1 ) State Peace and Development Council Chairman
Senior General Than Shwe sends felicitations to Republic of Hungary
Yangon, 20 Aug - Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr Ferenc Madl,
President of the Republic of Hungary, on the occasion of the
National Day of the Republic of Hungary which falls on 20 August
( 2 ) Malaysian Prime Minister Dato Seri Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad and wife conclude working visit to Myanmar

Yangon, 19 Aug - Prime Minister of Malaysia Dato Seri Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad and wife Datin Seri Dr Siti Hasmah Haji Mohd Ali left here for home by special aircraft this evening after paying a working visit at the invitation of Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council and Prime Minister of the Union of Myanmar Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing.
Before their departure, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Prime Minister of the Union of Myanmar Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing called on Prime Minister of Malaysia Dato Seri Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad and wife Datin Seri Dr Siti Hasmah Haji Mohd Ali at Seinle Kantha State House at 5 pm. The Senior General and wife presented a documentary photo album and a video tape to the Malaysian Prime Minister.
Malaysian Prime Minister Dato Seri Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad and Senior General Than Shwe exchanged souvenirs.

Together with Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing, Prime Minister of Malaysia Dato Seri Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad and wife Datin Seri Dr Siti Hasmah Haji Mohd Ali left Seinle Kantha State House in a motorcade and arrived at Yangon International Airport at 5.25 pm.
Prime Minister Dato Seri Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad and wife Datin Seri Dr Siti Hasmah Haji Mohd Ali bade farewell to Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San, Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and wife Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe and wife, Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung and wife, Deputy Minister U Khin Maung Win, Myanmar Ambassador to Malaysia U Hla Maung and wife, Director-General of Protocol Department Thura U Aung Htet, Malaysian Ambassador Dato Cheah Sam Kip and wife and the Malaysian Embassy staff and families.
Afterwards, Prime Minister Dato Seri Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad and wife Datin Seri Dr Siti Hasmah
Haji Mohd Ali bade farewell to the Senior General and wife.
School girls at the airport bade farewell to the guests waving miniature flags of the two countries and chanting best wishes for the well-being of the Senior General and wife and Prime Minister Dato Seri Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad and wife Datin Seri Dr Siti Hasmah Haji Mohd Ali and for further strengthening of friendship between the two countries.
Prime Minister Dato Seri Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad and wife Datin Seri Dr Siti Hasmah Haji Mohd Ali boarded the plane and waved goodbye to the Senior General and wife and party.
The special aircraft carrying Prime Minister Dato Seri Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad and wife Datin Seri Dr Siti Hasmah Haji Mohd Ali took off at the airport at 5.50 pm.

The Senior General and wife and party waved farewell to the guests from the VIP lounge.
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia Dato Seri Syed Hamid Albar and wife and other senior officials also left here for home together with the Malaysian Prime Minister and wife.
( 3
) The world is full of examples where a hasty transition from one system to another have led to
unrest, instability and even failed states
Today Malaysians are able to invest on their own in the very sophisticated industries which were once the preserve of foreign corporations
Yangon, 19 Aug - The opening ceremony of Myanmar-Malaysia Technology Conference on Business Opportunities and Technology Collaboration between Myanmar and Malaysia was held at Sedona Hotel on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road this morning, with an address by Chairman of the Organizing Committee for Holding Myanmar-Malaysia Technology Conference Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Present were Prime Minister of Malaysia Dato Seri Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad, Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe, the ministers, the chairman of Civil Service Selection and Training Board, the Yangon mayor, members of the Organizing Committee for Holding Myanmar-Malaysia Technology Conference, Chairman of Working Committee and members, chairmen of Sub-committees and members, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia, Minister of International Trade and Industry of Malaysia, Minister of Energy, Communications and Multimedia of Malaysia and senior officials, entrepreneurs, the deputy ministers, the vice-mayor, ambassadors of ASEAN member countries led by Dean of diplomatic corps Ambassador of Lao People's Democratic Republic, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, heads of departments, local and foreign journalists in Myanmar, journalists from Malaysia, reporters, entrepreneurs who are attending the conference and departmental officials.
Staff Officer Daw Thida Swe of Myanma Radio and Television acted as master of ceremonies and read the agenda.
First, Joint-Chairman of Organizing Committee for Holding the Myanmar-Malaysia Technology Conference on Business Opportunities and Technology Collaboration between Myanmar and Malaysia Science Adviser of Prime Minister's Department Tan Seri Datuk Dr Zaharudin Idrus extended the greetings. He said:
I am very pleased and honoured to welcome Your Excellencies and Distinguished participants to this Myanmar-Malaysia Technology Conference on
"Business Opportunities and Technology Collaboration Between Myanmar and
Malaysia" here in Yangon, Myanmar.
