1 ) Secretary-1 of State Peace and Development Council receives Ambassador

Yangon, 1 July - On behalf of the Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council, Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt received Ambassador of the Republic of Italy to Myanmar Dr Cesare Capitani who had completed his tour of duties at Zeyathiri Beikman on Konmyinttha
here at 3 pm today.
PhD degree holders of Ministries of Education, Health and Science and Technology honoured

Yangon, 1 July - A ceremony to honour those who received doctorates from universities under the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Science and Technology took place at the Diamond Jubilee Hall on Pyay Road here this morning, attended by Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present on the occasion were Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe, the ministers, the chief justice, the attorney-general, the auditor-general, the chairman of Civil Service Selection and Training Board, the mayor, the deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental heads and officials, rectors, professors, supervisors, doctors, and others.
At the ceremony, Assistant Lecturer of the History Department of Yangon University Daw Theingi Nwe and Demonstrator Daw Moe Cherry acted as masters of ceremonies.
The Secretary-1 said now the State Peace and Development Council is striving for national development and keeping abreast with the nations of the world with dignity, relying on its own national strength.
As concerted efforts are being made for uplift of national prestige and integrity and development of the
Union on self-reliance basis, patriotism and high efficiency of own national forces is a very important national cause, he said.
Therefore, the government has given priority to emergence of highly-qualified human resource development that can contribute towards development of the nation and its people and shape the nation in the future, he said.

He said at a time when arrangements are being made for producing sufficient highly-qualified human resources in the country, turning out of Ph D graduates produced by various universities in Myanmar will contribute much towards the development of the nation.
He said presenting of the PhD degrees by the nation's universities is a pride for Myanmars. Moreover, it showed the successful implementation of the government's objectives of national education promotion programmes, he added.
It was the third time to honour the scholars who received doctorates from the universities in Myanmar.
There are 87 scholars 15 from the Ministry of Education, 10 from the Ministry of Health and 62 from the Ministry of Science and Technology.
In the time of development of science and technology and globalization, progress of the education sector plays a pivotal role in efforts to keep abreast with the development of international communities, he said.
The tasks for uplift of education of the entire nation, development of science and technology, turning out highly-qualified human resource development constantly and conducting research work of international standard in the respective fields are to be carried out in the education sector, he said.
This is why, he said, national education promotion programmes from basic education to higher education sectors, national education promotion special four-year plans and 30-year long-term educational plans are implemented phase by phase and there bear fruits of development.

It was not easy to turn out highly-qualified scholars who can serve the interest of the nation in a short period. The scholars themselves had to try hard to get doctorates. After holding respective degrees, the scholars conducted research and their research works were examined many times by local and foreign scholars. Doctorates were conferred on only qualified scholars.
Universities of international standard are needed for conducting Ph.D courses in the country. In Myanmar there were 32 universities and colleges before 1988. Now there are 150 universities and colleges.
The scholars have learnt advanced subjects at universities and colleges for development of human resources. They tried to get the doctorates for four or five years.
Three doctorate courses were introduced in Yangon University in 1994-95 academic year. In 1997, Yangon University presented the first doctorates to scholars. The Secretary-1 praised those who obtained the doctorates for their performance.
Now 16 doctorate courses are being conducted in Yangon University, 11 in Mandalay University, three in Yangon Institute of Economics and one in Yangon Institute of Education.
Altogether 626 scholars are taking the doctorate courses in Yangon University, 186 in Mandalay University, 36 in Yangon Institute of Economics and 10 in Yangon Institute of Education totalling
Altogether 27 scholars received doctorates from
these courses. Altogether 26 Dr Med Sc courses and seven PhD courses
are being conducted at the institutes under the Ministry of Health
and arrangements are being made for conducting three new courses in
2002-2003 academic year. He said altogether 163 scholars are
attending 33 courses. Twelve Dr Med Sc and PhD degree holders have
been produced so far. A total of 285 scholars are attending 16
doctorate courses at the Technological Universities in Yangon and
Mandalay under the Ministry of Science and Technology and 43 in
computer doctorate course at Yangon Institute of Computer Studies.

