1 ) With reduced support of external elements, existence of drug-trafficking insurgents will come to end
Special refresher course No 48 for basic education teachers concludes
Yangon, 5 July - The conclusion ceremony of special refresher course No 48 for basic education teachers was held at Nawarat Hall in Central Institute of Civil Service (Phaunggyi) in Hlegu Township this morning with an address by Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.

In his address, the Secretary-1 said nowadays promotion of national education is the vital and basic requirement for national development, preservation of national prestige and strengthening of national capability.
He said knowledge dominates development sectors of a nation and it is at the centre of all sectors. Better foundations are to be built for developing highly-qualified human resources in efforts to uplift economic, health, social and defence sector.
He said the government is implementing national education promotion programmes and plans phase by phase after holding the seminars on education with the participation of scholars, managers and teachers.
It is seen that achievements have been made in education promotion programmes being implemented in the basic education sector due to systematic plans. Progress has also been made in the national education promotion special four-year project to some extent, he added.
Today, efforts are being made in the education sector with the aim of developing modern science and technology, developing highly-qualified human resources and establishing a constant learning Myanma society under the national education 30-year long-term project, he said.
The government has designated development regions in the whole country for realization of objectives on education while laying down plans for the national education promotion programme. It is also building better education foundations such as basic education schools, universities and colleges, technological colleges and computer colleges to narrow the gap between one region and another, he said.
Performance of the basic education sector, the most basic one in gradual development of the national education projects being implemented systematically, plays an important role. He urged all the teachers to make efforts for successful implementation of education projects with full national awareness.
He said the government is making efforts in all sectors for emergence of a modern developed nation with the participation of the entire people and enable the nation to stand tall and keep abreast with the nations of the world after laying down the national project.
Strengthening of national solidarity and cooperation in unity are very important for the Union of Myanmar where national races live
together in trying to keep abreast with international communities, he said.
In the past there was less national solidarity coupled with armed struggle. Therefore border areas lagged behind in development. Peace and stability has now been restored with the government's earnest efforts.
Now, he said, removing different views and doubt among the national people, mutual confidence, understanding and assistance could be built. It is satisfactorily seen that rapid development has been made in border areas with participation of local national race leaders and people under the leadership of the government, he added.
Continuing, he said the government has been implementing border areas and national races development projects for development of transport and communication infrastructures such as roads, bridges, telephones and
satellite links and education, health and social sectors and economic infrastructures such as agriculture, livestock breeding, forestry, mines and electric power.
Evil legacy of suspicion and disintegration of unity among the national races occurred due to divide and rule policy of the imperialists has ended. Social life of national races in border areas has now significantly developed with the prevalence of peace and tranquility.
However, some national armed groups with the support of some foreign nations are engaged and drug-trafficking. Hiding in the southern part and far east region of the Union, they are attempting to break up national solidarity and still doing drug-trafficking, he said.
With the reduced support of external elements, the existence of the drug-trafficking insurgents would come to an end. That is why the government is giving priority to national solidarity and uplift of social life of the national races he said.
He said the government implemented border areas development projects spending over K 25,000 million from 1989 to 2002.
Unlike any eras, border ares have developed greatly under the leadership of the government and with united cooperation of national race leaders and local people. It is obvious that social standard of local people has also improved, he added.
Realizing the rapid development of the regions and their life, local people are actively participating in development programmes and anti-drug activities under the leadership of the national race leaders, he said.
The problem of poppy cultivation and narcotic drugs production in border areas was an evil legacy of colonialists. It is obvious that some nations exploiting the evil legacy politically and economically are indirectly abetting the drug-trafficking insurgents.
As is known to all, although national races in border areas engaged in poppy cultivation for hundreds of years, they hardly earned enough for their livelihood. However, drug-traffickers who had come across the border and drug-trafficking insurgents living near Myanmar border became prosperous.
He said the government's efforts are not aimed at just controlling the drug problem. The government is carrying out total eradication of narcotic drugs with the participation of national race leaders and local people.
In doing so, the government is making systematic plans including development of the region and improvement of social standard and establishment of opium substitute agriculture and livestock breeding and other economic enterprises for long-term interest. It is also making arrangements for unity among the national races and adoption of anti-drug attitude among them after realizing the evils of narcotic drugs. National race leaders and local people joining hands with the government, have implement-ed the 15-year narcotic eradication project after realizing the government's goodwill toward the interest of the national people since 1999. Although anti-narcotic activities are successful with the
cooperation of national race leaders, local people and international organizations, unscrupulous insurgents are still making false accusations concerning drugs ignoring developments, he said.
