1 ) Senior General Than Shwe receives Japanese Foreign Minister

Yangon, 5 Aug - Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe received Japanese Foreign Minister Ms Yoriko Kawaguchi and party at the Credentials Hall of the Pyithu Hluttaw building at 10 am today.
( 2 )
Thai goodwill delegation arrives
Yangon, 5 Aug -At the invitation of Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, a goodwill delegation of Thailand led by Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr Surakiart Sathirathai arrived here by air at 7 pm today.
The delegation was welcomed at Yangon
International Airport by Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung and party at Zezawa Yeiktha of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Pyay Road. The Thai Minister of Foreign Affairs and party also visited the Shwedagon
Japanese FM and party leave for home

Yangon, 5 Aug -Ms Yoriko Kawaguchi, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, and delegation, who were on an official visit to Yangon, left here at 4.30 pm today at the conclusion of the visit. The Japanese Foreign Minister and party were seen off at Yangon International Airport by Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, Deputy Minister U Khin Maung Win, directors-general of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Japanese Ambassador-designate to the Union of Myanmar Mr
Yuji Miyamoto and officials of the Japanese Embassy in Yangon.
Chinese goodwill delegation tours Yangon
Yangon, 5 Aug -A Chinese goodwill delegation led by Mr Gu Zhaomin of All China Youth Federation together with Yangon Division USDA executive U Tin Maung Win paid homage to the Shwedagon Pagoda this morning. The delegation went to Hlinethaya Industrial Zone.
Officials explained facts on the industrial zones in Yangon. They went to Tokyo Pipe Factory in the zone where they were briefed on production line of pipes by Director U Than Myint of Myanmar Pipes and Accessories Co Ltd.
Then, the delegation members visited Garment Factory in the zone and in the afternoon, the National Museum where they were welcomed by Assistant Director of Department of Cultural Institute U Htay Myint and officials. They observed the booths on display there. In the evening, the visiting delegation left
( 3
) Maj-Gen Thein Sein hands over gifts for Tatmadawmen

Yangon, 5 Aug - A
ceremony to hand over gifts presented by well-wishers to the Tatmadawmen discharging national defence duty in the far-flung areas of the country was held at No 1 Transit Centre (Bayintnaung) this morning, attended by member of the State Peace and Development Council Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein Sein.
First, Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein Sein and party inspected the gifts and handed over them to the officers of the commands. Then, Maj-Gen Thein Sein and party viewed the loading of the gifts onto vehicles.
The gifts worth K 34,200,770 donated by well-wishers to the Tatmadawmen discharging social and educational work and national defence duty in the far-flung areas of the country had been handed over to Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein Sein by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt at the Tatmadaw Guest House on Inya Road on 20 July.
The gifts were then transported to the Tatmadawmen at the front by land and
water this morning.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo on tour of Kayin State

Yangon, 5 Aug - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Maung Bo of the Ministry of Defence and party, inspected construction of Gyaing (Zarthabyin) Bridge linking Mon and Kayin States on 4 August.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo was welcomed by Chairman of Kayin State Peace and Development Council Col Maung Shein and officials.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party inspected farmland along the Hpa-an-Zarthabyin Road.
During his tour of inspection, Maj-Gen Maung Bo said village-to-village roads are to be built; then, earth roads are to be upgraded to tarred roads.
There are over 20,000 acres of wetlands in Hpa-an Township.
By building embankment and digging canals, these areas can be turned into cultivable lands.
As peace and tranquillity has been restored in the area, local people can now make efforts for development of agriculture.

Moreover, roads can be prevented from floods, he added.
He spoke of the need for local authorities and related departments to participate in the project. Over 10,000 acres of wetlands in Kyonphekwin region can be turned into cultivable lands if unnecessary water in the wetlands can be channeled into the Gyaing River.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party inspected farmlands between Shwegun-Myaing-galay special region in Hlaingbwe Township and wetlands.
They were conducted round the region by Commander Brig-Gen Thura Myint Aung and Chairman of Kayin State Peace and Development Council Col Maung Shein.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo gave instructions on the digging of canals and other requirements.