These courses had produced 88 PhD degree holders. Ph.D
degree holders (from page 1) He said emergence of highly-qualified
human resources is the basic foundation for uplift of national
education and national development. Conducting doctorate courses and
producing highly-qualified human resources bring about good results
for restoration of science and technology in the country and
development of research works up to international level, he said. He
spoke of the need for officials concerned to make efforts for
continued progress in implementation of the tasks on human resources
Moreover, officials concerned and scholars are to
strive for development of the doctorate courses and conducting of
new doctorate courses. In addition to the Ministry of Education the
Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Science and Technology, other
related ministries are to strive for conducting doctorate courses
for nurturing of highly-qualified human resources, he added. The
doctorate degree holders are urged to utilize advanced studies,
experience and research for national interest and to turn the nation
to be a modern and developed one and to strive for the nation to
keep abreast of the others by participating in the efforts of the
State for continued nurturing of human resources.
In conclusion, he urged the doctorate degree holders to strive for rapid development of the State applying their knowledge and standing firm as outstanding and highly-qualified scholars and to serve the interest of the State and the people.
Then, after the secretary-1, on behalf of the Government, presented awards and certificates to doctors.
Professor Col Dr Ye Thwe of the Medical Department of Defence Services Institute of Medicine, who received the doctorate from Institute of Medicine-1, spoke words of thanks on behalf of the Ph.D
degree holders.
He said he realized the enormous gratitude of the
State owed to them. At present, efforts are being made for the
nation to be able to keep abreast of the others. The Head of State
has given guidance that development of science and arts including
health sector depends on human resources; that arts and science will
develop only when human resource development and material
development are combined harmoniously; and that research and
development on respective subjects are to be done.
Upholding the Head of State's guidance, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and the
Ministry of Science and Technology have been conducting doctorate courses to be able to produce doctors of philosophy in the nation and doctorate degree holders on arts and science, medical science and science and technology have been produced, he said.
He promised that he will serve the duties of the State in earnest and continue studying ever-advancing technologies. He, on behalf of the doctorate degree holders, asserted that he will serve whichever duties assigned to him to repay the debt of the State's gratitude.
Then the ceremony came to a close.
After the ceremony, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and party together with doctorate degree holders posed for documentary photos. Then the Secretary-1 viewed the photos, biographies and the doctoral dissertations of the doctorate degree holders displayed at Diamond Jubilee Hall.
( 2 )
Maj-Gen Ye Myint inspects construction of roads, Medical Research Department
(Central Myanmar) in Mandalay, Magway Divisions
Yangon, 1 July - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence, accompanied by Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Ye Myint, Chairman of Magway Division Peace and Development Council Col Zaw Min, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office and departmental officials, arrived at the Model Thithseint Nursery Farm being undertaken by Magway Division Peace and Development Council and Forest Department in Myinkin Ward, Magway, on 30 June morning.
Magway Division Forest Department Director U Ohn Lwin conducted them round the 2.16 acres of the model farm. Then, they viewed growing of 11,700 Thithseint saplings.
Afterwards, they proceeded to the project briefing hall at the mile post 300/3 on Maj-Gen Ye Myint inspects
Yangon-Pyay-Magway-Mandalay Road.
Magway Division Superintending Engineer U Tint Lwin of Public Works reported on construction of Koebin-Sanmagyi-Thityagauk Road.
Koebin-Sanmagyi-Thityagauk Road is being built by Public Works under the arrangement of Magway Division Peace and Development Council. Thityagauk-Koebin road section on Yangon-Pyay-Magway-Mandalay Road is being built without through Taungdwingyi. The old road linking Thityagauk and Koebin villages is 47 miles and 6 furlongs long. The road section under construction will be 21 miles and 4 furlongs long. The new road section is 26 miles and 2 furlongs shorter than the former and it will contribute to development of the villages along the road.
