1 ) Secretary-1 called on regional authorities, departmental officials and local people to strive with national solidarity and Union Spirit
for development of Loilem District

Yangon, 12 Aug - Chairman of the Work Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and party met Chairman of Loilem District Peace and Development Council and members, Chairman of Loilem Township Peace and Development Council and members, departmental heads, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, social organizations, towns-elders and local people at Nawarat Hall in Loilem yesterday.
Chairman of Loilem District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Myint Tin reported on the area of Loilem District, the set-up of the townships, the areas of cultivated land, cultivation of paddy, sufficiency of rice in the region, the growing of beans and pulses, oil crops, industrial crops and other crops and cultivation of Thitseint (belleric myrobalan) trees for sufficiency of edible oil.
In meeting with officials, the Secretary-1 said he, the ministers, the deputy ministers and officials came to the region to fulfil the requirements for development of socio-economic life of local people. He once came to the region in the beginning of the year and fulfilled education, health and social requirements. This time, he went to the townships in the district and fulfilled the requirements of education, health, social and transport sectors and rural area development.
Loilem District has developed to some extent, and the condition of the district is getting better than it was in the past. However, it has not yet developed to such an extent that it should have. This is because of lack of peace and stability in the region.
The Secretary-1 spoke of the need for all national people in the region to cooperate with the government in striving for regional development and for ensuring prevalence of law and order and peace and tranquillity in the region.
Like parents who always extend goodwill towards their sons and daughters, he said, the government would like to uplift the living standard of all national races without any gap of development among them. Therefore, after taking up the State duties, the government made
endeavors to develop the border areas where national people live and those regions that lagged behind development, he said. The government rebuilt mutual respect, mutual trust and interdependence among the national brethren
to put an end to armed opposition which emerged together with independence and disintegration of national solidarity, he added.
As a result, armed opposition ended and peace and tranquillity was restored to the regions except some far-flung areas; border areas are also developing with momentum, he said.
He said armed opposition occurred in Shan State due to divergent ideologies, instigation of BCP and racial prejudice. It was the people in Shan State who suffered most.
the government made efforts to be free from troubles and the whole Shan State is now at peace. He pointed out that there are still disruption and instigations. He spoke of the need for local people to make efforts for ensuring peace and tranquillity.
He said Panglong is a origin where national independence was born based on national solidarity spirit and the Union Spirit. In this context, Head of State Senior General Than Shwe gave guidance to make special arrangements for people in Panglong region to enjoy the benefits of independence.
In accord with the guidance of noble goodwill, the government is carrying out all-round development tasks in education, health, social, economic and transport sectors for development of Loilem District.
The Secretary-1 called on regional authorities, departmental officials, social organizations and local people to work hard based on national solidarity spirit and
Union spirit.
The Secretary-1 handed over 400 dozens of exercise books and wall clocks for basic education schools in Loilem township to Assistant Township Education Officer Daw Tin Oo Yee and the ceremony came to a close.
After the ceremony, Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and party proceeded to Government Technological College (Panglong) construction project being implemented for the human resources development in Loilem.
Senior Engineer U Sai San Tun of Naungton Construction Co reported on arrangement made for the timely completion of the project and demonstrated scaled model of the college.
The Secretary-1 heard a report on arrangements made for the admission of students at the college and gave necessary instructions.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party proceeded to Government Computer College (Panglong) construction project, where Senior Engineer U Myo Myint Than of Naungton Construction Co reported on work done.
The Secretary-1 heard supplementary reports
concerning the project presented by Commander Brig-Gen Khin Maung Myint and Minister U Thaung and attended to the needs.
Afterwards, Director U Sai Tit Aung of Naungton Construction Co donated K 5 million to the trust fund of 200-Bed Specialist Hospital in Loilem through District Surgeon Dr Maung Maung.
Later, the Secretary-1 and party inspected round the construction site of Government Technological College (Panglong) project.
Next, the Secretary-1 and party arrived at the Basic Education High School in Panglong, where the headmistress, teachers and students welcomed the Secretary-1 and party.
Minister for Education U Than Aung extended greetings at the ceremony to donate exercise books and wall clocks held at the hall of the school.
