1 ) State Peace and Development Council Chairman
Senior General Than Shwe sends felicitations to USA
Yangon, 4 July - Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to the Honourable George W Bush, President of the United States of America, on the occasion of the Anniversary of the Independence Day of the United States of America which falls on 4 July 2002.
( 2 )
Myanmar society has been very good environment for Myanmar women
Myanmar women have never been discriminated against; enjoy equal rights with men
Yangon, 3 July
- The ceremony to mark the Myanmar Women's Day (2002) was held at International Business Centre on Pyay Road at 10.30 am today, attended by Daw Kyaing Kyaing, wife of Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe and with an address by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
First, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt delivered an address. He said:
First of all, I would like to say every Myanmar citizen has recognized that Myanmar women have their own attributes and have served the interests of their own race, religion and Sasana together with men throughout the long history of Myanmar.
In honour of Myanmar women who have such noble attributes,
"Myanmar Women's Day" has been designated. This is the best way of honouring the fine tradition and noble attributes of the entire Myanmar women.
Myanmar women are polite, gentle and outstanding, and they have a very high IQ and they are as competent as men. This is due to the results of Myanma social system which gives equal rights to both men and women.
Myanmar women have had such good attributes and enjoyed such rights, not in this age only but since the beginning of Myanmar history.
In Myanmar society, Myanmar women have never been discriminated against. And in some cases, they are even given respect and priority over men.
Therefore, Myanmar society has been a very good environment for Myanmar women. Development opportunities for Myanmar women have always been open, there have emerged outstanding Myanmar women entrepreneurs in religious, economic, social and cultural fields throughout Myanmar history.
Myanmar women have formed various women's associations concerning religious, social, cultural and national matters since the time of national independence struggle and lent themselves to the development of the nation.
The Government is endeavouring, with the united force of the entire people, for the nation to be able to keep abreast of other nations and to become modern and developed. Therefore, the Government, being aware of the force and power of the mass of Myanmar women, is encouraging their cooperation
in its endeavour for national development.
The mass of Myanmar women, on their part, have been actively taking part in national development undertakings, keeping their fine tradition.
Myanmar women are also taking part in social organizations such as Union Solidarity and Development Association, Myanmar Red Cross Society and Auxiliary Fire Brigade.
Furthermore, such separate organizations as Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Myanmar Women's Sports Federation, the Women's Chapter of Myanmar Medical Association, Myanmar Women
Entrepreneurs' Association and Myanmar Nurses Association emerged and they are actively participating in nation-building endeavours under the leadership of the Government.
At a time when the entire mass of Myanmar women are taking part in national development undertakings with nationalist outlook, the Government formed the Myanmar National Committee for Women's Affairs in 1996 with a view to all-round development of Myanmar women and enabling them to systematically operate as a united force on a nation-wide scale.
The committee is made up of high-ranking officials of the Government, those representing social organizations and other women's associations and outstanding persons of education, health, management and social fields. Moreover, the Myanmar National Working Committee for Women's Affairs and State and Division, District and Township Working Committees have been formed. Thus, WCWAs at different levels are now able to operate systematically on a nation-wide scale.
The MNCWA has been undertaking:
- to promote Myanmar women's rights which have been in existence throughout Myanmar history,
- to ensure the all-round development of women's sector,
- to make sure that women's sector develops right on the national path in accord with the State's objective,
- to nurture Myanmar women to become a united and capable force, and
- to combine the development endeavours of Myanmar women's sector with the movements of international women's affairs.
The 3rd of July on which the MNCWA which is very beneficial to the entire mass of Myanmar women was born has been designated as the Myanmar Women's Day deservingly.
The third of July is designated as Myanmar Women's Day in the light of not hailing a particular woman but hailing the entire mass of women who are serving the national interest. In the world today, women's affairs activities are ranging from demanding equal rights for women, recognizing the importance of women's sector in the national socio-economic development. Women's emancipation activities are launched with the objectives of developing the women's sector, equality and peace. To convince the international community that women in Myanmar have been enjoying equal rights as men throughout the history and to combine the active women's affairs activities of Myanmar with the international movements for developing women's sector, systematic cooperations are being made nowadays. Myanmar has been taking part in the global activities of women's sector.
