1 ) Chairman of State Peace and Development Council
Senior General Than Shwe sends felicitations to Republic of Korea
Yangon, 15 Aug - Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr Kim Dae
Jung, President of the Republic of Korea, on the occasion of the
anniversary of the National Day of the Republic of Korea which falls
on 15 August 2002.
( 2 )
General Maung Aye inspects extension of airport terminal and runway in Lashio, Shan State

Yangon, 14 Aug - Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya
San, paid homage to Mahamyatmuni Image on Zeyahayma Hill, Lashio, yesterday and presented cash donations to the pagoda board of trustees.
Then, General Maung Aye and party offered Shwethingan to the Image and signed in the
visitors' book.
General Maung Aye, wife Daw Mya Mya San and party paid homage to images of the Buddha at Tilawka Wizaya Pagoda on Yay-kantaung.
General Maung Aye and Daw Mya Mya San presented cash donations to the pagoda board of trustees for the pagoda and signed in the
visitors' book.
General Maung Aye and Daw Mya Mya San and party also visited Hsu-taungpyi Mansu Pagoda, and presented cash donations to it.
At noon today at Lashio airport building, General Maung Aye and party heard reports presented by Commander Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing on tasks for expansion of the airport runway and extended construction project of the airport building.
Next, Managing Director of Asia World Co Ltd U Tun Myint Naing reported on preliminary engineering work to extend the present runway up to a 8,500-feet in length, the construction of airport building and progress of work.
In giving necessary instructions, General Maung Aye said in striving for all-round development of the State, efforts are being made for developing the transport sector so as to ensure easy access between one place and another. Motor roads and railroads are being extended and at the same time new airports are being built and existing ones being upgraded. At present, the Lashio airport is being upgraded. Only when the regions are accessible conveniently and transportation is smooth and secure, will the economic, education and health sectors be improved.
In addition, visits and contacts among the national brethren will be increased leading to enhance mutual understanding among them.
Union Spirit among the national people will be strengthened further. The nation-building tasks including the extension of Lashio
airport is aimed not only at gaining economic profits but also at
serving the long-term interests of the national people. Systematic
efforts are required to ensure that the project meets its set
General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San attend final rites of Vice-Chairman of State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kavindacara

Yangon, 14 Aug - Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San attended the final rites of Vice-Chairman of State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Presiding Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Agga Maha Saddhammajotikadhaja Bhaddanta Kavindacara of Myole Sarthintaik this morning in Lashio, Shan State.

The General and wife left here by air for Lashio in Shan State yesterday morning.
On arrival at Lashio Airport at 10.30 am, General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San and party were welcomed by Chairman of Shan State (North) Peace and Development Council Commander of North-East Command Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing, Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko, Deputy Commander Col Hla Myint, Col Soe Oo of Hsenwi Station, senior military officers and divisional level officials.
At Shweli Yeiktha, the General and party paid respects to Sayadaws led by Secretary of State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhammajotika Magway Sayadaw who were in Lashio to attend the final rites of Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Agga Maha Saddhammajotikadhaja Bhad-danta Kavindacara.
In the afternoon, the General and party paid respects of the remains of Bhaddanta Kavindacara at Myole Sarthintaik. The Sayadaw passed away at age 83, vasa 63, on 4 August morning.
General Maung Aye and Daw Mya Mya San and party paid respects to member of the State Central Working Committee of the Sangha Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhanddanta Candima, member of Shan State Sangha Nayaka Committee Sayadaw Maha Gandavacaka Pandita Bhaddanta Vicitta and Secretary of Myole Sangha Nayaka Committee Sayadaw Maha Gandavacaka Pandita Bhaddanta „anobhasa, who were the patrons for holding the final rites.
They also presented offertories to the Sayadaws.
General Maung Aye and party then inspected preparations being made to hold the cremation ceremony and construction of temporary pandal near the Namhmaw Creek Brigde where a ceremony to drift the ashes of the Sayadaw.General Maung
Aye gave suggestions.
This morning, General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San and party attended the final rites of the Sayadaw which was held at Myole Sarthintaik at 9 am.
