1 ) Maj-Gen Aung Htwe inspects Mawkeinnayi cement plant, coal mining project
Yangon, 30 July -State Peace and Development Council member Maj-Gen Aung Htwe of the Ministry of Defence, accompanied by Shan State (North) Peace and Development Council Chairman North-East Command Commander Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing, on 28 July morning, visited Mawkeinnayi Cement Plant of the command at Tangyan at the entrance to Lashio where North-East Command Deputy Commander Col Hla Myint, Plant In-charge U Maung Myint and staff welcomed them.

Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and party were briefed
by Commander Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing on plans for extending the plant and Lt-Col Nay Lin Aung on location of the plant, capital, structure and production of finished products. Maj-Gen Aung Htwe spoke of the need to extend industries in the region for development of border areas and living standard of the people, increase of revenue of the State and for the people to be able to buy the products at reasonable prices.
After attending to the needs, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and party viewed samples of limestone, clay, ore, coal (Mongyai), coal (Namma), raw material powder and gypsum used in producing cement.
They then inspected warehouses, production line, packaging procedures and research labs. Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and party inspected Lashio-Tangyan road by car and arrived at Hoya Camp of Tangyan Station in Mongyai Township.They, accompanied by Tactical Operations Commander Col Khin Maung Myint and Col Khin Maung Lay, visited Haput region coal exploration and mining project of the command in Tangyan Township.
At the briefing hall of the project, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and party were briefed by Commander Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing on production of coal, Tactical Operations Commander Col Khin Maung Myint on prospects of coal production and coal mining in Manpan-Monma region and Haput region and Geologist U Maung Maung Than of Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration Department on location of coal layers and exploration. Maj-Gen Aung Htwe gave necessary instructions and attended to the requirements.
They then inspected the coal vein. Haput coal deposit lies near Haput Village in Nahok Village-tract, Tangyan Township. The already-found deposit is 1,500 feet long, 150 feet wide and 35 feet thick. According to estimats of geologists, the deposit can produce coal in millions of tons, it is learnt.
Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and party then proceeded to Yan Aung Myin hall in Tangyan at noon where senior military officers from Tangyan Station, township level departmental officials and families from the station welcomed them.
On meeting departmental officials, staff and members of social organizations at the town hall, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe made a speech.

Tangyan Township Peace and Development Council Chairman U Hla Wai reported to Maj-Gen Aung Htwe on departmental tasks, development tasks and growing of paddy in the township.
Maj-Gen Aung Htwe made a speech. He spoke of the need to grow paddy for local rice sufficiency without relying upon other townships. Local rice sufficiency
of each township will contribute to rice sufficiency of the state. Plans are under way for rice sufficiency of the state in 2003-2004 and it is needed to implement development tasks of Tangyan Township with added momentum. Growing of maize and pepper in a manageable scale in every house in the township is to be turned into a commercial scale.
As the State is an agro-based nation, efforts are being made for turning manual farming into mechanized farming and all are urged to lend a hand in building the country with agriculture.
In the afternoon, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe met officers and other ranks and their families of Tangyan Station and made a speech. He inspected the station in a car.
Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and party visited Wayluwun Pariyatti monastery in the town and paid obeisance to members of the Sangha led by Township Sangha Nayaka Chairman Sayadaw Bhaddanta Wunnadhaja and offered provisions to the Sayadaws. They also paid homage to Lashio Maha Myat Muni Yokehsindaw Image and offered flowers, water and lights to the image.
Maj-Gen Aung Htwe donated K 50,000 for all-round renovation of the image to member of the Pagoda Board of Trustees U Sai Khun Lu.
Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and party then paid obeisance to Vice-Chairman of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Presiding Sayadaw of Lashio Myole monastery Agga Maha Pandita Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Bhaddanta Kaweindacara and presented provisions to the Sayadaw.
The Commander briefed Maj-Gen Aung Htwe on the project for construction of a two-storey building by Asia World Co Ltd with the help of charts. Maj-Gen Aung Htwe fulfilled the needs and inspected construction tasks.
At night, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe met state/district/township level departmental officials and members of social organizations at the City Hall in Lashio and made a speech. Shan State (North) Peace and Development Council Secretary Lt-Col Win Han acted as master of ceremonies.
He introduced state level departmental officials to Maj-Gen Aung Htwe.
Afterwards, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe heard reports by Assistant Director U Aung Khaing of Shan State (North) Planning Department, U San Hla Baw of Shan State (North) Myanma Agriculture Service and Shan State (North) Peace and Development Council member Shan State (North) General Administration Department Staff Officer U Sein Oak. Maj-Gen Aung Htwe made a speech. He spoke of the importance of precise implementation of the objectives of the projects in the state, local rice sufficiency, growing of poppy-substitute crops, implementation of the five rural areas development tasks and upholding of Our Three Main National Causes with national spirit. Then, he cordially greeted those present.
