1 ) Secretary-1 receives Bhutanese FM and party

Yangon, 7 Aug -Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt received Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Royal Government of Bhutan Mr Lyonpo Jigmi Y Thinley and party at Zeyathiri Beikman in Konmyinttha here at 9 am today.
Also present at the call were Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win and Director-General of the Protocol Department Thura U Aung Htet.
Secretary-1 inspects Auto Gate at Yangon International Airport

Yangon, 7 Aug -Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, accompanied by officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, arrived at Yangon International Airport at 5.30 pm today.
They were welcomed there by Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe,
ministers, deputy ministers, departmental heads and officials.
At the airport lounge, the Secretary-1 inspected
the Auto Gate, which is to screen e-passport holders, displayed by
the Immigration and National Registration Department of the Ministry
of Immigration and Population. Officials concerned presented a
demonstration on functions of the Auto Gate to the Secretary-1.

The Auto Gate can differentiate between a
counterfeit passport and a real one, check the term of the passport,
record the particulars in the passports, and check whether the
holder is the real owner of the passport. The state-of-the-art Auto
Gate will be introduced in Myanmar soon, and it can check the
passport and fingerprint of the holder. Then, the Secretary-1
inspected installation of the Auto Gate at the arrival lounge. Next,
the Secretary-1 gave necessary instructions to the officials and
left the airport.
( 2 )
Secretary-1 attends second meeting of Leading Committee for
Organizing Conference on Myanmar-Malaysia Economic Prospects and Technological Cooperation
Yangon, 7 Aug-The Leading Committee for Organizing the Conference on Myanmar-Malaysia Economic Prospects and Technological Cooperation held its second meeting at Zeya Thiri Beikman on Konmyint-tha this afternoon, with an address by Chairman of the Leading Committee for Organizing the Conference on Myanmar-Malaysia Economic Prospects and Technological Cooperation Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
The Secretary-1 delivered an address. He said measures are being undertaken for successful holding of the Conference on Myanmar-Malaysia Economic Prospects and Technological Cooperation in Myanmar after the formation of the leading committee.
According to the preliminary coordination of Malaysia, there are numerous sectors for bilateral cooperation, he said.
The Secretary-1 spoke of the need to make effective preparations to ensure complete success of the conference, hold discussions on concrete subjects designed to serve bilateral interests and find out tasks that could be undertaken practically.
He said the attitude and goodwill of Malaysia towards Myanmar is to develop the country and to create economic opportunities. The conference is a sign of cooperation not only between Myanmar and Malaysia but it is also an important undertaking among the ASEAN member nations.
The Secretary-1 called on officials to cooperate with related departments for successful holding of the conference to fully realize the objectives.
Chairman of the Work Committee for the Organizing the Conference on Myanmar-Malaysia Economic Prospects and Technological Cooperation Minister at the State Peace and Development Council Chairman's Office Brig-Gen Abel reported on formation of sub-committees for success of the conference, invitation of guests, accommodation of delegates, transport, information, preparation of the ceremony, sight-seeing tours for the delegates, display of showrooms and paper reading sessions.
Those present reported on work to be done.
Next, the Secretary-1 took part in the discussions and the meeting came to a close.
( 3
) Bhutanese Foreign Minister and goodwill delegation call on Ministers

Yangon, 7 Aug - Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin met with the visiting Bhutanese delegation led by Minister for Foreign Affairs of Bhutan Mr Lyonpo Jigmi Y Thinley at his office on Thirimingala Street, Yankin Township at 11 am. Present on the occasion were directors-general and managing directors under the ministry.
Similarly, the Bhutanese Foreign Minister and delegation called on Minister for Culture and for Labour
U Tin Winn at the hall of Ministry of Culture on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road at 4 pm today. Present on the occasion were directors-general and officials under the Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Labour.
Likewise, Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe met with the visiting delegation led by Bhutanese Minister for Foreign Affairs at the former's office on Merchant Street here at 6 pm. Present at the call were Deputy Ministers for Transport Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint and U Pe Than and officials under the ministry.
Afterwards, the aviation agreement signing ceremony between the Union of Myanmar and the Royal Government of Bhutan was held at the meeting hall of the Ministry of Transport. Director-General of Department of Civil Aviation U Win Maung of the Union of Myanmar and Director of the Civil Aviation Department of Bhutan Mr Phala Dorji signed the aviation contract and exchanged the documents.
