1 ) State Peace and Development Council Chairman
Senior General Than Shwe sends felicitations to France
Yangon, 14 July -Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr Jacques Chirac, President of the French Republic, on the occasion of the National Day of the French Republic which falls on 14 July 2002.
( 2 )
Secretary-1 inspects development of Maubin region in Ayeyawady Division, Htantabin region in Yangon Division
Yangon, 13 July - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, accompanied by member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than of the Ministry of Defence, the ministers, the deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental heads and officials, left here by car this morning and arrived near Mezali village, Nyaungdon Township, Ayeyawady Division, at 8.10 am.
Next, the Secretary-1 and party proceeded to Maubin, Ayeyawady Division, where they were welcomed by division-, district- and township-level authorities, departmental personnel and members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association.
The Secretary-1 inspected tasks being undertaken for development of Maubin region. First, the Secretary-1 and party went to the site of Maubin University construction project near Maubin-Kyaiklat Road in Maubin for human resource development being carried out by the Higher Education Department of the Ministry of Education.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party inspected construction of buildings of the university. Chairman of Dagon International Co Ltd U Win Aung conducted the Secretary-1 and party round the site.
At the briefing hall there, Chairman of Dagon International Co Ltd U Win Aung reported to the Secretary-1 on location and area of the Maubin University Construction Project, construction of the four-storey main building and lecture halls, the layout plan and the architectural design of the buildings, the entrance road of the university, power and water supply and greening tasks, and Minister for Education U Than Aung on academic and administrative tasks of the university. Departmental heads reported on assistance to be provided by the departments concerned. The Secretary-1 gave necessary instructions.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 proceeded to the site of Government Technological College (Maubin) construction project for development of human resource by the Ministry of Science and Technology, near Maubin-Yayle Road in Maubin, and inspected buildings under construction.
At the briefing hall there, Managing Director Dr Zaw Tun of Shwekyarbyan Construction reported on preliminary engineering work for GTC (Maubin), construction of the main building and lecture halls, the entrance road, water and power supply, and Deputy Minister for Science and Technology U Nyi Hla Nge on the academic and administrative tasks.
Then, the Secretary-1 fulfilled the requirements of proper drainage, power supply, drinking water supply, communication and upgrading of the roads.
At Maubin District Hospital, the Secretary-1 and party were welcomed by Ayeyawady Division Health Department Head Dr Than Aung, Medical Superintendent Dr Thein Wai and officials of the hospital.
First, the Secretary-1 saw over extension of the District Hospital (200-bed) project in Maubin. At the briefing hall there, Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Kyaw Myint reported on construction of District Hospital (200-bed) project, the layout plan, new buildings, renovation of old buildings and others. Htut Khaung Development Co Ltd Managing Director U Ohn
Myint and Project Director U Aung Min reported on progress in construction of the main building and teaching wards.
The Secretary-1 gave instructions on the building and sufficiency of drinking water.

Next, the Secretary-1 cordially met with doctors and nurses.
Then, the Secretary-1 met with Division, District and Township Peace and Development Council members, departmental personnel, USDA members, social organizations and townselders at Toe Shwewa Hall in Maubin.
Secretary-1 inspects development of Maubin
(from page 1)
Maubin District Peace and Development Council Chairman Lt-Col Thein Hlaing, Myaungmya District Peace and Development Council Chairman Lt-Col Tin Aye and Pyapon District Peace and Development Council Chairman Lt-Col Myo Myint reported planned targets and implementations in their respective districts, progresses in monsoon paddy cultivation, plans fort cultivation summer paddy, winter crops and pulses & beans, cultivation of thitseint for regional oil sufficiency, cultivation of industrial raw crops such as custard, jute, etc, fish and prawn breeding works, construction of roads and bridges, educational and health activities and implementation of five rural development tasks.
Next, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt delivered an address. In his address, he said that his tour together with Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, ministers and deputy ministers was to inspect the implementations of Maubin University construction, the Governmental Technical College construction and 200-bed special hospital construction as well as to fulfil requirements.
