1 ) Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than inspects regional development tasks in Maubin and Hinthada Districts

Yangon, 8 July- Member of the State Peace and Developemnt Council Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than of the Ministry of Defence, accompanied officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office and departmental heads arrived at Bo Myat Tun Bridge in Nyaungdon Township yesterday.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party were welcomed by Chairman of Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development Council Commander of South-West Command Brig-Gen Htay Oo and military and civilian officials.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party, accompanied by Commander Brig-Gen Htay Oo and officials went to Danubyu Township. Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than met officials of Township Peace and Development Council, departmental officials and social organizations at Teza Hall of Danubyu Township Basic Education High School.
They discussed matters on regional development.
First, Danubyu Township Peace and Development Council Chairman U Kyaw Thein reported matters on location of the township, cultivation of oil crops, monsoon paddy, pulses and beans and jute, livestock breeding works, education and health affairs of the township, formation of social organzations in the township, and progress of work in implementing rural development tasks.
Next, Division Senior Engineer U Ye Myint Swe reported matters on better transportation, progress in tarring the 35-mile Setkawt-Danubyu-Zalun road and the programme for tarring the 52-mile Setkawt-Danubyu-Zalun-Hinthada road in the open season.

Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than gave instructions for repairing the roads in the rainy season speedily and stockpiling of materials for paving the roads. Commander Brig-Gen Htay Oo reported on the economic development of Ayeyawady Division and future tasks. Then, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than dealt with regional development works of Ayeyawady Division at length. Afterwards, he greeted those present at the meeting.
Later, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party viewed round the development of the town by car.
Then, they proceeded to Zalun and were welcomed by Hinthada District Peace and Development Council Chairman Lt-Col Win Htein and responsible personnel. Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party met with local authorities of Hinthada and Zalun Districts, Division / District / Township departmental personnel, ward/village-tract Peace and Development Council chairmen, personnel of social organizations and local people. They discussed matters on developing Zalun town. First, Zalun Township Peace and Development Council Chairman U Myint Maung Kyaw reported on the town's location and area, cultivation of monsoon paddy for 2002-2003, the cultivation of summer paddy and winter crops for 2001-2002, cultivation of multiple and mixed cropping, cultivation, production and purchase of jute, cultivation of maize for 2002-2003 rainy season, and formation of committees for protecting the banks from erosion.

Irrigation Department Directors U Zaw Win and U Sein Win Maung made supplementary reports on protection of river banks from erosion. Next, Engineer-in-charge of Hinthada District Water Resources and Improvement of River Systems Department U Hla Thein reported on preventive measures for erosion of river banks in Zalun. Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than gave necessary instructions. Then, he greeted those present at the meeting.
Afterwards, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party went to Man Aung Myin Pyidawpyan Buddha Image.
They were welcomed by members of the board of trustees. Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than offered gold foils to the Buddha Image and provided cash donations to the board of trustees. He then signed in the
visitors' book.
Next, they proceeded to paddy field of farmer U Myint Thein at Kanhla village-tract in Hinthada Township. They viewed the paddy transplanting contest there and presented prizes to the winners. Present on the occasion were the Hinthada District Peace and Development Council chairman and members, departmental porsonnel, local people of Kanhla, Ledaw, Pakhan, Targalay, Thangyodan, Indawei, Thabyubin, Hlelantet, Kyetkhatkwin and Duya village-tracts and women transplanters. Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party viewed the transplanting contest taken part by women transplanters groups from Hinthada, Laymyethna, Myanaung, Zalun, Ingapu and Kyangin townships.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than delivered an address at the transplanting contest. In his address, he said that paddy is a staple food of our country and foreign exchange earner. The agriculture sector contributes 37 per cent of gross domestic products and 46 per cent of export earnings. Altogether 63 per cent of the nation's total work force are engaging in the agriculture sector. Inasmuch as the agriculture sector develops, the socio-economic life of the nation will improve. Hence, the agriculture sector is designated as the main economic pillar and the State is providing all-out assistance to it. The Head of State has guided to boost paddy production remarkably as a national duty.

