facts about rules and regulations which are to be abided by.
( 7 ) Water supply for monsoon paddy inspected
Yangon, 20 Aug - Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Central Command Commander Brig-Gen Ye Myint, arrived at the building on spillway of Thameehla Lake in Wetlain Village in Myittha Township on 18 August afternoon.
The commander inspected water supply to 282 acres of monsoon paddy fields. The building has four water-outlets each of which is 24 feet wide, 5 feet long and 8 feet and 6 inches high. Completion of the building contributes to maintaining water supply for monsoon and summer paddy.
Work coordinated to hold Tenth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts
Competitions in Ayeyawady Division
Yangon, 20 Aug - The second work coordination meeting for Holding the Tenth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions in Ayeyawady Division was held at Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development Council Office in Pathein
yesterday. Commander Brig-Gen Htay Oo made a speech.
Then, Ayeyawady Division In Charge of the Competitions Major Maung Htay reported on programmes of the central level competition and arrangements for participation in it and those of district in charge and members of the leading committee and working committee on work being carried out.
The meeting ended with the concluding remarks by the commander.
Paddy harvesting and monsoon paddy cultivating ceremony held
Yangon, 20 Aug - A ceremony to harvest paddy for the first crop and to cultivate monsoon paddy for the second crop for a year was held at the model farm in Ywathagyi Village-tract, Wetlet Township, Shwebo District, Sagaing Division, on 15 August.
It was attended by Chairman of Sagaing Division Peace and Development Council Commander of North-West Command Brig-Gen Soe Naing, District Chairman Lt-Col Than Han, members of Division, District and Township Agricultural Supervisory Committees and local people.
Manager of Division Myanma Agriculture Service U Thin Aung reported on Manawthukha strain paddy cultivated on over 50,000 acres of land for the first crop with the use of water from Thaphanseik Dam, harvesting of the paddy which is thriving, and arrangements being made for cultivation of monsoon paddy in the fields where the paddy has been harvested for the second crop.
The commander observed the harvesting of paddy for the first cropping, land preparations with the use of machinery, and arrangements being made for the second cropping.
Then, the commander cordially met with local farmers and female paddy transplanters and gave necessary instructions and fulfilled their requirements. Shwebo District has set up the target to cultivate some 980,000 acres of monsoon paddy with the use of water from the Thaphanseik
Dam in the rainy season for the year 2002. Up to 15 August, the district
has cultivated over 0.29 million acres of paddy.
Commander inspects repair of Myitkyina-Bhamo road
Yangon, 20 Aug - Chairman of Kachin State Peace and Development Council Commander of Northern Command Brig-Gen Maung Maung Swe, accompanied by officials, inspected the repair of Myitkyina-Bhamo road and gave instructions to officials at Aungmye-1 Village, Waingmaw Township on 15 August.
At the briefing hall in Aungmye-1 Village, local authorities reported to the commander on tasks being carried out for regional development in cooperation with departments concerned. The commander gave a detailed account of the five rural development tasks being implemented.
Then, after hearing agricultural reports by a manager of Kachin State Agriculture Service, the commander attended to the requirements and presented K 500,000 for purchase of fertilizer to the village head who accepted it on behalf of peasants.
In the afternoon at the guest house of local battalion in Shwenyaungpin village, officials reported to the commander on the construction of Myitkyina-Bhamo road and work requirements. Then, the commander gave instructions and fulfilled the needs. The commander also provided local people who are rendering assistance in the road construction work with foodstuff.
In the briefing hall at the fish breeding project supervised by Kachin State Peace and Development Council in Mot-hlwe village, Waingmaw Township, officials reported to the commander on undertakings of fish breeding work in Kachin State, yearly-planned hatchery and future tasks.
After that, the commander attended to the requirements.
On 16 August, the commander arrived at Mankheinshwesat village together with officials. At the briefing hall of the village, officials reported to the commander on tasks being carried out for preventing erosion along Ayeyawady river and agricultural matters. Next, the commander inspected the plantations along the river.