He said despite progress made in anti-narcotic drugs campaign due to the efforts of the government and the people, the danger of stimulant tablets such as methamphetamine emerged.
The flow into Myanmar of raw materials, chemicals, paraphernalia, technicians and investment for production of stimulant tablets is hindering anti-drug endeavours of Myanmar people. This may be seen as taking advantage of Myanmar economically and politically.
Myanmar with participation of national race leaders and local people, will continue on self-help basis to wipe out the evil legacy of drug menace in line with the 15-year project for eradication of narcotic drugs. The
antidrug activities are being carried out in harmony with border areas development works. It can be seen that cultivation and production of narcotic drugs are declining gradually while the spirit of national unity, Union Spirit and nationalist spirit are flourishing among the national brethren. Recently, the handing over of poppy seeds and dry poppy bulbs by local national people themselves to the Government; the safeguarding of the sovereignty against encroachments after joining hands with the Tatmadaw; and the holding of mass rallies to inspire the people to protect the nation from dangers show the flourishing of invaluable patriotism and Union Spirit.
The Government is making efforts for balanced development of all the regions of the Union including border areas by carrying out rural development tasks as well as the combined tasks for border areas development and narcotic drugs eradication. These facts are mentioned to convince the teachers how the Government is making endeavours to enable the nation to keep abreast with the world's nations.
He urged the teachers including those who have been posted in border areas, to actively take part in the national duties of bringing about regional development and wiping out drug menace while discharging educational duties for human resources development in their respective regions.
They are also to make efforts for rapid development of education and health sectors in addition to regional development in 24 development regions and to take part in five rural development tasks laid down by Head of State Senior General Than Shwe for successful implementation of the tasks joining hands with local people. The Secretary-1 urged the teachers to propagate national solidarity, the Union Spirit and nationalist spirit among the students, to make them realize the danger of narcotic drugs and to try to become highly-qualified intellectual and intelligentsia who will serve the interest of the nation.
He also urged the teachers to implement tasks on national requirements and duties and true situations explained at the conclusion ceremony in combination with educational objectives for the interest of the nation and the people.
In conclusion, he urged them to make efforts for success of national education projects that bring about human resources in enabling the Union of Myanmar to keep abreast with international communities, to participate in border areas development projects, drug eradication project and development projects for equal development of the Union and organize the students to keep nationalist spirit and patriotism and Union Spirit alive and dynamic.

Then, the Secretary-1 presented model trainee awards to Junior Assistant Teacher U Than Htut of Shwekyetyet BEMS in Yedashe Township, Bago Division, and JAT Daw Myint Myint Thu of BEMS No 1 in Hinthada Township, Ayeyawady Division; awards for diligence to Senior Assistant Teacher U Soe Thein of No 1 BEHS in Thakaytha Township, Yangon Division, SAT Daw Khin Mu of No 1 BEHS in Myeik Township, Taninthayi Division and JAT Daw Saw Kyi of No 43 BEPS in Insein Township, Yangon Township; the best hostel prizes and completion certificates to the trainees.
Afterwards, the trainees donated K 10,000 for all-round development tasks of the Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Buddha Image, K 10,000 for renovation of Koenawin Pagoda of CICS, K 10,000 for construction of the Koenawin Pagoda Dhammayon, K 10,000 for renovation of ancient pagodas in Bagan, K 7,650 to hail the National Convention,
K 7,650 for the funds of USDA, K 10,000 for the BEPS of CICS, K 10,000 for Phaunggyi BEHS totaling
K 75,300 to the Secretary-1, who then presented a certificate of honour to them.
After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 had a cordial
conversation with the trainees and left the Institute later in the
( 2 )
Maj-Gen Ye Myint inspects construction of
Mahabodhi Beikmandawgyi
Yangon, 5 July - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence, visited Myawady Nunnery in Pyigyidagon Township and inspected the construction of Mahabodhi Beikmandawgyi this morning.

Deputy assistant engineer U Pe Than reported to the minister on construction progress and availability of construction materials. Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party, after inspecting the Beikmandawgyi, paid homage to a Standing Buddha Statue on the top floor of the Beikmandawgyi. The Mahabodhi Beikmandawgyi measures 216 feet by 108 feet and is 54 feet high. It is of concrete-reinforced type.