Next, Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party met with departmental officials and local people at No 1 Basic Education Primary School in Kamamaung Village.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo then explained regional development tasks being undertaken in Kayin State under the guidance of the Head of State, the need for local people and departmental officials to cooperate and the inculcating of patriotism in new generation youths.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo, the commander and Chairman Col Maung Shein presented
exercise books and stationery for schoolchildren of basic education
primary and high schools to headmasters and headmistresses.
Next, Headmaster U Sein Maung Win of Kamamaung Village spoke words of thanks. Maj-Gen Maung Bo then cordially greeted those present.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo toured the village. He went to Shwegun Basic Education High School where he was welcomed by departmental officials, teachers and students.
He said many national races live in the Union of Myanmar and they are to be united. The government is making efforts with its might for national development without any foreign assistance. For speedy implementation of the tasks the Ministry of Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs was formed.
He called for participation in efforts for development of the nation. Maj-Gen Maung Bo, the commander and Chairman Col Maung Shein presented exercise books and stationery for schoolchildren of basic education schools in Shwegun to the school heads.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party inspected classrooms and spent the night in Hpa-an.
( 4
) Minister Maj-Gen Saw Tun inspects construction and maintenance tasks in Magway Division, Chin State
Yangon, 5 Aug-Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, accompanied by Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Myint Thein, Chin State Peace and Development Council Chairman Col Tin Hla and officials, arrived at Gangaw District Public Works Office on 2 August.
Minister Maj-Gen Saw Tun was reported by Magway Division Superintending Engineer U Tint Lwin, Pakokku District Chief Engineer U Zaw Win Myint, Gangaw District Chief Engineer U Tun Aung Kyaw and Deputy Superintending Engineer U Thien Tun of Road Special Group-12 on construction of roads and bridges, construction tasks for Pakokku-Pauk-Kyaukhtu road and the requirements.
Minister Maj-Gen Saw Tun spoke of the importance of maintenance of roads and bridges, especially in monsoon season, preventive measures and collection of construction materials to repair roads and bridges in case of emergency.
The minister and party then inspected Gangaw-Pale-Monywa road and maintenance tasks. The minister inspected the axis of Kangyi Creek Bridge to be built and gave instructions to the officials. He then arrived at Gonbo Creek Bridge built by Road Special Group-13 and gave instructions. The minister and party then inspected maintenance tasks for Kyaukhtu-Mindat Road.
On 2 August, the minister and the deputy minister together with Chin State Peace and Development Council Chairman Col Tin Hla and officials met staff in Mindat District at the hall of Mindat District Chief Engineer's Office and made discussions on progress of constructing roads and bridges.
Minister Maj-Gen Saw Tun and party paid obeisance to Taungpulu (branch) Sayadaw U Pan–asiri in Mindat and offered provisions to the Sayadaw.
Afterwards, the minister and party inspected Chi Creek Bridge constructed by Road Special Group-13 at milepost No 6/0 on Htilin-Kyaukhtu-Saw-Seikphyu Road and Kyauksit Creek Bridge. Deputy Superintending Engineer U Soe Myint briefed the minister on tasks completed. The minister and party arrived at Saw and viewed maintenance tasks for Saw-Kanpetlat Road.
Minister inspects power plant and hydel power projects in Ayeyawady Division
Yangon, 5 Aug - Minister for Electric Power Maj-Gen Tin Htut, accompanied by officials of Myanma Electric Power Enterprise, arrived at Myanaung Power Plant in Ayeyawady Division on 31 July and inspected the control room, repair of generators and functions of the plant.
On 2 August, the minister arrived at Mone creek hydel power project and inspected the construction.
The minister met with the responsible officials of the project at the briefing hall and attended to their needs. The minister also inspected construction of tunnels, spillway, main dam and the subterranean power plant in Paunglaung Hydel Power Project on 3 August and progress of work at Kun Chaung Hydel
Power Project on 4 August. The minister inspected the project sites
and gave instructions on completion of the projects ahead of
schedule, storage of required materials, maintenance of machinery
and health care of the staff and staff welfare.
