1 ) Alleged rape case involving Tatmadaw members conspiracy of expatriate groups opposing Myanmar, insurgent groups and some news agencies
If there are offenders who really committed said crime, severe action will be taken against them
Secretary-1 attends special meeting on women's affairs

Yangon, 31 July - The special meeting on women's affairs was held at the meeting hall of the International Studies and Research Department of the Ministry of Defence this morning, with an address by Patron of Myanmar National Committee for Women's Affairs Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
In his address, the Secretary-1 said some big countries are launching slanderous accusations against Myanmar one after another concerning the cases narcotic drugs production and trafficking, oppression of the national races and trafficking in persons.

At present, a new slanderous accusation is being launched with the intention of destroying national unity, saying that the Myanmar soldiers raped Shan women. The accusation is a conspiracy of the expatriate groups opposing Myanmar, insurgent groups and news agencies. The matter was explained fully at the MNCWA meeting which was held on 17 July 2002 and at a press conference.
Although it is a military government, the Myanmar government is administering all the affairs of the nation in accord with the existing laws, bylaws, rules and regulations and principles. Actions are being taken against the offenders in accord with the existing laws.

If the case concerning the accusation is true, there would be a complaint from the Women's Affairs Committee spreading its branches and launching its operations from state/division, districts, townships to villages, police stations and camps stationed even in the rural areas, and social organizations including the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Red Cross Brigades and Fire Brigades which have formed their branches down to the villages. The Women's Affairs Committee may have received a complaint about the said big case, as the committee has been solving all the problems the women are facing beginning from small cases including quarrels between husband and wife.
Personnel from administrative departments, law enforcement bodies, departments launching border area development programmes, organizations concerning the women's affairs have been invited to take part in the meeting. The participants will have to make extensive discussions on setting up an enquiry into the alleged case. If there are offenders who have really committed the said crime, severe action will be taken against them. Thus special duties will have to be assigned to set up the enquiry. As the Group for Prevention of Violence Against Women and Rehabilitation has been formed under the MNCWA, the group will have to order an enquiry into the matter down to the basic levels. The officials of
the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Attorney-General's Office and the Supreme Court are also invited to take part in their respective sectors.
Lt-Col Tin Oo of the Ministry of Defence explained the accusation concerning the said case in detail.
Member of MNCWA Deputy Minister U Khin Maung Win said the US congresswomen, Ms Illeana Ros-Lehtinen and Ms Cynthia McKinney, presented the said case to the House of Representatives, Senator Mitch McConnell presented it to the Senate and the US Embassy in Yangon discussed the matter concerning the said case at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. If the case is studied, it can be seen that the groups opposing the government are scheming to discredit the Myanmar government. The Ambassador of Myanmar to the United States U Lin Myaing is making necessary responses concerning the matter. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs informed the US about the said case, vehemently denying the accusation which says that Myanmar Tatmadaw is committing such crimes on a wider scale. As is known to all, the government is giving priority to developing the national races and improving their living standard. It is a deliberate accusation to attack the nation from the political front. At present, the government is looking into the said case.
Attorney-General U Tha Tun said Myanmar has laws to take action against the persons molesting women. If a Tatmadaw member committed the crime, he is punishable not only by the military laws, but also by the civilian laws.
Complaints can be made about such said cases to humanitarian organizations including the Women's Affairs Committee, which is helping women in Myanmar, and the Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association and the bodies of the local authorities which have been formed even at villages.
As there are laws and the bodies to record the case for taking action against the offenders in Myanmar, there will be complaints and punishments for all unlawful cases.
Chief Justice U Aung Toe said crimes concerning abuse and molesting of women are punishable by military laws and civilian laws. Directives have been issued to the all courts to hand down severe punishments on the offenders concerning such crimes. All the courts at different levels have to put on record all the hearings and sentences.
Minister Col Tin Hlaing said the International Committee of the Red Cross is informing the Ministry of Home Affairs about all significant events. As there is an ICRC branch in Kengtung, any significant incident will be informed. If the annual list of the occurrence of crimes in Myanmar is studied, it can be seen that the number of cases involving the abuse and molesting of women is so few. The number of crimes committed by the Tatmadaw members is also so few if they are compared with the total number of crimes. He then presented the annual list of the occurrence of crimes in Myanmar.
