1 ) State Peace and Development Council Chairman Senior General Than Shwe and Vice-Chairman General Maung Aye send messages of felicitations to Republic of Indonesia
Yangon, 17 Aug - On the occasion of the 57th anniversary of the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia which falls on 17 August 2002, messages of felicitations have been sent from Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar to Her Excellency Madame Megawati Soekarnoputri, President of the Republic of Indonesia and from General Maung Aye, Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar to His Excellency Dr Hamzah Haz,
Vice-President of the Republic of Indonesia.
State Peace and Development Council Chairman Senior General Than Shwe accepts credentials
of Ambassador of Federal Republic of Germany

Yangon, 16 Aug - Dr Klaus Peter Wild, newly accredited Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Union of Myanmar, presented his credentials to Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, at Zeyathiri Beikman, Konmyinttha at 10.00 am today.
State Peace and Development Council Chairman Senior General Than Shwe accepts credentials
of Ambassador of Republic of Italy

Yangon, 16 Aug - HE Dr Raffaele Miniero, newly accredited Ambassador of the Republic of Italy to the Union of Myanmar, presented his credentials to Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, at Zeyathiri Beikman, Konmyinttha at 10.15 am today.
( 2 )
Loilem lies in heart of Shan State, is place where Union Spirit was conceived
Smooth and secure transport, regional peace and stability,
improvement of health, education, social economic foundations main
requirements for regional progress
Secretary-1 discusses development of Loilem District
Yangon, 16 Aug
- A meeting was held for development of Loilem District at Zeyathiri Beikman on Konmyinttha, here this evening, with an address by Chairman of the Working Committee for Progress of Border Areas and National Races Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
The Secretary-1 said he and the ministers toured the townships in Loilem District from 9 to 11 August with the aim of enabling the government to fulfil the requirements in developing the whole district.
The meeting will discuss matters relating to continued implementation of the regional development undertakings laid down township-wise and region-wise in Loilem District.
Loilem District is covered by the 24 special development zones designated under the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe.
Lashio region in northern Shan State, Taunggyi region in southern Shan State and Kengtung region in eastern Shan State have already been designated as special development zones.
Thus, Loilem region was left outside the area of the special zone projects of Shan State.
Loilem lies in the heart of Shan State and is the place where Union Spirit was conceived. Thus, Head of State Senior General Than Shwe gave guidance on designating Loilem District as a special development zone.
Panglong University, Panglong Technological College and Panglong Computer College are being built in the Loilem District based in Loilem Township and Panglong, for the district to have the characteristics of a special development zone.
In the health sector, the 100-bed Loilem District People's Hospital is being upgraded to a 200-bed facility.
Smooth and secure transport, regional peace and stability and improvement of the health, education, social and economic foundations are the main requirements for the regional progress.

Therefore, requirements for development of transport, social affairs and economy have been fulfilled after meeting with local authorities, members of social or
generations, local national people and towns elders in the townships in Loilem District.
During the tour, arrangements have been made to renovate basic education schools to have typical characteristics, to provide modern teaching aids, to attend to the needs of teachers, and to upgrade basic education schools wherever possible.
In the health sector, arrangements have been made to open more rural health
centers, to upgrade 16-bed hospitals to 25-bed ones and to provide medical equipment.
In the economic sector, arrangements have been made to reclaim land, to introduce highland cultivation system, to provide quality strains, to disseminate modern technology and to
fulfill necessary requirements for the development of agriculture and the economic sector.
To improve transport condition, arrangements have been made to build and renovate streets in towns, roads linking towns and Union Highways.
In addition, work for electric power and water supply and matters related to communication and information has been coordinated.

In conclusion, the Secretary-1 said that the ministries concerned need to work hard individually or in cooperation with other ministries in undertaking development tasks in Loilem region, and systematic coordination work is to be carried out from the central level right down to the village level.
Then, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe reported on condition of development tasks in Loilem region and requirements.