( 2 )
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than presents offertories to members of the Sangha,
looks into regional development tasks in Bago Division
Yangon, 30 July
- Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than of the Ministry of Defence and party, together with Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Southern Command Brig-Gen Aung Min and officials, yesterday morning arrived at Kyakhatwaing Pariyatti Sarthintaik in Thwun Phaya Ward, Bago, where they were welcomed by officials of the Kyakhatwaing Missionary Association.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party paid reverence to State Ovadacariya Presiding Nayaka of the Sarthintaik Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhammajotika Bhaddanta Jotipala. Then, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Commander Brig-Gen Aung Min, Minister Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein and military division Commander Col Than Htay presented offertories to the Sayadaw, who then gave Ovadakatha to them. The Sayadaw delivered a sermon, followed by sharing of merits gained.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party later went to Dhamma Lankara Kyaung-taik in Bogon Ward,
Bago, and paid obeisance and presented offertories
to Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhammajotika Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Bhaddanta Visuddha, who then administered the Five Precepts.
The Sayadaw delivered a sermon and merits were shared.
They also paid respect and presented offertories to Chairman of Division Sangha Nayaka Committee Presiding Nayaka of Ottha Thiri Sarthintaik in Nandawya Ward Agga Maha Ganthavacaka Pandita Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Bhaddanta Vimala.
Later, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party met with local authorities, departmental officials, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association and social organizations at Thanatpin Township USDA office, and discussed township development tasks.
District Chairman Lt-Col Myo Tint reported on location and area of Thanatpin Township, progress of cultivation of monsoon paddy, target for cultivation of summer paddy, progress of construction of canals for reclamation of wetlands in the south of Bago-Sittoung Canal and Moeyingyi Dam, areas to be irrigated and future plans.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than delivered a speech. In his speech, he said that the government is laying down annual short-term and long-term projects and is implementing them for building a peaceful, modern and developed nation. He added that achievements have been made in doing so. He said concerted efforts are to be made for exceeding the economic objectives region-wise adopted by the State. He continued that townships including Thanatpin Township are to make earnest efforts in carrying out agricultural and livestock breeding tasks.
He elaborated on reclamation of more lands for cultivation of crops, boosting of production of double crops, cultivation of suitable mixed crops and boosting of per acre yield for development of agricultural sector, and digging of fish breeding ponds for breeding fish and prawn for development of fish and meat sector. Emphasis is to be placed on education and health sectors, security, and community peace and tranquillity. He gave instructions on efforts to be made for beautifying villages and towns, organization measures to be taken for poultry farming on a small scale to a commercial scale for improving economy and living standard of local people.

He called on local authorities, departmental officials and members of social organizations to make field trips to the grassroots level in carrying out five rural development tasks.
From 1998-1999 to 2001-2002, a total of 14,944 acres of wetlands have been reclaimed in Thanatpin Township and efforts are being made for reclamation of the remaining 59,969 acres. It contributes towards cultivation of summer paddy and beans and pulses as double crops in addition to quality strain paddy and smooth transport in the region.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party inspected Bagan Nyaungpin and Kyaikpadainglay spillways and Tawa sluice gate in Tawa Village in the same township and left necessary instructions.
At the briefing hall of new Tawa sluice gate construction project, officials reported on the purpose of construction, progress of work and benefits of storing fresh water. Commander Brig-Gen Aung Min and District Secretary Lt-Col Myo Tint gave supplementary reports. Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party inspected progress of constructing the sluice gate and the bridge, the 240 feet long and nine feet wide reinforced concrete one, across the Tawa sluice gate canal linking Kyaikpadainglay and Tawa villages in Thanatpin Township.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party then inspected the Lethama embankment in Kyaikpadainglay Village and 16,000 acres of monsoon paddy fields between Bagan Nyaungbin and Lethamar embankments. next, they inspected the poultry farm of U Po Zaw and Daw Aye Aye Myint in Kyaikpadainglay village and gave necessary instructions.
They then proceeded to Paingkyon sluice gate in Kawa Township. Responsible personnel and farmers welcomed them. Officials concerned reported matters on the sluice gate. Next, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than met local authorities and officials of Phalay, Zwebar, Kyartet and Nabebin villages and discussed matters in boosting agricultural productions and per-acre yield of crops. They also inspected the Paingkyon sluice gate and gave necessary instructions to the officials concerned. They next inspected the poultry farm of U Aye Myint at Ohnhne village of Kawa Township.