A Myanmar delegation attended the Fourth World Women's Conference held in Beijing, the People's Republic of China in 1995. Myanmar also approved the Beijing Declaration and future tasks. Consequently, Myanmar has laid down the Myanmar National Action Plan for Advancement of Women and been implementing it. In 1997, Myanmar signed the agreement of CEDAW (Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women).
At present, the National Committee for Myanmar Women's Affairs (MNCWA) is leading the Myanmar National Working Committee for Women's Affairs (MNWCWA) and eight work committees in implementing the women's development programmes successfully. At present, the MNWCWA is cooperating with UN in implementing the United Nations Inter-Agency Project: Trafficking of Women and Children in the Sub-Mekong Region). In this connection, training courses are provided in States and Divisions.
The MNCWA is actively cooperating with international women's organizations, UN agencies, and the international social organizations on women's affairs. As a result, harmonious successes are being achieved in education, health, economic and social sectors. Especially, it is very beneficial to the endeavours for wiping out wrong ideas and attitudes among young women, providing health knowledge and protecting the young women from insinuation of unscrupulous persons.
Research works are carried out for preventing women from violent acts. Based on research findings, educative talks and seminars are held and counselling centres are kept open. Talks on provision of legal protection for women are also held to ensure the life security of women.
Today alien cultures are trying to infiltrate our culture. However, the tradition of safeguarding the lineage, maintaining the mode of dress and conducting gentle and polite behaviour of Myanmar women are being preserved and flourished. We can take pride in it.
Head of State Senior general Than Shwe's wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing herself attended the Myanmar Women's Day commemorative tree planting ceremony and provided cash donations. It reflects the dedication of the Government for developing the women sector. The MNCWA is making arrangements to hold the Exhibition on Myanmar Women's Movement which will reflect the endeavours for developing the women's sector. Officials concerned are to make all-out efforts for holding the Exhibition on a grand scale.
While the entire nation is making strenuous efforts for national development on self-reliance basis, the active participation of Myanmar women mass is very important.
Hence, the entire mass of Myanmar women are to systematically strive for development of women's sector by utilizing the eminent qualifications of sharpness, high intelligent level, politeness and gentleness. Only when the nation can stand prestigiously among the world's nations, the dignity of Myanmar women can be perpetuated. Earnest efforts are to be made for keeping alive and dynamic the spirit of safeguarding the lineage, cherishing and preserving traditions and cultures. The Union Spirit and the nationalist spirit for safeguarding the sovereignty are also to be kept alive and dynamic.
In conclusion, he urged the women mass to enhance the prestige of Myanmar women in hailing the Myanmar Women's Day; to accelerate the development momentum of women's sector by enhancing the women's rights which have been enjoyed by Myanmar women all along the history; to mobilize the strength of women and utilize it in nation building and national development tasks effectively; and to make collective efforts for keeping alive and dynamic the spirit of safeguarding the lineage, the spirit of cherishing and preserving traditions and culture, patriotism, nationalist spirit and Union Spirit.
He also wished the women mass to achieve prosperity and successes under the leadership of the MNCWA.
Then, Daw Kyaing Kyaing presented prizes and certificates of honour through MNCWA to social outstanding woman midwife Daw Thein Yi who was awarded Florence Nightingale Medal by International Committee of the Red Cross for her noble performance for saving a child from a burning house at the risk of her life in the outbreak of fire, from Homalin Township, Sagaing Division and U Thinzar Oo who stood second in the whole Myanmar with five distinctions in the 2001 Matriculation Examination, from Basic Education High School No 4 in Taunggyi.
