1 ) State Peace and Development Council
Chairman Senior General Than Shwe
accepts credentials of Ambassador of
the Republic of Finland
Yangon, 12 July - HE Mr Heikki Tuunanen, newly accredited Ambassador of the Republic of Finland to the Union of Myanmar, presented his credentials to Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, at Zeyathiri Beikman, Konmyinttha at 10 am today.
Also present on the occasion were the State Peace and Development Council Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, Deputy Minister U Khin Maung Win and Director-General Thura U Aung Htet
of the Protocol Department.
( 2 )
State Peace and Development Council Vice-Chairman
General Maung Aye receives Russian military attach's
Yangon, 12 July - Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye received Military, Air and Naval
Attach' of the Russian Federation to Myanmar Col Vasiliy I. Savenkov, who has completed his tour of duty in Myanmar, and his successor Col Victor S. Timoshkov, at Zeyathiri Beikman Hall of Konmyinttha this morning.
Also present at the call together with General Maung Aye were Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Chief of Military Intelligence Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Vice Admiral Kyi Min and Commander-in-Chief (Air) Brig-Gen Myat
( 3
) Secretary-1 presents cash assistance and sports equipment to State/Division Sports and Physical Education Committees
Yangon, 12 July - A ceremony to present cash assistance and sports equipment for promotion of Myanma soccer standard to State / Division Sports and Physical Education Committees was held at the Ruby Hall of the National Indoor Stadium-1 on Waizayanta Street, in Thuwunna, Thingangyun Township, this afternoon, attended by Chairman of Myanmar National Olympic Council Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present were Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe, member ministers of MNOC, the Yangon Mayor, the deputy ministers, members of Myanmar Olympic Committee, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, the director-general of the Sports and Physical Education Department, officials, chairmen and members of state and division sports and physical education committees, wellwishers and guests.
The Secretary-1 delivered an address at the ceremony. In his address, he said: Myanmar has been striving for promotion of the national sports standard after adopting the motto " Myanmar Sports the World to Conquer ". Especially the entire people are participating in promoting the standard of football which is the national sports. It was found that in the World Cup soccer finals, the participating teams took part with might and main not just for the sake of victory yet for the sake of enhancing the national prestige. It is heartening to see that Japanese, Chinese and Korean teams from Asia rose up to the finals and achieved success to a certain extent in the World Cup. The Asian teams were the rivals of Myanmar teams some 30 years ago.
The Myanmar team should follow their example and strive to regain the previous Myanmar soccer standard. At a time when the Government is providing assistance and encouragement, the public is also lending a helpful hand enthusiastically. The Myanmar team has thus to achieve deserving success. The sport of football requires fitness, proper techniques, speed and skill and thus constant and intensive training is needed to be done. In addition, it is required to systematically combine each player's adroitness, wit, sharpness and team spirit and observance of discipline. Moreover, ardent enthusiasm to win a victory as a national concern is also needed. With the spirit to win victory for promoting the prestige of own nation and the people and sufficient industry, the team will surely gain victory. At present, Myanmar teams have come to gain victories in SEA Games due to assistance and encouragement of the Government and the public.

The momentum of gaining victories must be maintained and accelerated. To produce new generation excellent football athletes, the under-13, under-17, under-21 and national football team levels should be nurtured systematically. Before the Inter-State/Division football tournament, the under-21 football was held beginning last year. K 1 million each was provided to all States and Divisions in order to promote the football standard. As a result, the Myanmar football standard remarkably rose in the 47th ISD football tournament. This year, the under-21 football tournament is being held and K 1 million each has been provided to all States and Divisions. In addition, the training course for youth soccer coaches was conducted.
The under-13, under-17 and under-21 teams have been formed in all States and Divisions and these teams are now undergoing training properly with coaches. The First Football Open for Myanmar National Olympic Council Chairman's Trophy was held and K 17.2 million was given away as prizes. Similarly, the First Kambawza Invitational Football Tournament was held in Taunggyi, Shan State, in 2001 and K 9.1 million was presented as cash prizes. The Government has been holding the ISD under-17 Football Tournament every year. This year's tournament will be the seventh one. The Ovaltine Co spent 20,000 FECs to support the tournament.