Afterwards, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than met with farmers of Thamechaung and nearby villages at the briefing hall of Thamechaung village in Kawa Township and discussed matters on rural development. Commander Brig-Gen Aung Min and Minister Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein also took part in the discussions. Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than then gave necessary instructions on boosting productions in agriculture and livestock breeding sectors for rural economic development. The Hsema sluice gate will be built at the junction of Hsema creek and Bago river in Kawa Township with the objectives for protecting villages of Kawa and Kayan townships from flood in rainy season, supplying cultivation water in summer and cold season, extending cultivated acreage and increasing multiple cropping.
Maj-gen Khin Maung Than and party next inspected the construction of primary school building at Shwehlay village of Kayan
Township, Yangon Division. They then left for Yangon by car.
( 3
) Adjutant-General inspects construction of war veterans training camps, meets WVO members in Magway and Mandalay

Yangon, 30 July - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of the Central Organizing Committee of Myanmar War Veterans Organization Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein Sein, together with officials of the Ministry of Defence, arrived at Magway
yesterday morning.
At the briefing hall, officials concerned reported on progress of work. Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein Sein gave instructions on meeting the set standard in constructing buildings, timely completion of the camp and planting of trees in the rainy season, fulfilled the requirements and inspected the construction site.
Later, Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein Sein and Col Zaw Min met with Chairman of Magway Division WVO Supervisory Committee Division Secretary Lt-Col Myo Aung and officials of District and Township WVOs. He elaborated on tasks of the Central Organizing Committee, training, and future tasks. In the afternoon, Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein Sein met with chairmen and members of organizing committees of Kyaukpadaung and Myingyan Townships WVOs and discussed tasks being undertaken by MWVO.
Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein Sein, together with Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Ye Myint and Chairman of Mandalay City Development Committee Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein, went to Mandalay (Yaydaguntaung) war veterans training camp. At the briefing hall, officials reported on work done. Commander Brig-Gen Ye Myint gave a supplementary report.
Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein Sein gave instructions on conducting training courses, systematically carrying out agricultural and livestock breeding tasks and ensuring water supply, and attended to the needs and looked into the camp.
In the afternoon, Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein Sein, together with Commander Brig-Gen Ye Myint and Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein, met with Chairman of Mandalay Division WVO Supervisory Committee (Outer MCDC Area) Division Secretary Lt-Col Tin Ohn, Chairman of Mandalay Division WVO Supervisory Committee (MCDC Area) Secretary of MCDC Lt-Col Maung Pu and members, and officials of District and Township WVOs and elaborated on tasks of the Central Organizing Committee, training and future tasks. He arrived back here in the
( 4
) Ywet Sit's SURA group have committed 25 atrocious acts
KNU terrorist insurgents have committed over 50 atrocious acts including atrocities since January 1988, killing 100 innocent people and wounding 230

Yangon, 30 July - A press conference was held to explain the terrorist acts of SURA drug-trafficking terrorist insurgent group under the command of Ywet Sit and KNU terrorist insurgent group, slanderous accusations of the Yodaya media, the State's border development undertakings which are being implemented with greater momentum, and drug eradication efforts.
The press conference held at the Tatmadaw Guest House on Inya Road here at noon was attended by Minister for Labour U Tin Winn, Vice-Chief of Military Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win, Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein, senior military officers of the Ministry of Defence, heads of departments, officials of News and Periodicals Enterprise of the Ministry of Information, U Sein Win of Kyodo news agency, Patron of Myanmar Foreign Correspondent Club U Hla Htwe, President U Sao Kai Pha and members of the club and guests.
Deputy Head of Department of the Ministry of Defence Col San Pwint said the news conference will explain the terrorist and wicked atrocities of the armed insurgents, SURA drug-trafficking terrorist insurgents under the command of Ywet Sit and KNU terrorist insurgents, who are taking refuge in the Yodaya territory at the Myanmar-Yodaya border, destroying public property and killing the innocent people. In the first part, the terrorist acts of the drug-trafficking SURA and the KNU will be presented, and in the second part, the slanderous news reports and accusations made by the Yodaya media against the Myanmar Tatmadaw members will be explained.

Recently, some newspapers, journals and magazines published in Yodaya have been floating propaganda, featuring the SURA and the KNU as freedom fighters struggling for liberation of their ethnic races and to secede their states from the Union; and comparing the situation of the two groups with the East Timor. In reality, the insurgents are just terrorists, declaring the racial cause just for show and committing terrorist acts.