Arriving at the meeting hall of Central Command, Maj-Gen Ye Myint met with departmental officials of Mandalay Division and gave instructions on regional development tasks. Present on the occasion were the commander, the mayor, the deputy commander, the secretary of the division, local authorities and departmental heads.
Commander Brig-Gen Ye Myint reported to Maj-Gen Ye Myint on the division's rainfall, cultivation of monsoon paddy and other crops, reclamation of vacant and fallow lands, greening tasks, rural development, health and education sectors, and tasks to upgrade Meiktila, Myingyan and Mandalay industrial zones. Then, Chairman of Mandalay District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Tin Tun also reported on the construction of the bridge which links Shangyiywa of Patheingyi Township and Shwesayan. After Maj-Gen Ye Myint made a speech, the meeting came to an end.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, fixes golden bolts and nuts of Ayeyawady River (Dedaye) Bridge
Yangon, 5 July - A ceremony to fix golden bolts and nuts at the final link of the main iron frame of the Ayeyawady River (Dedaye) Bridge was held on the bridge at 8.40 am today. Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than of the Ministry of Defence delivered an address and fixed the golden bolts and nuts.
First, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than delivered an address. He said: the Ayeyawady River (Dedaye) Bridge is a vital one linking Yangon Division with Ayeyawady Division. It is connecting Kungyangon Township of Yangon Division and Dedaye town of Ayeyawady Division. As the bridge is situated on the route linking Yangon, Dalla, Kawhmu, Kungyangon, Dedaye and Pyapon, the local people of Yangon and Ayeyawady Divisions can easily travel by using it. It will also be beneficial to development of economic, trade, social, education and health sectors. On completion of this bridge, a new gateway to Ayeyawady Division will emerge.
Within a short period, the Government has built 35 major bridges each of which is over 180 feet long in Ayeyawady Division. Bo Myat Tun and Maubin bridges across River Ayeyawady are among the 35 major bridges. With the opening of Bo Myat Tun Bridge, a new gateway to Yangon from Pathein through Kyaunggon emerged. The people can now easily travel from Ayeyawady Division to Yangon Division as well as to other States and Divisions. In the past one had to rely on waterway which took 18 hours from Yangon to Pathein. Now, it can be reached in about 3 hours by car using Bo Myat Tun bridge. One can reach Yangon from Pathein within a day. On completion of the Dedaye bridge, another route will emerge and socio-economic lives of the people of Ayeyawady Division will improve. Hence, these bridges built by the State in Ayeyawady Division which is full of rivers, creeks and streams are, in fact, golden ones for the regional people. Wakema Bridge and Darka Bridge are also under construction. The river-crossing major bridges were built on self-reliance basis without foreign aids. These bridges were built with the aim of developing the Ayeyawady Division though there were financial and material constraints.
Under the leadership of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, the Government has been building roads and bridges not only in Ayeyawady Division but also in other States and Divisions.
It has been transport infrastructures for ensuring the development of all States and Divisions with a view to turning the nation into a developed one. On the completion of the major bridges including the Dedaye Bridge in the Ayeyawady Division, transportation between one town and another in the division will become easier. Moreover, Ayeyawady Division will be accessible from other States and Divisions by land or water. He also expressed thanks to engineers and workers of Public Works for reaching the stage of fixing the golden bolts and nuts of Dedaye Bridge.
Next, Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun made a speech. He said that the Head of State has guided the Ministry of Construction to make harmonious efforts for better transportation which is a basic requirement for turning the nation into a modern and developed one. Accordingly, major bridges and roads are built for easy transport of passengers and goods from east to west and from south to north in the country. In accordance with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, the Ministry of Construction carried out survey works for the Dedaye Bridge and the stake-driving ceremony was held on 10-6-2000. Now the bridge construction is nearing completion. Only the works to lay concrete slabs on motorway and pedestrian lanes of main bridge remain to be done.
Then, Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Yangon Command Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe delivered an address. In his address, he said that in accordance with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, the Government has been constructing roads and bridges all over the country including Ayeyawady Division. To build up the nation into a developed one and ensure harmonious development of all States and Divisions, the Government has been earnestly building transport infrastructures. As Ayeyawady Division is netted with rivers and creeks, the people had to rely on waterway only and transportation there was difficult in the past. Now, 35 major bridges have been built in the division for better transportation which will lead to improvements of economic, trade, social, education and health sectors of the regional people. He also urged departmental personnel, local people and social organizations to make continued efforts collectively for further progress.