Then, Magway Division Development Affairs Department Director U Kyan Taing Aung reported on construction of Shwepandaw-Hsatthwa-Taungdwingyi-Ywamon-Zayatgon in the western part of Yoma. Maj-Gen Ye Myint gave instruction son timely completion of the work.
They then inspected extended construction of Thityagauk-Sanmagyi-Koebin road and the junction of Thityagauk-Koebin Road and Hsinbaungwe-Chaunggauk Road.
They saw over upgrading of Taungdwingyi-Taungnyo-Pyinmana Road into the two-lane one and digging of drainage on both sides. At the mile post 11/5 on the road, Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party inspected thriving of teak trees at the plantation of Forest Department in Taungdwingyi.
They saw over 3,000 acres of Kinmontaung Reserve Forest.
Director of Forest Department U Ohn Lwin reported on progress of the plantation. They then arrived at Wun-awgyi Camp of Taungdwingyi Timber Extraction Region.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party proceeded to Pyinmana region, the border region of Magway and Mandalay Divisions. They arrived at the briefing hall of the Road Construction Project Special Group-5, Maj-Gen Ye Myint heard reports on repair of the road between Taungdwingyi and Pyinmana on Taungdwingyi-Chaungnat-Pyinmana road section and extended construction of the road section between mile posts 22/2 and 26/4.
On arrival in Pantin Village, Pyinmana Township, Mandalay Division Forest Department Director U Khin Maung Oo reported to Maj-Gen Ye Myint on thriving of 10 acres Padauk plantation (Pterocarpus macroacrpus).
At Ngalaik Dam in Pyinmana Township, Maj-Gen Ye Myint heard reports on matters related to the dam by the official.
Afterwards, Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party arrived at Kyetpyay Village in Pyinmana Township. Accompanied by Deputy Minister for Health Prof Dr Kyaw Myint and Director-General Dr Wan Maung of Health Department, they went to the Hospital (300-bed) Construction Project being built by AryonU Construction Co. Maj-Gen Ye Myint fulfilled the requirements and inspected the hospital.
Next, they arrived at the construction site of Medical Research Department (Middle Myanmar) being undertaken by Tawwin Family Co and inspected progress of work.
Then, they arrived at the extended construction site of the road between Kyetpyay village and Pyinmana at 5.30 pm.
Taungdwingyi-Taungnyo-Pyinmana short-cut road is linking the mile post 274 on Yangon-Pyay-Magway Road in Natchaung Village and the mile post 274 on Yangon-Mandalay Highway in Pyinmana through the Yoma mountain ranges. The short-cut road is 66 miles and two furlongs long. It is a tarred road being extended with a view to easily travelling of the people by cars from eastern part of Yoma to the western part in line with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe.
( 3
) Minister inspects pulp factory project (Thabaung)

Yangon, 1 July - Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung, accompanied by officials, inspected the construction of 200-ton Pulp Factory Project (Thabaung) near Hlaygyitet Village, Thabaung Township in Ayeyawady Division yesterday evening.
General Manager U Than Aye of Myanma Industrial Construction Services reported on construction work.
Then, the minister inspected the construction of buildings for a digestor and washing and screening and attended to the needs.
At 9 pm, the minister met with responsible officials of the project and Chinese technicians and gave necessary instructions.
The pulp factory, situated near Hlaygyitet Village, Thabaung Township in Ayeyawady Division, is the largest one of 43 projects being implemented by the Ministry of Industry-1. On completion, 150 tons of pulp produced by the factory will be exported and 50 tons will be used for the production of quality paper in the country.
Similar factory projects are being implemented in Monywa and Thabeikkyin to fulfil the paper requirements of the country.
At 6:30 am today, the minister inspected other construction work of the project and proceeded to the construction site of a jetty on the bank of Ngawun River.