The SURA under the command of Ywet Sit is a remnant group of the MTA of U Khun Sa. Although the group is declaring just for show that it represents the ethnic Shans, in reality it is
a remnant of the drug-trafficking insurgent group. Ywet Sit himself had taken part in the MTA's exchange of arms for peace in 1996. After the MTA had exchanged arms for peace, Ywet Sit made contacts with the remnants of Shan rebel group led by Khun Kya Nu who were living in Yodaya territory. Ywet Sit then sneaked into Yodaya territory, organized some ethnic Shan of the MTA group which had
already exchanged arms for peace and formed the SURA armed group. Since its formation, the SURA has been committing terrorist acts based in Minena and Lwetainglyan in Yodaya territory till now.
Now, I am going to present some of the terrorist acts of the SURA. An explosion and fire occurred at blocks La/16 and La/19 at Monghsu gems land at midnight on 3 January 2000, killing over 120 workers, injuring over 50 and destroying property worth over K 250 million. According to the platoon commander Aik Maung, who returned to the legal fold from Ywet Sit's group in 2002, the explosion and fire at the gems land was a wicked and brutal terrorist scheme of Ywet Sit.
On 24 October 1996, a time bomb was found and defused at the entrance to Daewo garments sales centre in Aungmyethazan Township, Mandalay. Another time bomb was found and defused in a roadside drainage on 3 November and defused. Four remote-controlled explosives connected with an icon
warlike talkie were found and defused in a flower bed south of Chanmyashwepyi Hotel in Pyigyitagon Township, Mandalay, on 29 November 1997. It was revealed that the culprits making attempts to blow up explosives to frighten the people were from the Ywet Sit terrorist insurgent group, SURA.

About 20 terrorist insurgents of SURA entered Meethwegon village in Namhsan Township, southern Shan State on 18 January 1997. They burnt down five houses and enjoyed a shooting spree at the village, killing 13 adults and children and wounding eight others. Similarly, about 20 SURA terrorist insurgents randomly killed 21 civilian charcoal-makers of Ward 6, Namhsan on 21 January 1997.
On 13 June 1997, about 40 SURA terrorists, stopped 30 cars
traveling on Kunhing-Kengtung road, extorting money from the passengers and randomly shooting at them. Twenty-five passengers died and five were wounded.
A person was arrested for trying to buy gold in Maung Kein Gold Shop in Mandalay with counterfeit 500-kyat notes on 12 December 1997. When authorities searched the house of U Maung Sein
in Chanmyathazi Ward in Mandalay, where he was temporarily staying, they seized 20,000 counterfeit 500-kyat notes, four blocks of explosive, 58 feet of fuse, 13 electrical detonators, two battery
recharges, a walkie-talkie and wires in the house. When the authorities interrogated the culprit, it was learnt that the SURA made the scheme to commit bombing acts in Mandalay.
A time bomb exploded at seat Nos 17 and 18 in Myoma cinema in Mandalay on 21 May 1998, killing one person and wounding 11. A suspicious plastic package was found at the bicycle stand near G-complex west wing of Zegyo Market in Mandalay on 4 May 2001. It was found to be a time bomb. While authorities were trying to seal off the area and to defuse the bomb, it exploded. Thirty-four persons suffered cuts and bruises from the broken glasses. The authorities were able to reveal that it was the act of SURA.
On 18 October 1998, about ten SURA terrorists arrived at the huts of rock-grinding workers near Kyauktaung village at ninth mile post on Panglong-Leikha Road. They murdered six workers with knives and clubs and burnt down the huts. The SURA under the command of Ywet Sit has committed terrorist acts including wicked brutalities for 25 times including the above-mentioned incidents to this date, murdering 220 innocent people and injuring 140 others. When all these incidents were studied, it has become clear that the SURA was a group continuously committing terrorist acts.
Secondly, I would like to present atrocities of KNU terrorist insurgents. The KNU has been a terrorist organization that committed atrocities since armed struggle in 1948-49. They killed over 350 people of Phyu Township in 1949, attacked Yangon-Mawlamyine train in 1954 took 40 university student girls and some women and sent them to arms to the nationalist Chinese in exchange for arms, attacked Sabanet passenger boat plying between Shwegun-Hpa-an killing over 200 passengers and wounding 122, hijacked the plane in 1954, attacked Mingun Sayadaw's trip and Kyaikhtiyo Pagoda festival. Some of their acts were:
At 23.30 pm on 21 May 1996, KNU insurgents blew up a mine when No 2 Yangon-Mandalay-Down train arrived at mile post No 121/9 near Chaung Bridge in Phyu Township. Six coaches were derailed and destroyed, leaving nine people killed and seven wounded.
At 2.15 pm on 3 July 1996, a bomb exploded under the signboard in Maha Bandoola Park (on the side of Merchant Street) in front of the US Embassy.
About 6'' x 6'' area of the wall was destroyed.
At 8.45 pm on 25 December 1996, a mine in the bushes near the right lion statue of eastern stairway of Kaba Aye Pagoda where Buddha's Tooth Relic was kept exploded. At about 10.30 pm, another time bomb exploded, killing five people and wounding 18 others.
