1 ) Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing welcome
Malaysian Prime Minister Dato Seri Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad and wife

Yangon, 18 Aug - At the invitation of Chairman of the State Peace and Deve-lopment Council Prime Minister of the Union of Myanmar Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing, Prime Minister of Malaysia Dato Seri Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad and wife Datin Seri Dr Siti Hasmah Haja Mohd Ali arrived here by special aircraft this evening on a working visit to the Union of Myanmar.
Prime Minister Dato Seri Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad and wife Datin Seri Dr Siti Hasmah Haja Mohd Ali and members of the delegation were welcomed on arrival at Yangon International Airport by Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Prime Minister Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing, Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San, Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and wife Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe and wife, Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung and wife, Deputy Minister U Khin Maung Win, Myanmar Ambassador to Malaysia U Hla Maung and wife, Director-General of the Protocol Department Thura U Aung Htet, Malaysian Ambassador Dato Cheah Sam Kip and wife and the Malaysian Embassy staff and families.

As the special aircraft carrying the Prime Minister and wife and party arrived at the airport at 4.25 pm, Director-General Thura U Aung Htet of the Protocol Department and Malaysian Ambassador Dato Cheah
Sam Kip boarded the aircraft and welcomed the guests.
Two girl students presented bouquets to the
visiting Prime Minister and wife. Students warmly greeted them from
the airport building and along the way wishing the guests and the
Senior General and wife good health and hailing Myanmar-Malaysia
The Senior General and wife greeted the visiting
Prime Minister and wife and introduced the officials to them. Then,
the Malaysian Prime Minister and wife, together with the Senior
General and wife and party, cordially greeted the Malaysian
Ambassador and wife, the embassy staff and families. A young lady
from the Malaysian Embassy presented a bouquet to the wife of the
visiting Prime Minister.
The visiting Prime Minister and wife and the
Senior General and wife proceeded to the Auto Gate of the
Immigration and National Registration Department of the Ministry of
Immigration and Population at the airport where electronic passport
holders are automatically checked. Then, the visiting Prime Minister
had of the automatic electronic passport checked of the Auto Gate.

The guests, accompanied by the Senior General and wife, proceeded to Seinle Kantha State House in a motorcade and arrived there at 4.50 pm. The Senior General and wife left there at 5 pm.
The visiting delegation led by the Malaysian Prime Minister and wife comprises Minister of Energy, Communications and Multimedia Dato Amar Leo Moggie and other high-level officials.
Minister of Foreign Affairs Dato Seri Syed Hamid Albar and wife and Minister of International Trade and Industry Dato Seri Rafidah Aziz arrived at the airport this morning and Minister at the State Peace and Development Council Chairman's Office Brig-Gen Abel, Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung and Myanmar Ambassador U Hla Maung and wife and Malaysian Ambassador Dato Cheah Sam Kip and wife welcomed them.
( 2 )
Malaysian Prime Minister calls on
Senior General Than Shwe

Yangon, 18 Aug - Prime Minister of Malaysia His Excellency Dato Seri Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad called on Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council and Prime Minister of the Union of Myanmar Senior General Than Shwe at the Credentials Hall in Pyithu Hluttaw here at 6 pm today.
Also present at the call were Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council General Maung Aye, Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung and Deputy Minister U Khin Maung Win, Ambassador of Myanmar to Malaysia U Hla Maung, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia
Dato' Seri Syed Hamid Albar, Minister of International Trade and Industry Dato Seri Rafidah Aziz, Minister of Energy, Communications and Multimedia Dato Amar Leo Moggie, other high-level officials and Ambassador of Malaysia to Myanmar Dato Cheah Sam Kip.
( 3
) Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing host dinner in honour of Prime Minister of Malaysia and wife

Yangon, 18 Aug - Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Prime Minister of the Union of Myanmar Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing hosted a dinner in honour of Prime Minister of Malaysia Dato Seri Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad and wife Datin Seri Dr Siti Hasmah Haji Mohamad Ali and party, who are on a working visit here, at the Guest Hall of Pyithu Hluttaw Building on Pyay Road here at 7 pm today.