Workshop on DOTS, HIV/AIDS,
social security and health care held
Yangon, 5 Aug - The opening ceremony of workshop on Directly Observed Treatment Strategy (DOTS) and HIV/AIDS and social security and health care service jointly organized by the Social Security Board of the Ministry of Labour and Health Department of the Ministry of Health was held at the
Workers' Hospital here this morning.
First, U Tin Winn made an opening address. He said the Social Security Board held the workshops yearly and the last one was held in November 2002. The workshop was held for the doctors and nurses who had not attended the workshops. The Social Security Board has 25,435 factories and workshops and there are 526,610 workers, 78 social security offices, 89 clinics and two
workers' hospitals in 95 cities and 17 industrial zones.
He also urged them to implement the plans of the social security board and to discuss the treatment, prevention and combating these two diseases. The workshop will continue till 7 August and a total of 29 assistant surgeons and 25 senior nurses are attending the workshop.
( 5 ) Minister for Education meets with headmasters and teachers
Yangon, 5 Aug - Minister for Education U Than Aung met with the headmasters and teachers who had been assigned duties to serve at the extended Basic Education High Schools in border areas this morning at No 1 BEHS, Sangyoung Township.
The minister called for efforts to uplift the education standard of border areas, cooperation with other departments for the development of the regions, effective implementation of the education promotion programmes and tasks of national education long-term programmes, application of teaching aids, taking measures for all school age children to complete their primary education and get them imbude Union Sprit and patriotism.
Industry-1 Minister visits factories in Mandalay
Yangon, 5 Aug-Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung visited Soap Factory No 3 of Myanma Pharmaceutical Industries in Chanayethazan Township in Mandalay yesterday and inspected the repair of machines there.
Then, Minister U Aung Thaung met officials at the briefing hall and gave instructions to ensure the production of 12 tons of Thabyaynyo soap every day.
The minister proceeded to Soap Factory (Mandalay) and inspected tanks for raw materials, production line and packaging of Shwe Wah soap, Carbolic soap and Sun Light soap there.
He also inspected raw material storage tanks, the chiller, new boilers, the 11000-gallon fuel oil tank and the 200-ton oil tank. In meeting with officials at the briefing hall of the factory, he gave instructions on producing of quality products and extended production of Shwe Wah soap, Carbolic soap and Sun Light soap.
In the evening, Union Solidarity and Development Association Central Executive Committee member U Aung Thaung met Mandalay Division/ District USDA executives, executives from seven township USDAs in Mandalay District and organizers from five Township USDAs and discussed matters relating to future tasks and organizing tasks, raising the momentum in implementing the five rural development tasks and discharging of public welfare tasks as well as political, economic and social matters at the hall of Mandalay Division USDA office.
Then, Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung met factory managers of Mandalay and Sagaing divisions at the meeting hall of Mandalay Brewery.
Factory managers reported the production and future tasks of their respective factories to the minister.
The minister made a speech and heard reports by Myanma Foodstuff Industries Managing Director U Kyaw Myint on extending of breweries with the help of charts. The minister gave necessary instructions.
Auditor-General inspects accounts offices
Yangon, 5 Aug - Auditor-General Brig-Gen Tin Aye, accompanied by Director of Auditor-General's Office U Tin Htay and officials, on 2 August met township auditors in Myitkyina, Putao and Bhamo districts and staff of accounts offices in Myitkyina at the training school of the development of the national youths in border regions and attended to the needs.
Then, the auditor-general also met staff of the accounts offices in Mogaung, Mohnyin and Phakant Townships. After hearing reports, he fulfilled the needs of the staff. He inspected the accounts office in Myitkyina
yesterday morning and arrived back here by air in the evening.
Chief Justice inspects courts
Yangon, 5 Aug - Chief Justice U Aung Toe, together with Deputy Chief Justice U Khin Maung Latt and Justice of the Supreme Court U Myint Aung, heard special appeal cases at the Supreme Court (Mandalay) on 2 August morning.