Present on the occasion were Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, Deputy Ministers for Transport Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint and U Pe Than, Managing Director of Myanmar Airways U Tin Hlaing Hmi, Chairman of Myanmar Airways International U Maung Maung Ohn, Director of Civil Aviation Department U Khin Maung Myint and Bhutanese delegation headed by Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Royal Government of Bhutan Mr Lyonpo Jigmi Y Thinley.
Bhutanese FM and party visit pagodas in Yangon
Yangon, 7 Aug - The visiting Bhutanese delegation led by Minister for Foreign Affairs of Bhutan Mr Lyonpo Jigmi Y Thinley, accompanied by the officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, visited Shwedagon Pagoda this morning. They were welcomed there by members of the pagoda board of trustees U Khin Maung Myint and U Mya Thein. They paid homage to the pagoda and Buddha images and viewed round the religious edifices on the pagoda platform.
Next, the delegation paid homage to the Katthapha Buddha Image kept in the hall at western stairway and offered flowers, lights, joss sticks and a silk shawl to the Image. The visiting minister then signed in the
visitors' book.
U Khin Maung Myint gave an account of the Htidaw, the Hngatmyat-nadaw and the diamond orb of the pagoda. The visiting minister and party presented cash donations to the pagoda and members of the pagoda board of trustees in return presented the picture of the pagoda as a gift.
At 10 am, the visiting minister and party went to Thiri Mingala Kaba Aye Pagoda where they paid homage to Maha Jininda Buddha Image and relics of two Agga Savakas at Gandhakutitaik by offering flowers, lights, joss sticks and a silk shawl.
Members of the board of trustees explained matters related to the pagoda and relics. The delegation then proceeded to Maha Pasana Cave, where the Sixth Buddhist Synod was held, on Kaba Aye Hill.
At 3 pm, the delegation arrived at National Museum on Pyay Road where officials of the Department of Cultural Institute welcomed and conducted them round the museum.
The delegation viewed Thiha Thana Throne and booths of the museum. At the Botahtaung Kyaik-dae-at Pagoda, the visiting minister and party paid homage to the Buddha Image at Myanan Sankyaw Shwe Nandaw NanOo Hall and offered flowers, water and incensed sticks.
The visiting Bhutanese Foreign Minister later signed in the visitors' book and made cash donations. Members of the board of trustees presented the picture of the Bhudda's Hair Relic as a token of Dhamma gift to the minister. Later, the visiting delegation went round the Gandhakutitaik clockwise in
Mines Minister receives Indian Ambassador
Yangon, 7 Aug - Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint received Indian Ambassador to Myanmar Mr Rajiv Kumar Bhatia at the meeting hall of the ministry on Kanbet
Street, this afternoon.
Minister for Information receives Indian Ambassador
Yangon, 7 Aug - Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung received Ambassador of India to Myanmar Mr Rajiv Kumar Bhatia at the hall of Myanma Radio and Television (MRTV) on Pyay
Road here at 1 pm today.
Japan-Myanmar Cooperation Association donates Vitamin tablets
Yangon, 7 Aug
- Japan-Myanmar Cooperation Association (Japan) donated Vitamin tablets to Myanmar National Health Committee with a ceremony at Tamadaw Guest House on Inya Road, here this afternoon.
On behalf of the donors, Japan-Myanmar Cooperation Association and Silver Wave Trading Ltd, Mr Muyata explained the purpose of the donation.
Next, Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, Prof Dr Kyaw Myint and Col Than Sein accepted Vitamin tablets worth
´ 330,000 donated by Mr Muyata and U Min Min Aung of Silver Wave Trading Ltd and presented the certificates of honour to them.
Then, Maj-Gen Kyaw Win spoke words of thanks.
( 4
) Maj-Gen Maung Bo inspects mills, paddy plantations in Bilin, Mon State
Yangon, 7 Aug - State Peace and Development Council member Maj-Gen Maung Bo of the Ministry of Defence, accompanied by Mon State Peace and Development Council Chairman South-East Command Commander Brig-Gen Thura Myint Aung and departmental officials, arrived at No 14 Sugar Mill of Myanma Sugarcane Enterprise in Bilin Township yesterday morning, where Mill Manager U Aung Thura and officials welcomed him.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party were conducted around the mill by the officials. Maj-Gen Maung Bo gave instructions on worksite safety, maintenance tasks for durability of machinery and greening of the environs of the mill and viewed thriving sugar plants of the mill.