Daw Mya Mya San presented prizes and certificates of honour through MNCWA to social outstanding woman village WCWA member U Ni Ni Htwe who saved two men from Thanlwin River at risk of her
life, from Tayokhla Model Village, Hpa-an Township, member of Wundwin Township Red Cross Battalion Ma Aye Thida Myint who was awarded the outstanding prize for USDA Annual Meeting 2001 and the outstanding Red Cross member award (division level) on 2001 Myanmar Women's Day.
Vice-Chairperson-1 of the Work Committee for Holding the Myanmar Women's day 2002 members of MNCWA and MNWCWA Dr Daw Khin Shwe presented prizes and certificates of honour through MNCWA to outstanding Fire Brigade member Daw San San Win for her performance in 500 times of rescue demonstration from danger of fire at 100 feet and above high buildings, outstanding woman disable athlete Ma Aye who won 5 gold, 3 silver and 6 bronze in the First ASEAN Sports Meet for Disabled and the sports meets for disabled held in China, Thailand and Malaysia, Coach Daw Nyunt Nyunt, on behalf of outstanding athlete Ma Swe Swe Thant who won 4 gold, 5 silver and 2 bronze in the V Asian Wushu Championship and the VI World Wushu Championship and the certificate of honour on the 4th place in the world.
After the ceremony, Daw Kyaing Kyaing and guests viewed documentary photos, books and magazines on activities of women's affairs at the
parlor of IBC.
( 3
) Preservation and enhancing of cultural heritage, traditions and cultures must be carried out constantly as national duty
Myanmar Traditional Performing Arts Competitions held annually for preserving traditional arts and culture
In preserving and enhancing national characters, culture and traditions, Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions play vital role
Yangon, 3 July - The first work co-ordination meeting for organizing the Tenth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions took place at the National Museum on Pyay Road at 5.30 pm today, attended by Patron of the Leading Committee for holding the competitions Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
The Secretary-1 delivered a speech. In his address, the Secretary-1 said the Myanmar Traditional Performing Arts Competitions are held annually with the aims of preserving and uplift of the traditional arts and culture; and ensuring the spiritual development among the youths to be able to cherish and preserve the traditional customs and culture. To ensure success of those Traditional Performing Arts Competitions, all-out efforts were made under the leadership of the Government, cooperation of doyen artistes and active participation of contestants including student youths. As a result, arrangements are now being made to hold the Tenth Traditional Performing Arts Competitions. In line with the tradition of successfully holding such competitions every year, it is believed that preparatory measures have been taken to successfully hold the Tenth Myanmar Traditional Performing Arts Competitions with full national essence. It is a national prestige for a nation to be able to preserve own traditions, customs and culture as well as to flourish own traditional arts and crafts.
Only when the national prestige is preserved and enhanced conscientiously and constantly, one's own nation and people can be able to stand prestigiously in the international community. Especially in this globalization period, the big nations which have
upper hand in terms of economic progress and technology are trying for their customs, traditions and social norms through the most modern media to infiltrate into the cultures of developing nations. It is needed for all to be aware of the fact that if we cannot take preventive measures with national consciousness, our culture will fade away and it will lead to extinction of the race and the nation will fall under the influence of other countries.
In preserving and enhancing the national characters, cultures and traditions, the Traditional Performing Arts Competitions play a vital role. As the Competitions held every year are meeting with successes, the spirit of cherishing our own traditions and cultures and the spirit of love for the nation and the people are flourishing among the youths. It is very heartening to see that today's youths are firmly dedicated to safeguarding the nation, the people and sovereignty at the risk of their lives. In this favourable circumstances, the Tenth Traditional Performing Arts Competitions are required to be held successfully with full national essence as well as essence of art.