Chief Justice U Aung Toe, together with Deputy Chief Justice U Khin Maung Latt and officials of the Supreme Courts (Yangon) and (Mandalay), met with the judge of Sagaing division and judges from Shwebo district court and township courts in Shwebo district. Chief Justice U Aung Toe gave instructions on administration of justice and management matters.
The Chief Justice and party inspected Shwebo district court and township court, Sagaing division court, Sagaing district court and Sagaing
township court yesterday morning.
Minister tours Mandalay and Sagaing Divisions
Yangon, 5 Aug - Minister for Finance and Revenue U Khin Maung Thein, together with Governor of the Central Bank of Myanmar U Kyaw Kyaw Maung and officials, met with the staff of the ministry in Mandalay Division at the meeting hall of the Internal Revenue Department in Mandalay on 2 August and those of Sagaing Division and PyinOoLwin District on 3 and 4 August and spoke of the need to discharge duties with a view to collecting more revenues in accordance with the procedures of the ministry. The minister and party also paid homage to Maha Bawdhi Tahtaung Kyaungtaik Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw Maha Saddhammajotikadhaja Bhad-danta Ashin Narada and presented Waso robes and offertories to the Sayadaw in Monywa on 3 August.
( 6 )
World Breastfeeding Week observed
Yangon, 5 Aug - A ceremony to observe the World Breastfeeding Week under the arrangement of Yangon Division Health Department and Supervisory Committee forYangon Division Maternal and Child Welfare Association was held at No 2 Basic Education High School in Sangyoung Township, Yangon West District, this morning.
Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe
attended the ceremony.
Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe made a speech.
Commander presented first, second and third prizes to Sangyoung Township MCWA, Bahan Township MCWA and Ahlon Township MCWA respectively for the play competition held in commemoration of the World Breastfeeding Week.
Daw Khin Thet Htay presented gifts to specialists Dr Ye Myint Kyaw and Dr Saw Ohnmar, who later gave talks on breastfeeding.
A similar ceremony was held in Dagon Myothit Township, Yangon East District, at 11 am. Daw Khin Thet Htay made a speech.
Paediatrician Dr Daw Myint Myint Soe and obstetricians and gynaecologist Dr Daw Tin Soe gave talks on breastfeeding.
Daw Khin Thet Htay presented first, second and third prizes to Dagon Myothit (South) Township MCWA, South Okkalapa Township MCWA and Yankin Township MCWA respectively for the play
Commander inspects regional development tasks and factories in Dawei District
Yangon, 5 Aug - Chairman of Taninthayi Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Coastal Region Command Brig-Gen Tha Aye, together with departmental officials, on 29 July, inspected learning of the students and multimedia teaching rooms at the basic education high school in Palaw at 10 am and gave
necessary instructions to the officials.
The commander then viewed the nursery of oil palm at Annawa Soe Moe oil palm plantation in Thayatchaung Township and paddy cultivation on 200 acres of land, Thayatchaung Township Commander inspects regional development tasks and factories in Dawei People's Hospital, construction of the township Maternal and Child Welfare Association building and electric power supply and fulfilled the needs after hearing reports by the officials.
On 30 July morning the commander arrived at Kalainaung Village, Yebyu Township, where he inspected the renovation of Yan Aung Myin Pagoda and paid obeisance to the Sandawshin Pagoda.
Then, the commander inspected Mahlwetaung Road and the bridge in Yebyu township and gave necessary instructions to the officials.
The commander on 31 July looked into the railroad from Gantgawtaung Station in Yebyu township by train and gave instructions to the officials on durability and maintenance of the railroads and bridges.
The commander then met with departmental personnel, village Peace and Development Council members and townselders at Natkyisin Village basic education primary school in Yebyu township and explained rural development tasks and attended to their needs.
On 1 August morning the commander went to Kyauknimaw Village in Launglon Township and inspected the 200-ton cold storage factory, the 25-ton ice factory and the fish powder factory of International Marine Products (Taninthayi) Co and the 350-ton cold storage factory and ice factory of Yadanar Theingi Co Ltd.
In the evening, the commander met with the students at Dawei
No 3 Basic Education High School and gave instructions on striving
for learning of curricula as well as for learning of optional
subjects and abiding by school disciplines. He then attended to the
requirements after hearing reports presented by the officials.