Also present were Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council General Maung Aye and wife, Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and wife, members of the State Peace and Development Council and their wives, the Commander-in-Chief (Navy) and wife, the Commander-in-Chief (Air) and wife, the Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council commander of Yangon Command and wife, ministers and their wives, the Mayor of Yangon and wife, the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and wife, senior military officers, the Malaysian Ambassador to Myanmar and wife, directors-general of the State Peace and Development Council Office, the Government Office, the President Office, the Pyithu Hluttaw Office and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and specially invited guests.
Before and during the dinner, a variety of songs and music were presented by vocalists and musicians of Myanma Radio Modern Music Band.
After the dinner, cultural dances were presented by artistes of the Fine Arts Department of the Ministry of Culture at the Thabin Hall of the Pyithu Hluttaw.
The Malaysian Prime Minister and wife presented a basket of flowers to the artistes.
( 4
) Secretary-1 addresses Special Meeting on Women's Sector
Yangon, 18 Aug- A special meeting on the women sector was held at the meeting hall of Zeyathiri Beikman on Konmyinttha here this morning.
Patron of Myanmar National Committee for Women's Affairs Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt addressed the meeting.
The Secretary-1 said that Myanmar National Committee for Women's Affairs was formed to carry out activities for the development of the women sector in the Union of Myanmar.
After the fourth international conference on women's affairs held in Beijing, the People's Republic of China, in 1995, committees at different levels were formed to work for the development of the women sector in Myanmar and have been taking part in the international activities for the development of women.
It is found that women are accorded special privileges according to the culture and tradition of Myanmar, religious, social and legal matters. There is a tradition of helping and protecting women.

In the time of the present government, efforts are being exerted for the development of the women sector; to enable the mass of women to carry out the activities related to women's affairs, Myanmar National Committee for Women's Affairs, Working Committee and committees at different levels were formed.
Therefore, there has been no problem whatsoever related to the women sector throughout all ages in Myanmar. Myanmar has never had to deal with any big problem concerning women affairs.
At present, it is found that some groups of expatriates who fled to the other country and have been operating there, and insurgent groups are cooking up false and fabricated news about the women sector.
It is also found that they have been attempting to make these preposterous accusations and concocted news gain currency in the world.
Therefore, although there is no problem whatsoever related to women affairs in Myanmar, necessary measures have to be taken with regard to these manufactured accusations. If these concocted accusations are ignored, the international community will consider them to be true.
So, systematic measures are to be taken to refute these accusations leveled at Myanmar.
There are laws, law-enforcement bodies and social organizations with regard to taking action against the unjust and lawless treatment of women.
To refute the manufactured accusations regarding the women sector with evidence, Myanmar National Committee for Women's Affairs made a field tour of the eastern part of the River Thanlwin in Shan State (East); so the committee needs to present to the meeting the facts and information which it has gathered.
Moreover, law-enforcement bodies are also conducting enquires in the respective regions to get true facts and information with regard to concocted accusations.
What the various organizations have found after holding discussions with local national women,
towns elders and social organizations in the region, is to be presented to the meeting.
At the present meeting, MNCWA, which made a field tour of Kengtung region, is to present its activities.
Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung said that the Working Committee for Prevention of Trafficking in Persons conducted an enquiry concerning human trafficking and the so-called rape case of Shan national women at the villages in Shan State (East), Shan State (South) and Kayah State.
According to the enquiry and discussions held with local national people,
towns elders and social organizations, there have been no such cases in which the Tatmadaw members raped Shan national women.
In her report, Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe said that members of MNCWA made a five-day tour of Kengtung region in Shan State to enlist the full participation of national women in striving for the development of women, to hold discussions with members of Shan State (East) Working Committee for Women's Affairs and committees at different levels and to find out whether the accusations concerning the women sector were true or false.

