1 ) Exercise books and pencils donated to basic education primary schools
in Dagon Myothit (South), (East) and (Seikkan) Townships

Yangon, 15 July - A ceremony to provide exercise books and pencils for basic education primary schools in Dagon Myothit (South), (East) and (Seikkan) Townships in Yangon East District was held at the town hall in Dagon Myothit (South) Township this morning, attended by Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt delivered an address.
He said the donation ceremony was held for altogether 30,266 schoolchildren from 60 primary schools in Dagon Myothit (South), (East) and (Seikkan) Townships. Exercise books and pencils have been presented to schoolchildren in other states and divisions for many times. Altogether 24,702 dozens of exercise books and 8,234 dozens of pencils were presented to 49,403 schoolchildren from 152 schools in Yangon West District, Yangon North District, Shwepyitha and Hlinethaya Townships. Similarly, exercise books and pencils were presented to monastic education schools.
He said 12,102 dozens of exercise books and 2,500 dozens of pencils were presented to 24,200 schoolchildren from 150 monastic education schools in 38 Townships in Yangon North District, Yangon West District, Yangon East District and Yangon South District. Similarly, 11,445 dozens of exercise books and 3,049 dozens of pencils were also presented to 20,588 schoolchildren from 43 monastic education schools in seven Townships in Mandalay Division.
For 2002-2003 academic year, Myanmar Education Committee presented 63,383 dozens of exercise books and 18,829 dozens of pencils worth K 52,433,500 have been presented to 124,457 schoolchildren from 405 basic and monastic education schools in Yangon and Mandalay
Divisions, he said.
Exercise books and pencils were provided for needy schoolchildren from primary schools and monastic education schools in outlying townships for implementation of the aim of going to school for every school-going-age child in accord with the education policy of the government.
He said social organizations and well-wishers provided for the convenience of the needy children and parents to some extent in realizing the objectives of the government. The school enrolment rate has now increased due to such provisions. In some townships, the school enrolment rate reached nearly cent per cent owing to the efforts of local authorities, social organizations and well-wishers, he added.
He said monastic education schools contribute toward the aim of going to school for every school-going-age child. Pupils are pious and disciplined and they preserve traditional culture under the teaching of the monks. This is why the government has provided much assistance for the monastic education schools, he said.
Continuing, he said, the government has laid special emphasis on the education sector and it is also making efforts for uplift of qualities and qualifications of the school-going-age children. Human resource development is important for emergence of a modern developed nation.

Therefore, the government is making efforts for equitable development in basic and higher education sectors which are fundamental for human resource development, he said.
He called for upgrading of basic education schools and opening of the schools in the basic education sector. He said before 1988 there were 32 universities and colleges and now they have increased to 150. Obviously, the government has laid
emphasis on the education sector.
The Secretary-1 quoted Head of State Senior General Than Shwe as saying that there needs educated persons, intellectuals, intelligentsia and those who serve the interest of the nation for emergence of a modern developed nation. Only those persons can build the nation and the country will develop.
Therefore, the government has laid down education policy and plans and is implementing them for turning out educated persons, intellectuals and intelligentsia, he said.
Only master degrees were conferred on students by universities in Myanmar. Now doctoral courses are conducted at the universities and institutes under the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science and Technology and Ministry of Health. The Ph.D degrees were conferred on the students.
Producing Ph.D degree holders will contribute much toward the nation-building tasks. Therefore, the government is implementing the national education promotion programme, national education promotion special four-year plan and 30-year long-term plan for highly-qualified human resource development.
Scholars, faculty members and teachers from basic and higher levels under the Ministry of Education discussed matters relating to education and laid down educational plans. The plans were being implemented phase by phase so we can say that the educational level is not low.
He said Myanmar Education Committee donated exercise books and pencils to schoolchildren with the contributions of social organizations and well-wishers. The donations would contribute toward the school enrolment for the school-going-age children.
He said the people were pleased to see the
donations and called for local authorities to participate in the school enrolment activities for gaining success fully.
Then, the Secretary-1, the commander and the ministers and the deputy ministers and the vice-mayor presented 15,134 dozens of exercise books and 5,046 dozens of pencils to the value of K 12,662,460 bought with the contributions to the Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee to the respective teachers and students for 30,266 students of 60 basic education primary schools in Dagon Myothit (South) (Seikan) and (East) Townships, Yangon East District.
