1 ) Secretary-1 attends Waso robes offering ceremony of Aungmyebawdhi Dhammayeiktha Alodawpyae Kyaungtaik
Yangon, 28 July
- The fifth Waso robes offering ceremony of Aungmyebawdhi Dhammayeiktha Alodawpyae Kyaungtaik on Pinshwenyaung Street in Tamway Township, Yangon Division, was held at the Kyaungtaik at 4 pm today, attended by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
The ceremony was opened with the three-time recitation of Namo Tassa.
Then, the Secretary-1 and the congregation received the Five Precepts from Myitkyina Sayadaw Bhaddanta Silavamsa.
Next, Members of the Sangha recited parittas.
Afterwards, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and wife Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe presented Waso robes and offertories to the Sayadaws.
Then, the commander, the ministers and the deputy ministers and wellwishers presented Waso robes and offertories to members of the Sangha.

Next, the Secretary-1, the commander and Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin accepted the donations for Dhammacariya University and Alodawpyae Kyaungtaik
K 10 million by U Thura Win and U Kyaw Soe Win of Great Tower Co; K 7.22 million by U Min Banya San; K 7 million by U Kyaw Win of Shwe Than Lwin Co; K 3 million by Kanbawza Bank; K 3 million by U Sein Hla Win-Daw Pyu Pyu Khin of Sein and San Co; K 1 million by U Than Tun-Daw Yin Shein; K 900,000 by U Maung Maung Kwe-Daw Mawli Tin (a) Daw Swe Swe Latt; K 500,000 by Ma Mar Mar Kyaw-Ko Aung
Khaing and family; K 500,000 by Annawa Fisheries; K 500,000 by U Tin Hla-Daw Aye Aye Kyi and family, K 500,000 by Lt-Col Myo Nyunt-Daw Thwe Thwe Kyi, U Than Htwe Aung-Daw Hto Hto and U Maung Maung Tin-Daw Ngwe Kyi and family; K 500,000 by U Aik Tun of AWB Bank, K 300,000 by (U Pwint Kaung) -Daw Khin Nwe Yi; K 192,000 by Maj Soe Mya-Daw Nu Shwe Wa and
family and K 100,000 by U Tin Win-Daw Hla Kyi and family and presented certificates of honour to the wellwishers.
Afterwards, Thayet Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kesara delivered a sermon.
This was followed by sharing of merits gained by those present, which brought the ceremony to an end.
Secretary-1 attends 15th cash donation ceremony for construction tasks of Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Buddha Image

Yangon, 28 July - The 15th cash donation ceremony for construction tasks of Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Buddha Image on the Mindhamma Hill in Insein Township was held at Gandhakuti Kyaunghsaung of the image this afternoon, attended by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.

Today's donations were K 600,000 by Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint and wife Daw Aye Aye, K 380,000 by Maj-Gen Kyaw Win and wife Daw Khin San Thein, K 100,000 by Commodore Maw Thein and wife Daw Khin Thida Oo, K 5 million by U Thein Oo-Daw Khin Khin Sein, K 2.5 million each by U Sein Hla Win-Daw Phyu Phyu Khin and U Chaung-Daw Shwe Sin, K 1.5 million by U Mya Han-Daw Khin Sabai Kyi, K 1 million each by U Bo Gyi - Daw Than Than of Pyilone Chantha medical hall, recipient of excellent performance in social field (Grade-1) and Thiha Thudhamma Manijotadhara U Thein Win-recipient of Thiha Thu-dhamma Theingi Thiri Thu-dhamma Theingi Daw Ni, U Myo Thant-Daw San San Myint of Soe Moe Kyaw and Waing Waing Le lottery shop, U Swe-Daw Khin Thet Maw and Dr Aung Win-Daw U U Aung of Royal Group Co Ltd, K 500,000 by Myanmar handicraft technician U Ohn Tin and technicians, K 1 million collected from Thudawsin hall on Mindhamma Hill, K 3.6 million by six wellwishers for installation of windshields in Gandhakuti Kyaunghsaung, K 500,000 each by U Tin Win-Daw San Win of KN Co and U Nay Win-Daw Khin Saw Kyu of Myanma Seinbayin and NgweYin Yin jewellery shop, K 300,000 each by late Maung Tun Lin Aung, Daw Htay Htay Aye and son U Zaw Lin Htut of Wingaba Wheel Alignment Service, U Khin Maung Kyi-Daw Khin Nan Mon of Ruby City Gem, K 205,000 by U Soe Myint-Daw Khin Mar Yi and over K 21 million and 90 US dollars and FECs by other wellwishers.
The Secretary-1, Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe, Minister at the State Peace and Development Council Chairman's Office Lt-Gen Min Thein and Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin accepted the donations.
Next, Chairman of Fund-Raising Committee Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa reported on the acceptance of donations for construction of the image.