This two-day conference is jointly organized by Malaysian Industry Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT) and the State Peace and Development Council of Myanmar, in collaboration with the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) and Institute of Sultan Iskandar (ISI). The Ministries of Foreign Affairs of both countries have also given their support to this conference. To all these bodies and agencies, please accept our deepest appreciation for your kind support in making this conference a success. The organizers have brought together key economic development officials, policy- makers from relevant ministries, captains of industry, academic experts and entrepreneurs from both countries to collectively put forth pragmatic recommendations and concrete joint action plans for the common purpose of promoting and furthering the interests of both countries.
This conference will focus on creating business opportunities through technology collaboration; thus on the second day there will be parallel sessions that would focus on five areas as follow;
* Utility Management
* Health & Education
* Information Communication Technology (ICT)
* Agriculture
* Trade and Investment
We have also included special Business Matching sessions, during the conference in order to facilitate the economic and technology partnering initiatives that would have emanated from this conference.
I am confident that this conference will result in even greater cooperation between Myanmar and Malaysia. Just sitting together in a conference like this, exchanging information and clarifying perceptions is already a step forward. But to advance further our vision of economic co-prosperity requires the translation of suggestions and ideas in firm actions. The wealth of resources that we see before us amongst the speakers and the participants augurs well for an exciting partnership between our two countries.
Allow me once again to thank you for your support and to wish you all a fruitful and meaningful conference.
Next, Chairman of Organizing Committee for Holding Myanmar-Malaysia Technology Conference
Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt delivered an address. He said:

May I extend greetings to you all in Myanmar Min ga la ba, which means: may all of you be blessed with auspiciousness!
Honourable Prime Minister, I am short of words to express how deeply we appreciate that you have decided to grace this Conference with your presence. It is a great honour and privilege for me to cordially welcome you and other Members of the Government of Malaysia, the Joint Chairmen of MIGHT, resource persons from various disciplines including ISI and all the distinguished participants to this Myanmar-Malaysia Technology Conference. Your very presence here signifies the friendship, goodwill and the spirit of cooperation that exist between our two nations.
To us in Myanmar, Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad is more than a leader of the dynamic nation of Malaysia: he is visionary
statesman of the region and a staunch defender of the developing world. You have rightly been called the father of modern day Malaysia and under your guidance, Malaysia has now become one of the most advanced nations of Southeast Asia.
In 1991, under your leadership, Malaysia launched Vision 2020 envisioning Malaysia as a fully developed nation by the year 2020. Moreover, it is clearly stated that this development would be comprehensive and you said here I
quote "Malaysia should not be developed only in the economic sense. It must be a nation that is fully developed along all the
dimensions in terms of national unity and social cohesion, in terms of our economy, in terms of social justice, political stability, system of government, quality of life, social and spiritual values, national pride and
confidence." Equally important, you stressed that the process will be uniquely Malaysian.
But Honourable Prime Minister, you are not one to rest on your laurels. With Malaysia well on its way to achieving the objectives set out in Vision 2020, you are now focused on transforming Malaysia into a knowledge-based society, with a knowledge-based economy to meet the challenges of globalization as well as the Age of Knowledge. We are fully convinced that Malaysia will be able to achieve its national goals under your leadership and guidance.
We in Myanmar consider ourselves to be very fortunate to have Malaysia, and Prime Minister Dr Mahathir in particular, as a friend.
Myanmar and Malaysia have a long history of sincere friendship and close cooperation. Our two countries have traded since time immemorial. ASEAN accounts for 43 per cent of our total world trade and our trade with Malaysia is 13 per cent of our trade with ASEAN.
Not only is Malaysia a good trading partner of ours, but it is also an important investor in our country. ASEAN accounts for 52 per cent of our total foreign investment and Malaysia is the third largest ASEAN investor in Myanmar. Currently, there are twenty Malaysian projects worth US dollars 598 million. As Malaysia climbs up the technological ladder and focuses more and more on high tech industries, it is our hope that your
lab our intensive low-tech industries will be relocated to Myanmar.
