1 ) State Peace and Development Council Chairman
Senior General Than Shwe sends felicitations to Belarus
Yangon, 3 July - Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr Alexander
R Lukashenko, President of the Republic of Belarus, on the occasion of the Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus which falls on 3 July 2002.
( 2 )
Daw Kyaing Kyaing and party visit
Drug Elimination Museum
Yangon, 2 July - Daw Kyaing Kyaing, wife of Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe, visited the Drug Elimination Museum at the corner of Kyundaw and Hanthawady Roads in Kamayut Township this morning.
At 10 am, Daw Kyaing Kyaing, together with Daw Mya Mya San, wife of Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye, arrived at the museum where they were welcomed by Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, wife of Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Daw Khin Than Nwe, wife of Lt-Gen Tin Oo, the wives of the members of the State Peace and Development Council, wives of the Commander-in-Chief (Navy) and the Commander-in-Chief (Air), Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe and wife, Chairman of the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing and wife, Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, Deputy Director-General of Myanmar Police Force Police Brig-Gen Zaw Win, officials of CCDAC and departmental officials.
Then, Daw Kyaing Kyaing and party viewed the central booth, the booth on world map and drug trafficking routes, the booth on the entry of opium into Myanmar, the booth on narcotic drugs control during the reign of Myanmar kings, the endeavours for drug eradication booth from 1948 to 1988 after regaining independence and booths on Operations Moe Hein phase 1 to 12 on the ground floor of the
Next, they visited the painting on endeavours of drug eradication in Myanmar and booths on policies for narcotic drugs, returning to the legal fold of national race armed groups, destruction of seized narcotic drugs, opium yield survey jointly undertaken by Myanmar and the United States of America and 15- year drug elimination plan on the first floor. Officials conducted them round the booths.
On the second floor of the museum, Daw Kyaing Kyaing and party enjoyed the booths on tasks of the work group for cultivation of opium-substitute crops, the work group for opium-substitute livestock breeding, endeavours on development of border areas and national races, the work group for medical treatment given to drug addict patients, the work group for drug addicts rehabilitation, the education and agitation work group for danger of narcotic drugs and the Myanmar Anti-Narcotics Association.
Afterwards, Daw Kyaing Kyaing signed in the visitors' book and took the documentary photo together with her companions.
Then, Daw Kyaing Kyaing and party viewed the machine to incinerate narcotic drugs and left the museum at noon.
( 3
) Tatmadaw launched attacks from 6 to 21 June and reoccupy all its lost outposts and people's militia camps
People of Loikaw support national people's mass
rallies denouncing SURA and KNU insurgents
Local residents of Loikaw show respect for sovereignty
Yangon, 2 July - The people of Loikaw held a ceremony to support the national people's mass rallies denouncing SURA and KNU
insurgents, who are violating security and peace in border areas,
and to show respect for sovereignty of the Union of Myanmar at the
Kandahaywun square in Loikaw yesterday morning.
It was attended by members of Union Solidarity and Development Associations of 13 wards in Loikaw, Red Cross Society, Auxiliary Fire Brigade, War Veterans Organization, Women's Affairs Committee, Maternal and Child Welfare Association, departmental personnel, teachers and students of basic education high schools in Loikaw, band troupes and the State Flag bearing troupes.

Holding the banners bearing the words "Those who break up the Union are our
enemies", "Those who encroach upon sovereignty are our enemies",
"Those who break up the national consolidation are our enemies",
"Crush all destructive elements", "Safeguard the national security and
tranquillity", "Crush all destructive insurgents", Alaung-phaya column from Chikal junction gathering point, Anawrahta column from Loikaw Township Peace and Development Council office gathering point, Hsinbyushin column from the Naungya Lake ring road gathering point and Bayintnaung column from Kayah State Forestry Department gathering point, led by the State Flag bearing troupes and the band troupes, marched to the mass meeting and took positions there.
Executive of Kayah State USDA U Tin Oo acted as master of ceremonies. Those present at the meeting saluted the State Flag.
