1 ) Groups opposing State using women's sector as podium to launch accusations aiming to destroy national unity
National people's trust and reliance on government increasing together with development of border areas
Secretary-1 addresses special meeting of Myanmar National Committee for Women's Affairs
Yangon, 2 Aug
- The Myanmar National Committee for Women's Affairs held a special meeting at International Affairs and Research Department of the Ministry of Defence this morning, with an address by Patron of MNCWA Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
The Secretary-1 said the meeting was held for the MNCWA to systematically launch activities to develop the women's sector and further strengthen the national solidarity with added momentum.
The groups opposing the State are distributing fabrications to disparage the government using some foreign media as a tool. At present, they are using the women's sector as a podium to make accusations aiming to destroy the national unity.
The government has laid down Our Three Main National Causes non-disintegration of the Union; non-disintegration of national solidarity and perpetuation of sovereignty as the national policy, striving in all sectors to successfully realize the national goals.
For over 40 years the Myanmar people faced bitter experiences of the armed opposition, which broke out soon after the independence was regained. Since assumption of the State power, the government has tried to end the armed insurgency trying to restore the national unity in all the regions.
As soon as peace and stability has been restored in the border regions, the government began to launch undertakings that are bringing development to the regions and their people.
Thus, the border areas are gaining unprecedented progress at present.

As the government has been serving the interests of the national people with sincere goodwill, the latter's trust and reliance on the government is increasing together with development of the border areas resulting in further consolidating the national unity.
The government has been striving to cement the national unity with the conviction the Union and sovereignty will perpetuate only when there is flourishing of national unity. Thus, it is winning the
cooperation of the sincere national people.
As the MNCWA has formed its branches down to the village levels, and launching its operations nation- wide, the association is required to increase its organization task in helping realize the national policy
--- Our Three Main National Causes.
Hence, the MNCWA will have to widen the scope of its organization task to reach the basic levels wards and villages in trying to extend and consolidate its organizational set-up, to accelerate the momentum of the activities leading to development of the women's sector and to further strengthen the national unity, which is the main pillar of the national policy.
Members of the MNWCWA and nine groups explained plans to conduct field trips down to the basic levels in the whole nation for further strengthening of the national unity and progress of the women's
sector. The Secretary-1 gave suggestions.
MPF developing due to success of reform programmes
People's participation much important in ensuring rule of law and community peace, MPF's two main tasks
Myanmar Police Force Management System Reform Committee meets
Yangon, 2 Aug - Myanmar Police Force Management System Reform Committee held its 12th coordination meeting in the meeting hall of the Ministry of Home Affairs at 4 pm today.
Chairman of the Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt addressed the meeting.
The Secretary-1 said that the meeting was held to assess the success and weaknesses in implementing the decisions made at the previous meetings, and to lay down future tasks.
Since the committee was formed on 28 January 1994, efforts have been made to reform Myanmar Police Force in both essence and appearance in eight years; however, there are not only progress but
also weaknesses in maintaining peace and tranquility and rule of law and preventing narcotic drugs.
The State Peace and Development Council has laid down 12 objectives to build Myanmar into a peaceful, modern and developed nation. The first of the political objectives is community peace and tranquility
and prevalence of law and order. As the duty to implement that objective has been assigned to MPF, its duty is very great.
Therefore, MPF Management System Reform Committee was set up to assess the present management system of MPF and the tasks related to management, intelligence and sending cases to court, to assess the training system of MPF, to assess the ways of winning the trust of public and eliminating the habit of taking bribes, to ensure that members of MPF do not cause difficulty to the public with abuse of their power; to do away with the evil colonial habit of the police, and to modify old rules and regulations and laws and introduce new ones.
To carry out these tasks, various subcommittees were formed. These subcommittees are to carry out and assess the tasks with three qualities prescribed by the Head of State: to have patriotism, to be efficient and to be modern.
In implementing the national policy and objectives of the State and keeping the pillar of administration of justice upright, the members of MPF are to cooperate with judges, law officers, law enforcement bodies, forensic experts, laboratory experts.
They have to cling to righteousness, justice and consideration and to avoid bribery and corruption.
