1 ) Stakes driven in, cornerstones laid to rebuild Naungdawgyi Myathalyaung Reclining Buddha Image in Bago

Yangon, 13 Aug - The ceremony to drive in stakes and to lay cornerstone to rebuild Naungdawgyi Myatha-lyaung Reclining Buddha Image was held at the pagoda in Bago this morning, attended by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Accompanied by Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than of the Ministry of Defence, ministers, the Chief of Staff (Navy), deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, heads of department and officials, the Secretary-1 left here by car in the morning.
On arrival at Wanbawdat Bridge near Thayagon Model Village at the border between Yangon and Bago Divisions at 7.35 am, the Secretary-1 and party were welcomed by Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Southern Command Brig-Gen Aung Min and officials.
The ceremony was held at Mazin Ward in the town where the pagoda is located.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt drove in the stake and laid the cornerstone.
Accompanied by the commander, the Secretary-1 and party attended the ceremony.

The Secretary-1 paid obeisance to Buddha images found at the reconstruction site. Sayadaw Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhamma-jotika Bhaddanta Visuddha of Dhammalankara Monastery of Bago administered the Nine Precepts.
Lay persons presented parrita flowers, water, thread and sand to Sayadaws.
Sayadaws then recited parittas.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt presented the stake, the cornerstone, the silver casket and offertories
to Sayadaw Bhaddanta Visuddha.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Brig-Gen Aung Min and ministers presented the stakes, cornerstone and offertories to Sayadaws.
Chairman of Bago Division Sangha Nayaka Committee Sayadaw Agga Maha Gandavacaka Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhamma-jotika Bhaddanta Vimala of Otthathiri Sarthintaik delivered a sermon.
The congregation shared the merits gained.
The flag bearers and members of the ceremonial entourages took the stakes to the designated places.

After the stake-driving ceremony, the Secretary-1 and party went round the site chosen for construction of the Naungdawgyi Mya-thalyaung Reclining Buddha Image clockwise and then took positions at the Mingalar Pandal, at which the cornerstone-laying ceremony would be held.
Then, the cornerstone-laying ceremony followed.
The Secretary-1 put the casket with nine different kinds of gems at the centre of the foundation. Next, the Secretary-1, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Commander Brig-Gen Aung Min and ministers laid cornerstones at the designated places. The Secretary-1 covered the cornerstone with the bronze plaque. The Secretary-1 and party then sprinkled scented water on the foundation.

After that, merits gained were shared, which brought the ceremony to a close.
At the briefing hall of the pagoda precinct, the Secretary-1 and party heard reports presented by Deputy Minister for Science and Technology U Nyi Hla Nge and Myanmar artistic works designer U Ohn Tin on tasks carried out for construction of the Buddha Image and Gandhakutitaik. Then, Myanmar Historian Dr Khin Maung Nyunt reported on matters related to ancient cultural artistic works and Lecturer of the Engineering Department (Architecture) of Yangon Technological University U Hlaing on area of the precinct of the Buddha Image, condition of the ground, religious buildings to be constructed in the precinct, the sites chosen for entrance, exit and parking of pilgrimage vehicles, and arrangements to be made for greening of the surrounding areas of the image.
The Secretary-1 stressed the need for close cooperation among engineers who will construct the Buddha image and Myanmar artistic works designers, and to be in conformity with ancient styles in constructing the Buddha Image, Gandha-kutitaik and spired prayers hall.
Later, the cash donations ceremony for construction of the Buddha Image followed at the same venue.

