1 ) State Peace and Development Council Chairman
Senior General Than Shwe sends congratulatory
message to Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Yangon, 26 July - Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development
Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a congratulatory message to His Excellency Mr Tran Duc Luong, who has been re-elected as President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam by the 11th National Assembly.
( 2 )
Due to concerted efforts of all, kindergarten intake rate increased to 91% in 1999, 91.5% in 2000, 92.05% in 2001 and 93.07% in 2002
Both formal education and non-formal education activities are linked and being implemented for all school age children to attend schools and
for over school age persons to attend adult literacy classes
Secretary-1 attends ceremony in honour of success achieved in
enrolment movement for school-going age children

Yangon, 26 July - A ceremony in honour of success achieved in enrolment movement for school-going age children for the year 2002 of the Ministry of Education was held at the Diamond Jubilee Hall on Pyay Road, Kamayut Township, this morning, with an address by Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council
Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Before the ceremony, students of the band troupe representing Sangyoung Township No 9 Basic Education Primary School, Latha Township No 2 BEHS and Tamway Township No 4 BEHS and students of the violin troupe representing Kamayut Township No 1 BEHS, Insein Township Nos 1 and 2 BEHSs and Sangyoung Township No 2 BEHS presented an entertainment programme with the song titled
"Myanma Kyaung" (Myanma school).
Then, the first session of the opening ceremony took place in front of the hall. Masters of ceremonies third standard student of Sangyoung Township No 2 BEHS Ma Seint Shwe Sin read out the agenda in Myanmar and fourth grader Ma Ei Wa Than Zaw, in English.
Afterwards, 14 students representing 14 states and divisions formally opened the ceremony.
Next, the second session followed in the hall. Masters of ceremonies fourth graders of Sangyoung Township No 2 BEHS Ma Thin Thiri Win read out the agenda in Myanmar and Ma Htut Myat Noe Aung, in English.
The students of the band troupe from Mingala Taungnyunt No 3 BEHS played the National Anthem. Meanwhile those present stood up to give respect to the song.
Accompanied by the Myanmar orchestra of fourth standard student of Dagon Township No BEHS gold medalist Ma Wint Thinzar Satin and members, basic education students sang the song titled
"Zar-ti-man" (Nationalism).
On behalf of the students who got the opportunity to attend classes under the project, 14 students took positions on the stage. Then, Myanmar Education Committee Chairman State Peace and Development Council Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt delivered an address. In his address, he said: At present, the government is putting strong emphasis on the implementation of All School Age Children in School Activities in order to build a strong basis for the successful achievement of uplifting education standards of the entire nation which is the national objective for education.
Today's ceremony is held in honour of the successful implementation of the nation-wide All School Age Children in School Activities which is worthy of being honoured and the success is filled with national essence.
The government has set the national education aim for uplifting the education standards of the entire nation and educational reforms are being made through education plans and projects.
In this endeavor, programmes of basic education for all, all round development of students, raising the standard of education to
keep abreast with that of
international education and development of qualified
human resources are being implemented in order that
the education standard of
the entire nation will be
Regarding the implementation of Basic Education for All, in the Education for All Project, both formal education and non-formal education activities are linked and being implemented for all school age children to attend schools and for over school age persons to attend adult literacy classes. The successful materialization of Non-formal education plan for adult literacy has increased the adult literacy rate to 91.4 per cent in 2000-2001.
Concerning the enrolment of all school age children in school, the second national five-year short term plan was initiated in 1996-97 and the plan was successfully implemented with the aim of schooling of all school age children and completion of primary school by 80 per cent of primary students.
In the 30-Year Long Term Education Plan, level-wise completion of basic education by all citizens is being undertaken through nine projects and during the first five year-plan, the implementation of the completion of primary education by all citizens has become vital.
For convenient schooling, more basic education schools have been opened and at present there are 39,974 basic education schools. This means that there are at least 3 basic education schools in 5 wards/villages.