Cases concerning trafficking in the resources of the State such as forest products, minerals, gold and gems, oil and oil products, and cases related to trafficking in persons, vehicles and commodities are
being exposed; however, measures are to be taken to remedy weaknesses.
Some police officers who expose cases and send them to court do not go to the scene of the crime. They do not gather evidence carefully. They do not question all the witnesses concerned. They do not follow necessary procedures in exposing the culprits. They do not carry out interrogation systematically but torture and beat the accused. In confiscating things related to cases, they do not follow the laws and rules and regulations. They do not open cases as necessary. As they do not conduct investigation and the culprit cannot be found out, the cases have to be closed. They do not present necessary documents in asking for legal advice to send cases to court; They ask for legal advice only when the period of remand for the persons held in jail is nearly over. Reforms are to be conducted for such things.
The Head of State has given guidance that measures are to be taken to ensure that there are no thieves and robbers in the community so that the people can sleep without having to close the doors and windows. This means fulfilling the requirements of the most fundamental human rights. MPF is to work hard in enlisting public participation in maintaining community peace and tranquility and rule of law by using community-based policing system.
Law-breakers are to be arrested, and action is to be taken against them according to the law. They commit crimes driven by greed, anger and ignorance. If they are reformed, they can become those who serve the interests of the nation. Therefore, it is necessary to treat those who happen to land in jail with kindness. According to the instructions of the Ministry of Home Affairs, 38 blessings written on boards have been hanged in prisons and lock-ups. Pocket-size books on 38 blessings have been distributed to police stations and prison camps.
With respect to drug control, the government is working hard to eliminate narcotic drugs and national race leaders and local national people are joining hands with the government.
The concerted efforts have resulted in significant success. Opium growers themselves handed over opium seeds and pods. These opium seeds and pods and seized narcotic drugs were put to torch. As a result, the number of acres of poppy-grown areas has decreased, and so has opium yield significantly.
It is found that thanks to UN agencies, diplomats, military attaches and local and foreign prestigious media, these efforts have been recognized by the whole world. The culprits from neighbouring nations who were concerned with narcotic drugs and ran away were handed over to the nations concerned. This is an instance of cooperation with the neighbouring nations. The success so far achieved can be attributed to the active cooperation of national race groups which have made peace, and the people.
The significant success achieved as a result of active cooperation of the government, national race leaders and local people have been presented with facts and figures at international meetings; therefore, international community has come to recognize Myanmar's efforts to eliminate narcotic drugs.
At a time when accusations concerning democracy, human rights and forced labour are being levelled at Myanmar, the international recognition of Myanmar's efforts to control drugs is an outstanding achievement, which is to be maintained.
Myanmar Police Force is crucial to search and arrest criminals related to narcotic drugs and send them to court. Therefore, continued efforts are to be exerted to maintain these good results.
Head of State Senior General Than Shwe has given guidance that Myanmar Police Force is a reserve defence force of the nation.
The Secretary-1 then quoted Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe as saying at the 54th Anniversary Armed Forces Day
"As the duty of national defence is the inborn duty of all citizens, the entire people will have to defend and safeguard the nation together with the Tatmadaw. Especially, the MPF, Fire Brigades and Red Cross Brigades are trained organizations and brothers of the Tatmadaw. Of the many sectors of the national defence, these organizations will play their respective roles in joining hands with the
Tatmadaw." Thus, plans are under way to reform the MPF as a reserve force for national defence.
The Fire Brigades and the Red Cross Brigades are serving the people's interests with goodwill. They will become another reserve force for national defence if necessary. Thus, MPF will have to organize and lead the Fire Brigades and the Red Cross Brigades to increase their strength and to systematically train their members.
Developments can be seen in the MPF as necessary reforms have been made. Especially the MPF is equipped with modern tools which meet the international standard to curb crimes.
Thus, MPF should strive to become an organization serving the people's interests, to win the people's love and respect and to possess the good traditions.
Vice-Chairman of the committee Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing explained the main objectives of MPF, efforts being made to discharge the national defence duties, training of MPF members and families to take part in their main task and to possess strong patriotism and firm conviction, launching of community police and home visit systems, cooperation with the Fire Brigades and the Red Cross Brigades, success in conducting security duties, holding of the 16th ceremony to destroy the seized drugs, application of electronic equipment in exposing crimes and other activities.