Then, the Secretary-1 donated 400 dozens of exercise books and wall clocks for schools to Headmistress Daw Khin Shein.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and party proceeded to Mingalar Mwaydaw Kyaungtaik in Panglong, where they paid obeisance to Pitaka Kyaung Sayadaw Agga Maha Gantha Vacaka Pandita Bhaddanta Nana Sambhara, Mingalar Mwaydaw Kyaung Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Sobhita and Sayadaws of monasteries in Panglong and presented offertories to the Sayadaws.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party proceeded to the Union Monument Ground in Panglong and inspected the work done for the pleasantness and cleanliness in the ground. Later, the Secretary-1 met with the local national races residing in Panglong including the Shans, PaO, Lishaw, Yin, Palaung, Bamar and Taungyoe and explained arrangements made by the State for the development of Panglong Region, where the Union Spirit was conceived.
Next, the Secretary-1 and party arrived at Kunhing at 10.30 am by helicopter. Officiating Tactical Operations Commander Lt-Col Myint Kyaing and officials welcomed the Secretary-1 and party there.

Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and party met with the chairman and members of the Township Peace and Development Council, departmental personnel, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association and social organizations and
towns elders.
First, Chairman U Tun Kyi of the Township Peace and Development Council reported on location, area and acreage put under paddy of the township and matters related to local sufficiency, cultivation of other crops and Thit Seint trees and education and health condition of the township. The commander also
made a supplementary report.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt attended to the requirements of education, health and development of Kunhing Township.
Then, he said that his visit to the townships in the district is to fulfil the requirements of regional development.
9It is found that the condition of Kunhing is getting better than it was in the past.
As transport is improving in Shan State, Kunhing situated on the Union Highway linking Shan State (East) and Shan State (South) is also developing.
The government is making all-out efforts to modernize and develop the Union of Myanmar after laying down a national policy, Our Three Main National Causes non-disintegration of the Union, non-disintegration of national solidarity and perpetuation of sovereignty.
In cooperation with local national race leaders, the government has striven to restore peace and stability in border areas where the majority of the national races live; then, border area development tasks are being undertaken by the Central Committee led by Head of State Senior General Than Shwe and the Work Committee.
The regions have become stable and peaceful; due to active participation of local national people in the development tasks, border areas are developing like cities.
Head of State Senior General Than Shwe gave guidance that the regions which have lagged behind in development are to be designated as special development areas. Loilem District covering Kunhing Township has been designated so; like in other special development zones, fundamental tasks related to economy, transport, education, health and social matters are being undertaken.
In the higher learning of the education sector, Panglong University, Panglong Technological University and Panglong Computer College are being built; in the basic education sector, schools are being upgraded and completed with furniture and teaching aids; more teachers are being appointed.
In the health sector, Loilem District Hospital is being upgraded to a 200-bed one; 16-bed hospitals in the townships to 25-bed ones. Rural health centres have also been opened.
In connection with transport, arrangements have been made to upgrade roads. If the condition of transport improves, national solidarity will flourish all the more.
Today, all the regions have been integrated. For instance, Rakhine State where transport was once in poor condition has been linked with Yangon and other regions. Shan State has good transport condition. As the region in the past was not stable and peaceful, roads could not be repaired. As the region is peaceful and stable today, measures can be taken to improve transport.
Today, a journey between Mandalay and Muse can be made in a day; motor roads have been built up to border areas through Kunlong-Chinshwehaw; in Shan State (East), Tachilek-Kengtung road has been improved.
The Union Highway which will link Taunggyi and Kengtung in Shan State is being built; on completion of it, the regions in Shan State will be linked.
With the improvement of transport, border trade is flourishing; the development of Shan State is gathering momentum.
Therefore, local national people need to work hard with Union Spirit and a sense of national solidarity so that the development of Shan State can be further promoted and the region can be kept stable for ever.
Local authorities, departmental officials, social organizations and the entire national people need to grasp the opportunity which has emerged as a result of the government's goodwill and assistance for the development of Loilem District.
Then, the Secretary-1 greeted those present.
After the ceremony, MEC Chairman Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and party arrived at Kunhing BEHS No 1 where the Township Education Officer, the headmaster-in-charge, teachers and students welcomed them.
At the hall of the school, the ceremony to present teaching aids for the school was held. Minister U Than Aung explained the tour of the ministers and the deputy ministers led by the Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and the
fulfillment of requirements for development of Loilem District.
Then, the Secretary-1 presented a TV set, a satellite dish, a video deck and a cassette player for Kunhing BEHS and 400 dozen exercise books and clocks for basic education schools in the town to Headmaster-in-Charge U Sai Tun Kyaw.