Member of Thirty Comrades Bo Ye Htut today donated K 20 million to establish the Sports and Health Foundation with the aims of enabling the citizens to become healthy ones by practising sports; and bringing out outstanding athletes who can bring honour to the nation. As the cash donations are aimed at promoting the national sports standard and ensuring the entire nation to be healthy and fit, they are the noble deeds.
The Secretary-1 also urged the footballers to strive diligently to be able to bring honour to the nation while the Government and the people are providing all-out support enthusiastically.
Then, the Secretary-1 presented K 1 million for promotion of Myanma soccer standard and sports equipment under the youth football teams development programme to the chairmen, vice-chairmen and officials of State / Division Sports and Physical Education Committees.
Next, Marketing Manager of the Novartis Nutrition Co Ltd (Ovaltine) Daw Pwint Oo Swe presented 20,000 FECs for holding the seventh inter-state/division under-17 football tournament for the year 2002 and Thirty Comrades Member Bo Ye Htut
presented K 20 million for establishment of Sports and Health
Foundation which will carry out mass sports activities and present
awards to outstanding athletes. The Secretary-1 accepted the
donations. Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and party viewed each
football equipment worth K 1,008,500 for States and Divisions.
( 4
) Report saying Myanmar Government suppressing Shan nationals and Tatmadawmen raping Shan women totally untrue
Accusations fabricated by drug trafficking SURA
insurgents to attack Myanmar Government politically
There were not many women and children
trafficking cases. Accusations of two US Congresswomen occurred due
to accusations of the other nation across border and anti-government
Yangon, 12 July - A press conference was held with local and foreign journalists at the Tatmadaw Guest House on Inya Road here at 9.30 am today.
Present on the occasion were Minister for Labour U Tin Winn, Vice-Chief of Military Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein, senior military officers, Myanmar National Committee for Women's Affairs member (leader of education group) Professor Daw Khin Aye Win, heads of department, officials of the Ministry of Information, U Sein Win of Kyodo News Agency, Patron of Myanmar Foreign Correspondents Club U Hla Htwe, MFC President U Sao Kai Hpa and members and guests. Deputy Head of Department of the Ministry of Defence Lt-Col Tin Oo acted as master of ceremonies.
First, Minister for Labour U Tin Winn explained: Two lady members of US House of Representatives citing the reports of Shan Human Rights Foundation and Shan Women's Action Network mentioned at the House recently that Myanmar Government has been suppressing Shan nationals and the Shan women were raped by Tatmadawmen. These accusations are false and groundless. Similarly, the accusations regarding the trafficking of women and children mentioned in the Report
" Trafficking in persons " of the US State Department issued on 5-6-2002 were also untrue. He also explained the Government's strong deterrent and preventive measures against trafficking of women and children. He also dealt with military exercises of SURA SI-143 of Yodaya army at Myanmar-Yodaya border.
Next, Director-General of the Political Affairs Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs U Thaung Tun explained matters relating to the accusations to the effect that Tatmadawmen raped Shan women. He said: Last month, Shan Human Rights Foundation and Shan Women Action Network issued a report saying Myanmar Government had been suppressing Shan nationals and Tatmadawmen raped Shan women. Quoting it, two ladies from the US House of Representatives Ms Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Florida), Chairman of the International Operations and Human Rights Subcommittee of the House International Relations Committee and Ms Cynthia McKinney (D-Georgia), Ranking Minority Member of the Subcommittee called on 21 and 27 June that as such acts are war crimes violating the Geneva Convention, the Myanmar Government should be opposed and pressed. These accusations are in fact the fabrications of the insurgents to attack the Myanmar Government politically.
Now, the drug trafficking SURA insurgents are being crushed by the Tatmadaw and in order to lessen the pressure and offensives of Myanmar Tatmadaw, they tried to organize and use other persons who do not know about Myanmar very well. The accusations mentioned in the report were absolutely groundless and the following facts will stand evidence that the accusations are totally untrue.