Afterwards, the Secretary-1 inspected construction of Tagundaing and Mindhamma Hill and gave instructions on making arrangements for convenience of pilgrims, tasks to be undertaken during the monsoon and keeping Mindhamma Hill clean.
Today's donations totalled K 48,225,051 and 90 US dollars and FECs. Over K 925,841,644, US $ 28,673 and 1,805 FECs have been
received to date.
( 2 )
25 dams built in Magway Division irrigating over 160,000 acres of land
Maj-Gen Ye Myint addresses inauguration ceremony of Naga Dam
Yangon, 28 July
- A ceremony to inaugurate Naga Dam in Yenangyoung Township, Magway District, Magway Division, was held at the dam yesterday morning.
Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence addressed the ceremony.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint said that when Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Senior General Than Shwe arrived at Magway Division in December 2000, he gave guidance on the utilization of as much water resource as possible in growing trees and making the surrounding areas of Yenangyoung lush and green. As a result, a cluster of Downnaychaung dam has emerged.
This cluster is formed with nine small dams including Naga Dam. The Irrigation Department undertook the construction of Naga
Dam. The remaining eight dams Oakhla Dam, Kyunchaung Dam, Wetlu Dam, Tepin Dam, Taman Dam, Sinthay Dam, Theyin Dam, Aungpanbin Dam, KanOo Dam are being built with the assistance of the Government by Magway Division Peace and Development Council. Out of eight dams, four have been completed.
These already-built dams including Naga Dam cannot supply plenty of water for fields, and all the nine dams will be able to irrigate about 2,740 acres of land. In addition, evaporation of water from the dams can help make the surrounding areas lush and green.

The government is laying emphasis on the greening of the entire Magway Division and availability of water, and short-and long-term plans for the greening of the entire Anya region are being implemented with the participation of local people.
In Magway Division, there are altogether 25 dams, large and small, built by the government, and they are irrigating over 160,000 acres of land.

Moreover, river-water pumping stations are being built to use the natural river water in agriculture. In Magway Division, there are 46 river-water pumping stations, and they are providing water for 50,301 acres of land. Uminkoepauk river-water pumping station in Chauk Township and Tanyaung river-water pumping station in Salin Township, both of which are nearing completion, will be able to irrigate over 20,000 acres of land.
Therefore, Magway, which was once dry and hot, has changed a lot. Its geographical condition has changed, and agricultural work can now be carried out. With the improvement of production work, the socio-economic standard of the people will become higher. The per capita income of Magway Division is even greater than that of other states and divisions.
In Magway Division, four pillar crops of the State -paddy, cotton, sugarcane and peas/corns can grow well. Kitchen crops such as onion,
chili, potato as well as other peas and beans and edible oil crops can be cultivated. Therefore, reliance can be placed on Magway Division for the national economy.
The development of agriculture in the division can contribute directly to the agriculture sector of the State.
The people of Magway Division need to use fully the water resources created by the government, to grow crops wherever possible and to work hard for an increase in the yield of crops.
Only then will the economic standard of the rural area become higher. In this way, they can contribute to the undertaking of five rural development tasks laid down by the State. The government is taking necessary measures to narrow the gap of economy, transport, education and health between urban and rural areas.
The people of Magway Division need to work hard for the development of the nation and the region in response to the goodwill of the State.
In conclusion, Maj-Gen Ye Myint called on all to maintain dams including Naga Dam, keep the region lush and green and work hard to boost agricultural production.
Next, Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin delivered a speech. He said: Magway Division is a region where cultivation and production of paddy, beans and pulses, oil crops, cotton and sugarcane can be carried out. Farmers in Yenangyoung Township can carry out the tasks for improvement of their social life. Based on agriculture sector, efforts are being made for food sufficiency of the people in the country and economic development. In order to boost agricultural production in the region, Naga Dam was built.