Next, member of Myanmar National Committee for Women's Affairs Vice-Chairperson of Myanmar National Work Committee for Women's Affairs Professor Dr Daw May May Yi said prevention of violence against women and rehabilitation group and young women group were formed under the MNCWA and MNWCWA. The groups carry out matters relating to prevention of violence against women and development of the lives of young women including rape case with special care.
The committees at different levels in states and divisions send monthly report on those issues and letters of complaint. According to the reports no rape cases occurred in Shan State and there were no complaints.
Next, member of Myanmar National Committee for Women's Affairs leader of prevention of violence against women and rehabilitation group Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe said after formation of the MNCWA on 3 July 1996, respective women's affairs committees were also formed in wards and villages.
She said the group lays emphasis on undertaking the matters relating to prevention of violence against women. Monthly reports of states and divisions and letters of complaint are under study. The group conducted a research on marital violence among the couple and it will continue to make research on rape cases, she added.
She said priority is to be given to cases in Shan and Kayah States according to the recent conditions. Field trips to grassroots levels have been made.
Regarding the accusations of anti-government organizations, she said the second WomenÕs Conference was held in 2000. Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB) made an accusation about violence against women after the conference. The violence did not really take place but DVB broadcast a made-up story.
She said the group would effectively prevent violence against women.
Next, member of MNCWA Chairman of Work Committee for prevention against trafficking in person Brig-Gen Thura Myint Aung and those present at the meeting reported on matters relating to inquiry of rape case in Shan State.
Patron of MNCWA Secretary-1 took part in the discussions. In conclusion, he said officials had discussions on the accusation regarding the fact that Myanma Tatmadaw members raped Shan women from the point of views of legal, administrative, social and international affairs.
He said the slanderous accusation on Myanmar can be pressure. Whatever it may be, investigation is to be made for that, he said.
In Myanmar there are complete laws that safeguard women more than there should be. If the report on cases of raped Shan women were real, effective action would have to be taken against those who committed such crime according to existing law.
The Secretary-1 called on respective departments, regional authorities concerned and social organizations such as MNCWA, group for prevention of violence against women and rehabilitation, Work Committee for prevention against trafficking in person to look into the case after formation of investigation
( 2 )
Minister U Tin Winn receives Chairman of ASEAN COCI
Yangon, 31 July - Minister for Culture U Tin Winn received Chairman of ASEAN Committee of Culture and Information Vice Minister of Culture and Information of Socialist Republic of Vietnam Mr Tran Chien Thang who was here to attend the Fourth ASEAN Culture Sub-Committee Meeting, accompanied by Ambassador of Socialist Republic of Vietnam to Myanmar Mr Phan Quang Khon at the meeting hall of the minister of the ministry.
Japanese FM to visit Myanmar
Yangon, 1 Aug - At the invitation of U Win Aung, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Union of Myanmar, Ms Yoriko
Kawaguchi, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, will pay an
official visit to the Union of Myanmar in the near future.
( 3
) Fourth Meeting of ASEAN COCI Sub-committee on Culture

Yangon, 31 July - The fourth meeting of ASEAN COCI Subcommittee on Culture, hosted by Myanmar, commenced at the Traders Hotel on Sule Pagoda Road this morning.
It was attended by dele-gates of Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam and Myanmar, officials of the ASEAN Secretariat and observers of Myanmar.
Chairman of Myanmar ASEAN National Committee on Culture and Information Director-General of the Department of Cultural Institute U Myint Thein Swe presided over the meeting and explained the agendas.
Then, the leaders and members of the delegations from ASEAN member countries discussed progress in implementation of cultural projects nation-wise and tasks being carried out in respective countries. The meeting ended in the afternoon.
The meeting will continue till 2 August. Minister for Culture U Tin Winn hosted a dinner in honour of the dele-gates and officials to the meeting at the Karaweik Palace in Kandawgyi in the evening.