Next, Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development Council Chairman South-West Command Commander Brig-Gen Htay Oo made a speech. He said that Head of State Senior General Than Shwe during his tour of Pyapon District in January 1998 permitted the Ayeyawady River (Dedaye) Bridge project as a special present to the division. In accordance with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, roads and bridges are built here and there to ensure better transportation from one place to another in all States and Divisions. New roads and bridges are beneficial to uplift of socio-economic lives of the regional people. And the Ayeyawady Division is now enjoying these benefits by having new roads and bridges. The Ayeyawady Division contributes 19 per cent of the nation's economic sector. It is self sufficient in rice, fish and meat and the surplus are being sent to Yangon Division and other regions daily. Fish and prawn breeding works will soon be extended in Pyapon District. Better transportation is vital for economic development and the Dedaye Bridge will surely be beneficial to the Ayeyawady Division. Soon the local people can easily travel from Dedaye to Yangon through Kungyangon; from Dedaye to Pyapon and Bogalay; and from Dedaye to Pyapon, Kyaiklat, Maubin, Nyaungdon and Pathein. At the auspicious time, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe, Commander Brig-Gen Htay Oo and Minister Maj-Gen Saw Tun fixed the golden bolts and nuts of the bridge and sprinkled scented water. Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party then performed the rituals of golden and silver showers. They next strolled along the bridge. The ceremony then ended.
The Dedaye Bridge linking Dedaye of Ayeyawady Division and Kungyangon of Yangon Division will be 4,088 feet long. Its motor-way will be 28 feet wide and each of pedestrian lanes on either side will be 6 feet wide. The lower structure of the bridge is reinforced concrete foundation. The upper structure is steel frames. The bridge will be able to bear 60 tons of weight and its clearance will be 390 feet wide and 36 feet high.
Later, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party met with local authorities, departmental officials and personnel of social organizations at the meeting hall of Dedaye Township Peace and Development Council Office. Township Chairman U Myo Chit reported matters on regional development tasks, construction of roads and bridges as well as water supply, health and education affairs, rural development, land reclamation and cultivation of crops. Commander Brig-Gen Htay Oo discussed matters on implementation of economic plans in Ayeyawady Division and future tasks. Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe also dealt with economic developments of Yangon Division. Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than dealt with matters on the Government's endeavours for developments of respective regions in the country, and boosting production in agriculture and livestock breeding sectors for economic development. He also urged the officials concerned to make inspection tours to grassroots levels for successful implementation of five rural development tasks.
Next, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe and party proceeded to Kungyangon Township and attended the ceremony to collectively plough and broadcast EM (Effective Micro-organism) Bokashi at the farm of Peasant U Kyet Kay near Kamarpa village. Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party inspected the production process of super Bokashi and gave necessary instructions. They also viewed the collective ploughing for monsoon paddy cultivation and broadcasting of EM Bokashi.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo tours Kya-in Seikkyi
Yangon, 5 July - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Maung Bo of the Ministry of Defence, attended the collective ploughing ceremony with 50 yoke of oxen at 29.48-acre field near Kawkamar village in Kya-in Seikkyi Township on 2 July. Maj-Gen Maung Bo gave necessary instructions and fulfilled the requirements. As regards regional self-sufficiency of rice, the township put 44,355 acres under monsoon paddy last year and it will put 46,000 acres under monsoon paddy this year.

Next, Maj-Gen Maung Bo met with township-level departmental personnel in Kya-in Seikkyi. Officials concerned reported matters on crop cultivation, supply of water in summer, distribution of drinking water to 15 villages, regional development tasks and livestock breeding works. Col Maung Shein made a supplementary report. Maj-Gen Maung Bo gave necessary instructions and fulfilled requirements. He urged departmental personnel to make field tours to ensure harmonious development of rural areas. Then, Maj-Gen Maung Bo handed over the donations of teaching and learning aids for the Thanbaya basic education high school to the school headmaster and the village chairman.

Maj-Gen Maung Bo, Commander Brig-Gen Thura Myint Aung and party proceeded to basic education high school of Kya-in Seikkyi and inspected multimedia classrooms and demonstration of artistic skills of the students. Maj-Gen Maung Bo gave necessary instructions and fulfilled the requirements.