One of the pillars that give strength to our relations is the sharing of many common ideals, concepts and mental outlook. To cite but one example, both our nations have a profound love and respect for independence and sovereignty. During your address to the Asia Society in Hong Kong on 28 October 2000, Prime Minister Dr Mahathir stated:
"Asia and Asian nations must be free, truly free. No one should impose their values or ideologies or systems on Asia. While everyone should be concerned over human rights, the environment etc, no one from within or outside Asia should appoint himself or his country as the policeman charging himself with the responsibility to ensure that everyone behaves. Asian countries are mature enough to know what is right and what is wrong. Any attempt to undermine the sovereignty of independent countries through subverting nationals should be condemned roundly by
We cannot agree more with these sentiments. The independence of Myanmar was won at the end of a long and arduous struggle and at great sacrifice and huge cost of blood, sweat and tears of our entire people. We are proud of our independence and jealous of our sovereignty. No outsider can better appreciate the situation obtaining in our country or its complexities than we can. No one should try to impose their will or attempt to mould Myanmar in their image. The solution to Myanmar's challenges must come from within the country. It must be home grown. We will not be swayed by sweet words or bowed by threat in the pursuit of our national goal of a peaceful, modern and prosperous state.
However, this should not be construed that we are against democracy, against human rights. Indeed, the Government is laying down the foundations for the emergence of a democratic state. The democracy that we seek to build may not be identical to that which prevails in the West but it will surely be based on universal principles of liberty, justice and equality with the rule of law. The democratic society that we envision is one where all the 135 national races of the country live in peace and harmony and join hands in building a prosperous and modern nation; where everyone enjoys the fruits of development and progress. It will also be a society that preserves its cultural heritage, its traditions, values and customs, its national identity.
But such a transition cannot be done in haste and in a haphazard manner. The world is full of examples where a hasty transition from one system to another have led to unrest, instability and even failed states. As such, our Government under the leadership of our Chairman, Senior General Than Shwe is laying the necessary political, economic, social and human resource foundations to ensure a stable and smooth transition to democracy.
One of the most important requirements for development is peace and stability of the country. For more than 40 years our country was plagued by internal insurgencies. But due to the efforts of the Government, 17 out of 18 armed groups have returned to the legal fold and peace and stability reigns over the nation as never before in the modern history of Myanmar. As the participants to the Conference can witness, Yangon is one of the safest cities in the world.
With the return of peace, we are devoting ourselves to economic development and progress. Some western nations have imposed sanctions and embargoes against Myanmar for their own political motives. Myanmar has received practically no development assistance from bilateral sources or from multilateral institutions. But the people of Myanmar are never daunted by challenges or heavy odds. Indeed, our people reveal their best capabilities in times of adversity. Relying on our own resources and by combining the strength of the Government, people and the Tatmadaw (Armed Forces), we have been able to achieve significant progress in nation-building.
Sine transportation network is a basic requirement for economic progress, special emphasis has been placed on improving the basic infrastructure. In the last 12 years, we have constructed more than 4,200 miles of roads, 1,100 miles of railroads and nearly 150 medium and large-size bridges. In 1988, there was only one bridge across the Ayeyarwady River. Today, there are 8 new bridges spanning this great river and the ninth will be added soon. This is but an example of what we have been able to achieve with our own resources without any help from abroad.
Even without ODA and the additional constraints of sanctions from the West, Myanmar is building our nation relying on our own natural and human resources. As the Honourable Prime Minister once said, the only helping hand we can rely on is the one at the end of out arm. We have tried to do best with what we have, and have been able to achieve an average annual economic growth rate of 8.4 per cent for 1996-97 to 2000-2001 Five Year Plan. We attained better than 10 per cent last fiscal year and expects the same good performance this year.
At the same time, we are fully aware of the importance of human resource development to ensure progress, prosperity and a lasting democratic system. Thus, in his address to the Union Solidarity and Development Association on 19 February 2002 the Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Senior General Than Shwe stated:
"To build a modern and developed nation which can face today's possible challenges as well as those of the future rests on the development of necessary human
resources." Moreover, the vision enshrined in our education sector called for a creation of an education system that can generate a learning society capable of facing the challenges of the Knowledge Age.
Towards this end, the number of universities and colleges in the country has increased from 32 in 1988 to 150 at the moment due to the support, encouragement and assistance provided by the Government. In tertiary education, doctorate degree courses are being offered in most disciplines for the first time in the country's education history.
Being fully aware of the importance of ICT in ushering in the Age of Knowledge, we have paid special attention to the development of Information Technology in the nation. To introduce ICT to the children at an early age, multi-media classrooms have been established at most schools, including primary schools. Moreover, there are 2 Computer University and 23 Computer Colleges all over the country.
We are also introducing e-education and e-learning in the country. The Ministry of Education has already launched 304 e-Education Learning
Centers in 189 townships that utilize data broadcasting system in collaboration with the Ministry of Information to improve access to technology-enabling distance modalities, open learning and other flexible systems to facilitate life-long education opportunities.