Cultural Minister addresses Fourth Meeting of ASEAN-COCI Sub-Committee on Culture

Yangon, 31 July - Minister for Culture U Tin Winn attended the opening ceremony of the Fourth Meeting of ASEAN-COCI Sub-Committee on Culture, hosted by the Union of Myanmar, at Traders Hotel on Sule Pagoda Road here this morning and delivered an opening speech.

Also present on the occasion were Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein,
the deputy ministers, ambassadors from embassies of ASEAN member
nations and officials, delegates from Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia,
Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam and
Myanmar, officials from the Office of ASEAN Secretariat, observers
and invited guests.

In his address, Minister for Culture U Tin Winn
welcomed the ASEAN-Committee on Culture and Information chairman and
dele-gates from different countries. He said the State, having laid
down 12 objectives for political, economic and social development
and the Three Main National Causes, are commitments for the
development of our nation.
The emergence of a peaceful, modern development
nation, the State has been making earnest efforts for turning the
nation into a peaceful, modern and developed one.
( 4
) Maj-Gen Aung Htwe inspects regional development
tasks in Shan State (North)

Yangon, 31 July - State Peace and Development Council member Maj-Gen Aung Htwe of the Ministry of Defence, left Lashio at 6.30 am on 29 July and arrived at Yaypu Check Point at the entrance to Hsenwi.
Accompanied by Col Soe Oo of Hsenwi Station, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and party arrived at the hall of Hsenwi Station where Tactical Operations Commanders Col San Lin and Lt-Col Ohn Lwin and officers welcomed them.
Maj-Gen Aung Htwe met officers and other ranks and their families at the hall of Hsenwi Station and gave instructions on participating in regional development tasks and conducting agriculture and livestock breeding on a manageable scale for family income. He then cordially greeted those present.
Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and party arrived in 39-Camp at the entrance to Kunlong. Accompanied by Tactical Operations Commander Col Sein Win, they proceeded to Pansamnant Village in Kunlong Township and inspected 36 acres of monsoon paddy fields of farmer U Shauk Sauk. At the temporary pandal there, Myanma Agriculture Service District Manager U Hla Myint Oo reported matters on the paddy cultivation. National race leader of Kunlong region U Haw Shauk Chan also reported matters on paddy cultivation in the region. Maj-Gen Aung Htwe gave necessary instructions and chatted with farmers.
Next, he viewed the voluntary service contribution by USDA members of Kunlong Township at U Shauk Sauk's paddy fields. Later, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and party proceeded to Kunlong Township Border Areas and National Races Development School and inspected round the school. He signed in the
visitors' book and gave instructions to the headmaster, teachers and officials concerned.
He presented a 21-inch TV set to the headmaster. Next, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and party went to Kunlong Station Hall and discussed with Tatmadaw officers and other ranks and family members on national unity, regional development and undertaking agricultural and livestock breeding works on manageable scale.
Next, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe met with departmental officials, service personnel and personnel from social organizations at Thanlwin Oo Hall in Kunlong.
Maj-Gen Aung Htwe gave necessary instructions.
Thence, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and Commander Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing and party went to Kunlong monastery and paid obeisance to Township Sangha Nayaka Sayadaws headed by Chairman Sayadaw Bhaddanta Khemeinda. Maj-Gen Aung Htwe, wife Daw Khin Hnin Wai and family donated 20 bags of rice and offertories. Merits so gained were shared.
At 3.30 pm, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and party left Kunlong for Kutkai. They inspected the tea and coffee plantations of Kachin Special Region-5 in Kaungkha Myothit in Kutkai Township, Muse District. At the hall of the North-East Command, Tactical Operation Commander Lt-Col San Shwe Tha reported matters on 300 acres of highland cultivation; 300 acres of poppy-substitution crop cultivation; and 100 acres of tea by MAS there. Kachin Special Region-5 Chairman U Mahtu Naw reported matters on obtaining fertilizers. Maj-Gen Aung Htwe fulfilled requirements and gave a flower basket of honour to U Mahtu Naw who returned him a silver sword.
Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and party were then conducted round the plantations by U Mahtu Naw and officials.
