1 ) Development of a region depends on peace and tranquility and public participation in regional development programmes with unity
National people urged to enthusiastically participate in Government's endeavours for regional development and promotion of living standard of regional people
Secretary-1 meets with departmental officials in Shan State

Yangon, 10 Aug - Chairman of the Work Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, accompanied by the ministers, the Chief of Staff (Navy), the deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office and departmental heads, left here by Tatmadaw aircraft yesterday morning and arrived at Namhsan, Shan State, at 9 am.
The Secretary-1 and party were welcomed there by Chairman of Shan State Peace and Development Council Commander of Eastern Command Brig-Gen Khin Maung Myint, Brig-Gen Kyaw Aung of Namhsan Station, Brig-Gen Thein Lwin of Loilen Station, military officers and departmental officials and members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association.
The Secretary-1 and party, together with the commander and officials, arrived at Mongpan by helicopter where they were welcomed by Brig-Gen Nyunt Hlaing and officials of Mongpan Station. Then, Brig-Gen Nyunt Hlaing reported on brief account of the history and current condition of Mongpan, land reclamation for new town, work done of monsoon paddy plantation and sufficiency of rice and paddy and maintenance of Lankho-Mongpan-Tahsan motor road to the Secretary-1 and party at the guest house of the station. The commander gave a supplementary report.

Then, the Secretary-1 gave necessary instructions.
Next, the Secretary-1 and party met with military officers of Mongpan Station, the chairman and members of the Mongpan Township Peace and Development Council, departmental officials, members of USDA, social organizations and townselders at the hall of the station.
Township Chairman U Nyan Tun Aung reported on area of the township, forming of wards and villages, tasks being carried out for the development of rural areas, thriving of monsoon paddy, farm paddy and highland paddy, sufficiency of rice for the region, plantation of various kinds of beans and pulses oil crops and other crops, and health and education conditions.
Towns-elder U Khin Maung Myint reported on the need for upgrading the 16-bed township hospital, condition and requirements of the basic education schools of the township.
Then, the Secretary-1 made a speech. In his address, the Secretary-1 said he, the ministers, the deputy ministers and departmental officials came the region to fulfil requirements in development of townships in Loilen District.
Development of a region mainly depends on peace and tranquilly in the region and public participation in the government's regional development programmes with unity. There was no peace and tranquillity in Loilem District so the region lagged behind development. The government has been making efforts for perpetuation of the Union and development after laying down the Three Main National Causes, the national policy of non-disintegration of the Union, non-disintegration of national solidarity and perpetuation of sovereignty.
For the Union of Myanmar where national races reside unitedly, national solidarity is the most important. Only when there is national solidarity, will there be perpetuation of the Union and sovereignty. The government has been making efforts for that purpose since it took up the State duties. Therefore, the government built goodwill relationship among the national races and it also laid emphasis on regional development as peace and tranquillity was restored in the region.
Modern towns have emerged in border areas due to the cooperation of the government, national race leaders and local people. Shan, Lahu, Lishaw and PaO live in Loilem.
Only when all national races make efforts for regional development with unity under the leadership of the government, will the region develop rapidly.
No matter how destructive elements make instigations into the country, national solidarity spitit and the Union Spirit are to be upheld firmly for regional development and perpetuation of the Union.
As Panglong is the origin of the Union, the government is making arrangements for development of education, health and social foundations after designating Loilem District including Panglong region as the special development zone.
He urged all national races to participate in the tasks of promotion of national solidarity, cooperation for regional development with unity among the national people and safeguarding the Union and sovereignty of the State with consolidated Union Spirit upholding Our Three Main National Causes.
Then, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt cordially greeted those present at the ceremony.

After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 and party proceeded to Nyaungkoebin Kyaungtaik in Mongpan and paid homage to Chairman of Township Sangha Nayaka Sayadaw Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw of the Kyaungtaik Bhanddanta Nandamaytha and Sayadaws and members of the Sangha of monasteries in the town.
Then, Secretary-1 presented offertories to members of the Sangha. Project Director U Myint Aung of Linkhe-Mongpan-Tasun road construction project of Asia World Co Ltd K 200,000 for construction of Nyaungkoebin Kyaung through secretary of the board of trustees U Sai Tun San. Afterwards, the secretary of the board of trustees accepted K500,000 donated by the Ministry of Religious Affairs, K 200,000 by Eastern Command and K100,000 each by the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs, the Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telegraphs and the Ministry of Home Affairs.
