1 ) Myanmar with full food security can contribute
regional and international food requirements
2002 World Population Day observed
Yangon, 11 July - The World Population Day for 2002 was observed at the International Business Centre on Pyay Road here this morning and Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt delivered a speech on the occasion.
First, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt delivered a speech. He said: Every year nations of the world cele-brate the World Population Day on the 11 of July and I am delighted to have this opportunity to address this auspicious gathering on the occasion of the Commemoration of World Population Day. This is the thirteenth successive year that Myanmar has been observing the World Population Day, underlining our commitment to the goals, objectives and activities of the United Nations.
The population of the world in 2002 is estimated to be over 6.1 billion. It is expected to grow to 7.8 billion by the year 2025 and 9.3 billion by the year 2050. Moreover, the most rapid population growth is taking place in developing nations.

This increase in population has exacerbated the economic and social problems facing these nations. It is indeed appropriate that the theme for this year is:
" Poverty, Population, and Development " as poverty, population pressure and economic development are deeply intertwined.
Poverty is usually regarded as an indicator of the deprivation of the economic well-being of an individual or a household. But it can also indicate broader deficiencies. In fact, poverty is not only in the context of income but also includes lack of education, health care, personal safety, adequate food and shelter.
Today, over 1 billion people in the world are subjected to extreme poverty. While, the percentage of people living in extreme poverty had declined slightly in the mid 90s, the actual numbers have increased. Although most of the less fortunate people live in rural areas, poverty in urban areas is also on the rise. More than 800 million people in the world are facing chronic hunger and over 200 million children are not able to attend school.
The growing HIV/AIDS epidemic is also threatening the fragile health and social fabric of societies.
In striving to alleviate poverty, developing countries while endeavouring for economic progress must also practice prudent population policies that are in keeping with the objective conditions in the country. It is also incumbent on the United Nations and the international community to provide assistance and support to developing nations. Linking development assistance with extraneous issues and imposing sanctions for political and other motives are counter-productive and only cause hardship for the ordinary people.
Myanmar, with a land area of over 260,000 square miles and a population of 51.4 million, can be said to have a favourable population to land ratio. As the population density is only 197 persons per square mile, there is little population pressure. Myanmar also has an abundance of natural and human resources including arable land.
Out of the 45 million acres of arable land, only about 26 million acres are under cultivation, thus a huge potential for increased agricultural production remains to be tapped. Myanmar has full food security and is able to contribute to regional and international food requirements.
The Government is working day and night for establishing peace and stability; for the emergence of a united, modern and developed nation; for the promotion and preservation of the sprit of patriotism and love of cultural heritage and national character. It is also endeavouring for development of all regions and to narrow the gap between urban and rural areas.
In its endeavours, the Government devotes special attention to the development of remote border regions, where the national races reside and has already utilized more than 25 billion kyats towards this end. As a result, there have been dramatic improvements in the standard of living of the national races in the last decade.
Similarly, a five-pronged strategy consisting of deve-lopment of rural transportation infrastructure, ensuring availability of water resources, improving education standards, providing adequate health care and developing agriculture and livestock and improving economic conditions is being successfully implemented in the rural areas where over 70 per cent of the population live. Recently, Myanmar has intensified its efforts to implement rural water supply programmes aimed at providing sufficient water to water-scare areas.
As a result, today 4,496 villages have been equipped with water supply systems.
In the endeavours to develop the border and rural areas, attention is paid not only to the emergence of sound economic and infrastructure foundations but also to the promotion of education and health sectors as well. The literacy rate in the country stands at 91.4 per cent, making it one of the highest in the region. Even though primary school enrolment is high at 92.1% , mass activities are still being undertaken in order to get all the school-going-age children in school. As for higher education, it may be recalled that in 1988 there were only 32 universities and colleges in the whole country.
Today this figure has increased to 150. Moreover, doctoral courses are being offered in the country.
Likewise, there have been considerable improvements in health care. The Government has added 119 new hospitals, 99 dispensaries and 65 rural health centres to the existing health facilities. As most of these facilities are in rural and border areas, it can be said that health care is now available in every corner of the nation.