Also present at the ceremony were Sayadaws of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee led by Secretary of State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhammajotika Magway Sayadaw, invited Sayadaws and disciple monks of the late Bhaddanta Kavindacara totalling 108 Buddhist monks, division, district and township level officials, members of the Committee to Hold the Final Rites, relatives of the late Sayadaw, disciples, members of religions associations and other organizations, donors, nuns and national people.
Adviser of Department for Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana U Min Kyi read the agenda.
The congregation received the Five Precepts from Secretary of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhammajotika Magway Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kumara. Next, members of the Sangha recited parittas.

General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San presented K 1 million for final rites of the Vice-Chairman of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw of Myole Sarthintaik in Lashio to Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko.
Next, General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San presented offertories to Magway Sayadaw.
Members of the State Peace and Development Council, the Commander-in-Chief (Navy), the Commander-in-Chief (Air), the commander, the ministers, the deputy ministers, heads of departments and disciples presented offertories to members of the Sangha.
Daw Mya Mya San, wife of General Maung Aye presented nun robes and donations to three nuns of Sasana Hitakari Pariyatti Nunnery, Ayeyadana Pariyatti Nunnery and Mankaung Nunnery.
Then, Magway Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kumara delivered a sermon, followed by sharing of merits gained.
After the ceremony, General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San and party offered
"soon" to members of the Sangha and nuns.
General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San then paid respects to the remains of Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw of Myole Sarthintaik.
The remains of the Sayadaw were cremated in the evening and the ash will be drifted in Nanhmyaw Creek on 15 August.
General Maung Aye and party arrived back here in the evening.
( 3
) Secretary-1 attends coordination meeting to develop functions of Myanma Gems Enterprise

Yangon, 14 Aug - A coordination meeting on development of functions of Myanma Gems Enterprise was held at the office of the Minister for Mines this evening, attended by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Members of Board of Trustees of Hsandawshin Shwemyin-wun Pagoda and gemmologists explained about the gems.
Members of the Board of Trustees of Hsandawshin Shwemyinwun Pagoda brought the gems of the pagoda to Yangon. Arrangements are being made for decoration of jewels at the pagoda with the help of gemmologists of the Ministry of Mines.
The Secretary-1 then inspected the diamond bud and the thabeik (alms bowl) for the Maha Panhuthinggi Pagoda. The pagoda will be built in Pansang (Pankham), Tangyan Township, Shan State (North) Special Region 1.
He also inspected the plan to decorate the diamond bud, the thabeik and hngetmyatnadaw with jewels and the jewel decoration work, utility and raw jade mined by the Myanma Gems Enterprise and the Jade Ruby Dragon Company of Pa-O peace group, Shan State (South) Special Region 6, on mutual interests at Phakant region and Phakantgyi 1.
He then inspected salt samples of inland salt production stations of the Myanma Salt and Marine Chemicals Enterprise and local villages and modern kilns using oxidization and deoxidization means to produce salt from three to six times more than the amount produced through the con-ventional method.
At the meeting to develop the operations of the MGE, Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint reported to the Secretary-1 on increase in the income from gems business and the developing trend of the gems and jade market in Myanmar.
Chairman of the Central Gems Supervisory Committee Deputy Minister for Mines U Myint Thein
briefed the meeting on gem mining plots, setting up of new plots and
vacant plots, joint-venture gem mining business with the national
entrepreneurs and jade mining business. The Secretary-1 gave
Secretary-1 inspects Smart School labs of Kamayut Township BEPS-2

Yangon, 14 Aug - Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt this morning inspected classrooms of Smart School to be opened soon at No 2 Basic Education Primary School in Kamayut Township and gave necessary instructions to the officials.
The Secretary-1 and party arrived at the No 2 BEPS in Kamayut at 7.30 am. They were welcomed there by Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe, ministers, the chairman of the Civil Service Selection and Training Board, departmental heads, principals, teachers, schoolboys and schoolgirls and officials.
The Secretary-1 inspected study of the schoolboys and schoolgirls at the computer lab Nos 1 and 2. A schoolgirl presented a skill demonstration with the use of a power point software that was constructed on her own.
At the office of the principal, Director-General of the Basic Education Department U Tin Nyo reported on the practising of smart school labs.