The Dam will contribute much to agricultural production in Magway Division soon.
Availability of water plays a vital role in economic and social development in the arid zone in central Myanmar. Water is a priceless gem in agricultural production that may change due to the climate, health and social activities. Realizing the fact that, Head of State Senior General Than Shwe made arrangements for implementation of rural development tasks to enjoy social benefits and for boosting production in the agriculture sector. That is why dams and water supply projects are being undertaken nation-wide one after another.
The Naga dam has become the 136th one under the present government. At present there are 25 million acres of arable lands. Reclamation of 20 million acres of lands is being carried out. Out of over 870 million acre feet of water resources, only 30 per cent are now being used. Therefore, major irrigation projects and water pumping projects are being implemented. In 1988-89 paddy cultivation was carried out as the single cropping.
There were 11.8 million of cultivated acreage which produced over 630 million baskets. Now, 16 million acres are put under summer and monsoon paddy to produce over 1,000 million baskets. Now, pulses and beans cultivation was extended from 1.8 million acres to 7.8 million acres; cotton cultivation from 0.44 million acres to 0.73 million; oil crops cultivation from 5 to 6.2 million acres; sugarcane cultivation from 0.24 million to 0.54 million acres. Due to inputs of land, water, farm machinery, technology, pedigree seeds and monetary assistance, the agricultural productivity has increased from 120 per cent in 1988-89 to 148 per cent now.
The Naga dam construction project began in October 2001. It was built on Naga Creek which has 29 square miles of watershed area. The dam with 68 feet in height and 3,050 feet in length was built to store 6,290 acre-ft of water for irrigating 1,000 acres of cultivated land. It was built within a year at a cost of over K 146 million.
Then, Chairman Col Zaw Min made a speech.
He said Naga Dam is the second one opened in Yenangyoung, Magway Division. The region where it is located is an arid zone with scarcity of rain and crops did not grow well there. Only when there was good weather, the peasants had to enjoy considerable benefit from their cultivation works of the whole year. Building dams and dam contributes towards sufficiency in drinking water, keeping the region green, ensuring fine weather conditions, increase of cultivated acreage and turning single cropping to double cropping, self-sufficiency of rice as well as regional development. Magway Division is one of the six divisions which can be relied on for economic sector of the State. This is the division where major crops essential to the State such as paddy, cotton, sugarcane and oil crops can be grown. The division has produced most oil crops and in 2001, over 2 million acres of land was put under oil crops. Moreover, growing of Thitseint trees, a kind of oil crops, is implemented with momentum, he added. At present, after the year 1988, altogether 25 dams and dam projects including Naga dam have been completed in the division so that a total of 166,288 acres of land can be irrigated. In conclusion, he said the State with farsightedness has spent a large amount of fund for availability of cultivation water in the division. So, these facilities must be used most effectively and maintained for long-term use, he stressed.
Next, Yenangyoung Township USDA Secretary U Aung Naing Win, on behalf of local people, expressed words of thanks to the State Peace and Development Council for building the dam. Maj-Gen Ye Myint, the ministers, the deputy ministers and Chairman Col Zaw Min took position in front of the stone inscriptions of the dam and Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin formally unveiled the stone inscriptions of the dam. Then, Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin and Col Zaw Min formally opened the dam.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint, ministers, deputy ministers and party together with local people posed for documentary photos and inspected the dam. Then the opening ceremony ended.
The newly-opened dam in Yenangyoung Township, Magway Division, is one of the nine Daungnay Creek dam clusters built in accordance with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe. It is of earthen type and is 3,050 feet long and 68 feet high. About 2,740 acres of land can be irrigated sufficiently due to building of nine Daungnay Creek dam clusters.
After the opening ceremony, Director U Tun Aung Lwin of Irrigation Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation and Chairman Col Zaw Min briefed Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party on data and tasks of the dam, tasks for building the dam at the briefing hall.
After leaving necessary instructions there, Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party visited Uminkoepauk river-water pumping project in Sale, Chauk Township in the division where Deputy Director U Tin Maung Aye Htoo of Water Resources Utilization Department of the ministry reported them on the project at the briefing hall of the project.
Afterwards, Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party inspected river-water pumping station of the project and building of main canal and attended to the needs. The project lies in Sale, Chauk Township and river-water is being pumped using eight water pumps to distribute water to 7,800 acres of land.
Then, Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party arrived at Bagan-NyaungU in the afternoon and met district/township level departmental officials at Anawrahta hall in NyaungU.
Present on the occasion were Chairman Lt-Col Khin Maung Oo of NyuangU District Peace and Development Council and members, Chairman U Kyaw Tint of NyaungU Township Peace and Development Council and members and district/township level departmental officials. Chairman Lt-Col Khin Maung Oo reported to Maj-Gen Ye Myint on geographical conditions of NyaungU District, agriculture, greening tasks, sufficiency of rice and edible oil, education, health, water supply, road transportation and other sectors; Chairman U Kyaw Tint on tasks and success of the township Peace and Development Council, social organizations and local authority; and the officials of NyaungU District WRUD, Arid Zones Greening Department, Forest Department, Public Works and the Ministry of Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs on their respective tasks.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint made a speech. He said Bagan-NyunagU District is an ancient cultural region and the State has paid attention to the region and already provided necessary assistance for the region. Departmental staff and local authorities are to implement the five rural development tasks. Priority is also to be given to greening tasks and trees are to be grown on tops of mountains. Cultural heritage are to be preserved, he said. Then the ceremony came to a close. Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party spent the night there.
Deputy Minister for PBANRDA U Kyaw Tin met departmental staff at Magway Division and Township Development Affairs Departments and discussed matters on implementation of five rural development tasks. On 27 July, he inspected Taungzin water supply station No 4 of NyaungU and water supply station No 5 of Natpalin village.

