1 ) State Peace and Development Council Chairman
Senior General Than Shwe sends felicitations to
Republic of Singapore
Yangon, 9 Aug - On the occasion of the 37th Anniversary of the National Day of the Republic of Singapore which falls on 9 August 2002, Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council and Prime Minister of the Union of Myanmar, has sent messages of felicitations to His Excellency Mr S R Nathan, President of the Republic of Singapore and His Excellency Mr Goh Chok
Tong, Prime Minister of the Republic of Singapore.
( 2 )
Myanmar faithfully adheres and implements its obligations to Association and continues to make important contributions
to regional peace, stability and prosperity
ASEAN generally recognized as one of most successful
regional organizations in world
Secretary-1 attends ceremony to mark 35th Anniversary of ASEAN Day
Yangon, 8 Aug
- The ceremony to mark the 35th Anniversary of ASEAN Day took place at the National Theatre on Myoma Kyaung Street here at 7.30 am, with an address by Chairman of the ASEAN Steering Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
In his address, the Secretary-1 said: It is indeed a great pleasure to have this opportunity to deliver the opening address on this auspicious occasion to commemorate the 35th Anniversary of the Founding of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.
Thirty-five years ago, on 8 August 1967, the foreign ministers of five countries
Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand signed
the ASEAN Declaration, thus bringing into existence the Association
of Southeast Asian Nations.

Even at its inception, the founders of ASEAN
envisioned that the Association would eventually encompass all the
nations of Southeast Asia with the common aim of working together
for peace, stability and development of the region. Today, ASEAN
comprises 10 Southeast Asian nations fulfilling the vision of the
founding fathers of ASEAN.

The Association is generally recognized as one of the most successful regional organizations in the world. The combined population of the ten ASEAN nations numbers more than 500 million people and the combined GDP of nearly 700 billion US dollars. Indeed, the economy of ASEAN region is one of the largest in the world and is regarded as a potential high growth area.
The 35 years of ASEAN has witnessed many memorable milestones.
A series of important events stand out and they reflect the steady growth of the association, the expansion of its agenda and the decisions made for the important charges in the history of Southeast Asia.
The leaders at the Second Informal Summit held in Kuala Lumpur in 1997 adopted ASEAN Vision 2020 which set out the goals for ASEAN in 20 years in the new millennium. The Preamble of the Declaration states that ASEAN is striving to become a
"concert of Southeast Asian nations, living in peace, stability and prosperity, bonded together in partnership in dynamic development and in a community of caring

We are fully confident that we shall be able to achieve the goal.
It is only natural that during this period of 35 years, ASEAN faced its own share of problems and challenges, the most notable in recent years being the financial crisis of 1997-98 and the haze problem. At the time of the financial crisis, there were many analysts and observers who were predicting the unravelling of efforts for regional operation and integration. The actual events have proved otherwise. Even in the midst of the crisis, the ASEAN nations were able to adopt the Hanoi Plan of Action for meeting the objectives set out in ASEAN Vision 2020. The members of the Association were able to recover from the crisis by enhancing economic integration, by strengthening financial cooperation, by adopting special mechanisms to assist each other and by introducing measures best suited to their own conditions. Similarly, through deepening of cooperation, ASEAN member countries were able to successfully deal with the haze problem.
Recent events have shown the vitality and dynamism of the Association.

