1 ) Myanmar ICT Park, historical milestone, emerges
as result of encouragement of government and efforts
of ICT technicians and entrepreneurs

Yangon, 17 Aug - The annual general meeting of Myanmar Computer Federation, Myanmar Computer Scientists Association, Myanmar Computer Industry Association and Myanmar Computer Enthusiasts Association took place at MICT Park in Hline Township this morning.
Chairman of Myanmar Computer Technology Development Council Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt addressed the meeting.
Chairman of MCF U Thein Oo extended greetings.
Then, the Secretary-1 said that the State Peace and Development Council, in cooperation with national forces, is striving to enable the Union of Myanmar to stand shoulder to shoulder with other nations. At the same time, the Council is implementing plans designed to develop information and communication technology in the nation and to breed technicians well-versed in sciences and academic subjects.
Therefore, the government is giving support for the development of information and communication technology which has become essential for the social and economic progress and is advancing at a blistering rate in the world.
Systematic measures are being taken to ensure development of information and communication technology right down from the basic education sector among the people, to nurture highly-qualified information and communication technicians, to develop infrastructures related to information and communication and to ensure emergence of management systems and networks based on information and communication technology at governmental departments and private businesses and among the people.
At present, the government is giving encouragement to the development of computer technology in the private sector. Moreover, Myanmar Computer Federation, Myanmar Computer Scientist Association, Myan-mar Computer Industry Association and Myanmar Computer Enthusiasts Association have been formed to mobilize computer technicians and entrepreneurs.
Now, national computer technicians, entrepreneurs and enthusiasts are working hard for the development of ICT under the flag of MCF and other computer associations and under the leadership of the government. MCFs and other computer associations have emerged as national forces which are capable of playing a crucial role in striving for ICT development in Myanmar.
As computer technicians and entrepreneurs have been working hard for ICT development under the leadership of the government, ICT development can be seen in various sectors today.
Myanmar ICT Park is a historical milestone which has emerged as a result of the encouragement of the government and efforts of ICT technicians and entrepreneurs. ICT Master Plan for basic guidelines for ICT development has been drawn up.
Moreover, to improve local and overseas communication in the communication sector, Bagan Cybertech and Bagan Teleport have been established.
To provide overseas communication services, a link has been established not only with Satellite Communication Link but also with Se-Me-We (3) Submarine Cable. Governmental organizations, NGOs and educational, health, social and economic organizations are being given Internet access in accord with rules and regulations.
It is encouraging to see the development and use of ICT in the education sector. Multimedia classrooms have been opened in virtually all the basic education high schools and in some middle and primary schools. Up to 304 e-learning centres have also been opened at universities, colleges and high schools; in the end of the 2002-2003 fiscal year, there will be 444 e-learning centres.
Measures are being taken to install VSAT communication system all over the
nation; in the education sector, that system has been installed at
50 places. Smart School Pilot Project is being implemented at three
Therefore, it can be said that new steps have
been taken to use Education Internet System all over the nation. In
the health sector, networks have been established among institutes
of medicine and teaching hospitals; teleconferencing system has been
used as well. In the economic sector, the governmental organizations
are using computer systems and need to strive to establish a network
with other organizations. Such projects as e-Procurement and Trade Electronic Data Interchange are being studied. To undertake economic transactions electronically, Certification Authority is to be set up.
Registration systems concerning persons, vehicles, houses, passports, visa are to be computerized gradually.
E-Visa and e-Passport systems are being put on test. Governmental organizations are to adopt an attitude that information and communication technology is to be used in providing information services conveniently, boosting productivity, collecting data at a low cost and gathering information for penetration into not only local but also foreign markets.
Efforts are to be exerted to ensure the emergence of ICT industry, especially Software Industry. The establishment of Myanmar ICT Park is aimed at ensuring the emergence of Software Industry. It is also aimed at enabling ICT companies to invent Software and to enter the local and foreign Software markets.