He also inspected the drilling of tube wells at Phyu Htwa village and Setsetyo village. In Bagan-NyaungU region, the above-mentioned two tubewells will supply drinking water to the local people sufficiently.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party, accompanied by Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Central Command Commander Brig-Gen Ye Myint and Deputy Minister for PBANRDA U Kyaw Tin and Magway Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Col Zaw Min, this morning visited Hsinmyarshin Pagoda, Shin Arahan Sima and pagoda Nos 426 and 427 and Shwezigon Pagoda. They then left for Yangon by air.
Maj-Gen Tin Aye attends seventh annual meeting of MIDB

Yangon, 28 July - The Myanma Industrial Development Bank held the seventh annual meeting at the bank this morning.
Present were Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Tin Aye of the Ministry of Defence, Chairman of the Bank Minister for Industry-2 Maj-Gen Saw Lwin, Minister for Science and Technology U Thaung, Deputy Minister for Industry-2 Lt-Col Khin Maung Kyaw, departmental heads, members of Board of Directors, share-holders and guests.
Meeting Patron Maj-Gen Tin Aye gave a speech. Then, Meeting Chairman Minister Maj-Gen Saw Lwin gave a speech.
Managing Director U Aung Chit of the Bank read out the annual report of the BOD for 2001-2002 and sought the approval of the meeting. U Win Thin and U Tin Shwe of Auditor's Group submitted the financial report and the audit report. Managing Director U Aung Chit clarified the suggestions of the share-holders.
Then, new members of BOD were elected for 2002-2003. Later, Bank Chairman Minister for Industry-2 Maj-Gen Saw Lwin gave concluding remarks.
( 3
) Maj-Gen Aung Htwe inspects agriculture, livestock
breeding tasks of North-East Command

Yangon, 28 July - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Aung Htwe of the Ministry of Defence left here by air on 26 July morning and arrived at Lashio, Shan State (North), at 9.30 am.
Maj-Gen Aung Htwe was welcomed at the airport by Chairman of Shan State (North) Peace and Development Council Commander of North-East Command Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing, Deputy Commander Col Hla Myint, Col Soe Oo of Hsenwi Station, national race leaders and local people. Then, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe, accompanied by Commander Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing, proceeded to the livestock breeding farm of the command.
Deputy Commander Col Hla Myint reported on the breeding of 448 pigs, the raising of 17,555 layers and the breeding of 50,000 fish. Maj-Gen Aung Htwe gave necessary instructions and inspected the farms.
Then, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and party went to the briefing hall of Bonmon Camp for cultivation of opium-substitute corn and bee-keeping on Lashio-Muse Road. Commander Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing reported on livestock breeding and agricultural tasks and distribution of hybrid maize to local farmers.
Bonmon Farm in-charge Lt-Col Nay Lin Aung reported on agriculture and livestock breeding tasks of the farm.

Maj-Gen Aung Htwe gave instructions on elimination of poppy cultivation, timely distribution of seeds of opium-substitute crops to the farmers and the undertaking of livestock breeding and agricultural work at the command headquarters.
Then, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe inspected sample seeds, pesticide, Hsinshweli hybrid maize and bee-keeping work.
Afterwards, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and party attended the ceremony of cultivating Hsinshweli high yield paddy strain on 50 acres each by the Development Affairs
Department and the Union Solidarity and Development Association of Shan State (North) in Hopeik village, Lashio Township. At the ceremony, the commander presented three power-tillers to Shan State (North) USDA Secretary U Aye Thaung.
Then, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe gave a speech. Next, they viewed the demonstration of paddy cultivation.
Hsinshweli paddy strain has a life span of 153 days and can yield between 150 and 170 baskets per acre. One acre of land is to be put under 130,000 seedlings.
Later, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and party left Hopeik village and arrived back Lashio in the afternoon.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than inspects regional development tasks in Bago Division