With the aim of advancing ICT development in the nation, we have built the Myanmar ICT Park. I wish to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to Malaysia for the support and assistance provided to us in setting up of this Park.
Myanmar pays special attention to the present Conference. The subtitle of the Conference:
"Business Opportunities and Technology Collaborations" is indeed most appropriate as it would provide a forum for networking among the business communities of two countries as well as acquaint each other of possible areas for enhancing economic and technology cooperation. The very fact that the Conference is being attended by over nearly 500 business-related people from both sides offers a chance to engage in business matching.
We are all aware that the private sector is the engine for growth. Here, in Myanmar, the country needs capital and technology to promote the small and medium sized enterprises and industries. We are very grateful to the Honourable Prime Minister for bringing along the business community for
"prospecting" and business marching. I am sure the private sector will be able to harness business and investment opportunities that will benefit both countries.
Myanmar today offers great potential in terms of trade and investment. Myanmar and Malaysia already has a long tradition of working together for mutual benefit. It is our hope that this Conference will open the door for smart partnership for better business and technology cooperation between the two countries.
To conclude, I wish to state that this Conference is another big step in our close relationship. It will provide a platform for exchange of views and experiences. It will promote discussions of general and specific issues of national and regional interests. I hope you will come up with a common vision that is needed for strategic and concerted efforts to generate economic dynamism.
One again, may I thank the Honourable Prime Minister, their Excellencies and all our guests for
honoring us with their presence and for contributing to the success of this Conference. My appreciation is also extended to the sponsors and organizers for arranging the Conference, particularly MIGHT and ISI. May you all have fruitful discussions.
Thank you.
Afterwards, Prime Minister of Malaysia Dato Seri Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad delivered an address. He said:

Firstly l wish to express my sincere thanks for the very warm welcome extended to me and the Malaysian delegation to your beautiful country. It is indeed on honour for me to address this gathering of prominent personalities from both Myanmar and Malaysia. This conference bears testimony to the continued commitment on the part of the Malaysian government to the idea of prospering neighbours through economic and business collaboration.
September 11th has changed almost completely our perception of things and with it the way we relate to each other, we the peoples of different nations, of different races and different religions. This is both unfortunate and fortunate. It is unfortunate because some have acquired a deeper suspicion and enmity towards others while some have discovered a new need to understand other people and other cultures. But at the moment the suspicion and enmity seem to dominate the minds most.
Today there is a lot of fear in the world, a fear that is not so easily directed because the enemy is more a perception than an identifiable entity. The enemy now is the terrorists, not the national terrorist bent on overthrowing the national Government but terrorists who are against the injustices and the oppressions that they perceive as happening all over the world. They may be wrong for others may perceive the injustice as just and justifiable. But that is academic. The fact is that these people see injustice and oppression largely against their kind of people and they feel a need to fight against these.
They belong to no particular nation or race. And therefore they cannot be liquidated or defeated by military might the way conventional wars can put an end to the policies of enemy nations. They really cannot be defeated by force of arms alone though this can contribute. They can only be defeated by eliminating the causes of their anger, frustrations and bitterness. Whether what they claim to be fighting for is real or imagined is irrelevant. If these are not real then we have to convince them that it is not real, that their perception of things is wrong. But it is seldom that their perception is absolutely wrong. There must be some elements of truth in what they claim for how else can we explain the horrible acts that they are willing to commit, to be willing to blast themselves into oblivion in carrying out the acts which
terrorize everyone, the guilty and the innocent alike.
We have; we all have to try to resolve this reign of terror. We should not just seek revenge, ten lives for one of our own. The idea of out
terrorizing the terrorists is insane because it is based on feelings rather than reason. It is based on the desire for vengeance for revenge. And vengeance breeds vengeance in a vicious cycle.
And as the avengers resort to their expanded and extended terror, they feed the flames of terror and increase the fear among the people of the world. This fear is affecting everyone, no matter how remote they may be from the scenes of terror. This fear is affecting everyone in every field of human endeavour, in the economic, social and intercultural activities in a world that has become physically palpably smaller.
The world has been shrinking throughout its thousands of years of history. As man learn how to move about faster and to better communicate with each other, distances become less and less of an obstacle. Today the distance has been reduced almost zero because communication, aural and visual, is instantaneous, in real time. We have not yet learnt how to transmit our bodies through space instantaneously as in Star Trek but jet speed has made every part of the world just a day away from any part of the rest.
Opportunities for interaction by the human race have never been so great or so easy. They should help foster better and more productive relations between people. But unfortunately some see these opportunities as offering them the expansion of their influence and their might, of hegemony in a world that has become a village. The mentality of the village bully has overcome these people. Invariably in such a world might is right, more so than ever before. And when might is right justice and fairplay invariably go out of the window.