Acting Secretary of the committee Deputy Director-General of MPF Police Brig-Gen Zaw Win explained the progress in realizing the resolutions of the committeeÕs 11th meeting.
Member of the Judicial Affairs Subcommittee Director-General of the Supreme Court U Tin Aye, Chairman of the Legal Affairs Subcommittee Judge-Advocate-General Maj-Gen Than Soe, Chairman of the Intelligence Subcommittee Vice-Chief of Military Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, Chairman of the Management Subcommittee Chairman of Civil Service Selection and Training Board Dr Than Nyun and Chairman of the Training Subcommittee Rector of Central Institute of Civil Service (Phaunggyi) Col Win Maung explained the accomplishments of the respective bodies.
A general round of discussions then followed.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt gave suggestions saying that Head of State Senior General has given guidance to reform MPF to become a patriotic, brilliant and modern police force. Thus, the committee was reformed in accord with the guidance. Success has been achieved in reforming the MPF due to the collectives efforts.
People's participation is much important in ensuring the rule of law and community peace which are the two main tasks of MPF. Thus, MPF members should strive with straightforwardness and goodwill to become an organization winning the love and respect of the people.
The form and essence of the MPF will further improve by using modern equipment and trying to gain more quality. In accord with the guidance of the Head of State, MPF
members should strive to vitalize their patriotism, modernize their
force and win the love and respect of the people.
( 2 )
Health Minister receives guests
Yangon, 2 Aug - Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein received a group led by Mr Matthias Chang Wen Chieh of Malaysia at 2 pm, and Charge
d' Affaires ai of the embassy of the United States to Myanmar Ms Priscilla A Clapp at 3.30 pm at his office on Pyidaungsu Yeiktha Road in Dagon Township.
H&T Minister receives guests
Yangon, 2 Aug - Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin received Ambassador of the Republic of India to Myanmar Mr Rajiv Kumar Bhatia at his office on Sule Pagoda Road at 10.30 am today.
Similarly, the minister received Managing Director Mr Pon Teong Kang and party of Victoria Entertainment Resort Co Ltd of Singapore, which is being invested in the international standard hotel construction project on Treasure Island in Kawthoung
Township, at his office at 11 am.
Information Minister receives Ambassador
Yangon, 2 Aug - Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung received Egyptian Ambassador to the Union of Myanmar Dr Farouk Riad Hassan Mabrouk at the hall of Myanma Radio and Television on Pyay
Road this afternoon.
Co-operatives Minister received Ambassador
Yangon, 2 Aug -Minister for Co-operatives Lt- Gen
Tin Ngwe received Ambassador of the Republic of India to Myanmar Mr
Rajiv Kumar Bhatia at 11.30 am and Ambassador of the Philippines to
Myanmar Mme Phoebe A Gomez at 2 pm today at his office.
( 3
) Health Minister attends observance of Breastfeeding Week
Yangon, 2 Aug - Organized by Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association, the observance of commemorative Breast- feeding Week took place at the meeting hall of the MMCWA at the corner of Parami and Thanthuma Roads in South Okkalapa Township this morning, with an address by Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein.
Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein delivered an address on the occasion. Then, Mr JB Mendts, resident representative of the UNICEF, also made a speech.
Next, the minister presented awards to first prize winner Sangyoung Township MCWA, second prize winner Dagon Township (South) MCWA, third prize winner Thanlyin Township MCWA and consolation prize winner Insein Township MCWA. The townships won prizes in the one-act play competition held in commemoration of Breastfeeding Week. Later, guests were entertained with first prize winner Sangyaung Township MCWA's
"The Most Beautiful Mother" one-act play, and then the ceremony came to an end. After the ceremony, the minister and guests viewed round the photos of MMCWA's activity on Breastfeeding Week.
Ministers inspects Jeep production
Yangon, 2 Aug - Chairman of Myanma Industrial Development Committee Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung, together with Committee Members Minister at the State Peace and Development Council Chairman's Office Lt-Gen Min Thein and Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi, and members, inspected the Myay Latt Jeep produced by the car manufacturing committees of Pakokku and Myingyan industrial zones, at the compound of the Ministry of Industry-1 this afternoon.
