1 ) Secretary -1 attends cash donation
ceremony for Thatbyinnyu Stupa
YANGON, 3 Aug - The 21 st cash-presentation
ceremony for construction of Thatbyinnyu Stupa was held at the stupa
in Mayangon Township, Yangon Division this afternoon, attended by
Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin

The ceremony was opened with the three-time
recitation of Namo Tassa.
Secretary of the Work Committee Deputy Minister
for Religious Affairs Brig- Gen Thura Aung Ko reported on progress
in construction of the stupa.
Then, Chairman of Finance Sub-Committee Deputy
Minister for Rail Transportation Thura U Thaung Lwin reported on
obtaining of the cash donated by well-wishers and expenditure for the
This was followed by cash-presentation ceremony.
The Secretary-l presented K 10 million out
of the donations made at the sixth Annual General Meeting of Myanmar
Construction Entrepreneurs Association by the association for
religious, education, health and social matters and K 324,000 by
families of Military Intelligence to Chairman of the Work Committee
Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe.
Next, Secrctary-l Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Minister Maj-Gen
Hla Myint Swe and the ministers accepted the donations -K 10 million
by Yangon City Development Committee; K 500,000 by the Ministry of
Transport; K 200,000 by the Ministry of Industry-2; K 100,000 by the
Ministry of Commerce; cash for Hsatthaphudaw by U Tin Htut - Daw
Thin Myat Myat Win; K 15 million by Maung Weik family; K 5 million
by U Moe Kyaw Thaung family; K 3 million by U Tin Sein - Daw Nan
Khan Tip; K 2 million by Jonathan Myo Kyaw Thaung; K I million each
by U Thein Oo. Daw Khin Khin Sein and U Myo Thant -
Daw San San Myint; K 500,000 each by Asia World Co; Thamadawgyi U Bo
Gyi - Daw Than Than; Dr Aung Win-Daw U U Aung and Daw Nyo Nyo Myint
(a) Daw Bawgawady (Hmawby The-ingu); K 300,000 by Myanma Shipyards;
K 300,000 by Civil A aviation Department; K 300,000 by Marine
Administration Department; K 300,000 by Myanma Airways; K
300,000 Inland. Water Transport; K 300,000 by Myanmar Maritime
University; K 300,000 by Institute of Marine Technology; K 300,000
by Myanma Five Stars Line; K 300,000 by Myanma Port Authority; K
300,000 by Directorate of Water Resources and Imprudent of River
Systems; and K 300,000 by Mann Myanmar Co; totaling K 60,535,000.
Secretary-l Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt gave necessary-
instructions on construction of the Thatbyinnyu Stupa to the
officials concerned. Then, the ceremony ended with the recitation of
Buddha Sasanam Ciram Titthatu three times.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and party inspected
round the construction of the Thatbyinnyu Stupa. They also inspected
the scale model of Shwe Einsi brick building. They also paid homage
to ancient Buddha Images there.
MCEA called on to work harder for development
of construction technology, emergence of technicians and skilled
workers and to cooperate with government in implementing urban
development projects and housing projects
Sixth annual meeting of Myanmar Construction
Entrepreneurs Association held

YANOON, 3 Aug- The sixth annual meeting of
Myanmar Construction Entrepreneurs Association was held at Karaweik
Palace this morning with an address by Chaim1an of the Housing
Project Committee Secretary-l of the State Peace and Development
Council Lt- Gen Khin Nyunt.
Chairman U Khin Shwe extended greetings. He said
there has been increased con. solidated unity and improvement of
performance of MCEA under the close supervision of the Secretary-l.
Now there are over 900 members of MCEA. With the high performance of
its members, the association is cooperating with the government in
religion, social, sports, education and economic sectors. He said
construction entrepreneurs donated large sums of money to, the fund
of the tasks for perpetuation of the Sasana. The government has been
carrying out social activities after formation of social
He spoke at length on co- operation of the
construction entrepreneurs in sports, contribution toward education
funds and construction of infrastructures since 1989. He said the
standard of living has improved considerably due to the development
of the private sector. The ratio of quality of life and income is
quite different from that of the past. To promote the private
sector, entrepreneurs are allowed to engage in agriculture,
livestock breeding, hotel industry , construction industry and other
Then, the Secretary-l said that due to concerted
efforts of the entire national people under the leadership of the
government, the Union of Myanmar is gathering momentum in
modernizing and developing herself. It can be found that the
socio-economic standard of the national people is improving
In assessing the living standard of the national
people and how much the nation has become modern and developed,
modern economic infrastructures and modern buildings of
international standard are the fundamental criteria.