Afterwards, on behalf of the basic education schools of Yangon East District, Head of No BEPS in Dagon Myothit (South) U Kyaw Win spoke words of thanks and the ceremony
( 2 )
Industry-1 Minister receives
Chinese guests
Yangon, 15 July - Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung received President Assistant of China Metallurgical Construction (Group) Corporation Mr Xiangchun Xu
and party at his office at 4 pm today.
Minister receives Japanese guests
Yangon, 15 July - Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, Chairman of Myanmar-Japan Friendship Association, received Chairman of South-East Asia Exchange Association, Japan, Mr Goro Konishi
and party at his office today. Col Tin Hlaing accepted two million
ten presented by Mr Goro Konishi for Youth Rehabilitation Camp.
( 3
) Maj-Gen Ye Myint attends tree planting ceremony at BEHS No 26

Yangon, 15 July - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence attended the tree planting ceremony to mark the school environment greening day at No 26 Basic Education High School at the corner of 66th and Seinban Streets in Chanmyathazi Township yesterday morning and planted a Thithseint tree (bellericmyrobalan).
First, Maj-Gen Ye Myint planted a Thithseint tree.
Then, the commander, the mayor, the deputy minister and the deputy commander planted trees. Then, the tree planting ceremony followed. A total of 2,000 trees of various kinds were planted at the ceremony.
At 10 am, Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party arrived at the construction site of Ohbo-Shwekyin Creek Bridge on Mandalay Ring road.
Chairman of MCDC Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein reported on construction of the retaining walls at Ohbo-Shwekyin Creek Bridge No 2, the bridge design, starting date and time schedule of the construction tasks. Maj-Gen Ye Myint gave instructions on timely completion and quality of the bridge.
Next, Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party inspected construction of Ohbo-Nyaunggwe-Kywesun section of Mandalay Ring road by car.
Afterwards, they saw over construction tasks of Ohbo-Nyaunggwe earth road section and the retaining walls at the Ring road near Kywesun Ward for prevention against erosion.
At Kywesun Briefing Hall, Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein and MCDC member-3 U Saw Lwin reported on progress in building the earth road and the retaining walls.

Then, they inspected construction of Shwekyin Creek Bridge-1 on the Ring road. The mayor and the committee member-3 conducted them round the site. Next, Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party inspected progress of the Ring road in Patheingyi Township.
( 4
) "Soon" offered to members of the Sangha
Yangon, 15 July - Staff of the Cooperative Export and Import Enterprise of the Ministry of Cooperatives offered provisions and
"soon" to 450 members of the Sangha led by the rector Sayadaw of State Pariyatti Sasana University (Yangon) at the university this morning.
Present were Minister for Cooperatives Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe, directors-general and the managing directors of departments and the enterprise and officials.
Rector Sayadaw Agga Maha Ganthavacaka Pandita Bhaddanta Pandita administered the Five Precepts.
Then, the minister donated provisions to the rector Sayadaw.
Next, Managing Director Daw Khin Swe Soe of CEIE presented K 100,000 donated by staff for a day's
"soon" for 450 members of the Sangha to Director-General U Sann Lwin of Department for Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana.
The rector Sayadaw delivered a sermon and the congregation shared merits gained.
Later, the Rector Sayadaw and members of the Sangha were offered "soon" by the Minister and officials.
Painting portraying Bagan cultural region inspected
Yangon, 15 July
- Minister for Culture U Tin Winn inspected completion of the painting which portrayed Bagan cultural region in accord with the wish of Chairman of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhammajotika Myingyan Sayadaw Bhaddanta Sobhita, at Pyilon Chantha Maha Ordination Hall of Nikaya Monastery on Pale Yadana Road in Ward 25-26, Dagon Myothit (South) Township, this afternoon.
Director-General U Kyaw Win of Fine Arts Department, Director-General U Nyunt Han of Archaeology Department, Rector U Tin Soe of University of Culture (Yangon) and officials welcomed the minister and reported on the painting.