This is the world that we live in today. The weak will once again submit to the strong. How much they have to submit and how much of their sovereignty and independence they will retain will depend not on their physical strength for this they do not have, but on the strategy they adopt and the common causes that they make with others who are in the some straits.
Way back in the 1950's when colonies were struggling to free themselves from the shackles of colonialism, there were visions of truly independent countries which would be masters of their own destines. But very soon they were disabused. Political independence did not mean total freedom. This was because political independence without economic independence subtract much from the freedom that the newly liberated had expected.
Some of us believed that we can isolate ourselves, build a
wall around our economy and reduce our involvement with the outside world to the minimum. But with the passage of time isolationism could no longer deliver the good life for people that we expect. And not only that, the outside world still loomed large and ominous over our horizon, threatening to crush the isolationists. In any case the domestic economy could not sustain the needs of a growing population whose expectations were ever higher with the passage of
The only hope for the weak nations is to come together to combine their little assets in order to protect themselves. Their hope lies in ever stronger cooperation between countries of a given region, between the regions as well, cooperation which does not diminish their national identities yet endows us with greater strength through the weight of their size and their combined economic and political strengths. They should note that even the strong are coming together to bolster themselves even more. It is not easy for them and it would certainly not be easy for us. But we have no choice but to try and try.
In Southeast Asia we have come together to form ASEAN. For all its weaknesses and even failures, ASEAN is still one of the strongest associations of developing countries. Through ASEAN we have reduced the kind of fruitless confrontations which normally happen between neighbours. We have through the institution of ASEAN also learnt from each other the art and science of developing our countries. We have strengthened our economies through promoting intra-ASEAN trade and investments and through regional collaboration to protect our industries. And we have helped our common industries through common policies and strategies. In Malaysia we believe in helping neighbours to develop partly to save us from the spill-over effect of poor and unstable Governments, partly because prosperous neighbours make good markets for our products and also because we do honestly want to see our region prosperous and strong in order to help us fend off the predators from outside. We do not subscribe to the Zero Sum Game in which our country can only gain if another country loses. Malaysia believes in a Win-Win philosophy in which both parties, all parties must gain and no one should lose. This is, believe it or not, entirely possible.
It is with this belief in mind that Malaysia has worked closely with all its neighbours and in particular those new members of ASEAN who because of their past costly struggles have been lagging behind. We believe that our experience in growing through foreign participation in our economy can also be the experience of all countries wishing to grow economically. We know that foreign investments will not affect our independence. Malaysia has always remained independent in words and in deeds.
We know that foreigners will not come to our country to do charity. We think they are entitled to their profits from their capital and technological investment. For our part initially we only wanted jobs for our people. We were not interested in deriving revenue for our Government coffers. And we succeeded, succeeded so much that today we are short of workers.
But despite our limited objective of creating jobs there is no doubt that we gained more. Our workers have now become highly skilled, our managers more competent and our wealth have so increased that we have huge savings and sufficient capital for our own entrepreneurs. Today Malaysians are able to invest on their own in the very sophisticated industries which were once the preserve of foreign corporations. Today we have moved into hi-tech including ICT in order to give our people higher incomes and the country greater wealth.
It has taken us four decades to reach this level of development. But it has been a very satisfying four decades. Now to a limited extent we can reverse the process, to become investors in other countries and to contribute to their development.
While we hope to be welcome the way foreign investors were welcome to Malaysia, we also know that host countries expect us as foreign investors to respect the sensitivities, the laws and religions and the policies; domestic and foreign of the country. Malaysian businessmen, traders and investors will be expected to do all these and the Malaysian Government will ensure that they do so. There will be black sheep from among the Malaysian businessmen coming to Myanmar and we will not claim any privilege for them and will support the laws as applied to them. But as a matter of routine we will of course provided all Malaysians with the services they are entitled to by our diplomatic representatives.
I don't foresee much problem here. The Malaysian Government, the Malaysian businessmen and the scientists will collaborate fully with their counterparts in Myanmar. This conference is specifically focussed on technology and there will be much that we con do together for mutual benefit. I would like to stress cooperation in biotechnology as both Malaysia and Myanmar are endowed with extremely rich resources in flora and fauna, the basis for genomics, the science of the future.
The foundation has been laid. The challenge is now turn our vision into a reality that we can all be proud of. I hope that this Myanmar-Malaysia Technology Conference will be a start of a series of collaboration that will take both nations to a higher level of socio-economic well-being. I wish to thank all parties that have made this conference possible. I hereby declare the Myanmar-Malaysia Technology Conference officially open.
