1 ) Secretary-1 attends third donation ceremony for Mingalayama Pali Tekkatho Diamond Jubilee five-storey monastery in Botahtaung
Yangon, 21 July
- The third donation ceremony for construction of Mingalayama Pali Tekkatho Diamond Jubilee five-storey monastery on Theinbyu Street in Botahtaung Township was held at the monastery at 2 pm today, attended by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
The ceremony opened with three-time recitation of Namo Tassa. Then, the Secretary-1 and the congregation took the Five Precepts from the Sayadaw. Then, the Sayadaws and members of the Sangha recited Parittas. Next, the Secretary-1 and party and the wellwishers donated provisions to the Sayadaws.

Afterwards, the well-wishers donated cash for construction of the monastery. Today's donations included K 87,250,000 by wellwishers including K 50 million for the monastery and K 7 million for 200 sets of Waso robes for hill region missionary Sayadaws by U Win Sein, Asia Plaza of Thiha Thudhammamanijotadhara U Maung Maung (Asia Express Co Ltd) family; K 13 million by U Maung Maung Soe-Daw Tin Yi (Nan Thazin Press) family; K 5 million by U Thet Oo of Ayeya Myay Production Ltd; K 2 million by U Khin Maung Htay-Daw Aye Than and family of Natchaung Housing Estate in Tamway; K 1.53 million by U Ko Ko Khaing-Daw Nu Nu Nge (Nu Nge Construction Family); K 500,000 for the building, K 300,000 for the funds of
"soon" and K 700,000 for 200 sets of Waso robes to be offered to hill region missionary Sayadaws by U Khin Maung Win-Daw Soe Moe Thu and family of Shwe Myitta construction materials Trading; K 1.2 million by U Ohn Maung and family in memory of the late mother Daw Nyunt Yin; K 1 million by Myanmarsar Professor Sayagyi U Hla Myint of Bhamo Degree College-Daw Thein Mya Nu (a) Daw Nu Mar and family; K 1 million by U Saw Maung Thein-Daw Ma Kyawt Hla and family; K 1 million by U Shein Win of Tatlan Construction; K 500,000 by U Mya Han-Daw Khin Sabai Kyi of Fortune Co; K 400,000 by U Tun Tun Wai-Daw Khin Sein Min (a) Daw Pearl and family; K 300,000 each by U Nyo-Daw Khin Kyi and family in memory of the late mother Daw Khin Tint; U Ba Khaing-Daw May Hla Kyi and family; and U Kyauk Taung-Daw Ma Chay and family; K 200,000 each by BEHS No 5 of Botahtaung; U Than Shwe; Daw Win Swe; Diamond Arrow Co Ltd; U Ni Tun Oo-Daw Ma Hla Sein family; U Hla Maung-Daw Virama and family; and U Thein Lwin-Daw Thaung Khin and family; K 170,000 by pupils in memory of the late Dr Ba Tun; K 160,000 by Thaleinpyin Sayadaw and disciples; K 150,000 each by Kaingshay Sayadaw and disciples; Natmaw Sayadaw and disciples; Bawdhyayama Sayadaw and disciples; Kaingthaung Sayadaw and disciples; Daw Khaing Soe and family; Daw Kyu Kyu; U Hla Tin and family; Daw Nway Nway and family; U Soe-Paing-Daw Tin Tin and family; Maung Mya Wai; U Hla Naung-Daw Zin Zin Wai and family; U Tin Aye-Daw Than Than Htay and family; U Yan Pa-Daw Hla Yi and family; Lt-Col Thein Soe Aung-Daw Tin Yi and family; Ko Win Nu-Ma Kyi Kyi Zin and family; Shwe Tharaphu Goldsmith family; daughter Daw Aye Kyi and son U Aye Tun families; Daw Nu Nu and family; Daw Than Ei and family; Daw Khin Kyi and family; U Than Min-Daw Nyunt Nyunt (Min Min Jewellery Shop); Maj Win Maung (Retd)-Daw Tin Yi and family; U Aung Thein-Daw Ma Saw Yi and family; U Aung Soe-Daw Nyunt Yi and family; and U Mya Sein-Daw Aye.
The Secretary-1 and the minister accepted the donations.
Then, Joint-Secretary of Rakhine State Sangha Nayaka Committee Maha Saddham-majotikadhaja Kammathanacariya Sayadaw Bhaddanta Suriyadhaja delivered a sermon and the Secretary-1 and party and the congregation shared merits gained.
The ceremony ended with three-time recitation of Buddha Sasanam ‚iram Titthatu.
After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 inspected progress in
construction of the building.
( 2 )
Secretary-1 visits Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image

Yangon, 21 July - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt paid homage to Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image and all-round construction work on Mindhamma Hill in Insein
Township this morning.