Then, Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party inspected section-1 of Shwe Wah Yaung road. They then paid obeisance to Kyaikhtisaung Hsandawshin Pagoda in Zokthok Village and presented offertories to Kyaikhtisaung Sayadaw Bhaddanta
Panadipa. They also paid homage to Kelasa Hsandawshin Pagoda and Myathabeik Hsandawshin Pagoda in Bilin Township.
Afterwards, Maj-Gen Maung Bo, Commander Brig-Gen Thura Myint Aung and party inspected section-2 of Shwe Wah Yaung Road and thriving monsoon paddy fields along the road. Maj-Gen Maung Bo heard reports on maintenance of Thebyu Creek Bridge on Zokthok-Taunggyi Road by Bilin Township Development Affairs Department Assistant Engineer U Wunna Maung and growing of monsoon paddy and construction of roads linking villages by Bilin Township Peace and Development Council Chairman U Khin Zaw.
After giving instructions to the officials, Maj-Gen Maung Bo together with departmental officials inspected section-3 of Shwe Wah Yaung Road and thriving of paddy fields.
At the temporary briefing hall in Yetkanthema Village, Bilin Township Development Affairs Department Executive U Ye Win briefed Maj-Gen Maung Bo on opening of Shwe Wah Yaung Road (Bilin-Zokthok-Taunggyi-Yetkanthema), tarring of section-4 of Shwe Wah Yaung Road and collection of construction materials for the road.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo made a speech. He said in implementing the development of roads in rural area which is one of the five rural area development tasks guided by Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, the Ministry of Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs is taking responsibilities.
Of four sections of the Shwe Wah Yaung Road, sections 1, 2 and 3 have been upgraded into tarred roads linking villages and State Peace and Development Council Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt himself opened the sections. Efforts are to be made to open Section-4 of the road in open season and maintenance tasks for existing roads are to be carried out.
Then, Maj-Gen Maung Bo inspected section-4 of the road and thriving of paddy plants in over 3,000 acres of land. Bilin Township Peace and Development Council Chairman U Khin Zaw reported on growing of monsoon paddy and construction of country roads to Maj-Gen Maung Bo who gave necessary instructions.
The 21 mile long Shwe Wah Yaung Road will contribute towards economic, social, education and health development of 14 villages to the west of Bilin Township. In the afternoon, Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party visited Sitthoung Paper Mill No 1 of the Ministry of Industry-1 where the Mill Manager and officials welcomed them. Maj-Gen Maung Bo heard reports by Mill Manager U Aung Soe on history of the mill and production system. Maj-Gen Maung Bo gave instructions on durability of the mill, minimizing of wastage, producing of quality products, technological innovation and worksite safety.
After looking around the mill, Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party left there for Yangon and arrived back here in the evening.
Minister inspects factories in Mandalay, Bago Divisions

Yangon, 7 Aug - Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung, together with officials, inspected the installation of machines at Dyeing and Printing Factory of Myanma Textile Industries at the Yamethin factories project in Mandalay Division on 5 August and gave instructions.
Next, the minister inspected the soap factory (Yamethin) under Myanma Pharmaceutical Industries. At the factory project office, officials reported to the minister on progress in constructing the buildings and completion of the Dyeing and Printing Factory. The minister gave instructions on completing all the projects in September and making efforts to be able to test-run the factory.
Member of the Central Executive Committee of the Union Solidarity and Development Association member of Central Organizing Committee of Myanmar War Veterans Organization U Aung Thaung met with secretaries, executives and organizers of Yamethin District, Yamethin, Pyawbwe, Tatkon, Pyinmana and Lewe Townships and members of the townships WVOs at the hall of office.
After hearing the reports presented by officials, the CEC member attended to the needs.
Thence, the minister proceeded to Granite Factory (Pyinmana) of Myanma Ceramics Industries near Yezin Village in Pyinmana Towhship. The minister inspected the functions of the factory and gave necessary instructions to the officials.
Then, the minister went to Win Thuza Shop in the township, where he inspected the sales of the shop and gave necessary instructions. On 6 August, the minister inspected the saplings planted in the compound of Yeni No 2 Paper Mill in Bago Division. The minister gave instructions on planting more pine (Htinshu), which is used as pulp for producing papers.
Then, the minister inspected the conditions of the bamboo-cutting machine invented by the factory staff and presented prizes to staff who invented bamboo-cutting machines. The bamboo-cutting machine can crush a ton of bamboo per hour. Then, the minister inspected the production processes of the paper factory and gave necessary instructions.