For the enrolment of all school age children in school, since 1999-2000 academic year, the last week of May has been prescribed as Enrolment Week and the Whole Township Enrolment Day has been designated and observed in each township as mass movement activity based on social mobilization.
Committees for All School Age Children in School are formed at central level, state/division level, district level, township level, ward/village tract level, and school/village level. Regional authorities, departmental personnel, educational personnel, well-wishers, parents, communities, members of Union Solidarity and Development Association, the Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association, the Women Affairs Committee, Auxiliary Fire Brigade, Red Cross Society cooperate and are involved in this activity throughout the country.
This task force conducted data collection of school age children, over school age children and primary school dropout children in the area concerned, mobilization of parents for sending all children to school,
fulfillment of required number of classrooms, furniture an teaching aids in schools, resource mobilization of communities to support needy children in terms of school uniforms, textbooks, stationeries and stipend.
At the national level, mass media such as TV, radio and newspapers are used to mobilize the public for enrolment of all school age children in school. Besides, at the township level, erecting posters to promote public awareness of enrolment of children in schools and mobilizing communities through loud speakers are widely undertaken.
Because of the concerted efforts of the entire nation, kindergarten intake rate increased to 91 per cent in 1999, 91.5 per cent in 2000, 92.05 per cent in 2001 and 93.07 per cent in 2002.
In 2002, special emphasis is given to the 55 townships designated as All School Age Children in School Project townships and as a result, enrolment rate of these townships increased to 98.36 per cent.
Different levels of Committees for All School Age Children in School will conduct the data collection of school going age children, primary school dropout children and those who need support for schooling by means of house-to-house data collection activities and mobilize resource from well-wishers.
Concerning the donation for school enrolment activities, during Enrolment Week (May 25 to 31), well-wishers and social organizations donated 181.77 million kyats for textbooks, stationeries and school facilities, and the Ministry of Education provided 1,418,000 textbooks for 337,000 primary students amounting 47.04 million kyats.
Myanmar Education Committee also presented exercise books and pencils amounting to 52.434 million kyats for 124,000 children attending 212 basic education schools and 193 monastic schools in Yangon and Mandalay Divisions with the support of wellwishers and communities from Enrolment Week up to July 15.
After completion of the enrolment of all school age children in school as a result of the successful achievement in enrolment, regular attendance of all school children, fulfilling the requirements of needy children and schooling up to the completion of primary education need to be further carried out by responsible personnel from education departments, headmasters, and teachers in collaboration with wellwishers and parents. Education departments also need to provide level-wise supervision of the regular attendance and instruction of teachers and remedial teaching for slow learners and absentees.
Regional authorities, departmental personnel, social organizations, parents and communities, and teachers are urged to work in cooperation because enrolment of all school age children in school activity is not a one off minor task. This task needs to be regarded as a national
endeavor to be done with perseverance, diligence and solemn wish on a long-term basis and only then will it achieve success.
Moreover, the Government has also raised primary schools to post primary schools with the aim of enhancing convenient pursuit of education up to Grade Six after the completion of primary school education.
Therefore, during the favorable climate of improving access to education for children, the entire nation is urged to make immense effort in order to develop internationally qualified outstanding youths on whom we can rely in the future.
The enrolment activities undertaken from 1999 to 2002 are to be recognized as a national task. In addition, on behalf of the State, all those including parents and communities who have made active contribution in terms of manpower, finance and mobilization, wellwishers of education, members of School Board of Trustees, regional authorities, personnel from social organizations, departmental personnel, responsible personnel from the education sector, headmasters, teachers, different levels of All School Age Children in School Leading Committee members are conferred
honorable recognition and everyone is urged to continue to collaborate for the success of the materialization of the aim of uplifting the education standards of the entire nation.
Next, Chairman of the Central Leading Committee for Ensuring All Children of School-going Age to Go to Schools Minister for Education U Than Aung delivered an address. He said: The 30-year long-term national education promotion programme that represents the building of peaceful, modern and developed nation was laid down and is being implemented by the Ministry of Education of the Union of Myanmar. The programme to ensure all children of school-going age to go to school plays an important role in the basic education sector.