Next, the ceremony to open multimedia classrooms of Kunhing BEHS was held. MEC Chairman Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt formally unveiled the signboard of the multimedia classrooms and Myanma Education Goals stone inscriptions.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party inspected the reading corner, silence room, projected media room, computer room, the audio room, the drawing room, the domestic science room and the audio-visual room there. Students entertained them with music and dances.
They proceeded to Dhamma Vihara Dham-mayon and paid obeisance to Township Ovadacaria Presiding Sayadaw
of Aungmingala monastery Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Bhaddanta Aggasena and Sayadaws from monasteries in Kunhing.
After offering provisions to the Sayadaws, the Secretary-1 and party paid homage to Maha Kanbawza Pyinyeinaye Pagoda.

The Secretary-1 made cash donation to the funds of the pagoda and signed in the
visitors' book.
The Secretary-1 and party left Kunhing for Yangon via Namhsan by helicopter and arrived back here yesterday evening.
Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw, who accompanied the Secretary-1, inspected telephone exchanges, post offices and telegraph offices in Loilem District and gave necessary instructions to the officials.
Similarly, Deputy Minister for Health Prof Dr Mya Oo visited Langkho Township People's Hospital on 9 August and Kunhing Township People's Hospital on 11 August. He left necessary instructions there.
( 2 )
Chief Justice
receives Indian Ambassador
Yangon, 12 Aug - Chief Justice U Aung Toe received Ambassador of India Mr Rajiv Kumar Bhatia at his office at 10 am today.
I&P Minister receives Indian Ambassador
Yangon, 12 Aug - Minister for Immigration and Population Maj-Gen Sein Htwa received Indian Ambassador Mr Rajiv Kumar Bhatia at his office at noon today.
Home Affairs Minister receives Indian Ambassador
Yangon, 12 Aug - Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing received Indian Ambassador Mr Rajiv Kumar Bhatia at his office this afternoon.
H&T Minister receives PRC Ambassador
Yangon, 12 Aug - Minister for Hotels and Tourism
Maj-Gen Saw Lwin received Ambassador of the People's Republic of
China Mr Li Jinjun at his office this morning.
( 3
) Operation on conjoined twins performed successfully
Yangon, 12 Aug
- Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Ye Myint, Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Kyaw Myint and Chairman of Mandalay City Development Committee Brig-Gen Yan Thein, watched the surgery operation performed on the conjoined twins with Ischiopagus, Moe Ma Ma Aung and Moe Pa Pa Aung, on close circuit TV yesterday.
The minister, the commander and party went to the Institute of Medicine (Mandalay) at 11 am and inspected the condition of teaching medical students and house surgeons with Local Area Network (Fibre Optic Cable) at the institute.
The operation was shown to medical students and doctors in Mandalay through Local Area Network and to the medical students and doctors in Yangon with the very small aperture terminal (VSAT) system.

The doctors and medical students raised questions.
Later, the minister, commander and party attended the second cash donation ceremony for the twins.
Thirty-two wellwishers donated K 3.69 million.
The minister, the commander and the medical superintendent accepted the donations.
The total donations made for the twins amounted to K 8.29 million.
The operation which began at 6 am and ended at 8.15 pm lasted over 14 hours and was successful.

Moe Ma Ma Aung and Moe Pa Pa Aung were born of bus terminal in-charge Ko Aye Min and Ma Aye Aye Win of Kywesekan Ward, Mandalay, on 26 July 2001; then, they were cared for at the intensive care unit.
The twins weighed only three kilograms when they were born.
The preparations to operate on the twins started in June, 2002.
The professors and specialists from Mandalay People's Hospital and Children's Hospital led by Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Kyaw Myint made discussions many times, and rehearsed the operation over and over again.
The operation was performed on 11 August.
Conjoined twins with Ischiopagus are very rare, and they are the 19th twins who underwent operation in the world. The Ministry of Health and Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council provided all-round assistance.
The Health Planning Department and Bagan Cybertech cooperated in showing the operation in the meeting hall of the National Health Committee and at the Institute of Medicine (Mandalay).
The physicians and surgeons also watched the operation and gave advice.
The successful performance of the operation on the twins shows the high standard of Myanmar surgeons and the Myanma medical world.
The commander, deputy minister and party enquired after the health of the children.