Therefore, as momentum is being gained in
modernizing and developing the nation, it is necessary to construct
modern buildings and economic infrastructures.
In the same way, with the improvement of the
socio- economic standard of the national people, housing estates of
high standard, resort centers, departmental stores of international
standard and modern buildings which contribute to urban development
need to emerge as well.
In constructing such modern buildings and
economic infrastructures of international standard, construction
entrepreneurs playa vital role.
Therefore, the government, recognizing the
important role of construction entrepreneurs in modernizing and
developing the nation, has paid special emphasis on the development
of construction work of national entrepreneurs. At the same time,
the government is implementing plans designed to strengthen the
national economy and supporting the businesses of national
entrepreneurs so that the initiative to shape the national economy
can be kept in the hands of the State and the national people.
As a result, the businesses of the national
entrepreneurs are thriving with momentum; so is the national
construction industry .
The government has con- solidated individuals
working for the development of the nation into national forces;
therefore, Myanmar Construction Entrepreneurs Association has
emerged, and it bas ! become capable of striking a balance between
the interests of member construction entrepreneurs and the nation.
As the national construction entrepreneurs are
united under the flag of Myanmar Construction Entrepreneurs
Association, the association has become a reliable force on which
the State can rely.
It is encouraging to see that as the association
and construction entrepreneurs have been taking part in the urban
development tasks under the leadership of the government, the nation
is developing considerably.
New satellite townships have been built;
hut-to-high- rise schemes and housing projects have been
implemented; buildings which were no longer compatible with urban
characteristics have been replaced with modern housing estates.
Construction entrepreneurs have undertaken these tasks under the
leadership of the government.
In addition, due to the repercussions of economic
crisis in south-east Asia, construction projects came to a halt
temporarily. During that period, assistance was given to
construction entrepreneurs to be able to carry out economic
development tasks of the nation concerning agriculture, livestock
breeding, edible oil production, import- substitute industry ,
hotels and recreation centers, trading, production work and
Although not only construction industry but also
commercial activities and services have been improving gradually due
to the support of the government, the fruits of efforts of
construction entrepreneurs are still out of reach for common people,
government employees and retired employees.
Therefore, Head of State Senior General Than Shwe
has given guidance that arrangements are to be made to ease the
difficulty of common people, government employees and retired
employees with respect to their housing and to see to it that they
can have houses of their own at reasonable prices and construction
entrepreneurs can get suitable benefits.
In accord with the guidance of Head of State
Senior General Than Shwe, City Housing Project Supervisory Committee
has been formed, and it is planning housing projects to sell houses
directly at reasonable prices to those who really need houses.
The committee has fairly assigned housing
projects to national construction entrepreneurs; to decrease the
cost of housing projects, the State does not take any benefits, and
arrangements have been made to enable them to buy construction
materials conveniently.
Therefore, construction entrepreneurs need to
realize the lofty aims of the government and the pure goodwill which
the government extends to the people; they need to work with
goodwill for the emergence of housing estates of high standard and
to make only reasonable profits so that the people can have houses
of their own at reasonable prices.
The association is to lead construction
entrepreneurs in accord with the aims of the government in striving
to en- able the nation to keep abreast with other nations and the
people to have a higher standard of living. It is to implement
housing projects which can really benefit the people. The
association is to work hard for the development of construction
technology and emergence of technicians and skilled workers and to
cooperate with the government in implementing urban development
projects and housing projects. The government recognizes the
contributions and donations made by executives and members of the
association to the education, health, social, religious and cultural
To uplift the standard of f national
sports, construction entrepreneurs are also taking up the
chairmanship and vice chainnanship of 18 sports federations, which
contribute to some extent to the successful realization of the aims
related to sports set by the government.
The participation of construction entrepreneurs
not only in construction industry but also in small- and me-
dium-scale industries, trading, agriculture and livestock breeding
work, production work and services helps improve the national
economy. Therefore, all the construction entrepreneurs need to make
continued efforts for the development of urban and housing projects
and the State under the flag of the association.
