1 ) Malaysian Prime Minister and wife to pay
a working visit to Myanmar
Yangon, 16 Aug - At the invitation of the Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council and Prime Minister of the Union of Myanmar His Excellency Senior General Than Shwe and Daw Kyaing Kyaing, Prime Minister of Malaysia His Excellency
Dato' Seri Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad and Datin Seri Dr Siti Hasmah Haji Mohd Ali will pay a working visit to the Union of Myanmar in the near future.
( 2 )
H&T Minister receives guest

Yangon, 15 Aug - Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin received General Manager of Shwe Lay Ta Gun Travels & Tours Co Ltd Mr Brett Melzer at his office on Sule Pagoda Road this afternoon.
Seminar on e-Government Opportunities and Challenges continues

Yangon, 15 Aug - The seminar on e-Government Opportunities and Challenges, jointly organized by the e-ASEAN Task Force and the e-National Task Force of Myanmar, continued for the second day at Myanma Information and Communication Technology Park (MICT Park) in Hline Township this morning.
It was attended by Chairman of Application Committee for e-National Task Force of Myanmar Col Thein Swe, Secretary U Zaw Tint, Joint-Secretary U Pyone Maung Maung and members, responsible personnel from departments of ministries related to information and communication technology, IT experts, Executive Director Dr Emmanuel C Lallana of the e-ASEAN Task Force, Managing Director of SCS Foresight of Singapore Mr Khoong Chan Meng, Deputy Director Mr Mohamad Shahimin of Administration and Modernization Planning Unit of Project Management & e-Government of Malaysia and guests.
Secretary U Zaw Tint gave an account of the e-National Task Force and the e-Government activities and then replied to the queries put by those present.
After Executive Director Dr Emmanuel C Lallana presented a review of the e-Government activities, the seminar came to an end.
( 3
) Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and Maj-Gen Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo attend final rites of Vice-Chairman of State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kavindacara

Yangon, 15 Aug - The final rites of Vice-Chairman of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Presiding Nayaka of Lashio Myole Sarthintaik Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Bhaddanta Kavin-dacara were held in Lashio on 14 and 15 August, attended by Members of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and Quartermaster-General Maj-Gen Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo of the Ministry of Defence.
The final rites were held at the central pandal of the Sarthintaik in Lashio on 14 yesterday afternoon. The final rites were graced by the presence of Secretary of SSMNC Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhammajotika Magway Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kumara and member Sayadaws and members of the Sangha.
Vocalist U Tun Shwe read out the Gatha titled "Kilhitum Sadhu
Kilaya" composed by Adviser to the Department for Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana U Min Kyi (Dhammacariya B.A).
Then, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and Maj-Gen Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo, Commander Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing, Minister Col Tin Hlaing, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko put the velvet drapery donated by the Religious Affairs Department over the remains of the Sayadaw.
The Magway Sayadaw administered the Five Precepts to the congregation.

Members of the Sangha recited the parittas.
Vice-Chairman of the SSMNC Agga Maha Pandita Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Thayet Aung-mingalar Kyaungtaik Saya-daw Bhaddanta Kesara read out the message of condolences of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee. Next, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko read out the message of condolences of the government, members of the Sangha and the public. Other Gathas on the final rites were also read out.
After that, the remains of the Sayadaw were conveyed to the temporary pandal. Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and Maj-Gen Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo, Minister Col Tin Hlaing, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko and officials conveyed the remains to the Archway of the temporary pandal. Next, the Sayadaw's relatives and lay disciples and members of the committee for holding the final rites conveyed the remains onto the decorated float.