Local authorities, departmental personnel and local people of Maubin District had not foreseen the emergence of universities, colleges and special hospital in their district. These projects are implemented for ensuring human resource development and enabling the entire people fit and healthy in line with the guidance of Head of State senior General Than Shwe. Before the Tatmadaw Government took over State responsibilities in 1988, there were 32 universities in the higher education sector. Now the number has increased to 150 as 118 new ones emerged. It is of great benefit to human resource development. In the Ayeyawady Division in the past, university, college and special hospital existed only in Pathein, the city of the division. To narrow down development gaps, educational and health promotion programmes are now being carried out in Maubin and Hinthada. At present, there are 3 universities including the Maubin university in Ayeyawady Division.
The Governmental Technical College and the special hospital will also emerge soon in Maubin as they are now under construction yet in rainy season. Conscientious efforts are being made collectively by departmental personnel concerned and private entrepreneurs for speedy completion of the constructions. Within the period of one year, a new university, a new college and a new 200-bed special hospital will soon emerge in Maubin region to benefit the local people of Maubin, Myaungmya and Pyapon districts.
It will also contribute towards the human resource development of the nation as well as towards the realization of national health objective.
He continued to say that as Ayeyawady Division is netted with rivers, creeks and streams and transportation was delayed and difficult as waterway only was accessible in the past. Nowadays, roads and bridges are built in the division for better transportation among regions in accordance with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe. many a number of major bridges such as Bo Myat Tun bridge, Maubin Bridge, Kyaiklatt Bridge, Pantanaw Bridge, etc have been built. The Dedaye Bridge and Wakema Bridge are under construction. Many more roads and bridges are planned to be built. Transportation in the division will soon remarkably become better and accordingly the socio-economic lives of the local people will improve certainly.
In addition to the existing factories such as cement factory, glass factory, plywood factory and rice mills, many more mills and factories are being built in the division for all-round development. In order to develop the education sector, education promotion programmes has been implementing. The first phase of the programmes have been carried out. The special 4-year plan in the second phase and the 30-year education plan in the third phase have been laid down.
In line with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, the education sector developing works are included in the five rural development tasks. In Myanmar, extensive opportunities for pursuing education are being available and national human resource development works are gaining momentum. The programme for ensuring all the school-going aged children to get enrolled is being launched in Myanmar by the Government with the participation of wellwishers. So far, 92 per cent of school-going aged children are pursuing education at schools.
It shows that Myanmar has the high rate of school enrolment in Southeast Asia.
He went on to say that in Maubin, Myaungmya and Pyapon districts, agricultural livestock breeding works are meeting with successes. In conformity with geographical conditions in Myanmar, all-out efforts are being made to increase incomes through agro-based business undertakings and to develop other sectors of the economy as well. he urged responsible personnel concerned to make collective efforts for boosting agricultural productions to earn more foreign exchange with a view to expanding nation building activities. As regards the national development, it is needed to boost productions while practising asceticism.
The utilization of machine oil, fuel and edible oil which cost much foreign exchange as well as that of electricity should be reduced, he pointed out. During the time of the Tatmadaw Government, the production of electric power has been increased triple. According to the increasing population and industries, the power supply is not yet sufficient. hence, the Paunglaung and Yeywa hydro-electric power projects to generate 3,000 megawatts of electric powers are being implemented spending huge sums of fund. The Tatmadaw Government has been striving for boosting productions and promoting the socio-economic lives of the people through various hardships and difficulties.
However, the Tatmadaw does not frustrate with it and yet taking pride in the endeavours. In conclusion, he urged local authorities and departmental personnel to make collective efforts for regional development and further enhance patriotism among the public.
Thence, the Secretary-1 and party went to Hlinethaya and inspected tasks being carried out for upgrading of Hlinethaya-Htantabin road. They proceeded to Yangon West University construction site for development of human resources of the Higher Education Department under the Ministry of Education in the same township, where they were welcomed by Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe, Deputy Minister for Education U Myo Nyunt and officials.
At the briefing hall, Deputy Minister U Myo Nyunt reported on academic and management matters for the university; and Managing Director of Wah Wah Win Construction U Shwe Hlaing
on progress of construction. The commander and Minister for
Education U Than Aung presented supplementary reports. Then, the
Secretary-1 gave necessary instructions. After that, the Secretary-1
inspected the computer training centre, computer room, education
room, language lab and lecture halls and construction of buildings
of the university. The minister, the deputy minister and officials
conducted the Secretary-1 round the worksite. The Secretary-1 and
party left the construction site in the evening.