Then, Executive of Loikaw Township USDA Daw Bya Mya Maung explained the purpose of holding the mass rally. She said: The duty of government and the entire people is to safeguard sovereignty of the State. She explained why the patriotic people held the ceremony to show respect for sovereignty and hoist the State Flag in Loikaw, Kayah State. It is the time now to show the strength of Myanmar.
The ceremony also shows that Myanmar people are united in the time of emergency. Hoisting the State Flags in Loikaw expresses Union Spirit of the people in various parts of the country under the State Flag.
At the beginning of 2001, SURA and KNU insurgents who regarded Yodaya as step-father attacked the areas along the border and encroached on security and peace at Myanmar border. With the support of their step-father Yodaya, they encroached on sovereignty of the State. All national races gathered in Kengtung on 1 June and in Taunggyi on 2 June and held the mass rallies denouncing destructive insurgents.

Patriotic people do not accept the encroachment on our national races in
border areas by drug-trafficking SURA and KNU insurgents. Like local people, we bluntly oppose and denounce the drug-trafficker insurgents. Major cities in states and divisions support the ceremonies denouncing destructive insurgents in Kengtung and Taunggyi and so do we in Loikaw.
This is why people in Loikaw hoist the State Flag and show respect for sovereignty of the State. In other words, national people in Loikaw show respect for sovereignty and do not totally accept encroachments on sovereignty.
Therefore, all national people in Kayah oppose and denounce all acts of SURA and KNU who encroached on sovereignty relying on Yodaya. The people are rankled with encroachments on sovereignty of the State by hostile Yodaya that ignored codes of conduct of neighbours and ASEAN nations. We all must unitedly safeguard development of border areas achieved due to peace.
In order to stand tall among the nations of the world with dignity in accord with the historical traditions, nationalist spirit of crushing external and internal enemy who plan to break up the nation must be dynamic forever.
We urge all to keep the Union spirit alive and to uphold Our Three Main National Causes.
Next, Kayah national U Lu Ral reported on encroachments on security and stability of the State and peace of border areas in various ways and means by some SURA and KNU insurgents with footholds in Yodaya. He said: As is know to all, the State Peace and Development Council government is implementing the development tasks to achieve progress and stability in the country including border areas and it is also making efforts for development of border areas and national races and for emergence of a peaceful, modern developed nation.
At that time, with a dishonest scheme, drug-trafficking SURA insurgents and KNU destructive elements acting as stooges are harming the national people. It is disgusting.
SURA insurgents in collaboration with Yodaya army attacked Tatmadaw outposts on Tachilek region on 11-2-2001, the outposts in Parchee region in Mongton Township on 22-4-2001 and Tatmadaw outposts and people's militia camps in Panmongsun and Nyaungbingon regions on 20-5-2002.
During the attack, some of our territory, Tatmadawmen, members of local people's militia and public property were lost. Moreover, KNU insurgent group destroyed Yangon-Myainggalay gas pipe line by planting mines and blew up bombs in Myawady and committed destructive acts.
Yodaya ignoring codes of conduct of neighbours and ASEAN nations, provided internal traitor SURA and KNU insurgents with arms, food, shelter, recruits and training. It is clearly seen that attacking Tatmadaw outposts in collaboration with the insurgents means undermining national development and destroying lives and property of the people. All national people in Kayah State oppose and denounce Yodaya that lacks good-neighbourly practices and all encroachments on sovereignty by drug-trafficking SURA and KNU insurgents. If the neighbour is good, there needs no fence. On the contrary, if the neighbour is bad, the fence is not safe. Inner motive of Yodaya is very bad.
Every year Yodaya conducted military exercise with a large number of soldiers near our border. It is a threat to Myanmar and a hostile act. Therefore, all must realize that Yodaya has become the national danger to our nation.