The ASEAN Regional Forum, founded in 1994, is one
of the most important security forum in the world. Its membership now numbers 23 nations, including all 5 Permanent Members of the UN Security Council, the only security forum so represented.
The Hanoi Summit in 1998 also saw the start of ASEAN + 3 process, bringing the three East Asia countries of China, Japan and Korea and ASEAN together. Since then, the ASEAN + 3 process has made significant progress resulting in the adoption of the declaration of East Asia Cooperation.
Even as the process of AFTA (ASEAN Free Trade Area) is being accelerated, efforts are being made to narrow the gap between the newer members with the other members of ASEAN with the introduction of Initiative for ASEAN Integration.
Cooperation between political, security and economic fields as well as in the functional area continues to be as vibrant as ever.
The signing of the e-ASEAN Agreement at 4th Informal Summit in Singapore in 2000, the adoption of Declaration on HIV/AIDS and the Declaration on Joint Action to Counter Terrorism made at the 7th ASEAN Summit in Brunei Darussalem in 2001 are but a few examples of the scope of cooperation among ASEAN Countries.
One of the strong points of Southeast Asia is its concept of unity in diversity. The diversity of the member countries in ASEAN is reflected in their widely divergent sizes, the heterogeneity of their populations, the religions they
practiced, the number languages they used and their different historical experiences. But we try to enhance our mutual understanding and pay respect to one's another cultures, value systems and preserve our own cultural heritage and foster a sense of regional identity.

Supplementing this is what has been termed as the
"SEAN Way". By strictly adhering to the basic principles of ASEAN including non-interference in the internal affairs of other members, by emphasizing consensus building, by engaging in quiet discussions and discreet diplomacy instead of posturing and confrontation, and by adopting such concepts as
"Prosper Thy Neighbour", ASEAN remains vibrant as ever before. Moreover, should there be issues between member states, bilateral issues are managed bilaterally, without being complicated by unnecessary regionalization or internationalization.
Myanmar joined ASEAN in 1997.
A review of the past five years shows that the relationship has been mutually beneficial. Myanmar has faithfully adhered and implemented its obligations to the Association and continues to make important contributions to the peace, stability and prosperity of the region.
The Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Senior General Than Shwe had attended all ASEAN Summits since 1995, even before Myanmar was a member of ASEAN, emphasizing our political commitment to the goals and ideals of ASEAN. Similarly, Myanmar delegations, including ministerial delegation, are attending numerous meeting each year. Moreover, Myanmar hosted numerous ASEAN meetings in the country including ASEAN Foreign Ministers Retreat, ASEAN Economic Ministers Meeting, ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Transnational Crime, ASEAN Finance Ministers Meeting and ASEAN Transport Ministers Meeting among others.
We are confident that Myanmar will be an important contributor to regional food and energy needs.
At the same time nearly 30 per cent of Myanmar export goes to ASEAN countries while ASEAN constitutes nearly 47 per cent of our total imports. Three out of the top 5 investors in Myanmar are from
ASEAN. 5 ASEAN countries have invested over 3.8 billion US dollars in Myanmar and this constitutes over 51 per cent of the total investments.
But the full potential of cooperation between Myanmar and other ASEAN members still remains untapped. This mutually beneficial cooperation will surely continue to grow in all areas, political, security, economic and functional. We are grateful for all the understanding, goodwill and friendship shown to us by the other members of ASEAN.
I wish also take this opportunity to express our sincere appreciation to all our ASEAN brothers for the solidarity shown to us in regional and international
flora. It is a solidarity that is unshaken by buffets and pressures from outside.
On this auspicious day, we celebrate the 35th Anniversary of ASEAN with several activities concerning the awareness of ASEAN in Myanmar and the inspiration and cooperation of ASEAN networking will be revealed and informed. This will coincide with many projects initiated by the Committee on Culture and Information (COCI).