Then, the remains were conveyed by the decorated float to the crematorium near Sasana Aye Kyaungtaik in Ward 1, Lashio. Along the route, members of the Sangha and people paid reverence to the remains of the Sayadaw.
Later, the remains were conveyed to the crematorium by the decorated carriage and then cremated.
At 6 am today, lay persons extinguished the flames, and put the ashes of the remains into a silver urn.
Afterwards, Chairman of the leading committee for holding the final rites Deputy Commander Col Hla Myint presented the urn to Lashio Yanaungmyin Kyaungtaik Sayadaw Maha Ganthavacaka Pandita Bhaddanta Vicitta. Then, Sayadaw Bhaddanta Vicitta presented it to Secretary of the leading committee to hold the final rites Shan State (North) Peace and Development Council Secretary Lt-Col Win Han, who conveyed it to the designated place near the Namthmyaw Creek bridge, and then handed it over to the commander.
Then, the commander conveyed it to the pandal where Dhatudakapuja ceremony would be held. Next, the commander and the deputy minister put the ashes from the silver urn into the golden urn. Later, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe set the urn adrift into the Namthmyaw
( 4
) Cooperatives Minister tours Mon State, Bago Division
Yangon, 15 Aug - Minister for Cooperatives Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe attended the meeting on participation of members of cooperative societies in rural development tasks and conclusion of the training course No 2/2002-2003 at the Cooperative Training School in Mon State on 12 August morning.
Then, the minister and party inspected the weaving training centre under the Cottage Industries in Mudon Township. There he addressed the work coordination meeting on development of cooperative industries. Managing Director of Cooperative Syndicate (Central) U Kyi Tint and Chairman of Cooperative Industry Syndicate U Tun Yee reported on work being carried out. Director-General of Cottege Department U Sein Than, Deputy Director of Mon State Cooperatives Department U Sein Teik and Deputy Director of the Office of Director-General of the Cooperative Department U Htein Win discussed
matters regarding their reports.
The minister and party next looked into the delivery room of Khitthit Health Care Cooperative Society in Mudon Township and left necessary instructions. Afterwards, they viewed the looming of private weaving proprietors.
On 13 August, the minister went to Bago General Services Cooperative Society and delivered a speech at the work coordination meeting on cooperative tasks at the hall of the society. Later, the minister and party inspected the workshop of Oktha Lathe Cooperative
Construction of Thanlwin Bridge (Mawlamyine) inspected

Yangon, 15 Aug - Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun and Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Myint Thein, together with officials, inspected maintenance of six-lane Yangon-Bago Highway in the rainy season, Bago-Kyaikto road section, maintenance of Sittoung Bridge, Kyaikto-Thaton-Myainggalay-Hpa-an road section and Hpa-an-Kawtkyaik, Kawparan-Zatha-byin road, and gave necessary instructions to the officials on 12 August.
Deputy Superintending Engineer U Myo Chit reported to them on progress of the bridge construction. The commander, the minister and party then inspected bridge. At the briefing hall of the project site of Mawlamyine bank, officials concerned reported on the progress of work so far carried out. The minister gave necessary instructions and fulfilled the requirements.
Then, the commander, the minister and party left Mawlamyine bank by boat and inspected the installation of bole piers in Thanlwin River. They proceeded to Mottama bank and inspected the construction work.
On 14 August, the commander, the minister and party inspected maintenance of Gyaing River (Zarthabyin) Bridge and Thanlwin River Bridge (Hpa-an) being undertaken by Public Works.
Road construction contract signed
Yangon, 15 Aug - Public Works of the Ministry of Construction and Asia World Co Ltd signed a contract to repair and construct the Mandalay-PyinOoLwin-Wetwun-Naunghkio road section at the meeting hall of Public Works (Head Office) on Shwedagon Pagoda Road this afternoon.
Maj-Gen Saw Tun delivered an address on the occasion. U Tun Myint Naing explained matters related to the tasks to be carried out. Managing Director of Public Works U Nay Soe Naing and U Tun Myint Naing signed the contract and exchanged the documents. Maj-Gen Saw Tun presented the permit of Myanmar Investment Commission to U Tun Myint Naing, which brought the ceremony to an end.
( 5 )
Victorious judo athletes honoured

Yangon, 15 Aug - A ceremony to honour the judo athletes who won prizes in the 2nd Vietnam International Invita-tional Judo Contest and the 7th ASEAN Invitational Judo Contest, was held at the Ruby Hall of the National Indoor Stadium-1 (Thuwunna) this afternoon.
Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint made a speech. President of MJF U Hla Thaung Myint reported on participation of Myanmar judo athletes in the competition.
Then, wellwishers made donations to the fund of the MJF K 1 million by Administrative Director of Kanbawza Bank Ltd U Zaw Win Naing, K 670,000 by Lecturer U Myint Thein, K 200,000 by Yangon Division Road Transport Department, K 150,000 by U Min Zaw Tun of Yangon Division Judo Federation, and K 800,000 by Shwe Than Lwin Co.
The minister accepted the donations and presented certificates of honour to the wellwishers.
Then, the minister presented prizes to those who won the gold medal and silver medals; the president of the MJF, to those who won the bronze medals. Later, a gold
medalist spoke words of thanks.
USDA CEC members meet with secretaries, executives in Lashio
Yangon, 15 Aug - Members of the Central Executive Committee of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Col Tin Hlaing and Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko met with USDA secretaries, executives and members from Shan State, Lashio District and Lashio Township at the USDA office in Lashio, Shan State (North), yesterday.
Secretaries and executives from Shan State, Lashio District and Lashio Township USDAs reported to the CEC members on the tasks being carried out by Shan State (North), Lashio District and Lashio Township USDAs.
Then, CEC member Col Tin Hlaing attended to the requirements and gave instructions.
CPT Minister hosts dinner