Keeping the interests of the people in mind and relying mainly on own resources, the Government, the people and the Tatmadaw are working diligently for the benefit of the whole nation.
As a result, Myanmar has been able to achieve significant economic progress and raising the standard of living of the people. Extreme poverty is relatively unknown.
Moreover, the gap between different regions of the nation as well as between urban and rural areas has narrowed significantly.
While engaged in its own nation-building tasks, Myanmar will be enthusiastically cooperating with the international community in global issues such as poverty reduction, economic development and population. Myanmar is determined to continue playing and active role in collaboration and cooperation with all nations with the United Nations and its relevant Agencies as well as local and international NGOs.
To conclude, allow me to express out hope that all nations of the world, working in conduction with the United Nations, will be able to meet the noble aims and objectives of this year's World Population Day motto:
" Poverty, Population and Development".

Next, Dr Agostino Borra, United Nations Resident Coordinator a i read out World Population Day message from Ms Thoraya Obaid, Executive Director of UNFPA.
Then, prize presentation continued. Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt presented the first prize for Open Class of the World Population Day Poster Contest to U Ye Aung Myat of Thingangyun Township; the second to U Aung Moe of South Oakkalapa and the third to Mg Hla Han of South Dagon Myothit, Yangon Division.
The Secretary-1 then presented first prize for Level IV of the World Population Day Poster Contest (Age group 16-18) to Mg Nanda Aung, Tenth Standard Basic Education High School No 1, Latha Township; the second to Mg Sithy Aung, First Year (Eco), University of Distance Education, Dagon and the third to Ma Po Po Kyi, First Year, University of Foreign Language (German).
Then, Minister for Immigration and Population Maj-Gen Sein Htwa presented first prize for Level III of the World Population Day Poster Contest (Age group 13-15) to Mg Win Myat Thu, BEHS No 3, Tamwe Township; the second to Mg Thant Zin, BEHS No 1, Latha Township and the third to Mg Kaung Myat Min Soe, Practising School of University of Education, Kamayut, the first prize for Level I (Age group 9-12) to Ma Su Myat Noe, Practising School of University of Education; the second to Ma Thin Zar Lwin, BEHS No 2, Latha and the third to Mg Ye win Thein, BEHS No , and the first prize for Level I (Age group 6-8) to Ma Myat Noe Yadanar San, Basic Education Primary School No 18, Tamwe Township; the second to Ma Su Myat Noe Nwe, BEHS No 2, Dagon Township, and the third to Mg Aung Thura, BEHS No 1, Aungmyaythazan, Mandalay and the ceremony went into recess.
Later, the secretary-1 and party viewed documentary photos, books, posters and essays displayed at booth of the commemoration of 2002 World Population Day.
Then, the second part of the prize presentation continued.
U Maung Aung, Deputy Minister for Immigration and Population, presented first prize for the World Population Day Essay Competition (High School Level) to Mg Mg Ye Zin Zin, DEHS No 1, North Oakkalapa Township; the second to Ma Yamin Aye, BEHS No1, Mingaladon Township and the third to Ma Win Le Htet Mon Oo, BEHS No 16, Chanayethazan Township, Mandalay, and the first prize for World Population Day Essay Competition (Middle School Level) to Mg Phyo Paing Thaw, BEMS No 1, South Oakkalapa Township; the second to Mg Phyo Myint Zin, BEHS No 1, Lanmadaw Township and Ma Mi Mi Ko, BEMS No 10, Chanayethazan Township, Mandalay.
Next, Dr Agostino Borra, United Nations Resident Coordinator presented the first prize for the World Population Day Article Competition (in Myanmar) to a representative on behalf of Dr Hla Pe, Mandalay; the second to Ko Hmu (Institute of Medicine) (Dr Aung Kyaw Htay), Kamayut Township, Yangon, and the third to U Kan Myint (Kan Myint), Yankin Township, Yangon, the first prize for the World Population Day Article Competition (in English) to a representative on behalf of Daw Khine Wint Phyu, Bahan Township, Yangon; the second to Daw Khaing Khaing Soe, Thanlyin Township, Yangon, and the third to Ma Aye Aye (Daw Khin Aye Kyin), Yankin Township, Yangon.