The Secretary-1 arrived at Mindhamma Hill and paid homage to Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image.
Then, the Secretary-1 inspected progress of all-round construction work and the tasks being undertaken on Mindhamma Hill, and gave instructions.
Secretary-1 pours Mingala water onto Theingi Marlar
Yadana White Elephant at Nama Karana Mangala ceremony
Yangon, 21 July - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt attended the Nama Karana Mangala ceremony of the Yadana White Elephant at the Yadana White Elephant Garden, southern part of Mindhamma Hill in Insein Township at 7 am today and poured the water of the nine items of gems, scented water and the Paritta water onto the White Elephant.

U San Thin Hlaing of Yangon Division Religious Affairs Department read out the White Elephant's name
"Theingi Marlar".
Then, Maha Saddhammajotikadhaja U Shein Aung Bo extolled the white elephant with Aungtheikdi Gatha. Teingyar team blew conch shells three times. Next, Minister for Forestry U Aung Phone and Minister for Religious
Affairs U Aung Khin tied the name plate bearing Theingi Marlar at the White
Afterwards, Myanmar Construction Entrepreneurs Association Chairman Agga Maha Thiri Thudhamma-manijotadhara Zay Gabar U Khin Shwe-wife Daw San San Kywe, Thiha Thudhamma-manijotadhara Excellent Performance in Social Field (First Class) Shwe Thanlwin U Thein Win-wife Thiri Thudhamma Theingi Daw Ni, Thiri Thudhamma-manijotadhara Shwebin Ngwebin U Than Tun-wife Daw Aye Myint and Thiri Thudhammamanijotadhara Sein and San Co owner U Sein Hla Win-wife Daw Phyu Phyu Khin donated cash towards the funds of the White Elephant. In-charge of the committee for taking care of the elephant safeguarding team Director of Forest Department U Myint Swe accepted the
Then, the White Elephant was taken near the stage.

Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt from the stage poured the nine items of gems, scented water and the Paritta water onto the White Elephant. U Kyaw Swe of the Fine Arts Department of the Ministry of Culture read out the Mingala Obha Ratu of the Elephant.
Next, the Secretary-1 gave feedstuff to the Elephant.
The Secretary-1 then presented cash prizes to the Yadana white elephant search committee, the Elephant conveying committee, the committee for taking care of the elephant, the elephant health care committee and the elephant shed construction committee.

Afterwards, the Secretary-1 performed the rituals of golden and silver showers to mark the successful completion of the ceremony.
The preliminary ceremony of the Nama Karana ceremony was held at 6 am. Director-General U Shwe Kyaw of Forest Department washed the head of the elephant with scented water and shampoo.
Then, belles of the Teingyar team poured the water of nine items of gems, the scented water, lotus and jasmine flowers into the Mingala Lake and bathed the elephant.
The Mingala harp troupe played Jeyatu Sabba Mangalam song. Next, the elephant was wore equipment.
( 3
) Opening of Myanmar Maritime University coordinated

Yangon, 21 July - A coordination meeting on the opening of Myanmar Maritime University was held at the university on Bayintnaung Road this morning, with an address by Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Chairman of the Leading Committee for Opening Myanmar Maritime University Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe reported to the Secretary-1 on completion of lecture halls and rooms, installation of teaching aids including computers and matters relating to selection of the students.
Next, Deputy Minister for Education U Myo Nyunt reported on the drafting of curriculum and syllabus, Principal of the Institute of Marine Technology U Win Thein on collection of books and installation of electronic teaching aids, Deputy Minister for Transport Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint on construction of buildings and Managing Director U Aung Htwe of Golden Flower Co on arrangements for construction of Myanmar Maritime University in Thanlyin Township.
The Secretary-1 then gave instructions.
Director-General of the Transport Department Col Nyan Tun Aung reported on financial matters.
Next, Rector of Myanmar Maritime University U Thein Tun reported on selection of faculty members, admission of students, academic and management matters.
The Secretary-1 said Head of State Senior General Than Shwe gave guidance on the establishment of Myanmar Maritime University and Myanmar Aerospace Engineering University for producing maritime and aeronautic technicians needed in nurturing fully-qualified human resources and in building a modern, developed nation.
In accord with the guidance of the Head of State, plans were laid down for the opening of the two universities, he said. The two universities to be opened soon will contribute toward the nation-building endeavours, he added.
He said the technicians to be produced by those universities would gain significant and good opportunities. He spoke of the need to make arrangements for requirements such as academic matters, construction and modern teaching aids and books and for emergence of the university of high standard.