An endorsement and Memorandum of Understanding on Myanmar-Malaysia Technology Conference on Business Opportunities and Technology Collaboration were then signed.

First, Deputy Minister for Energy U Tin Tun and President and Chief Executive of Petronas Oil Co Tan Sri Dato Mohamad Hassan Marican signed the production sharing contracts for Myanmar Taninthayi Offshore Area between Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise and Patronas Carigali Myanmar Inc.
Next, Joint Secretary of Yangon City Development Committee U Kyi Win and President and Chief Executive of Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT) Datuk Dr Ahmed Tasir Lope Piphie signed the MoU on the Yangon Strategic Development and Action Plan.
Next, Managing Director of Myanma Posts and Telecommunications U Maung Maung Tin and Chairman of MAXIS International Sdn Bhd Tun Haji Mohammad Hanif Omar signed the MoU on International Telecommunication Services.
Prime Minister of Malaysia Dato Seri Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad and members, the Secretary-1, the ministers and the mayor had documentary photo.
After the ceremony, the Prime Minister of Malaysia, the Secretary-1 and guests observed books showroom jointly organized by the Ministry of Information and Innwa Publishing House, Multimedia Development Corporation (MDC) showroom of Malaysia, Alami vegetable oil products showroom, IT showroom of University Utara Malaysia, Expomal Network showroom, road and construction materials showroom of Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB), MIGHT showroom, production of purified water showroom of Salcon, medicines from Malaysia showrooms of Ain Medicare and Inai Kiara, land development showroom of Putrajaya Holdings, computer technology showroom of LJS Technologies, Malaysia-manufactured medicines and hospital equipment showroom of Pharmaniaga, Malaysian traditional medicines showroom of Rohini, traditional medicine of the Ministry of Health, showroom of the Ministry of Cooperatives, and product showroom of bee keeping centre of the Ministry of Livestock Breeding and Fisheries on the first floor of Sedona Hotel.
( 4
) When opting for democracy, it is necessary that the process is gradual and people have to learn how to handle it
Malaysian Prime Minister meets with the press

Yangon, 19 Aug - Prime Minister of Malaysia Dato Seri Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad, who paid a working visit to Myanmar at the invitation of Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Prime Minister of the Union of Myanmar Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing, met with local and foreign journalists at the Mindon Hall of the Sedona Hotel after addressing Myanmar-Malaysia Technology Conference on Business Opportunities and Technological Collaboration this morning.
Also present were Chairman of the Working Committee for Organizing Myanmar-Malaysia Technology Conference Minister at the State Peace and Development Council Chairman's Office Brig-Gen Abel, Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, members of the Malaysian delegation, heads of department, media personnel, correspondent of Kyodo News Agency U Sein Win, Patron of Myanmar Foreign Correspondents Club U Hla Htwe, Chairman of U Sai Kai Hpa and members, 23 correspondents of news agencies and TV broadcasting stations from Malaysia and other nations and guests.
Brig-Gen Abel gave an introductory speech about the press conference.
Then, Prime Minister of Malaysia Dato Seri Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad said: As you know I come to Myanmar only for one night and two days, it is not a very long but it is good to be here again because it has enabled me to renew our relations with the leaders of Myanmar and to see the progress which has obviously been achieved by Myanmar since my last visit here. This is specifically to encourage business cooperation between Myanmar and Malaysia and also for cooperation in the field of technology. I have had good discussions with Senior General Than Shwe. I have seen the products in Myanmar which would be very tradable in Malaysia.
At the same time, I am looking forward to seeing the herbal industry in Myanmar which is very well-known, whether we can source more from Myanmar and also whether we can collaborate in developing herbal treatment which is all the fashion now.
In reply to reporter of the Myanmar Times U Thet Khaing's question about the topic of discussions with the Myanmar leader and economic and business collaboration, the Prime Minister said: Generally, the topic was how to improve cooperation between Myanmar and Malaysia. And we discussed future of our two countries
how Myanmar is developing and the progress that has been made in the democratization of Myanmar; we also discussed a little about the approach to the both political and economic development fields.
He added: It is our experience in order to succeed in the economic field, especially we have to depend upon foreign investment
foreign direct investment in our equity market.
We have to prepare the country for such foreign investment. In other words, we have to have legal framework, a policy framework and our practices must be effective to foreign investors. It is not just saying that we are open but what is the law that we have and there are things like financial practices or financial policies of the country. So all these things will have to be attended to if we are going to bring in FDI not in order for them to make profits alone but so that they can contribute to the growth and well-being of our country. And that being the Malaysian experience, I am quite sure that Myanmar too can get a lot of foreign investments and become prosperous by adopting, maybe, some of the policies that we practice in Malaysia.