Last year, mandolin contest was introduced in the competitions. This year, arrangements have been made to add guitar contest in the competitions. In the drama contest, Ramayana text will be prescribed for the third time. In the marionette contest, Thuwunnathama text is to be prescribed. It is a good chance for the participating troupes to exhibit their skills and talent in theatrical and marionette arts. As regards the harmonious development of performing arts, the doyen artistes have provided reviews. It is learnt that more emphasis should be laid on Maha Gita competition. As regards Maha Gita competition, some States and Divisions had less participants. In this regard, I instructed last year on sending veteran artistes to those States and Divisions for providing training to the contestants of amateur level and professional level. Similar arrangements are now being made this year. The professional level contestants of this year's dance competitions should be intimated that they are to lay emphasis on mode of dance. Myanmar dance is based on the unique style and way like Myanmar curlicues to be performed gently. Though the timing, tango and beat are fast, the performing dance must be in gentle way.
As constant preservation and enhancing of cultural heritage, traditions and cultures is a national duty, all responsible personnel and veteran artistes are to collectively strive for ensuring success of the Tenth Myanmar Traditional Performing Arts Competitions which are to be held soon on a grand scale. The commander presented reviews on efforts made for successfully organizing the ninth competitions and experiences of the competitions. He reported on plans to be carried out for successfully holding the tenth competitions.
Then, Director-General of the Fine Arts Department U Kyaw Win reported on formation of the committees and fixing of date, venue, levels and categories for the competitions, Thuwunnathama Jataka for marionette competition (professional) and Ramayana Jataka for the drama competition, presenting prizes and approval of songs, followed by a general round of discussion.
Afterwards, the meeting came to an end with the concluding remarks by the Secretary-1.
After the meeting, the Secretary-1 accepted K 500,000 donated by the Ministry of Transport for holding the tenth competitions from Minister Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe and K 500,000 by Myanma Music Asiayon from Chairman Accordion
U Ohn Kyaw.
( 4
) Myanmar has never interfered in internal affairs of other nations
The people will surely make immediate response to any
encroachments upon sovereignty and territorial integrity
Yangon, 3 July - A ceremony to support the national people's mass rallies denouncing SURA and KNU insurgents, who are undermining security and peace in border areas, and to show respect for sovereignty of the Union of Myanmar was held at the Division sports ground in Dawei, Dawei District, Taninthayi Division, at 7.30 am on 1 July.

Present at the meeting were members of the Union Solidarity and Development Associations of Dawei, Launglon, Yebyu and Thayetchaung townships in Dawei District, Red Cross Society, Auxiliary Fire Brigade, War Veterans Organization, Myanmar National Committee for Women's Affairs, Maternal and Child Welfare Association, departmental personnel, teachers and students of basic education high schools, trainees of the Nurses Training School and local residents of Dawei District.
People of Bayintnaung column from the Government Technological College gathering point, Alaungphaya column from the Town Hall gathering point and Hsinbyushin column from the Forestry Department gathering point marched to the mass rally and took positions at the sports ground.
Before the meeting, local nationals, showing their respect for sovereignty of the Union of Myanmar, hoisted the State flags at the offices, departments, residences, markets and buildings in the townships in Dawei District.
Executive of Dawei Township USDA U Thein Oo, master of ceremonies, read out the agenda of the meeting.
Those present at the meeting saluted the State Flag.

Then, Executive of Taninthayi Division USDA Daw Kay Lwin explained the purpose of holding the mass meeting.
She said: Since early 2001, SURA and KNU insurgents, with the support of a neighbouring country have attacked border areas. The entire patriotic people got angry and felt that they should not remain indifferent when the insurgents are encroaching on security and peace of border areas and sovereignty of the Union of Myanmar with the support of Yodaya. They held the mass rallies denouncing the insurgents in Kengtung on 1 June and in Taunggyi on 2 June.
At a time when the government is building a peaceful, modern and developed nation, KNU and drug-trafficking SURA with the support of Yodaya are harming sovereignty of the State and security. National people in Kengtung and Taunggyi oppose and denounce the drug-trafficker destructive insurgents and so do we in Taninthayi Division. National people in the division support the mass rallies in Kengtung and Taunggyi. To show respect for sovereignty of the State, the State Flags are hoisted at offices, markets, schools and houses.