Later, Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party attended the tree planting ceremony held at the 10-acre plantation of Thitseint trees (Terminalia Belerica) near Kya-in Gyi village. He planted a Thitseint sapling and gave encouragement to the departmental personnel, members of social organizations and local people and students who were planting the saplings.
For ensuring self-sufficiency in edible oil, altogether 50,000 saplings of Thitseint are being nurtured. At that tree-planting ceremony, 3,970 saplings were planted.
In the afternoon, Maj-Gen Maung Bo met with Tatmadawmen and their families at Thura Ngwe Tun Hall. Maj-Gen Maung Bo gave necessary instructions and presented cash assistance to Maternal and Child Welfare Associations in the Station. They then inspected Township People's Hospital.
Afterwards, Maj-Gen Muang Bo met with trainees of the midwifery training course No 1/2002 at the training hall. He called on them to make collective efforts in carrying out health care services and holding educative talks with goodwill for the people of the regions where they are assigned duties. Then, he cordially greeted the trainees.
Later, he inspected conditions of the roads and development of Kya-in Seikkyi
by car.
Maj-Gen Thein Sein attends ceremony to donate medical equipment

Yangon, 5 July - A ceremony to donate medical equipment to the medical units of the Ministry of Defence was held at the office of the Defence Services Medical Research and Development Committee in No 2 Defence Services Hospital (500-Bed) on U Wisara Road here this afternoon. Member of the
State Peace and Development Council Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein Sein attended the donation ceremony.
Well-wisher Col Than Tin (Retd) explained the purpose of the donation.
Then, under the patronage of Col Than Tin (Retd) and Daw Khin Hla Myint, son U Thuta and family of No 6 Pyidaungsu Road in Saya San North-West Ward, Bahan Township donated medical equipment worth over US$ 100,000 for the medical units of the Ministry of Defence to Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein Sein. Maj-Gen Thein Sein presented certificates of honour and spoke words of thanks to the well-wishers.
( 3
) Minister inspects cooperative farms
Yangon, 5 July - Minister for Cooperatives Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe, accompanied by officials, arrived at the Cooperative Farm Development Centre (Phaunggyi) this morning. The chairman of Htet Arkar Kyaw Farm and General Services Cooperative Syndicate and directors welcomed the minister and party and reported on work being done at the centre. The minister gave necessary instructions and fulfilled the requirements.
Then, the minister inspected farm equipment and workshop at the centre.
Afterwards, the minister and party proceeded to No-2 vegetable special zone in Nyaunghnapinkwin, Hmawby Township and inspected Khaing Marlar Agriculture and Livestock Breeding Cooperatives.
Minister meets Nauru Ministers

Yangon, 5 July - Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe met with Minister (Acting President) for Education, Transport, Telecommunications, Economic Development and Environment of the Republic of Nauru Mr Remy G Namaduk, and Minister for Health and Sports Mr Nimrod Botelanga and party at the ministry this morning.
In the afternoon, Minister for Health and Sports Mr Nimrod Botelanga and Economic Consultants Mr Phillip Au and Mr Ray Chu visited the Myanma Gems Museum on Gaba Aye Pagoda Road.
Minister inspects duty-free shops
Yangon, 5 July - Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin, accompanied by Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu and officials, inspected the duty-free shop of United International Ltd (UIL) on Sule Pagoda Road this afternoon.
Country Manager Mr Tan Kiat Seng and officials of the shop welcomed and
conducted the minister round the shop. Then, the minister
proceeded to the duty-free shop in Yangon International Airport
and gave necessary instructions.
Officers special refresher course concludes
Yangon, 5 July - Organized by the Information and Public Relations Department of the Ministry of Information, IPRD officers special refresher course No 1/2002 concluded at the training hall of the News and Periodicals Enterprise on Pansodan Street this afternoon.

Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung attended the ceremony and made a speech.
Present on the occasion were Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Aung Thein, directors-general and managing directors of departments and enterprises under the ministry, officials, departmental heads, course instructors and
The minister gave course completion certificates to leader of trainees U San Thein who accepted on behalf of the trainees. In the course, U Wan Kyi, deputy staff officer of Mudon Township office stood first; U Htay Win, deputy staff officer of Wetlet Township office, second; and Daw Soe Soe Kyi, librarian assistant-3, third. Prizes were then given to them.
The minister also
presented gifts to course instructor U Myat Thu who accepted the gifts on behalf of THE course instructors.