Construction entrepreneurs, joining hands with
the government, are urged to undertake the tasks benefiting the
nation such as urban development projects and housing projects; to
maintain the fine tradition of working in an honest way and to
continue to work under the leadership of the government.
In conclusion, the Secretary-l said, "May Myanmar
Construction Entrepreneurs Association exist for ever and be
successful all the more; may the association be able to make
strenuous efforts for the development of the nation and improvement
of the living standard of the people; may the association be able to
participate in the economic sector of the State as much as it can;
may construction entrepreneurs be able to work for common good and
their interests proportionately and achieve more success than
Next, Chairman U Khin Shwe and executive
committee members presented K 20 million donated by MCEA for
religious affairs and education, health and social sectors to the
The second session of the meeting resumed in the
afternoon. Chairman U Khin Shwe delivered a speech.
General Secretary U Zaw Win submitted the report
of the executive committee and financial statement for approval.
Matters relating to amendment of the term of the chairman and
suggestions of members of MCEA were discussed.
Next, General Secretary of National Holdings Ltd
U Than Myint (Aye Yeik Mon) reported on NHL. The annual meeting came
to a close with the concluding remarks of the Chairman of MCEA.
( 2 )
Bhutanese Foreign Minister to visit
YANGON, 4 Aug -At
the invitation of U Win Aung, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the
Union of Myanmar, His Excellency Lyonpo Jigmi Y Thinley, Minister
for Foreign Affairs of the Royal Government of Bhutan will pay an
official visit to the Union of Myanmar in the near future.
Foreign Minister arrived

YANGON, 3 Aug -At the invitation of U Win Aung,
Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Union of Myanmar, Ms Yoriko
Kawaguchi, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, and party arrived
here by air this evening.
The Japanese Minister was accompanied by
Director-General of the Asian and Oceanian Affairs Bureau Mr Hitoshi
Tanaka, Directors of First Southeast Asia Division and International
Press Division Ms Taeko Takahashi and Mr Akira Kono and officials of
the Ministry of Foreign Atfairs.
They were welcomed at Yangon International
Airport by Minister U Win Aung, Deputy Minister U Khin Maung Win,
directors-general and responsible officials of the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, the Japanese Ambassador-designate to the Union of
Myanmar Mr Yuji Miyamoto and officials from Embassy of Japan in
( 3
) Minister arrives back from 35th ASEAN Foreign Ministers'
YANGON, 3 Aug- Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win
Aung this morning arrived back here after attending the 35th ASEAN
Foreign Ministers' Meeting, ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Informal
Meeting, the third ASEAN+3 Foreign Ministers' Meeting, the 9th ASEAN
Regional Forum and ASEAN and Dialogue Partners Foreign Ministers'
Meeting held in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei from 29 July to 1
The minister was welcomed back at the airport by
Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, Minister for Labour U Tin
Winn, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win and
During his stay in Brunei, Minister U Win Aung
at- tended the 35th ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Meeting held, from 29
and 30 July, ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Informal Meeting on 29 July,
the meeting of the commission on nuclear weapon free zone in South
East Asia Region on 30 July, the third ASEAN+3 Foreign Minisers'
Meeting on 30 July, the 9th ASEAN Regional Forum on 31 July and
ASEAN and Dialogue Partners Foreign Ministers' Meeting on 1 August.
Minister U Win Aung attended the 9th ASEAN
Regional Forum on 30 July and explained development in Myanmar, the
results of endeavors for national solidarity and cooperation between
Myanmar and UN agencies.
Minister U Win Aung attended ASEAN and dialogue
partners meeting (ASEAN+ 10) on 1 August and discussed narcotic
drugs issues under the topic of transnational crime. The minister
explained anti-narcotic drugs activities in ASEAN region and
Myanmar's the New Destiny Plan and programmers for eradication of
narcotic drugs and development in the country .