Next, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and party went to construction site of Maha Dhammayanthi Aung Zedi in Kaungkha Myothit. He also inspected the construction of station hospital in Kaungkha Myothit. Officials reported the work progress and Maj-Gen Aung Htwe fulfilled requirements. At 7.30 pm, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and party left Kaungkha Myothit and arrived back in Muse to spend the night there.
At 6.45 am on 30 July, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and party left Muse by car for Namkhan.
They inspected the 440 feet long Shweli suspension bridge in Namkhan. They next proceeded to Shweli gem exploration camp of Asia World Co. At the briefing hall there, Commander Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing and officials reported matters on Shweli hydel power plant project. Maj-Gen Aung Htwe gave necessary instructions and fulfilled requirements. The Shweli hydel power project will be implemented for harnessing Shweli river whose source is in China. Feasibility study was carried out jointly by engineers of Ministry of Electric Power, Kunming Hydro-electric Investigation Design and Research Institute, Daewoo Co Ltd, YMEC, and Tokyo Electric Power Co of Japan.
After completion of the project, 200 megawatt will be produced in the first phase and 200 megawatts in the second phase. Electrical power generated will be distributed to Mandalay, Monywa, Muse, Namkhan, Kyugok, Lashio and Bhamo.
Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and party inspected bridges and roads linking Shan State (North) and Kachin State. He also inspected paddy transplanting contest held at the fields of U Kham Swe Li Kyan of Kunlon Village-tract in Namkhan Township. He also inspected paddy transplanting contest held at the fields in Nawngseng village in Muse Township.
Later, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and party arrived back in Muse and met with departmental officials, service personnel and social organization members at the Township Hall. Officials reported matters on agricultural, livestock breeding and constructions tasks and border trade. Maj-Gen Aung Htwe gave necessary instructions. He stressed the importance of self-sufficiency of rice in the region. He also dealt with rural development tasks for narrowing down the development gap between rural and urban areas. He also discussed matters on cultivation of poppy substitution crops and livestock breeding works for socio-economic uplift of regional people.
Afterwards, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and party went to the construction site of Muse District War Veterans Organization Supervisory Committee where officials reported on construction tasks. Maj-Gen Aung Htwe gave instructions and attended to the needs. He also visited the construction site of Muse Guest House where officials reported him on work done and future tasks. Officials conducted Maj-Gen Aung Htwe around there.
At 3 pm, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and party left Muse for Kutkai and arrived at the plantations of Shan State (North) WVO at Khomon Village in Kutkai Township. Tactical Operations Commander Lt-Col San Shwe Tha briefed on cultivation of orange, sunkist, coffee, lychee, pomelo and papaya.
After giving instructions, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe looked around the plantations.
Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and party arrived back in Lashio at 7 pm and spent the night there.
( 5 ) Coord meeting of Work Committee for MID held
Yangon, 31 July - A coordination meeting No (1/2002) of the work committee for Myanma Industrial Development and subcommittees was held at the meeting hall of the Ministry of Industry-2 on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road yesterday afternoon.
Minister for Industry-2 Maj-Gen Saw Lwin made a speech on the occasion. Then, Secretary of the work committee Director-General of Directorate of Myanma Industrial Planning U Khin Maung reported the minister on progress of tasks being carried out by the work committee. Next, chairmen of nine subcommittees also made reports on their respective tasks, to which the minister gave instructions. Afterwards, the meeting came to an end with concluding remarks by Minister Maj-Gen Saw Lwin.
Paper reading session on development of hiking and
mountaineering region held
Yangon, 31 July - A paper reading session on development of Myanmar Hiking and Mountaineering Region, with the supervision of Hotels and Tourism, with the sponsorship of Department of Foresty, Myanmar Travel Association and Universities Hiking and Mountaineering Sub-Committee was held at the Diamond Hall of Asia Plaza Hotel on Bogyoke Aung San Street here this morning.
At first, Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin made an opening speech at the meeting.
Next, the present wellwishers presented the cash donation to U Khin Zaw Chairman of MTA. Then the resource persons submitted their respective papers and the session went into recess for a while. The participants took part in the session.
Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu made the concluding remarks and the paper reading session ended.