-The Myanmar Government has never laid down the policy to suppress and commit atrocities against the national races and it will never do so in the future.
- Myanmar is a nation where the rule of law and order prevails. Myanmar has promulgated specific criminal Laws to take action against sexual harassment. Severe action is taken against those who commit such crimes.
-Myanmar Tatmadaw is a systematically formed armed organization with good discipline. According to the military laws and rules, severe actions are taken against any officers or other ranks if they committ rape. The military laws and rules of the Tatmadaw are more restrict than those of civilians. When a Tatmadawman is guilty of crime, action is taken against him under the military laws as well as civilian laws. Tatmadawmen cannot be exempted from the rule of law. Throughout its history, Myanmar Tatmadaw has never experienced such accusations.

- As known by the international community, Myanmar is a Buddhist country. The Myanmar people are gentle and polite as taught by the Buddha's teachings. Committing of rape is a major offence for a Buddhist. It is generally believed that guilty-conscience of a rapist is more severe than legal punishment.
- Myanmar society is overwhelmed by Buddha's Teachings and so it is a very gentle and polite society. The society does not accept committing of rape and condemns it most severely.
- Moreover, Myanmar has been abidng by the International Conventions constantly. Myanmar is a signatory nation to the UN Human Rights Convention, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the Convention on Elimination of Discrimination Against Women.
Ñ In Myanmar society, women are participating in the forefront and they are also playing a key role in ensuring the entire society to be disciplined, gentle and polite.
- In Myanmar, the National Committee for Prevention of Violence Against Women and Rehabilitation has been formed. Throughout the country, the committees for protecting women against discrimination have been formed in village-tracts, wards, townships and regions for protecting the rights of women. Regarding the women's affairs, complaints can be made to the respective committees and they will provide help.

- Nowadays, the Myanmar people are enjoying the fruits of peace and stability in the country. The armed insurgencies which had been in existence for over 40 years are near extinction. The insignificant number of remnant SURA and KNU insurgents are taking refuge at far-flung areas and in the other country.
- In Shan State of Myanmar, there have been no wide-spread clashes between the Government and the insurgents. The Tatmadaw is only fighting the handful of drug trafficking SURA insurgents who are encroaching on peace and stability of the country taking refuge in the other country.
- At a time when the Government is carrying out three major tasks namely Safeguarding of sovereignty; Non-disintegration of the Union; and Non-disintegration of national solidarity, emphasis is placed on non-disintegration of the Union, non-disintegration of the national solidarity and keeping Union Spirit alive and dynamic.
- The Government does not accept or encourage any act detrimental to national solidarity. The issue of raping Shan women planned as a weapon will hinder the realization of objectives for non-disintegration of the Union and non-disintegration of national solidarity. It is groundless that the Government is scheming those acts which are detrimental to its objectives. It is hereby declared that the Government opposes the acts contained in the accusations and they are not its policy.
- To ensure success of its three main objectives, the Government has laid down long-term plans and has been implementing them for development of national races and the people of border areas. Spending huge sums of funds, the Government has been giving priority to their economic, social, education and health development.
- Drug trafficking SURA insurgents can no longer with stand the Tatmadaw's attacks and as such the days of the drug trafficking and terrorist acts are numbered It is obvious that, with a view to misleading the international community concerning Myanmar, the insurgents fabricated such false news and made complaints by using and organizing the persons who do not know about Myanmar very well.
Deputy Director-General of Myanmar Police Force Police Brig-Gen Zaw Win in his clarifications regarding the trafficking of women and children, said it is needed to let the journalists know how the Ministry of Home Affairs is taking measures in prevention, deterring according to law and rehabilitation sectors. Now, I will explain the accusations against Myanmar contained in the Trafficking in Person Report released by the State Department of the United States of America on 5 June 2002.