Refresher Course on Orthopaedics and Traumatology to be conducted
Yangon, 12 Aug - The Myanmar Medical Association (Orthopaedic Group) will conduct the 12th refresher course on Orthopaedics and Traumatology under the title of
"Hip Problems in Children" at the MMA building beginning at 8.30 am on 17 August.
Any interested doctors may attend the course and detailed information can be available at the office of MMA.
( 4
) National Convention Convening Commission meets
Yangon, 12 Aug - National Convention Convening Commission Meeting was held at the meeting hall of the NCCC at 2 pm today.
It was attended by NCCC Chairman Maj-Gen Saw Lwin, Vice-Chairmen Maj-Gen Sein Htwa and Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, and members.
At the meeting, the Work Committee for NCCC and the Management Committee for NCCC reported on matters related to the national convention, to which members of the commission gave suggestions.
Afterwards, Maj-Gen Saw Lwin coordinated the reports and made concluding remarks and then the meeting came to an end.
A&I Minister inspects
construction of Paunglaung dam
Yangon, 12 Aug
- Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin, together with officials, arrived at the construction site of Paunglaung multipurpose dam near Pyinmana in Mandalay Division on 10 August morning and inspected construction tasks.
At the briefing hall of the construction site, the minister was briefed by Director U Win Maung of Construction-5 of the ministry on construction tasks. The minister, Director-General of the Irrigation Department U Kyaw San Win and directors discussed matters related to timely completion of the dam and durability, availability of machinery and tasks to be completed. The minister gave instructions and inspected construction of the reinforced main embankment and spillways and the filling of plaster into the inner parts of the dam with the use of machinery.
The minister then visited Pyinmana Yezin Central Agricultural Research Department and inspected research works. He also heard reports on the growing of hybrid corn and distribution of sample of hybrid corn to peasants. The minister then gave
instructions to the researchers to produce Yezin corn pedigree No 8 that peasants like most. At the Paddy
Research Division, researchers reported to the minister on research works on natural fertilizer Azola and the use of weed killers to boost paddy production.
The minister gave necessary instructions and inspected thriving of 156 kinds of herbal plants in the plantation. Managing-Director of Myanma Agriculture Service U Tun Than reported the minister on research works on herbal plants. After giving instructions, the minister inspected measures of Myanma Sugarcane Enterprise in Kuaukchet Region in Pyinmana Township for sugarcane growers.
The minister and party visited No 5 Sugar Mill (Myohla)
and No 8 Sugar Mill (Zeyawaddy). After hearing reports, he gave
instructions. In the evening, the minister arrived the 100-acre
advanced technology paddy plantations in Tawkywein Region and gave
instructions to farmers on utilization of natural and chemical
fertilizers, extended growing of quality pedigree and boosting of
paddy production.
Establishment of Central Workshop co-ordinated
Yangon, 12 Aug - A coordination meeting on
establishment of Central Workshop was held at the Ministry of
Industry-1 this afternoon.
Chairman of the Leading Committee for Establishment of Central Workshop Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung spoke on the occasion.
The deputy ministers gave suggestions. Secretary of the Leading Committee Director-General of the Industrial Coordination and Inspection Department U San Kyi reported on implementation of the work, drafting of projects and tasks.
Factory Manager of Paleik Textile and Finishing Plant Engineer U Myint Swe, Factory Manager of Shwedaung Textile and Finishing Plant Engineer U Win Tin and Factory Manager of Sagaing Textile and Finishing Plant Engineer U Sein Win reported on general matters.
Managing Director of Myanma Pharmaceutical Industries U Myint Oo and officials took part in the discussions.
The meeting ended with concluding remarks by the minister.
( 5 )
Minister inspects week-long school health activities
Yangon, 12 Aug - Minister for Education U Than Aung viewed the week-long school health activities of the basic education schools in Yangon Division this morning.
On arrival at No 4 Basic Education High School in Tamway Township, the minister was welcomed by Deputy Minister U Myo Nyunt, directors-general of the departments of the ministry and officials, the Tamway Township education officer, Headmistress Daw Hla Sein, teachers, students, the band troupe and pom pom troupe.
The minister and party viewed the health education video show about clean water, taking examinations of facts about life and essay contests on health education, medical check-ups for the students, rates of iodine included in iodized salt, the display of three kinds of nutritious groups, competition of art on health education, cultivation of herbs, selling of hygienic food at the food stalls and educative talks.
The minister then gave necessary instructions to the officials.