In so doing, extension of cultivated acreage, extended cultivation of double croppings and boosting the per-acre yield are being carried out. In the entire country, monsoon paddy was cultivated in 18 million acres 14 million acres and summer paddy in 4 million acres while efforts were made to ensure the yield of 100 baskets per acre. In the year 2002-2003, monsoon paddy will be cultivated in 13.36 million acres and summer paddy in 3.04 million acres totalling 16.4 million acres to produce 1,139 million baskets.
The Ministry of Agriculture & Irrigation is implementing the three objectives namely to ensure surplus of paddy; to ensure self-sufficiency of edible oil and to boost productions of pulses & beans and industrial raw materials for export. The Ayeyawady Division has 36.46 per cent of the total cultivated acreage of the country and thus it can be dubbed as a barn of the country. Paddy transplanting contest are held as the systematic transplanting of paddy is important for boosting the yield. Farmers must also pay attention to systematic utilization of fertilizers; weeding and narrowing works; pest control; and minimization of loss and wastage in harvest.
As the boosting of paddy production is the national duty, the farmers are required to exert all-out efforts for it, he pointed out.
Next, Commander Brig-Gen Htay Oo delivered an address. He said that in the Ayeyawady Division this year, monsoon paddy will be cultivated in 3.372 million acres and summer paddy in 1.63 million acres. As a total, paddy will be grown in 5.002 million acres. It is also targetted to achieve the yield of 69 baskets per acre in order to produce 232.6 million baskets of paddy in the division. It shows that the target is 6.6 million baskets more than the previous year's production.
Efforts are to be made for production of 2.17 million baskets from 213,389 acres in 18 model townships in Ayeyawady Division in 2002-2003.
He said high quality paddy consists of 54 per cent of the total cultivation acreage.
The commander spoke on use of fertilizers and cultivation of summer paddy after monsoon paddy, beans and pulses, oil crops, maize and vegetables.
Next, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than presented first prize to transplanting team from Kyangin Township. Commander Brig-Gen Htay Oo and Chairman of Hinthada District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Win Htain also presented second, third and consolation prizes to teams from Ingapu, Zalun, Myanaung, Laymyethnar and Hinthada Townships.
The first prize is K 50,000, second, third and consolation prizes K 40,000, 30,000 and 20,000 respectively.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than inspected computer room of e-library at town hall inHinthada Township.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party discussed development of Hinthada in meeting with members of District and Township Peace and Development Councils, departmental officials, social organizations and local people.
Chairman of Hinthada District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Win Htain reported on economic development of townships in the district, weather, cultivation of monsoon and summer paddy, oil crops, beans and pulses, jute and wheat, use of EM Bokashi, farm equipment, livestock breeding, transport and establishment of industrial zone.
Commander Brig-Gen Htay Oo gave supplementary reports. Maj-Gen Khin Maung ThanÊfulfilled the requirements.
In meeting with officials, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than said the government has been implementing economic plans for emergence of a peaceful modern developed nation. He spoke of the need for division, district and township level officials to make efforts for realiztion of economic plans in order to achieve rapid developemnt in the nation.
He said Ayeyawady Division mainly contributes toward the economic developemnt of the State.
It is a fertile region for agriculture and a good place for fish and meat. Concerted efforts are to be made for progress of agriculture and fish and meat sector and other production sectors.
For development of agriculture sector emphasis must be placed on extension of farmlands, cultivation from single cropping to triple cropping and boosting per acre yield depending on the region.
Townships in Hinthada District have good soil for cultivation of beans and pulses and maize. Therefore, it is necessary for extended cultivation of beans and pulses and maize which have demand in world market, he said. The commander spoke on use of quality strains and modern cultivation techniques for boosting production.