It signifies the people's respect for sovereignty. At the same time, the entire people support the Tatmadawmen who are fighting against the enemy along the Yodaya-Myanmar border at the risk of life, blood and sweat for safeguarding sovereignty of the State and territorial integrity.
On 20 May this year, SURA drug-trafficking insurgents with the assistance of Yodaya army attacked Panmongsun, Yanpaingsun, Nyaungbingon
and Pangangaw outposts in our territory in Myanmar-Yodaya border. The Tatmadaw between 16 and 21 June recaptured those outposts lost to the insurgents. Together with the Tatmadaw, people's militiamen of Shan, Wa, Akha and Lahu nationals took part in the battles. It showed the unity of national races. Fifty Tatmadawmen sacrificed their lives in safeguarding sovereignty and territorial integrity. They have thus safeguarded independence and sovereignty. We pay tribute to the fallen Tatmadawmen.
The Tatmadawmen are safeguarding the border areas
so that Myanmar will be able to stand tall among the world's nations. Like the Tatmadawmen, all the national peoples must uphold Our Three Main National Causes and keep nationalistic spirit alive to crush the external and internal dangers.
Next, executive of Myeik District USDA U Win Swe reported on the present meeting held in support of mass rallies denouncing SURA and KNU insurgents who are encroaching on security and peace of border areas. He said the mass meeting shows nationalistic spirit and patriotism of Myanmar. Myanmar has always been abiding by the Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence in international relations and promoting good relations with neighbouring countries. It has never interfered in internal affairs of other nations. However, the entire national people cannot remain indifferent when the national sovereignty and territorial integrity are harmed. The national people will surely make immediate response to any insults or encroachments. At present, while Myanmar is behaving well as a good neighbour in line with the principle
"Let amity be enduring and enmity ephemeral" , Yodaya is behaving as a bad neighbour by encroaching upon our sovereignty.
Since early 2001, the drug trafficking SURA insurgents taking footholds in Yodaya, have attacked us with the use of heavy weapons along the border. In fact, it is an encroachment upon the national soverignty. The entire people of Myanmar have known who has been raising the insurgents for what purpose. It is obvious that Yodaya is still lying as in the case of covering the elephant carcass with a goat's hide. Yodaya's provision of shelter, food and arms to the insurgentrs who could survive only at border areas, is, in fact, sort of encroachment upon the regional security and stability at border areas. To be frank, it is a scheme to hinder the Government's endeavours in consolidating the national unity and developing the border areas. Yodaya assumes that prevalance of peace and stability and development achievements in Myanmar will lead to harming the interests of Yodaya. Hence, we all must be aware of the fact that Yodaya's attitude and act pose as the national threat to us.
Myanmar has no wish to intrude into other nation's territory and to encroach on any other nation's sovereignty. At the same time, we will crush any enemies who encroach upon our national sovereignty. During the period from 6 to 21 June, the Tatmadaw had recovered all its lost outposts and people's militia camps such as Yanpaingsun, Panmongsun camp and police station, Nyaungbingon, Pangangaw. The entire people are taking pride in the Tatmadawmen who have fought bravely to safeguard the sovereignty and territorial integrity at the risk of their lives, blood and sweat. It also shows that patriotic people will not allow any encroachment upon sovereignty and they are awalys behind the Tatmadaw.
In the history, Taninthayi Division was on the road to marching toward Yodaya. The people in the division wish to show patriotism and Myanma blood after realizing Yodaya's lack of good-neighbourly practices.

Therefore, I would like to urge all the national peoples, hand in hand with the tatmadaw, to bravely and conscientiously crush any encroachment upon the sovereignty with a view to maintaining the prevalence of peace, the national security and development.
Then, led by Township USDA Executive U Thein Oo, the people collectively shouted the slogans
"Non-disintegration of the Union - our cause, our cause", "Non-disintegration of the national solidarity
- our cause, our cause", "Perpetuation of sovereignty - our cause, our
cause" and the mass meeting came to a close later in the morning.