South-West Command MCWA donates exercise books and cash
Yangon, 5 Aug - The Maternal and Child Welfare Association of South-West Command donated 43 dozen exercise books and cash to the Parahita Gayha of Zetawun Monastery in Pathein yesterday morning.
Chairman of Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development Council Commander of South-West Command Brig-Gen Htay Oo and wife Daw Ni Ni Win presented the donations to Patron Sayadaw of Zetawun Monastery Bhaddanta Kundala.
The commander met with the youths at the Gayha.
The commander and wife and officials presented exercise books to the youths.
The commander and party also paid homage to Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Agga Maha Gandavacaka Pandita Bhaddanta Mahosadha Pandita of Maunghtaung Pariyatti Sarthintaik in Pathein.
The commander and party donated rice and 50 bags of cement for construction of a four-storey building in the compound of the Sarthintaik.
The commander and party also inspected the General Hospital in Pathein.
( 7 ) Mining enterprises inspected in Sagaing Division
Yangon, 5 Aug - Deputy Minister for Mines U Myint Thein, accompanied by officials, inspected Myanma Salt and Marine Chemicals Enterprise, which is test-producing salt in Yemyatgyi-inn region, Sagaing Township, Sagaing Division, on 30 July, and gave instructions on increased production of quality salt, expansion of salt-drying fields and putting the data received into record.
Then, he met with salt-makers in the region and gave instructions on education programmes for salt production. He also inspected the salt enterprise in Hsataung village-tract of Taungbo Ward and left instructions.
On 31 July, the deputy minister and party arrived at Kyaukpahto Special Gold Mining Factory 2 of No 2 Mining Enterprise and gave instructions on boosting production of gold exceeding the target. Later, he inspected the work site. On 1 August, the deputy minister went to Monywa Copper Mines of No 2 Mining Enterprise and met with officials. On 2 August, the deputy minister called on Commander of North-West Command Brig-Gen Soe Naing and reported to the commander on matters related to education programmes, production of gold exceeding the target and expansion of Monywa Copper Mines. Later, the commander attended to the requirements after giving instructions.
Afterwards, the deputy minister inspected the mining work site No 3 undertaken by Myanmar Ivenhoe Copper Co Ltd and the arrangements for increased production of copper, and left instructions to
( 8
Central Level Orientation Workshop on Social
Mobilization for 4 Cleans begins
Yangon, 5 Aug - Central Level Orientation Workshop on Social Mobilization for 4 Cleans jointly organized by the Central Health Education Division of the Health Planning Department under the Ministry of Health and UNICEF was opened in the meeting hall of the Health Planning Department this morning.
Dr Kyi Soe made an opening speech.
The resident representative of UNICEF also spoke on the occasion.
The workshop will continue till 7 August, and 50 resource persons will participate in the discussions.
Cash and kind donated for Siamese twins
Yangon, 5 Aug - A ceremony to donate cash and kind for success of surgical operation on a Siamese twins Moe Pa Pa Aung and Moe Ma Ma Aung, at Mandalay Children's Hospital, was held at the hospital on 31 July , attended by Medical Superintendent Dr Tin Aye Kyi, Prof Dr Soe Soe Aye of Paediatrics Department, Paediatric Surgeon Prof Dr Aung Kyi, Prof Dr Khin Thein Oo and professors,
pediatricians, the medical superintendent, the assistant medical superintendent, the matron and donors U Tin Maung, wife Daw Nan Hla Sein and family of Nan Daw Special Clinic.
Donor Daw Nan Hla Sein explained the purpose of the donation and handed K 500,000 for the success of surgical operation on the Siamese twins to Medical Superintendent Dr Tin Aye Kyi who presented a certificates of honour to her. Officials of Euro Continent Company also presented medical equipment worth over K 200,000 and K 150,000, and officials of Kaung Pharmaceutical Company, medical equipment worth K 75,000. On 15 June, a total of 41 wellwishers donated K 3.1 million for surgical operation on the Siamese twins.