At 8.45 pm on 28 February 1997, KNU terrorist group fired three M-72 rocket launchers at Hinngokepin sub-power station in Oktwin Township, Toungoo District. As a result, three transformers were destroyed.
On 23 February 1999, 14 personnel of Immigration Department left Phayathonzu for Thanbyuzayat after their duties. They were arrested at Khonkhan Village by KNU group. Ten service personnel were cruelly killed while four escaped.
At about 11.30 pm on 23 June 1999, KNU terrorist group-1 blew up mine and attacked light passenger bus coming from Kawtkareik to Myawady near Natyaykan with small arms. Eight passengers were killed and 19 were wounded.
On 6 March 2001, some 60 KNU terrorist insurgents entered Winphanon Dam in Mudon Township in Mon State and killed two service personnel and took an assistant director prisoner and destroyed staff guest house and two vehicles.
On 23 March 2001, some 25 KNU terrorist insurgents arrested 27 men who were making charcoal and cutting wood and killed 24 and three were wounded.
On 29 April 2001, some 30 KNU terrorist insurgents arrived at post office in Theinseik Village in Thaton Township. They took seven service personnel prisoner and destroyed the post office. Two telephone exchange switchboards and inner part of the office caught fire.
On 6 January 2002, two RPGs equipped with the timer near Mingaladon airport were seized in time.
Some 50 KNU terrorists set seven bridges on Kya-in-Seikkyi-Methawaw Road on fire on 19 February 2002 and two bridges on Kya-in-Seikkyi-Chaung-nhakhwa Road.
On 15 April, 2002, a mine exploded on a trishaw on Bogyoke Street in front of Swezone Restaurant and Thein Kaba tea shop in Ward 1, Myawady. Five people were killed and 31 seriously wounded. It was learnt that the KNU was responsible for that act.
On 22 July 2002, a KNU terrorist group from the Yodaya side across Thaungyin River fired a shot with 107mm launcher into Myawady. The house of U Tin Htwe in Ward 4 in Myawady was burnt and seven people were wounded.
KNU terrorist insurgents have committed over 50 atrocious acts since January 1988, killing 100 innocent people and wounding 230. Evidently, KNU is an organization that committed terrorist acts.
SURA drug-trafficking group and KNU terrorist insurgents live in Yodaya near Myanmar-Yodaya border. They can buy arms and ammunition from the black market in Yodaya. They are able to survive with the provision of some arms from Yodaya. The 21 July issue of Bangkok Post and the Nation carried the news about the two vehicles which collided in an traffic accident at 147th kilometres on the highway in Lodburi Province. Arms secretly carried by car scattered on the ground. Machine-guns hidden in the roof of the vehicle were found. These arms were bought from Cambodia border. The arms were to be sold to ethnic insurgents at the border in Chiangmai Township.
Concerning the slanderous accusations, Col San Pwin said the news report on the revelations of Shan women, who were said to have been raped by Myanmar soldiers appeared in The Bangkok Post issued on 29 July. The news report said that 11 women who were alleged to be victims of rape sneaked into Yodaya to tell the story; that of the 11, they said one was raped by Myanmar soldiers in the previous month; and that the victims agreed to give an interview with the newspaper only if the newspaper with held their names and addresses.
The so-called two NGOs, the Shan Human Rights Foundation and the Shan Women's Action Network issued a report under the title
" License to Rape " in May 2002, concerning the accusation, saying that the Myanmar soldiers molested Shan women. The report made a slanderous accusation saying that Myanmar soldiers raped 625 Shan women in Shan State during the period from 1996 to 2001; that there were 173 rape cases in which the youngest victim was said to be a five-year-old girl; that the soldiers also tortured their victims; twenty-five per cent of the rape victims were killed and their bodies shown to frighten the public; sixty-one per cent of the victims were subject to gang rape.
The fabrications issued by the report were featured in the Yodaya dailies and aired by the Yodaya TV channels. The Yodaya TV Channel-7 on 12 July broadcast a fabricated news report as a proof to the concoctions, saying that the rape victims who ran away to Yodaya were being warded at hospitals in Chiangmai and Weinhin township hospitals. The Shan Human Rights Foundation and the Shan Women's Action Network assuming the name of NGOs are just the elements of the SURA drug bandits.
Rape is a loathsome act in the Myanmar traditions and culture, custom, religion and society. The Tatmadaw is a disciplined force systematically formed with the sons and daughters of the national races. The Tatmadaw members are living in unity and discipline under the strict military codes of conduct and rules, serving the interests of the nation and the people at risk to their lives.