Minister U Aung Thaung gave instructions on boosting of the manufacturing of
the Jeep cars.
30.083 million textbooks distributed to schools in states and divisions
Yangon, 2 Aug - Textbooks Printing and Distribution Committee held the fifth work coordination meeting in the meeting hall of Sarpay Beikman Press on Pyay Road this afternoon. Chairman of the Committee Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi
Aung addressed the meeting.
Minister Maj-Gen Kyi Aung addressed the meeting.
Secretary of Textbooks Printing and Distribution Committee Managing Director of Printing and Publishing Enterprise U Myint Thein reported on the decisions made at the previous meeting. Deputy Ministers Brig-Gen Aung Thein and Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung reported on the work done by the sub-committees.
Then, a general round of discussions followed.
Afterwards, Minister Maj-Gen Kyi Aung attended to the requirements, and gave instructions on the printing and distribution of textbooks before the 2003-2004 academic year and sending them to students as early as possible.
The Ministry of Information will print textbooks
throughout the year and the Ministry of Information will distribute
them to the regions concerned as of the opening season. In
2002-2003, 30.083 million textbooks were published and distributed
to schools in states and divisions. The textbooks were sent to the
shops all over the nation by car, train and boat. The sufficient
number of textbooks were sent in time to the schools in regions
which cannot be easily accessible. Enough textbooks will be printed
and distributed in the coming year. Up to 600,000 textbooks are in
stock in Yangon.
Courses of CPTC conclude
Yangon, 2 Aug - The concluding ceremony of the database management course, reader course and postmaster course was held at the Communications and Postal Training Centre of Myanma Posts and Telecommunications under the Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw this
morning. The minister made a speech on the occasion and presented completion certificates to representatives of the respective courses and prizes to those who stood first and second in the course.
Special Refresher Course for Border Areas Development concludes
Yangon, 2 Aug - A ceremony to conclude the Special Refresher Course No 1 for Development of Border Areas was held at the Ohndaw Hall of the Central Institute of Civil Service (Phaunggyi) this morning, with an address by Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing.
In his address, the minister said that the course has been conducted in accord with the guidance of Chairman of the Central Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races Senior General Than Shwe. He added that with a view to ensuring equitable development in the whole country, the government has laid down objectives and is implementing them in order to carry out tasks for development of some border areas that still lag behind development. The trainees have already been lectured the State's national policy in addition to subjects on management and administration, which are to be
practiced in performing duties. The trainees are to actively carry out tasks in unity for development of the regions where they are assigned duties and the people possessing Union Spirit.
Organization measures are to be taken to the best of their ability assuming national solidarity as national duty. Particularly the five rural tasks are to be successfully implemented. In
conclusion, he urged the trainees to join hands with local people in eradicating narcotic drugs in the regions in which they are assigned duties assuming national duty since there is connection between drug eradication tasks and border areas development tasks.
Then, the minister presented the model trainee awards to deputy head of the General Administration Department U Noe Wai and headmistress of basic education high school Daw Mya Mya, first prizes to deputy head of the GAD U Win Shwe and SAT Daw Khin Thida Yon, second prizes to deputy head of the GAD U Peter Dwella and matron Daw Cho Mar Lwin, the prize for outstanding performance border area group-wise to Tontah
Township division and certificates to respective monitors. A total
of 386 trainees from different ministries attended the six-week
Smart school to be opened at Kamayut BEPS-2
Yangon, 2 Aug - Minister for Education U Than Aung inspected preparations for the opening of smart school at No 2 Basic Education Primary School in Kamayut
Township this morning.
Then, the minister and party inspected arrangements for the construction of the new school building and for using teaching aids, on which the officials and the headmistress reported to the minister. Later, the minister gave instructions on construction of the new school building and opening of the smart
Financial Management Course opened
Yangon, 2 Aug - A ceremony to open the Financial Management Course No 1/2002, conducted by the Ministry of Industry-1
U Aung Thaung, was held at the training hall of the ministry this
morning. The minister made a speech. In his speech, he said that financial management courses are constantly being conducted to promote staff's competence, to complete financial matters in keeping with the time and to
systematize financial procedures.