Tasks which include in the programme are to make arrangements for the school enrolment programme after designating townships under this programme and regular townships, to eliminate absence and drop-outs from basic education schools, to
fulfill the requirements for the children in difficulty and to give the educative talks to parents, and to ensure all children to attend school at the school reopening time. Central Leading Committee, leading committee at state, division, district and township level and committees at ward and village-tract level were formed and assigned duties.
With the approval of the Government of the Union of Myanmar in May 2002, a total of 39,974 committees at village level, 16,290 committees at ward and village-tract level and 324 leading committees at township level and state/division leading committees were formed nation wide.
Arrangements to help those who have difficulty in going to school were undertaken with the cooperation of education staff, school boards of trustees, wellwishers, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, the Maternal and Child Welfare Association, the Women Affairs Committee, Auxiliary Fire Brigade, Red Cross Society and students.

The school-age children enrolment movement began in 1998, starting with the efforts to reduce the number of students leaving school after completion of their education in the first phase. In the second phase, programmes to increase the primary school enrolment rate were launched. The programme to ensure all children of school-going age to attend classes was launched in 2001. The people number in a million took part in the movement which was launched nation wide. Due to the generosity and participation of the people, a total of 1,233,002 children have been enrolled at the schools, leading to a significant rise in the school enrolment rate.
Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Senior Than Shwe in his address delivered at the conclusion of USDA courses on 18 July said that the movement was the first successful step of the 30-year education plan.
Next, Fourth standard student Maung Soe Min Naing of Hlinethaya BEPS-25 who got enrolled under the Programme for enabling all school-going age children to get enrolment, expressed words of heartfelt thanks for being able to attend school. His expressions were presented in English language by Fourth standard student Maung Okka Phyo of Kamayut BEPS-2. Then, students from Dagon BEHS-1 and Dagon BEHS-2, Sangyoung BEHS-2, Kamayut BEHS-2 and Dagon BEMS-1 sang the
song" Each and every flower in blossom" with accompaniment of the music played with harp. Then, the ceremony ended.
Afterwards, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt warmly
greeted diplomats present on the occasion. Then, he viewed round the
postcard drawing of students. A girl student presented him a
Leading Committee for Promotion of Tourism Industry
between Myanmar and PRC meets
Yangon, 26 July - The Leading Committee for Promotion of Tourism Industry between the Union of Myanmar and the People's Republic of China held its second meeting at Zeyathiri Beikman Hall on Konmyintha here this morning, with an address by Chairman of the Leading Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
First, Chairman of the Leading Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt made a speech. He said that the Leading Committee and the committees at different levels have been formed for the promotion of tourism industry between the Union of Myanmar and the PRC, adding that tourists of the PRC have been entering Myanmar via Yangon and entries at the border of the two countries.
As there are a number of of Chinese tourists who wish to visit Myanmar, the PRC has proposed cooperating with Myanmar in promoting tourism industry between the two countries and as a result, measures are being systematically taken after the committees concerned have been formed, he noted.
The two countries have been cooperating in border trade, in building factories, mills and economic infrastructures in Myanmar and so also measures are to be taken by the two countries to promote tourism industry practically, he said. He called on the committees concerned to constantly coordinate necessary work and cooperate in keeping with the time after laying down the working plans and objectives.
Then, Minister for Finance and Revenue U Khin Maung Thein reported on financial matters of the central banks of the two countries in connection with promotion of tourism industry.
Next, Chairman of Foreign Relations Committee for Promotion of Tourism Industry between the Union of Myanmar and the PRC Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung reported on measures being taken by the committee with respect to the decisions passed at the first meeting of the Leading Committee, matters related to the arrivals of tourists at Myanmar in accord with rules and regulations, distribution of information about Myanmar through publications and Website, display of Myanmar exhibition booths at the exhibitions on tourism industry to be held in the PRC and relations of tourism companies between the two countries.
Then, Chairman of the Domestic Work Committee Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin reported on the measures taken to ensure the convenience of Chinese tourists who come to Myanmar and arrangements being made by tourism companies of the two countries to ensure better transport of tourists.