At the basic middle school of Maingna village, the commander also inspected the plot chosen for a school building to be constructed on a self-reliant basis and coordinated the requirements.
Afterwards, the commander inspected along Ayeyawady
river by powered boat and left instructions on work requirements to
Cash donation ceremony held
Yangon, 20 Aug - A ceremony to present cash for regional development, education, health, and social sectors of Taninthayi Division was held at Pale Yadana Hall in Myeik on 15 August afternoon.
It was attended by Chairman of Taninthayi Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Coastal Region Command Brig-Gen Tha Aye, staff officers of the command, commanding officers of regiments and units of Myeik Station, Division Secretary Lt-Col Khin Maung Nyo, local authorities, members of Union Solidarity and Development Association, social organizations and well-wishers.
A total of 65 wellwishers presented K 10,297,000 to the commander, who then spoke words of thanks.
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MoU on
collaboration of technology in e-Business signed

Yangon, 20 Aug - Memorandum of Understanding on collaboration of technology in e-Business between Myanmar World Distribution Co Ltd of Myanmar and SKALI Co of Malaysia was signed at Hotel Nikko Royal Lake here yesterday.
It was attended by Myanmar e-National Task Force Vice-Chairmen Deputy Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement U Hlaing Win and Civil Service Selection and Training Board member U Aung Myint, Chairman of Myanmar Information and Communication Technology Development Corporation (MICTDC) Col Thein Swe, e-National Task Force members, chairman and members of Multimedia Development Corporation, Malaysia, chairman of SKALI Co and members, managing director of MWD Co Ltd and officials and invited guests.
DatoÕ Dr Othman Yeop Abdullah made an address.
Then, MWD Co Ltd Managing Director Daw Khin San Win and SKALI Co Chairman Tengku Farith Rithauddeen signed MoU. Next, Col Thein Swe and chairman of MDC, Malaysia, also signed the MoU and exchanged the documents.
Then, SKALI Co chairman and managing director of MWD Co Ltd presented souvenirs to Col Thein Swe and chairman of MDC, Malaysia.
Later, the officials concerned replied to the queries raised by the journalists.
Monitoring Committee for CCDAC holds coord meeting
Yangon, 20 Aug - A work coordination meeting of the Monitoring Committee for Working Groups of the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control took place at the meeting hall of the headquarters of Myanmar Police Force this afternoon.
It was attended by Chairman of the monitoring committee Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung, chairmen of the working groups deputy ministers, the deputy attorney-general, secretaries of the working groups directors-general and managing directors, officials of Myanmar Anti-Narcotics Association and Association for Development of Border Areas and guests.
Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung explained the works implemented by the working groups and the sub-working groups of CCDAC in July 2002, and discussed the setting up of the drug free zones in border areas.
Joint-Secretary of CCDAC Police Col Kham Aung reported on works carried out on decisions made by the meeting of the monitoring committee on 17 July.
Then, those at the meeting presented supplementary reports on works being carried out and future tasks.
Then, Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung made closing remarks.
Under the programme of handing down severe sentences, altogether 12,109 persons 10,088 men and 2,021 women were
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) Basketball tourney opens in Taunggyi
Yangon, 20 Aug - The opening ceremony of the year 2002-2003 Defence Services Commander-in-Chief's Shield Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) basketball tournament was held at the gymnasium in Taunggyi, Shan State, on 16 August morning.
Present were Chairman of Shan State Peace and Development Council Commander of Eastern Command Brig-Gen Khin Maung Myint, senior military officers, local authorities, the patron of Shan State MCWA Supervisory Committee the wife of the commander and the committee members, social organizations, officers and other ranks of the regiments and units, and fans.
On behalf of the commander-in-chief of Defence Services, the commander made a speech on the occasion. After the ceremony, the commander and those present watched the match of the commander-in-chief (Navy)'s
office team and the Yangon command team.