He said
Myanaung, Zalun, Ingapu and Kyangin townships.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than delivered an address at the transplanting contest. In his address, he said that paddy is a staple food of our country and foreign exchange earner. The agriculture sector contributes 37 per cent of gross domestic products and 46 per cent of export earnings. Altogether 63 per cent of the nation's total work force are engaging in the agriculture sector.
Inasmuch as the agriculture sector develops, the socio-economic life of the nation will improve. Hence, the agriculture sector is designated as the main economic pillar and the State is providing all-out assistance to it. The Head of State has guided to boost paddy production remarkably as a national duty. In so doing, extension of cultivated acreage, extended cultivation of double cropping and boosting the per-acre yield are being carried out.
In the entire country, paddy was cultivated in 18 million acres monsoon paddy in 14 million acres and summer paddy in 4 million acres, while efforts were made to ensure the yield of 100 baskets per acre. In the year 2002-2003, monsoon paddy will be cultivated in 13.36 million acres and summer paddy in 3.04 million acres totalling 16.4 million acres to produce 1,139 million baskets. The Ministry of Agriculture & Irrigation is implementing the three objectives namely to ensure surplus of paddy; to ensure self-sufficiency of edible oil and to boost production of pulses & beans and industrial raw materials for export. Ayeyawady Division has 36.46 per cent of the total cultivated acreage of the country and thus it can be dubbed as the granary of the country.
Paddy transplanting contests are held as the systematic transplanting of paddy is important for boosting the yield. Farmers must also pay attention to systematic utilization of fertilizers; weeding and narrowing works; pest control; and minimization of loss and wastage in harvest. As the boosting of paddy production is the national duty, the farmers are required to exert all-out efforts for it, he pointed out.
Next, Commander Brig-Gen Htay Oo delivered an address. He said that in Ayeyawady Division this year, monsoon paddy will be cultivated in 3.372 million acres and summer paddy in 1.63 million acres. As a total, paddy will be grown in 5.002 million acres.
It is also targeted to achieve the yield of 69 baskets per acre in order to produce 232.6 million baskets of paddy in the division. It shows that the target is 6.6 million baskets more than the previous year's production.
Efforts are to be made for production of 2.17 million baskets from 213,389 acres in 18 model townships in Ayeyawady Division in 2002-2003.
He said high quality paddy consists of 54 per cent of the total cultivation acreage.
The commander spoke on use of fertilizers and cultivation of summer paddy after monsoon paddy, beans and pulses, oil crops, maize and vegetables.
Next, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than presented first prize to transplanting team from Kyangin Township. Commander Brig-Gen Htay Oo and Chairman of Hinthada District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Win Htein also presented second, third and consolation prizes to teams from Ingapu, Zalun, Myanaung, Laymyethnar and Hinthada Townships.
The first prize is K 50,000, second, third and consolation prizes K 40,000, 30,000 and 20,000 respectively.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than inspected computer room of e-library at town hall in Hinthada.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party discussed development of Hinthada in meeting with members of District and Township Peace and Development Councils, departmental officials, social organizations and local people.
Chairman of Hinthada District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Win Htein reported on economic development of townships in the district, weather, cultivation of monsoon and summer paddy, oil crops, beans and pulses, jute and wheat, use of EM Bokashi, farm equipment, livestock breeding, transport and establishment of industrial zone. Commander Brig-Gen Htay Oo gave supplementary reports.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than fulfilled the requirements.
In meeting with officials, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than said the government has been implementing economic plans for emergence of a peaceful modern, developed nation. He spoke of the need for division, district and township level officials to make efforts for realization of economic plans in order to achieve rapid development in the nation. He said Ayeyawady Division mainly contributes toward the economic development of the State. It is a fertile region for agriculture and a good place for fish and meat. Concerted efforts are to be made for progress of agriculture and fish and meat sector and other production sectors.
For development of agriculture sector emphasis must be placed on extension of farmlands, cultivation from single cropping to triple cropping and boosting per acre yield.