On 23 September 2001, the Ministry of Home Affairs, with the aim of putting an end to the flow of illegal workers into Thailand from Myanmar, drew up a plan to take action against them.
Myanmar Police Force accepted the plan as law enforcement. Personnel from Supreme Court, the Attorney-General's Office, Immigration and National Registration Department and Women's Affairs Committee held a meeting on 26 January 2002. A workshop was also held and suggestions were sought from the first four-monthly meeting of State/Division Police Commanders. In order to carry out the tasks widely in the country, arrangements are being made for reform of the plan.
Deterrent punishments were prescribed from sections 366 to section 373 in the Criminal Law. Section 363 prescribed seven years imprisonment and fine, section 364, ten years, imprisonment and the sections 371/372/373 ten years imprisonment and fine.
The above-mentioned laws are effective and sufficient for those who are engaged in women and children trafficking. As there were not many women and children trafficking cases, no separate law has been enacted. It is assumed that US accusations on our country occurred due to accusations of the other nation across the border and anti-government organizations. Our country did not accept the issue of smuggling women and children. Brokers deceived the women and children that they would get good and well-paid jobs in the other country and sold them.
Measures are being taken for prevention of prostitution and other indecent work. Members of women's affairs committee and Ward Peace and Development Council gave talks at the villages in border areas where poor families who have little knowledge in order to be free from being persuaded by the brokers. The talks were held for 10,822 times from 1999 to June 2002.
The talks included dangers of brokers who persuaded the women and children at the villages and wards, ill-treatment by the citizens of other country and forced prostitution and ills of HIV and AIDS. Myanmar National Work Committee for Women's Affairs in cooperation with the United Nations Inter Agency Project (UN-IAP) undertook the tasks in Mon State, eastern Shan State and Kayin State. The State/Division and District made arrangements for multiplier talks at township, ward and village levels.
The 23 checkpoints along the Yodaya border run by personnel from Myanmar Police Force, Immigration Supervisory Board and Customs Department had stopped women and children who were persuaded and misled by the brokers. From October 2001 to May 2002, altogether 4,519 persons were inspected and found. They were given educative talks and advice and sent back to their parents.
There were nine human trafficking cases involving 48 women and one child in 1999. Altogether 11 brokers were sentenced, between 7 years and 10 years imprisonment.
In 2000, there were 19 cases involving 39 women and 10 children and action was taken against 32 brokers. In 2001, there were 18 cases involving 42 women and 7 children and action was taken against 27 brokers. Up to June 2002, there were 18 cases involving 46 women and action was taken against 34 brokers. So far, there have been 64 cases involving 175 women and 18 children. Effective action was taken against 104 brokers.
Four police officers of the Myanmar Police Force attended the international meetings on human smuggling and women and children trafficking and followed the resolutions of the meetings by taking part in the discussions in an active manner.
Based on humanity, Union Spirit and family reunion, the reception camps were opened in Myawady for those who reentered the motherland after they left for Yodaya due to persuasion of the brokers and lack of knowledge and also for various reasons and encountered hardships there.
They were not only warmly welcomed back with the combined forces of departmental and social organizations, but also taken to their places. Moreover, assistance has been provided to their social difficulties and requirements with momentum to this day.
The Government, laying down the four social objectives Uplift of the morale and morality of the entire nation; Uplift of national prestige and integrity and preservation and safeguarding of cultural heritage and national character; Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit; Uplift of health, fitness and education standards of the entire nation, is making efforts for keeping the patriotic spirit alive and dynamic.
As the State Peace and Development Council can in no way accept the trafficking of women and children, punitive action is being taken. Administrative machinery such as the State Peace and Development Councils at state and division and village levels, the Supreme Court, the Attorney-General's Office, the General Administration Department, the Myanmar Police Force, the Immigration and National Registration Department, Work Committees for Women's Affairs are cooperating in the preventive activities with good acceleration.
Then, Leader of the Educational Group member of Myanmar National Working Committee for Women's Affairs Prof Daw Khin Aye Win said human trafficking in the region is a part of violent act against women. To cope with the problem, the government has made preliminary plans and is implementing them with the aim of mitigating and gradually eliminating such problems.