Then, Chairman of National Health Committee Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and party proceeded to the Township People's Hospital. Medical superintendent of the hospital Dr Khin Maung Myint and staff welcomed the Secretary-1 and party there. Then, the Secretary-1 spoke words of encouragement to the patients at the hospital and inspected the operation theatre, medical store, X-ray room and Maternal and Child Health Centre. The Secretary-1 gave necessary instructions.
Next, Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and party arrived at the Basic Education High School in Mongpan. Township Education Officer U Hla Pe, Headmaster U Ohn Nyunt, teachers and students welcomed the Secretary-1 and party there.

First, the Secretary-1 and party inspected multi-media classrooms, the altar, the printed media room, the art room, the domestic science room, the music room, the computer room and audio lab and greeted teachers and students there. Then, the Secretary-1 and party attended a ceremony to donate teaching aids held at the hall of the school and handed over teaching aids including a computer set, a television and a video player and cassettes to the headmaster and 400 dozens of exercise books and clocks for basic education schools in Mongpan to the Township Education Officer. Project Director U Myint Aung of Linke-Mongpan-Tasun road construction project of Asia World Co Ltd donated K 500,000 to the trust fund of Mongpan BEHS through the headmaster.
After the ceremony, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and party went to construction site of Maha Teza Dipati Zetedaw 1 mile 6 furlong west of Mongpan.

Maj Tun Tun reported on progress of construction work of the pagoda at the briefing hall. Then, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt inspected the construction of the archway of the pagoda and Ganthagudhitaik and construction of the pagoda and gave necessary instructions to the officials.
Later, the Secretary-1 and party arrived Linkhe by aircraft, where tactical operations commander Col Hla Htay Win and officials welcomed them.
The Secretary-1 and party, at Linkhe Township Peace and Development Council Office, met with the chairman of the Township Peace and Development Council and members, departmental officials, members of social organization and townselders. Chairman of Township Peace and Development Council U Myint Thein reported on location of the township and wards, setting up villages and condition of rainfall of the township, cultivation of paddy and other crops, yield of paddy and edible oil, township's education, health matters, implementation of self-reliant efforts for the development of the township, arrangement for the construction of Township Hall, the construction of a bridge across a creek and requirements.

The Secretary-1 then fulfilled the requirements on upgrading of Wanhat affiliated Basic Education High School in Langkho to a high school, fire-engine in the township, power supply from Kyaingtaung hydro-electric power project, appointments of teachers needed and extended cultivation acreage for rice sufficiency in the region.
He said the government has been fulfilling requirements on regional development for equitable development of all national people, harmonious development in the region and narrowing the gap of standard of living among the people.
Due to the lack of peace and tranquillity in the region before, the border areas lagged behind development, he said.
Therefore, a separate ministry was formed and encouragement is being given to regional development, he added.
With peace and development and national solidarity, far-flung areas have developed rapidly. The government is implementing regional development programmes after designating special development zone for development of Loilem District. He spoke of the need for local people to make strenuous efforts for development in unity.
Now, Panglong University, Panglong Technological College, Panglong Computer College are under construction.

Hence, the local people can learn higher education in the region.
As regards health sector, the 100-bed Loilem hospital was upgraded into a 200-bed special hospital. This morning during the tour, the 16-bed Mongpan hospital was arranged to be upgraded into a 25-bed one. Regarding transportation, the Langkho-Mongpan-Tarhsan road which is the major road in the region is being upgraded. Inasmuch as transportation has become better, the dealings and relations among the national brethren will be increased and national solidarity can further be consolidated. The local national people are also to make collective efforts for perpetuation and national development of the Union with ardent Union Spirit and love among the national brethren. Nowadays, the opposing groups are making fabrications to sow discord among the national brethren. Thus, the national people are to collectively wipe out the dangers of destructive elements with national conscientiousness and the spirit of national solidarity.
The national people are also required to enthusiastically participate in the Government's endeavours for regional development and promotion of living standard of the regional people. The meeting then came to an end.
Then, the Secretary-1 had a cordial meeting with those present.