Yangon, 28 July - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than of the Ministry of Defence, arrived at Wanbawdat Bridge at the border of Yangon and Bago Divisions yesterday morning.
They were welcomed there by Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Southern Command Brig-Gen Aung Min, Commander of Local LID Col Than Htay and local authorities and departmental officials.
At the briefing hall near Wanbawdat Bridge, Managing Director U Tin Win of Myanmar Pyi Tha Hay Company reported on digging of fish ponds, breeding of fishes and breeding of fingerlings to Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party.
Then, Head of Bago Division Fisheries Department U Tint Swe gave a supplementary report.
Next, the commander, the minister and officials reported on digging of fish ponds and condition of agriculture.
In response to the reports, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than gave instructions on proper management in digging of fish ponds, creating the job opportunities for local people, increased production of fishes in order to bring down the prices of fish in Yangon Division.
Then, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party inspected fish ponds of Thayagon Fish and Prawn Breeding Camp undertaken by Myanmar Pyi Tha Hay Company.
At the briefing hall of Fish Ponds, Paddy and Fish Multipurpose Farm Worksite of Local LID, the LID Commander Col Than Htay reported on location of fish ponds, progress of work and future tasks.
Next, Minister Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein reported on measures to be taken for digging of fish ponds, fisheries techniques and feeding systems.
Then, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than gave necessary instructions.
Later, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party arrived at Bago-Nyaunglaybin Road Section Project Site of Yangon-Mandalay Union Highway Extension Project undertaken by Shwe Than Lwin Highway Co.
At the briefing hall, General Manager U Kyaw Zwa and officials reported on measures for extension of the road, collecting of tar and gravel, construction of road sections and related bridges to Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than who gave necessary instructions to officials. Then, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party inspected progress of work at the project by car. They proceeded to the Nyaunglaybin-Zeyawady Road Section Project Site of Yangon-Mandalay Union Highway Extension Project undertaken by High Star Public Co.
At the briefing hall, Managing Director U Ye Myint of the company reported on the present condition of the road and construction, collection of gravel, setting up of stone crushers, the strength of machinery and staff and measures to be taken in the open season to Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party.
Then, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party inspected progress of work at the project site by car.
Afterwards, they arrived at the Zeyawady-Yedashay Road Section Project Site of Yangon-Mandalay Union Highway Extension Project undertaken by KBZ Pathfinder Industries Co.
Project Chief Engineer U Bon Kyi reported on progress of work in 2001-2002, renovation of road, collecting of tar and diesel, renovation of bridge, measures to be taken in the open season to Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party.
Afterwards, they inspected work undertaken and progress of work at the project site by car.
Next, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party arrived at the Yedashay-Pyinmana Road Section Project Site of Yangon-Mandalay Union Highway Extension Project undertaken by Dagon International Co.
At the office of the project site, Project Engineer U Tin Maung Win reported on renovation of road, earthern work, collecting of gravel,
retarding of road and renovation of related bridges to Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than who gave necessary instructions to officials.
They then inspected work being carried out and progress of work at the project site.
In meeting with officials of the respective companies that engaged in the Yangon-Mandalay Union Highway Extension Project, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than gave instructions on exerting systematic efforts, preventive measures on damage of bridge and road in the rainy season, extension work to be taken in rainy season and arrangements for the open season, collecting of gravel and tar, maintenance and repair of machinery and fulfilling of vehicles and machinery needs and making earnest efforts for early completion of the project.
( 4
) 54th Vijata Mingala of Myainggyingu Sayadaw Bhaddanta Sujana observed

Yangon, 28 July - The 54th Vijata Mingala (birthday ceremony) of Myaing-gyingu Sayadaw Bhaddanta Sujana was observed in conjunction with the fourth soon-offering ceremony for 1,000 members of the Sangha at Aung-mingala Kyaungsaung in Sonenatha-myaingswe City (Myainggyingu Special Region), Hlaingbwe Township, on 27 July morning.
The soon-offering ceremony was held to mark the peaceful
condition in Sonnathamyaingswe City (Myainggyingu Special Region) in Kayin State.
Present on the occasion were 1,000 members of the Sangha led by Myainggyingu Sayadaw Bhaddanta Sujana, Chairman of Kayin State Peace and Development Council Col Maung Shein, Director-General of the Office of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Pe Nyein, Col San Pwint of the Office of Chief of Military Intelligence, Director-General of the Department for the Progress of Border Areas and National Races Col Than Swe, members of Kayin State, District and Township Peace and Development Councils, departmental employees, well-wisher Sihasudhamma Manijota-dhara U Thein Win, Sirisudhamma Singi Siha Sudham ma Singi Daw Ni (Shwe-thanlwin Company Family), members of the pagoda board of trustees, disciples and local national people.
Myainggyingu Sayadaw Bhaddanta Sujana administered the Five Precepts to the congregation. Then, the Sayadaw and members of the Sangha recited the Parittas.
Col Maung Shein supplicated on the purpose of the ceremony.
Lt-Col Pe Nyein presented alms donated by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and robes and alms by the State Peace and Development Council Office to the Myainggyingu Sayadaw.

At the cash donation ceremony, Col San Pwint presented K 500,000 donated by Chairman of the Work Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt; Col Maung Shein, K 100,000 donated by Quartermaster-General Maj-Gen Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo and K 100,000 by Kayin State Peace and Development Council; Col Than Swe, K 2 million by the Work Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races; Chairman of Hpa-an District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Soe Myint Aung, K 1 million by Kawkareik District Peace and Development Council; Shwe-thanlwin Company Family donated K 15 million for the robes and Pareikhara for the birthday of the Sayadaw and K 3 million for Swelinthamyaing Dhammayon. Then, the officials presented offertories to the Sayadaw and members of the Sangha.