( 9
) Myanmar fetches 2 gold, 4 silver,
3 bronze in ASEAN Judo contest
Yangon, 5 Aug - The 10th Vietnam International Invitational Judo Contest and the ASEAN Invitational Judo Contest were held in Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam from 2 to 4 August. Participants from Myanmar, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, Japan, the Republic of Korea, China (Taipei), Hong Kong and Macao partook in the
The Myanmar Judo team won two gold medals, four silver medals and three bronze medals at the International Invitational Judo
Contest and got grade 3 out of the seven participant ASEAN countries.
First Event of Myanmar London Golf Tour continues
Yangon, 5 Aug - The first event of Myanmar London Golf Tour 2002, jointly-organized by Myanmar Golf Federation and Myanmar Professional
Golfers' Association and mainly sponsored by the Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd, continued for the fourth day at Bagan Resort Golf Club in Mandalay Division this morning.
After the fourth round, General Manger Mr Ven Lim of Bagan Resort Golf Club presented the daily best prizes to Myo Min Aung (PyinOoLwin) with 72 strokes on the first day, Kyaw Thiha with 71 strokes on the second day, Myo Min Aung (PyinOoLwin) with 75 strokes on the third day and Zaw Zaw Latt with 73 strokes on the fourth day at the amateur level.
NyaungU District Peace and Development Council Chairman Lt-Col Khin Maung Oo presented the daily best prizes to Soe Kyaw Naing (Wilson) with 70, 72 and 72 strokes on the first three days and Zaw Paing Oo (Pan-West) with 68 strokes on the fourth day at the professional level.
Magway Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Col Zaw Min gave away the first prize to Myo Min Aung (PyinOoLwin) with 297 strokes, the second to Thein Zaw Myint with 307 and the third to Zaw Zaw Latt with 310 at the amateur level.
Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Brig-Gen Ye Myint gave away the championship trophy to Soe Kyaw Naing (Wilson) with 290 strokes, and second and third prizes to Zaw Paing Oo (Pan-West) with 291 and Aung Win (YCDC) with 298.
RPMM Joint-Deputy Managing Director Major Paw Khant presented a cheque to first prize winner Soe Kyaw Naing (Wilson). Group Band Manager Mr Bob Ortega presented a gift to General Manager Capt Aung Myint for Bagan Resort Golf Club.
MPGA Vice Chairman U Ko Ko Lay gave away an honorary prize to Aung Win (YCDC) who got grade 7 at London Myanmar Open 2002 Golf Tournament.
With the aim of promoting Myanmar golf standard, the Air Mandalay officially co-sponsored the first event as official air line and Bagan Golf Resort Hotel as official hotel together with Grand Royal Special Reserve Whisky, AWB Bank, Loi-Hein (Alpine) Purified Drinking Water, Canon (Accel International Co Ltd), Wilson, KM Golf Centre and Sunfar
Travel and Tours Co Ltd. The first event is also organized by Han
Event Management.
Teams of third ISD Football
Tournament honoured
Yangon, 5 Aug - Teams which will take part in the third inter-state and division football tournament for the Sports Minister's Bowl were welcomed, introduced and
honored at a ceremony held at Monywa City Hall in Sagaing Division on 3 August morning.
The teams were introduced to Minister for Sports
Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint, who then made a speech on the occasion. He said efforts are being made for the recovery of Myanmar football standard. The new generation footballers who took part in the first football tournament, are achieving success to an extend that they are now able to show their football skills with U-17 Asian champion Myanmar youth team which was qualified in the ASEAN U-17 tournament. It is therefore essential for the footballers, he urged, to compete with might and main to a degree that leads to uplifting the State's prestige. Then, a team manager, on behalf of the competing teams, spoke words of thanks.
Later, the commander, the minister, local authorities and sports fans attended the opening of football tournament held at the division sports grounds in Monywa at 3 pm.
U-17 selected Myanmar youth team played against selected Sagaing Division team as a warm-up match, in which the former beat the latter 3-1. After the match, the patron of the leading committee for holding the tournament and commander of Sagaing Division awarded K 150,000 to
U-17 youth team and K 100,000 to Sagaing Division team.