Then, the ministers and the deputy ministers reported on matters related to education, health, transport, urban and rural development, agriculture, power supply, construction of a TV retransmission station and culture.
The meeting ended with concluding remarks by Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
( 3
) Foreign Affairs Minister
U Win Aung sends felicitations to Republic of Indonesia
Yangon, 17 Aug - On the occasion of the 57th anniversary of the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia which falls on 17 August 2002, U Win Aung, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Union of Myanmar has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Dr N Hassan Wirajuda,
Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia.
( 4
) Basic Printing Course opens
Yangon, 16 Aug - A ceremony to open the Basic Printing Course No 2/2002 organized by the Printing and Publishing Enterprise under the Ministry of Information was held at the training hall of GTC Press in Aung Hsan, Insein
Township, this morning. The Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi
Aung made an opening address.
Altogether 27 trainees from the Prime Minister's Office and the Minisitry of Information are attending the eight-week course.
After the ceremony, the minister inspected printing of school textbooks at the press.
Myanmar Academy of Medical Science holds
biannual general meeting

Yangon, 16 Aug - The biannual general meeting of Myanmar Academy of Medical Science for 2002 took place at the Institute of Nursing here this morning.
Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein addressed the meeting.
The minister said that it is nearly three years that Myanmar Academy of Medical Science has come into being with the noble aim of contributing to the building of a new, peaceful, modern and developed nation by working for the development of medical science and other health-related subjects.
He added that Head of State Senior General Than Shwe gave the guidance that an academy should be set up to make best use of the know-ledge and experience of retired medical scientists and those who are still working so that they could serve the interests of the nation all the more.
He said that to implement the guidance of the Head of State, the Ministry of Health drew up the fundamental rules and regulations of Myanmar Academy of Medical Science and made necessary preparations to set up the Academy; the ministry issued an order with respect to the formation of the Academy.
In conclusion, the minister called on all to work hard to be able to stand as a national force on which the State can rely.
Then, the morning session of the general meeting was presided over by retired Professor Dr Myint Myint Khin.
Professor Dr U Aung Than Batu introduced Ambassador of Myanmar to England Dr Kyaw Win to the audience.
The ambassador gave a talk on men against microbes through the ages.
At the afternoon session, the report of MAMS was submitted, and a general round of discussions followed.
Secretary Professor Dr Maung Maung Wint replied to the queries. The afternoon session ended with concluding remarks by retired Professor Dr Daw Myint Myint Khin.
Innovated fire engines inspected
Yangon, 16 Aug - Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa inspected the four fire engines innovated by the Fire Services Department this morning.
Officer on Special Duty of the ministry Brig-Gen Thura Sein Thaung, Director-General of the Fire Services Department Col Myint Tun
and officer engineers who innovated the engines reported to the
minister on the engines. Then, the minister gave instructions on
sending of the engines to the respective townships.
( 5 ) Bago Division (East) USDA holds Annual General Meeting held
Yangon, 16 Aug - The Annual General Meeting 2002 of Bago Division (East) Union Solidarity and Development Association was held at Thiri Hantha Hall in Bago this morning at 9 am.
Patron of Bago Division USDA Commander of Southern Command Brig-Gen Aung Min and USDA CEC member U Pan Aung attended the meeting.
The commander and the CEC member delivered speeches on the occasion.
Secretary of Bago Division (East) USDA U Saw Maw Tun reported on tasks carried out in a one-year period.
Then, the commander presented first, second and third prizes to winning associations at the fourth all-division Buddha Desana recitation competition 2001 and to those which had implemented the five rural development tasks.
Next, the CEC member handed over awards for organizational skill. He also presented documents on implementation of the five rural development works.
Officials also gave away prizes to the outstanding students.
Later, U Saw Maw Tun made a speech. Secretaries of district/township associations reported on work done by their associations and general matters were then discussed. Afterwards, the meeting came to an end with concluding remarks of the secretary of Bago
Division USDA.