After giving necessary instructions to the
officials concerned, the Secretary-1 cordially greeted the
schoolboys and schoolgirls and left the school later in the morning.
Secretary-1 inspects Yangon Traditional Medicine Hospital in Bahan Township

Yangon, 14 Aug - Chairman of National Health Committee Secre-tary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office arrived at the 50-bed Yangon Traditional Medicine Hospital on Ngahtatgyi Pagoda Road in Bahan Township this evening.
The Secretary-1 and party were welcomed by Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe, the ministers, the deputy ministers for Health, the vice-mayor, departmental heads, Director-General of Traditional Medicine Department Professor Dr Thein Swe, Medical Superintendent Dr Thein Kyaw and officials.
The Secretary-1 observed documentary photos on research work of traditional medicine and charts and inspected out patient department, emergency ward, ward for paralyzed patients,
orthopedic and muscular treatment centre and impetigo treatment
centre. The Secretary-1 and party were conducted round the hospital
by the medical superintendent and officials.
The Secretary-1 gave instructions to officials
and left the hospital later in the evening.
( 4
) Minister U Win Aung sends
felicitations to Republic of Korea
Yangon, 15 Aug - On the occasion of the anniversary of the National Day of the Republic of Korea which falls on 15 August 2002, U Win Aung, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr Choi
Sung Hong, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Republic of
Minister receives Indian
Yangon, 14 Aug - Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung received Indian Ambassador to Myanmar Mr Rajiv Kumar Bhatia at his office this afternoon.
( 5 )
Seminar on e-Govt Opportunities & Challenges

Yangon, 14 Aug - Seminar on e-Government Opportunities and Challenges jointly organized by e-ASEAN Task Force and e-National Task force, Myanmar, was held at Myanmar Information and Communication Technology (MICT Park) in Hlaing Township here this morning.
It was attended by Chairman of Application Committee of Myanmar e-National Task Force Col Thein Swe, Secretary of e-NTF U Zaw Tint, Joint Secretary U Pyone Maung Maung and members, IT technicians of the Philippines, Singapore and Malaysia, and officials of the IT department.
First, Col Thein Swe explained the purpose of holding of the seminar.
Then, Executive Director of e-ASEAN Task Force Dr Emmanuel C.Lallana explained the reviews of e-Government tasks and the best ways to use them and of the Philippines's experiences using e-Government. Managing Director of SCS Foresight, Singapore, Khoong Chan Meng and Deputy Director Mr Mohamad Shahamin bin Tahir of Project Management & e-Government Section Malaysia Administration and Modernisation planning Unit, Malaysia, briefed on the experiences on e-Government tasks with the use of video slides. Then, the first day session of the seminar came to an end in the evening. The seminar will continue
( 6 )
Cooperative societies inspected in Mon State and Bago Division
Yangon, 14 Aug
- Minister for Cooperatives Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe, accompanied by officials, arrived at Santhawda Day Nursery in Thaton on 10 August, where he inspected the learning of the children and gave instructions on laying emphasis on the health of the children.
He then presented cash donations to the school and gifts to children. At the briefing hall of the Mawlamyine industrial zone, zone officials reported to the minister on construction works of the industrial zone, and the minister gave instructions.
Then, the minister and party viewed the products displayed at the briefing hall manufactured by the zone and factories under construction.
On 11 August, the minister attended a meeting on development tasks for cooperative societies held at Ywalut village basic education high school in Chaungzon Township and made a speech on the occasion.
Then, village officials and industrialists reported on tasks being carried out. Next, Deputy Director of Mon State Cooperative Department U Sein Teik, Director-General of the Cottage Industries U Sein Than and Administrative Director of the Central Cooperative Society U Kyi Tint made supplementary reports. Later, the minister viewed the products of Ywalut industrialists.
The minister also attended the meeting on development tasks for cooperative societies held at Mon State Cooperatives Training School in Mawlamyine.
Staff officers from 10 townships in Mon State and society chairmen reported to the minister on tasks being carried out township-wise. Afterwards, the meeting came to an end with concluding remarks by the minister.
Minister inspects hospitals in Magway Division
Yangon, 14 Aug - Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, together with Director-General of Health Department Dr Wan Maung, inspected the People's Hospital in Myingmu Township in Sagaing Division yesterday.