The ASEAN Quiz competition is now being held at the national level and preparations for taking part in the ASEAN Cultural Week Performances in Cambodia where the Summit will take place are being initiated by Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Information respectively.
In conclusion, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the Organizing Committee for making the necessary preparations for ASEAN Day celebration and all the national committee who also lend their supports to the event, and last but not least the ASEAN Embassies in Myanmar who jointly participated in this ASEAN Day Celebrations. May I wish the celebrations every success.
Then, the prize-presentation programme followed. The Secretary-1 presented first prize of ASEAN Day commemorative poster competition to Mon Thet (a) U Thet Oo of State School of Fine Arts, Yangon, second prize to Ma Thazin Thet Su Tin of Basic Education Middle School in Kyauktan and third prize to U Maung Oo of State School of Fine Arts, Yangon, first prize of ASEAN Day commemorative postcard competition to Ma Thazin Soe Myint of University of Culture in Yangon, second prize to Maung Zaw Win (a) Hnga Pyaw Thee and third prize to Maung Zin Ko Ko of Ahlon Township BEHS, first prize of ASEAN Day commemorative ASEAN National Dress Fashion Parade to Dagon Township No 1 BEHS, second prize to Latha Township No BEHS and third prize to Dagon Township No 2 BEHS.
Afterwards, students of University of Culture (Yangon) sang ASEAN Song of Unity.
Later, the entertainment programme of ASEAN countries was held.
Accompanied by Sein Myet Pyu Myanmar traditional orchestra, basic education students of Myamar entertained those present with the song titled
"Myanmar'. Then, staff families of embassies of Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam presented respective traditional songs and dances.
After that, students of Dagon Township No 1 BEHS who won ASEAN National Dress Fashion Parade presented a demonstration programme.
Next, families of the Fine Arts Department under the Ministry of Culture sang the song titled
"ASEAN-We are One", which brought the ceremony came to a close.
After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 and party and
guests views the ASEAN Exhibition at the hall of the National
Theatre. The exhibition will be kept open until 22 August from 10 am
to 4 pm daily. Admission is free.
( 3
) Minister U Win Aung sends
felicitations to Republic of
Yangon, 9 Aug - On the occasion of the 37th Anniversary of the National Day of the Republic of Singapore which falls on 9 August 2002, U Win Aung, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Professor S Jayakumar,
Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Singapore.
Minister receives Pakistani guests
Yangon, 8 Aug - Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein received the Pakistani trade delegation led by Director of Export Promotion Bureau of Pakistan Mr Mohammed Yahya Khan at his office on Pyidaungsu Yeiktha Road, Dagon Township, this afternoon.
Ambassador U Khin Maung Aye presents credentials to Italian President
Yangon, 9 Aug - U Khin Maung Aye, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Union of Myanmar to the Republic of Italy, presented his Credentials to His Excellency Mr Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, President of the Republic of Italy, on 15 July 2002, in Rome.
( 4
) Women's affairs committees at different levels formed to enable women to enjoy rights fully and to develop Myanmar women sector
MNWCWA has laid down and implemented nine tasks to serve interests of women
MNWCWA members meet with members of Shan State (East) Working Committee for Women's Affairs
Yangon, 8 Aug - Members of Myanmar National Working Committee for Women's Affairs led by member of Myanmar National Committee for Women's Affairs and member of Myanmar National Working Committee for Women's Affairs Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe arrived at Kengtung airport by air at 9.30 am on 5 August.
They were welcomed by Commander of Triangle Region Command Brig-Gen Khin Zaw and wife Daw Khin Pyone Win, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Myint Swe and wife Daw Khin Mya Mya Ohn, departmental personnel, members of Shan State (East) Working Committee for Women's Affairs and Maternal and Child Welfare Association and local national people.
Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe and party met with members of Shan State (East) Working Committee for Women's Affairs at Golden Triangle Yeiktha of Triangle Region Command.