Col Maung Shein presented prizes to Daw Htay Htay Oo, Daw Nwe Nwe Aye, Daw Thida Aye and Daw Sanda Myint who passed Visuddhimag at different levels. Col San Pwint presented prizes to Ma Khin Htay and Naw Ma Hto who passed Abhidhamma at the township level. Lt-Col Pe Nyein presented 19 successful candidates of Abhi-dhamma and the instructors of the Abhidhamma course.
Then, the national race leaders presented prizes to Saw Kyaw Lin who won the first prize at the basic education level dancing competition (10-15 ages) of Myanma Traditional Performing Arts Competitions (Basic Education Level) and Saw Htet Hlaing who stood second at the dancing competition (5-10 years).
U Pha Kat was also given a prize for his excellent performance in the interest of the race, religion and Sasana. Myaing-gyingu Sayadaw Bhaddanta Sujana donated K 30,000 to the Department of Traditional Medicine. Col Than Swe presented 712 dozen exercise books donated by the Work Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races to Headmaster of Myainggyingu Basic Education High School (Branch) U Saw Thein Aung. Myaing-gyingu Sayadaw Bhaddanta Sujana delivered a sermon, followed by the sharing of merits. After the ceremony, soon was offered to the Sayadaw and members of the Sangha.
( 5 ) Stake-driving ceremony of Pakkoku Airport construction held
Yangon, 28 July
- Stake-driving ceremony for construction of the runway for Pakokku Ariport of Department for Civil Aviation, Ministry of Transport, was held this morning at Pakokku Airport construction site this morning attended by Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, Director-General of Civil Aviation Department U Win Maung and officials, Managing Director of Hon Peng Co U Khin Maung Myint and officials and invited guests.
At the auspicious time, Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, U Win Maung, U Khin Maung Myint and officials drove stakes at the designated places and sprinkled the Paritta water on the machinery. Then, Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, member of Magway Division Peace and Development Council Police Col Ye Myint and Hon Peng Co Managing Director U Khin Maung Myint formally opened the ceremony of the starting of construction work.
Then, the minister and party inspected the construction of the runway using mechinery.
Hon Peng Co contracted with Department for Civil Aviation for the construction of 8,500 feet long and 100 feet wide tarmac runway of the Pakkoku
Minister inspects upgrading of hospital in Hinthada