14th Asian Games commemorative torch to be relayed
Yangon, 16 Aug - The ceremony to light the torch commemorating the 14th Asian Games and to relay it will be held in Yangon and Bago on 5 and 6 September 2002.
The Asian Games will be held in Pusan, the Republic of Korea, from 29 September to 14 October 2002.
Officials discussed matters related to the ceremony at National Indoor Stadium-1 in Thuwunna this afternoon, with an address by Chairman of the Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint.
Joint-Secretary of MOC Director of Sports and Physical Education Department U Than Zaw explained the programme of the ceremony.
The participants including General-Secretary of MOC Director-General of SPED U Thaung Htaik,
members of the sports federations and guests then took part in the
discussions. Afterwards, the minister met with Myanmar volleyball
team which will take part in the international competition to be
held in Hyderabad in India from 18 to 22 August 2002.
USDA management course opened
Yangon, 16 Aug
- The opening ceremony of the multiplier management course No 2 for executives of Yangon South District Union Solidarity and Development Association took place at the office of the association in Thanlyin Township this morning.
It was attended by USDA CEC Members in charge of Yangon Division Col Tin Hlaing and Col Maung Pa, Secretary of Yangon Division USDA U Aye Myint and executives, Secretary of Yangon South District USDA U Lwin Oo and executives, local authorities, secretaries and members of USDAs in townships in the district, course instructors and trainees.
After the ceremony, the CEC members inspected the firewood substitute
briquette factory and breeding of layers in the compound of the
district USDA, and attended to the needs.
( 6 )
Yangon Division Committee to Eliminate Narcotic Drugs and Psychotrophic Substances holds meeting
Yangon, 16 Aug - Yangon Division Committee to Eliminate Narcotic Drugs and Psychotrophic Substances held a meeting at the meeting hall of the committee here this morning.
Chairman of the Committee Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe
delivered an address and also assigned duties to members of district
and township drug elimination bodies.
The commander said the nation has been implementing the 15-year narcotic drugs elimination plan covering the five priority tasks Ñ to wipe out poppy cultivation and opium production, to eliminate drug abuse, to curb drug trafficking, to organize local people to participate in the tasks and to cooperate with the international community. Of the five tasks, the Yangon Division has been striving with greater momentum to implement the three tasks to eliminate drug abuse, to curb drug trafficking, to organize local people to participate in the tasks. The State has been making greater efforts in eliminating narcotic drugs since 1988; it has achieve success in inviting the armed groups to return to the legal fold and developing the border regions to a certain degree.
The peace groups are now gaining good economic foundations, for the State has been paving the way for them so that they can enjoy economic opportunities. As a result, they have been able to implement effectively the drug eradication tasks for about two years. For example, Mongla region was declared
"Drug Free Zone" in 1997. The Wa and Kokang national races leaders are also issuing orders concerning narcotic drugs in their respective regions. Myanmar is striving to declare Kokang and Wa regions and the border towns, Tachilek, Myawady and Kawthoung, as
"drug free zones".
At the meeting on wiping out narcotic drugs in border areas, which was held on 23 July, Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt stressed the need to lay down a plan to transform Tachilek District into a drug free zone and added that states and divisions covered by the plan are required to make cooperative efforts in this regard. At the meetings of the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control, which were held on 6 March and 8 April, the Secretary-1 himself gave practical guidelines to lay down pilot projects to root out poppy cultivation and to reform drug elimination bodies in states and divisions, districts, townships, wards and village-tracts. Thus, the bodies were reorganized on 12 June 2002.
Vice-Chairman of the committee Yangon Division Police Commander Police Col Aung Daing explained the anti-drug endeavours
in the divisions, followed by a general round of discussions. The
meeting ended with concluding remarks by the commander.