In accordance with the plans, 4 tasks were also laid down. Since the middle of 1998, government departments, NGOs and departmental personnel have been discussing the problem, conducting education talks and giving assistance to promote the work skill of Myanmar women. Collecting data in respective states and divisions indicates that the problem has reached not only border areas of the country but also the cities in central Myanmar. Legal procedures, prevention work and rehabilitation work have been carried out.
A national level work committee has been formed. A national level workshop was held in November 2000 for preparation to announce findings of the committee and national level work programme.
The committee also submitted reports on smuggling women and children and took part in the discussions and decision-making at ARIAT, Asia regional programme for elimination of trafficking women and children.
The committee conducted training courses related to the service sector and altogether 104 trainees from states and divisions attended courses.
Bilingual educational pamphlets on human trafficking were published in English and Myanmar for the proper understanding of the people to the problem.
TV plays and discussions were aired concerning the problem. Rehabilition centres were set up and advice was given to the victims of the human trafficking who returned from the other side.
A mobile team to train the persons who will participate in service sector was formed with departmental personnel, she said.
Afterwards, General Staff Officer (Grade-1) Lt-Col Min Lwin of the Ministry of Defence explained points cencerning the military exercise of yodaya army and SURA SI (143).
The Yodaya Army conducted the military exercise from 6 to 23 May, lasting 18 days.
The military exercise that meant Thurathiha in Myanmar, included 20,000 soldiers together with strategic weapons, armoured cars, tanks, personnel carriers and artillery pieces and costing
200 million Baht for exercise expenditure.
The Yodaya Army propagated that the aim of the military exercise was to mainly practise the mobility of military units and strategic weapons in the border areas and to eliminate drugs, that the military exercise was conducted for the security of their country, not to display military strength to the neighbouring countries. But the military exercise was aimed at Myanmar as the target enemy. The military exercise was a limited one and definitions of the terms used in the exercise were expressed Òenemy at the other
side'and " strength of the other side", without expressing Myanmar. High level officers of Yodaya Army utilized the military exercise and attacked Wa camps in Special Region 2 in the border area , putting the SURA Ywet Sit insurgent group in the forefront, without giving any information concerning the aim of the exercise to the lower level of their army. Lower level of Yodaya Army thought it to be a normal one since the exercise had not taken place for ten years. Top brass of Yodaya Army managed the military exercise secretly in accord with their aim. Although commander of No 3 Command Lt-Gen Udomchai Ongkasingha was named to take charge of the military exercise, Army chief-of-staff office gave direct instructions in the military exercise. It was found that Yodaya army synchronized the SURASI (143) military exercise with the attacks on
"Wa" camps, designating them as battle grounds. In invading the "
Wa" army camps and Tatmadaw outposts, Yodaya soldiers launched attacks wearing SURA uniforms. It was Yodaya army that attacked really by using forces and putting SURA on the front line as guide. Moreover, according to FEER magazine issued on 11 July, it was learnt that there were some American soldiers who joined in the attacks together with Yodaya soldiers.
The USA had recruited and trained No (399) special unit for eradication of narcotic drugs in the Yodaya army. They also trained and equipped them with sophisticated weapons to involve in the attacks. The magazine also said that three American soldiers were wounded in the battles that occurred at the border area. A mission comprising European diplomats in their tour of the battle ground, found that the three American soldiers were injured in the battles of Mepalaung region, Chiangrai district, the magazine also said. According to the magazine, in case the news was true, the United States of America would be in open violation of its law that does not allow US to send its soldiers to the battle grounds of other countries; and but in a bid to avoid the violation of the law, an American embassy official insisted that the wounded soldiers were just instructors of No (399) special unit. In conclusion, although the military exercise of SURASI (143) did not mention the exact name of the enemy, it can be clearly seen that Myanmar was targeted as enemy. The military exercise was mainly intended to keep their forces in Combat ready at border and they synchronized the military exercise with the attacks on the Tatmadaw outposts under the pretext of eradicating the narcotic drugs.