Yangon, 28 July - Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, accompanied by Deputy Minister Prof Dr Mya Oo, Director-General Dr Wan Maung of the Health Department and officials, inspected the upgrading of 200-bed hospital and construction of nurses training school in Hinthada yesterday.
The minister viewed round the in-patients of Hinthada People's Hospital and inspected the operation theatre. The minister met with officials and staff at the meeting hall and fulfilled the requirements.
Afterwards, the minister and party inspected the site chosen for the 200-bed hospital, construction of nurses training school and the lecture hall of the training school and heard reports on construction work presented by officials.
The minister also inspected Duya Station Hospital and Zalun People's
Hospital and attended to the needs.
( 6 )
Commander, Minister inspect sanitation tasks in Thanlyin
Yangon, 28 July - Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe, Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt and Yangon Division in-charge of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Col Maung Pa inspected sanitation tasks and pleasantness of Thanlyin Township today.
At 6.45 am, Maj-Gen Myint Swe, Col Thein Nyunt, Col Maung Pa and party arrived in Thanlyin where they were welcomed by No 1 Military Region Commander Col Khin Maung Soe, Yangon Division Police Force Commander Police Col Aung Daing, Chairman of Yangon South District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Sein Hlaing, Yangon Division USDA Secretary U Aye Myint and officials.
The commander and party inspected digging of drainage and sanitation work being carried out by USDA members, Red Cross and Auxiliary Fire Brigades, Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Working Committee for Women's Affairs and local people and gave necessary instructions. At the Thanlyin Township Development Affairs Committee Office, officials reported to the commander and party on cleaning tasks at the drainages and sanitation work in the whole township.
The commander and the minister gave instructions on keeping town characteristics, sanitation and organizing tasks to be undertaken for keeping rubbish bins at every house and digging garbage holes.
Next, the commander, the minister and the USDA in-charge saw over sanitation work being performed by local people at Thida Canal at the corner of Thida Road and Phomyay Road in Htanbingon Ward, Thanlyin Township. The commander and the minister gave necessary instructions.
Afterwards, the commander and party viewed sanitation tasks being carried out by Tatmadawmen and local people at Thanlyin Township Hospital and attended to their needs.
Then, the commander and party inspected sanitation tasks at Theikpan Road in Thauktawkwin Ward and No 1 Basic Education High School being undertaken by USDA members, social organizations and students. Over 6,000 Tatmadawmen, Myanmar Police Force members, USDA and social organizations and local people collectively participated in the sanitation tasks in Thanlyin Township.
Commander looks over sanitation works at Bagaya jetty
Yangon, 28 July - Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe, accompanied by Vice-Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa, looked over the sanitation works carried out at Bagaya jetty in Kyimyindine Township, Yangon West District, this morning and gave necessary instructions to officials concerned and attended to their needs.
At first, the Commander and the Vice-Mayor were welcomed there by Managing Director of Myanma Port Authority U Thein Htay, No 3 Military Region Commander Col Yan Naing Oo, Chairman of Yangon West District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Maung Maung Shein and officials.
Next, the Commander and the Vice-Mayor looked over the sanitation works, completion of Bagaya jetty and preparations for future tasks and heard reports on completion of a cargo jetty at Bagaya Wharf, arrangements for construction of new jetties and keeping of sanitation and pleasantness at the wharf by Managing Director U Thein Htay.
Afterwards, Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe gave instructions on sanitation works and timely completion of cargo jetties to the officials and attended to their
( 7 ) Ceremony in honour of achievement in enrolment
movement concludes
Yangon, 28 July - A ceremony in honour of achievement in enrolment movement for school-going age children for 2002 concluded and a prize-presentation ceremony was held at Diamond Jubilee Hall in Kamayut Township this afternoon.
Deputy Minister for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung presented prizes to the winners in the Myanmar and English poem reciting competitions for the basic education primary level.
Adviser to the Ministry of Education U Than Oo, Rector U Thaung Htut (Retd) of the Institute of Education, Director-General U Tin Nyo of No 1 Basic Education Department, Director-General U Tin Win of No 3 Basic Education Department and Chairman of Myanmar Education Research Bureau U Myint Han presented prizes to the respective winners of the painting and computerized painting competitions.
The officials gave away prizes to the winners in the essay and poem competitions.
Then, the closing ceremony followed. Deputy Minister for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung
gave concluding remarks.
Last day programmes of enrolment movement presented
Yangon, 28 July - A ceremony in honour of achievement in enrolment movement for school-going age children for 2002 continued for the final day at Diamond Jubilee Hall in Kamayut Township this morning.
The paper-reading session was held at 9 am today. Present were Deputy Minister for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung, officials, trainees and guests.
At the paper-reading session, Director-General U Tin Nyo of No 1 Basic Education Department, Chairman of Myanmar Education research Bureau U Myint Han and Assistant Education Research Officer Daw Nyunt Nyunt, and Honorary Professor U Than Htut of the Institute of Education submitted papers to the session. Then, No 3 BED Director-General U Tin Win presented gifts to Adviser U Than Oo and Rector U Thaung Htut (Retd).
The Exhibition on enrolment movement for school-going age children for 2002 was crowded with students of basic education schools in Yangon downtown, teachers and people.
In the afternoon, students of basic education schools
in Yangon City presented a variety of songs, music, dances and
story-telling skills.
( 8
) Tatmadaw families, wellwishers donate
provisions, cash to monasteries in North Okkalapa, Thingangyun,