Those present reported on matters related to the broadcasting of the facts about Myanmar which appeal to tourists and measures to be taken for the entering of the tourists into Myanmar from Yangon, Mandalay and the entries at the border of the two countries.
Chairman of the Leading Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt
gave necessary instructions. Then, the meeting came to an end.
( 3
) H&T Minister receives
Yangon, 26 July - Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin received Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to the Union of Myanmar Mr Li Jinjun at his office on Sule Pagoda Road this afternoon. They discussed matters related to cooperation for tourism industry development between the two countries.
Industry-1 Minister receives guests from PRC
Yangon, 26 July - Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung received a delegation led by Mr Wu Xilin, Deputy Director-General of the Department of International Economic Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of the People's Republic of China (MOFTEC), together with Economic and Commercial Counsellor Mr Jin Honggen, at his office this morning.
Appointment of Ambassador agreed on
Yangon, 27 July - The Government of the Union of Myanmar has agreed to the appointment of Mr A B Manjoor Rahim as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of Bangladesh to the Union of Myanmar in succession to His Excellency Mr Ahmed Rahim.
Mr A B Manjoor Rahim was born in 1951. He holds a post graduate degree MA in Contemporary History from the University of Dhaka.
He served as a lecturer in the University of Chittagong, Bangladesh from 1974 to 1979. After joining the Bangladesh Foreign Service in 1979, he served in various capacities in the diplomatic and permanent missions of Bangladesh in Rome, Seoul, New York and Stockholm. He was a Director-General at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dhaka untill
August 2000. He is currently serving as Consul General of Bangladesh
in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. He is married and has a son and a daughter.
( 4
) MWVO Central Organizing Committee meets

Yangon, 26 July - The Central Organizing Committee of Myanmar War Veterans Organization held its biannual meeting at Myanmar War Veterans Organization Headquarters in Mayangon Township here this afternoon.
Chairman of the Central Organizing Committee of MWVO member of the State Peace and Development Council Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein Sein delivered an address.
Secretary of the Central Organizing Committee Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung read out the decisions made at the meeting 4/2002 of MWVO and sought the meeting's approval, explaining the accomplishments of his committee.
Chairmen of State/Division War Veterans Supervisory Committees and leaders of organizing groups explained progress of work, followed by a general round of discussions.
The meeting ended with concluding remarks by Maj-Gen Thein Sein.
( 5 ) Diploma conferring ceremony of Central Cooperative College held
Yangon, 26 July - The Central Cooperatives College held its sixth diploma conferring ceremony at the International Business Centre on Pyay Road here this afternoon, attended by Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe.
First, Minister Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe presented the outstanding awards to Ma San San Htay, the first prize winner, Ma Khine Thazin Tun, the second prize winner and Ma Kyi Kyi Win, the third prize winner.
Then, on behalf of the chairman of the Administrative Board of the cooperative colleges, Principal of Central Cooperative College U Saw Lwin conferred the respective diplomas on the students and the ceremony ended.
After the ceremony, the commander, the minister and officials had a documentary photo taken together with the students.
Energy Minister attends
seminar of senior officers
on oil well survey
Yangon, 26 July - Organized by Salanbajar company which is undertaking crude oil well survey works in Myanmar, a seminar of senior officers from the Ministry
for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi, which is carrying out oil exploration works, Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise and local foreign oil companies took place at the meeting hall of the Sedona Hotel on 26 July.
After an opening speech by the Energy Minister, Vice-Chairman of Salanbajar Co Mr Mike Garding extended greetings. The technicians of Salanbajar Co put into discussions modern technique of crude oil well survey, of cementing the well, of boosting the oil production and of computing the data. Then, a general round of discussions ensued and the seminar came to an end at 5 pm.
CCDAC holds meeting No 3/2002

Yangon, 26 July - The Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control held meeting No 3/2002 at the Ministry of Home Affairs this afternoon.
Chairman of the Central Committee Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing delivered an address.