( 3
) Wellwishers donate cash and kind to Tatmadawmen
discharging defence duty in far-flung forward areas

Yangon, 13 July - Wellwishers donated cash and kind to Tatmadawmen discharging defence duty in far-flung forward areas at the meeting hall of Myanmar War Veterans Organization Central Organizing Committee Headquarters here at 2 pm today, attended by Member of the State Peace and Development Council Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein Sein.
Then, Member of the State Peace and Development Council Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein Sein, Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe, Chief of Staff (Navy) Rear-Admiral Soe Thein, Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo and Vice-Quartermaster-General Brig-Gen Htin Aung Kyaw accepted the donations and presented certificates of honour to the wellwishers.
Today's donations included 20,000 tinned fish worth K 1,480,000 by Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries; 300 packets of instant noodles worth K 150,000 by Myanma Railways; Mamee instant noodle and vermicelli packets worth K 750,000 by U Tin Maung Win-Daw Yupa Myint; (ILBC) staff and students; 25 boxes of Mamee instant noodle and four boxes of London cigarette worth K 787,560 by Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd; K 11,490,000 by 147 wellwishers including K 500,000 each by brokers U Win Naing; U Myint Aung; and Haji U Myint Soe; K 300,000 each by U Ba Khant; and U Tin Maung Win; K 200,000 each by U Myo Tun; U Chit Hmwe; Haji U Hla Myint; and U Khin Maung Tun; K 2.5 million by U Thet Oo (Seikkantha Street, Kyauktada Township); K 2 million by Sayadaw Ashin Manopiyasiddhi of Latkhattaung Bayme Tawya Monastery in Mudon Township and disciples; K 2 million by Myanma Timber Enterprise; K 1 million by Nawarat Hotel (MraukU); K 500,000 by U Tin Win-Daw San Win (KN Co); K 500,000 by Myanmar Rice Merchants Association and rice brokerages; K 500,000 by Dr Khin Maung Phyu (MD, A&O Co Ltd); K 300,000 by Maj-Gen Myint Lwin (Retd); Mamee instant noodle packets worth K 300,000 by U Moe Tint Swe-Daw Nu Hset Tun; K 200,000 each by U Nyein-Daw Ohn Kyin (OK Rice Brokerage); Boke Hson Ma Spices Family; and Film Star Daw Cho Pyone; K 100,000 by U Than Tun Oo; K 300,000 by Road Transport Administration; K 200,000 by U Maung Maung (Great Wall Co); K 300,000 by Myanmar Thabin Asiayon; K 100,000 each by Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise; U Thein Lin Zaw (MD-ZMH Co Ltd); U Than Zaw (TZ Co Ltd); U Moe Htut Hlaing-Daw
Hsu Lu Tun (Kanbawza Yeiktha); Mr Shan Sior (MD-Machinery Ltd) and U Win Pe-Daw Tin Aye; K 30,000 by Potencer Co Ltd; K 10,000 by U Aung Myat (Dohkhit Trading); and K 50,000 by U Khin Maung Than. On behalf of the wellwishers, a wellwisher explained the purpose of the donations. Then, Maj-Gen Thein Sein spoke words of thanks.
Today's donations by the wellwishers and social organizations amounted to K 26,547,560 including K 23,380,000 and foodstuff worth K 3,167,560.
( 4
) Appointment of Ambassador agreed on
Yangon, 14 July - The Government of the Union of Myanmar has agreed to the proposed appointment of Mr Mohamed Abdel Hamid Meneissy as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Arab Republic of Egypt to the Union of Myanmar in succession to His Excellency Dr Farouk Riad Hassan Mabrouk.
Mr Mohamed Abdel Hamid Meneissy was born on 6 March 1947. He obtained Bachelor of Commerce degree in 1967 from Cairo University. After joining the diplomatic service in 1971, he has served in various capacities at the Egyptian embassies in Khartoum, Kuala Lumpur, Nairobi, Doha and Singapore and at Egyptian Consulates in Milan and New York. At present he is serving as director in the Cypher Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cairo.