( 6 )
Commander, Minister meet agricultural farms, police stations in Shan State
Yangon, 31 July - Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, together with Chairman of Shan State Peace and Development Council Commander of Eastern Command Brig-Gen Khin Maung Myint, on 29 July inspected the agricultural farms of the ministry in Yaksawk and Nyaungshwe Townships, Shan State.
The minister gave instructions on land reclamation, application of scientific cultivation techniques, use of quality strains and fertilizers for local food sufficiency and boosting per acre yield, extended plantation of edible oil tree Thitseint, health care services and welfare.
Afterwards, the minister and the commander inspected generation of electric power in Bankan agricultural farm and left instructions on taking suitable innovative measures in development tasks such as construction of hydel power plant that contributes towards rural development.
The minister presented exercise books, pencils and magazines to the staff families. Later, they inspected the rice mill and production of natural fertilizers.
They next proceeded to Taunglaylon Police Training Depot in Nyaungshwe Township. The minister spoke of the need for keeping patriotic spirit alive and dynamic, flourishing of the Union Spirit, training the policemen to become ones who are ready to sacrifice lives for safeguarding the sovereignty if necessary.
He then presented exercise books, pencils and magazines to the staff families.
Yesterday morning, the minister, accompanied by Shan State Police Force Commander Police Col Thura Tin Hla, inspected Shwenyaung and Heho
Police Stations.
Border development tasks implementation meeting held
Yangon, 1 Aug - The third meeting on implementation of border areas development tasks was held at the meeting hall of the Ministry of Home Affairs this evening attended by Chairman of the Supervisory Committee Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, Secretary of the committee Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung and the deputy ministers, the deputy chief-justice, the deputy attorney-general, the directors-general and managing directors of the responsible departments.
At the meeting, Col Tin Hlaing made an address.
Then, committee members reported on the work plans to be carried out by the departments. The meeting came to an end at 5.30 pm with concluding remarks by Minister Col Tin Hlaing.
( 7 ) Myanmar Livestock Breeding Federation
(Yangon Division) holds annual meeting
Yangon, 31 July - The Myanmar Livestock Breeding Federation (Yangon Division) held its first annual meeting at International Business Centre on Pyay Road this afternoon, with addresses by Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe and Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein.
In his address, the commander said that livestock breeding tasks contribute to the improvement of the State's economy. He continued that now the government is rendering assistance enthusiastically regarding livestock breeding. So efforts are to be made for local sufficiency of meat and fish and ensuring the export of more fish and meat, he stressed. He called on national livestock breeding entrepreneurs of Yangon Division to make efforts with might and main for continuous development of livestock breeding. He added that assistance will be provided for national entrepreneurs.
Then, the minister said that livestock breeding federations have been formed with a view to developing the meat sector and Yangon Division is the one that breeds broilers and layers most. He pointed out that extended measures are to be taken for improvement of other livestock breeding tasks.
Afterwards, the cash donation ceremony followed. Altogether 14 wellwishers presented K 630,000 including K 150,000 donated by U Ohn Lwin; K 100,000 each by U Kyaw Soe Lin and Dr Hla Hla Thein; and K 50,000 by U Pyi Phyo Aung.
The commander and the minister accepted the donations and presented certificates of honour to wellwishers.
Then, the first session of the meeting went to recess. Later, the
commander and the minister inspected quality feedstuff and veterinary
medicines and left necessary instructions. After that, the meeting
continued according to the agenda.
Measures for holding Tenth Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions co-ordinated
Yangon, 31 July - The first coordination meeting of Yangon Division Leading Committee for Holding the Tenth Myanma Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions was held at the Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Office this afternoon with an address by Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Yangon Command Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe.
Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Yangon Command Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe made a speech. He said the competitions will be held with the aim of preserving national cultural arts and developing the spirit to preserve national traditional culture and customs among the youth. This year the guitar competition will be added to the existing list and artistes and officials of the respective work committees are to select qualified candidates and to send them to the central level competitions. Like the previous year, winners will be awarded handsome prizes, and artistes and officials from respective work committees are to make cooperative efforts.
Then, Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Secretary Lt-Col Kyaw Tint explained forming of the leading committee, sub-committees and work committees and work done and schedules for the district and township level competitions.