The establishment of Software industry entails not only infrastructure but also efficient Software engineers. The government has opened two computer universities and 23 Government Computer Colleges at states and divisions. In the private sector, encouragement is being given to development of Certification Programmes and human resources concerning ICT. Not only the government but also the private sector need to make all-out efforts for the emergence of software engineers.
All the members of ASEAN are paying special emphasis on ICT development.
In November 2000, heads of ASEAN member nations signed e-ASEAN Framework Agreement. E-ASEAN Task Force and Working Groups have been formed. In Myanmar, e-National Task Force has been formed. ICT is one of the four sectors covered by Initiative for ASEAN Integration Programme designed to ensure harmonious development among ASEAN member nations. In the ICT sector, the Myanmar delegation is taking up a leading role. More efforts are to be exerted to keep abreast with other ASEAN member nations in terms of ICT development.
The government has already acknowledged that the cooperation of MCF and other computer associations under the leadership of the government accelerates ICT development. ICT Master Plan drawn up by MCF in line with the guidelines of the government has become a foundation for ICT development tasks.
The emergence of Myanmar ICT Park can be attributed to the concerted efforts of MCF and other computer associations. Foreign scholarship programmes, Certification Programmes, Cross Certification Programmes and the formation of special interest groups (SIG) , establishment of resource
centers and data collection centers are found to be successful.
It is also found that talks on ICT and conferences have been organized. It is very satisfactory to see the efforts of MCF and other computer associations for ICT development during a period of four years.
In conclusion, the Secretary-1 said, "May Myanmar Computer Federation be able to continue to work for development of information and communication technology which plays an important role in striving to enable the Union of Myanmar to keep abreast with other nations in terms of development; may the federation be able to contribute to the development of the education, health, social and economic sectors of the State; may the federation and its members be able to achieve success upon success.
After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 and party inspected the model of MICT Park Project Phase II building, training halls of MICT Park, the research and development centre and Bagan Cybertech Teleport.
The Secretary-1 gave instructions.
Secretary-1 attends meeting of Committee for Production of Medicines for Six Common Diseases
Yangon, 17 Aug
- The Committee for Production of Medicines for Six Major Diseases held its meeting No 2/2002 at the meeting hall of the Ministry of Industry-1 on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road this afternoon, with an address by Chairman of National Health Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.

In his address, the Secretary-1 said that in line with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe to locally produce
medicines for the six common diseases, a committee has been formed and efforts are being made to produce the medicines. Research works for producing two medicines for curing malaria have been made and experiments are meeting with success. In the past, attempts were made to produce the medicines but they did not meet with success due to the lack of co-operation by the ministries concerned. Now, in accordance with the guidance of the Head of State, responsible personnel and ministries concerned provided supervision and cooperation and at the same time the respective ministries worked as an integrated team.
With assistance rendered by the ministries concerned as guided by the Head of State, the technicians concerned made energetic efforts and as a result, success is achieved in producing the medicines. In addition to the medicines for malaria, research works have been met with success to produce other traditional
medicines to cure the five remaining diseases. Continued efforts must be made to produce the traditional medicines systematically through processes of international standard. Myanmar traditional medicines are effective originally and modern methods must be used to ensure the storage, packaging and transprotation processes to be of international standard.
Nowadays, traditional medicines produced by pharmaceutical technicians through modern methods are meeting with success in the private sector. Hence, the traditional
medicines have now reached the stage of fulfilling the needs for health care of the people. Based on research findings concerning the traditional
medicines to cure the remaining five common diseases, continued efforts must be made to reach the stage of production.
Then, Managing Director of Myanma Pharmaceutical Industries U Myint Oo approved of the minutes of the meeting No 1/2002 of the committee.
Afterwards, Deputy Minister for Industry-1 Brig-Gen Kyaw Win reported on progress in implementing the resolutions passed at the meeting No 1/2002. Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung reported on prospects in producing standard malaria tablets, arrangements for obtaining raw materials to produce malaria control tablets, and growing of plants for production of malaria control and gaining success.