To reoccupy the Tatmadaw outposts and people's militia camps which had been lost to the combined force of SURA drug-trafficking insurgents and Yodaya army, the Myanmar patriotic Tatmadaw comprising all national races joining hands harmoniously with people's militiamen comprising Wa, Lahu and Shan/Akha national races launched attacks beginning 6-6-2002 and recaptured all the outposts and camps on 21-6-2002.
The SURA insurgents fled into the territory of Yodaya. In the battle, there were 31 major and minor skirmishes took place and 45 bodies of SURA insurgents were found.
In addition, many other bodies were buried here and there. Actually, over 100 SURA insurgents were killed and over 200 wounded. Seven assorted arms, 91 assorted mines, 47 bombs and 11,600 rounds of ammunition were seized. The Tatmadaw side, nearly 50 Tatmadawmen sacrificed their lives and some 200 were wounded. Some people's militiamen also sacrificed their lives and some were wounded like Tatmadawmen.
We the national people present at this meeting heartily honour the patriotic Tatmadawmen and people's militiamen who took part in the battle at risk to lives and blood for safeguarding the national sovereignty and territorial integrity.
Those patriotic Tatma-dawmen and people's
militiamen are hereby dubbed as good sons of the motherland who are keeping Alaungphaya Spirit and Bayintnaung Spirit in their hearts.
In conclusion, I would like to urge all the national people to strive for safeguarding the benefit of peace
by putting Our Three Main National Causes in the fore; to keep constant awareness on regional security; to keep Union Spirit alive; and to join hands with the Tatmadaw in crushing any encroachment upon sovereignty.
Later, the rally chanted the slogans "Non-disintegration of the Union
- our cause, our cause", "Non-disintegration of the national solidarity
- our cause, our cause", "Perpetuation of sovereignty - our cause, our
cause", which brought the meeting to a close.
As a gesture of showing
respect for sovereignty of
the Union of Myanmar, the State flags were proudly hoisted at the offices, schools, markets, houses, buildings and on both sides of roads in Loikaw Township and other townships in Kayah State on that day.
( 4
) Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung sends felicitations to Belarus
Yangon, 3 July -U Win Aung, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr Mikhail Mikhailovitch Khvostov,
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of the
Republic of Belarus, on the occasion of the Independence Day of the
Republic of Belarus which falls on 3 July 2002.
Health Minister receives guests
Yangon, 2 July - Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein received Country Programme Adviser of UNAIDS Mr Eamonn Murphy and Chairman of UN Theme Group on HIV/AIDS Mr J B Mendis at his office at 1 pm today.
Ambassador U Kyaw Thu accredited to Iran
Yangon, 3 July - The Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar has appointed U Kyaw Thu, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Union of Myanmar to the Republic of India concurrently as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Union of Myanmar to the Islamic Republic of Iran.
( 5 ) Asian HR Solutions Sdn Bhd opened at MICT Park
Yangon, 2 July -The opening ceremony of Asian HR Solutions Sdn Bhd of Malaysia which will perform software development tasks was held at MICT Park in Hline Township this morning.
Present were Vice-Chief of Military Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win of the Ministry of Defence, Vice-Chairmen of e-National Task Force Deputy Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement U Hlaing Win and member of Civil Service Selection and Training Board U Aung Myint, Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo, Deputy Minister of Youth Affairs, Culture and Sports
Dato' Ong Tee Keat, Malaysian Ambassador DatoÕ Cheah Sam Kip, officials of the e-National Task Force, the chairman of Asian HR Solution Sdn Bhd of Malaysia, computer technicians and guests.
First, Chairman of Asian HR Solution Sdn Bhd Dato' Wong Mook Leong extended greetings and Malaysian Ambassador
Dato' Cheah Sam Kip spoke words of thanks.
Then, the Malaysian deputy minister of Youth Affairs, Culture and Sports, the Vice-Chief of Military Intelligence and the Malaysian Ambassador formally opened the ceremony. Next, the chairman of Asian HR Solution Sdn Bhd presented commemorative pennants to Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, the Malaysian Deputy Minister and the Malaysian Ambassador.