Afterwards, the Deputy Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement U Hlaing Win presented Certificates of Honour to the artists Accordion Ohn Kyaw, Hinthada Myint Ngwe, Daw Yadanar Oo and Daw Soe Sanda Tun for their contribution to commemoration of World Population Day and the ceremony came to an end.
After the closing ceremony, the guests viewed the exhibition to mark for 2002 World Population Day.
( 2 )
Tasks of National Poison Control Centre coordinated
Yangon, 11 July - A co-ordination meeting on tasks of the National Poison Control Centre of the Ministry of Health was held at the Medical Research Department (Lower Myanmar) on Ziwaka Road in Dagon Township, here, this morning. Deputy Minister for Health Prof Dr Mya Oo
attended the meeting and delivered an address.
First, Deputy Minister for Health Prof Dr Mya Oo delivered an address. In his address, he said that a sound health system is required for sustainable development of a nation and the system includes clean drinking water and food free from toxin. In addition it is required to have air, water and land intoxicated. It is also important to utilize dangerous poisons and chemicals carefully and properly and to cure cases of toxicity. The National Poison Control Centre is to be established under the Ministry of Health. The centre will also cooperate with international organizations through information networks. Then, those present at the meeting took part in the discussions.
Then, the Deputy Minister gave necessary instructions. Next, they inspected units, laboratories and information gathering room of the National Poison Control Centre.
New products and technology
Yangon, 11 July - A ceremony to demonstrate the new products and new technology of Telrad Networks Co of Israel was held at the Communications and Postal Training Centre of Myanma Posts and Telecommunications under the Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telegraphs this afternoon.
It was attended by Minister for CPT Brig-Gen Thein Zaw, the managing director of the MPT, heads of departments, chief engineers and engineers.
Vice-Chairman of the company Mr Ruven Avital extended greetings, and the
officials presented facts about the digital auto telephone exchanges
and technology.
( 3
) Sagaing Division Police Force holds work coord meeting
Yangon, 11 July - Sagaing Division Police Force held its work co-ordination meeting for the year 2002 at the Division Myanmar Police Force commander's office in Sagaing yesterday morning.
The commander delivered a speech on the occasion. In his address, the commander called on those present to make collective efforts for jointing hands with the people in carrying out tasks for community peace, prevalence of law and order and fight against the danger of narcotic drugs.
In the afternoon, the commander addressed the opening ceremony of the course on giving health care services to family members with the use of Myanma traditional medicines for housewives jointly conducted by Division Maternal and Child Welfare Association Supervisory Committee and the Traditional Medicine Department at the Town Hall in Monywa
Then, traditional medicine entrepreneur Daw Htwe of Gawmotta Medical House in Sagaing Division presented K 100,000 for carrying out rural health care services with the use of traditional medicines and for developing medicines; U Tin Maung Kyi-Daw Hla of Aye Nyein Thida Medical House K 70,000; U Bo Gyi-Daw Tin Nu of Yokepyo traditional medicine production (Shwebo) K 50,000; U Tin Aung-Daw Mya Sein of Shwe Hintha medical production K 30,000; U Kyaw Kyaw Khaing-Daw Khin Khin Chit of Kyaw medical house K 10,000 and Daw Tin May Myint and son Ko Chan Hein (Piti Thukha) K 10,000 to the commander and officials.
Head of Division Traditional Medicine Department U Myint Aung explained the purpose of the course and spoke words of thanks. Altogether 68 trainees are attending the course.
Monsoon tree planting ceremony held in Lashio
Yangon, 11 July - A monsoon tree planting ceremony was held at Lashio Degree College in Lashio, Shan State (North) on 7 July morning.
After the commander and those present collectively planted trees at designated places in front of the college, the ceremony ended. Then, the commander viewed round the tree planting activities at the government computer college and the technological college in Lashio.