He then comforted the patients, inspected the laboratory, delivery room and operation theater and fulfilled the needs.
Next, the minister and party inspected the construction of Pakhangyi Village Hospital buildings in Yesagyo Township, Magway Division and extended construction of the ward of the People's Hospital in Pakokku.
After inspecting Pakok-ku Nursing and Midwifery Training School, the minister and party donated stationery to the students at Kaing Sanpya Village middle school (Branch) in Pakokku Township. The minister then donated medicines and milk powder to Kaing Sanpya Village Station Hospital.
While in Pakokku, the minister donated Waso robes and offertories to Sayadaws at three Sarthintaiks and donated K 20,000 to Maternal and Child Welfare Association of the Light Infantry Division.
Minister sees over Pakun Creek development
Yangon, 14 Aug - Minister for Transport Maj-Gen
Hla Myint Swe, accompanied by Deputy Minister U Pe Than, Managing
Director of Myanma Port Authority U Thein Htay and officials of the
Directorate of Water Resources and Improvement of River Systems,
yesterday morning went to the Thayetchaung jetty in Taikkyi Township
by car.
Then, they left the jetty by boat and on their
way along Bawle River, the deputy minister and officials of DWRIRS
reported on location and conditions of rivers and creeks, clearance
areas and water flow. At the briefing hall of Pakun Creek
Development Project under DWRIRS, the deputy minister gave an
account on progress in implementing the project and future tasks.
Then, Deputy Director-General U Soe Myint and
Director U Hla Myint reported on capacity of machinery, use of fuel
oil, progress of work and future tasks with the use of charts. The
minister gave necessary instructions. Next, along Pakun Creek, the
minister and party inspected conditions of the waterway, dredging of
the creek, and tasks for clearance of the waterway, and spoke words
of encouragement to the employees. The minister and party arrived
back at Thayetchaung jetty in the evening and then left there by
Agreement on construction project of paper mills signed
Yangon, 14 Aug - A ceremony to sign the agreement on the construction project of the jute-based paper mills in Maubin, Ayeyawady Division, between Myanma Jute Enterprise of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation and China Yunnan Corporation was held at meeting hall of the ministry at 10 am today, attended by Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin.
The agreement was signed by Managing Director of MJE U Myint Maung and CYC Chairman Mr Yan Lian Kun and they exchanged the documents.
( 7 ) Minister Brig-Gen Abel attends Initiative for
Development in East Asia ministerial level meeting
Yangon, 14 Aug
- Minister at the State Peace and Development Council Chairman's Office Brig-Gen Abel arrived back here this evening after attending the Initiative for Development in East Asia ministerial level meeting held in Tokyo, Japan, from 11 to 12 August.
The minister and party were welcomed at Yangon International Airport by Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung, Chairman of the Civil Service Selection and Training Board Dr Than Nyun, officials from Japanese embassy and departmental officials.
Delegations led by Foreign Affairs ministers and Development Affairs ministers from 10 ASEAN member nations, the People's Republic of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea attended the ministerial level meeting sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan.
Japanese Foreign Affairs Minister Ms Yoriko Kawaguchi presided over the
Two major issues were discussed in detail and a joint
ministerial statement was released. The first issue
is development tasks for East Asia. ASEAN member countries, economic achievements of the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Korea and official development assistance (ODA) rendered by Japan to developing countries play vital role for development of East Asia. They exchanged their views on foreign investment and expansion of trade. The second issue is challenges and cooperation in the region and they discussed matters on cooperation for overcoming the challenges and sustained development in the 21st century.
Discussions include losses due to globalization encountered in challenges, development gap in the country and in the region and matters relating to alleviate poverty and low living standard.
The meeting agreed to overcome these challenges and to develop continually, all countries in the region are to cooperate and to promote current cooperation. Important fields to make cooperation are financial and monetary field.
They discussed non-reduction of Japanese official development assistance (ODA) for developing countries and use of them beneficially by the countries that receive them, alleviation of poverty, opening of market in more developed countries for export items of less developing countries to narrow down development gap, boosting of production and promoting of export, inflow of capital and technology from abroad and drawing plans for development of human resources. Based on these issues, the ministers released a joint ministerial statement and made a joint press conference.