In accord with the wish of Chairman Sayadaw, the head of Painting Department of University of Culture (Yangon), Ministry of Culture, and artists collectively created the painting and donated it to the Sayadaw. The painting is 36 feet long and 8 feet wide.
Outstanding students of SWD training schools honoured
Yangon, 15 July - A ceremony to honour the students from the training schools under the Social Welfare Department who passed the matriculation examination for 2002-2002 Academic Year was held at Kyeikwaing Youth Training School in Mayangon Township here this afternoon.

Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa made an address and presented cash awards and certificates of honour. Managing Director U Thet Oo of Ayeyamyay Co Ltd and Managing Director U Than Oo of Sun Far Travels & Tours Co Ltd presented K 300,000 for the six students.
Then, the minister presented certificates of honour to the
students and two wellwishers.
Then, U Sit Myaing accepted K 1.65 million donated by five well-wishers for education fund and presented certificates of honour to the wellwishers.
A total of six students two from Yangon Girls Training School, one from Kyaikwaing Youth Training School, one from Mandalay Youth Training School, one from Lashio Youth Training School and one from School for the Blind,
Kyimyindine, passed the matriculation examination.
Minister inspects National Poison Control Centre, public health labs
Yangon, 15 July - Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, accompanied by Deputy Ministers Prof Dr Mya Oo and Prof Dr Kyaw Myint and officials, inspected progress in implementation of national poison control tasks at the Medical Research Department (Lower Myanmar) on Ziwaka Road in Dagon Township this morning.
Director-General Prof Dr Paing Soe of MRD (Lower Myanmar) reported on tasks of supporting research units for the national poison control.
Then, the minister and party inspected use of modern equipment at the chemical poison research branch, the information branch, the medicinal poison research branch, the bio-poison research branch and other branches at the National Poison Control Centre. The minister fulfilled the requirements and gave instructions on growing of trees for greening purpose.
Next, the minister and party proceeded to the Public Health Lab of Health Department. Director-General Dr Wan Maung of HD and officials reported on tasks of sections of the lab.
The minister gave necessary instructions.
Afterwards, the minister and party inspected Food and Drug Administration. Director (Foodstuff and Medicine) Dr Soe Myat Tun and officials conducted the minister and party round the FDA. The minister attended to their needs.
( 5 ) PBNRDA Minister attends opening ceremony of courses
Yangon, 15 July - Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt attended the opening ceremony of Executive Officers Course (7) and Clerical Courses (17) (18) (19) at the Central Training School of the Education and Training Department of the ministry in Dagon Myothit (North) Township this morning.

Altogether 30 trainees of the Development Affairs Department are attending the executive officers course and 150 trainees of DAD, the Progress of Border Areas and National Races Department and ETD the clerical courses. The minister inspected the vegetable plantations and staff welfare work and fulfilled the requirement.
Then, the minister, accompanied by Director-General Col Myo Myint of DAD and officials, proceeded to Thanlyin and Kyauktan Townships in Yangon South District and inspected the development affairs tasks.
He inspected stone laying work-site of Hsinkan Drinking Water pond in Kyauktan Township and heard reports on work being done submitted by officials.
Next, the minister went to the Sanchainhmi lake and cordially greeted officials, members of Union Solidarity and Development Association, War Veterans Organization, Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Women's Affairs Committee, Auxiliary Fire Brigade and Red Cross Society of the township and local people collectively doing sanitation work there. He inspected development undertakings in Thanlyin.
USDA CEC member meets executives in Mandalay
Yangon, 15 July
- Central Executive Committee member of the Union Solidarity and Development Association U Aung Thaung met with executives of Mandalay Division USDA, secretaries of Mandalay, Kyaukse, Meiktila, Nyaung-U, PyinOoLwin, Myingyan and Yamethin Districts USDAs and secretaries, executives and ward/village organizers of USDAs in the seven townships in Mandalay at the division USDA office yesterday.
The CEC member urged all to discharge national duties with patriotic spirit.
Then, the CEC member heard reports on rural development work, future tasks and organization matters submitted by the secretaries of division and district USDAs and fulfilled their requirements.