The Yodaya Army, conducting SURASI 143 military exercise with secret aim, has harmed the friendship between the two countries and caused disagreement between Yodaya government and Yodaya Army.
15 Yodaya columnists blacklisted
Yodayas put Myanmar historian Dr Ma Tin Win in blacklist for writing the truth about Myanmar-Yodaya. Myanmar Government hereby blacklisted 15 Yodaya columnists for destroying the unity between the leaders of the State, between the Myanmar Tatmadaw and the people and between the Myanmar Tatmadaw and the national races peace organizations, interfering in the internal affairs of Myamar and fabricating news.
He then explained matters concerning the torturing of Myanmars by Yodaya Army.
At around noon on 8-7-2002, while Po Lin, 28, son of U Ko Thein of No 105, Parlian Ward 1, Tachilek, was walking back home after working at a tobacco processing factory in Pahut Ward, Maesai, Yodaya and arriving at Sansai Ward jetty opposite Myanmar Patlian jetty (estimate- U 900784), a member of Yodaya Army wearing camouflage uniform asked him whether he was a Myanmar and spy of Myanma Tatmadaw. He replied he was a Myanmar but not a spy. However, he was tied with a rope, struck with the butt of the gun and sliced with a knife. His right cheek, right arm, chest, head, eyebrow, lip and back were wounded and he is now undergoing medical treatment at the People's Hospital in Tachilek.
A factory owner in the Central Yodaya of Lodburi District asked 3 Yodaya men on 10-7-2002 to cruelly kill a Myanmar girl , Ma Su, 18, who worked at his house as a servant by beating and burning after charging her that she had stolen a gold chain. One of the three Yodayas, sympathizing her, put out the fire on her body and applied medicine on her wound. Then, she was abandoned beside a road in Eutaithani District, 120 miles away from Bangkok, under the instruction of the factory owner. Later, she was taken to Eutaithani hospital by a Yodaya. According to the doctors, 54 per cent of her body including breast, back and arms was burnt and some parts of her arms were possibly to be amputated. These two events indicate atrocities of Yodayas and Yodaya Military personnel on Myanmar, based on the racial hatred.
Thousands of Myanmar who are working illegally in Yodaya are being bullied by Yodaya and are not given reasonable earnings for their work. They are also facing the atrocities of Yodaya.
Then, Vice-Chief of Military Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win explained that the Myanmar Tatmadaw is a patriotic Tatmadaw systematically formed with good discipline. The Tatmadaw, born of the people, is upholding the 12 noble traditions. Orders and instructions to be followed by the Tatmadawmen were prescribed and distributed in publications by the Office of the Adjutant-General of the Ministry of Defence. In order to take action according to both military and civil law against the Tatmadawmen who commit crimes, books on Tatmadaw rules and law as well as publications on military code of conduct were distributed to all Tatmadawmen.
In accord with the instructions of Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe, books on military code of conducts were changed into pocket-size ones to enable the Tatmadawmen to constantly put them into their pockets. Like arms and ammunition, books on military code of conducts have to be constantly with the Tatmadawmen. Examinations on military code of conduct are being held and the points of the exams are considered for the promotion.
During his inspection tour, the Senior General Than Shwe put emphasis on asking about the military code of conduct to the Tatmadawmen. So the Tatmadawmen are to practically follow the military code of conduct in addition to learning them by heart.
He said that when he performed duties in regiments and light infantry regiments for years, he never witnessed any rape or sexual harassment on young women committed by a Tatmadaw-man. If such a crime occurs, action has to be taken in accord with military rule and law which were lectured at every course conducted for the Tatmadawmen.