Yangon, 15 Aug - Chairman of Myanmar e-National Task Force Minister for Communications, Posts, and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw hosted a dinner in honour of those who attended the Seminar on e-Government Opportunities and Challenges and the Seminar on Cyber Law at the Kanyeiktha Restaurant on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road in Bahan Township this evening.
Also present were Vice-Chief of Military Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, Vice-Chairmen of the Myanmar e-National Task Force Deputy Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement U Hlaing Win and Member of the Civil Service Selection and Training Board U Aung Myint, chairmen and members of the respective committees of Myanma e-National Task Force, Executive of e-ASEAN Task Force Dr Emmanuel C. Lallana, Vice-President of Multimedia Development Corporation of Malaysia Dr Abu Talib Bachik, IT experts from Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines and guests.
Telecommunication stations inspected

Yangon, 15 Aug - Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw, accompanied by officials of Myanma Posts and Telecommunications, arrived at Pyawbwe in Mandalay Division on 13 August.
The minister inspected the telephone exchange and the post and telegraph office in Pyawbwe Township and gave instructions on making arrangements for installation of auto telephone exchange system in the township. Then he went to Yamethin and inspected the installation of machines at Yamethin microwave station.
Afterwards, he proceeded to Tatkon and Pyinmana and inspected the microwave station and the auto telephone exchange there. In the afternoon, the minister heard reports presented by officials on installation of telephone cables in Taungoo Township.
Next, the minister inspected the Taungoo auto telephone exchange. Later, he inspected the installation of equipment at Phyu auto telephone exchange and gave instructions on arrangements for providing better service in making trunk calls. In the evening in Nyaunglaypin, the minister inspected the new building of post and telecommunication station and then left instructions on tasks for installation of new auto exchange.
( 6 ) Leading Committee for Holding
Performing Arts Competitions and
state/division committee delegates meet
Yangon, 15 Aug - To ensure success in holding the Tenth Myanma Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions, the Leading Committee for Holding the Tenth Myanma Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions and delegates from state/division committees held a coordination meeting at the National Museum on Pyay Road in Dagon Township here this afternoon, attended by Leading Committee Chairman Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe.
He urged the delegates from state/division committees to take part in the discussions.
Vice-Chairman Deputy Minister U Soe Nyunt made a speech. He said the Ministry of Culture is the one that preserves Myanma culture, which is world famous because of its own characteristics. If culture is lost, then the race will disappear. So, it can be said that the holding of competitions makes Myanma culture more and more deep-rooted.
Then, the officials concerned and the delegates from state/division committees discussed matters related to the competitions. The meeting came to a close with concluding remarks by the chairman. They then viewed postcards, posters and paintings to be used at the competitions.
Dinner hosted for those who performed surgical operation on conjoined twins
Yangon, 15 Aug - Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Ye Myint hosted a dinner in honour of the doctors and health staff who performed surgical operations on the conjoined twins, Moe Ma Ma Aung and Moe Pa Pa Aung, at the Mandalay Children's Hospital, at Oriental House in Mandalay on 13 August.
Present on the occasion were Commander Brig-Gen Ye Myint and wife, Mandalay Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein and wife, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Nay Win and senior officers of the command, Director-General of the Health Planning Department Dr Kyi Soe, Secretary of the Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Tin Ohn and members, Chairman of Myanmar Medical Association (Mandalay) Dr U Ko Lay and officials, Rector of the Institute of Medicine (Mandalay) Dr U Soe Tun, medical superintendents, professors, heads of departments, specialists, those who successfully performed the surgical operations on the conjoined twins, and nurses of the operation theatre and the intensive care unit of the hospital.
Myanmar traditional costume show held in Monywa

