1 ) State Peace and Development Council Chairman
Senior General Than Shwe sends felicitations to Canada
Yangon, 1 July- Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to the Right Honourable
Ms Adrienne Clarkson, Governor-General of Canada, on the occasion of
the Anniversary of the National Day of Canada which falls on 1 July
( 2 )
Secretary-1 hosts dinner in honour of literati, Third MWJA
Conference delegates
Yangon, 30 June - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt hosted a dinner in honour of literati and delegates to the Third Conference of Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association at Karaweik Palace at Kandawgyi at 6.30 pm today.

Also present at the dinner were members of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Soe Win and Maj-Gen Thein Sein of the Ministry of Defence, Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe, the ministers, the Auditor-General, the Chairman of Civil Service Selection and Training Board, the Yangon Mayor, the deputy ministers, the director-general of the State Peace and Development Council Office and departmental heads, Chairman of Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association U Hla Myaing (Ko Hsaung) and CEC members, members of the Central Committee for Holding the Third Conference, members of the committee and work committees, scholars, officials of the Ministry of Information, chairmen, vice-chairmen and officials of social organizations, delegates of States and Divisions, observers, well-wishers and guests.
At the ceremony, Secretary of MWJA U Hla Tun (Hla Tun-Twantay) acted as master of ceremonies.
The Secretary-1 delivered an address.
The Secretary-1 said discussion in unity as a consolidated national force of literati at the national literary conference which was held every four years is a reliable basic foundation for raising standard of Myanmar literature and development of knowledge of the people.
He said throughout the history, literati have been preserving heritage of Myanmar literature and served literary duty of development of Myanmar literature and handing down heritage of literature.
He said Myanmar literati have historical tradition and discharged literary duties in successive eras. He said he
believed that organizing them as a consolidated national force would contribute toward the interest of the nation and the people.
Myanmar people are pious and polite due to Myanmar literature and teachings. They want justice and peace and prosperity and have patience.
They also had tradition of citizens, he said.
He said throughout the thousands of years of literary history, literati organized Myanmar people to be polite with the strength of literature. He said ancient Myanmar literati were able to make efforts to possess military strength with high national prestige and integrity when necessary.
He urged the present day literati to strive for development of Myanmar literature on the right national path preserving such a good tradition.
At a time when efforts are being made for all-round development of the nation with added momentum, it is necessary to carry out the tasks for uplift of IQ of citizens through education sector and literature sector, he added.
He said the government has been giving encouragement to development of literature and present Doctor of Literature and literary titles to deserving literati.
Continuing, he said, literati are to make efforts for increase of heritage of national literature, to watch international situations and study mass communication technology without losing the sight and to organize the people to have knowledge of the people, clear national outlook and to have strong spirit.
He spoke of the need for the literature which is the main source in preserving national culture to possess national characters. The historical evidences showed that the
expression if literature is lost, the race will be lost, will be true forever to the end of the world.
Nowadays, some news agencies are spreading false news to tarnish dignity among the people and to break up national solidarity using advanced information and communication technology, he said.
He urged literati to make efforts for Myanmar people to gain knowledge, to know the true international and Myanmar situations through literary strength.
He pointed out that a few writers responded with reports from national point of view when the interests of the Myanmar and her people are harmed. As safeguarding national interest is the national concern, each and every literati should provide support to it more enthusiastically, he said. Literature has the power to agitate and enhance the nationalist spirit among the public and it has the tradition to take part actively in the activities of national interest through consecutive eras. Myanmar people have been excellent in bravery as well as in literature.
Myanmar literature had effectively agitate the people in the anti-colonialist period and the national independence struggles.
He continued to say that nowadays, the country is being built up into a peaceful, modern and developed one and the entire people are striving to safeguard the national interest. In this context, national alertness and solidarity of national strength are utmost requirements of the nation.ÊHence, the entire national literary force under the leadership of the MWJA should be united constantly keeping nationalist spirit alive and dynamic. And, the literary force is to actively participate with the might of literature in the endeavours for enhancing nationalist spirit among the people and fulfilling the literary and national aims in full, he urged. he also urged the literati to abide by the code of conducts and make efforts for creating literary works of high standard.