If they break the military laws action will be taken against them in accord with the military law as well as the civilian law. A culprit in a rape case will meet with severe punishment. The government is making full cooperation in solving the problems concerning the violation of human rights principles of the UN.
The international organizations such as the International Committee of the Red Cross, the NGOs and the UNDCP are visiting Shan State during their official tours. Mr Pinyero, who presented the special UN report on human rights in 2001 had visited Shan State. If the report on the rape cases were real, these organizations would have heard about them. But these organization said nothing about the rape cases.
When the accusations are studied, it is so obvious the stories are like fictions. After the news on the rape of 625 Shan women in Shan State appeared, the Yodaya dailies were featuring the slanders, saying, the victims were undergoing treatment at the hospitals and the 11 victims came to Yodaya to tell their story as true events.
The persons who are really undergoing treatment at the hospital which is said to be treating the victims are the 12 SURA drug bandits who were wounded in the attacks of the Myanmar Tatmadaw at the battle at Pangangaw. A news information has already been issued that no Shan women is being hospitalized.
In reality, the SURA drug-trafficking terrorist insurgent group is an anti-government group always opposing the Myanmar government and creating fabrications in collusion with the Yodaya media. The Yodayas who have become deeply rooted with the spirit to hate Myanmars have been against Myanmar's developments throughout history. The Yodayas have abetted all the organizations and armed insurgents opposing Myanmar since they have come into being with the intention of hampering Myanmar's progress and stability. At present, the Yodayas are trying to cause racial dissension to cause disintegration of national solidarity. They are scheming to mislead the international community to have wrong impression on Myanmar. Creating fabrications is the usual act of the Yodayas.
Director-General of the Attorney-General's Office Dr Tun Shin explained the laws concerning the rape cases, saying that the Myanmars regarded the rape case as a loathsome act; that according to the law enacted since 1861, the minimum sentence for a rape case was ten years and the maximum was life sentence; that even the wife could file a law suit against her husband for having intercourse without her consent.
He also said that there were military laws and rules since 1959; that a Tatmadaw member was punishable by military law as well as by civilian law if he committed a crime; that as the Myanmar traditions and culture are totally against rape, the culprit would face severe action.
Concerning the border areas development undertakings, Director-General of Department for Progress of Border Areas and National Races Col Than Swe said since 1988, the government has launched development projects with added momentum in the areas where peace and stability have been restored. During the over 12-year period, the government spent K 25,000 million for the projects bringing significant progress to seven states and two divisions where border areas are located.
In roads and bridges sector, 2,683 miles and six furlongs of earth road, 1,434 miles and four furlongs of gravel road and 293 miles and four furlongs of tarred road totalling 4,411 miles and six furlongs of road were built. A total of 2,682 miles and five furlongs of existing roads were maintained and 16 suspension bridges and 40 major bridges and 636 small bridges were built.
In the education sector, 586 primary schools, 59 middle schools and 33 high schools were opened in border areas beginning 1989. There were 1,541 primary schoolchildren and 12 middle school students when the development tasks began. Now there are 55,018 primary schoolchildren, 23,084 middle school students and 3,992 high school students. In 1988, there were 1,553 students in border areas and now there are 82,094 students.
In the health sector, 50 hospitals, 74 dispensaries, 29 rural health centres and 42 sub-rural health centres were opened in border areas in 12 years. Similarly, 93 TV retransmission stations, 46 post offices, 35 telegraph offices and 80 telephone communication stations were opened.
Thirty one agricultural offices and 115 agricultural camps were opened for food sufficiency in the region and opium substitute crop cultivation. Cultivation of buckwheat and other opium substitute crops were carried out. Pilot cultivation of four acres of buckwheat started in Kokang region in 1997. Now the acreage increased up to 4,160. The government distributed 104 tons of seeds and 208 tons of fertilizers free of charge. The government spent K 18.8 million in reclamation of land and distribution of saplings for cultivation of 460 acres of perennial crops.
In carrying out the development tasks, the government spent K 25,000 million. Seventy five per cent of them were used in the regions related to cultivation of opium.
With the significant development in transport, education, health and other sectors, other economic opportunities emerged. The practice of relying on cultivation of poppy fell by 40 per cent.
Due to cooperation of regional organizations and local people achievements have been made in border area development tasks more than expected. Local national organizations and people in the past 12 years participated in construction of roads, schools, hospitals and bridges and implementation of urban projects. Expenditures on the tasks were over K 170,000 million.
Next, Joint Secretary of CCDAC Police Col Khan Aung clarified matters relating to anti-drug campaign. Anti-narcotic drug activities that are harmful to mankind are being launched with greater momentum as the national task. According to the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, three five-year plans are being implemented for eradication of narcotic drugs in 15 years. The Pandaingthit Plan which is added to the 15 year project is being undertaken beginning last April. Measures are being taken for cultivation of opium substitute crops in carrying out the narcotic drug eradication task.