Next, the Secretary-1 inspected construction of four-storey lecture halls.
The Secretary-1 and party inspected practical rooms, laboratories, computer rooms, the library, English lab, drawing rooms, lecture halls, provision of teaching aids and the theatre. He then gave instructions.
The Secretary-1 left the university at 10.30 am.
( 4
) Ambassador U Nyunt Maung Shein presents Credentials to President of the Federal Republic of Germany
Yangon, 22 July - U Nyunt Maung Shein, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Union of Myanmar to the Federal Republic of Germany, presented his Credentials to His Excellency Mr Johannes Rau, President of the Federal Republic of Germany on 9 July 2002, in Berlin.
Ambassador U Sein Win Aung presents Credentials to President of Mongolia
Yangon, 22 July - U Sein Win Aung, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Union of Myanmar to Mongolia, presented his Credentials to His Excellency Mr Natsagiin Bagabandi, President of Mongolia on 8 July 2002, in Ulaanbaatar.
( 5 ) Health Minister views kidney transplant
Yangon, 21 July - Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, accompanied by Deputy Ministers Professor Dr Mya Oo and Professor Dr Kyaw Myint and officials viewed the 7th renal transplant performed at new Yangon General Hospital this morning.
Then, the minister and party met with the two kidney donors and spoke words of encouragement.
Next, the minister and party viewed the operation process of the renal transplant presented by Surgeon Dr Tin Hein with Close Circuit TV (CCTV) and with the supervision of Rector Dr Myo Myint of the Institute of Medicine-1 at the institute.
Afterwards, the minister inspected the renal transplant process in the operation theatre and study of the operation process by the medical students in the CCTV classroom and attended to the needs.
Three patients have undergone operation in the 7th kidney transplant.
With her father as a kidney donor, patient Daw Hnin Hnin Mya underwent operation on 19 July, with
his father as a kidney donor, patient Ko Nay Lin Tun on 20 July and with his brother as a kidney donor, Ko Myo Nyein today.
To ensure the successful operations, Director Dr Wan Maung of Health Department and Medical Superintendent Dr Aung Htut provided necessary assistance.
The specialists of Yangon and Mandalay with the supervision of Director-General Professor Dr Paing Soe of Medical Research Department (Lower Myanmar) and Renal Specialist Professor Dr Than Aye participated in the process.
The health condition of the patients who underwent the surgical operations is making
Kayan Township gets digital electronic auto-telephone exchange
Yangon, 21 July - A digital electronic auto-telephone exchange was put into service in Kayan Township, Yangon South District, this morning.
Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe and Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw attended the ceremony.
Managing Director of Myanma Telecommunication U Maung Maung Tin and Chairman of Yangon South District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Sein Hlaing formally opened the auto-telephone exchange.
Then, the commander, the minister and party inspected the auto-telephone exchange and tested local and overseas calls.
At the ceremony to mark the opening of the auto-telephone exchange held in the hall of Kayan Township Peace and Development Council Office, Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe elaborated on the five rural development tasks laid down by the Head of State.
Member of the Central Executive Committee of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Minister Brig-Gen Thein Zaw spoke of the opening of the auto-telephone exchanges.
Minister Brig-Gen Thein Zaw and Managing Director U Maung Maung Tin
presented commemorative pennants to the commander and the officials.
The auto-telephone exchange is a digital electronic exchange of S-12
type, and can operate 500 telephone lines. Direct local and overseas calls can be made. The numbers starting 01-39 can be dialled to call to Khayan.
The commander, the minister and party then visited Apyogyi Tesu Agricultural Educative Camp in Letpadan Village, Tamangyi Village-tract, Khayan Township.
Yangon Division Agricultural Manager of Myanma Agricultural Service U Aung San reported on the process of process of super Bokashi fertilizer.
The commander and the minister gave instructions.
Afterwards, the commander and party inspected the manual telephone exchange in Thongwa.
Then, they went to the agricultural educative camp in Thaiktukan Village, Thongwa Township, and met with township departmental officials and farmers from Thanlyin, Kyauktan, Khayan and Thongwa in Yangon South District.
The commander gave instructions on cultivation of monsoon paddy of high quality and the use of super EM-Bokashi fertilizer.
Minister Brig-Gen Thein Zaw explained the assistance to be provided for regional development.
The chairmen of Township Peace and Development Councils reported on progress of cultivation of monsoon paddy and requirements for regional development.
Chairman of Yangon South District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Sein Hlaing reported on progress of cultivation of monsoon paddy in Yangon South District.
The local farmers from Thaiktukan Village-tract reported on requirements for cultivation of monsoon paddy and cold season crops.