Mr Mohamed Abdel Hamid Meneissy is married and has two daughters.
Minister for Foreign Affairs
U Win Aung sends felicitations to French counterpart
Yangon, 14 July - U Win Aung, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr Dominique De Villepin, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation and Francophony of the French Republic, on the occasion of the National Day of the French Republic, which falls on 14 July 2002.
( 5 ) Minister sees over construction tasks in Mandalay Division
Yangon, 13 July - Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, together with Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Myint Thein and officials, inspected construction projects being undertaken by the Ministry of Construction in Mandalay yesterday morning.
The minister and party went to the site of Ayeyawady Bridge (Yadanabon) Construction Project.
At the briefing hall there, Deputy Superintending Engineer U Htay Myint reported on driving of bole piles for the approach bridge on Mandalay side, future tasks and requirements. The minister gave neecssary instructions. On completion, the main bridge of the Ayeyawady Bridge (Yadanabon) will be of iron frame, the lower structure of reinforced concrete bole piles and the approach bridges of reinforced concrete.
Afterwards, the minister and party proceeded to the construction site of the three-storey blood bank at a cost of K 55 million donated by U Kyaw Nyunt-Daw Hme and family (Shwe Nan Daw Zinc Bucket Industries and Bronze Merchant) being undertaken by Public Works. Senior Engineer of Construction Group No 6 U Win Pe reported on progress of work and tasks being done. The minister gave necessary instructions.
Later, the minister and party went to the construction site of Mandalay University convocation hall of the Higher Education Department being undertaken by the construction group No 6 of Public Works. Project Engineer U Win Pe
reported on progress of work and future tasks. The minister then
left instructions on construction of the building with quality
materials and meeting the set standard. He also spoke of the need
for engineers in charge to supervise the worksites.
Minister inspects upgrading of Heho and Kengtung airfields
Yangon, 13 July - Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, together with Director-General of the Department of Civil Aviation U Win Maung and officials, inspected progress of extended construction of Heho Airport runway, installation of the mixer and grinding of stones yesterday.
The director-general and officials of Asia World Co reported on progress of work. The minister gave instructions on speedy completion of the project for landing Fokker F-28 aircraft.
On completion, the runway will be 8,000 feet long and 200 feet wide.
Then, the minister and party, accompanied by Deputy Commander of Triangle Region Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe, went to the airfield construction project site in Kengtung. At the briefing hall, the officials of Public Works reported on progress of work, future tasks, requirements and financial statement. The director-general and officials next gave supplementary reports. The minister said the needs will be attended to. And he called on the officials to make earnest efforts for completion of work in a short time and gave necessary instructions. The minister and party inspected land preparation for extended construction of the runway of Kengtung Airport and gave necessary instructions regarding the reports presented by the officials concerned.The runway will be extended up to 10,000 feet in length and 150 feet in width.
( 6 )
Minister inspects hepatitis-B vaccine factory and Psychiatric Hospital
Yangon, 13 June - Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, accompanied by Deputy Minister Prof Dr Mya Oo and officials, inspected the project site of hepatitis-B vaccine factory on No 7 Highway in Ywathagyi, Hlegu Township this afternoon. Director-General Professor Dr Paing Soe of the Medical Research Department (Lower Myanmar) reported on implementation of work.
Officer in-charge of Golden Midat Construction Co Mr Kim and site-engineer U Htwe Htwe reported on construction work. The minister inspected the scale model of the factory and the project site and gave necessary instructions.
Then, the minister and party proceeded to the Psychiatric Hospital. General Manager of Asia World Co U Sein Thaung
and Medical Superintendent Dr Toe Aung of the hospital reported on
work done and matters related to moving from the old hospital to new
one. The minister inspected round the hospital and left necessary
Minister meets cooperative officials of Yangon East District
Yangon, 13 July - Minister for Cooperatives Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe met with officials of Cooperative Departments in Yangon East District and cooperative societies at the meeting hall of Yangon East District Government Employees Cooperative in Dagon Myothit (North) Township at 9 am today.