Only the insurgents and mercenaries committed such undisciplined and detestable acts. There were many instances that the insurgents, taking refuge at border areas and bullying the national races, committed atrocities such as rape and sexual harassment without regarding the young women as their sisters and daughters. Young Shan women were raped by the SURA insurgents, he noted. When they suffered losses and found it difficult to flee, the SURA insurgents were making fabrications and false statements as if the Tatmadawmen were committing such acts with every intention of tarnishing the dignity of Tatmadawmen. Based on the fabrications, the two ladies from US House of Representatives have been making accusations, he said and reiterated that the patrioticTatmadaw is risking their lives for the national people and the State.
Next, Minister U Tin Winn, Vice-Chief of Military Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, member of Myanmar National Work Committee for Women's Affairs (leader of educational group) Professor Daw Khin Aye Win and Director-General of the Attorney-General's Office Dr Tun Shin replied to queries of the journalists. The press conference ended at 11 am.
In replying to the queries, Professor Daw Khin Aye Win said on behalf of women in the world and herself, she would make protest at the incident in which the proprietor of a factory in Lodburi District who had cruelly beaten Ma Su, a Myanmar citizen, and attempted to burn her to death.
Next, the journalists observed booklets of orders and directives to be followed by all Tatmadawmen issued by Adjutant-General's Office of the Ministry of Defence, manuals on military procedures, Tatmadaw rules, the 1959 Tatmadaw Act, booklets of codes of conduct for soldiers, map showing Lwetainglyan camp, the headquarters of drug-trafficking insurgent SURA, documentary photos of foreign correspondents covering news at Lwetainglyan camp and documentary photos of Maung Po Lin who was beaten with the butt of a gun and made a number of shallow incisions by camouflaged Yodaya army near Parlyan port in Myanmar Yodaya border on 8-7-2002.
( 5 ) Ministry of Religious Affairs holds Waso robes offering ceremony
Yangon, 12 July - The 10th Waso robe offering cere-mony of staff families of the Ministry of Religious Affairs was held at Wizayamingala Dhammathabin Hall on Kaba Aye Hill this afternoon.
The congregation received the Five Precepts from Sayadaw Bhaddanta Sirindabhivamsa, and members of the Sangha recited the parittas. Then, the minister supplicated on religious affairs to the Sayadaws.
Afterwards, the minister and wife, the deputy minister and wife and officials presented Waso robes and offertories to the members of the Sangha.
Later, SSMNC Vice-Chairman Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Asinnabhivamsa delivered a sermon, followed by sharing the merits gained, and the ceremony came to an end.
Yangon Command holds Waso robe offering ceremony
Yangon, 12 July - The Waso robe offering ceremony of Yangon Command was held at the command this morning.
It was attended by Dagon Township Sangha Nayaka Committee Secretary Sayadaw of Alanpyaphaya-kyaung Sasanadhajadham-macariya Bhaddanta Sirinda and members of the Sangha, Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Yangon Command Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe and wife Daw Khin Thet Htay, tactical operations commanders and their wives and officers and other ranks of the command and their families.
The congregation received the Five Precepts from the Sayadaw Bhaddanta Sirinda. Then, the commander and wife and those present offered Waso robes and offertories to the members of the Sangha.
The Sayadaw delivered a sermon, followed by sharing of the merits gained. After offering
" soon " to the members of the Sangha, the ceremony came to an end.
After that, Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe and wife attended the prizes presentation ceremony held at the hall of the command.
Also present on the occasion were Commander of No 4 Military Region Brig-Gen Myo Myint, commanders of military regions and stations, senior military officers and other ranks of the command and their families and prize winners.
Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe made a speech.
Then, the commander presented prizes to those who stood first in 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day commemorative
soldiers' code of conduct (central level) competition and soldiers of regiments and units under the command who won outstanding awards at the training courses opened in 2002. Daw Khin Thet Htay, wife of the commander, presented prizes to the outstanding students who passed the matriculation examination held on March 2002, and the ceremony ended.
( 6 )
Minister receives ambassador

Yangon, 12 July - Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone received Egyptian Ambassador to Myanmar Dr Farouk Riad Hassan Mabrouk at his office this afternoon.
Also present on the occasion were Director-General of the Border Trade Department U Nay Win, Managing Director of Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading U Min Hla Aung and officials concerned.