He continued that financial tasks play an important role and thus trainees are to make concerted efforts to complete these tasks in keeping with the time after studying the subject matter for promotion of their skills and qualifications, to ensure performing financial matters without making any mistakes and to timely complete monthly and annual reports.
Altogether 28 trainees are attending the six-week course.
( 4
) Yangon Division Supervisory Committee to Ensure Smooth and Secure Transport meets
Yangon, 2 Aug - Yangon Division Supervisory Committee to Ensure Smooth and Secure Transport held its weekly meeting at All Bus Lines Control Committee here this evening.
Chairman of the supervisory committee Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe gave a speech.
The commander said the committee was formed with the aim of ensuring smooth transport for the city commuters and the passengers
traveling from Yangon to other major towns. Members of the committee are required to ensure convenience in all rail, road and water transports, enforce traffic rules in the city and supervise the city passenger buses to operate in accord with the rules.
Members of the committee reported to the meeting on measures being taken to ensure smooth transport and enforce traffic rules.
Chairmen of the city bus lines explained plans to prevent road accidents.
The meeting ended with concluding remarks by the commander.
Commander inspects vegetable and poultry farming special zone
Yangon, 2 Aug - Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe went to Yangon Division vegetable and poultry farming special zone near Nyaunghnapin Village in Hmawby Township of Yangon North District this morning.
At the zone, the commander met with departmental officials and agricultural and livestock breeding entrepreneurs and attended to the requirements before inspecting the undertakings of agriculture and livestock breeding.
The commander arrived at Hmawbysan Hall of Yangon
Division vegetable and poultry farming special zone-1 at 9.30 am. At the briefing hall, the commander heard reports presented by the officials of special zone-1, 2 and 3 on progress of earth work, cultivation of vegetables and the breeding of broilers and layers.
Officials from the Irrigation Department, Myanma Electric Power Enterprise and the General Administration Department reported to the commander on arrangements for preventing vegetable plantations in the special zones from floods, proper drainage and water supply from the Kalihtaw Dam; installation of power lines and a transformer; and agricultural tasks being carried out in the special zones.
Agriculture and livestock breeding entrepreneurs also reported to the commander on cultivation of vegetables and the breeding of broilers and layers.
Then, the commander gave instructions that the special zone is aimed at ensuring the sufficiency of vegetables, meat, fish and eggs for Yangon city dwellers without relying on other states and divisions. Vegetables from Nyaunghnapin region are being sold through tax-free markets and other markets in Yangon. Later, the commander and party inspected the vegetable plantations of the special zone-1 from the tower and gave instructions.
The commander and party also inspected the breeding of broilers undertaken by Kaungthukha Co Ltd with the use of battery cage system in the special zone-1, and vegetable plantations and repairs of drains in special zone-2.
Ministries and national agriculture entrepreneurs are growing vegetables in the special zone. In this monsoon season, a total of 2,432 acres of lands have been put under vegetables; broilers and layers
totaling over 700,000 have been bred; and more than 500,000 broilers have been bred. As for the digging of fish ponds, 700 acres have been dug and 100 acres have been used for breeding fish.
( 5 ) Fourth Meeting of ASEAN-COCI Sub-Committee on Culture concludes
Yangon, 2 Aug - The Fourth Meeting of ASEAN-COCI Sub-Committee on Culture continued for the last day at the
Traders Hotel on Sule
Pagoda Road this afternoon. The meeting successfully concluded in the evening.
Delegates from Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam and Myanmar, officials of ASEAN Secretariat and observers attended the meeting.
Those present discussed progress in implementation of cultural projects and tasks being carried out in the ASEAN member countries, and made decisions.
Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt hosted a dinner in honour of the delegates and officials to the meeting at Shwe Shan Kan Restaurant on Inya Road in the evening.
The delegates and officials, who attended the meeting, together with President of the meeting Chairman of Myanmar ASEAN National Committee on Culture and Information Director-General of the Department of Cultural Institute U Myint Thein Swe and officials, visited Shwedagon Pagoda and the Drug Elimination Museum this morning.