A total of 45 trainees from district and township offices of IPRD in states and divisions attended the course which lasted five weeks.
( 4
Myanmar delegation leaves for Malaysia
Yangon, 5 July - A Myanmar delegation led by Minister at the State Peace and Development Council Chairman's Office Brig-Gen Abel left here for Malaysia by air this morning to attend the ASEAN Economic Ministers Informal Meeting to be held at Genting Highland, Malaysia, from 5 to 7 July.
The delegation was seen off at Yangon International Airport by Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung and departmental officials.
Minister Brig-Gen Abel was accompanied by Director-General of the Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development U Maung Maung Yi. The Counsellor
of Myanmar Embassy in Malaysia will also attend the meeting as a
member of the delegation.
Minister attends conclusion of competency promotion course
Yangon, 5 July - The concluding ceremony of the Work Efficiency Promotion Course No 2 for Officers of the General Administration Department was held at the training school on Saya San Road in Bahan Township this morning with an address by Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing.

In his address, the minister urged the trainees
to safeguard the sovereignty of the State competently, to organize
the people to participate in the eradication of narcotic drugs, to
live up with the 12 objectives of the State as guiding principles in
carrying out duties and to participate in implementation of five
rural development tasks. Altogether 40 deputy commissioners and
heads of the township departments attended the 12-week course.
MEB holds coord meeting

Yangon, 5 July - The Work Coordination Meeting of State/Division managers of Myanma Economic Bank for the second six months of the 2001-2002 financial year was held in conjunction with
opening of the banking course at the training hall of MEB Branch-1 this morning.
Minister for Finance and Revenue U Khin Maung Thein
addressed the meeting. In his address, the minister spoke of the need for the successful implementation of work in accordance with the policies of the State and urged those present to make concerted efforts for the modernization of banking services. Then, state/division managers of MEB reported on work done. The managing director and general managers of MEB
also took part in the discussion.
Minister attends conclusion of electrical course
Yangon, 5 July - The conclusion ceremony of the Electrical Skill Course 1/2002 conducted by the Industrial Coordination and Inspection Department of the Ministry of Industry-1 was held at the training hall of the department on Kyaikwaing Pagoda Road, Mayangon Township, this morning.
It was attended by Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thein Tun, departmental heads of departments and enterprises under the ministry, instructors and trainees.
First, the minister made a speech. He presented prizes to the outstanding trainees and completion certificates to the representative of the trainees.
Altogether 72 trainees including the staff and war veteran staff of the ministry and other interested persons had attended the 5-week course.
Afterwards, the minister proceeded to Myanmar Pharmaceutical Factory of Myanma Pharmaceutical Industries in West Gyogone, Insein Township and inspected the breeding of horses and gave necessary instructions. Then, the minister viewed the photographs of the process of plasmapheresis on horse.
( 5 ) Commander meets agri & livestock breeding entrepreneurs
Yangon, 5 July - Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Yangon Command Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe met agricultural and livestock breeding entrepreneurs, who are engaging in Yangon Division Vegetable and Poultry Farming Special Zone near Nyaunghnapin Village in Hmawby Township at the office of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council yesterday.
Maj-Gen Myint Swe said that 12,427 acres near Nyaunghnapin Village in Hmawby Township were reclaimed and permits were issued to the entrepreneurs for vegetable and poultry farming. The government is providing necessary assistance for them. Kalihtaw Dam had been built for irrigation and arrangements were made for power and water supply. The national agricultural and livestock breeding entrepreneurs are to cultivate 25 kinds of crops and to raise fish and poultry which are beneficial to them as well as Yangonites.
He urged them to make collective efforts for all-round development without deviating from the objectives of the Special Zone.
Afterwards, Chairman of the Supervisory Committee Commissioner of Division General Administration Department U Thein Swe explained the rules and regulations and objectives of the Special Zone. Then, the entrepreneurs reported on their requirements.
The commander fulfilled the needs.
Prizes presented to outstanding Women
Yangon, 5 July - A ceremony to honour outstanding ladies who won prizes in competitions to mark the year 2002 Myanmar Women's Day organized by Yangon Division Working Committee for Women's Affairs was held at the office of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council this afternoon.

It was attended by Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe and wife Daw Khin Thet Htay, Secretary of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Kyaw Tint and members, Chairman of Division WCWA U Thein Swe and members and guests.
The commander made a speech on the occasion.