In reply to NHK reporter Mikebera's question about the democratization of the country, he said: We believe in democracy.
We know that there are very many different definitions of democracy. Some countries even call themselves democratic republics but they are anything but democratic. So you have a variety of interpretations. What we know from our experience is that it is not easy to handle democracy. If you do not know how to handle it, you will end up with anarchy. You will end up with having practically no government. And that is not good for the country. Therefore, when opting for democracy, it is necessary that the process is gradual and people have to learn how to handle it. They must understand that democracy does not mean freedom to do anything you like.
There are limitations to democracy. If you understand that, I think the democracy can work. But in some countries, which adopted democracy the only thing that they can see is opportunities to be voted in as a government. When they form 100 different political parties, none of them are national in character. That will result in very weak coalition government which can never administer a country well. So, our view is that while we uphold democracy, I would like to see democracy
practiced in our country. We are also aware that the process of change must be gradual. At the same time, we need not have to go straight to liberal democracy because that is very destructive.
In reply to the reporter of the News Strait
Times' question about a prime mover of Myanmar national reconciliation process, he said: Actually, it is not Malaysia. It is just a Malaysian that was appointed by the UN to help with national reconciliation. And he is acting independently. We hope that he is successful.
( 5 ) Visiting Malaysian Prime Minister
Dato' Seri Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad and members of the delegation visit MICT Park, Yangon Traditional Medicine Hospital

Yangon, 19 Aug - Prime Minister of Malaysia Dato' Seri Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad and members of the delegation, together with Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, Myanmar Ambassador to Malaysia U Hla Maung, Director-General of the Protocol Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Thura U Aung Htet, Malaysian Ambassador Dato Cheah Sam Kip and officials, arrived at Myanmar Information and Communication Technology Park in Hline Township at noon.
The visiting Malaysian delegation was welcomed there by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe, Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw and officials.
Col Thein Swe, Chairman of Myanmar Information and Communication Technological Development Corporation Ltd and Bagan Cybertech gave an account of the MICT Park, project works jointly operated with Multimedia Development Corporation (MDC) of Malaysia, the MICTDC and the Bagan Teleport, with the use of video slides to the visiting Malaysian Prime Minister and members of the delegation.
Then, CPT Minister Brig-Gen Thein Zaw presented a gift to the visiting Prime Minister of Malaysia.
Next, Executive Chairman of Multimedia Development Corporation Tan Seri Dato Dr Othman Yeop Abdullah presented a gift to Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
The visiting Prime Minister of Malaysia and members of the delegation viewed the scale model of MICT Park under its second phase construction, software companies and Bagan Cybertech Teleport, and officials conducted them round the Park.
At 3 pm, visiting Prime Minister of Malaysia Dato' Seri Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad and wife Datin Seri Dr Siti Hasmah Haji Mohd Ali and party went to Yangon Traditional Medicine Hospital in Bahan Township, where the visiting Malaysian delegation was welcomed by Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein and wife Daw Yin Yin Myint, Deputy Ministers Professor Dr Mya Oo and Professor Dr Kyaw Myint and officials.
Director-General of the Indigenous Medicine Department Dr Thein Swe explained matters related to the department to the visiting Malaysian Prime Minister and his wife and party, and Director-General of the Medical Research Department (Lower Myanmar) Dr Paing Soe matters related to medical research on traditional medicine.
Prime Minister of Malaysia Dato' Seri Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad signed in the
visitors' book.
The visiting Malaysian Prime Minister and his wife and party then viewed the booths displayed by various Myanmar traditional medicine industries at the hospital, and officials conducted them round.
The visiting Malaysian Prime Minister and his wife and party also viewed the out-patient department, the emergency ward and
orthopedic ward and watched practical treatments with the use of
traditional medicine. Afterwards, the visiting Malaysian delegation
left the hospital at 4.10 pm.
( 6 )
Visiting Malaysian PM meets with members of Malaysian Citizens Association in Myanmar

Yangon, 19 Aug - Malaysian Prime Minister Dato Seri Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad, who was on a working visit to Myanmar, met with members of the Malaysian Citizens Association in Myanmar at the hall of Micasa Hotel on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road here at 10 am today.
Chairman of the Malaysian Citizens Association in Myanmar Mr Gilbert Lee extended greetings to the Malaysian Prime Minister.
Next, the Malaysian Prime Minister delivered an address on the occasion and together with members of Malaysian Citizens Association he posted for a documentary photo.