In the evening, Central Organizing Committee member of Myanmar War Veterans Organization U Aung Thaung met with members of division and district WVO supervisory committees
and chairmen, secretaries and members of township WVO organizing committees of Patheingyi, Amarapura, PyinOoLwin, Madaya, Singu, Thabeikkyin, Mogok, Kyaukse, Singaing, Myittha and Tada-U Townships at the hall of Mandalay Beer Factory and discussed organizational matters.
Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung met with the managers of factories in Mandalay and Sagaing Divisions at the briefing hall of Paleik Textile Mill this morning. General Manager U Aye Mauk of Myanma Ceramic Industries reported on construction of 500-ton cement factory in Kyaukse and managers of Sewing Machine Factory Project (Kyaukse), Tile Factory Project (Kyaukse) on work done.
Managing Directors of the enterprises concerned submitted supplementary reports. The 500-ton cement factory is now 98 per cent complete. The minister gave necessary instructions.
Minister opens 8th ISD Sepak Takraw Championship
Yangon, 15 July
- Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint attended the opening ceremony of the 8th Inter-State and Division Sepak Takraw Championship (2002) held at the Aung San Stadium this morning.
The minister made a speech and accepted cash donated to Myanmar Sepak takraw Federation including K 578,000 donated by U Maung Maung of Shwe Gaba Co and K 600,000 by wellwishers. The director-general and officials of the Sports and Physical Education Department also accepted the cash donation of other well-wishers. The wellwishers donated a total of K 6,740,500 to the federation today.
Then, the demonstrations of tentatively selected women's team Vs federation youth team and tentatively selected men's team (Red) Vs tentatively selected men's team (Blue) followed. Aung Yi Phyo Co presented cash awards to the winners.
Eight teams of men's division and women's division competed in the matches today. The competition continues up to 23 July.
Altogether 11 teams of men's division and 8 teams of women's division from 11 states and divisions are taking part in the championship.
( 6 ) Commander inspects sales, sanitation at tax-free markets
Yangon, 15 July - Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe inspected sales and keeping clean at tax-free markets in Yangon City this morning and gave necessary instructions.
At 6.30 am, the commander arrived at the tax-free market at the corner of Hanthawady and Kyundaw Streets in Kamayut Township where he was welcomed by No 3 Military Region Commander Col Yan Naing Oo, Chairman of Yangon West District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Maung Maung Shein and officials.
Then, the commander and party inspected sales of vegetables, meat, fish, eggs, palm oil and rice at the market and cordially conversed with buyers and shopkeepers.
Accompanied by No 1 Military Region Commander Col Khin Maung Soe, Maj-Gen Myint Swe proceeded to the tax-free market on Konmyinttha and Nawade Tax-free Market on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road in Mayangon Township. They inspected the sales at the markets.
Next, the commander and party went to the tax-free market near the Ministry of Industry-2 on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road where they were welcomed by No 2 Military Region Commander Col Tin Oo Lwin and officials.
Similarly, the commander and party saw over the sales at Yankin Tax-free Market in Yankin Township and Kyaikkasan Tax-free Market in Tamway Township and cordially met shopkeepers and buyers. The commander gave instructions to the officials on the sale of fresh vegetables, meat and fish and sanitation tasks at the market and its environs.
At the tax-free markets in Yangon City, ministries, Yangon City Development Committee, Yangon Command, regiments and units, departments, companies, cultivators and producers sell vegetables, meat, fish, eggs and milk. In addition, there are palm oil shops of the Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd, rice shops of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council and Myanmar Rice and Paddy Wholesalers Association and the personal goods shop of the Ministry of Industry-1 at the tax-free markets. The shops at the markets are kept open daily.
( 7 )
Cash donated to MMCWA
Yangon, 15 July
- A ceremony to donate cash to Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association by well-wishers from home and abroad was held at MMCWA Multi Purpose Building at the corner of Parimi Road and Thanthuma Road here this afternoon attended by MMCWA Chairperson Prof Daw Kyu Kyu Swe, Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe and wellwishers.