Then, the minister proceeded to No 6 Basic Education Primary School in Pazundaung Township where he was welcomed by Headmistress Daw Khin San Myint, teachers and students. The minister inspected the school health activities there and gave necessary instructions.
According to the education promotion programme, the Ministry of Education is implementing the school health activities throughout the country by designating the school health week from 12 to 17 August in the 2002-2003 academic year.
Minister inspects planning offices in Bago, Mandalay, Sagaing Divisions
Yangon, 12 Aug - Minister for National Planning & Economic Development U Soe Tha, accompanied by officials, met with those in charge of Bago Division Planning Office and those in charge and staff of planning offices of Bago and Toungoo Districts, Nyaunglaybin, Kyauktaga, Toungoo, Htan-tabin, Yedashe, Daik-U, Oktwin and Phyu Townships in Bago Division on 9 August morning and gave instructions.
In the afternoon, the minister and party arrived in Yamethin and met with those in charge of the
planning offices of Yamethin District, Yamethin, Tatkon, Pyaw-bwe, Pyinmana and Lewe Townships and gave instructions on tasks to be extended and national economic development, saying that the long-term plans are being drawn to be able to keep abreast with nations of the region in economic development. The planning staff are to participate in implementing the objectives in addition to their original tasks. The staff are to review the strong and weak points and to report them to the local authorities and to cooperate with the departments concerned.
In response to the reports of those in charge of Yame-thin District and Township, the minister fulfilled the requirements.
In the evening, the minister met with those in charge and staff of the planning offices of Meiktila District and Township, Mahlaing, Wundwin and Thazi Townships at Meiktila District Planning Office and attended to the needs.
On 10 August morning, the minister met with the staff of the planning offices of Mandalay Division, Mandalay, Kyaukse and PyinOoLwin Districts, and townships at Mandalay Division Planning Office and gave instructions. The respective officials reported on progress of work and future tasks. In response to the reports, the director-general of Planning Department discussed points.
In the afternoon, the minister met with the in-charges of the planning offices of Sagaing Division, Sagaing, Shwebo, Monywa, Katha, Mawleik and Tamu Districts and Townships at Myint Ayeya Hall in Sagaing and gave instructions.
On 11 August morning, Commander of North-West Command Brig-Gen Soe Naing and Minister U Soe Tha met with the in-charges and staff of planning offices of Monywa District and Township gave instructions and attended to the needs.
In the evening, the minister met with the in-charges and staff of the planning offices of Myingyan District and Township, Taungtha, Natogyi, Kyaukpadaung and Ngazun Townships at Myingyan District Planning Office and gave instructions.
In response to the reports of the respective officials, the minister fulfilled the
( 6 )
Cash donated to 10th Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions
Yangon, 12 Aug - The fund raising and prize presentation subcommittee of the Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions held its third cash-donation ceremony at the meeting hall-4 of the City Hall this afternoon.
Chairman of the Leading Committee for the holding of MTCPAC Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe
attended the ceremony, accepted the cash donations and spoke words
of thanks.
Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe accepted the cash donations K 1 million by Yangon City Bank Ltd for the third time, K 0.6 million by the Ministry of Industry-1, K 0.2 million by the Ministry of Commerce, K 0.1 million each by the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation and Ministry of Forestry, K 0.5 million by Shwethanlwin Co, K 0.3 million by Nagani Co, K 0.2 million by MGS Beverages Co Ltd and K 0.2 million by Shine Construction Ñ and presented certificates of honour to the wellwishers.
Then, Brig-Gen Myo Myint, Col Yan Naing Oo and U Kyi Win also accepted the cash donations and presented certificates of honour to the wellwishers.
Later, Maj-Gen Myint Swe thanked the ministries, the YCDC and wellwishers for their donations meant for the successful holding of the competitions.
A total of K 21.4692 million, including K 4.1462 million donated by 29 wellwishers at today's
cash donation ceremony, have been accepted up to this day.
Commander inspects construction of village new school buildings in Ponnagyun Township
Yangon, 12 Aug - Chairman of Rakhine State Peace and Development Council Commander of Western Command Brig-Gen Maung Oo, accompanied by departmental officials on 7 August, inspected the construction of the basic education primary school in Thayatcho Village and the construction of new school buildings of the basic education post primary school in Aungphyupyin Village, the primary schools in Pannilar Village and Kyankhin Village, the post primary school in Thitayok Village and the primary school in Kanantaung Village in Ponnagyun Township.