Thiri Thudhamma Theingi Daw Khin Kyi (Advocate) presented US $ 100,000; Daw Khin Kyi of Maha Bandoola Street, Yangon, K 2 million; U Ohn Tin and U Maung Maung Aye (Myanmar Artistic Works Designers Group) K 2 million; Bago Eastern timber extraction enterprise, K 1.5 million; Aye Mya Housing Estate Ltd, U Pan–inda and Dr Tun Tin, Dr Daw Htay Kyi and children, U Min Thin of Yangon, U Tin Aung-Daw Kyi Aye and family of Golden Dragon Gold Shop, Myanstar Garment, Thitsar Pankhin Co Ltd, and U Myo Thant-Daw San San Myint (Soe Moe Kyaw and Waing Waing Le lottery shop), K 1 million each; U Ye Din-Daw Mya Aye of Thonse, K 800,000; Captain Myint Lwin and family, Chinsu May Flower Plywood Factory of Oattha Myothit, Dr Thein Kyi and family of Yangon, U Kyin Wun and family of Joe Thein Cheroot Enterprise in Bago, Peace and Development Councils of Nyaunglaybin, Thanatpin, Kyaukdaga, DaikU, Kawa, Waw and Bago of Bago District, Shwe Thanlwin Co, wellwishers of markets in Bago and Shwe Than Lwin Co K 500,000 each;
Kwanyinsi Temple in Bago and Road Transport K 500,000 each, owners of guest houses, restaurants and general enterprises and Dr Aung Soe Win-Daw Khin Swe Swe K 400,000 each, U Aye of Ngwe Sabai cheroot factory in Bago, Gyothein Garment Factory in Bago, Dr San Lin-Daw Mya Mya Win of Chinthay Thonkaung cheroot industry in Bago, Myoma trishaw association, Directorate of Transport and Communications in Bago Division and U Aung Myo-Daw Myint Myint Hlaing K 300,000 each, U Kyaw Lin-Daw Aye Myint of Hsin Yadaya cheroot industry in Bago, U Win Myint of Saw Mill, U Hla Myint-Daw Tin Yi of Ngwe Sabai family, U Thein of Sein Hmyar cheroot industry in Bago and Nila Yoma petrol station in Bago K 200,000 each and other wellwishers K 1.7 million totalling K 30 million and US $ 100,000.

The Secretary-1, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than of the Ministry of Defence, Commander Brig-Gen Aung Min and the ministers accepted the donations.
Next, the Secretary-1 and party went to the reconstruction site of Kanbawzathadi Palace of King Bayintnaung in Bago.
At the briefing hall, Deputy Director-General of Department of Archaeology U Tun Zaw reported on preservation of ancient artifacts found in excavation of the Kanbawzathadi Palace, construction of Myenan Pyat-thad and measures undertaken for making the palace compound clean and pleasant. Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt gave a supplementary report.
Deputy Superintending Engineer of Public Works U Kyi Tun reported on progress of work.

Next, the Secretary-1 gave instructions on speedy construction of the archways, Myenan Pyatthad building and halls, measures undertaken for making the palace compound clean and pleasant, planting trees and flowers on either sides of the road and making efforts under the close supervision the Ministry of Culture.
The Secretary-1 then fulfilled the requirements.
Next, the Secretary-1 inspected construction of Myenan Pyatthad and gave instructions.

The Secretary-1 and party inspected measures being undertaken for casting of Tanpalawha Maha Muni Bronze Image in front of Bago Degree College near Yangon-Mandalay Highway.
Sayadaw of Dhamma Lankara Kyaungtaik Bhad-danta Visuddha explained about the preparations for casting of the bronze image.
The Secretary-1 and party paid obeisance to scale model of Buddha Image cast by Tanpawady U Than Daing, Taunggyi U Win Maung and group and gave suggestions.
Tanpalawha Maha Muni Bronze Image is 37 feet in height and it weighs 30 tons and it will be cast with the use of Myanma traditional and modern methods.
The Secretary-1 then fulfilled the requirements.
The Secretary-1 and party arrived back here in the evening.
( 2 )
Commerce Minister receives French delegation
Yangon, 13 Aug - Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone received Managing Director Mr Andre Pithois and party of Martaban
Co Ltd of France at his office on Strand Road at 1 pm today.
Chinese delegation calls on Ministers

Yangon, 13 Aug - Minister for National Planning and Economic Development U Soe Tha received the Chinese delegation led by Deputy Director-General of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Ministry of the People's Republic of China Ms Sai Danxia
at his office at 9.30 am today.
Bangladeshi Ambassador calls on Ministers
Yangon, 13 Aug - Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone received Ambassador of the People's Republic of Bangladesh Mr Ahmed Rahim
at his office at 2 pm today.