After the cermeony, Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and party proceeded to the basic education high school in Linkhe.
The Secretary-1 and party inspected the shrine room, the painting room, the printed media room, the domestic science room, the electronic media (audio visual) room, the audio room, the computer room and the music room.

The ceremony to present teaching aids was held in the hall of the school.
Minister for Education U Than Aung explained the plan to provide teaching aids for the school.
The Secretary-1 presented a computer set, a TV set, a video cassette player and a cassette player to Headmistress Daw Nang Ohn Kyi and 400 dozen exercise books and wall clocks to township education officer Daw Thein Han.
Next, the Secretary-1 and party went to Maha Wihara Sarthntaik in Linkhe.
They paid homage and offered alms to Sayadaw of Nanon Monastery Bhaddanta Ariyavamsa and Sayadaws and members of the Sangha from monasteries in Linkhe.
The Secretary-1 and party went to Mohne by helicopter in the evening, and were welcomed by officiating tactical operations commander Lt-Col Myint Han and officials and local people.
The Secretary-1 met with the chairman and members of Township Peace and Development Council, departmental officials, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association and social organizations and townselders in the hall of the township.
Chairman of Township Peace and Development Council U Htay Win reported on the area of the township, rural development tasks, cultivation of monsoon paddy, sufficiency of rice, the growing of Thitseint trees and matters related to education and health and requirments.
Then, the Secretary-1 said that he and ministers toured three townships in Loilem District and attended to the requierments for regional development and the improvement of the socio-economic life of local people.
The government is undertaking regional
development tasks with the aim of ensuring equitable development
among national people and bridging the gap of the living standard.
Altogether 24 development regions have been
designated to achieve equitable and harmonious development in the
Union comprising 14 states and divisions. The government has adopted
the attitude that only when the living standard of all the national
people improves, will the Union where national races have been
living throughout the history for years countable by the thousand be
imbued with national essence. The government regards all the
national races as its offspring and is taking measures to ensure
equitable development among them.
Therefore, the entire national people need to understand the national policy of the government and to take part in the development tasks of the State.
If the entire national people understand the national policy and the national requirements and the entire nation is shrouded with Union Spirit and national solidarity, the Union will surely exist for ever.
Therefore, all the nation people need to safeguard Our Three Main National Causes.
Then, the Secretary-1 had a cordial meeting with those present.
After the ceremony, Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and party went to the basic education high school in Mohne and attended the opening ceremony of the multimedia classrooms.
Headmistress Daw Khin Swe and Chairman of the School Board of Trustees Daw May Thaung Khin formally opened the multimedia classrooms.
The Secretary-1 formally unveiled the signboard of the multimedia classrooms.
Later, the Secretary-1 and party looked round the computer-aided instruction room, the computer skills room, the audio room (language lab), the audio visual room, the arts room, the printed media room and the domestic science room.
The school girls presented gifts to the Secretary-1.
Then, the students presented their music and artistic skills.
Afterwards, a ceremony to present teaching aids took place in the hall of the school.
The Secretary-1 presented a computer set, a TV set, a video casseette player and a cassette player to the headmistress and 400 dozen exercise books and wall clocks to township education officer U Aung Than Myint.
The Secretary-1 signed in the visitors' book.
After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 and party went to Sasanapala Monastery in Mohne.
They paid homage and offered alms to Sayadaw of Sasanapala Monastery Bhaddanta Kesava and Sayadaws and members of the Sangha from the monasteries in town.
The Secretary-1 and party arrived at Loilem by helicopter in the evening and were welcomed by Brig-Gen Thein Lwin of Loilem State and officials.Chairman of the National Health Committee Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and party inspected construction of a 200-bed hospital in Loilem.
The officials reported on progress of work.
Then, the Secretary-1 inspected the scale model of the hospital.
Deputy Minister for Health Dr Mya Oo reported on construction of the hospital.
Head of Shan State Health Department Dr Khin Aung Cho, Head of Loilem District Health Department Dr Maung Maung and Chairman of Naungton Construction Company U Sai Tint Aung reported on construction of the hospital and requirements.
The Secretary-1 gave instruction.
The Secretary-1 and party spent the night at Loilem yesterday.