Townships in Hinthada District have good soil for cultivation of beans and pulses and maize. Therefore, it is necessary for extended cultivation of beans and pulses and maize which have a great demand in the world market, he said. Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than called for use of quality strains and modern cultivation techniques for boosting production. He also spoke at length on harmonious development of fish and meat sector, breeding fish in fish ponds and raising of poultry from manageable scale to commercial scale.
He said only when the agriculture sector, the fish and meat sector and other production sectors develop, will economic condition of local people in the division improve. The development of those sectors is beneficial to the State. Departmental personnel performing duties in Ayeyawady Division are to strive for the development of the division. Their endeavours towards the development of the division are beneficial to the national development.
They are to strive in their respective roles while abiding by disciplines and rules conscientiously, he said. In order to narrow down the development gaps between urban and rural areas, the Government has been implementing the five rural development tasks. Local authorities, departmental personnel and social organizations are to earnestly and collectively strive for implementing the five rural development tasks.
Then, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party proceeded to Hinthada Township Hospital where they were welcomed by Medical Superintendent Daw Wint Wint Toe, specialists and nurses. The Medical Superintendent reported on tasks of the hospital being carried out and requirements. Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than gave necessary instructions. Next, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party inspected the hospital and left necessary instructions to officials.
They then arrived at Hinthada University and inspected construction of the library of the university and the three-storey lecture hall. Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than gave necessary instructions. They then inspected the multimedia classrooms at the university.
At the office of the pro-rector, Pro-Rector U Soe Myint reported on the history of the university, strength of the faculty members and students and academic matters to Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than.
Afterwards, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party went to the Government Technological College of the Ministry of Science and Technology. Principal U Soe Win reported on the history of the college, strength of staff, student number, academic matter and progress in building the new GTC. Officials gave supplementary reports.
After hearing the report, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than gave necessary instructions and cordially met with teachers.
( 2 )
Coord meeting on use of Yuan held
Yangon, 8 July - Under the supervision of the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism, a coordination meeting on granting permission on the use of
Yuan for Chinese tourists visiting Myanmar was held at the Panda Hotel in Lanmadaw Township this afternoon, attended by Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin.
The minister made a speech on the occasion. In his speech, the minister said the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism is making arrangements for the convenience of tourists coming to Myanmar not only via international airport but also from the People's Republic of China. For this purpose, the meeting was held to coordinate with the ministries dealing with financial affairs for granting permission to use
The ministries concerned will render assistance to matters relating to market research being undertaken by the private sector, he said.
Then, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu reported to the minister on matters relating to tasks. Next, General Manager U Htay Aung of Myanma Hotels and Tourism Services also reported in detail on policies on Myanmar/China tourism services, use of
Yuan, estimated costs in
Yuan for respective itineraries and travel expenses to be fixed.
Later, departmental heads from the Myanma Economic Bank, the Ministry of Finance and Revenue, the Myanma Investment and Commercial Bank, the Myanma Gems Enterprise and the Internal Revenue Department answered the questions raised by tourism entrepreneurs. Afterwards, the minister fulfilled the
Minister inspects fire engines
Yangon, 8 July - Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa inspected three fire engines assembled by the Fire Services Department for North-East Command in front of the ministry this afternoon.
The director-general of Fire Services Department and officials reported on assembly of the fire engines.
The minister inspected the fire engines and gave necessary instructions.
( 3
) Minister inspects rural development tasks in Ayeyawady Division
Yangon, 8 July - Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt, accompanied by Director-General Col Myo Myint of Development Affairs Department and officials, inspected rural development tasks in townships of Ayeyawady Division on 7 July, and today.
First, the minister met with officials of Ayeyawady Division Development Affairs Committee, local authorities, social organizations and townselders. Kyaiklat Township authorities and officials of Township USDA, MCWA and WVO reported on requirements in undertaking rural development tasks.