Afterwards, Yangon Division Leading Committee for Holding the Competitions Chairman No 2 Military Region Commander Col Tin Oo Lwin explained arrangements for holding the competitions and rules.
District Peace and Development Councils chairmen then made reports on tasks to be carried out and officials from the respective work committees and artistes on assistance for holding the competitions. Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe attended to the requirements and made a concluding
( 8
) One -act play competition for World
Breast- Feeding Week held
Yangon, 31 July
- As a gesture of hailing World Breast- Feeding Week, competition of
Township Maternal and Child welfare Association for educative
one-act play on breast- feeding organized by Myanmar Maternal and
Child Welfare Association were held at the meeting hall of the
association at Parami and Thanmthuma Roads in South Okkalapa
Township yesterday afternoon.It
was attended by MMCWA Chairperson Prof Daw Kyu Kyu Swe, Vice
Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe and officials. Dagon Myothit (
South ) Township MCWA representing Yangon East District, Sangyoung
Township MCWA representing Yangon West District, Thanlyin Township
MCWA representing Yangon South District and Insein Township MCWA
representing Yangon Noth District took part in the competitions.
Sangyoung Township stood first, Dagon Myothit second, and Thanlyin
Township third. The consolation prize went to Insein Township .
Prize will be presented to the wining township association at the
ceremony of World Breast- Feeding Week to be held on 2 August.
Government of Myanmar
The ministry of Health notification of N0
Yangon, The
11th Waxing of Nayon , 1364 M.E (21 June , 2002)
( 9
) 223 drug case exposed in June
Yangon, 31 July – The Tatmadaw,
the Myanmar Police Force and the Customs Department exposed 223
drug-related cases in June 2002.Seizures made by them were
148.4728 kilos of opium in 31 cases , 2.2912 kilos of heroin in 78
cases, 0.0244 kilos of opium oil in two cases, 3.3301 kilos of low
grade opium in 18 cases, 23.6968 kilos of marijuana in 11 cases,
0.24 liter of Phensedyl in one case, 156, 706 stimulant tablets
in 43 cases, 0.oo1 kilo of stimulant power in one case, 21.805
liters of cough syrup in five case, 0.005 kilo of Speciosa n one
case, 40 bottles of diazepam injection in one chemical liquid in one
case, 29 cases for failure to register and one other case.
Seizures made by battalion ad unit s were 2.94
kilos of opium in one case, 0.686 kilo of heroin in one case,
17.0776 kilos of marijuana in two cases and 1250.15 liters of
chemical liquid in one case. Seizures made by MPF were 145.5328 kilos of
opium in 30 cases, 1.6052 kilo of heroin in 77 cases, 0.0244 kilo of
opium oil in two cases, 3.3301 kilos of low grade opium in 18 cases,
6.6192 kilos of marijuana in nine cases, 0.24 liter of Phensedyl in
one case, 156,706 stimulant tables in 43 cases, 0001 kilo of
stimulant powder in one case, 21.805 liters of cough syrup in five
case, 0.005 kilo of Spaciosa in one case, 40 bottles of diazepam
injection in one case, 29 cases for failure to register and one
other case. Action was taken against altogether 328 persons
247 men and 54 women in 223 cases in June 2002.
Heroin 81. 65 gm seized in Kalay
Yangon, 31 July – A combined team comprising
members of local intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Fore acting on
a tip-off on 23 July intercepted mini- bus with plates No- 9 Ka/
5228 en route from Kalay to Tiddim at 8-mile toll gate and arrested
Lahdanannga, son U Larsawma and Ywahtankuma, son of U Larrosup of
Latpanchaung Village, Kalay Township together with 81.65 gm of
heroin hidden in a vacuum flask. Action is being taken against them under the
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by the Police Station concerned.
Drug-related cases sentenced
Yangon , 31 July- Efforts are being made so as to
take effective drugs cases. A total against drugs cases. A total of
9882 males and 1979 females totaling 11861-dath sentence to 20
males, life sentence to 276 males and 26 females totaling 302, above
10 year’s imprisonment to 3076 males and 1005 females totaling
4081, and under 10 year’s imprisonment to 6510 males and 948 females
totaling 7458 were punished during the period from 1999 to July