Minister Brig-Gen Abel paid a courtesy call on Japanese Foreign Affairs Minister Ms Yoriko Kawaguchi. Present on the occasion were Myanmar Ambassador Dr Aung Naing and delegation members.
Cultural Minister tours Mandalay
Yangon, 14 Aug - Minister for Culture U Tin Winn, accompanied by officials, inspected Zanatpala Rama Maha Min Htin Monastery donated by Hsinwin Maha Min Htin during the reign of King Mindon at Thida Aye Ward, Mandalay (South), on 12 August.
The monastery was the largest of the wooden ones in Yadanabon Era. However, with the passage of time and due to the effects of weather, it was already damaged years ago and there is only the main building left now. The minister then paid respects to Sayadaw U Vinaya.
Afterwards, the minister inspected Shwe Inbin Monastery donated by U Sat Shwin-Daw Phwa in 1895 in Maha Aung Myay Township. After paying respects to Sayadaw U Nanindo, the minister gave instructions to the officials on durability of ancient cultural works.
Then, the minister inspected Thingaza wooden monastery donated by King Mindon where officials reported on replacing posts of the monastery with new ones. He also inspected the cultural museum of the Department of Cultural Institute and gave necessary instructions.
New telephone auto-exchanges opened in Ayethaya Industrial Zone, Nyaungshwe
Yangon, 14 Aug - The 1,000-line new auto
telephone exchange installed by Myanma Posts and
Telecommunications in Ayethaya industrial zone in southern Shan State was commissioned into service with ceremony held at the hall of industrial zone on
12 August.
The commander and the minister formally opened the auto-exchanges by cutting a ribbon.
They then viewed round the machines installed.
Afterwards, the opening ceremony of auto-exchanges of Ayethaya industrial zone and Nyaungshwe was held at the hall. The commander and the minister made speeches. Minister Brig-Gen Thein Zaw presented commemorative pennants to the commander and responsible personnel. The minister also presented certificates of honour to staff of MPT.
The commander, the minister and party proceeded to Nyaungshwe and formally opened the 500-line auto-exchange.
They also paid homage to the Sayadaw of Kangyi Pariyatti monastery in Nyaungshwe and donated one auto-telephone to the Sayadaw.
The minister also toured Aungban and Kalaw and inspected telephone exchanges, post and telegraph offices.
( 8
Training on Counselling of GPVAWR concludes
Yangon, 14 Aug - The concluding ceremony of Training on Counselling, organized by Group for Prevention of Violence Against Women and Rehabilitation of Myanmar National Working Committee for Women's Affairs was held at the Social Welfare Training School of the Social Welfare Department here this afternoon.
It was attended by Vice-Chairperson of MNCWA and MNWCWA Prof Daw May May Yi, Member of MNCWA and MNWCWA Leader of GPVAWR Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, Secretary of MNCWA and MNWCWA Director-General of the Social Welfare Department U Sit Myaing, Leader of Yangon Division GPVAWR Daw Khin Thet Htay and advisers, GPVAWR members and officials of the training school.
Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe made an address and presented certificates to the trainees. A total of 49 trainees from state/division WCWAs and counselling centres attended the training which began from 12 August.
( 9
) Divisional Traditional Performing Arts Competitions conclude
Yangon, 14 Aug - A ceremony to present certificates of honour to the students who won prizes in the 10th Yangon Division Myanma Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions (higher education level) was held at the Kumudra Hall of the University of Culture in Dagon Myothit (South) Township this afternoon.
Chairman of the Committee for Holding the competitions Rector of Dagon University Dr Maung Thinn made a speech, and presented certificates of honour and prizes to U Kyaw Win Sein of the Myanma Thabin Asiayon (Central) for members of the panel of judges. Then, Rector Dr Maung Thinn, Vice-Chairman of the committee Rector of Yangon Eastern University U Kyi Win, Rector of the University of Culture (Yangon) U Tin Soe, the pro-rector, professors and officials presented prizes to the students who stood first, second and third in respective events.
Later, the prize winner students sang a song, which brought the ceremony to an end.