( 2 )
Ploughing work completed, paddy transplanting skill contest held in Yangon North District
Yangon, 10 Aug - Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Yangon Command Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe, together with No 1 Military Region Commander Col Khin Maung Soe, Division Secretary Lt-Col Kyaw Tint and officials, attended the ceremony to mark completion of ploughing work and the paddy transplanting contest of Yangon North District at Myanma Rice Research Centre in Hmawby Township this morning.
In his speech, he said that in accord with the guidance of the Head of State Ñ boosting paddy production is a national duty, efforts are being made for extended cultivation of paddy in order to meet local rice requirement and double or triple cropping and exporting the surplus. Then, he gave instructions on cultivation of crops on
vacant lands.
Later, the paddy transplanting contest followed. The commander and party inspected production process of EM Super Bokashi, fertilizers and pesticides, samples of paddy and crop seeds, and reproduction of Azolla and left necessary instructions.
Then, the prize-presentation ceremony was held. Manager of Yangon Division Myanma Agriculture Service U Aung Hsan presented the consolation prize to Htantabin Township transplanting team, Col Khin Maung Soe, the third prize to Hlegu Township team, Brig-Gen Kyaw Thura, the second prize to Hmawby Township team, and the commander, the first prize to Taikkyi Township team.
So far, Yangon North District has cultivated 217,285 acres of monsoon paddy against 217,158 targeted acres, and to date Yangon Division has cultivated 1,135,680 acres of monsoon paddy out of 1,177,000 targeted acres.
After that, the commander and party met with township level departmental heads of the townships of Yangon North District, members of USDA and MCWA, and local farmers at Myanma Rice Research Centre in Hmawby Township. The commander spoke of the need for boosting per acre yield of monsoon and summer paddy, and extended cultivation of cold season crops for 2002-2003.
The commander said that Yangon North District has already completed ploughing work for cultivation of monsoon paddy. More paddy will be cultivated in the remaining paddy fields and wetlands, he added. Only if farmers cultivate monsoon Ploughing work completed, paddy
(from page 1)
paddy as early as possible, will it be harvested early, he pointed out. As a result, summer paddy and cold season crops will be cultivated in time and local
farmers' income will be increased and their living standard will be promoted. He called on local farmers to cultivate crops at all vacant lands and departmental heads, to render assistance to them.
Then, local farmers reported on their requirements. The commander attended to their needs.
The commander and party proceeded to Yangon Division Vegetable and Poultry Farming Special Zone near Nyaunghnapin Village, Hmawby Township.
At the briefing hall of Hmawby Hsan Hall of the Special Zone 1, Manager U Aung Hsan in charge of the Special Zone 1, Yangon North District GAD Deputy Commissioner U Thein Naing in charge of the Special Zone 2 and Head of Division the Settlement and Land Records Department U Naing Win in charge of the Special Zone 3 reported on progress in weeding wild plants, land preparations, progress of cultivation of vegetables, and breeding of broilers, layers and fish in respective zones. Chairman of the Special Zone Supervisory Committee Division GAD Commissioner U Thein Swe reported on conditions of roads in the zones; Division Engineer (Electrical) U Hla Paik on progress in wiring and installation of transformers; and national agricultural and livestock breeding entrepreneurs on work being done.
Then, the commander dealt with running of Yangon Division Vegetable and Poultry Farming Special Zone under the guidance of the Head of State for the convenience of Yangonites, and assistance to be rendered for national entrepreneurs engaging in the special zone.
Later, from the conservation tower, the commander and party inspected vegetable patches of the Special Zone 1, cultivation of vegetables with the use of advanced agricultural methods by Myanmar Agro Peace group, and breeding of layers of Taing Myan Kyaw
poultry farm. The commander then fulfilled the requirements. In the
rainy season, in the Special Zone ministries and national
entrepreneurs have cultivated 2,517 acres of kitchen crops, and bred
700,000 broilers and layers. And a total of 500,000 broilers have
been sold and 700 acres of fish breeding ponds have been dug.
( 3
) Families of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) and wellwishers donate cash, rice, edible oil and salt to monasteries

Yangon, 10 Aug - Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) and wellwishers donated cash, rice, edible oil and salt to 66 monasteries in Thayettaw Kyaungtaik in Lanmadaw Township, Yan-gon West District, at the ceremony held in Pariyatti Aletaik in the compound of Kyaungtaik this afternoon.