Next, Director of Pharmaceutical Production and Technological Development Department Dr Myo Myint reported on production process of anti-malaria tablets and prospects in producing international
standard anti-malaria tablets. Then, ministers, deputy ministers and officials reported on growing herbal plants and doing researches regarding production of medicines for the six common diseases.
Afterwards, Myanmar Ambassador to Britain Dr Kyaw Win gave an account of production of a new kind of medicine and notable facts about the standards of medicines issued by World Health Organization. The Secretary-1 gave necessary instructions and attended to the needs. In his
concluding remarks, the Secretary-1 said that the two medicines for malaria are found to be able not only to cure but also to control the disease. He urged to make continued efforts for totally wiping out malaria. He also expressed thanks to those technicians and departments concerned for their collective efforts in producing the two anti-malaria medicines.
After the meeting, the Secretary-1 and party
inspected rare herbal plants, and medicines produced on experimental
basis by Myanmar Pharmaceutical Factory for the six common diseases.
Secretary-1 donates exercise books, stationery to monks, novices, nuns attending Dhammacariya Course

Yangon, 17 Aug
- A ceremony to donate exercise books and stationery to monks, novices and nuns attending Dhammacariya course for the three-month period of the Lent at Aung Myay Bawdhi Dhamma Yeiktha Alodawpyi Kyaungtaik in Tamway Township was held at the kyaungtaik at 4 pm today, attended by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and wife Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe.
First, the ceremony was opened with the three-time recitation of Namo Tassa.
Then, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, wife Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe and the congregation received the Five Precepts from Presiding Sayadaw of the Kyaungtaik course instructor Bhaddanta Sucittabhivamsa (Tha-Sa-Ah Dhammacariya).
Then, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and wife Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe donated exercise books and stationery to Aung Myay Bawdhi Dhamma Yeiktha Kyaungtaik Presiding Sayadaw Course Instructor Bhaddanta Sucittabhivamsa (Tha-Sa-Ah Dhammacariya). The Sayadaw then delivered a sermon, followed by
sharing of merits gained and the ceremony concluded with the three-time recitation
of Buddha Sasanam Ciramtitthatu.
Afterwards, the ministers, deputy ministers and officials donated exercise books and stationery to trainee monks, novices and nuns.
Three-month-lent Dham-macariya Course is being attended by 850 monks, 100 novices and 100 nuns.
( 2 )
Severe action taken against brokers engaged in human trafficking
About 80% of national women in Shan State (East) actively taking part in MNWCWA

Yangon, 17 Aug - A regular press conference on suppression of those who trafficked in persons, on the tour of Shan State (East) by members of Myanmar National Working Committee for Women's Affairs and on surgical operation on conjoined twins at the children's hospital in Mandalay was held at Tatmadaw Guest House on Inya Road this morning.
Present were Minister for Labour U Tin Winn, Vice-Chief of Military Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win, Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung, Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Kyaw Myint, senior military officers, heads of department, officials of the Ministry of Information, U Sein Win of Kyo-do News Agency, Patron of Myanmar Foreign Correspondents C lub U Hla Htwe,
Chairman U Sao Kai Hpa and members and guests.

With regard to the suppression of human trafficking, Head of Department of the Ministry of Defence Col Than Tun said that the youths from all over the nation including rural areas have gone abroad illegally through
neighboring nations on the grounds of working there. Those who help them to go abroad illegally are brokers. Among those who have gone abroad, the majority are the youths from rural areas. Being honest, they do not know how they will get into trouble and be exploited in other nations. Falling for the persuasion of brokers that if they go abroad, they will get rich quick, they spend a large sum of money going abroad. Some were sold by brokers. Some were given cane punishment in prison after action was taken against them in foreign countries. In some countries, they were subjected to various kinds of torture in prison. The reason for it is that as they are honest, they fall for persuasion of brokers and unfounded news. The National Intelligence Bureau has prevented people from going abroad illegally.