Yangon Division Supervisory Committee for
Ensuring Smooth and Secure Transport meets
Yangon, 16 Aug - Yangon Division Supervisory Committee for Ensuring Smooth and Secure Transport held its regular weekly meeting at the meeting hall of the All Bus Lines Control Committee (Yangon Division) on Laydauntkan Street in Tamway Township at 5 pm today, with an address by Chairman of the Supervisory Committee Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe.
In his address, Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe dealt with matters to be undertaken under the Supervisory Committee and the Traffic Rules Enforcement Committee for the convenience of
commuters. Then, members of the Supervisory Committee and officials
concerned reported on work done for the convenience of the
passengers. The meeting came to an end with concluding remarks by
the commander.
Prizes presented to outstanding students in Yangon Division
Yangon, 16 Aug - The No 3 Basic Education Department (Yangon City) under the Ministry of Education held Yagon Division level prize-presenting ceremony for 2001-2002 academic year at the Zabei Hall of No 2 Basic Education High School in Sangyoung Township this morning, attended by Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe.
The students of Sangyoung Township No 2 BEHS sang the song titled
"Myanma Kyaung" (Myanma School). Then, students of Dagon Township No 1 BEHS presented a programme with a song titled
"Zartiman" (National Spirit).
Then, the commander delivered a speech on the occasion and presented the prizes for model schools in greening and model schools in health (BEHS, BEMS and BEPS levels) to prize-winning schools, and posed for a documentary photo together with the principals.
Afterwards, the commander, the deputy minister, the director-general, the military region commander and officials presented all-round development prizes to outstanding students.
Next, the students of Sangyoung Township No 2 BEHS presented an entertainment programme with the song titled
"Bet-son-pyinnya-ko-yi-doe-hlan-chi" (Towards all-round development education), which brought the ceremony to a close.
At the ceremony, a total of 269 prizes were presented including the prizes for model schools in greening, model schools in health, TV quiz to mark the 54th Independence Day, composition, poem, computer drawing, computer skill, extempore talks and painting contests, year 2001 Myanma traditional knowledge, composition contest to mark 2002 World Tuberculosis Control Day, the third International Letter Writing Contest, painting, poster and composition contests to mark the 56th the United Nations Day, poster and composition contests to mark World Population Day, composition and poster contests to mark World Environment Day, painting contests to mark World AIDS Day, the 12th Tatmadaw
Quiz, international painting contest, painting contest (under 12),
respective subjects and outstanding performance in tasks of the
( 7 ) Cyberlaws workshop commences
Yangon, 16 Aug - Cyberlaws workshop, jointly organized by e-National Task Force, the office of the Attorney-General of Myanmar and Multimedia Development Corporation of Malaysia, took place at MICT Park in Hline Township here this morning.
Present were Deputy Chief Justice U Than Oo, Deputy Attorney-General U Khin Maung Aye, Deputy Chairman of e-National Task Force and member of the Civil Service Selection and Training Board U Aung Myint, Chairman of e-National Task Force Application Committee Col Thein Swe, Director-General of the Office of the Attorney-General Dr Tun Shin, Director-General of the Office of the Chief Justice U Tin Aye and officials, members of e-National Task Force, officials of the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telegraphs, the Offices of the Attorney-General and the Chief Justice and MICT Park, Vice-President of Multimedia Development Corporation Malaysia Dr Abu Talib Bachik and members.
Dr Abu Talib Bachik and Dr Tun Shin extended greetings.
Then, facts about Multimedia Development Corporation were presented with video slides.
Afterwards, the opening ceremony came to a close.
The workshop began at 10.30 am.
The first session on Myanmar's Position was presided over by Ms Hasniza Mohd Hassan of MDC.
Director of the Office of the Attorney-General U May Din presented "Overview of Myanmar's Current Development and Position in Cyberlaws.
Director-General U Tin Aye chaired the second session on Legal Issues in Cyberspace.