The minister also inspected Zeyawady No 2 Brewery Factory and DaikU Glue Powder Factory. Later, the minister inspected the sales of Win Thuza Shop in Bago
and left necessary instructions.
( 5 ) Activities for elimination of haemorrhagic fever encouraged in Insein Township
Yangon, 7 Aug - Activities to control the haemorrhagic fever were launched as a mass campaign at Phawkan Ward in Insein Township, Yangon North District, yesterday morning.
Members of National Health Committee Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein and Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Mayor U Ko Lay viewed the activities and gave instructions.
At the hall of the township development affairs administration officer's office, the minister, the mayor and party heard reports by officials on outbreak of haemorrhagic fever, weekly-eradication activities and disease control tasks being carried out in Phawkan Ward as a mass movement. Next, the vice-mayor made supplementary reports.
Later, Maj-Gen Ket Sein accepted the cash donations for general health tasks K 15 million by Chairman of Olympic Construction Co Ltd U Aik Tun.
Afterwards, the minister, the mayor and party encouraged the employees of the Township Health Department and the YCDC, members of the USDA, the MCWA, Red Cross and Auxiliary Fire Brigade, and ward-dwellers, who were contributing their labour to control haemorrhagic fever.
SWRR Minister inspects departmental works in
Magway, Mandalay and Bago Divisions

Yangon,7Aug-Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa, accompanied by the director-general of the Fire Services Department, officials of the Immigration and National Registration Department, on 3 August, met the officials of Magway Division and Township Peace and Development Council, staff of INRD, members of the fire brigades and Red Cross Society at Day Care Nursery in Magway.
After hearing reports presented by officials, the minister made an address and presented gifts and clothes for the Day Care Nursery. Chairman of Myanmar National Women's Affairs Committee Maj-Gen Sein Htwa in the afternoon met with members of the Women's Affairs Committee in Magway.
The chairman of the committee reported on tasks being carried out. Then the minister explained matters relating to measures being taken against false news created by some external media, making up negative news concerning the national women and committing acts designed to break up the unity of national brethren who are living together in the nation in amity.
The minister paid homage to State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Secretary Sayadaw Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Magway Saya-daw Bhaddanta Kuma-ra and presented offertories.
On 4 August morning the minister met staff of the three departments and members of Auxiliary Fire Brigade at the Immigration and National Registration Department in Chauk and heard reports on tasks being carried out by respective departments. The minister then gave instructions on making efforts for flourishing of national spirit and implementation of the tasks according to the three main national causes.
After that, MNWAC Chairman Maj-Gen Sein Htwa met members of the Women's Affairs Committee at the hall of Chauk Township and explained measures being taken against those who are fabricating false news and trafficking in persons. In the afternoon, the minister paid reverence to NyaungU Gukyaung Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhanddanta U Jagara and offered alms.
Afterwards, at Anawrahta hall in NyaungU, the minister met service personnel of the two ministries and explained the tasks being carried out regarding the Women's Affairs Committee after hearing reports by members of district and township WAC.
In meeting with the staff of the two ministries, members of Auxiliary Fire Brigade and Red Cross Societies at Taungdwingyi Township fire station on 5 August, the minister made an address, inspected fire engines and presented water-pipe.
In the afternoon, the minister met staff of the Fire Services Department and officials of Aunglan Township Peace and Development Council and gave instructions to serve duties assigned dutifully.
On 6 August, the minister met over 800 members of Auxiliary Fire Brigades in Bago Division (West) at Pyay Township sports ground.
Maj-Gen Sein Htwa, Chairman of Bago Division (West) Peace and Development Council Brig-Gen Soe Nwe, Commander of local Light Infantry Division Col Aung Tun and Director-General of FSD U Myint Tun presented certificates of honour to the wellwishers who donated K 10.5 million to buy light fire engine, loud speakers and to build water tank.
The minister proceeded to Nyaungkyo Village in Padaung Township and inspected the camp of INRD.
Then, the minister paid obeisance to Mingala Nyaungkyo Pagoda at Nyaungkyo Camp and offered Waso robes and offertories to Sayadaw U Pan–avamsa.
Afterwards, Chairman of the Myanmar National Women Affairs Committee Maj-Gen Sein Htwa met the heads of the departments in Bago Division (West), staff of the two ministries and MNWAC members at the hall of Khittaya Township. Officials and Chairman of Division Women Affairs Committee reported on work undertaken by them.