Rakhine State Education Officer U Maung Maung and officials, the township education officer, teachers and
towns elders reported on construction works and implementation of educational tasks.
The commander then briefed on durability of the school buildings, greening of environs of the schools and efforts for promotion of
students' education standard and fulfilled the needs.
Then, the commander proceeded to Minbya Township and met with township departmental officials, members of social associations and local populace at the Township Peace and Development Council Office. The commander explained matters pertaining to the regional development, ensuring easy transportation, extension of agriculture and livestock breeding, promotion the standards of health and education and boosting production and urged all to actively participate in implementing the tasks.
The commander attended to their needs after hearing reports on implementation of the tasks presented by departmental officials.
Coord meeting of 10th Myanmar traditional cultural
performing arts competition, Sagaing Division, held
Yangon, 12 Aug - A work coordination meeting on holding of division level 10th Myanmar traditional cultural performing arts competition, Sagaing Division, was held on 9 August afternoon at Myanthalla meeting hall in Monywa attended by Chairman of Sagaing Division Peace and Development Council Commander of North-West Command Brig-Gen Soe Naing and division level departmental heads, members of the committee for holding of the competition and members of judges.
The commander made an address at the meeting. In his address, he briefed on the purposes of the holding of division level performing arts competition, rules and regulations and conditions of preservation and safeguarding of Myanma traditional cultural characters.
Then, Secretary of Monywa District Peace and Development Council Maj Kyaw Yin reported on rules and regulations of the competition and officials concerned also reported on works being undertaken and needs.
Then, the commander urged them to make efforts to gain success at the State level performing arts competition by Sagaing Division and attended to the
( 7 ) Foreign Affairs Deputy Minister arrives back
Yangon, 12 Aug - U Khin Maung Win, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, arrived back here this afternoon by air after attending the fourth ministerial level meeting of ASEAN-Mekhong Basin Development Cooperation Programme, held in Siramyi, Cambodia from 9 to 10 August. He was welcomed back at the airport by departmental heads and officials of the Ministry of Foreign
Coord meeting between Malaysian and Myanmar entrepreneurs held
Yangon, 12 Aug - Mr Zainal Azman B Abu Kasim, Asian/African manager of Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation, Malaysia, called on U Zaw Min Win, general secretary of the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, and CEC members at the office of the federation this afternoon.
A Malaysian trade delegation of 37 entrepreneurs from 28 Malaysian economic industries and Myanmar business entrepreneurs cordially discussed matters relating to holding a coordination meeting on
"One-to-One Business Matching" to be held at the Sedona Hotel at 2.30 pm on 19 August.
Those wishing to trade with Malaysia and UMFCCI member companies are to contact the UMFCCI, Merchant Road, Ph 246495, 243151, Fax 248077, E-mail umcci@mpt.mail.net.mm if they would like to attend the meeting.
( 8
Hindu families offer Waso robes
Yangon, 12 Aug - Hindu Buddhist Association in Mandalay, offered Waso robes for the first time to the Sayadaws and members of the Sangha of State Pariyatti Sasana University (Mandalay) of the Department for Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana in Mandalay on 1 August.
It was attended by Consul-General of the Republic of India based in Mandalay Mr R K Bhutiani and wife, chairman and members of the Central Committee of Myanmar Hindu Religious Affairs (Mandalay), responsible officials and Hindu families.
( 9
) Rules for 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day
commemorative poem competition announced
Yangon, 12 Aug - In commemoration of the 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day, which falls on March 27 2003, a poem competition to be held by the Observance Committee for Poem and Arts Competitions chaired by Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt was announced today.
Rules are as follows: Competitors are to compose matters related to objectives of the 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day and fine traditions of the Tatmadaw, historical events that featured national characteristics of the Konboung Era (AD 1824), the Independence Era (form 1948 to 1988) and the State Peace and Development Council Era, religious undertakings, nation-building
endeavors, efforts to ensure peace and the drug elimination activities of the State Peace and Development Council. The poem contest is divided into two categories professional one and novice one.
It is needed to send the entry, clearly written on one side of the page and two copies also need to be sent. Name, pen name,
parents' name, educational qualifications, occupation and address are to be sent together with two postcard-size color photos to Lt-Col Ohn Maung (Rtd) (Myinmu Maung Naing Moe), Chief Editor of Naing-Ngan Gonyi Book House, No 529/531, Merchant Road, Sarpay Beikman Building, not later than 31 January 2003.