Minister U Win Aung acted, as Joint Chairman of
ASEAN-Japan Foreign Ministers; meeting on 1 August. He reviewed
cooperation between ASEAN members and Japan on the 21st
century, promotion of economic, investment and technological sectors
and the future of relations between ASEAN and dialogue partner
Japan. Myanmar will serve as a coordinator of ASEAN and dialogue
partner Korea in July 2003. The minister delivered a speech at the
ASEAN and Korea Foreign Ministers' Meeting. On behalf of ASEAN
nations, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Brunei and the Secretary
of State of USA signed an , agreement on the fight against terrorism
between ASEAN memoer nations and the United States. On 1 Au- gust.
Minister U Win Aung attended the ceremony.
Minister U Win Aung, together with ASEAN and
dialogue partners Foreign Ministers paid a courtesy call on King of
Brunei Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah on 1 Au- gust. Minister U Win Aung
met, Foreign Minister of : Brunei H R H Mohamed Bolkiah on 29 July,
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China Mr
Yang Jiaxian, Minister for Foreign Affairs of India Mr Jaswant
Singha, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand Dr Surakiart
Sathiathai, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Australia Mr Alexander
Downer and Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr Ramos Horta and discussed
and exchanged views on regional and bilateral relations.
Minister U Win Aung met correspondents of Asahi
Shimbun, Myanmar Times and AP TV station and replied to their
queries. He also explained cooperation of national race leaders for
eradication of narcotic drugs in Myanmar and current developments in
( 4
) ASEAN Food ,
Festival held
YANGON, 3 Aug - In commemoration of the 35th
Anniversary of ASEAN Day, which falls on 8 Aug 2002, the Myanmar
ASEAN Women's Friendship Association ( MAWFA ) organized the ASEAN
Food Festival as one of its activities, at Mahawthada Hall,
Zizawa Yeiktha, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at 11 am today.
Present on the occasion were Leader of the Board
of Patrons of MAWFA Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, members of the Board of
Patrons of MAWFA, Daw San Yone, wife of the Minister for Foreign
Affairs, honorable members, wives of the ministers, Daw Khin Swe Soe,
wife of the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, wives of ASEAN
Ambassadors in Yangon, wives of department heads of MOFA, families
from Diplomatic Corps and United Nation Agencies in Yangon and
members of MAWFA.
The food festiva:1 successfully concluded at 2
ASEAN-COCI Chairman leaves for home
YANGON, 3 Aug - Chairman of the ASEAN Committee
on Culture and Information Deputy Minister of Culture and
Information of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Mr Tran Chien Thang,
after attending the " Fourth Meeting of the ASEAN-COCI Sub-Committee
on Culture held in Yangon from 31 July to 2 August, left here by air
this morning.
He was seen off at Yangon International Airport
by Deputy Minister for culture U Soe Nyunt, Chairman of Myanmar
ASEAN National Committee on Culture and Information Director-
General of the Department of Cultural Institute U Myint Thlein Swe
and officials.
Similarly, the leaders and members of the
delegations from the ASEAN member countries and officials of the
ASEAN Secretariat left here by air today. They were seen off at the
airport by Director- General U Myint Thein Swe and officials.
( 5 ) USDA CEC members tour
YANGON, 3 Aug - CEC members of the Union
Solidarity and Development Association Minister Col Thein Nyunt and
Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung met with local national
races of Kartpha Village Tract and Yankyain Villale Tract, Kengtung
Township, Shan State (East), at the monastery of Phakan Village
yesterday afternoon.
First, CEC member Col Thein Nyunt made a speech.
He said the living standard of the national races and development of
border areas, which lagged behind others in the time of the
successive governments, halve now improved considerably due to the
efforts which have been exerted since 1989 by the Border Areas and
National Races Development Central Committee chaired by Chairman of
the State Peace and Development Council Senior General Than Shwe and
the Border Areas
and National Races Development Work Committee
chaired by Secretary-l of the State Peace and Development Council
Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt. He also urged the local national races to
safeguard Our Three Main National Causes with the Union Spirit.
Then, CEC member Brig-Gen Thura Myint .Maung made
a speech on peace and tranquility of wards and villages, prevalence
of law and order and the life security of women.
Chairmen U Nan Sai and U Sai San Mya of Kartpha
Village and Yankyain Village Peace and Development Councils reported
on requirements concerning rural transportation, education and
health sectors. Minister Col Thein Nyunt fulfilled the requirements.