First, the minister explained tasks being carried out by the ministry and the aims of cooperative work. Central Cooperative Society Chairman U Win Sein and Yangon Division Union General Trading Cooperative Syndicates Chairman U Ye Aung reported on forming of the societies and future tasks. Deputy Director U Sein Win of Yangon Division CD reported on cooperative work in the district. Officials then took part in the discussions.
Then, the minister gave concluding remarks.
( 7 ) Cash assistance and stationery presented
Yangon, 13 July - The central staff welfare committee of the Ministry of Health presented cash assistance for 2002-2003 academic year and stationery to the students of staff families at a ceremony held at the hall of Institute of Nursing (Yangon) this morning. Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein attended the ceremony and presented the cash assistance and stationery.
Minister Maj-Gen Ket Sein made a speech. Then, the minister, the deputy minister, directors-general and officials presented cash assistance and stationery to the students. On behalf of the staff families, Head of Section U Kyaw Soe of Health Department spoke words of thanks.
Commander inspects sanitation tasks, monsoon paddy cultivation
Yangon, 13 July - Tatmadawmen, members of Myanmar Police Force, personnel of YCDC, members Union Solidarity and Development Association and Red Cross, Auxiliary Fire Brigades and local people were carrying out sanitation tasks at the venues in Yangon City today, attended by Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe and Vice-Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa.
At 6.45 am, the commander and the vice-mayor arrived at the work site for sanitation tasks at Thamaing Creek along West Central Road between Mayangon and Hline Townships, Yangon West District, where they were welcomed by No 2 Military Region Commander Col Tin Oo Lwin, Secretary of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Kyaw Tint and members, Chairman of Yangon West District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Maung Maung Shein and officials.
Then, the commander, the vice-mayor and party inspected sanitation tasks and dredging Thamaing Creek between Mayangon and Hline Townships and Yoegyi Creek along Central Road in Mayangon Township proper flow of water.
The Head of Engineering Department (Road/Bridge) of YCDC reported on tasks for proper drainage. The Commander gave necessary instructions. At Insein General Hospital, the commander, the vice-mayor and party viewed the collective sanitation tasks being carried out by Tatmadawmen, members of MPF, USDA, Red Cross and Auxiliary Fire Brigades, MWCA and people totalling over 1,000.
They then saw over the cleaning work along Pyidaungsu Road in Dagon Myothit (North) Township by Tatmadawmen, MPF, USDA and local people numbering over 3,500. Chairman of Dagon Myothit (North) Township Peace and Development Council U Tin Hlaing reported on sanitation tasks for proper drainage in the township. The commander gave instructions on supervision work and proper drainage. The vice-mayor and officials explained tasks to be carried out for proper drainage and the requirements.
Next, the commander, accompanied by officials, arrived at the collective ploughing and cultivation of monsoon paddy near Shwenatha Model Village in Mingaladon Township.
They were welcomed there by Mingaladon Station Commander Col Win Naung and division-level departmental officials. Afterwards, the commander inspected cultivation of monsoon paddy and applying of EM Bokashi fertilizers at the paddy fields and gave necessary instructions. Then, the commander and party went to Ngwenatha Model Village in Hlegu Township. They paid homage to Matyakyaw Kyaungtaik Sayadaw Bhaddanta Pan–a-dipa and donated provisions to the Sayadaw. The commander supplicated on arrangement to construct rural roads for the village development and religious affairs.
The commander and party went to Orchid Village Project Office near Shwenatha Model Village in Mingaladon Township. Deputy General Manager U Myint Shwe of Myanma Agriculture Service reported on establishment of the Orchid Village. The commander gave necessary instructions and inspected growing of orchids.
In Shwenatha Model Village, they heard reports on production process of Super Bokashi fertilizers by Yangon Division MAS Manager U Aung Hsan. Then, the commander met local farmers of Mingaladon and Hlegu Townships at Shwenatha Hall of the village. The commander urged the local farmers to cultivate monsoon paddy in the farmland of Hlegu and Mingaladon townships with a view to ensuring improvement of their living standard and gave other necessary instructions on regional development tasks being undertaken by the State, arrangements for providing technological assistance to the local farmers for monsoon paddy cultivation and plans are under way to build roads linking villages for regional development in open season. Yangon Division MAS Manager U Aung Hsan reported on soil preparation for boosting paddy production, paddy cultivation tasks and use of fertilizers. Then, the local farmers reported on full cultivation of monsoon paddy and requirements. After hearing reports, the commander attended to their requirements and left the village.