Then, Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe attended the coordination meeting between Myanmar National Working Committee for Women's Affairs and Shan State (East) Working Committee for Women's Affairs at Sibinthaya Hall in Kengtung in the afternoon.
Chairman of Shan State (East) Peace and Development Council Commander Brig-Gen Khin Zaw
addressed the meeting.
Commander Brig-Gen Khin Zaw said that after the guidelines of Myanmar National Working Committee for Women's Affairs have been sought, Shan State (East) Working Committees for Women's Affairs at different levels have been formed to enable the women of Shan State (East) to enjoy their rights fully and to develop the Myanmar women sector; these committees are undertaking tasks related to various sectors, and necessary assistance is being provided for them.
Working committees for women's affairs have been formed in every township, and
counseling centres opened.
Shan State (East) Working Committee for Women's Affairs have already drawn up a working plan concerning the eight sectors. In the education sector, three Rs courses were conducted to overcome the difficulty of language difference; tasks related to the health and economic sectors are being undertaken with the national outlook.

As is known to all, the government is working hard to improve the living standard of the people in the region. Shan State (East) Working Committee for Women's Affairs need to contribute actively to the efforts for the improvement of the health, education and economic standards of local people; the members of the committee also need to adopt Our Three Main National Causes with national conviction.
Efforts for the development of the women sector are to be exerted in consonance with the political, economic and social objectives.

Secretary of MNCWA and MNWCWA Director-General of the Social Welfare Department U Sit Myaing explained the set-up of both committees.
Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe explained the purpose of their visit to Kengtung.
Vice-Chairperson of MNCWA and MNWCWA Professor Dr Daw May May Yee explained policies concerning women's affairs.
Leaders of various groups under MNWCWA explained matters related to the main tasks of the groups.

Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe handed over exercise books and pencils donated to poor students in Shan
State (East) by MNCWA.
U Maung Maung Lwin-Thiha Thudhamma Theingi Daw Sein Sein donated K 100,000 to the fund of Shan State (East) Working Committee for Women's Affairs.
Afterwards, Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe and party had a cordial meeting with local national people and looked round the exhibition.
Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe and party met with members of Kattaung Model Village Women's Affairs Committee at the monastery of the village. She presented exercise books, pencils and medicines to the village.
Speaking on the occasion, Prof Dr Daw May May Yee said the aim of the team is to launch organization work right down to the village levels and to widen the organization work, explaining the history of the emergence of the MNCWA.
Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe said MNWCWA has laid down and implemented the nine
tasks to serve the interests of women.

While striving to promote the women's sector, it
is also rendering assistance to poor and needy children
that they can go to school. It is also conducting domestic science
courses for girls, uplifting the health standard of women and
providing health care services for the aged and children.
The State has enacted laws to take severe action against persons who traffic in women in children. Members of the committees at different levels should make cooperative efforts in educating and organizing the local people to curb the crime.
She also visited Kattaung Model Village Middle School.
In the afternoon, Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe and party went to Katpha village-tract and met with members of USDA, Women's Affairs Committee and Maternal and Child Welfare Association and local people totalling about 250.
She gave knowledge to them on the crime of trafficking in persons.
Later she presented stationery to students, medicines to health staff and K 10,000 to Maternal and Child Welfare Association. Prof Dr Daw May May Yi also presented K 10,000 for village development undertakings.
The team left the village for Kengtung in the afternoon.
( 5 ) Tasks of Bago Division
Working Committee for Women's Affairs explained
Yangon, 8 Aug - A ceremony to present the tasks
of Bago Division Working Committee for Women's Affairs and to
explain the Convention on Elimination of Discrimination against
Women was held in Toungoo yesterday morning.
The commander elaborated on the work being done
by the Working Committees for Women's Affairs at various levels.
Chairman of Bago Division Working Committee for Women's Affairs
Commissioner of Bago Division General Administration Department U
Chit Maung reported on progress of work done by the committee and
future tasks. Then, the officials explained the tasks of the
committees at different levels and Sections 1 and 2 of the
Convention. The ceremony ended with concluding remarks by the
( 6 )
Foreign Affairs Deputy Minister leaves for Cambodia
Yangon, 8 Aug - To attend the fourth ministerial level meeting of ASEAN-Mekhong Basin Development Cooperation Programme to be held in Siramyi, Cambodia, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win left here for Cambodia this afternoon.
He was seen off at the airport by Ambassador of Cambodia Mr Nim Chantara and embassy staff, departmental heads from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and officials. As members of the delegation, Ambassador U Saw Hla Min and Counsellor U Maung Wai of the Myanmar Embassy in Phnom Pinh will also attend the meeting.
( 7 ) USDA CEC member tours Sagaing Division