The team had discussions with members of Shan State (East) Working Committee for Women's Affairs in Golden Triangle Guest House in Kengtung, with over 400 members of Shan State (East) Working Committee for Women's Affairs in Sibinthaya Hall in Kengtung, with members of Kattaung Village-tract Working Committee for Women's Affairs,
towns elders and local national people and representatives of NGO
totaling about 300 in the Dhammayon of Kattaung Model Village on Kengtung-Mongkhat motor road, with members of Working Committee for Women's Affairs and
towns elders totaling about 250 in Katpha Village-tract Dhammayon on Kengtung-Mongla motor road and with members of Working Committee for
Women's Affairs and towns elders, departmental personnel and representatives of NGO from Mongphyat and Mongyawng Township in Mongphyat, Mongphyat District.
The team discussed matters related to the convention on elimination of all forms of discrimination against women in Sibinthaya Hall in Kengtung on 8 August
According to the discussions held with local national women, towns elders and social organizations in the region, accusations concerning the women sector proved unfounded.
Then, the leaders of the working groups presented their reports.
Professor Dr Daw May May Yee presented a brief report.
Col Than Tun of the Ministry of Defence reported on the enquiry conducted by the National Intelligence Bureau in connection with the so-called rape case.
Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win reported on how these accusations were dealt with by diplomatic means.
Ministers Col Tin Hlaing and Maj-Gen Sein Htwa gave additional reports. The
meeting ended with concluding remarks by the Secretary-1.
( 5 ) Minister meets with athletes
Yangon, 18 Aug - Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint met with the selected Myanmar rowing team and the selected Myanmar yachting team undergoing training at the camps of Myanmar Rowing Federation and Myanmar Yachting Federation near Inya Lake here this morning.
The president and coaches of MRF and officials of MYF reported on progress of training. The minister presented training T-shirts to the coaches and athletes and urged them to strive for winning the gold medals in the 22nd SEA Games to be held in Vietnam in December 2003 and in the 14th Asian Sports Competitions.
( 6 )
Tatmadaw families and wellwishers donate provisions and cash to monasteries
Yangon, 18 Aug - A ceremony to donate provisions and cash to Dhammazedi, Maha Myaing, Aungmingala Theikdi, Ashin Ottamasara, Aye Zedi, Masoeyein, Wayluwun and Zeyawadi Sarthintaiks in Sangyoung Township, Yangon West District, by families of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) and wellwishers was held at Dhammazedi Sarthintaik on Shinsawpu Street in the towinship this afternoon.
It was attended by members of the Sangha headed by Presiding Sayadaw of Dhammazedi Sarthintaik Bhaddnata Pannavara, State Peace and Development Council Member Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein Sein, Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe, Chief of Staff (Navy) Real-Admiral Soe Thein, Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, deputy ministers, senior military officers, departmental personnel, local
authorities, personnel of
social organizations and wellwishers.
Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein Sein, Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe, Chief of Staff (Navy) Real-Admiral Soe Thein, Minister Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, the deputy ministers and the senior military officers presented offertories to members of the Sangha.
Afterwards, on behalf of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) families, Chief of Staff (Navy) Real-Admiral Soe Thein, Col Tin Soe of the Ministry of Defence and Col Zin Yaw (Air) presented provisions to members of the Sangha.
Then, the commander officials and wellwishers presented provisions donated by Yangon Division Peace and Development Council, the Ministry of Religious Affairs, the West District and Sangyoung Township Peace and Development Councils, Myanmar Salt and Marine Chemicals Enterprise, Myanmar Rice Merchants Association, Myanmar Fisheries Federation, Yangon Division Fisheries Federation, Htet Lin Medical Hall, Kethipan Medical House, Kyaw Traditional Medicine and Ayenyein Construction Materials Trading to members of the Sangha.
Today's donations were 209 bags of rice, 72 viss of edible oil, 750 viss of iodized salt, 75 tubes of tooth paste, 362 packets of traditional medicines and K 3,102, 050.
( 7 ) Commander attends conclusion of monsoon paddy cultivation and transplanting skill contest
Yangon, 18 Aug - A ceremony to conclude cultivation of monsoon paddy for 2002-2003 cultivation season in Yangon Division and division level transplanting skill contest was held at the farm of U Myo Thant near Sitpinkwin Village in Thanlyin Township, Yangon (South) District, this morning, attended by Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe.
First, the commander made a speech. In his speech he
highlighted the guidance of the Head of State to exert efforts for the
promotion of the agricultural production as the country is an agro-based
one. Local peasants were urged to increase the agricultural production
by putting all the fallow and virgin land under crops and cultivating
quality paddy strains, high-yielding and suitable for the region. The
increased rice production would bring about high living standard of the local peasants and economic development, he said.
The conclusion ceremony of the cultivation of monsoon paddy was being held successfully in the division due to the
perseverance and concerted efforts of the peasants in the division. Oil crops, pulses and beans and summer paddy which grow in winter could be cultivated ahead of time for the early harvest of monsoon paddy.