The literati are to create literature for enhancing Union Spirit and patriotism. In addition to literary duties, the literati are to organize the people with the literary might to safeguard the motherland when the national sovereignty and prestige are harmed. In conclusion, he urged the literati to be united under the leadership of the MWJA
- for contributing towards the successful implementation of national policy and objectives;
- for producing literary works which are full of Myanmar's gentle attitude and nationalist spirit;
- for enhancing national literary immunity against infiltration of alien culture and enduring destructive acts with the misuse of IT;
- for flourishing of those literature which enhance national prestige and integrity and responding, with correct stand, external literature harming the national prestige and integrity.
Then, Vice-Chairman of Asia Wealth Bank Ltd U Aik Tun donated K 1 million to MWJA Chairman U Hla Myaing (Ko Hsaung)
who spoke words of thanks.
Next, the Secretary-1 hosted a dinner in hour of
the scholars and the delegates. After the dinner, the Secretary-1
cordially met with the scholars and the delegates.
( 3
) Secretary-1 attends opening of school buildings at Hlinethaya BEPS No 20, Shwepyitha Day Nursery, Insein BEPS No 37
Yangon, 30 June
- The opening ceremonies of the school building of Basic Education Primary School No 20 in Hlinethaya Township, the Day Nursery in Shwepyitha Industrial Town, Shwepyitha Township, and the school building of BEPS No 37 in Insein Township were held at the respective venues this morning, attended by Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present on the occasions were Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe, ministers, deputy ministers, the vice-mayor, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental heads, officials, local authorities, Division, District and Township Education Officers, school heads, teachers, construction entrepreneurs, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association and social organizations, well-wishers, parents, students and guests.
First, the opening ceremony of the school building of Basic Education Primary School No 20, donated by Department of Human Settlement and Housing Development and FMI Garden Development Ltd, was held at the building at the corner of Tabinshwehti and Pale Yadana Roads in Ward 5, Hlinethaya Township, at 9 am.
The Secretary-1 was welcomed there by the students singing the song
" Myanma School " to the accompaniment of the band of Hlinethaya BEHS No 2.
Then, Deputy Minister for Construction Brig-Gen Myint Thein, Deputy Minister for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung, SPA, FMI Group of Companies Chairman Mr Serge Pun (a) U Thein Wai formally opened the school building.
Next, Deputy Director-General Col Tin Tun of DHSHD handed over documents related to the building to Director-General U Tin Win of No 3 Basic Education Department.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 accepted K 1 million for the BEPS No 20 donated by U Soe Myint of FMI Garden Development Ltd, K 1 million by U Kyaw Pe of Myanmar ELE Steel Industries Co Ltd, K 500,000 by Eiksitan
Co Ltd,
K 300,000
by U Maung Maung of Myanmar Ngwelayaung,
K 200,000 by U Aye Cho of Shinning Moon, K 200,000 by U Soe Naing of Ward 5 and K 100,000 by U Cho of Shwe Family Furniture Industry. Then, the Secretary-1 and party inspected the building and cordially met the students.
At 9.30 am, the Secretary-1 and party attended the opening ceremony of Day Nursery in Shwepyitha Industrial City, Shwepyitha Township. At the ceremony, Director-General U Arnt Kyaw of DHSHD, Director U Boe Than of Social Welfare Department and Chairperson Prof Daw Kyu Kyu Swe of Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association formally opened the nursery. The Secretary-1 inspected the day nursery.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and party attended the opening ceremony of the school building of BEPS No 37 in Insein Township.

Deputy Minister for Construction U Tint Swe and Deputy Minister for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung formally opened the school building. Then, the ceremony to mark the opening of the school building was held at the hall. Director-General U Arnt Kyaw of DHSHD reported on the purpose of the donation. Next, Deputy Director-General Col Tin Tun of DHSHD handed over documents related to the building to Director-General U Tin Win of No 3 BED.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1, the commander and the ministers accepted K 300,000 for the nursery donated by
Well-wishers. Headmistress Daw Baby Ohn of Insein BEPS No 37 spoke words of thanks.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party inspected the school building.
The school buildings of Hlinethaya BEPS No 20 and Insein BEPS No 37 were built with the designs to be upgraded into the basic education high schools. The two schools, with 24 feet by 30 feet classrooms, are of RC three-storey buildings. The schools have 22 classrooms, assembly halls, altar halls and computer rooms.
In addition, houses for watchmen, canteens and toilets were built at the school buildings separately. The school have the reserved areas in the compound where two similar buildings can be built.

FMI Garden Development Ltd sponsored for construction of the Hlinethaya BEPS No 20 with K 20 million in cooperation with DHSHD. Shwepyitha Day Nursery and Insein BEPS No 37 were donated by DHSHD.