After the ceremony, Maj-Gen Kyaw Win and officials visited the office of the Asian HR Solution Sdn Bhd at Room 8 of MICT Park Production Block No 1.
( 6 )
Maj-Gen Ye Myint inspects construction tasks in
Meiktila, Kyaukse
Yangon, 2 July - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence, arrived at the site of Myanmar Aerospace Engineering University being built by ACE Construction Co in Meiktila on yesterday morning.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint inspected buildings in the compound of the university.
Afterwards, they proceeded to Meiktila Industrial Zone Temporary Supervisory Committee Office. Supervisory Committee Chairman Meiktila District Peace and Development Council Chairman Lt-Col Myo Myint reported on settlement of industries in the zone, progress of water and power supply, construction of the gravel road, classrooms and the dispensary. Maj-Gen Ye Myint gave necessary instructions.
Next, they visited Pannuwai Paper Mill and Htila Jeep Assembling Factory in the zone.
Then, they arrived at Meiktila Bypass Road Construction Site at Thazi junction. Project In-charge U Win Aung of Hongpan Co reported on arrival of heavy machinery for construction of six-lane Meiktila-Wundwin section. They then arrived at Kyaukse Government Technological College of the Ministry of Science and Technology. Maj-Gen Ye Myint inspected construction of the three-storey lecture hall. They later saw over progress of extension of the hospital (200-bed) in Kyaukse and wards of the hospital.
At Kyaukse (Hsinmin) Cement Plant Project, Maj-Gen Ye Myint inspected the plant. Project Director Lt-Col Shwe Moe reported on installation of machines at the Hsinmin-1 and Hsinmin-2 plants.
Then, Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party went to 500-ton Kyaukse Cement Plant and inspected the kiln and other sections of the plant. At the Kyaukse Sewing machine Factory, they saw over units of the factory and gave necessary instructions. They next inspected Vest Factory Construction Project.
Afterwards, Maj-Gen Ye Myint inspected two-way earth road of Mandalay-Meiktila section of six-lane Yangon-Mandalay Union Highway being undertaken by Hongpan Co near Singaing. At the toll gate, after hearing reports on finding of the axes for Kyaukse bypass and Hanmyintmo bypass by Project In-charge U Win Aung, Maj-Gen Ye Myint fulfilled the requirements. Next, they arrived in Mandalay in the afternoon.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint inspects extension of Yangon-Mandalay Highway Section and Paunglaung Multi-purpose Hydel Dam Project
Yangon, 2 July - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence, arrived at the site of extension of Yangon-Mandalay six-lane Highway being undertaken by Dagon International Co, near Thawuthti village in Lewe Township on 30 June.
At the briefing hall, Deputy Project Engineer U Soe Myint reported on the construction of six-lane road from mile post 194 in Yedashe to 242 in Pyinmana, quarry, purchasing of tar and construction of Pyinmana-Lewe bypass road.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party inspected the construction of Lewe-Pyinmana bypass road by car and fulfilled the requirements.
Then, they arrived at Yanaungmyin Dam Project in Lewe Township and inspected the earth work being carried out with the use of heavy machinery.
Next, they proceeded to Paunglaung Multi-Purpose Dam Project and inspected the main embankment work, the underground power plant, the spillway, mine exploration work and the power intake tasks.
Officials reported on irrigation tasks, the hydel power work, power intake tasks, installation of the sluice gate, progress in digging of the tunnel and installation of two 230-voltage power lines.
In the afternoon, Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party arrived at the briefing hall of the construction project site for extension of 73-mile long Pyinmana-Pinlaung
road. Then, they inspected
extended construction of the road. Pyinmana-Pinlaung road across Yoma mountain ranges is a 73-mile-long road linking the mile post 251/4 on Yangon-Mandalay Highway and Pinlaung. It is a short-cut, very beneficial to passengers and regional people. Under the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, the road section is being extended into the two-lane road.