The minister, together with Commander of South-West Command Brig-Gen Htay Oo, attended a cash donation ceremony to MyoU Parahita Geha in Thabaung. The minister made a speech and on behalf of the staff of the ministry, donated K 3 million for the Geha through the commander. The commander made a speech at the ceremony.
Then, the minister presented fruit baskets for the Chinese technicians of the project.
The minister and the commander inspected the construction work of the project by car. Then, the minister and the commander proceeded to the Pathein Glass Factory and discussed matters related to the production and collecting of raw materials.
Afterwards, the minister and the commander inspected Win Thuza Shop in Pathein.
MPT opens communication courses
Yangon, 1 July - The opening ceremonies of Basic PCM Course, Basic Instrumentation Course, Facsimile Operator Training Course, Postmaster Course and Spectrum Management Course, organized by Myanma Posts and Telegraphs of the Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telegraphs, were held at the Telecommunications and Postal Training School this morning.
It was attended by Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw, the managing Director of MPT, the director-general of Directorate of Telecommunications, the general manager and heads of departments of MPT,
the principal and course instructors and 61 trainees. After the
opening ceremony, the minister inspected the courses opened at the
training school and the training at school library.
( 4
) Religious Minister tours Ayeyawady Division
Yangon, 1 July - Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin and party went to Ayeyawady Division on 29 June to look into religious matters.
In the afternoon, the minister and party paid homage to Pyilonepaw Payagyi and made cash donation there. They then offered Waso robes to the Sayadaws of the monastaries in Kyonpyaw at the Pyilonpaw Payagyi Kyaungtaik.
Afterwards, they met with Township USDA secretary, executives and organizers at Kyonpyaw Township USDA Office and urged them to actively participate in the rural development tasks and presented cash for the office.
They proceeded to Innye Village and paid homage to Pyilonchantha and made cash donation, inspected the renovation work and attended to the needs.
The minister and party attended the Waso robes offering ceremony at Innye Village and offered robes and donated cash to the members of the Sangha in the village. Then, the minister presented medicines donated by the Ministry of Health and wellwishers to Innye Station Hospital through the station hospital in-charge Dr Myo Win.
Namuna Sankyaung Sayadaw Bhaddanta Pannajina delivered a sermon and the ceremony came to a close with three-time recitation of Buddha Sasanam Ciram Titthatu. Then, the minister and wife offered
" soon " to the members of the Sangha.
Later, the minister and party attended the ceremony to provide educational cash assistance at Innye Village Basic Education High School. The ministerÊmade an address and presented education cash assistance to the students through Headmaster U Khin Maung
Minister inspects departments in Mandalay, Sagaing Divisions
Yangon, 1 July - Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa, accompanied by Director-General U Sit Myaing of Social Welfare Department and officials, inspected perennial crops, soya bean, maize and lime plantations of Immigration and National Registration Department in PyinOoLwin, Mandalay Division, on 28 June morning.
The minister gave instructions on extended cultivation at the plantation and attended to their needs.
Then, the minister went to the Pre-Primary School in the compound of Zeebingyi Central Fire Services Training School and inspected the school and new staff quarters.
At the Domestic Science Training School, the principal reported them on tasks being carried out. The minister gave necessary instructions and inspected training of tailoring and cooking courses.
In the afternoon, the minister met personnel of Fire Services Department, trainees and families at Anawrahta Hall of the school. He then inspected the computer training hall, the spoken English lab and the library.
Next, Principal of the school Col Kyi Win reported the minister on agriculture, livestock breeding and training matters. The minister gave necessary instructions and saw over buildings under construction, the pepper plantation, the pig farm and the poultry farm.
Yesterday, the minister chose the site for construction of the training school of SWD in Sagaing.