Similarly, Minister for Immigration and Population Maj-Gen Sein Htwa received Bangladeshi Ambassador Mr Ahmed Rahim
at his office at 1 pm today.
( 3
) Industry-1 Minister inspects factories in Insein Township

Yangon, 13 Aug - Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung, accompanied by officials, visited the workshop of Myanma Ceramics Industries in Insein Township and inspected moving machine for Pathein Glass Factory, making of sand cylo roof for Thanlyin Glass Factory, metal cutting and drilling using plate shearing machine and production of spare parts using heavy lathes this morning and gave instructions on collection of data for new central workshop to produce necessary machine parts for the ministry.
After inspecting motor cars at car workshop, the minister inspected completion of 900-ton asbestos brick factory at Extended High-class Asbestos Brick Factory (Danyingon) and gave instructions on producing of moulds for glass factories and other factories and high-class asbestos bricks that can bear 1600 degree centigrade of heat.
The Ministry of Industry-1 built a 900-ton high-class asbestos brick factory in cooperation with Daimaru Co of Japan and the production of bricks was started since 1998.
The extended high-class asbestos factory was built in corporation with the company since April 2001 and the factory will run in the third week of this month. Similarly, the 2500-ton high-class asbestos factory (Kyaukse) project is being implemented.
After inspecting asbestos bricks, the minister made a speech at the briefing hall of the factory. He then inspected production line of bricks at No 1 Brick Factory and production of spare parts for machines and lathes. He then looked into production of bricks and kilns at No 1 Brick Factory, No 2 Brick Factory and No 3 Brick Factory and gave necessary instructions.
Dinner hosted in honour of those engaged in surgical operation on conjoined twins