Thence, they proceeded to the site of Pyinmana-Yamethin road section of the highway between 242-290. Project Engineer U Myint Aung reported matters on the construction of bypass and progress in extending the road section.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint made coordination's with officials concerned and fulfilled the requirements.
At 4 pm, he arrived in Yamethin and met with division-, district- and township-level departmental officials at Yamethin District Peace and Development Council Office. District Chairman Lt-Col Kyi Thein reported matters on agriculture, transport, education, health and rural development of the district. Township chairmen of Pyawbwe, Yamethin, Tatkon, Pyinmana and Lewe townships reported on matters relating to the cultivation of monsoon paddy, oil crop and pulses & beans, construction of rural roads and arrangements for supplying water to rural areas.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint discussed matters on the five rural development tasks.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Commander Brig-Gen Ye Myint, No 99 LID Commander Col Aung Khin Soe and departmental heads, next went to the construction sites of Soap factory and Dyeing factory of the Ministry of Industry-1 near Shwedah village in Yamethin Township. Maj-Gen Ye Myint inspected the installation of machines at the soap factory and construction of the dyeing factory. At 5 pm, they visited the project office of the six-lane Yangon-Mandalay Highway construction being undertaken by Yuzana Highway Co Ltd. Company Chairman U Htay Myint reported on progress of work and Maj-Gen Ye Myint fulfilled the requirements.
Thence, Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party proceeded to the 6.5-acre farmland of peasant U Kyin Khe in the catchment area of Chaungmagyi right canal in Pyawbwe Township. The farmland is put under pre-monsoon long staple cotton.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party also inspected the construction of two-lane road section at mile post 327/4 and survey work for finding the axis of bypass near Shwephonepwint pagoda at mile post 330 by Yuzana Highway Co Ltd. They arrived in Meiktila at 7.30 pm and spent the night.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint, during his tour to Pyinmana, met with family members of Pyinmana Station at Taing Aung Hall of the regional battalion and urged them to take part in regional development endeavours and strive for ensuring agricultural and livestock breeding developments.
Pivot hoisted atop Gandhakuti Pyatthad Kyaungdawgyi of Maha Muni Buddha Image in Mandalay
Yangon, 2 July - A ceremony to hoist the pivot atop Gandhakuti Pyatthad Kyaungdawgyi, in which Maha Muni Buddha Image is kept, in Mandalay was held at the Kyaungdawgyi at 7 am today, attended by Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint, the commander and departmental heads offered
"soon" to members of the Sangha.
Assistant Director of Mandalay Division Religious Affairs Department U Khin Maung Win acted as master of ceremonies.
Sayadaw Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Bhaddanta Agghiya administered the Five Precepts.
Then, lay persons presented paritta water, flowers, thread and sand to the Sayadaws.
Afterwards, the Sayadaws recited parittas.
The laity spread the paritta water and sand and tied the paritta flowers and thread in the precinct of the Kaungdawgyi.

Maj-Gen Ye Myint, the commander, the mayor and the deputy commander presented the pivot to the Sayadaws.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint and officials presented offertories to the Sayadaws.
Ovadacariya of the Pagoda Board of Trustees Chairman of Division Sangha Nayaka Committee Agga Maha Pandita Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Myataungtaik Shwewahwin Monastery Sayadaw Bhaddanta Sasanabhivamsa delivered a sermon, followed by sharing of merits gained.
Then, the pivot fixing ceremony followed.
Led by the Sasana Flag bearing troupe and flanked by regal procession troupes, Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party, departmental officials and laity conveyed the pivot round the Maha Muni Buddha Image clockwise.
Next, departmental heads and wellwishers also conveyed it round the image. So did the USDA
members, wellwishers and social organizations. Maj-Gen Ye Myint sprinkled scented water on it. At the auspicious time, the pivot was hoisted atop the Kyaungdawgyi.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint, the commander and deputy ministers fixed the pivot atop the Kyaungdawgyi and sprinkled scented water on it. Meanwhile the Sayadaws recited the Aunggatha, the beginning of which is
"Jayanto Bodhiyamule" three times. Then, rituals of golden and silver showers were performed.