He then met with service personnel of SWD, FED, Relief and Resettlement Department and Immigration and National Registration Department. In the afternoon, the minister proceeded to the school for the deaf children in Mandalay and heard reports on tasks of the school by the principal. Then, the minister went to the children nursery unit and gave necessary instructions. Afterwards, the minister met with staff of SWD, FSD and INRD at Mandalay Division SWD.
This morning, the minister arrived at Mandalay International Airport and gave instructions on convenient travelling for the tourists to the Head of INRD and officials.
( 5 ) Seminar on Industry held
Yangon, 1 July - Seminar on Industry, jointly organized by Commercial Section, KOTRA of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea and Korea Association of Machinery Industry (KOAMI) Trade Mission, was held at Traders Hotel here this morning attended by Korean Ambassador Mr Lee Kyung Woo and Commercial Attache Mr Kim Jae-chan.
It was also attended by departmental officials of the ministries,
Korean industrialists, entrepreneurs of 12 trade missions, 48
Myanmar entrepreneurs and they discussed matters on the machinery
Myanma tourism promotion programme held in USA
Yangon, 1 July -The Myanmar embassy in Washington DC in the United States of America, together with Washington DC-based Global Spectrum and VIP Travels tourism companies held a programme for promoting Myanma tourism at the Myanmar embassy there on 29 June evening.
American tourists who will visit Myanmar this year, those from New Jersey who are interested in Myanmar, officials from the travel agencies in Washington DC and invited guests totalling over 60 attended the ceremony.
The Ambassador extended greetings and briefed them on peaceful condition in Myanmar, tourist attractions, hospitality of Myanmar people and security of travel and tour day or night.
Then, the wife of the ambassador briefed them on Myanma culture and the owner of Global Spectrum Co on Myanma natural beauty and interesting places with the use of slides.
Two belles from the embassy entertained the guests with Myanma dances. Members of Myanmar Youths Association in New Jersey wore national races costumes and entertained the guests with Myanmar dances. After the ceremony, the Myanmar embassy served the guests with Myanmar delicacies. Compared to the previous year, the number of American tourists to Myanmar will increase this year, it is learnt.
National Seminar on Sustainable Development of Ecotourism held
Yangon, 1 July - The National Seminar on Sustainable Development of Ecotourism, co-organized by ESCAP and UNESCO, was held at Myanma Lacquerware Institute in Bagan-NyaungU on 27 June morning. Present were 152 scholars from abroad, private entrepreneurs and officials of the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism, the Ministry of Forestry and the Ministry of Culture.
Mr Ryuji Yamakawa of ESCAP submitted the paper on Sustainable Tourism Development Opportunities and Challenges, Ms Beatrice Kaldun of UNESCO, the paper on Local Efforts in Preservation and Presentation of Ecotourism Sites; Managing Director U Win Aung of Myanma Woodland Travels, the paper on Ecotourism Development in Myanmar; Mr Shahril bin Saat of Malaysia, the paper on Ecotourism Development in Malaysia; Mr Chamnien Vorralnchaiphan of Thailand, the paper on Ecotourism Development in Thailand; Mr Steven Schipani of Lao PDR, the paper on Lao Nam Ha Ecotourism Project; Mr Songnam Ritwanna, the paper on Community-based Tourism Development Project in Ban Lorcha; and Project Director Mr James Preston Styers of Shambhala Co of Myanmar, the paper on Myanmar Dolphin Project.
On 26 June, the technicians from abroad visited pagodas, Mount Popa and Mount Popa
( 6 ) Stationery and school uniforms donated in honour of Myanmar Women's Day
Yangon, 1 July - As a gesture of hailing Myanmar Women's Day which falls on 3 July, a ceremony to donate stationery and school uniforms to the training school for the girls of the Social Welfare Department took place at the training school on Malikha Road in Mayangon Township this morning.