Industry-1 Minister inspects thread factory
Yangon, 12 July -Minister for Industry-1 U Aung
Thaung, together with Deputy Ministers Brig-Gen Thein Tun and
Brig-Gen Kyaw Win, inspected the Thread Factory No 28 under Myanma
Textile Industries in Kanbe, Yankin Township, this morning. The
minister inspected production process at the factory and left
necessary instructions.
Then, the minister inspected the extended
construction site of the new factory. At the briefing hall, the
minister met with the officials and gave instructions on replacement
of the old machines and extended production of quality products
after taking innovative measures. Then, he saw over the spindle
complete set. The minister next proceeded to the packing paper
factory of Myanma Paper and Chemical Industries on Kaba Aye Pagoda
Road in Yankin Township and inspected tasks being implemented for
the packing paper factory extension project. Later, the minister
looked into production of pulp and waste paper and left instructions
on speedy completion in implementing the extension project, carrying
out innovative measures and extended production of import-substitute
packing paper rolls.
( 7 ) Patriotic songs cassette tapes donated to
Information Committee
Yangon, 12 July -Two hundred cassette tapes on patriotic song, jointly arranged by Myatkhinthit Thukhuma Lwinpyin and Khin Sabai Oo Recording, were donated to Information Committee of the State Peace and Development Council at a ceremony held at Tatmadaw Guest House on Inya Road this morning
It was attended by Leader of Information Committee of the State Peace and Development Council Minister for Labour U Tin Winn, Vice-Chief of Military Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein, senior military officers of the Ministry of Defence, news and information officials of the Ministry of Information, those from the recordings, academy Gitalulin U Ko Ko, academy Zaw Myo Htut and Yadana Oo and others.
Gitalulin U Ko Ko explained the purpose the donation. Then, U Tin Winn
accepted the cassette tapes presented by the people concerned and spoke
words of thanks.
( 8
) Measures for ensuring smooth and secure
transport coordinated
Yangon, 12 July - A regular meeting of the Yangon Division Supervisory Committee for Ensuring Smooth and Secure Transport was held at the head office of Yangon Division All Bus Lines Control Committee in Tamway Township this afternoon. Chairman of Yangon Division Supervisory Committee for Ensuring Smooth and Secure Transport Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe made a speech and fulfilled the requirements.
Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe urged officials concerned to prevent occurrence of crimes aboard and to take action against those who violate traffic rules.
Then, those present including chairmen of the bus lines and officials of departments concerned reported on arrangements being undertaken for ensuring smooth and secure transport for convenience of people who travel in Yangon and to respective states and divisions.
Later, the commander gave necessary instructions on their reports and the meeting came to an end.
( 9
) Drug trafficker faces imprisonment
Yangon, 12 July - A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and the railway police force, acting on information, searched Daw Tin Ooh, who was travelling on the Lashio-Mandalay No 132 down train, at PyinOoLwin Station on 20 March and found 36.72 grams of heroin on her. Daw Tin Ooh, 53, daughter of U Pauk of Thawutti Village, Lewe Township, was registered in a lawsuit by PyinOoLwin Police Station under Section 15/19 (A) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
After hearing the case on 15 May, PyinOoLwin District Court sentenced her to 4
years' imprisonment under Section 15 and 20 years' imprisonment
under Section 19 (A) to serve separately.
Opium oil seized in Nawnghkio
Yangon, 12 July - A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and Lashio Special Anti-drug Squad, acting on information, stopped and inspected a passenger bus with number plates 9 Ka/4640 on its way from Namklan to Mandalay at mile-post 80/4, Painnebin Corner at the entrance to Nawnghkio, on 4 July afternoon and seized 1.872 kilos of opium oil from Aung Kyaw (a) Hao Xiao Pan.
Action is being taken against Aung Kyaw (a) Hao Xiao Pan, 44, son of U Hon Su Sin of Pansin Ward, Namklan Village in Hsipaw Township under Section 15/19 (A) of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by Nawnghkio
Police Station.