The commander, the minister and party observed the scattering of EM-Bokashi fertilizer in the paddy fields of farmer U Myint Thaung in Thaiktukan Village.
In Yangon South District, a plan has been made to
cultivate monsoon paddy on 798, 690 acres of land. Up to now, land
preparations have been made on 775, 107 acres. A total of 696, 419
acres of land, 87.19% of the target, have been placed under monsoon
( 6 ) Agriculture, livestock breeding tasks inspected in Uto region
Yangon, 21 July - Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Mayor U Ko Lay, accompanied by officials, inspected agriculture and livestock breeding tasks being undertaken by YCDC in Uto region of Taikkyi Township this morning. At the fish and prawn unit, the mayor inspected breeding of fresh water prawn and fingerlings of Labeo rohita and gave instructions on distribution of fingerlings to livestock breeding farms.
Then, the mayor saw over storage of farming equipment, heavy machinery and fuel at the Uto camp and gave necessary instructions to officials. Next, the mayor inspected thriving lime, pomelo and pineapple plantations.
Afterwards, the mayor viewed vegetable plantations and gave instructions on distribution of vegetables to markets in Yangon City.
They then viewed the cultivation of Sima strain high-yield paddy near No 2 Production Road.
( 7 )
Ministry of Industry-2 offers Waso robes
Yangon, 21 July - Under the patronage of Minister for Industry-2 Maj-Gen Saw Lwin and wife Daw Moe Moe Myint, staff families of the Ministry of Industry-2 offered Waso robes to members of the Sangha from Aungban Kyaungtaik in Bahan
Township this morning.
First, the congregation received the Five Precepts from Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw Agga Maha Saddhammajotikadhaja Bhaddanta Sasana of Aungban Kyaungtaik. The minister and wife and the congregation offered Waso robes and provisions to the Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw and members of the Sangha. The Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw delivered a sermon and the ceremony came to a close. After the ceremony, the minister and wife offered soon to the members of the Sangha.
Waso robes offering and naovitiation ceremony held robes offering and naovitiation ceremony held
Yangon, 21 July - The 49th Waso robes offering and novitiation ceremony of the Buddhist Association of the
Ministers' Office was held at the Dhammaryon of the office this morning. First, the congregation received the Five Precepts from Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw Bhaddanta Dhammicavara of Tezacetki Meditation Kyaungtaik.
The Prime Minister's Office U Than Shwe and the congregation offered Waso robes and provisions to the Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw and members of the Sangha. The Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw delivered a sermon and the ceremony came to a close.
After the ceremony, soon was offered to the members of the Sangha. Altogether 17 man staff of the office were ordained at the monastery and 11 women staff practised meditation at Mahasi Meditation Centre.
Public Works offers Waso robes
Yangon, 21 July - The Waso robes offering ceremony of the staff families of Public Works of the Ministry of Construction was held at the Dhammayon of the ministry on Shwedagon Pagoda Road this morning.
The Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun and wife, the deputy minister and the congregation offered Waso robes and provisions to the Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw and members of the Sangha. The Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw delivered a sermon and the ceremony came to a close. After the ceremony, the minister and wife offered soon to members of the Sangha.
( 8
) USDA secretariat member meets local members
Yangon, 21 July
- Secretariat Member of the Union Solidarity and Development Association U Khin Maung Thein met with local members of the association at NyaungU District USDA office yesterday morning.
Officials of local USDAs reported on work being carried out and future tasks. U Khin Maung Thein gave instructions on organization, courses being conducted to the members and rural development tasks.
Afterwards, U Khin Maung Thein donated cash and stationery to be used at the courses to be conducted by NyaungU District USDA.
( 9
) Chinese soccer, volleyball teams arrive
Yangon, 21 July - Under the arrangement to promote friendly relations between the Union of Myanmar and the People's Republic of China, selected Chinese national volleyball team-B and selected under-20 youth soccer team which will play against Myanmar teams arrived here by air this afternoon.
The teams were welcomed at Yangon International Airport by Joint Secretary of Myanmar Olympic Committee U Than Zaw and officials of Myanmar Football Federation.
The 23-member selected under-20 youth soccer team led by Manager Mr Lang Xiaonong will meet against Myanmar youth-A team at Youth Training Centre in Thuwunna on 23 July, Myanmar youth-B team on 26 July and combined Myanmar youth team on 29 July.
The 14-member Chinese national volleyball team-B led by Manager Mr Lu Yajun will play against selected Myanmar volleyball team at National Indoor Stadium-1 in Thuwunna on 22 July, the combined team on 25 July and the selected youth team on 27 July.