At the activities, a variety of flower plants and shady trees totalling 3,000 were grown. The commander then provided 207 teachers serving at respective colleges with school uniforms.
( 4
) Work coord meeting of Ayeyawady Division GAD held
Yangon, 11 July- A work coordination meeting of Ayeyawady Division General Administration Department for 2002 was held at Eya Shwewa Hall in Pathein on 10 July.Commissioner
of Division GAD U Than Win reported on work undertaken. The
commander called for successful implementation of objectives of GAD.
Commander inspects oil palm plantation in Thayetchaung Township
Yangon, 11 July- Chairman of Taninthayi Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Coastal Region Command Brig-Gen Tha Aye, Col Soe Thet of Dawei Station and officials inspected oil palm plantation of Annawa Soemoe Co in Aukthayetchaung Village in Thayetchaung Township on 29 June.
The commander also inspected mixed cropping and gave instructions on cultivation of full acreage and arrangements for cultivation of oil palm.
The commander then fulfilled the requirements. Annawa Soemoe Co cultivated 200 acres of paddy, one acre of pesinngon, 0.5 acre of custard plants and 20,000 pineapple
( 5 ) Fukuoka-bound students tour Yangon
Yangon, 11 July - Altogether 10 Myanmar students who will attend the 14th Get-together of children of Asia and the Pacific Region to be held in Fukuoka, Japan,
accompanied by supervisor teachers, arrived at the Drug Elimination Museum at the corner of Hanthawady and Kyundaw Streets in Kamayut Township this morning.
Officials explained facts about the museum. The students viewed round the museum.
Afterwards, they proceeded to Myanma Radio and Television on Pyay Road in Kamayut Township. At the Studio-A, Deputy Director-General Lt-Col Thein Aung of MRTV extended greetings and explained facts about the MRTV with the use of video tapes.
Then, officials conducted the students round the studios.
At 12.30 pm, the students went to Yangon Zoological Gardens where officials
conducted them round the zoo. Next, the students visited Shukhintha Amusement Park in Thakayta Township.
Cash donated to MCWA of
Ministry of Industry-2
Yangon, 11 July - Toyohashi Economy and Research Group and Silver Wave Trading Ltd donated cash to the Maternal and Child Welfare Association of the Ministry of Industry-2 at a ceremony held at the meeting hall of the ministry on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road yesterday afternoon.
Mr Go Kondo, Toyohashi group leader, explained the purpose of the donation. Then, Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe accepted the donation of K 1 million presented by Mr Go Kondo and Silver Wave Trading Ltd Managing Director U Min Min Aung. Later, Director-General of Directorate of Myanma Industrial Planning U Khin Maung
spoke words of thanks after which, the ceremony ended.
( 6 )
Title recipient Sayadaws and lay persons honoured
Yangon, 11 July-The ceremony to honour religious title recipient Sayadaws and lay persons of Mandalay was held in conjunction with the rice offering at Maha Atula Waiyan Kyaungdawgyi in Aungmyethazan Township, Mandalay, on 9 July.
The ceremony was opened with three-time recitation of Namo Tassa and then the Waso Sayadaw administered the Eight Precepts. Members of the Sangha recited the parittas.
Afterwards, Vice-Chairman of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Bhaddanta Sirindabhivamsa Masoeyein Sayadaw recited Sammo-daniya Katha. The commander supplicated on religious matters.
Then, the commander and the wellwishers presented offertories to members of the Sangha and the commander's wife, to Maha Ganthavacaka Pandita Title recipient Nun Daw Metta Theri. Next, the commander presented certificates to four Thiha Thudha-mma Manizawtadara and Thudhamma Manizawta-dara Titles recipient men, and the commander's wife, to two Thudhamma Theingi Title recipient women.
After that, the commander and those present shared merits gained. After the ceremony, the commander, battalions and units under Mandalay Station, departmental officials and wellwishers presented rice and offertories to members of the Sangha.
In the evening, the commander hosted a dinner in honour of the trainees of Myanmar Affairs and International Studies Course No 5, who are on an excursion tour of Mandalay, at the office of Division USDA.