Yangon, 13 Aug - Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein met with township health officer Dr Win Kyaw, staff of rural health department and members of Maternal and Child Welfare Association at Letpanhla rural health department, Singu Township, Mandalay Division, yesterday and provided medicines after explaining the activities to further the health care services being conducted by the State.
Then, the minister and party arrived at Mogok People's Hospital, where Tactical Operations Commander Lt-Col Kyin Oo reported to the minister on the work done for arrangements for extension of the hospital and extended construction of hospital buildings in cooperation with the public.
The minister and party inspected the plot chosen for the extended construction of the hospital and designated the plot for the buildings to be constructed on it. Later, the minister viewed round the patients receiving medical treatment at the hospital and comforted them.
After that, the minister inspected the laboratory, the X-ray room and operation theatre and attended to the needs.
Next, the minister and party went to Yenatha Leprosy Hospital in Madaya Township, where he heard reports on tasks being undertaken at the hospital by medical superintendent Dr Nyunt Hlaing and inspected the training hall of leprosy elimination and basic health care project, which is being jointly undertaken by the Health Department and (JICA- Japanese International Cooperation Agency), and progress on constructing the hostel. He also inspected the conducting of analytical courses for influenza, tuberculosis and leprosy diseases at the hospital.
In the evening, the minister hosted a dinner in honour of the doctors and health staff who performed the surgical operations on the conjoined twins, Moe Ma Ma Aung and Moe Pa Pa Aung, at the Oriental House in Mandalay. Present also on the occasion were Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Ye Myint and Chairman of Mandalay City Development Committee Brig-Gen Yan Thein.
( 4
) Minister U Tin Winn inspects departmental works in Monywa District
Yangon, 13 Aug -Minister for Labour and for Culture U Tin Winn, accompanied by Social Security Board Chairman U Aung Ba Kyi, met with division, district and township level officers, staff, doctors and nurses of the Labour Department, Factories and General Labour Laws Inspection Department, Social Security Board and Township Inland Freight Handling Committee at Monywa Social Security Board Office yesterday and gave a speech.
Next, the minister inspected the Bronze Age skeletons unearthed from a place near Nyaungkan Village in Budalin Township, Monywa District, in 1998 and restoration of Bronze Age cultural antiquities. Director-General of the Department of Archaeology U Nyunt Han reported on research on excavation of Bronze Age skeletons and keeping records and Deputy Director of the Department of Archaeology (Mandalay Branch) U Aye Maung on applying poly-vynile acetate on the terracotta pots for their durability.
Then, the minister inspected the five buildings where the Bronze Age skeletons are kept. The minister gave instructions on measures to be taken for restoration of cultural antiquities and the skeletons of the Bronze Age human beings who lived 3,500 years ago in Myanmar.
Anthropoid fossils have been found in Myanmar and other discoveries also led to know that Stone Age and Iron Age civilizations did exsit in Myanmar. It can be said that human beings originated in Myanmar. The excavations made in Nyaungkan region firmly proved that the Bronze Age flourished in the region.
Later, the minister, together with officials went to Monywa Industrial Zone where Zone Chairman U Aung Khin and owner of Aye Nyein Thida Medicine Production welcomed them and reported on production process of the medicines. Then the minister gave necessary instructions after inspecting the recreation centre for the staff of the medicine factory.
Transport Minister inspects Setsan dry dockyard
Yangon, 13 Aug - Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, together with Deputy Minister U Pe Than, arrived at Setsan dry dockyard of Myanma Port Authority yesterday.
Managing Director of Myanma Port Authority U Thein Htay and officials reported on background history of the dockyard, current situation, strength of staff, size of the vessels which can be docked, and plans for extension of the dockyard.
Then, Deputy Minister for Transport U Pe Than presented a supplementary report.
The minister gave instructions on systematic drawing plans and appointment of qualified staff.
Then, Minister for Transprot Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe and party inspected the dockyard and gave necessary instructions.
The area of the dockyard is 6.134 acres 770 feet long and 369 wide.
The dry dockyard is 243 feet long, 58 feet wide and 16.6 feet high,
and 1,400-ton vessels can be docked there.
( 5 )
Yangon Division Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts
Competitions commence
Yangon, 13 Aug -The opening ceremony of the 10th Yangon Division Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions (higher education level) was held at the Kumudra Hall of University of Culture (Yangon) in Dagon Myothit (South) this morning, attended by Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe.
Dr Maung Thin formally opened the competitions and explained the purpose of holding the competitions.
Then, the contestant students presented an entertainment programme with a song titled
"Aung-zay-paing-zay" and dances.
Afterwards, the commander and those present watched dance competitions.
The competitions continue tomorrow.
USDA CEC member meets officials in Kayah State
Yangon, 13 Aug- CEC member of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Brig-Gen Thein Aung met departmental personnel, townselders, Chairmen of Ward and Village Peace and Development Councils and members of social associations at Township Peace and Development Council in Pruhso on 11 August. CEC member Brig-Gen Thein Aung presented 100 dozens of exercise books for basic education schools to Township Education Officer U Issac.
CEC member Brig-Gen Thein Aung met departmental personnel, townselders, Chairmen of Ward and Village Peace and Development Councils and members of social associations and members of USDA at the basic education high school in Dimawhso and presented 100 dozens of exercise books for basic education schools to Township Education Officer Daw Tin Tin Ohn.
CEC member Brig-Gen Thein Aung went to post-primary school in Ngwetaung Village in Dimawhso Township and met townselders, teachers and students and presented 50 dozens of exercise books to Headmaster U Maung Maung.