Then, Member of Yangon Division WCWA Leader of Division Committee for Prevention of Violence Against Women and Rehabilitation Daw Khin Thet Htay explained the purpose of the ceremony and presented prizes and certificates of honour to Ma Hnin Ei Ei Khaing, Ma Phyo Thandar, Ma Thida Win, Ma Ohnmar Swe, Ma Su Nyein Aye and Ma Ei Ei Chun who are outstanding in
education, fire services, Red Cross services, sports and arts.
After that, Ma Ohnmar Swe, on behalf of the prize winners, spoke words of thanks and the ceremony came to a close.
( 6 ) MMA to hold talks on immunology
Yangon, 5 July - Basic and Applied Immunology for Everyone, lectures on immunology organized by Continuing Medical Education Unit of the Myanmar Medical Association and Microbiology Department of the Institute of Medicine-1 was scheduled to be held at the MMA building on Theinbyu Road between noon and 3 pm on every Saturday and Sunday from 21 July to 4 August. Those interested may contact the Microbiology Department of the Institute of Medicine-1, Lanmadaw, and MMA
building during office hours as of 1 July.
( 7 )
Judgement passed on special civil
appeal cases
Yangon, 5 July - The Special Appellate Bench comprising Deputy Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (Yangon) U Than Oo, Supreme Court Judges U Khin Myint and U Chit Lwin, sitting at Court room No (1) this morning, heard three special civil appeal cases and also passed judgement on four special criminal appeal cases and five special civil appeals cases under Section 7 of the Judicial Law 2000.
( 8
) Illicit teak and hardwood seized
Yangon, 5 July - The authorities concerned are exposing and taking actions against unscrupulous persons who are resorting to various ways and means smuggle forest resources which contribute much to the State's economy.
A combined squad comprising members of local intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force and personnel of the Forest Department, receiving information that timber smuggling was being carried out from related regions of Thazi and Pyawbwe Townships in Mandalay Division and Kalaw, Pintaya and Ywangan Townships in Shan State to the areas of Meiktila, Mandalay, Yangon, cleared the areas of Yinmabin, Pyaynyaung, Nantpantet and Kyatsakhan village-tracts in Thazi Township from 11 to 17 June and arrested seven people with various kinds of illegal hardwood weighing 663.008 tons including 254.969 tons of teak.
Further information led to the arrest of 13 people who were engaging in illicit sawing of timber together with various kinds of hardwood weighing 498.763 tons in Meiktila Industrial Zone and 13 different sites of its surrounding areas.
Another combined team comprising local intelligence unit, MPF and personnel of the Forest Department, on information, intercepted three ten-wheel Nissan trucks at Nantlat Bridge in Mongpyin Township, Shan State on 14 June, and seized 46.3 tons of different sizes of sawn teak. While making inspection, the owner of the illicit teak, the drivers and the conductors fled the scene.
However, the authorities in hot pursuit managed to arrest the truck owners and four drivers including teak owner Win Zaw, son of U Tun Hlaing of Kanshei Ward, Taunggyi at Pwint Oo Restaurant five miles away from Mongpyin on 16 June. Authorities concerned are making arrangements to take severe action against the timber smugglers and to expose other illegal timber dealers.
( 9
) Precursor chemicals possessor sentenced
Yangon, 5 July - A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and Taunggyi Special Anti-drug Squad, acting on information, stopped and searched a Hilux car with number plate 1/Kha 8342 on 2 July, 2001 in Taunggyi and seized 19.9584 kilos of hydrochloric acid, 50 kilos of ammonium chloride and 200 kilos of sodium carbonate precursor chemicals used in refining opium.
Action was taken against Sai Khan Naw, 42, son of U Lwe Pon of No 64, Cherry Road, Pyidawtha Ward, Taunggyi, under section 15/16 (B)/20 (A)/21 of the Narcotic and Psychotropic Substances Law by Taunggyi Police Station-2.
Taunggyi District Court handed down 20 years' imprisonment on Sai Khan Naw under section 20 (A)/ 21 of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law on 29 May this year.
Heroin seized in Lweje
Yangon, 5 July - A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Bhamo Special Anti-drug Squad, acting on information, searched the house of Lin Aung Tun of Ward-3, Lweje, on 10 June morning, and seized two plastic bottles of heroin weighing 12.99 grams.
In connection with the case, action is being taken against Lin Aung Tun, 29, son of U Tun Tin, under Section 15/19(A) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by Lweje
Police Station.