Minister Col Tin Hlaing spoke about the ceremony commemorating the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking which falls on 26 June, the holding of the seized narcotic drugs destruction ceremony, the holding of a mini-marathon jointly organized by CCDAC and UNDCP, the issuing of an order on 25 kinds of chemicals which can be used in producing stimulant tablets and narcotic drugs, the holding of the ceremonies to put to torch opium seeds handed over by farmers and seized narcotic drugs in Lashio and Laukkai on 7 and 8 June respectively and the issuing of the Control of Money Laundering Law on 17 June according to the State Peace and Development Council Law No 6/2002.
Then, he explained the work programmes on eradication of narcotic drugs at border areas to be implemented by CCDAC and the working groups in accord with the guidance of the Head of State and clarified the instructions given by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt at the special meeting on eradication of narcotic drugs at border areas held on 23 July.
He also said that about 85 per cent of the project to grow opium substitute crops such as paddy, corn, peas and beans and soy bean in Shan State (South), (North) and (East) and Kayah State has been completed. State/Division Drug Control Committee, working groups and task forces need to speed up their efforts so that cold season crops, opium substitute crops, can be grown in the poppy cultivation
season September and October.
Only the cooperation of ministries and departments concerned, social organizations and local national races in eradicating narcotic drugs in accord with the guidance of the Head of State is not enough; the entire national people including private entrepreneurs and volunteers need to cooperate with national outlook. Activities designed to raise the awareness of the entire national people are to be carried out among the public and students. On 5 July, an MoU for the implementation of the AIDS Project for Asian region in Yunnan and Guangxi Zhuang Provinces of the People's Republic of China according to AusAID programme was signed at the Drugs Elimination Museum.
Minister Col Thein Nyunt explained matters related to Wa Areas Development Programme (WADP) being implemented in cooperation with UNDCP, provision of assistance for the farmers who destroyed poppy fields in Mongyan Township, southern Wa region, expenditure for buckwheat seeds and fertilizer, and K 5 million provided for the project for giving medical treatment to drug addicts.
Minister U Win Aung said that success which has been achieved in implementing the New Goal Project for elimination of narcotic drugs will be reported on at the meeting on elimination of narcotic drugs in ASEAN region.
Ministers U Tin Winn and Brig-Gen Pyi Sone spoke about cultivation of buckwheat, discussions held with local national race leaders and reduction of poppy cultivation.
Joint-Secretary of CCDAC Police Col Kham Aung reported on implementation of decisions made at meeting No 2/2002 of CCDAC.
Then, a general round of discussions followed.
The meeting ended with concluding remarks by Minister Col Tin Hlaing.
Myanmar team draws with
Chinese team 2-2
Yangon, 26 July - Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint watched a football friendly match between Myanmar and China held at Youth's Training Centre (Thuwunna) this afternoon.
Among the spectators were members of MOC, officials of the ministry and Myanmar Football Federation, members of the panel of leading patrons of Myanmar Women's Sports Federation, families of Chinese Embassy staff in Myanmar and guests.
In the match, Myanmar youth (B) team and China U-20 team played 2-2 draw.
Myanmar-China football friendly match will also be held on 29 July at the same venue at 4 pm.
( 6 )
Enrolment movement for school-going age
children honoured
Yangon, 26 July - The ceremony in honour of the success achieved in enrolment movement for school-going age children was held at Diamond Jubilee Hall in Kamayut
here this morning. Fourth-graders of various schools explained the movement and their joy to get enrolment in schools.
Twenty-four wellwishers presented K 6.3 million in honour of the success achieved in enrolment movement.
The minister and deputy ministers accepted the donations.
The students entertained the guests with Myanmar traditional dance and songs.
Minister U Than Aung presented K 500,000 to students for their role in holding the ceremony and their entertainment programmes.
At the afternoon paper reading session, resource persons of the No 1 Basic Education Department, No 2 BED and No 3 BED read papers on the movement.
The ceremony continues till 28 July.