First, On behalf of Asian Ladies Friendship Society, a social organization based in Japan, Lt-Col Tin Oo, Officiating Deputy Head of Department of Office of the Chief of Military Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence presented US$ 7,056 and Lt-Col Shwe Moe and wife Lt-Col Sandar Tin presented K 100,000 to Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe who accepted the donations and presented the certificates of honour to the well-wishers. Then, Prof Daw Kyu Kyu Swe spoke words of
National Basketball Championship continues
Yangon, 15 July - The National Basketball Championship, organized by Myanmar Basketball Federation, continued at Kyaikkasan Basketball Gymnasium this morning. Among the spectators were President Professor Dr Sein Myint of MBF, General Secretary U Maung Maung Myint, executives and guests.
In the women's division, Sagaing Division team beat Central team 56-27 and MPF team beat Yangon Division team 74-43. Swam Swam team beat Bago Division team 86-72 and Relax team beat Khin Myanmar team 61-54 in the men's senior division. In the under-20 men's division, LSK team beat ILBC team 67-38.
A total of five matches one in the women' division, two in the men's senior division and two in the under-20 men's
division will be held tomorrow.
( 8
) Chinese fugitive bomber handed over
Yangon, 15 July - A Chinese fugitive bomber was handed over to the People's Republic of China at the police commander's office in Muse District on 13 July.
The Chinese was wanted by the PRC for blowing up a bomb in Pao San Township.
The ceremony was attended by acting Shan State police commander police Lt-Col Maung Kyaing, Secretary of the District Peace and Development Council Maj Kyee Myint, district police commander police Maj Pyay Nyein, and a 9-member group led by political officer Mr Paung Kyi Haung of Ruili police station in PRC. In response to request for help to arrest the fugitive who exploded the bomb in Pao San, China, Muse District police force extended all-out cooperation and arrested the man, said police Lt-Col Maung Kyaing.
He requested the Chinese side to help arrest culprits wanted by the Myanmar side, adding that further bilateral cooperation will be made to deter transnational crimes. Later, Mr Paung Kyi Haung expressed thanks for handing over the culprit in time. Due to the bomb explosion by Mon Shaw Chan, more than 10 houses were destroyed in Long Yang of Jianji, Paosan on 3 July 2002. He then assured the cooperation of China.
Afterwards, police Maj Pyay Nyein and Mr Paung Kyi Haung
exchanged documents and then the fugitive was handed over to China.
( 9
) Drug trafficker sentenced
Yangon, 15 July - A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and local police force, acting on a tip-off, on 11 November 2001, searched Ma Khine at Ward-3 (Kha) in Mingaladon Township and seized 8.49 kilos of marijuana from her.
In connection with the case, Mingaladon Police Station filed a case Ma Khine, 30, daughter of U Thaung of No 2 Street, Ward-6, DaikU Township, under section 15/19 (A) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Yangon North District Court handed down 25 years' imprisonment on her under section 19 (A) on 20 May 2002.
Illegal teak, smugglers
Yangon, 15 July - Authorities concerned are exposing and taking actions against unscrupulous persons who are resorting to various ways and means to smuggle forest resources of the State.
According to information on illegal sawing of teak at the saw mill of Golden Land Company at No 540, Ward 58, Dagon Myothit (Seikkan) Township given by a person, a combined team comprising members of the
local intelligence unit, Myanmar Police Force and Forest Department searched the saw mill and seized 46.5194 tons of illegal teak on 16-6-2002.
The authorities, acting on further information that the company was sawing timber at Kyweshin village in Pyinmana Township, seized 1.45 tons of illegal teak.
The company had illegally sawed the timber and exported them together with legal ones abroad. Severe action is being taken against the company and officials.
Another combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit, MPF and Forest Department, acting on information that illegal teak arrived in Sittway via Paletwa Township on 30 June 2002, searched the region. The authorities seized seven tons of illegally sawn teak on board the motor schooner of U Toe Aung in Hsatyoekya Creek in Sittway and 11 tons of illegally sawn teak on the truck with number plates Ga/5852 of Maung Tha Tun, son of U Maung Ni of Kondan Ward, Sittway, totalling 18 tons of illegally sawn teak.
Similarly, a team comprising members of the local intelligence unit, MPF and Forest Department, acting on information on stockpile of illegal timber near Bawnatgyi village, Bago Township, given by local officials, searched the area and seized ownerless 17.4187 tons of illegal teak on 26 June 2002.
Authorities concerned continue to expose illegal timber smugglers.