The ceremony was opened with the three-time recitation of Namotassa.
First, the congregation received the Five Precepts from Chairman of Lanma-daw Township Sangha Na-yaka Committee Hman Kyaung Sayadaw Agga Maha Saddhammajotika-dhaja Bhaddanta Pannajota.
Then, members of the Sangha recited Metta Sutta.
Then, Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein Sein, Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe, Minister Maj-Gen Sein Htwa, senior military officers and wellwishers presented offertories to members of the Sangha.
On behalf of the families of the Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air), Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo, Captain Naval Staff (Navy) Captain Nyan Tun and General Staff Officer (Grade 1) (Air) Lt-Col Than Hlaing presented offertories donated by families of the Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) to the Sayadaw.
Yangon Division Peace and Development Council, Yangon City Development Committee, staff families of the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Yangon (West) District and Lanmadaw Township Peace and Development Councils, Myanma Salt and Marine Chemicals Enterprise, Myanma Salt Millers Association, staff families of the Indigenous Medicine Department, Hmancho medical house, Tun Shwe Wah medical house, Htet Lin medical house, Great Wall medical house, Kaythipan medical house, Pyilonchantha medical house, Lupyandaw Padamya Abhayathukha medical house, Padamya 840 Abhayathukha medical house, Daw Aye Hmin medical house, Myanmar and Yangon Division Fishery Federations, U Thein Maung and Daw Par Par of Sandy traditional medical house, Myint Myat Paddy Cultivation Enterprise, Dagon Myanmar Tours and Dagon Durian Jam Enterprise, U Khin Soe and family and Aung Sekkya Sayadaw donated rice, edible oil, salt and books on Tri-Pitaka to the Sayadaws.

Afterwards, Maj-Gen Thein Sein, Maj-Gen Myint Swe and Maj-Gen Sein Htwa accepted cash donated to the trust fund for
" soon " of the monasteries in the Kyaung-taik and for maintenance of Pariyatti Ale Taikyaung presented by families of the Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air), Yangon Division Peace and Development Council, Myanma Economic Holdings Ltd and wellwishers.
Director of Resettlement of the Ministry of Defence Brig-Gen Aung Thein explained the purpose of the donation, and Director-General Dr Myo Myint of the Religious Affairs Department supplicated on religious matters.
Sayadaw Agga Maha Saddhamajotika dhaja Bhaddanta Pannajota delivered a sermon. Maj-Gen Thein Sein and the congregation shared the merits gained and the ceremony came to a close.
Families of the Tatma-daw (Army, Navy and Air) and wellwishers today donated 214 bags of rice, 70 viss and 66 bottles of edible oil, 40 books on Tri-Pitaka, 140 viss of gram, 700 viss of iodized salt, 70 tubes of tooth paste to the 66 monasteries
in the Kyaungtaik and K 2,268,580 to the trust fund for " soon " of the monasteries in the Kyaungtaik and for maintenance of Pariyatti Ale Taikyaung.
Similarly, the Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) families donated rice, edible oil, salt, gram, medicine and cash to Naga Cave Kalaywa-tawya Sarthintaik in Mayan-gon Township, Yangon West District at 4 pm.
Present on the occasion were Sayadaws, members of the Sangha and nuns, Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein Sein, Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe, Minister Maj-Gen Sein Htwa, senior military officers (Army, Navy and Air), departmental heads, wellwishers, wut associations and lay persons.
The ceremony was opened with the three-time recitation of Namo Tasa and State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Joint Secretary Kalaywatawya Sarthintaik Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Dwipita-kadhara Dwipitakakovidha Bhaddanta Jagara Bhivamsa administered the Eight Precepts to the congregation.
Next, member of the State Peace and Development Council Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein Sein of the Ministry of Defence, Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe, Minister Maj-Gen Sein Htwa and senior military officers presented offertories to the Sayadaws and members of the Sangha.
Then, Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo and Captain Naval Staff (Navy) Captain Nyan Tun and General Staff Office (Grade I) (Air) Lt-Col Than Hlaing presented rice and edible oil donated by the Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) families to the Sayadaw.