The minister attended to their needs and inspected town roads and the development affairs committee office. Then, he went to Bogale and met with local authorities, officials of department and social organizations and local people. Officials concerned reported on requirements of development tasks. The minister gave instructions on better transportation in rural areas, water supply, education, health and economic matters and fulfilled their requirements.
Then, he inspected jetty and town roads. In the afternoon, he met with local authorities, officials of departments and social organizations at Thiri Annawa Hall in Pyapon. Officials reported on rural development tasks and the minister gave necessary instructions and fulfilled the needs.
The minister inspected roads in the town and met staff of the Township Development Affairs Committee this morning. He gave instructions on keeping the township clean and pleasant. Later, he met with villagers in Tarpat village in Kyaiklat Township and explained development tasks. In Maubin, the minister inspected the roads and gave instructions on extension of the entrance road of the town. At Toe Shwewa Hall, the minister heard reports on rural development tasks presented by officials and attended to their requirements.
International Seminar on the
Children's Rights and Question of their Application opens
Yangon, 8 July - The opening ceremony of International Seminar on the Children's Rights and Question of their Application, jointly organized by the International Institute of the Rights of the Child, the International Association of Youth and Family Judges and Magistrates and the Centre for Humanitarian Dialouge, was held at Sedona Hotel here this morning.
At the opening ceremony, Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, Mr Bernard Comby, President of the IDE Foundation and Mr Leon de Riedmatten, Representative of Humanitarian Dialogue (Myanmar) made opening addresses.
Experts of the Institute for the Rights of the Child will give talks relating to the children's rights at the seminar. 126 participants of UN agencies, NGOs and the departments of Myanmar will also take part in the seminar which will continue till 12
( 4
) Commander, Minister inspect textile factories in Sagaing Division

Yangon, 8 July - Commander of North-West Command Brig-Gen Soe Naing and Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung, accompanied by Secretary of Sagaing Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Ye Htut, Monywa District Peace and Development Council Chairman Lt-Col Win Naung and officials, arrived at the dyeing and printing factory in Monywa yesterday evening.
Managing Director U Oo Thein Maung of Myanma Textile Industries reported on the site chosen for extension of the 200-loom factory. The minister gave necessary instructions.
Then, the commander and the minister inspected Monywa dyeing and printing factory. At the briefing hall there, the commander and the minister met officials and discussed future tasks.
Next, the commander and the minister inspected sale of household goods and personal goods, agricultural equipment and other products of Winthuza Shop in Monywa.
This morning, the minister arrived at Salingyi Textile Factory Project of MTI in Salingyi and inspected implementation of the factory project. At the briefing hall, the minister met officials and gave instructions on work.
Salingyi Textile Factory Project is located on 485.97 acres of land at the Paungwa-Hsathton junction, one mile from Salingyi. China National Constructional & Agricultural Machinery Import & Export Corporation (CAMC) and MTI signed the agreement on 14 June 2001. A total amount of K 3,047.758 million is invested on the project.
Afterwards, the minister inspected conventional salt production and preparatory tasks of salt makers in Ward 2, Salingyi and gave necessary instructions.
USDA Secretariat Member, CEC members tour Pindaya
Yangon, 8 July - Secretariat Member of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Minister for Finance and Revenue U Khin Maung Thein and CEC members Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone and Minister at the Prime Minister's Office U Than Shwe met executives and members of Pindaya Township USDA, Shan State (South), at the township USDA office, yesterday afternoon.
After hearing reports of Pindaya Township USDA Secretary U Win Kyi, Secretariat Member U Khin Maung Thein discussed increasing of qualified association members and unity of members. The CEC members called for accelearated organizational tasks and discussed future tasks.
Then, the Secretariat Member presented exercise books and stationery to the Township USDA Secretary.