( 7 ) Malaysian Prime Minister's wife and party visit MMCWA

Yangon, 19 Aug - Datin Seri Dr Siti Hasmah Haji Mohd Ali, wife of Malaysian Prime Minister Dato Seri Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad, who was on a working visit here at the invitation of Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Prime Minister of the Union of Myanmar Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing, visited Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association at the corner of Parami Road and Thanthumar Road here this morning.
The Malaysian Prime Minister's wife and party were welcomed there by MMCWA Chairperson Prof Daw Kyu Kyu Swe, Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe and members.
Then, at the hall of the association, Prof Daw Kyu Kyu Swe and Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe explained the
objectives and future tasks of the association respectively. Next, Datin Seri Dr Siti Hasmah Haji Mohd Ali also explained matters on health, public welfare tasks and maternal and child welfare activities in Malaysia.
Afterwards, Datin Seri Dr Siti Hasmah Haji Mohd Ali donated US $ 2,631 to MMCWA through Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe. Prof Daw Kyu Kyu Swe presented souvenirs to Datin Seri Dr Siti Hasmah Haji Mohd Ali. They then had a documentary photo taken.
Datin Seri Dr Siti Hasmah Haji Mohd Ali and party signed in the visitors' book and viewed the documentary photos of MMCWA. Afterwards, they visited the diagnostic centre of MMCWA
and left there at 10 am.
( 8
) Myanmar-Malaysia Technology Conference held

Yangon, 19 Aug - The Myanmar-Malaysia Technology Conference on Business Opportunities and Technology Collaboration between Malaysia and Myanmar was held at Sedona Hotel on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road here at 11 am today.
The conference was attended by Chairman of Organizing Committee for the Conference Minister at the State Peace and Development Council Chairman's Office Brig-Gen Abel, Chairman of Civil Service Selection and Training Board Dr Than Nyun, Minister of International Trade and Industry Dato Seri Rafidah Aziz, Minister of Energy, Communication and Multimedia Dato Amar Leo Moggie, chairmen and members of the work committee and sub-committees for organizing the conference, entrepreneurs, high-ranking officials and entrepreneurs from Malaysia.
Minister Dato Seri Rafidah Aziz presented the paper on Regional Trade as a Catalyst for Economic Growth. Then, Minister Brig-Gen Abel and Minister Dato Seri Rafidah Aziz replied to the queries raised by those present. Adviser to Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry U Kyaw Htin, MASSCORP Berhad Chairman AM Bank Group Chairman MIGHT Board member Tan Sri Dato Azman Hashim presented the paper on New Frontiers in Economic and Technical Cooperation. Moderator Adviser to Sunway Group Tan Sri Dato Azman Hashim replied to the queries. Then the morning session ended.
In the afternoon, Director-General Dr Thein Tun of Electric Power Department of the Ministry of Electric Power, Myanmar, and Prof Dr Rugayah Mohamed of Institute, Sultan Isakandar (ISI), Malaysia, presented the paper on Role of Infrastructure Development in Economic Growth. Moderator Director-General (Retd) of ASEAN Affairs Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs U Aye Lwin replied to the queries.
Next, President/CEO of MIGHT Datuk Dr Ahmed Tasir Lope Pihie presented the paper on Government-Industry Partnership for the Development of Hi-Tech Industry: The Experience of MIGHT. Moderator Director-General (Retd) of ASEAN Affairs Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs U Aye Lwin replied to queries.
Afterwards, Minister of Energy, Communication and Multimedia Dato Amar Leo Moggie presented the paper on Driving Economic Growth in the Digital Age and the conference came to a close.
After the conference, representatives from UMFCCI and Malaysian entrepreneurs cordially discussed matters on investment opportunities and trade at Mindon Hall there. The conference continues tomorrow.
At night, Chairman of Organizing Committee for the Conference Minister Brig-Gen Abel hosted a dinner in honour of the guests and entrepreneurs there.
( 9
) Health Minister receives Malaysian delegation
Yangon, 19 Aug - Minister for Health Maj-G en Ket
Sein received the Malaysian delegation led by Executive Chairman of
Multimedia Development Corporation Tan Sri Dato Dr Othmar Yeop
Abdullah at his office of the ministry on Pyidaungsu Yeiktha Street
in DagonTownship at 4 pm today.
A & I Minister receives Ambassador
Yangon, 19 Aug - Minister for Agriculture and
Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin received Ambassador of Egypt to Myanmar
Mr Farouk Riad Hassan Mabroukwho had completed his tour of duty at
his office at 2.30 pm today. They cordially discussed matters
relating to bilateral cooperation between the two countries.