After that, 397 bags of rice, 145 viss of edible oil, 1,450 viss of iodized salt, 290 viss
of gram, 145 tubes of tooth paste and 1,740 items of assorted
traditional medicines were presented to
the Sayadaw. The alms were donated by Yangon Division Peace and Development Council, YCDC, Ministry of Agricultural and Irrigation, Yangon West District and Mayangon Township Peace and Development Councils, Ministry of Religious Affairs, Myanma Salt and Marine Chemicals Enterprise and Yangon Division Salt Dealers Association, Indigenous Medicine Department, (Yangon), national entrepreneurs and well-wishers.
Afterwards, Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein Sein, Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe and officials accepted the donations of over 1,176,000 kyats towards the trust fund for the Kyaungtaikgyi including K 20,000 each by Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) families, Yangon Division Peace and Development Council and Myanma Economic Holdings Ltd, K 100,000 each by U Tin Win-Daw San Win family (Myanmar-pyithahay Co), U Thaing Win-Daw Htay Htay Nyunt family (BTB Co), Kyaw traditional medicine and Asia Express families, K 60,000 by Pyilonechantha traditional medicine family, K 50,000 each by Great Wall traditional medicine family, Myanmar May Flower Bank and U Than Naing-Daw Kyi Kyi Swe and family of Thamada Thingantaik, K 20,000 by Tun Shwe Wah medical house, K 50,000 by Htet Linn medical house, K 15,000 by Daw Nu family, K 30,000 by Myanmar Fisheries Federation, K 50,050 by Sandi family, K 50,000 by OK rice trading family, K 30,000 by Rice Merchants Association and, K 30,000 by Sun Myanmar International Co, K 10,000 by Sayagyi Co, K 20,000 by Hmancho medical house, K 20,000 by Daw Mya Thein and family of U Wisara Housing Estate, K 11,900 by Dagon Myanmar tourism services, K 10,000 each by Dr Pe Nyan family and Kaythipan medical house, K 20,000 by Myint Myat rice and paddy enterprise and K 100,000 by U Thet Oo of A Yar Myay group of companies.
Afterwards, Director Brig-Gen Aung Thein of the Ministry of Defence and Director-General of the Religious Affairs Department Dr Myo Myint explained the purposes of the donations and supplicated on religious affairs. The presiding Nayaka Sayadaw delivered a sermon, followed by sharing the merits gained, and the ceremony ended.
( 4
) Kanbawza Bank headquarters building wins ASEAN energy award

Yangon, 10 Aug - Myanmar Engineering Association honoured the owners and engineers who drew the designs of the headquarters building of Kanbawza Bank Ltd and Maha Santisukha Kyaungdawgyi for winning ASEAN energy award at Karaweik Palace this afternoon.
Minister Maj-Gen Saw Tun said that the ceremony was held in honour of Kanbawza Bank headquarters building which won first prize at the ASEAN energy efficient building best practices competition held in 2002 and Maha Santisukha building which won the participation prize.
Since its integration into ASEAN, Myanmar has been cooperating with other member nations in various sectors.
In the energy sector, ASEAN Centre for Energy was formed.
ACE decided to present the award for efficient use of energy in buildings in 2000. The competition has three categories: new and existing building, retrofitted building and special submission. Myanmar did not take part in the competition in 2000 and 2001. Maha Santisukha building took part in the new and existing building category and Kanbawza Bank building (Pyay Road) in the special submission category only in 2002.
It is very satisfying to know that a first prize was won. It is not easy to win a prize, as skyscrapers and modern buildings from other ASEAN member nations such as Singapore, Malaysia and Yodaya also took part in the competition. In view of the popular term Human Resources, the winning of the first prize shows that human resources in Myanmar can keep abreast with those from the world nations.
In his address, Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi said whenever ASEAN Energy
Ministers' meeting was held, ASEAN Energy Awards were presented at
the dinner. Awards for efficient use of energy in buildings are
presented in ASEAN regions. At the meeting of executive committee
members of Myanmar Engineering Society held at IBC on 2 February
2002, the minister said Myanmar should participate in the
competition and he would like Myanmar to win awards. He said that he
would like to praise the winner of the award. In this connection,
local judges committee comprising
representatives from various departments was formed and entries were scrutinized and sent to the competition. Out of the ten ASEAN members, only eight countries participated in the competition.
Laos and Brunei did not take part in it.