The CEC members and the deputy commander donated
exercise books, stationery, clocks and school uniforms for village
primary schools and medicines for rural clinics. The CEC members and
party arrived back in Kengtung and met with the secretary and
executives of Shan State (East) and executives of Kengtung District
and Township USDAs at the office of Shan State (East) USDA and urged
them to actively participate in rural development tasks and
consolidation of national unity .
They also met with the local national' races of
Karttaung/Kataik and other 9 villages adjacent to them at Karttaung
Village this morning and discussed maters related to Our Three Main
National Causes, national solidarity , strengthening the Un- ion
Chairmen U Lon Twi and U Nar Mwai of Karttaung
Village and Wankari Village Peace and Development Councils and
organizer U Sai Tan of Karttaung Village USDA reported on
requirements concerning rural transportation, agriculture, education
and health sectors. Minister Col Thein Nyunt fulfilled the
requirements. The USDA CEC members and the deputy commander donated
exercise books, stationery , clocks and school uniforms for village
primary schools and medicines for rural clinics. Then, the minister
and party inspected the Basic Education Middle School in the village
and distributed exercise books donated by the Border Areas and
National Races Development Work Committee to the students.
USDA CEC member tours Twantay

YANGON, 3 Aug -Member of the Central Executive
Committee of the Union Solidarity and Development Association U Soe
Tha, went to Shansugyi Village in Twantay this morning.
He gave instructions on water supply for the
village. He also offered Waso robes, alms and rice to the
Sayadaw and members of the Silngha at Nyaungdaga Monastery in
In the afternoon, he visited Shwesandaw
Pagoda in Twantay and gave instructions on renovation of the pagoda.
He then inspected the basic education high school and met with
township authorities, members of the school board of trustees and
the parent-teacher association, departmental officials, the
secretary and executives of Town- ship USDA. He attended to the
requirements for teachings aids. He also met with the secretary ,
executives and organizers of Township, Ward and Village USDAs at the
office of Township USDA.
Bahan Township USDA holds annual general
YANGON, 3 Aug -The annual general meeting 2002 of
Bahan Township Union Solidarity and Development Association was held
at Mae Oo Pan Hall of Basic Education High School No 1 in Bahan
Township this morning. USDA CEC Member Yangon Division In-charge Col
Tin Hlaing attended the meeting and made a speech.
Cot Tin Hlaing and officials presented prizes to
the outstanding members. Then, the CEC member accepted the cash
donations and 6,651 membership applications and presented
certificates of honour to the well-wishers. Executive of Yangon West
District USDA U Myint Hsaung presided over the meeting. Township
Secretary U Ye Kyaw Thu Shwe and executives presented reports on
four tasks carried out and five rural development tasks, followed by
a general round of discussions.
( 6 )
Minister inspects factories
YANGON. 3 Aug -Minister for Industry-2 Maj - Gen
Saw Lwin, together with officials, inspected construction of a power
sub-station in Indaknw Industrial Zone this morning.
Then he inspected the smelting workshop. the ball
bearing factory and the aluminium wire factory and gave
instructions, Afterwards, he inspected the power-tiller engine factory
of Myanma Agricultural Machinery lndustries.
He gave instructions on timely completion of
construction work, the growing of shade trees and windbreak and
worksite safety.
( 7 ) Commander inspects sanitation work in
Yangon City
YANGON, 3 Aug- Chairman ,of Yangon Division Peace
and Development Conical Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Mytnt
Swe, inspected the sanitation work carried out at roads and ! wards
in Yangon City by Tatmadawmen, YCDC staff. members of Myanmar Police
Force, the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Red Cross
Brigade. Auxiliary Fire Brigade. Maternal and Child Welfare
Association. Committee on Women's' Affairs and residential people
this morning.
First, the Commander, the Vice-Mayor and party
inspected' the sanitation work on Shwebontha Street in Pabedan
On arrival there, they - were welcomed by No 4
Military Region Commander Brig-Gen Myo Myint, Chairman of Yangon
West District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Maung Maung Shein
and responsible personnel.
The Commander and party inspected the sanitation
work and gave necessary maturations.
They proceeded to Thaketa Township and inspected
the clearing of drains at Shukhintha Road. They were welcomed there
by No 2 Militafy Region Commander Col Tin Oo Lwin,
Yangon East District Peace and Development
Council Chairman Lt-Col Aung Pyae and responsible personnel. The
Commander and party inspected the sanitation works and gave
necessary instruction.They also inspected the drains of Natchaung
ward in TaIriway Township.