In 2002 cultivation season, it was targeted to cultivate over 12,128 acres of opium substitute
crops 1,889 acres in Shan State (South), 712 acres in Shan State (East), 9,325 acres in Shan State (North) and 202 acres in Kayah State. According to the data received recently, over 12,964 acres of opium substitute crops have been cultivated. Over 836 acres were cultivated more than the target. At the end of cultivation season, cultivation acreage will increase. Opium substitute crops are paddy, corn, maize, soy bean and pigeon peas. CCDAC also spent K 52.5 million in narcotic drug eradication tasks.
Recently, opium growers handed over poppy seeds and poppy bulbs to the government in Shan State (North), (East) and (South). The PeopleÕs Republic of China donated 300,000 Yuan and 10,000 kilos of crop seeds such as maize, soy bean, buckwheat, paddy, potato, beans and groundnuts. Experts gave lectures on cultivation techniques and control of pests. Altogether 50 trainees from Laukkai, Hsi-aw, Parsinkyaw, Naphan and Mantong have attended the lectures.
Next, Minister U Tin Winn said Yodaya is trying to tarnish Myanmars dignity and creating misunderstanding in the world. However, their acts are illogical. It can be seen clearly. No matter how destructive insurgents and Yodaya holding the attitude of hatred towards Myanmar conspire against Myanmar, the journalists may notice the fact that peace and tranquillity has been restored in the country.
The government is making endeavours for national development, unity among the people, restoration of peace and tranquillity and all-round development in political, economic and social sectors. Construction of roads and bridges has improved. Efforts are to be made for raising standard of the people with added momentum. Minister U Tin Winn, Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, Col Kyaw Thein, Col San Pwint and Director-General Col Than Swe replied to the queries of the journalists. The press conference ended at 1.40 pm. The journalists viewed documentary photos on atrocious acts of SURA drug-trafficking group and KNU terrorists.
( 5 ) Ambassador U Thet Win presents credentials to Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam
Yangon, 31 July - U Thet Win, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Union of Myan-mar to Brunei Darussalam, presented his credentials
to His Majesty Sultan
Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin Waddaulah, the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam, on
6 July 2002, in Bandar Seri Begawan.
Delegates of ASEAN COCI Meeting arrive
Yangon, 30 July - Chairman of ASEAN Committee of Culture and Information Deputy Minister of Culture and Information of Vietnam Mr Tran Chein Thang and party and delegates of ASEAN Secretary's Office and nine ASEAN member countries arrived here by air this afternoon and evening to attend the Fourth ASEAN Committee of Culture and Information Meeting to be held in Myanmar.
They were welcomed at the Yangon International Airport by Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt,
departmental heads and officials of the embassies.
( 6 )
H&T Ministry presents prizes, provides cash
assistance for education
30 July - Myanma Hotels and Tourism Services of the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism held a ceremony to receive the minister's instruction on the 2002-2003 fiscal year and to present work efficiency awards and cash assistance for education at the meeting hall of the beverage enterprise on Maha Bandoola Road this morning.
The minister made a speech on the occasion. He said the increase in foreign exchange and local income are in good condition due to the hotels and
enterprises' implementation of the ministry's aim. More efforts are needed for further success, he said.
Then, the minister presented awards, cash awards and work efficiency awards to managers and officials of winning hotels and enterprises.
Next, a total of 1,366 students of the ministry's staff starting from kindergarten to university for 2002-2003 academic year were provided with K 4,964,000. Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu and Director-General U Khin Maung Latt also presented awards to officials of the second and third largest foreign exchange earner hotels and enterprises.
Managing Director U Kyi Tun then gave awards to U Tin Aye and U Tet Tun who were awarded Excellent Performance in Administrative field (Third Grade) by the State; and Daw Aye Aye, first prize winner at Phaunggyi basic public service course No (158); and four three-distinction winners, two two-distinction winners, and six one-distinction winners of 2001-2002 academic year.
Afterwards, work meeting of Myanma Hotels and Tourism Services was held in the afternoon.
Stake-driving ceremony of Myittha Bridge (Kalewa) held
Yangon, 30 July-The stake-driving ceremony for construction of Myittha Bridge (Kalewa) on Sagaing-Monywa-Kalewa-Kale-Tamu motor road to be undertaken by Public Works of the Ministry of Construction was held on the bank of Kalewa of the bridge in Kalewa, Sagaing Division, yesterday morning.