Those eight countries submitted 21 models of building and nine entries were chosen. Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia and Myanmar won the first prizes in the respective categories. Myanmar won the prize for Kanbawza Bank Head Office in appropriate energy technology category. She also won recognition award for Maha Santisukha Kyaungdaw.
He said it is necessary for the factories and workshops to win the ASEAN Energy Awards. He called on Myanmar Engineering Society, Construction Entrepreneurs Association and Myanmar Architects Association to make efforts for efficient use of energy in buildings.
Next, Chairman of Myanmar Engineering Society Rector of Yangon Technological University Dr Pe Win spoke on the occasion.
Minister Brig-Gen Lun Thi handed over the award in appropriate technology category presented by ASEAN Centre for Energy to Chairman of Kanbawza Bank U Aung Ko Win and Minister for Construction Brig-Gen Saw Tun the recognition plaque to Chairman of Board of Trustees of Maha Santisukha Kyaung-daw Maha Saddham-majotikadhaja, recipient of Sithu medal, Thiripyanchi Sithu Tharay Sithu Col Saw Myint (Retd).
Next, Chairman of Myanmar Engineering Society Rector of Yangon Technological University Dr Pe Win presented certificates of honour to the engineers who built Kanbawza Bank Head Office and Maha Santisukha Kyaungdaw.
On behalf of the engineers, Consultant Engineer U Soe Naing Aung spoke words of thanks.
Next, Managing Director U Zaw Win Naing presented K 5 million donated by Chairman of KBZ U Aung Ko Win and wife Daw Nan Than Htwe for MES, U Yan Win K 500,000 by A-1 Construction and Trading Co Ltd, U Yin Htwe Thet K 500,000 by Central Engineering and Construction and a representative of Asia World Co Ltd K 500,000.
Chairman of Myanmar Engineering Society Dr Pe Win accepted the donations. Honorary Patron of MES U Khin Maung Yin presented certificate of honorary member of MES to KBZ Chairman U Aung Ko Win.
( 5 ) Minister Brig-Gen Abel leaves for Japan

Yangon, 10 Aug -Minister at the State Peace and Development Council Chairman's Office Brig-Gen Abel left here by air this afternoon to attend the Ministerial Coordination Meeting on East Asia Region Development Program among ASEAN countries and the People's Republic of China, the Republic of Korea and Japan to be held in Tokyo, Japan.
The minister was seen off at Yangon International Airport by Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint, Chairman of Civil Service Selection and Training Board Dr Than Nyun, officials of Japanese Embassy and departmental officials.
( 6 )
Sanitation work carried out in Yangon City
Yangon, 10 Aug- Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe and Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa inspected the sanitation work and tasks being carried out for proper drainage by members of the Tatmadaw, Myanmar Police Force, staff of Yangon City Development Committee, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Red Cross Society, Fire Brigade, the Maternal and Child Welfare Association and others this morning.
On arrival at the junction of Pyay Road and Min Ye Kyaw Swa Street at 6.30 am, the commander and the vice-mayor were welcomed by Commander of No 4 Military Region Brig-Gen Myo Myint, Secretary of YCDC Col Myint Aung, Yangon Division Secretary Lt-Col Kyaw Tint, Yangon West District Chairman Lt-Col Maung Maung Shein and officials.
The commander and the vice-mayor inspected the sanitation work and tasks for proper drainage being undertaken along Min Ye Kyaw Swa Street in Lanmadaw Township, along Maha Bandoola Street in Bota-htaung Township, Yangon East District along Yadana Street in South Okkalapa Township and along Station Road in Insein Township, Yangon North District.
Officials of YCDC reported on the work being carried out for proper drainage and sanitation and future tasks with the use of charts.
In response to the reports, the commander gave instructions on the systematic dumping of garbage and ensuring proper drainage for health reason, traffic safety and inundation.
Special sanitation work is being carried out in Yangon City to ensure the systematic disposal of garbage and proper drainage resulting in a decrease in inundation in Yangon City area in contrast to the
( 7 )
Cash donated to Hospice (Cancer) Foundation
Yangon, 10 Aug - A ceremony to donate cash for U Hla Tun Hospice (Cancer) Foundation in Mandalay was held at the hall of Myitta Yeikmon (Cancer) Foundation in Dagon Myothit (East) Township this morning.