There are 27 cases in which action was taken against brokers; 34 brokers have been arrested and sent to court.
Twenty-seven Kachin and Rawan national youths from Myitkyina, Putao and Mogaung arrived at Kalay to go to the US through India on 8 June 2002.
On 12 June, another 29 Kachin and Rawan national youths arrived at Kalay. On the same day, another nine Kachin national youths arrived at Tamu. When they were questioned, they said that as they heard at the busy places including churches in their towns that refugee camps were opened; that if about 30 US dollars could be spent, they could go to the US via these refugee camps; that job was also offered; that's why they came there to go to the refugee camps in India through Kalay and Tamu and then to the US to work; on arriving at Kalay, they knew that there were no such things as refugee camps at the Indian border which would help them go to the US; while they were putting up at near by houses, they were questioned by the authorities; they had to pay brokers money from K 50,000 up to 150,000.

These national youths included 38 men and 27 women. The authorities explained the matters to them and sent them to their respective houses and handed over them to their guardians. Legal action has been taken against two brokers.
In August 2002, eight brokers and 192 persons who arrived at Yangon and Mandalay with the aim of going aboard illegally to work were exposed. The authorities got the information that 191 youths from Mudon, Ye, Thanbyuzayat, Kyaikmaraw, Hpa-an and Mawlamyine Townships in Kayin State and Mon State arrived at Yangon to go to Yodaya through Yangon and Kawthoung after being persuaded by brokers; that while they were buying Yangon-Kawthoung air tickets, they were staying at monasteries, Dhammayon, guest houses and homes in Ranong; the authorities investigated the matter. Twelve men and three women staying at Myintmoh Khit Tathaung Guest House in Mayangon Township, 25 men and five women staying at the house of U Soe Tint, No 14, Seittathukha, Sangyoung Township, 31 men and 16 women staying at Mon Dhammayon in Dagon Township, 12 men and nine women staying at Kyaikthi Monastery in Bahan Township, 35 men and 39 women staying at Yamanya Waiponla Monastery in Bahan Township and three men and one woman passengers waiting to go to Kawthoung at Yangon Airport were found and could be prevented; they
totaled 191 including 118 men and 73 women.
Forty-five persons staying at Myintmoh Khit Tathaung Guest House and U Soe Tint's were persuaded by U Soe Tint and Daw Thaung Yee; they asked for K 39,000 up to K 85,000 to send them to Kawthoung, and they were waiting for air tickets. Forty-seven staying at Mon Dhammayon were persuaded by brokers Soe Aye and Win Ko, who asked for 140,000 per head to send them to Ranaung, Yodaya. Brokers Khin Maung Win, Daw Tin Nge and Daw Nyunt Kyein accepted ninety-three staying at Kyaikthi Monastery and Yamanya Waiponla Monastery to send them to Kawthoung with K 10,000 up to K 70,000.
Brokers U Soe Tint, Daw Thaung Yee, Win Ko, Khin Maung Win and Daw Tin Nge were arrested. They established contact with brokers in Kawthoung, who in turn sent the people to the neighbouring nation illegally. Four brokers in Kawthoung were also arrested, and legal action is being taken against them.
Similarly, 36 youths from Chaungson Township, Ye Township, Pawn Township, Kyaikmaraw, Mudon, Kawkareik and Bago arrived at Yangon on 12 August to go to the neighbouring and work there; before departure to Kawthoung, they were exposed at Yangon Airport. They were persuaded by brokers Kyaw Kyaw Win and Ma Win Thi; action is being taken against broker Kyaw Kyaw Win. On 12 August, a combined team searched a van leaving from Mandalay for Lashio at Bo Bo Gyi Shrine, Aungpinle Ward, Chanmyathasi Township; broker Ma Aye Si and Thaung Nyunt were arrested; they brought a woman living in Hlinethaya Township, Yangon, to sell at Shweli after making a lie that she could get a lucrative job.