After the ceremony, U Aung Zaw Win-Daw Moe Moe Aung and family of Star Light Co of Mandalay donated K 3 million for Shwehtidaw and U Soe Thein-Ma Khin San Tint of 43rd Street, corner of 82nd and 83rd Streets of Mandalay, K 850,500 to Maj-Gen Ye Myint and the
Maj-Gen Ye Myint seeks ovada from Sayadaws for hoisting Htidaw atop Gandakutitaik of Mahamuni Image
Yangon, 2 July - A ceremony to seek ovada from Ovadacariya Sayadaws to hoist the golden htidaw atop the Gandakutitaik of Mahamuni Image took place at Moekaung Dhammayon on the platform of the pagoda this afternoon. Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence attended the ceremony and supplicated religious matters to Sayadaws.
The congregation received the Five Precepts from Anauk Khinmakan Kyaungtaik Sayadaw Agga Maha Saddammajotika U Asapha, who was chosen as the Presiding Sayadaw. Then, Maj-Gen Ye Myint, the commander, the deputy ministers, the deputy commander and the mayor presented robes and offertories to Sayadaws. Next, Maj-Gen Ye Myint sought ovadas from Sayadaws for hoisting the golden htidaw. Brig-Gen Nay Win supplicated to Sayadaws on progress of work to hoist the htidaw, and U Nyi Hla Nge on matters related to techniques in hoisting the htidaw.
After seeking ovadas from Ovadacariya Sayadaws, Maj-Gen Ye Myint supplicated that he would carry out the task according to the ovadakahta. Later, the ceremony came to an end. After the ceremony, Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party went round the platform of Mahamuni Image clockwise. Then, Maj-Gen Ye Myint viewed in reverence the golden htidaw and left the pagoda.
( 7 )
Minister inspects Taunggyi-Kalaw railroad section
Yangon, 2 July-Minister for Rail Transportation U Pan Aung, accompanied by officials, inspected construction of Punchaung Bridge under Saikkhaung-Namsang Railroad Construction Project on 29 June, and gave necessary instructions to officials.
On 30 June, the minister inspected surveying the axis of the railroad and levelling hills and bends up to Punchaung-Htibin-Nanhake railroad section and gave necessary instructions.
Yesterday, the minister inspected items and materials to be used at Namsang-Saikhaung railroad section and left instructions on transport matters. The minister this afternoon met with the engineers of Civil Engineering Department and foremen at the office of Kalaw Station and gave instructions on worksite safety and smooth and secure transportation to
Factories in Thanlyin and Thakayta inspected
Yangon, 2 July -Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint visited the Tin Refinery in Thanlyin Township this morning.
At the briefing hall, the factory manager reported on successful use of fuel substitute gas-powered kiln and efforts being made to meet the targets of production. After leaving instructions, the minister inspected the factory.
Then, the minister gave instructions on boosting production, frugality, innovative measuers for production of import-substitute goods, maintenance of machines and ensuring worksite safety.
He next viewed vegetables and fruit trees in the factory compound and left instructions on planting Thitseint trees (Terminalia Belerica), toddy palms and tamarind trees.
Later, the minister
inspected the salt milling factory of Myanma Salt and Marine Chemicals Enterprise in Thakayta Township and gave instructions on minimum loss and wastage of raw salt, exceeding the targets after taking innovative measures, production of rehydrated salt and distribution of it to the people.
exchanges, GSM radio exchanges inspected
Yangon, 2 July - Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw inspected auto-telephone exchanges and GSM radio exchanges, here, this morning.
The minister inspected Insein Auto-telephone exchange, North Okkalapa auto-telephone exchange and staff quarters of Myanma Posts and Telecommunications, Dagon Myothit (North) auto-telephone exchange and GSM radio exchange, and Thingangyun auto-telephone exchange. Then, the minister inspected tasks of the foreign postal service.