Present were Vice-Chairperson of Myanmar National Working Committee for Women's Affairs Prof Daw May May Yi, Adviser of education group Daw Khin Than Nwe, Secretary and Director-General of the Social Welfare Department U Sit Myaing and officials, Leader of education committee of MNWCWA Psychology Prof Daw Khin Aye Win and girls committee Leader Daw Khin Myo Myint and officials.
After the headmistress of the school explained data on the school, Daw Khin Than Nwe presented exercise books, pencils and uniforms to students of primary, middle and high schools. Then, Prof Daw May May Yi presented cash awards of K 5,000 each to two girls who passed the matriculation examination. They viewed around the primary school and the vocational school, tailoring school and agriculture and livestock breeding work at the school and then girls of the school entertained them with Thingyan dance.
International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking observed in Laukkai
Yangon, 1 July - A ceremony to mark the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking was held at Basic Education High School No 1 in Laukkai, Kokang Special Region-1, Shan State (North), on 26 June afternoon.
At the ceremony, Col Than Win of Laukkai Station gave a speech and Chairman of Laukkai District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Yu Lwin read out the message sent by Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control Chairman Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing.
Then, Laukkai District Police Force Commander Police Maj Khin Maung Myint, District Surgeon Dr Myint Oo, Senior Assistant Teacher Daw Thi Thi Lwin and USDA member Ma Su Su gave talks on narcotic drug eradication, prevention of AIDS and participation of the people in drug elimination and AIDS control.
Representative of Ko-kang Special Region-1 Administrative Committee U Phon Kyar Phu discussed endeavours related to drug elimination and opium substitute crop cultivation.
Next, Col Than Win and U Phon Kyar Phu presented prizes to the students in the essay and painting contests to mark the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. Later, the guests viewed the prize winning essay, paintings and the wall magazine.
( 7 )
Soon offered to members of the Sangha
Yangon, 1 July - Under the patronage of Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading held a ceremony to offer soon for one day and offertories was held at Mogok Sonsar- kyaungsaung of the State Pariyatti Sasana University on Kaba Aye Hill this morning.
It was attended by Minister Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, Deputy-Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan and advisers, the directors-general and managing directors of MAPT and officials.
First, the congregation received Five Precepts from Rector Sayadaw of the
University Agga Maha Ganthavacaka Pandita Bhaddanta Vannita. Next, Brig-Gen Pyi Sone presented offertories to the Sayadaws.
Then, Brig-Gen Pyi Sone presented K 100,000 for a day's meal for the members of the Sangha through Director-General U Sann Lwin of the Department for Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana and the ceremony came to a close with three time recitation of Buddha Sasanam Ciram Titthatu.
Later, the minister, the deputy minister and officials offered soon to the members of the Sangha.
Secretariat member, CEC member meet Kyimyindine Township USDA members
Yangon, 1 July - Member of the Secretariat of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Minister for Finance and Revenue U Khin Maung Thein, accompanied by CEC member Minister at the Prime Minister's Office U Than Shwe, gave instructions to USDA members at Kyimyindine Township USDA Office this morning.
Also present on the occasion were executives of Yangon Division and District USDAs, Kyimyindine Township USDA executives and members of the Township Maternal and Child Welfare Association.
First, Township USDA Secretary U Myint Lwin reported on tasks being carried out. The Member of the Secretariat explained organizing work, training courses and development tasks.
The CEC member urged the USDA members to strive for implementation of the future tasks laid down by the association and to participate in undertaking the development tasks of the national people and the State.
Then, Member of the Secretariat U Khin Maung Thein presented stationery for the training courses to Township Secretary U Myint Lwin.
Later, the ministers cordially conversed with those present.
Kyaw Swa Aung wins bronze in Asian Boxing C'ship
Yangon, 1 July - Boxers Kyaw Swa Aung (A&I) and Kyaw Kyaw Latt (YCDC) led by Myanmar Boxing Federation Secretary U San Myint and Technician Mr Lazaro Jimenez Martinez took part in the XXI Asian Boxing Championship in Serenban, Malaysia, from 18 to 25 June.