First, Chairman of the foundation U Hla Tun explained the aims of the formation of the foundation in Mandalay and donated US $ 100,000 to the fund for extension of the building of the foundation in Mandalay through Vice-Chairman of the foundation Dr U Nay Win. Then, U Hla Tun accepted K 10 million donated by Managing Director Daw Khin Khin Yi of Shine Hope Co Ltd, K 100,000 by U Tun Yi, Daw Tin Kyi and family and K 100,000 by U Ye Aung Moe, Dr Phyu Phyu Oo and family and spoke words of thanks to the wellwishers. After the ceremony, wellwishers spoke words of encouragement to the patients at the foundation.
( 8
) Provisions donated to monasteries
and nunneries in Mingaladon and Bahan Township
Yangon, 10 Aug
Families of Tatmadaw
(Army, Navy and Air) and
well-wishers donated rice,
edible oil, salt, gram, medicines and cash to monasteries such as Aryudiga Pyo
Uyin, Seiktathukha TatU,
Kyaikkale Minkyaung,
Kanthonhsint Pariyatti as
well as Mya Yaung Chi
Nunnery and Mya Thingi
Nunnery in Mingladon
Township, Yangon North
District at a ceremony held at
Aryudiga Pyo Uyin
Sarthintaik in Mingaladon
Township this morning.
Township Sangha
Nayaka Committee Secretary
Aryudiga Pyo Uyin Presiding Sayadaw Bhaddanta
Ariyavamsa administered the
Five Precepts to the congregation. Then, senior military
officers presented offertories
to the Sayadaws. General Staff Officer (Grade I) Lt- Col Tun Tun Oo of the Office
of Commander-in-Chief (Army). General Staff Officer (Grade I) Lt-Cmdr Lt-
Col Tin Htut Thein of the
Office of Commander-in-
Chief (Navy) and General
Staff Of ficer (Grade I) of the
Office of Commander-in-
Chief (Air) Lt-Col Than Swe
presented 110 bags of rice,
44 viss of edible oil and 88
viss of gram donated by
families of Tatmadaw
(Army, Navy and Air) and
well-wishers to the Sayadaws.
Afterwards, Myanma Salt and Marine Chemicals
Enterprise of the Ministry of Mines presented 450 viss of salt and
45 boxes of soft salt, the Traditional Medicine Department of the
Ministry of Health, 100 different kinds of traditional medicines,
Yangon North District and Township Peace and Development Councils,
three bags each of rice, Pyinmabin Village Maternal and Child
Welfare Association, two bags of rice and 50 viss of salt, Kantha
traditional medicine family, 60 boxes of traditional medicine, and U
Maung Maung of Great Wall medicine house and his brothers, 216 boxes
of traditional medicine to the Sayadaws.
Next, families of Tatmadaw, Myanmar Economic
Holdings Ltd and Ayeyamye Companies Group presented K 60,000 each;
Yangon Division Peace and Development Council, K 18,000; Yangon
North District Peace and Development Council, U Tin Aung and wife of
Win Yadana Travelling Service, U Aung Mon- Daw Hla Hla Mon of Myint
Myat paddy trading, and U Maung Maung and brothers of Great Wall
traditional medicine house, K 30,000; the Township Education Office,
Township USDA office, Township Station Commander office, Township
Red Cross Society, Township MCWA, YCDC, Htaukkyant GAD, and Township
Upahtaka Association Chairman U Ko Toe, K 5,000 each; and Yangon
North District Aung Mingalar private bus-line committee, K 12,000 to
Brig- Gen Aung Thein, Col Win Than. Lt-Col Lin Maung and Col Win
Naung. The Shwekyitha Pariyat Sayadaw delivered a sermon and
merits so gained were then shared.
The donations to four monasteries and two nunneries in Mingaladon
Township totaled 118 bags of rice, 44 viss of edible oil, 88 viss
gram, 500 viss of salt. t boxes of soft salt, 376) boxes of
traditional medicines and K 427,000.
A similar ceremony took place at Aletawya Sanpya
Sarthintaik in Shwetaunggy Ward 2, Bahan Township at 8 am today. The
donations t three monasteries and three nunneries in Bahan Town ship
amounted to 175 bags of rice, 78 viss of edible oil, 75 viss of
iodized salt, 1,163 boxes of traditional medicines, 154 viss
of gram and K 833,070.