Minister U Khin Maung Thein and Minister U Than Shwe, accompanied by Governor of the Central Bank of Myanmar U Kyaw Kyaw Maung and departmental heads, inspected the site chosen for construction of Myanma Economic Bank branch in Pindaya and fulfilled the
( 5 ) Minister inspects railroad
and bridges
Yangon, 8 July - Minister for Rail Transportation U Pan Aung, accompanied by officials, inspected the railroads and bridges along Yangon-Toungoo railroad on 6 July and gave instructions on maintenance of railroads and bridges. In the evening, the minister met with division officers, engineers and supervisors of Myanma Railways and gave instructions on construction and maintenance of railroads and minimising
the accidents.
Tasks to keep Yangon City clean and
pleasant coordinated
Yangon, 8 July- A work coordination meeting on matters to keep Yangon City clean and pleasant was held at Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Office this afternoon, with an address by Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe.
Also present were Vice-Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa, Commander of No 4 Military region Brig-Gen Myo Myint and military region commanders, Secretary of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Kyaw Tint and members, heads of office of the ministries, chairmen of District and Township Peace and Development Councils, heads of departments of YCDC, Township Administration Officers, director of Yangon Division Development Affairs Committee, Township Executive Officers and guests.
Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe said departmental officials and the people are to participate in the tasks to make Yangon a garden city of world standard with the sense of duty.
He spoke at length on regular collection of garbage, measures to be taken against those who throw away the rubbish in the alleys, placing garbage cans in government offices, markets and on vehicles, sanitation works in markets of YCDC, proper drainage in military regions and districts and sanitation measures to be taken in the outskirts of YCDC areas.
Vice-Chairman of YCDC reported on arrangements of YCDC to keep Yangon City clean and pleasant and future tasks.
Those present took part in the discussions.
The commander called for public participation in the
( 6 ) Leading Committee for Observance of Performing Arts Competitions meets
Yangon, 8 July - The Leading Committee for Observance of the Tenth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions held the first coordination meeting at the National Theatre on Myoma Kyaung Street in Dagon Township, with an address by Chairman of the Leading Committee Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe.
Also present on the occasion were Vice-Chairman of the Leading Committee Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt, members of the Leading Committee, the Work Committee and sub-committees, members of the board of judges and guests.
Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe delivered an address.
He said:
As the Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions have been held under the leadership of the Government since 1993, the Tenth Performing Arts Competitions will be held this year. As a result of the endeavours of scholars, the Leading Committee, the work committee and sub-committees with the wholehearted support of the people, the competitions have been held grander and grander every year successfully.
The Leading Committee was formed on 7 June with a view to ensuring holding of the Tenth Performing Arts Competitions grander than previous years and the duties were assigned to chairmen and secretaries of other two committees and nine sub-committees at the meeting attended by members of the Panel of Patrons of the Leading Committee on 3 July. In addition, the committees to be formed with suitable persons are to carry out tasks based on the previous year's experience in order to hold the present competitions grander than the previous years.
The present year's competitions are to be held in accord with the six objectives to vitalize patriotism and nationalism of all citizens; to preserve and safeguard cultural heritage; to perpetuate genuine Myanmar music, dance and traditional fine arts; to preserve Myanmar national character; to nurture spiritual development of the youth; and to prevent penetration of alien culture.
It is necessary to announce the designated songs on TV and in the newspapers for practising by competitors.
The committee/sub-committees are to coordinate the preparatory tasks for the competitions based on their previous year's experience, and the commander invited suggestions for holding this year's competitions grander than previous years.
Then, Vice-Chairman Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt explained tasks
for holding the competitions. Next, members of the Leading
Committee, the work committee and sub-committees and members of the
board of judges took part in the discussions. After hearing the
discussions, the commander gave necessary instructions and the
meeting ended at 5.45 pm.
International Day of Cooperatives observed in Myeik
Yangon, 8 July-A ceremony to mark the International Day of Cooperatives of Taninthayi Division was held at Pale Yadana Hall in Myeik on 6 July morning.
Present were Chairman of Taninthayi Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Coastal Region Command Brig-Gen Tha Aye, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Tin Latt, local authorities, departmental officials, members of USDA and social organizations and guests.