Myanmar boxer Kyaw Swa Aung won bronze in the Light Flyweight Division.
The boxers were welcomed back at Yangon International Airport by officials of the Ministry of Sports, the President of MBF and executives.
( 8
) Market festival for medical treatment of congenital disabled children held
Yangon, 1 July -Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Maung Bo of the Ministry of Defence, on 29 June, enjoyed the market festival, held at No 8 Basic Education High School of Mawlamyine to raise fund for medical treatment of congenital disabled children in Mon State.
It was organized by the supervisory committee for Maternal and Child Welfare Association of Mon State.
It was attended by Chairman of Mon State Peace and Development Council Commander of South-East Command Brig-Gen Thura Myint Aung, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Myo Hla and senior officers, Secretary of Mon State Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Aung Maw Maw and departmental officials, the patron and members of Mon State MCWA , members of Mon State Working Committee for Women's Affairs, Union Solidarity and Development Association and social organizations, and wellwishers.
Chairman of the supervisory committee for MCWA of Mon State Dr Thein Win Naing explained the purpose of holding of the market festival. After Daw Than Than Nwe, patron of the supervisory committee for MCWA of Mon State formally opened the market festival, Maj-Gen Maung Bo, Commander Brig-Gen Thura Myint Aung and officials viewed round the market festival.
At the market festival, a total of 28 shops from MCWA, departments and
social organizations sold various foods and the market festival
which ended on 30 June.
Cash donated to Myitta Yeikmon, pagodas and social
Yangon, 1 July - To mark his 80th birthday,
Goldsmith U Hton of U Hton Goldsmith and Jewellery Shop and family
donated K 300,000 to Myitta Yeikmon (Cancer) Foundation at the
cancer hospice in Dagon Myothit (East) Township today. Chairman U
Hla Tun of the foundation accepted the donation. U Hton donated a
total of K 1.4 million including K 205,000 for Aung Dhamma
Zedidawgyi in Taunggyi, K 50,000 for Shwesandaw Pagoda in Twantay, K
540,000 for Guangtong Guan Yin Buddhist Temple in Latha Township, K
50,000 to Jivitadana Sangha Hospital, K 50,000 to Parahita (Tiger)
School for Orphans, K 50,000 to School for the Blind, K 50,000 to
Mary Chapman Deaf and Dumb School, K 55,000 to Home for the Aged on
Theinbyu Road, and K 50,000 to the Psychiatric Hospital.
( 9
) Culprits related to drug cases sentenced
Yangon, 1 July - A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and Tachilek Special Anti-Drug Squad, acting on information, searched the house of Lauk Li at 27, Lun Keng Village, Tachilek Township, at 11 am on 27 October 2001, and seized 1,852,000 stimulant tablets and one kilo of Caffein in the bedroom and a saloon car with number plates 1Kha/8847.
Regarding the case, Tachilek Police Station filed Lauk Li, 42, son of U Lee Fatar of Pangsan, Ar Yon, 20, son of U Ar Chan and Ar San, 35, son of U Lauk Aye under Sections 15/16 (B)/19 (A)/21 of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
On 7 May 2002, Tachilek District Court sentenced Lauk Li to 10 years' imprisonment under Section 16 (B) and life imprisonment under Section 19 (A) and Ar Yon and Ar San to 5
years' imprisonment each under Section 15 and 15 years' imprisonment each under Sections 19 (A)/21 of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law to serve separately.
Stimulant tablets seized in Kutkai
Yangon, 1 July - A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and Muse Special Anti-drug Squad, acting on information, searched the house of Zaung Khong in Manpyain Village, Kutkai Township, on 4 June evening and seized 150 stimulant tablets weighing 15 gm.
Action is being taken against Zaung Khong, 20, son of U Zaung Zone and Yant Kyachum, 34, son of U Yanchin Lint of Manpyain Village, Kutkai
Township, under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.