( 5 ) Minister for Foreign Affairs
U Win Aung sends felicitations to USA
Yangon, 4 July - U Win Aung, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to the Honourable
Colin L Powell, Secretary of State of the United States of America,
on the occasion of the Anniversary of the Independence Day of the
United States of America which falls on 4 July 2002.
Delegation from Republic of Nauru arrives

Yangon, 3 July - A delegation led by Minister for Education, Transport, Telecommunications, Economic Development and Environment (Acting President) of the Republic of Nauru Mr Remy G Namaduk and Minister for Health and Sports Mr Nimrod Botelanga arrived here by air this evening.
The delegation was welcomed by Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, Director-General of the Protocol Department Thura U Aung Htet, Director-General of the Political Department U Thaung Tun, and responsible officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Yangon International Airport.
The visiting Ministers were accompanied by Economic Consultants of the Republic of Nauru Mr Phillip Au and Mr Ray
( 6 )
Maj-Gen Ye Myint meets industrialists in Mandalay Industrial Zone
Yangon, 3 July - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence, accompanied by Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Ye Myint, Chairman of Mandalay City Development Committee Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein and officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental officials and local authorities, met with industrialists of Mandalay
Industrial Zone 1 and Zone 2 at Kanaung Hall in the zone-1, Pyigyidagun Township, yesterday afternoon.
Chairman of Mandalay Industrial Zone Supervisory Committee Chairman of Mandalay District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Tin Tun reported on resettlement of factories and workshops from the downtown to industrial Zone 1 and Zone 2, drawing of the five-year plan for annual assembling of Super Mandalar Jeep and tasks to be undertaken, arrangements made for power supply in the zones, technological training to be given to entrepreneurs and communication equipment to be fulfilled to the industrialists. The industrialists reported on machines to be provided to assemble the jeeps, power supply and availability of raw materials.
Commander Brig-Gen Ye Myint gave a supplementary report. Maj-Gen Ye Myint gave necessary instructions.
Afterwards, they went to Oscar Lathe Workshop in the Zone 2 and inspected installation of machines of the soap factory. At U Soe Myint & brothers workshop, they viewed manufacturing of the farming equipment. At the Mandalar Power-tiller Factory of Good Brother Machinery Co Ltd, they viewed tipper hydraulic body garbage truck manufactured by the factory and heard reports on assembling of the cars by the owner of the factory.
Then, Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party inspected Oxygen Plant.
Next, they went to Pamokhayana Monyway Kyaungtaik in Hteingon Ward, Pyigyidagun Township. They then paid homage and donated provisions to Sayadaw Bhaddanta Pamokkha.
( 7 )
Minister inspects river water pumping projects, cultivation tasks in Sagaing Division
Yangon, 3 July - Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin, accompanied by departmental officials, viewed EM bokershi natural fertilizers being made by farmers in Chinthaylet village, Ngazun Township, on 1 July and discussed cultivation of crops and water supply.
Then, they arrived at Kyauktalon river water pumping project. Officials reported on supplying water to 2,500 acres of land from Ayeyawady River, power line installation for Kyauktalon extended river power pumping project for supplying water to the benefited acres, construction of the feeder canal and canals, supporting work for development of crops cultivation in villages of Ngazun Township, construction of the embankment for Ayeyawady River, the sluice gate and the benefited farmland.
The minister inspected cultivation of hybrid sunflower and gave necessary instructions.
Next, the minister, together with Chairman of Sagaing Division Peace and Development Council Commander of North-West Command Brig-Gen Soe Naing and officials, viewed harvesting and winnowing tasks at the summer paddy special zone in Ywathagyi village, Wetlet Township.
In the afternoon, the commander, the minister and party proceeded to Magyisauk Village River Water Pumping Project in Ayadaw Township and discussed water availability together with local farmers.
Officials reported on the project area and the benefited area. Director-General U Kyaw San Win of Irrigation Department reported on the Kindat right canal and tributary canals of Thaphanseik Multi Purpose Dam, the river water pumping projects in Ayadaw region and irrigated areas.