Those persuaded to go abroad and work illegally were sent back to their homes on 14 August. The authorities will take severe action against brokers.
With regard to the tour of towns and villages in Shan State (East), Leader of the Education Group of MNWCWA Professor Daw Khin Aye Win said that the team led by member of Myanmar National Committee for Women's Affairs and Myanmar National Working Committee for Women's Affairs Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe left Yangon on 5 August to meet with women in towns and villages in Shan State (East). The team included Vice-Chairman of MNWCWA Daw May May Yee, Secretary U Sit Myaing and leaders of groups for education, health, economy, culture, women and environmental conservation, information and legal affairs; it made a field tour in cooperation with NGOs, local people and religious organizations like YWCA.
The team met with members of Working Committee for Women's Affairs from the regions and discussed matters related to development of women and protection of women from all forms of danger.
The team collected data and had discussions with regard to the news broadcast by foreign media in connection with human trafficking. The team had discussions not only in towns but also in villages. Violent cases were not discovered; Maternal and Child Welfare Associations the region also gave assistance. Working Committees for Women's Affairs have been formed right down to wards and villages. About 80% of national women in Shan State (East) are actively taking part in the association.
The team had group discussions with women at villages; they discussed matters as to whether there was any social difficulty or violence acts. The team also had discussions with local national women at Mongphyat; Women sent letters of complaint to the working committees. If it can be assumed that they have been treated unjustly, an inquiry is conducted whether the persons concerned are government employees or Tatmadaw members. The team conducted enquiries in connection with these letters. Although some regions in Shan State (East) are difficult of access, members of the Working Committee for Women's Affairs and Maternal and Child Welfare Association have worked to the best of their abilities.
With regard to surgical operation on the conjoined twins at Mandalay Children's Hospital, Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Kyaw Myint said that the successful performance of surgical operation on the conjoined twins at Mandala Children's Hospital is a milestone in the medical history of Myanmar. The State and the Ministry of Health and the Myanma medical work are proud of this performance. With regard to the medical standard, Myanmar can keep abreast not only with south-east Asian nations but also with the world. On completion of implementation of the special four-year national education promotion plan in accord with the guidance of the Head of State, Myanmar can stand shoulder to shoulder with neighbouring nations in terms of providing health care.
This success can be attributed to the guidance of the Head of State, provision of necessary medical equipment for the health sector, the guidelines of the Chairman of Myanmar National Health Committee, close supervision of the Minister for Health and the physical and mental capability and perseverance of Myanmar surgeons.
The chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command also provided assistance in terms of money and materials while the twins were in hospital.
Conjoined twins with Ischiopagus are very rare; they are the 19th twins who underwent operation in the world. The operation was rehearsed 15 times.
Paediatric surgeon of Mandalay Children's Hospital Professor Dr Aung Kyi explained the operation on the twins with multimedia projector.
He said that 18 Ischiophagus Aripus conjoined twins have already undergone operation in the world; the twins, Moe Ma Ma Aung and Moe Pa Pa Aung, are the 19th; such a kind of operation is the first in Myanmar.
After the twins were brought into the operation theatre, preparations started at 6 am on 11 August. The operation was finished successfully at about 5 pm. The whole operation was completed at 8.15 pm, which took over 14 hours.
Then, Minister for Labour U Tin Winn elaborated on human trafficking.
Later, Minister U Tin Winn, Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, Deputy Minister Professor Dr Kyaw Myint, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung, Col Than Tun, Police Brig-Gen of Myanma Police Force Tin Win, Professor Daw Khin Aye Win, Dr Aung Kyi, anaesthetic specialist Dr Thant Sin and specialist professor Dr Myint Thein replied to the queries raised by the journalists.
Then, the journalists viewed documentary photos
showing the arresting of brokers engaged in human trafficking.