The systematic transplanting is vital for the increased paddy yield. In conclusion, he urged the peasants to make efforts for systematic transplanting and staff of MAS and division, district and township level agricultural coordination committees to organize and educate the peasants for the increased paddy yield.
Then, chairmen of District Peace and Development Councils in the division presented reports on the completion of monsoon paddy cultivation for districts in the cultivation season to the commander.
Afterwards, Chief of the panel of judges of the committee for holding paddy transplanting skill contest Yangon Division Staff Officer of the Settlement and Land Records Department U Naing Win explained matters related to the marking system of the contest.
The commander and officials viewed the transplanting skill contest and demonstration of transplanting with the use of machines of the Agricultural Mechanization Department.
Next, the commander and party viewed round the exhibition booths on algae bio-fertilizer cultivation, application of urea, making EM bokashi fertilizer, pulses and beans and paddy of MAS and booths of the Irrigation Department, the Water Resources Utilization Department, IMD, Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading, Yangon Division Development Affairs Department, Public Works, the Department of Forestry, Yangon Division Health Department, Yangon Division Basic Education Department and Yangon Division Fisheries Department. The commander and party also inspected Winthuza shop of the Ministry of Industry-1, farm machinery shop of the Ministry of Industry-2 and other shops of agriculture-related companies and cooperatives.
Then, the prize presentation followed. Then, the commander presented honorary prizes to Kyauktan Township that won outstanding township award for all-round agriculture production for 2001-2002; Taikkyi Township for summer paddy cultivation (State Level) in World Food Day for 2001-2002 and Thongwa Township for cultivation of beans (State Level), State Level Outstanding Farmer award for summer paddy cultivation in World Food Day for 2001-2002 U Pe Hlaing of Yetalapaung Village, Hlegu Township, State Level Outstanding Farmer award winners for Sunflower cultivation U Htay Win of Kayingyaung Village, Kyauktan Township, and
U Tin Gyi of Patoke Village, Thongwa Township, and State Level Outstanding Farmer award winner for pedisein cultivation U Htay (a) U Htway of Ward 7 in Kayan Township.
Then, the officials presented the outstanding township awards for cultivation of monsoon paddy, cultivation of oil crops, cultivation of beans, cultivation of summer paddy, crops cultivation, sale of paddy and repayment of cultivation loan of Myanma Agriculture Development Bank.
Then, prize presentation of transplanting skill followed. The officials presented prizes to the women paddy trasplanting teams who won consolation prizes.
Next, Division Officer of the Settlement and Land Records Department U Naing Win presented the third prize to Hmawby Township women transplating team, and Yangon Division Manager of the Myanma Agriculture Service U Aung San presented the second prize to Thanlyin Township women paddy transplanting team. The commander presented the frist prize to Taikkyi Township women transplanters team and outstanding transplanter award to Ma Cho Cho Win of Kawhmu Township.
Companies, organizations and private entrepreneurs presented cash awards to women paddy transplanters who stood first, second and third in paddy transplanting skill contest.
After that, Chairmen of District Peace and Development Council presented certificates of honour to Poly Aik Co, Nawarat Co, Metro Asia Co, Agro Marketing Co, Mala Myaing Enterprise, Myanmar Rice Dealers Association Chairman U Nyein, Shwe Chinthe Fertilizer, Win Family Sales Centre, Good Brothers Co and MRDS Secretary U Aung Than Oo.
Yangon Division has cultivated 1,150,898 acres of monsoon paddy against 1,177,000 targeted acres. So far, 97.78% monsoon paddy has been cultivated against the target in this rainy season.
( 8
) USDA CEC member tours Magway Division
Yangon, 18 Aug - Central Executive Committee Member of the Union Solidarity and Development Association U Soe Tha and Chairman of the Magway Division Peace and Development Council Col Zaw Min, accompanied by officials, on 16 August morning inspected the construction of Minbu District USDA Office.
Then, the CEC member and party arrived at the Basic Education High School, Salin, and attended to the needs for extension of school building.
They then attended the ceremony to present USDA membership applications at BEHS, Sinphyukyun, Salin Township and accepted 2,610 applications.
In the afternoon, the CEC member and party arrived at BEHS, Zeephyupin Village, Salin Township, and attended to needs of the extension of school building.
The CEC member made an address at the ceremony to submit USDA membership applications at BEHS, Kanma Sanpya Village, Pakokku Township yesterday morning.
Then, the CEC member accepted 2,961 USDA membership applications from Kanma Sanpya Village-tract, Yemyat Village-tract, Yela Village-tract and Phoungkwe Village-tract and made a speech.
The CEC member fulfilled the needs after hearing reports on rural development tasks presented by members of the school board of trustees of Kanma Sanpya Village Basic Education High School and
towns elders and USDA organizers of Pyaeai Village and Yela Village.
Later, the CEC member fulfilled the requirements for the construction of Thayattaw Village Post
Primary School and the learning centre of Myitche Village BEHS.
( 9
) Myanmar beats Malaysia 1-0 in U-21 soccer
Yangon, 18 Aug - Brunei Sultan's Trophy Invitational ASEAN Under-21 Soccer Tournament continues in Brunei today. In the Group-A tournament, Myanmar team beat Malaysia team 1-0. Tint Naing Tun Thein
shot the only goal for Myanmar team.