The minister laid down the tasks to be done.
The minister then inspected thriving of summer paddy fields near Magyisauk village, and extension of Ayadaw canal. At the briefing hall near Nyeinsan village in Ayadaw Township, officials reported on advantages of Thaphanseik Dam and Kindat Diversion Weirs.
In the evening, the minister and party inspected new strains of long staple cotton plantations near Zeedaw village in Ayadaw and Shwebo Townships and gave necessary instructions to officials.
Minister inspects bridge construction work
Yangon, 3 July - At 8.30 am today, Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, accompanied by Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Myint Thein and officials, inspected the maintenance works of No 2 highway and the six-lane section of Yangon-Mandalay road to be carried out in the rainy reason.
Afterwards, the minister and party proceeded to Nyaunglebin Township and inspected the construction of Yenwe Creek Bridge.
Next, the minister and party went to the Baingda Bridge construction site on
Yangon-Mandalay road. At the briefing hall, officials concerned reported
to him on progress of the piling works, necessary materials, and
conditions of the machinery.
The minister, after giving instructions on timely
completion of the project, speedy completion of the piling works after
the rainy reason, supply of necessary machinery, and careful use of
construction materials, inspected round the site.
Information Minister visits Book Fair
Yangon, 3 July - The Book Fair, which is being held
in commemoration of the Third Conference of Myanmar Writers and
Journalists Association, continued at the Sarpay Beikman Press compound
near the Hanthawady Roundabout on Pyay Road here today.
Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung arrived at
the Book Fair at 11.45 am. He was welcomed there by Vice-Chairman of the
Committee for Holding the Book Fair U Chit Naing (Chit Naing-Psychology),
Secretary U Myint Kywe (Maung Myint Kywe) and officials. The minister
viewed the book shops and left the fair in the afternoon. The book fair
was teeming with monks and the public, and today's sales of books
amounted to K 1,024,200. VCDs and tapes of Maha Vamsa Myat Buddha (part
I) composed by Aenda Swe are being sold there.
The book fair, where various kinds of books are
available at one place at fair prices, is extended up to 7 July for the
convenience of the people who cherish literature.
( 8
) Deputy Minister leaves for Indonesia
Yangon, 3 July - The Myanmar delegation led by Deputy Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Thein Aung left here for the Republic of Indonesia by air this morning to attend the 20th ASEAN Energy Ministers Meeting to be held in Bali on 5 July.
The delegation was seen off at Yangon International Airport by Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi, Deputy Minister U Tin Tun, departmental heads, officials and their family members.
The deputy minister was accompanied by Executive Officer of Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise U Than Oo.
( 9
) Drug traffickers sentenced
deterrent punishments
Yangon, 3 July - At 11.15 am on 27 October 2001, a combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and Tachilek Anti-Drugs Squad, acting on information, searched the house of Daw Mei Fong of Lunkyaing village in Tachilek and found 440,000 stimulant tablets, 600 grams of ephedrine powder and 3.4 kilos of caffeine powder.
Daw Mei Fong, 46, daughter of U Jia Suo, and Aik Sam, 40, son of U Lauk Aye of Tangyan, were filed according to Section 15/16(b)/19(a)/21 of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by Tachilek police station. On 7 May 2002, Daw Mei Fong was sentenced to seven
years' imprisonment under Section 16(b) and 25 years' imprisonment under Section 19 (a); and Aik Sam to five
years' imprisonment under Section 15, seven years' imprisonment under Section 16 (b) and 25
years' imprisonment under Section 19 (a). The sentences are to serve
Stimulant tablets seized
Yangon, 3 July - A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and the local police force, on a tip-off, inspected Myo Thu on Thanthuma Road, Sanpya Ward, Thingan-gyun Township, and found 660 stimulant tablets weighing 66 grams on him.
Thingangyun police station is taking action against Myo Thu, 34, son of U Tin Myint of (20) Ward, Dagon Myothit Township (South) under Section 15/19(a)/20(a)
of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.