( 3
) Korean delegation calls on USDA
CEC member
Yangon, 17 Aug - A visiting 22-member Youth Goodwill Delegation led by Mr Jee Se Sun of the Republic of Korea, under the arrangements to exchange visits between youths of ASEAN member countries and the ROK, called on Central Executive Committee Member of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Brig-Gen Khin Maung at the head office of the association in Bahan Township this afternoon.
The delegation made frank discussions with the youth delegates from the State / Division USDAs at the head office.
The delegation also had discussions with Yangon Division USDA Secretary U Aye Myint
and executives at the Divisional USDA office this morning.
( 4
) Computer associations hold annual general meeting
Yangon, 17 Aug - The annual general meeting of Myanmar Computer Federation, Myanmar Computer Scientists Association, Myanmar Computer Industry Association and Myanmar Computer Enthusiasts Association took place at the MICT Park in Hline Township this morning.
It was attended by presidents, executives and members of the associations.
President of the MCF U Thein Oo chaired the meeting together with MCF Vice-Presidents Dr Kyaw Thein and Dr Paik Tin.
Secretary of the MCF U Tin Win Aung presented the report of the MCF executive committee.
Secretary of the MCSA Daw Nwe Nwe Win presented the report of the association executive committee, Treasurer U Thein Htut, financial statement, and Auditor U Soe Win Tun, the auditing report. Then, member of the MCSA supported the reports and the financial statement.
Afterwards, Secretary of the MCIA Daw Than Than Tint presented the report of the association's executive committee, Treasurer U Thein Pe, the financial statement and Auditor Daw Tin Tin Aye, the auditing report. The MCIA members
supported the reports and the financial statement.
Next, Secretary of the MCEA U Aye Myint presented the report of the association.
Then, the list of new executives of the MCSA and the MCIA for the year 2002-2003 was announced.
Presidents of the MCSA U Thaung Tin, President of the MCIA U Aung Zaw Myint and President of the MCEA Director-General of the Education Planning and Training Department under the Ministry of Education U Bo Win extended greetings.
Then, Secretary of the MCF U Tin Win Aung replied to the queries raised by members of the MCIA.
After that, MCF President U Thein Oo and Vice-Presidents Dr Kyaw Thein and Dr Paik Tin presented certificates of honour to the wellwishers who assisted the MCF, the MCSA and the MCIA,
and the meeting came to an end.
( 5 ) e-National Task Force Chairman attends ceremony to conclude Cyberlaw workshop
Yangon, 17 Aug - The conclusion ceremony of Cyberlaw workshop, jointly organized by e-National Task Force, the office of the Attorney-General and Multimedia Development Corporation (MDC) of Malaysia, was held at MICT Park in Hline Township at 5.30 pm today, attended by Chairman of e-National Task Force of Myanmar Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw.
Director-General of the Office of the Attorney-General Dr Tun Shin and Chairman Y Bhg Tan Sri Dato Dr Othman Yeop Abdullah made closing remarks and the workshop concluded successfully.
Chairman Y Bhg Tan Sri Dato Dr Othman Yeop Abdullah presented souvenirs to Minister Brig-Gen Thein Zaw and Director-General Dr Tun Shin who also presented souvenirs to him.
Then, the minister and officials, and the chairman of MDC and party had a documentary photo taken together with the participants. Chairman Minister Brig-Gen Thein Zaw and members of e-National Task Force together with the chairman of MDC and members, and the participants attended a dinner hosted by the chairman of MDC to mark the success of the workshop. The second day session of the workshop continued at the same venue this morning.
First, the part V of the workshop, Content Creation, began at 9 am. Ms Laura Ho of the MDC acted as the moderator of the discussion. Prof Dr Khaw Lake Tee, Professor of Law, University of Malaya, Malaysia, presented
"Intellectual Property Rights in Cyberspace" and Mr Deepak Pallai of Raghavji & Pillai, Malaysia,
"Combating Cyber Crimes - Computer Crime Act".