Holding of ASEAN Day ceremony
Yangon, 26 July - A work co-ordination meeting on
holding ASEAN Day ceremony to be conducted by the Ministry of
Culture on 8 August 2002 took place at the meeting hall of the
National Museum on Pyay Road this morning.
It was attended by Minister for Culture U Tin
Win, Deputy Minister U Soe Nyunt, Chairman of the National Committee
for ASEAN Culture and Information Directors-General of the
Department of Cultural Institute U Myint Thein Swe and committee
members, departmental heads and guests.
The minister delivered a speech on the occasion.
Then, Directors-General U Myint Thein Swe presented the plan for
holding the ceremony. Afterwards, Secretary of the committee Daw
Nanda Hmon progress of work. Next, those present discussed holding
ASEAN poster and postcard contest and ASEAN members' national
costume contest, entertainment programme on cultural dances and
exhibition on co-operation among
members. The meeting came to an end with concluding remarks by the
minister .
Workshop of RTAD's accounting staff held
Yangon, 26 July - Workshop (1/2002) of accounting staff of the Road Transport Administration Department took place at the meeting hall of the RTAD (Head Office) this morning, with an address by Minister for Rail Transportation U Pan Aung.
Speaking on the occasion, the minister said keeping an account is essential while the statistics are so important for the department. Only when, he said, the accounts are correct can the works also be done correctly, adding that the use of computer system is required to cope with the
Ministry of Industry-1 awards
outstanding students

Yangon, 26 July - The Ministry of Industry-1 held its fifth prize presentation ceremony for the students from states and divisions, including the head office, who
brilliantly passed the matriculation examination in 2001-2002 academic year, at the training hall of the ministry.
After delivering an address on matters relating to promotion of education, the minister presented awards to students who won five distinctions in the matriculation examination. Then, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thein Tun gave away prizes to students who won four distinctions, and Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Win to three-distinction winning students. Next, Director-General of Directorate of Industries U Tin Hlaing awarded two- and one-distinction winning students, and Director-General of the Industrial Coordination and Inspection Department U San Kyi one-distinction winning students.
In awarding the students of 2001-2002 academic year, Managing Director of Myanma Textile Industries U U Thein Maung gave prizes to kindergarten students who stood first in the whole school, Managing Director of Myanma Foodstuff Industries U Kyaw Myint to first grade students who stood first in the whole school, and Managing Director of Myanma Pharmaceutical Industries U Myint Oo to second grade students who stood first in the whole school.
Later, Managing Director of Myanma Ceramics Industries Col Soe Yi gave prizes to second and third grades students who stood first in the whole school, Managing Director of Myanma General and Maintenance Industries U Thaik Tun to third and fourth grades students who stood first in the whole school, Managing Director of Myanma Paper and Chemical Industries U Than Shwe to fourth and fifth grades students who stood first in the whole school, and Deputy Director-General of the Industrial Coordination and Inspection Department U Tet Tun to first prize winning students from sixth to ninth grades in the whole school.
Planning Department holds coord meeting
Yangon, 26 July - The Planning Department of the Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development held a coordination meeting concerning the 2002-2003 annual plan at the meeting hall of the department this morning.
Minister for National Planning and Economic Development U Soe Tha addressed the meeting.
The minister said that more efforts are to be exerted to achieve more economic development than expected and more success in improving the standard of living and building the nation into a peaceful, modern and developed one. It is required to draw precise working plans so that tasks can be successfully carried out in the second year of the third short-term five-year plan.
He called for concerted efforts to accomplish the objectives of the plans.
( 7 ) Commander inspects development undertakings on west bank of Hline River
Yangon, 26 July - Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe inspected development undertakings in villages on the west bank of the Hline River in Kyimyindine
Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe arrived at Hsethsan Ward on the west bank in the township, Yangon West District. He attended to the needs in carrying out the ward development task. In Hlwasindan Ward, the commander and party inspected Coconut and Banana Market.
Officials reported on points about the market.