CEC member Brig-Gen Thein Aung went to primary school in Dawbunganrai Village in Dimawhso Township and met townselders, teachers and students and presented 50 dozens of exercise books to Headmistress Daw Myint Shwe.
On 12 August, Brig-Gen Thein Aung attended the annual general meeting of Kayah State USDA in its office. Tactical Operations Commander Col Thein Swe also spoke on the occasion.
Next, Brig-Gen Thein Aung and Col Thein Swe presented awards to outstanding students who passed the matriculation examination in 2001-2002.
Brig-Gen Thein Aung went to Pankan Village in Loikaw Township and met villagers.
He presented exercise books for primary schools to officials. He also inspected the dispensary under construction. Brig-Gen Thein Aung met townselders, teachers and villagers at Htaythama Village Primary School and he fulfilled the requirements and presented exercise books to Headmistress Daw Rosie Kay.
CEC member Brig-Gen Thein Aung proceeded to the construction site of primary school in Loitamu (North) Village. He met townselders, teachers and villagers and presented exercise books to member of the school board of trustees U Kyaw Ngwe and Headmaster U Wilbur.
CEC member Brig-Gen Thein Aung went to Kontha Village post-primary school and met chairmen of Peace and Development Councils from six villages.
Next, chairmen of Village Peace and Development Councils reported on requirements. CEC member Brig-Gen Thein Aung fulfilled the requirements and presented cash and exercise books to Headmistress Daw Se
( 6 )
Commander inspects TV re-transmission station
Yangon, 13 Aug -Rakhine State Peace and Development Council Chairman Western Command Commander Brig-Gen Maung Oo together with officials met township level departmental officials at the hall of An Township on 10 August morning and made a speech on implementation of rural area development tasks, growing of summer, monsoon and cold season paddy on vacant and virgin lands and livestock breeding tasks.
Then, Township Peace and Development Council Chairman U Tun Kyi reported to the commander on tasks for agriculture, livestock breeding, health, water supply and social welfare, departmental officials on development tasks.
After giving necessary instructions to the officials, the commander proceeded to the TV re-transmission station in An Township where Station In-charge Junior Engineer U Soe Thura briefed the commander on installation of machinery and transmission of TV programmes. The commander gave necessary instructions and attended to the requirements.
Afterwards, the commander inspected communication station of Myanma Posts and Telecommunications and fulfilled the needs.
( 7 ) Tree planting ceremony and seminar held in Monywa University
Yangon, 13 Aug- Collective tree planting ceremony was held at Monywa University in Monywa, Sagaing Division, on 11 August.
Chairman of Sagaing Division Peace and Development Council Commander of North West Command Brig-Gen Soe Naing and senior military officers, departmental officials, Rector of Monywa University Dr Maung Htoo and the heads of department, teachers and students, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Red Cross Society and Auxiliary Fire Brigades totalling over 1,000 people attended the ceremony.
At the ceremony, the commander and those present planted over 500 of thitseint trees and shady trees and the ceremony came to an end.
Then, the commander attended the similar ceremonies of the division level offices. He proceeded to the Forestry Department, Sagaing Division, and inspected the growth of trees and attended to the needs regarding reports presented by officials.
Afterwards, the commander attended the seminar on Academic Atmosphere and Knowledge Environment jointly organized by Pyinnya Alin Modern Library and Monywa University held at the university.
The commander discussed matters on the emergence of highly-qualified human resources, becoming a continuous learning Myanmar society and implementing tasks for all-out development in education sector. Rector Dr Maung Htoo briefed those present on the seminar. Then, resource persons Pro-Rector of Monywa University of Economic U Than Aung and lecturers gave talks on respective papers with the use of charts and the ceremony came to an
( 8
Commander's Shield Volleyball Tourney opened
Yangon, 13 Aug - Men's and Women's Volleyball Tournament for Yangon Command Commander's Shield was held at Hline Gymnasium in Hlaing Township, Yangon West District at 7 am today with an address by Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe.
Also present were No 4 Military Region Commander Brig-Gen Myo Myint and military region commanders, station commanders, commanding officers of batallions and units under Yangon Command, officers, other ranks, their families, athletes and fans.
The commander made an address on the occasion and opened the tournament. A total of 20 men's teams and 7 women's
teams are taking part in the tournament and it will be held until 26
( 9
) South-West Command Commander presents prizes to chess-players
Yangon, 13 Aug -The prize-presentation ceremony of the South-West Command Commander's Shield Chess Tournament was held at the stadium of the local station in Pathein yesterday morning, attended by Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development Council Chairman South-West Command Commander Brig-Gen Htay Oo, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Tint Swe, senior military officers and guests.
Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Tint Swe and officials presented the first, the second, the third and individual prizes to prize winners. Commander Brig-Gen Htay Oo presented the championship shield to Pathein Zone-2 team and the ceremony came to a close.
The commander then viewed Sepak Takraw practice of Ayeyawady Division and South-West Command Sepak Takraw teams and presented honorary prizes to them.
In the afternoon, the commander, accompanied by Staff Officer U Sein Win Maung of Irrigation Department, Division Agriculture Manager U Ohn Than and officials, arrived at Yway Village in Kangyidaung Township in Pathein District. In meeting with local peasants, he gave instructions on boosting paddy production and attended to the needs.
He then visited construction site of a two-storey building for Kangyidaung BEHS. Headmistress Daw Mya Oo, School Board of Trustees Chairman U Ahoke and Engineer In-charge U Phone Myint Cho of Township Development Affairs Department reported to the commander on tasks being undertaken and the commander attended to the requirements.