Then, they replied to the queries raised by those present.
Then, the part VI of the workshop, E-Transaction, continued. Director-General Dr Tun Shin presided over the session. Mr Shamsul Jafni Shafie of the Communication and Multimedia Commission of Malaysia presented
"Digital Signature Act: Theory and Reality" and Senior Associate Ms Animah Kosai of Zaid Bramin & Co, Malaysia, e-Enabling Laws to Promote e-Transactions & Implications of e-Government to Existing
Laws". The part VII of the workshop, Case Study, was made as panel discussion by the participants in the afternoon session.
At the part VIII of the workshop, Wrap-up Session, Prof Dr Khaw Lake Tee acted as chairperson and the participants made a panel discussion on
"Formulating an Action Plan for Myanmar- The Way Forward".
( 6 )
A & I Minister tours Hlegu and Mingaladon townships
Yangon, 17 Aug - Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin inspected Ngamoeyeik Dam in Hlegu Township this morning.
At the briefing hall, the minister met with departmental officials and discussed work for water supply for the agirulcutal purpose, a site to be chosen for establishing a herbal plant garden, and the gathering and growing various species of herbal plants from various parts of Myanmar.
Then, the minister inspected the main embankment, conduit and spillway of the dam, the site to be chosen for the herbal plant garden, and left instructions on the planting and nurturing of trees in the watershed areas of the dam and maintenance of the dam facilities.
The minister inspected the rubber farm of Myanma Perennial Crops Enterprise downstream of the dam.
Next, the minister went to the fan-belt factory of the MPCE in Mingaladon Township. He inspected the production process and left instructions on innovative measures, research work to be done and quality control.
After that, the minister inspected the furniture made of rubber wood at the rubber wood factory of the MPCE and laid down future
Cash donated to School for the blind
Yangon, 17 Aug
- A ceremony to present cash for the Kyimyindine school for the blind of the Social Welfare Department, donated by wellwisher Dr Daw Khin Thet Maw, was held at the school on Panpingyi Street in Kyimyindine Township this evening.
It was attended by Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa, Director-General of the SWD U Sit Myaing and officials, guests and wellwishers.
On behalf of the wellwisher Dr Daw Khin Thet Maw, niece Daw Thuza Thant explained the purpose of the donation, and presented one million kyats to the minister who returned the certificate of honour and spoke words of thanks.
Then, the students from the school entertained
with a song. Later, the minister and party viewed round the
multi-media classroom and computer room of the school.
( 7 ) Commander inspects sanitation works in Yangon
Yangon, 17 Aug - Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe, accompanied by Vice-Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa and officials, inspected the sanitation work being carried out by Tatmadaw-men, members of Myanmar Police Force, personnel of YCDC, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Red Cross Society and Auxiliary Fire Brigade, Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Women's Affairs Committee and the public this morning and gave necessary instructions to officials.
First, the commander, the vice-mayor and party inspected the dredging of ditches around Aung San Stadium in Mingalar Taungnyunt Township and along Bo Min Yaung Street. The officials reported on the tasks being implemented. The commander then gave instructions on proper drainage for Bo Min Yaung Street.
Next, the commander, the vice-mayor and party saw over the dredging and sanitation tasks being carried out in Laydaunkkan Street in Thingangyun Township near Thumingala Junction, in U San Pe Ward and at the junction of Dhamma Zedi Road and Shwegondaing
( 8
) Families of Tatmadaw and wellwishers donate provisions and cash to monasteries

Yangon, 17 Aug - A ceremony to donate rice, edible oil, pulses and beans and cash by families of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) and wellwishers to Hsuhtupan Sarthintaik in Natmauk ward of Tamway Township took place at the Sarthintaik this morning.
Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw of the
monastery Bhaddanta Sallapanidita administered the Five Precepts. Today's donations to the monastery were 38 bags of rice, 24 viss of edible oil, 150 viss of iodized salt, 15 tubes of tooth paste, 23 viss of pulses and beans, 10 packets of Durian-jam and K 192,900.
Similarly, families of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) and wellwishers donated provisions and cash to Aungmyay Yadana, Maha Thuwunna, Shwenaban, Yadana Theikdi, Maha Theikpan, Kyaikkasan Shwekyin Taikthit, Kyaik-kasan Pahtama Shwekyin and Shwehintha monasteries in Thingangyun Township at the ceremony held at Aungmyay Yadana monastery in Thumingala ward, Thingangyun Township, this morning. Brig-Gen Maung Nyo and party donated 166 bags of rice, 97 viss of edible oil, 550 viss of iodized salt, 55 tubes of tooth paste, 114 viss of pulses and beans, 10 packets of Durian-jam and K 527,900 to Aungmyay Yadana Sayadaw Bhaddanta Khemacara, Sayadaws and members of the Sangha.
Likewise, Tatmadaw-men and wellwishers donated provisions and cash to Ngahtatgyi and Wepyan Sarthintaiks in Bahan Township at the ceremony held at Ngahtatgyi monastery this morning.
Present on the occasion were Sayadaws and members of the Sangha, Brig-Gen Tin Soe of Ministry of Defence, Commodore Maw Thein of Ayeyawady Naval Regional Command Headquarters, Col Ye Htut and Tatmadaw officers, local authorities and wellwishers. Today's donations were 69 bags of rice, 18 viss of edible oil, 35 viss of pulses and beans, 377 viss of iodized salt, 20 tubes of tooth paste, 1,497 packets of traditional medicines and K 1,799,070.
In Yangon North District, Tatmadawmen and wellwishers donated provisions and cash to Maha Vinaya Rama (Shwe-kyeetha), Sasana Niyama, Pubbhayon, Tipitaka Maha Gandhayon, Saddhamma Pijotayon, Thidagu Pariyatti and Maha Gandhayi Sarthintaiks in Mingaladon Township at the ceremony held at Maha Vinaya Rama (Shwekyeetha) monastery this morning. Present on the occasion were Sayadaws and members of the Sangha, Director of Defence Services Resettlement Brig-Gen Aung Thein and senior Tatmadaw officers, local authorities and wellwishers.
Today's donations to the monasteries in the township were 218 bags of rice, 56 viss of edible oil, 113 viss of pulses and beans, 550 viss of iodized salt, 55 tubes of tooth paste and K 402,500.
In Yangon West District, Tatmadawmen and well-wishers donated provisions and cash to State Pariyatti Sasana University (Yangon) in Mayangon Township at the ceremony held at the monastery this afternoon.
Present on the occasion were State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Vice-Chairman Sayadaw Agga Maha Panditta Bhaddanta Kesara, Sayadaws and members of the Sangha, Director of Defence Services Resettlement Brig-Gen Aung Thein and senior Tatmadaw officers, Director-General of the Department for Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana U Sann Lwin, departmental personnel, local authorities and wellwishers.
Today's donations were 119 bags of rice, 41 viss of edible oil, 83 viss of pulses and beans, 400 viss of salt, 40 tubes of tooth paste, 400 packets of traditional medicines and K 1,075,050.
( 9
) Myanmar trounces Brunei 5-0 in U-21 soccer
Yangon, 17 Aug - Brunei Sultan's Trophy Invitational ASEAN Under-21 Soccer Tournament continued in Brunei today. In the Group (A), selected Myanmar team beat host Brunei 5-0. Soe Myat Min shot the first goal in the 3rd minute. Yan Paing hit the second in the 9th minute and Htay Aung, the third on 33 minute. Myanmar team led the first half with a 3-0 result.
In the second half, Aung Kyaw Moe scored the fourth in the 56th minute, and in the 67th minute, Yan Paing added the fifth, and so Myanmar edged a 5-0 victory over local rivals.