( 8
) Commander inspects paper mill and hospitals
in Mon State
Yangon, 13 July - Chairman of the Mon State Peace and Development Council Commander of South-East Command Brig-Gen Thura Myint Aung, together with officials, arrived at No 1 Paper Mill of the Ministry of Industry-1 in Sittaung on 9 July afternoon. At the briefing hall, Factory General Manager U Aung Soe reported on availability of raw materials, target for production and planting of eucalyptus trees in the compound of the factory.
The commander gave necessary instructions and inspected the production process at the factory.
Then, the commander arrived at Theinzayat Market and inspected the reconstruction of the shops. Director of the state development committee U Myint Toe and officials reported on work being carried out. The commander gave necessary instructions.
Afterwards, the commander proceeded to the People's Hospital in Kyaikto Township.
He inspected the renovation works of the hospital and fulfilled the requirements.
Then, the commander and party arrived at Seikphutaung Parahita Gayha and attended the exercise books and stationery presentation ceremony for the students of monastic education schools in the town. The commander presented exercise books, stationery, cash and cloths to a total of 2,535 students of the gayha and 20 monastic education schools through the school supervisory committee chairman Sayadaws. He also presented exercise books, stationery, rice and cash to a total of 412 students of Pauktaw and Thawka-myaung Parahita Gayhas and 12 monastic education schools in Bilin Township.
Then, the commander inspected the Bilin Township PeopleÕs Hospital and fulfilled the requirements regarding the reports of the officials.
On 10 July morning, the commander paid homage to Kuthinayon Hsandawshin Pagoda, and presented offertories to Kuthinayon Kyaungtaik Sayadaw Bhaddanta Candasiri and supplicated on religious affairs.
Next, the commander met with state/district and township level departmental officials, village Peace and Development Council members, departmental personnel, Union Solidarity and Development Association members and townselders in Painhnetaw Village.
He gave instructions on health, education, transport and regional development tasks and fulfilled the requirements.
The commander met with agriculture supervisory committee members of Thaton and Paung Townships at Thuwunna Yeiktha in Thaton in the evening. The commander gave instructions on exceeding the target of crops cultivation and boosting the yield of crops and fulfilled the requirements on reports of the officials.
Later, the commander arrived at Thaton District People's Hospital and inspected progress of construction of operation theatre, laboratory and X-ray room. Medical Superintendent Dr Daw Khin Than Sein
and officials reported on works being carried out. The commander
left necessary instructions.
Trainees of Myanmar Affairs and International Studies Course No 5 on tour
Yangon, 13 July- Trainees of Myanmar Affairs and International Studies Course No 5 of Union Solidarity and Development Association and course instructors led by USDA CEC member Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, left Hmawby Township on 3 July to study the measures undertaken for development of the nation. They arrived at Ceramics Factory in Thayawady, Bago Division. Factory Manager Major Htin Kyaw explained about the factory.
The trainees visited the Shwehsandaw Pagoda and donated cash to the pagoda funds.
The trainees went to the site of Ayeyawady Bridge (Nawadei) where senior engineer U Tin Hlaing and officials reported on construction of the bridge.
They then passed through the bridge and paid obeisance to Shwebontha Muni Buddha Image on the other bank.
On 4 July, the trainees visited No 1 Iron and Steel Plant in Aunglan. Factory Manager Lt-Col D Aung Dun reported on production of iron rods. They went to Taungdwingyi and observed ancient Beikthanoe city.
They visited the site of construction of International airport in Magway. The trainees paid obeisance to Myathalun Pagoda in Magway. USDA CEC member Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan presented donations for the pagoda.
The trainees went to the site of Ayeyawady Bridge (Magway) on 5 July.
They visited Ayeyawady Bridge (Anawrahta) and oilfield in Chauk. They proceeded to Bagan and visited famous pagodas there.