Industry-1 Minister inspects factories
Yangon, 2 July -Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung, together with officials, yesterday afternoon inspected Thitseint trees (Terminalia Belerica) grown on 1,080 acres of land by Kyangin Cement Plant under Myanma Ceramics Industries at the feeder road in Taung-pongyi Village, Kyangin Township, Hinthada District, Ayeyawady Division.
At the briefing hall, the minister and party met with the factory manager and officials and gave necessary instructions.
Afterwards, the minister inspected the Raw Material Crushing Department and left instructions.
Then, the minister looked into Kiln Nos 1 to 4, and the gas kiln which was innovated by the factory personnel.
The minister this morning inspected Nayputaung Marble Factory (Branch) under MCI in Nyaungchedauk in Padaung Township, Bago Division, and gave necessary instructions. He then saw over progress of construction of the new factory.
Later, he inspected production process at the Textile and Finishing Plant of Myanma Textile Industries in Shwedaung in Bago Division.
At the briefing hall, the minister met with officials and gave instructions on boosting production.
In the afternoon, he arrived at the Enamel Ware Factory in Thayawady and looked into production process and gave necessary instructions.
( 8
) Commander visits tax-free markets in Yangon
Yangon, 2 July - Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Yangon Command Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe, accompanied by Commander of No 1 Military Region Col Khin Maung Soe, this morning visited tax-free markets in Yangon, where he inspected the sales in the markets and attended to the requirements.
When the commander and party arrived at Nawade tax-free market on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road in Mayangon Township, Chairman of Yangon West District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Maung Maung Shein and officials welcomed them. The commander inspected the buying and selling situation there before he gave instructions to officials and attended to the needs.
Then, the commander and party also went to Konmyinttha tax-free market in the same township, Yankin tax-free market next to the Ministry of Industry-2 on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road in Yankin Township and Hanthawady tax-free market at the corner of Kyundaw and Hanthawady Roads in Kamayut Township, and inspected vegetable, meat, fish and egg shops of ministries, Yangon City Development Committee, Yangon Command, battalions and regiments, departments, companies, organizations and entrepreneurs, and the edible oil shop of Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd, and groceries shops of YCDC and Yangon Division Brokerage, and rice shops of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council and Myanmar Rice Dealers Association, and consumers goods shops of the Ministry of Industry-1 at the markets. The commander then intimately met with sellers and buyers and gave instructions on the selling of clean and fresh vegetables and meat in the markets. Later, the commander, after fulfilling the requirements, left there.
( 9
) Second Waso robe offering ceremony held
Yangon, 2 July- Bus owners, drivers, conductors
and staff families of All Bus Lines Control Committee (Yangon
Division) held its second waso robe offering ceremony for members of
the Sangha of the State Pariyatti Sasana University (Yangon) at
Mogok Soonsar Hsaung of the university this morning. Chairman of
Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon
Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe and Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung
Khin attended the ceremony and presented waso robes and offertories
to members of the Sangha.
Also present were Secretary-General of
State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Abhidhaja Maha Ratha Guru
Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddammajotika Bhaddanta Kumara (Magway) Sayadaw,
and members of the Sangha, Commander of No 4 Military Region
Brig-Gen Myo Myint and military region commanders, Director-General
of the Department for Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana U Sann
Lwin, local authorities, and others.
Joint-Secretary Sayadaw of SSMNC Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Osatabhivamsa invested the congregation with the Five Precepts. Then, the commander, the minister and officials presented waso robes and offertories to Sayadaws and 421 members of the Sangha. Next, Chairman of ABLCC U Phone Kyaw handed over K 0.7 million for a day's meal and dessert to Minister U Aung Khin, who later presented a certificate of honour to the wellwisher.
The Magway Sayadaw delivered a sermon before the merits gained were shared. Afterwards, the ceremony came to an end. The donations for offering soon and Waso robes totalled K 2.6212