Yangon, 8 Aug - Central Executive Committee member of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint attended the ceremony to hand over a building for Hospital in Pinlebu in Sagaing Division donated by Pinlebu Township USDA and to set up a trust fund, held at the hospital on 5 August.
He spoke words of comfort to patients there and presented K 1,000 each to them.
He also presented K 100,000 for the trust fund to the township medical superintendent. The building was built at a cost of K 450,000.
Afterwards, the USDA CEC member and party attended the
ceremony to open the primary school of Kyaukingon Village USDA in the township. The USDA members and the people spent K 2.4 million in building the primary school.
Then, the USDA CEC member and party viewed construction of a dam on Hanza Creek in Myaelin Village in the township.
At the village Affiliated BEHS, the USDA CEC member met about 3,000 local populace and dealt with matters on rural development tasks. He also accepted 3,625 USDA membership applications and presented sports equipment.
Next, he proceeded to Wuntho and paid obeisance to Magyeegon Monastery Presiding Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Arcara and donated K 50,000 for repair of the monastery.
Later he attended the annual meeting of Wuntho Township USDA and made a speech. He presented prizes to outstanding students and sports equipment to officials.
On 6 August, he attended the ceremony to honour outstanding students held at Parahita Taungpaw monastery in Katha and presented prizes to outstanding students and presented exercise books, pencils to students and sports equipment to officials.
He also donated K 100,000 for the construction of new two storey building. Later at the Katha District USDA office, he met with executives from the district and six townships in Katha District. He made a speech and presented clothes, magazines and journals for Kadu and Kanan national races in Pinlebu and Bamauk townships.
In meeting with local people at Ayeya Shweli hall, he made a speech on flourishing of Union Spirit and rural areas development tasks, and presented sports equipment to
( 8
Prevention of trafficking in persons
co-ordinated in Shan State
Yangon, 8 Aug - Chairman of the Working Committee for Prevention of Trafficking in Persons Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung, together with the secretary of the Working Committee, met with ICRC Representative of Shan State (East) Mr Giuliano Vascotto at the office of Shan State General Administration Department on 2 August.
They also met with officials of Kengtung Township Working Committee for Women's Affairs, Shan State and District Maternal and Child Welfare Associations, the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Red Cross and Auxiliary Fire Brigade, the War Veterans Organization, the Immigration and National Registration Department and the General Administration Department at the hall of the Township Development Affairs Department on 3 August, with village elders from Katpha Village-tract, Kattaung Village-tract, Monglat Village-tract and Mongzin Village-tract and officials of social organizations on 2 and 3 August, with members of social organizations from Namlan Village-tract in Mongphyat, Mongphyat District, on 4 August, with members of social organizations in Aungmyat Hall, Tachilek, on 5 August, members of social organizations from Heho, Shan State (South) at No 11 Basic Education Primary School in Heho on 5 August and with
towns elders and members of social organizations from Hopong Township and Namsi Village in Hopong Township at the town hall on 6 August and with members of social organizations in Kyagaung Hall in Taunggyi.
The deputy minister spoke at length on the need
for the people to uphold Our Three Main National Causes and
prevention of trafficking in persons. The Deputy Minister for Home
Affairs also met with employees and families of departments and
units under the Ministry of Home Affairs and gave instructions on
agriculture and livestock breeding work.
Shan State (North) GAD holds coord meeting
Yangon, 8 Aug - Shan State (North) General Administration Department held a work coordination meeting in the hall of the office of the department on 6 August morning.
Chairman of Shan State (North) Peace and
Development Council Commander of North-East Command Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing stressed the need for the personnel of the General Administration Department to work for prevalence of law and order, community peace and tranquility and regional development.
Joint Commissioner U Sein Oak reported on the performance of work by the department. The commander attended to the requirements.
( 9
) Heroin seized in Monekoe
Yangon, 8 Aug - A combined team comprising Tatmadaw men, members of the local intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force, acting on information, stopped and searched a car with number plates (Tha/2745) at Manjel check point, and arrested Ma Kyan San and Ma Kyan Yin, daughters of U Kyan Khan Yin, residing at No 37, Ward (3), Monekoe Township, together with 4 heroin blocks weighing 1.35 kilos on 29 July.
Action was taken against them by the police station concerned under Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.