The trainees and course instructors visited Bagan Archaeological Museum, Myanmar Institute of Lacquerware, Mount Popa and greening of its environs.
They visited Nandawgon (palace site) of King Alaungmintaya in Shwebo, Maha Shwezigyi in Kanbalu, Thaphanseik Dam in Kyunhla, University for Development of National Races in Ywathitgyi, famous pagodas in Sagaing Division and Ayeyawady Bridge (Yadanabon).
The trainees visited Defence Services Academy in PyinOoLwin, Defence Services Technological Academy, Maha Arnthtoo Kantha Pagoda and National Kandawgyi Park.
In Mandalay, the trainees visited Myanansankyaw Shwenandaw. Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Ye Myint hosted dinner in honour of the trainees at Division USDA Office.
The trainees visited Maha Muni Buddha Image, Tooth Relic Pagoda and Mandalay International Airport.
The trainees also studied Paunglaung hydel power project, Yezin Institute of Agriculture.
The excursion group proceeded to Toungoo where Commander of Southern Command Brig-Gen Aung Min explained about development tasks in Bago Division.
The USDA course trainees also paid obeisance to Shwemawdaw Pagoda and visited the Kanbawzathadi Palace in
CEC member addresses closing of USDA course
in Dawbon
Yangon, 13 July - Member of Central Executive Committee of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Brig-Gen Thein Zaw gave a speech at the closing ceremony of the
Executives' Management Multiplier Course No 9 of Dawbon Township USDA yesterday and attended the membership application presentation ceremony.
First, the CEC member accepted 527 membership applications and presented prizes to outstanding trainees. Altogether 82 trainees attended the course.
Then, Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw delivered an address at the closing ceremony of the Fundamentals of Internet Course, the Basic PCM Course, the Basic Instrumentation Course, the Telegraph Traffic Operation and Supervisory Course, the Facsimile Operator Training Course and the Wave Frequency Management Course.
Also present were Officer on Special Duty at the Ministry Col Win Maung, the
managing director, the director-general, officials and 70 trainees.
Then, the minister presented completion certificates and prizes to
the trainees.
National Basketball Championship continues
Yangon, 13 July - The National Basketball Championship organized by Myanmar Basketball Federation continued at Kyaikkasan Basketball Gymnasium this morning. President Dr Sein Myint, General Secretary U Maung Maung Myint and executives of MBF, sport fans and guest watched the matches.
Myanmar Police Force team beat Sagaing Division team 73-43 and Yangon Division team beat Central team 66-35 in women's division. Swan Swan team beat Relax 61-33 in men's senior division. LSK team beat BEHS-6 Botahtaung team 61-17 and NIP team beat NRG team 88-25 in men's under 20 division. One match of women's division, two matches of men's senior division and two matches of men's under-20 division will be held tomorrow.
( 9
) Drug trafficker sentenced
Yangon, 13 July - The combined team made up of members of the local intelligence unit and Railway Police Force, acting on information, ransacked the Lashio-Mandalay No 132 down-train at PyinOolwin Railway Station on 20 March evening and seized 24.48 gm of heroin from Daw Mya Win at seat number 37 in carriage 4.
Action was taken against Daw Mya Win , 51, daughter of U Shwe Soe of Ward 9, Region 2 in Lashio under Section 15/ 19(A) of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by PyinOolwin Police Station.
PyinOolwin District Court on 15 May handed down 4 years' imprisonment under Section 15 and 20
years' imprisonment on her under Section 19 (A) of the Narcotic
Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law to serve separately.
Masadyl and picodyl liquid seized in Kawthoung
Yangon, 13 July - A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit, Border Area Inspection Headquarters and Kawthoung Special Anti-drug Squad, acting on information, searched KT 141 motor-boat at Myoma Jetty in Kawthoung on 3 June morning and seized 8 bottles of Masadyl liquid each containing 100 millilitre and 6 bottles of picodyl liquid each containing 120 millilitre, totalling 1.52 litre from the Kyaw Zeya, who steered the boat.
Action is being taken against Kyaw Zeya, 34, son of U Myint Thein of Ywama Road, Shwehintha Ward in Kawthoung under Section 15/ 19(A)/20 (B) of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by Kawthoung Police Station.