The minister explained rebuttals made against false accusations of some foreign countries and gave instructions on the setting up and organizing committees in villages. Then, the minister inspected the teaching room and learning of the children at the day care nursery in Pyay and presented gifts for the children. In the evening, the minister and Brig-Gen Soe Nwe went to the Home for the Aged in Zigon
and presented clothes and requisites for aged persons and cash to
the administration committee of the Home for the Aged.
( 6 )
Uncensored video tapes, video laser discs burnt

Yangon, 7 Aug - A ceremony to set fire to uncensored video tapes and video laser discs, which were seized in respective states and divisions during the 2001-2002 period, took place at Drug Elimination Museum in Kamayut
Township this morning.
Col Than Tun gave an account of the burning of the contraband. He said the video tapes and video laser discs, which were to be destroyed were seizures from respective states and divisions, and action was also taken against those involved in the cases. Some of the seized tapes and discs were the kinds which were obscene.

Altogether 267 pornographic video tapes and 182 pornographic VCDs were among the seizures to be destroyed.
Some Myanmar videos and VCDs were illegally copied and were sold commercially through unscrupulous means, exploiting the producers who had invested a lot of money.
Such acts will be
exposed in future and action will be taken against anyone who commits them. Moreover, it is seen that some video production services do not distribute the video tapes as approved by the video censor board.
The scenes of the play submitted to the censor board are different from those distributed. Action will be taken against such illegal acts according to the Section 32 (C) of Video Law.
Then, Managing Director U Bo Kyi of Myanma Motion Picture Enterprise also explained matters related to the burning of video tapes and discs.
Next, those present at the ceremony viewed the uncensored video tapes and VCD discs, which were then burnt down. A total of 12,981 uncensored video tapes and 37,483 VCD laser discs, whose current market value was over K 26 million, were torched at the
( 7 ) Health Minister addresses opening of Workshop on Research Methodology
Yangon, 7 Aug - Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein attended the opening ceremony of Workshop on Research Methodology- 2002, organized by the Medical Research Department (Lower Myanmar) of the Ministry of Health, at the hall of the department on Ziwaka Road in Dagon Township this morning.
Minister Maj-Gen Ket Sein made a speech on the occasion. He said the course is opened every year and this contributes to promotion of research. A good researcher should concentrate on the process of reading, thinking, writing, working and distributing the findings. Research works are vital for a country to develop and the State has been giving encouragement to research works. A Medical Research Department was opened in PyinOoLwin.
A similar department for central Myanmar will be opened soon and the Medical Research Department (LM) has been upgraded. An extended structure for the plant that will produce Hepatitis-B Vaccine has been agreed and the National Poison Control Department will be set up at the MRD (LM) to conduct research on poison. In doing research works, priority is to be given to solving the major health problems of the State. In accord with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, rural area development tasks are to be implemented all over the country.
Researchers and scholars are to undertake research works that can contribute towards promoting the living standard of people in rural areas.
After the opening ceremony, the minister viewed books distributed by the MRD (LM) and left there.
Altogether 80 trainees from the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Defence are attending the three-day
( 8
) Victorious Myanmar judo team arrives back
Yangon, 7 Aug - The victorious Myanmar judo team which won two gold, four silver and eight bronze medals in the 10th Vietnam International Invitational Judo Contest and the ASEAN Invitational Judo Contest held in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, from 2 to 4 August arrived back here by air yesterday evening. They were welcomed back at Yangon International Airport by patrons of the Myanmar Women's Sports Federation and the judo team Manager, General Secretary of Myanmar Olympic Committee Director-General of Sports and Physical Education Department U Thaung Htaik and officials, President of Myanmar Judo Federation U Hla Thaung Myint, Vice-President Daw Kyu Kyu and executive committee members, selected judo athletes of the federation and families of the victorious athletes. The victorious judo athletes answered the queries about the contest put by
( 9
) Heroin seized in Monekoe
Yangon, 7 Aug - A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force, acting on information, searched a van with number plates Ba/7128 at Manjie check point in Monekoe, Shan State (North), on 28 July and arrested a passenger under the name of Ma Ar Hsan, daughter of U Hsan Chan of Wantein in Yunnan
Province, China, together with 23 blocks of heroin weighing 0.223
kilo. Action is being taken against her under the Narcotic Drugs and
Psychotropic Substances Law by the police station concerned.