On behalf of the trainees, one trainee representative presented a commemorative pennant to Executive of Division USDA U Kyaw, who then presented a gift to him. Trainee Dr Daw Thuza
Win, on behalf the trainees, spoke words of thanks. Later, the
commander hosted the dinner to the trainees and then had a cordial
conversation with them.
( 7 ) MMU and MAEU to open on 1 August
Yangon, 11 July - As Myanmar Maritime University under the Ministry of Transport and Myanmar Aerospace Engineering University under the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Union of Myanmar will open as of 1 August 2002, students who have gained admission to the two universities are to enrol in the university concerned from 22
New SHARP products introduced
Yangon, 11 July- A ceremony to introduce new SHARP products manufactured with the use of the state of the art technology, organized by the Prime-Boss Electronics Co Ltd, was held at the Traders Hotel this morning.
Present on the occasion were guests, entrepreneurs, electronic technicians and observers.
Chairman of the Company U Aye Thant made a speech. General Manager of SHARP Electronics Asia Appliances Marketing Centre Mr Naoya Takahashi explained salient points about the new
Then, the officials replied to the queries raised by those present. At the ceremony, LCD TV, Plasrna Cluster Ion Technology products and digital multifunction copiers were introduced.
( 8
Inter-stations soccer tourney opened
Yangon, 11 July - The opening ceremony of the year 2002 Coastal Region Command Commander's Shield inter-stations soccer tournament was held at Myoma Sports Ground in Myeik on 5 July afternoon.
Among the spectators were Taninthayi Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Coastal Region Command Commander Brig-Gen Tha Aye, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Tin Latt and senior military officers, commanding officers of battalions and units in Myeik Station, local authorities, departmental officials and guests. The commander made a speech. Then, the commander and those present watched the match between Myeik Station (A) team and Dawei Station (A) team. A total of 10 football teams from respective stations are taking part in the tournament.
National Basketball Championship opened
Yangon, 11 July -The National Basketball Championship, organized by Myanmar Basketball Federation, was opened at the Kyaikkasan Basketball Gymnasium this morning.
Among the spectators were General Secretary of Myanmar Olympic Committee Director-General U Thaung Htaik of Sports and Physical Education Department, President of Myanmar Basketball Federation Professor Dr Sein Myint, Vice-President U Thet Oo (Ayeya Myay), General Secretary U Maung Maung Myint, executives and guests.
President of Myanmar Basketball Federation Professor Dr Sein Myint gave an opening speech.
After the opening ceremony, Central Command team beat One Star team 87-57 in the men's senior division.
NIP team beat 90¡ team 40-31 in the men's under-20 division. SKY team beat Yangon Division team 61-58 in the second match of the men's senior division.
Two women's matches, one men's senior division match and two men's under-20 matches will be held tomorrow.
( 9
) 15.02 gms of heroin seized
Yangon, 11 July - When a combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit, the Border Area Inspection Centre (HQ) and the Bamo Special Anti-drug Squad, acting on information, searched the house of Mayit Too (a) Mayit Phaw Yao Too of Manmon village, Mansi Township, on 10 June, 0.02 gram of heroin was found on him, and 15 grams in his compound, totalling 15.02 grams were seized.
Action is being taken against Mayit Too, 30, son of U Htein Nan, under Sections 15/19(A) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Marijuana trafficker gets 15 yrs
Yangon, 11 July - A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and the Bago Special Anti-drug Squad, acting on information, searched Lay Myint (a) Lay Maung at the corner of Pabedan and Tayoktan Streets in Pyay at 9.15 pm on 8 January this year, and seized 28.57 grams of marijuana. Pyay No-1 Police Station filed Lay Myint (a) Lay Maung, 32, son of U Tin Maung of No-359, Shwethway Pagoda Street, Sandaw Ward, Pyay, under Section 15/19 (A)/20 (A) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law. Pyay District Court handed down 15
years' imprisonment on him under Section 19 (A) on 20 June.