Next, they proceeded to Thingangyun Township and
inspected the clearing of drains near Maha Visudharama monastery in
Thumingalar Ward, Thingangyun Township. They also inspected the drains
of U San Pe ward in the ,Township.
Next, they proceeded to South Okkalapa Township and
inspected the clearing of drains at Thanthuma Road.
They proceeded to Mayangon Township and inspected the
clearing of drains, at Zweson creek near Waizayanta Road, They were
welcomed there by No 1 Military Region Commander Col Khin Maung Soe and
responsible personnel. The Commander and party inspected the sanitation
works and gave necessary instruction. Over 500 volunteers comprising
Tatmadawmen, YCDC staff members of MPF, USD A, Red Cross Brigade,
Auxiliary Fire Brigade, MMCWA and MNCW A and local people contributed
labour in carrying out the sanitation works.
Next, they proceeded to Insein Township and inspected
the clearing of drains at Yebaw 3rd lane in Phawkan ward. They were
welcomed there by Yangon West District Chairman Lt- Col Sanmatu and
responsible personnel. The Commander and party inspected the sanitation
w9rks and gave necessary instructions. They also inspected the
sanitation works carried out at 1he drains of Phawkan ward in Insein
Township and gave necessary instructions.
( 8
) Donation ceremony for monasteries in
Kyimyindine held
YANGON, 3 Aug -The provisions donation ceremony
of Tatmadaw families of (Army, Navy and Air) and well-wishers was
held at Thadu Pariyatti Sarthintaik on Natsin Road in Kyimyindine
Township this morning.
The congregation received the Nine Precepts
from the Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw of Thadu Pariyatti Sarthintaik.
Rear-Admiral Soe Thein, senior military officers, officials and
well-wishers presented offertories to members of the Sangha.
Then, Rear-Admiral Soe Thein, Brig-Gen Tin Soe
and Lt-Col Than malign (Air) of the Ministry of Defence donated 117
bags of rice, 469 viss of edible oil,469 viss of salt and 9,380,viss
of gram to the Sayadaws and the well-wishers rice, provisions
and cash. Lt-Col Than Tun of the Ministry of Defence supplicated on
the purpose of the donations.
Then, Kyimyindine Township Sangha Nayaka
Committee Secretary Sayadaw Bhaddanta Okgantha delivered a
sermon, followed by sharing the merits gained.
At the ceremony, 255 bags of rice, 534 viss of
edible oil, 969 viss of salt, 47 box of soft salt, 1,820 of assorted
kinds of traditional medicine , 9,390 viss of gram and K 1,145,550
were donated to the monasteries in Kyimyindine Township.
( 9
) First Event of Myanmar London Golf Tour continues
YANGON, 3Aug- The first event of Myanmar London
Golf Tour 2002, jointly-organized by Myanmar Golf Federation and Myanmar Professional
Golfers' Association and mainly sponsored by the Rothmans of Pall
Mall Myanmar PTE Ltd, continued for the third day at Bagan Resort
Golf Club in Mandalay Division at 7.30 am today.
After the third round, Soe Kyaw Naing (Wilson) was still leading
with 214 strokes in the professional golfers level and prospective
for the championship of the event. His runner-up was Zaw Paing Oo
with 223. Yin Htway (KM Golf Centre ), Aung Win (YCDC) and Min Naing (Srixon) tied at the third place
with 227 each.
Myo Min Aung (pyinOoLwin) was still leading in the amateurs
level with 222 strokes. Thein Zaw Myint fired 229 strokes, followed
by Kyaw Thiha at the third place with 231 strokes and Aye Ko at the
fourth with 232.
With the aim of promoting Myanmar golf standard, the Air
Mandalay officially co-sponsored the first event as official air
line and Bagan Golf Resort Hotel as official hotel together with
Grand Royal Special Reserve Whisky, AWB Bank, Loi- Hein (Alpine)
Purified Drinking Water, Canon (ACCEL International Cp Ltd),
Wilson,KM Golf Centre and Sunfar Travel and Tours Co Ltd. The
first event is also organized by Han Event Management.
The tournament continues at the same venue tomorrow.