Senior Assistant Parliamentary Draftsman of the Chamber of the Attorney-General of Malaysia Ms Rozita Ramli presented
"Overview of Legal Issues in Cyberspace and Essential Components for an Effective Cyberlaw
Ms Laura Ho of MDC and Director-General U Tin Aye co-chaired the third session on Comparative Study.
Ms Animah Kosai of Zaid brahim & Co of Malaysia presented "Cyberlaws in ASEAN: A Comparative
Study"; Mr Deepak Pillai of Raghavji & Pillai of Malaysia, "Various Approaches to Protection of Personal
Ms Hasniza Mohd Hassan chaired the fourth session on Convergence.
Mr Shamsul Jafni Shafie of Communications and Multimedia Commission of Malaysia presented
"the Communications and Multimedia Act - Intent and Effect of the Legislative
Then, those present took part in the discussions.
The cyberlaws workshop will continue tomorrow.
( 8
) Conjoined twins' health safe and sound
Yangon, 16 Aug - The conjoined twin sisters, Moe Ma Ma Aung and Moe Pa Pa Aung, are in sound health. The twins underwent surgical operation at Mandalay Childern's
Hospital on 11 August, which served as a milestone of Myanmar
medical world. When bandages were removed for replacement and
treatment on 15 August, the fourth day after operation, it was seen
that surgical wounds are healing well. On that day, liquid food was
fed to them. The organs in their bodies are working normally and so
are regular bowels and urine. The twins have no fever and are
cheerfully behaving as usual as before the surgical operation.
Announcement on university entrance for
successful candidates in 2002 matriculation exam
Yangon, 16 Aug - Those who passed the 2002 matriculation examination are to personally draw the mark list, the comprehensive personal record, the university entrance manual and the university entrance application forms from the supervisors of their examination
centers so as to apply for the university entrance.
The applications can be sent right to the Higher Education Department (Lower Myanmar) every day inclusive of Saturday and Sunday till 23 August. Detailed information is available at the HED (Lower Myanmar), Thaton Road, Kamayut Township, Yangon, Tel: 503147, 525612.
( 9
) Drug traffickers get 18 years
Yangon, 16 Aug - A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Tachilek Special Anti-drug Squad, acting on information, searched Tun Tun Oo and Thaung Shein, who were sitting on grass beside the golf course road in Tachilek, and seized 3,800 stimulant tablets from them on 12 February 2002.
Action was taken against Tun Tun Oo, 25, son of U Tun Myint Oo of Macaokhan Ward, Tachilek Township, and Thaung Shein, 33, son of U Aung Tha, under section 15/19 (A)/21 of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by the Tachilek police station. Tachilek District Court handed down three
years' imprisonment each on them under section 15, and 15 years' imprisonment each under section 19 (A) on 1 July. The sentences were to be served separately.
Raw opium and stimulant tablets seized in Muse
Yangon, 16 Aug - A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and the Myanmar Police Force, acting on information, searched Chan Sein, Yan Lauk Woo and Ma Yan Le Zon of Yinkyan, China, who were going to leave for the neighbouring country after entering the country illegally, at the border by the Pyidaungsu Road in Manwein/Suamsaw Ward, Muse, Shan State (North), and arrested them together with 9 kilos of raw opium and 185 stimulant tablets on 9 August.
Action is being taken against them under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by the police station concerned.
Heroin seized in Bhamo
Yangon, 16 Aug - A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Bhamo Special Anti-drug Squad, acting on a tip-off, searched pedestrian Law Kyan (a) Kyan Lon, on his way from Mamywet Village to Mansi in Bhamo Township, and seized four soap cases of heroin weighing 57.14 grams on 25 July.
In connection with the case, action is being taken against Law Kyan (a) Kyan Lon, 46, son of U Kyan Kyin Yon of Sikyarhaw Village, Tarmoenye Village-tract, Kutkai Township, under section 15/19(A) of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by the Bhamo police station.