( 6 )
Cash and kind donated to MMCWA
Yangon, 2 Aug - A ceremony to donate cash and kind to Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association was held at the association at the corner of Parami and Thanthuma Roads in South Okkalapa Township this morning.
Chairman of the National Health Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and wife Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe and family donated 2 HP air-conditioners worth K 450,000 to the MMCWA. Chairperson Prof Daw Kyu Kyu Swe accepted the donation and presented a certificate of honour to the wellwishers.
Next, Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe accepted 14 wheelchairs worth US$ 8,400 donated by Mr Robert Morse and K 100,000 by Tun Clinic family, and presented certificates of honour to them.
The Chairperson Prof Daw Kyu Kyu Swe spoke words of thanks and the ceremony came to an
( 7 ) First Event of Myanmar London Golf Tour continues
Yangon, 2 Aug - The first event of Myanmar London Golf Tour 2002, jointly-organized by Myanmar Golf Federation and Myanmar Professional
Golfers' Association and mainly sponsored by the Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar PTE Ltd, continued for the second day at Bagan Resort Golf Club in Mandalay Division at 7.30 am today.
Present on the occasion were executives of the MGF, officials of the RPMM, guests and enthusiasts.
After the second round, Soe Kyaw Naing was still leading with 142 strokes in the professional golfers level. His runner-up was Zaw Paing Oo with 149. Maung Maung Tar (Wilson) and Min Naing (Srixon) tied at the third place with 150 each . Myo Min Aung (PyinOoLwin) was still leading in the amateurs level with 145 stroke. Kyaw Thiha and Thein Zaw Myint fired 150 each, followed by Aye Ko with 151.
With the aim of promoting Myanmar golf standard, the Air Mandalay officially co-sponsored the first event as official air line and Bagan Golf Resort Hotel as official hotel together with Grand Royal Special Reserve Whisky, AWB Bank, Loi-Hein (Alpine) Purified Drinking Water, Canon (ACCEL International Co Ltd), Wilson, KM Golf Centre and Sunfar
Travel and Tours Co Ltd. The first event is also organized by Han Event
Management. The tournament continues at the same venue tomorrow.
Yan Myo Aye stands 13th place in OIJ Golf Championship
Yangon, 2 Aug - Eighth Standard Student Maung Yan Myo Aye of Basic Education High School No 1 in Dagon Township, who participated in the age 12-13 event of the Optimist International Junior Golf Championship (OIJGC) held at the Florida Palm Beach Gardens PGA National Resort and SPA Golf Course in the United States of America from 18 to 28 July this year, and Executive of Myanmar Golf Federation Manager U Ko Ko Aye arrived back here by air yesterday evening.
Officials of MGF welcomed them back at Yangon International Airport.
Over 650 new generation youth golfers from 15 countries, six states of Canada and 45 states of USA participated in the championship.
Maung Yan Myo Aye of Myanmar, together with 95 new generation youth golfers, took part in the age 12-13 event and stood 13th place with a total of 217 strokes (71 + 70 + 76).
( 8
) Timber smugglers arrested in Sagaing, Mandalay Divisions
Yangon, 2 Aug - The Government is making earnest efforts to conserve forest resources systematically, and expose and take action against those who are engaged in the smuggling of timber.
According to the information that the timber smugglers were felling timber in the Apa forest reserve at the side of Thanbauk and Sahmyin Creeks in Mingin Township, Sagaing Division, and floating the timber covered with bamboo rafts down the Chindwin river, a combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit, Myanmar Police Force and personnel of the Forest Department, lying in wait on the bank of the Chindwin near Natlapoh Village on 2 July 2002.
The authorities intercepted the five rafts floating along the river and arrested Aung Myint, son of U Hla Khaing, Myint Thein, son of U Tha Tin and Win Htay, son of U Kyaw Myint, of Ton Village, and Win Tun, son of U Than Maung, of Thanbauk Village in Mingin Township and Myint Swe, son of U Kyawt, of Preinma Village in Myaung Township, together with 594 logs of hard wood and In wood weighing 318.986 tons.