Taninthayi Division Cooperative Department Deputy Director U Myo Myint read out the message sent by Minister for Cooperatives Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe and Chairman of Taninthayi Division General Cooperative Syndicate U Hla Win, the message sent by International Cooperative Alliance.
Then, Head of Division CD U Myo Myint presented cash awards to seven good service medals holder staff. Next, the commander and officials viewed the photos on cooperative movements.
( 7 )
Attorney- General's office holds meeting
Yangon, 8 July - The 21st Work Coordination Meeting of the attorney-general and state/division/district law officers was held at meeting hall 2 of the attorney-general's office this morning, with an address by Attorney-General U Tha Tun.
Also present at the meeting were Deputy Attorney-General U Khin Maung Aye, Director-General of the attorney-general's office Dr Tun Shin, Deputy Director-General U Han Shein, deputy directors and the head of office.
First, the attorney-general delivered an address. Next, officials concerned submitted reports and discussed them. The meeting continues
USDA Management Multiplier Course opened in Yangon North District
Yangon, 8 July - The opening ceremony of Management Multiplier Course for executives of the Union Solidarity and Development Association organized by Yangon North District USDA was held at the office of Insein Township USDA this afternoon with an address by USDA CEC member Col Tin Hlaing. Also present were local authorities, division/district/township USDA secretaries and executives, USDA members of Mingaladon, Insein, Shwepyitha and Hlinethaya
Townships, members of the fire brigade, red cross society and social
organizations, and guests. The two-week course is being attended by 122
( 8
) Shan national excursion group continues tour of Yangon

Yangon, 8 July - At the invitation of Chairman of the Work Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, 65-member excursion group of Shan national races from Manhero Region, Muse township, Shan State (North), arriving here to visit the famous pagodas and to study the development of the State, continued their tour of Yangon this morning.
First, the group arrived at the USDA Head Office this morning. Head of Office Daw Aye Myint briefed on the objectives, duties and responsibilities of the USDA. They then exchanged souvenirs and viewed round the head office.
At 11 am, Brig-Gen Than Tun, Deputy-Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs, greeted them at No 1 Transit Centre (Bayintnaung) here.
Then, Brig-Gen Than Tun, Director-General Col Than Swe and Director-General Col Than Win exchanged souvenirs with them and the excursion group entertained with Shan national dance. Next, the group enjoyed Myanmar movie at Thamada Cinema and visited Yangon Zoological Gardens. In the evening, they left here by train.
( 9
) Over 600 stimulant tablets seized
Yangon, 8 July - A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Yangon Special Anti-drug Squad, acting on a tip-off, searched Soe Lwin at the corner of U Wisara Road and Padethayaza Road in Ward 41, Dagon Myothit (North) on 18 June and seized 50 stimulant tablets from him. Next, the combined team searched the house at No 189, Tharaphe Road where stimulant tablets are sold, and found Ma Yi Yi Tin and seized 610 stimulant tablets from the cupboard.
In connection with the case, action is being taken against Soe Lwin, 34, son of U Ba Htay of No 41, Mahamyaing housing estate, Dagon Myothit (North) township and Ma Yi Yi Tin, 37, daughter of U Kyaw Myint of No 189, Tharaphe Road, Ward 41, Dagon Myothit (North) township under section 15/19 (A) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by Dagon Myothit (North) Police Station.
Drug trafficker sentenced
Yangon, 8 July - A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Railway Police Force, on 20 March 2002, searched Daw Ohn Hla of seat No 35, carriage-3, of Lashio-Mandalay down-train No 132 on arrival at PyinOoLwin Station and seized 48.96 grams of heroin from her.
In connection with the case, PyinOoLwin Police Station filed Daw Ohn Hla, 52, daughter of U Than Maung of Thawutti village, Lewe Township, under section 15/19 (A) of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
On 15 May, PyinOoLwin District Court handed down five years' imprisonment under section 15 and 20
years' imprisonment under section 19 (A) of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law on Daw Ohn Hla to serve separately.