Yangon, 15 Aug - Sagaing Division Working Committee for Women's Affairs sponsored the Myanmar traditional costume show and talks at the town hall in Monywa
on 10 August.
Commander Brig-Gen Soe Naing and Daw Tin Tin Latt, who is a member of the Division WCWA, gave speeches.
Leader of the Cultural Group of the Division WCWA Rector of Monywa University Dr Maung Htoo gave talks on the style of Myanmar traditional costumes and Lecturer of the Myanmarsar Department Daw Win Mar on the kind of costumes of the ancient Myanmar women and the people's efforts to restore the traditional costume throughout the successive eras.
Belles wearing different kinds of Myanmar costumes of various eras presented
demonstration of Myanma traditional costumes and traditional dances.
Daw Tin Tin Latt presented a flower basket to the belles.
Commander attends opening of instructor course on
traditional medicine, electronic library
Yangon, 15 Aug - A traditional medicine instructor course, organized by the Supervisory Committee for Bago Division Maternal and Child Welfare Association, was opened at Myo Thiri Hantha Hall yesterday morning.
On the occasion, Chairman of Bago Division Peace
and Development Council Commander of Southern Command Brig-Gen Aung
Min made a speech and Dr Maung Maung Myint explained the purpose of opening the course. After the ceremony, the commander cordially met with the trainees and fulfilled the requirements. A total of 75 trainees from MCWAs of townships in Bago District are attending the course.
At 10 am, the commander arrived at the opening ceremony of Pyinnya Alin modern electronic library held at Ward 2 in DaikU Township. Bago District Chairman Lt-Col Myo Tint and DaikU Township Chairman U Myint Sein formally opened the library, and the commander unveiled the library signboard and looked round the library together with those present.
The library has more than 350 CDs for students ranging from kindergarten to university as well as for interested persons.
Next, the commander attended the opening ceremony of Township War Veterans Organization Office held at Ward 1 in DaikU Township. Chairman of the Supervisory Committee for Bago Division WVO Bago Division Secretary Lt-Col Aung Win and Township WVO Chairman Lt-Col Tin Myint (Rtd) formally opened the office and the commander unveiled the signboard of the office and looked round the building. The building, 40 feet by 36 feet, was constructed at a cost of more than K 2 million by the township WVO in cooperation with departments.
Later, the commander attended the ceremony to open Pyinnya Alin modern electronic library and Township War Veterans Organization Office, and the cash donation ceremony held at the hall of DaikU Township Peace and Development Council Office and made a speech on the occasion. Then, the DaikU Township chairman reported to the commander on endeavours to open the library, and the DaikU Township WVO chairman on assistance given by departments for the opening of the WVO office.
Later, departments, social organizations and wellwishers donated K 3.768 million to the library.
The donations were accepted by the commander and officials, and then certificates of honour were presented to the wellwishers.
Afterwards, the ceremony came to an end.
( 7 ) MNWCWA holds coord meeting

Yangon, 15 Aug - Myanmar National Working Committee for Women's Affairs held coordination meeting No 2/2002 in the meeting hall of the Social Welfare Department here this afternoon.
Chairman of the Working Committee Deputy Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement U Hlaing Win addressed the meeting.
Deputy Minister U Hlaing Win made an address.
Secretary of the Working Committee Director-General of the Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement U Sit Myaing reported on the work done. The heads of the Working Groups for Education, for Health, for Protection of Women from Violence and Rehabilitation, for Economy, for Culture, for Girls and Adults, for Environmental Conservation, for Information and for International Relations presented their reports.
Then, a general round of discussions followed.
The meeting ended with concluding remarks by the deputy minister.
( 8
Tourists from Italy arrive in Yangon
Yangon, 15 Aug - Under the supervision of the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism, with the sponsorship of the Ministry of Transport, and under the arrangement of Myanmar Lotus Asia Tours Ltd, a total of 43 tourists from Italy arrived at Yangon International Airport this morning on a chartered flight of Lauda Air Boeing (767/300) for the third time.
They were welcomed at the airport by officials led by General Manager U Htay Aung of Myanma Hotels and Tourism Services under the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism and officials of Myanmar Lotus Asia Tours Ltd.
Some of the tourists will make Yangon-Mandalay-Bagan-Popa-Magway-Pyay tour and the others, Yangon-Bagan-Mandalay-Inlay tour.
They will leave here on 21 August.
The tourists who arrived here on 8 August for the second time on the chartered flight left here for Phuket
at 12.15 pm today.
( 9
) Fourth Leg of Han Golf Masters new
generation golf championship on 23 Aug
Yangon, 15 Aug - The fourth leg of the Han Golf Masters Junior Golf Championship 2002 sponsored by Han Golf Masters Pte Ltd will be held on a grand scale at Myanmar Golf Club at
9th mile on Pyay Road here at 7 am on 23 August.
There will be five categories in the championship aged 10 and under (9 holes) division, aged 11-12 division, aged 13-14 division, aged 15-17 division and girls division under 18.
Golfers are to enrol at Han Event Management Office Ph- 723221 and 727641 by noon on 21 August.
For active participation of new generation golfers and uplifting of sport spirit, Pan-West (Myanmar), Canon (Accel International Co Ltd), M K Golf Centre, Wilson, Rapier (Golf Australia), Arix-X and Begestic Cream and Star Ice-cream also co-sponsored the championship.