Another combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit, Myanmar Police Force and personnel of Forest Department, acting on information, made a surprise check on Pyi Soe Saw Mill at Block 497 in Tampawady Ward, Chan-myathazi Township, Mandalay Division, on 12 July 2002 and seized illegal sawn teak of different sizes weighing 84.718 tons. U Khin Maung Myint, the owner of the teak managed to escape.
In addition, a combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit, Myanmar Police Force and personnel of the Forest Department, receiving information that unscrupulous timber-merchants were transporting illegal timber mingled with legal timber, lied in wait at Kaing Bridge in Wundwin Township, Mandalay Division, on 10 July 2002. They intercepted the three timber trucks which were on their way from Mandalay to Yangon, and arrested Han Min Aung of Myaukpyin Uboktaung Ward, Mandalay and Kyaw Yin Tun of Pha/Hsa Ward in Zeyawady together with illegal teak of squared logs weighing 66.1419 tons mingled with the legal teak. Aung Zaw, owner of the timber as well as owner of Shwe Inwa Co Saw Mill in Industrial Zone, Mandalay fled.
Severe action will be taken against the arrested according to the law and measures are being taken to nab the
( 9
) Heroin, opium seized and opium refinery exposed in Laukkai Township
Yangon, 1 Aug - According to the information given by two duty-conscious people that heroin was being produced to the east of Tachi Kanpa Village, Laukkai Township, a combined team comprising the Tatmadaw members of the local battalion, the military intelligence unit and the anti-drug squad, combed the area (map reference: P-027409) near Tachi Kanpa Village.
The combined team arrested Kyin Lan, 27, of Tonphan Village, Laukkai Township, together with two make-shift tents, seven paraphernalia used in producing heroin, six five-gallon buckets containing 81 litres of acetic anhydride, 2 litres of hydrochloric acid, 32 litres of ether and six buckets containing 80 litres of phosphorous acid.
Further investigation led to the arrest of Lauk Wan, 28, who engaged in producing heroin, from the house of U Wan Lauk Wu of Tachi Kanpa Village.
On 28 July morning, the authorities combed the area (map reference: P-855453) at the junction of Khoak Htan Village.
They stopped and searched a Hilux with no number plate heading from Pasinkyaw Village for Border Post No 137. The two persons in the car ran away, and ten 360-gram plastic bags containing about 3.61 kilograms of heroin were seized.
On 30 July afternoon, the combined team also searched a house in Yanshin Village (P-843526), and arrested house owner Daw Lauk Hwa together with about 13 kilograms of morphine. Further investigation led to the arrest of owner of drug Aik Hlyan of Ward-2, Laukkai.
The combined team also seized about 1.61 kilograms of opium in an old hut at the foot of the hill.
On 31 July morning, the combined team searched a hut in the field (P-885427) near Khoak Htan Village and seized two packages of raw opium weighing about 2.42 kilograms. In the afternoon, the combined team searched the house of U Shauk To, 45, son of U Li Shauk Lin, in Takyuchin Village and seized nine pyis of opium seeds, two hand grenades, two M-46 hand grenades, 38 rounds of M-14 and 37 rounds of M-22.
From July 28 to 31, the combined team seized one opium refinery camp, various kinds of acid and paraphernalia, 3.61 kilograms of heroin, 13 kilograms of morphine, about 4.03 kilograms of raw opium, nine pyis of opium seeds, one Hilux car, four hand grenades and rounds of ammunition in Laukkai Township, Kokang Region, Special Region No 1, Shan State (North).
Action is being taken according to the law by Myanmar Police Force in connection with the seized chemicals, paraphernalia, opium seeds, arms and ammunition.
Heroin seized in Kyukok (Panhsai)
Yangon, 2 Aug - A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force, acting on information, stopped and searched two vans with the number plates 8Ka/1003 driven by Marla, son of U La Yaung of Ward 8, Kyukok (Panhsai), and 8Ka/1874 by Tan Gon (a) Mar Tan, son of U Zaw Maw of Nampatak Village, Kyukok (Panhsai), at the Asia World Check Point in Kyukok (Panhsai),
Shan State (North) on 22 July. The authorities arrested them
together with 82 blocks of heroin weighing 31.16 kilos. Action is
being taken against them under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic
Substances Law by the police station concerned.