They then inspected the progress in construction of shops in the new market near Bagaya jetty, urging officials to make arrangements for the convenience of shopkeepers in moving to the new market. During his cordial meeting with the shopkeepers and traders, the commander attended to their needs. Managing Director U Thein Htay reported on the shifting of Coconut and Banana Market from Hlwasindan Ward to Bagaya jetty and operations at the jetties under MPA.
In Hsethsan Ward, the commander and party inspected measures being taken to keep clean the drinking water pond of the ward to improve the health standard and construction of the Basic Education Primary School No 7 on self-reliance. Officials will have to make efforts for early completion of the school and the facility to upgrade the required standard, the commander said.
Maj-Gen Myint Swe and party presented Waso robes and offertories to Buddhist monks of Aungmingala Monastery and Mekkarika Seikkyi Monastery. During inspection of Seikkyi U Mya Ngasin
Ward, the commander gave suggestions on ward development undertakings.
The commander and party inspected construction of a dispensary.
( 8
) Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women explained

Yangon, 26 July - A ceremony to explain the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women and work for women's affairs was held at Okthathiri Hall in Bago this morning.
Present were Commander of Southern Command Brig-Gen Aung Min, Chairman of Myanmar National Working Committee for Women's Affairs Deputy Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement U Hlaing Win, Vice-Chairperson Professor Dr Daw May May Yee, member of MNCWA and Working Committee for Women's Affairs Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe and members, chairmen and members of Bago Division, Bago Division (West), District and Township Working Committees for Women's Affairs.
The commander extended greetings.
Deputy Minister U Hlaing Win made an opening speech.
Joint Secretary of MNWCWA Daw Khin Hta May and member of MNWCWA and leader of the working group for girls and adult women Daw Khin Myo Myint explained the Convention. Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe gave instructions on matters related to trafficking in women and children.
Training of Service Providers for Trafficking in Women and
Children opens
Yangon, 26 July - The Myanmar National Working
Committee for Women's Affairs and UN-IAP jointly opened
Training of Service Providers for Trafficking in Women and Children
in Thiri Oktha Hall, Bago , this morning.
Present on the occasion were Vice-Chairperson of
MNWCWA Prof Daw May May Yi, member of Myanmar National Committee for
Women's Affairs and MNWCWA Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, working committee
members, member of Bago Division Working Committee for Women's
Affairs Dr Daw Wai Wai Tha, wife of the Southern Command Commander,
member of Bago Division (West) Working Committee for Women's Affairs
Daw Lay, Lay Nwe, Chairman of Division WCWA Commissioner U Chit
Maung, officials, course in-charge Prof Daw Khin Aye Win, course
instructors and trainees.
Member of MNCWA and MNWCWA Leader of the Group
for Prevention of Violence Against Women and Rehabilitation Dr Daw
Khin Win Shwe gave a speech.
Thirty-two trainees from the Division Working
Committee, Myanmar Police Force, Ministry of Immigration and
National Registration, law officers, judicial bodies, health,
education and social welfare sectors, General Administration
Department, Information and Public Relations Department and Maternal
and Child Welfare Association are attending the course which is
being conducted till 28 July.
Myanmar student delegation
arrives back
Yangon, 26 July - A 10-member Myanmar student delegation led by supervisor Headmaster U Tin Maung Swe of Myeik Basic Education High School No 1 arrived back here by air this evening after attending the 14th Get-together of Children from Asia and Pacific Region held in Fukuoka, Japan.
They were welcomed at Yangon International Airport by Deputy Minister for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung, directors-general and chairmen of departments and boards under the Ministry of Education, officials, parents of the students.
( 9
) Heroin seized in Bhamo Township
Yangon, 26 July - A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force, acting on information that there will be drug trafficking at the house of U Lamaing Too, of Three-mile Wetkon Village, Bhamo Township, Kachin State, and laying in wait near the house on 18 July and arrested La Phaing Yawzat (a) Naw Taung, son of U La Phaing Kon Phan, of Jakhandut Village, Momauk Township, who arrived there for drug trafficking together with 65.32 grams of heroin concealed in four soap cases.
Action is being taken against him according to law.