28 July - Families of Defence Services (Army, Navy and Air) and
wellwishers donated rice, edible oil, salt, medicine, gram and cash
towards the funds for 'soon' to Dhamma Medini Pyinsabala Hill
Missionary Monastery and Ananbin Tawya Monastery in North Okkalapa
ownship today.
The Vice-Adjutant-General and party took the Five
Precepts from Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kumara. Then, Vice-Adjutant-General
Brig-Gen Maung Nyo and officials offered provisions to the Sayadaws.
Next, on beha1f of the families of Defence Services (Army, Navy and
Air), Vice-Adjutant- General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo, Captain Naval Staff
Captain Nyan Tun and Colonel Air Staff Cot Zin Yaw donated rice,
edible oil, salt, medicine and gram to members of the Sangha.
Officials offered rice, salt, oil, medicine and
gram donated by Yangon ,Division Peace and Development Council,
Yangon East District and North Okkalapa Township Peace and
Development Councils, Myanma Salt and Marine Chemical Enterprise, to
the Sayadaws.
Afterwards, Brig-Gen Maung Nyo accepted cash
towards the funds donated by Tatniadaw families and .wellwishers.
Colonel Air Staff Col Zin Yaw supplicated on the purpose of the
donations. Then, Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kumara delivered a
sermon, followed by sharing of merits.At the ceremony, Tatmadaw familes and the
wellwishersdonated 55 bags of rice, 42 viss of gram and K 74,900 to
Similarly, Tatmadaw families and wellwishers
donated provisions and cash to the funds of the monasteries donated
to Phetpinaing, Aungyamyay, Byamawihara, Pariyatti Myinzu, Ledi
Vipassamma, Gantgawmyaing< Yhadhamma Mandaing, Zeyathiri, Arthawka
Thidagu and Pakokku monasteries in Thingangyun Township this
Vice-Adjutant-Gengeral Brig-Gen Maung Nyo and the
congregation took the Five Precepts from Agga Maha Pandita Agga Maha
Saddhammajotikadaja Phetpinaing Monastery Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw
Bhaddanta Gandama. Members of the Sangha recited Parittas. Then, Brig-Gen Maung Nyo and officials donated
alms and offertories to the Sayadaws.
On behalf of the Tatmadaw families, Brig- Gen
Maung Nyo, Captain Naval Staff Captain Nyan Tun and Colonel Air
Staff Col Zin Yaw donated provisions to the Sayadaws.
Afterwards, Yangon East District and Thingangyun
Township Peace and Development Councils, departments and wellwishers
donated provisions to the Sayadaws. Then, Brig-Gen Maung Nyo and Col
Than Myint of the Ministry of Defence accepted cash towards the
funds of the monasteries donated by wellwishers including K 100,000
donated by Defence Services (Army, Navy !.and Air) families, Colonel
Air StaffCol.Zt8 Yaw supplicated on the purpose of the donations.
The Presiding Nayaka of Phetpinaing Sayadaw
delivered a sermon, followed by sharing of merits.
At the .ceremony, Tatmadaw families and
wellwishers donated 238 bags of rice, 178 viss of edible oil, 850
viss of salt, 83 tubes of tooth paste, 201 viss of gram and K
174,900. ikewise, the ceremony to donate provisions and
cash to KanU Zetawun, NanU, Ketumadi, Seiktathukha, Maha Thukhayama
and Masoeyein Monasteries by Tatmadaw families and wellwishers was
held at KanU Zetawun Monastery in Mayangon Township this morning.
Present were Director of Resettlements Brig-Gen
Aung Thein, Provost Marshal Brig-Gen Saw Hla, senior military
officers, authorities, social organizations and well wishers.
Chainnan of Mayangoll Township Sangha Nayaka
Committee Agga Maha Ganthavacaka Pandita Sayadaw Bhaddanta
Nandasamibhivamsa and ministered the Five Precepts.
Director Of Resettlements Brig-Gen Aung Thein,
Provost Marshal Brig-Gen Saw Hla and officials donated provisions to
the Sayadaws.
Senior military officers offered 145 bags of ice,
58 viss of edible' oil and 116 viss of gram and wellwishers600 viss
of iodized salt, 60 tubes of tooth paste and 716 bottles of
traditional medicine to remembers of, the Sangha. Tatmadaw families
and wellwishers donated cash towards the funds of the monasteries.
Director of Resettlements Brig-Gen Aung Thein and officials accepted
the donations from "the wellwishers.
Then, General, Staff officer (Grade-I ) Lt-Col
Than Swe of the Office of the Commander- in-Chief (Air) supplicated
on the purpose of the donations. After wards, the KanU Zaytawun
Monastery Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw delivered a sermon, fol1owedby
sharing of merits.
Next, YaunggyiU wut association of Ward 5 in
Mayangon Township recited Metta verses and the ceremony came to an
end with three-time recitation of Buddha Sasanam Ciram Titthatu.At the ceremony, famillies of Defence Services
(Army, Navy and Air) and wellwishers donated 153 bags of rice, 58
viss of edible oil, 116viss of gram, 600 viss of iodized salt, 60
tubes of tooth paste, 716 bottles of traditional medicines and K
Donation ceremony for monasteries in Dawbon, Tharkayta held
Yangon, 28 July - The provisions donation ceremony of Tatmadaw families of (Army, Navy and Air) and wellwishers was held at the Dhammayon in Dawbon Township this morning.
Chief of Staff (Navy) Rear-Admiral Soe Thein, Col Ye Htut of the Ministry of Defence, Lt-Col Chan Maung of the Commander-in-Chief (Air)'s Office donated 111 bags of rice, 45 viss of edible oil, 90 viss of gram and 450 viss of salt to the Sayadaws and the wellwishers rice, provisions and cash.
Col Tha Han of the Ministry of Defence supplicated on the purpose of the donations. Then, the Minnanda Monastery Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw delivered a sermon.
A similar ceremony was held at the Dhammayon of 108-taung Pagoda in Thaketa Township. Rear-Admiral Soe Thein, Col Ye Htut of the Ministry of Defence, Lt-Col Chan Maung of the Commander-in-Chief (Air)Ős Office donated 279 bags of rice, 115 viss of edible oil, 230 viss of gram and 1,150 viss of salt to the Sayadaws. Wellwishers donated rice and cash to the funds of the monasteries.
At the ceremony, 279 bags of rice, 115 viss of edible oil, 230 viss of gram, 1,150 viss of salt, 115 tubes of tooth paste and K 276,500 were donated to monasteries in Tharkayta Township.
( 9
) MMA Golf Tournament held
Yangon, 28 July - Golf Tournament of Myanmar Medical Association for July was held at the City Golf Club in Mingaladon Township here this morning.
Present were Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, Deputy Minister Prof Dr Mya Oo, MMA Chairman Prof Dr Myo Myint, MMA Golf Club Chairman Prof Dr Khin Maung Aye and members. Maj-Gen Ket Sein opened the tournament and made an address. Dr Khin Maung
Aye spoke words of thanks. Then, the minister, deputy minister and
officials presented prizes to the winners.