Minister Maj-Gen Saw Tun made a speech on the occasion. Then, the minister, the commander, Brig-Gen Khin Maung Aye and the deputy minister took the designated positions. At the auspicious time, they drove the stakes and the minister and the commander sprinkled the stakes with scented water.
The commander, the minister and officials performed the rituals of golden and silver showers to mark the success of the ceremony.
( 7 ) USDA CEC member attends prize presentation ceremony

Yangon, 30 July - Member of Central Executive Committee of the Union Solidarity and Development Association U Aung Thaung attended a ceremony to present prizes to outstanding students and cash
assistance for education held at Taungtha City Hall of Mandalay Division yesterday morning.
After delivering an address, he presented awards to students who passed and won distinctions. He also awarded prizes to teachers and presented cash assistance to 50 students of universities, colleges and institutes for 2001-2002 academic year. At 10 am, he attended the ceremony to open a new office of Taungtha USDA. He also attended the annual general meeting of Taungtha Township USDA and gave instructions. He handed over documents relating to the new building constructed by the Ministry of Industry-1 to the Township USDA secretary. In the afternoon, he inspected the primary school at Dahatthan Village and attended to the requirements. Later in Kyaukpon
Village, he met with Villagers and fulfilled the needs for rural water
MWJA CEC Meeting held
Yangon, 30 July - A meeting of Central Executive Committee of Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association and work committees for the third MWJA conference took place at the meeting hall of the association this afternoon.
U Than Maung (Than Maung) made a speech. Then, the officials of the work committees took part in the discussions. Next, the CEC meeting 7/2002 of MWJA continued. U Tin Kha (Tekkatho Tin Kha) made a speech on the occasion. The CEC members reported on their respective sectors. After the general round of discussions, the chairman made concluding remarks.
( 8
) Remnants of armed group exchange arms for peace
Yangon, 30 July - The State Peace and Development Council is striving with might and main in turning the nation into a peaceful, modern and developed one with genuine goodwill. Realizing it, remaining armed groups, with a conviction that their terrorist acts did not benefit the State and the people in any way and their regions did lag behind development, have been exchanging arms for peace in groups or individually.
During June 2002, privates Saw Se He and Saw Li Pat of KNU insurgent group's brigade (6), and company commander Khin Thaung (a) Kyaw Htin of Mon insurgent armed group together with one AK-47 rifle, one magazine and 104 rounds of ammunition exchanged arms for peace at South-East Command.
At Western Command, office in-charge Kyaw Che of NUP armed groups, office worker Zaw Min Tun, his mother Daw Hla Khine, his sisters Daw Hla Sein and Ma Htwe, Daw Hla Sein's husband San Hla Maung, and Daw Hla Sein's son U San Maung exchanged arms for peace.
At Coastal Region Command, private Thein Kyi, wife Naw Say, children Lay Wa, Lay Khin, Nan Nwe, Saw Hla, Saw Aye and Saw Thein of KNU insurgent armed group's battalion (11) together with one AK-47 rifle, one magazine and 15 rounds of ammunition, and private Saw Day Mwe Phoe together with one AK-47 rifle, one magazine and 5 rounds of ammunition exchanged arms for peace.
Altogether 19 persons who exchanged arms for peace were warmly welcomed by the respective commands and were provided with necessary assistance. Likewise, there are still some more remanants of armed group to follow suit.
New generation Myanmar young women to be chosen for Selected Myanmar Women Basketball Team
Yangon, 30 July - The Myanmar Basketball Federation has laid down a plan to recruit and camp new generation Myanmar young women for the Selected Myanmar Women Basketball Team.
Under the programme, the federation will select the Myanmar women with a height of at least 5 feet and 8 inches and not more than 15 years of age. There is no limit on body weight and the candidates need no basic basketball skills. If they are chosen, they will have to undergo camping and training for two years at Kyaikkasan Basketball Stadium in Bahan Township.
During the training period, they will be provided with accommodation and food, health and education (if she is a student), and they will be permitted once a year to pay home visit. The guardians of applicants may contact General Secretary U Maung Maung Myint of MBF, of No 271, Shwe-gondaing Road, Bahan
Township, Yangon, Tel: 543664 or 558208 for further information.
( 9
) Chemical liquid seized in Laukkai
Yangon, 30 July - A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit, Myanmar Police Force and Shan State (North) Special Region-1, acting on information, stopped a Hilux vehicle carrying chemical liquid in Chinshwehaw on 19 July this year. But the vehicle escaped.
After the hot pursuit, the authorities seized the vehicle together with 120 litres of Acetic Anhydride and 400 litres of chloroform at the exit of Kongyan in Myothit (West), Laukkai.
But, the two men on board fled the scene. Action is being taken in
connection with the seizure of chemical liquid and precursor
chemicals under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law
by the police station concerned.