Shwepyitha Day Nursery was opened with the aim of taking care babies of women workers from Shwepyitha Industrial City.
There are about 100 children being taken care of at the nursery from 7 am to 5 pm daily. The children were served with breakfast and lunch. Arrangements are being made to accept 100 more children. DHSHD has been building school buildings near housing estates and industrial towns. The department has built 30 school buildings valued at K 764 million from 1988 to date; 25 school buildings worth K 602 million in cooperation with construction entrepreneurs, totalling 55 buildings worth K 1,366 million.
After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 and party inspected MB Biscuit Factory of Super Five International Co Ltd in Region 3 of Shwepyitha Industrial Town. Managing Director U Kyi Myint reported on completion of installation of machines and test-running of the factory. The Secretary-1 gave necessary instructions.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party proceeded to the Fluorescent Lamps Factory of Myanmar Lighting Manufacturing Co Ltd. They inspected machines, raw materials and products. Chairman of the company U Sein Wan conducted the Secretary-1 and party round the factory. Next, the Secretary-1 inspected development of Shwepyitha Industrial City.
( 4
) There will be similar incidents in the future
Every citizen must keep watch on Yodaya that is not a good neighbour and their minions with national awareness
Let's safeguard sovereignty
effectively with necessary response
Rakhine nationals support mass rallies denouncing SURA and KNU insurgents and show respect for sovereignty
Yangon, 30 June-The ceremony to support the national people's mass rallies denouncing SURA and KNU insurgents, who are undermining security and peace of border areas, and to show respect for sovereignty of the Union of Myanmar took place in the Danyawady Sports Ground in Sittway, Rakhine State yesterday morning.
Present on the occasion were local people from Sittway and townships, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Red Cross Brigade, Fire Brigade, War Veterans Organization, Women's Affairs Committee, Maternal and Child Welfare Association, social associations, and teachers, students, the State Flag bearing troupes, band troupes and cultural troupes.
People of Anawrahta column from Lawka Nanda Pagoda gathering point, Bayintnaung column from the Pyidawtha Ward gathering point, Alaungphaya column from No 4 Basic Education High School gathering point and Hsinbyushin column from city hall gathering point marched to the sports ground and took positions there.
The columns led by the State Flag bearing troupes and band troupes marched to the sports ground in the rain, chanting slogans denouncing SURA drug-trafficking destructionists and KNU insurgents.
Executive of Sittway District USDA U Aung Myo Than acted as master of ceremonies. First, those present on the occasion saluted the Flag of the Union of Myanmar.
Next, executive of Rathedaung Township USDA Daw Khin Moe Win explained about the cere-mony to support the rallies denouncing SURA and KNU insurgents, who are encroaching on security and peace of border areas and to show respect for sovereignty. She said: Local people held the mass rallies and denounced SURA and KNU insurgents who are encroaching on security and peace of border areas and they support the rallies. She explained why the entire people in Rakhine State salute the State Flag and hoist the State Flag in Sittway.
The entire people gather here and salute the State Flag to show respect for sovereignty of the State. The reason why the State Flag is hoisted in Sittway is that the State Flag is the symbol of sovereignty. Hoisting of the State Flag shows the attitude of the people that they will not let anyone encroach on sovereignty. The colour of the State Flag is red and so is the Myanma blood. We declare that we will never accept encroachment on motherland by intruders and SURA and KNU insurgents. It serves as a proof that the national people will never let anyone encroach on sovereignty of the State. Myanma blood and courage have been seen on the pages of history since our ancestors of Bayintnaung, Alaungphaya and Hsinbyu-shin periods.
Beginning on 20 May, national traitor drug-trafficker Ywet Sit and SURA terrorist insurgents in collaboration with Yodaya that lacks good-neighbourly practices, attacked our territory. The national people were rankled with the insurgents for their encroachment on our sovereignty. The people held the mass rallies denouncing the insurgents in Kengtung on 1 June and in Taunggyi on 2 June.
It is true that we are united though our national people live at a distance.
As a saying goes " If one There will be similar incidents
pinches with the nail, his own finger-head will be hurt." Rakhine nationals cannot remain indifferent when insurgents harm our national people in border areas. Like other local people, we denounce drug-trafficker destructive insurgents. We support the mass rallies held in Kengtung and Taunggyi.All Rakhine nationals emphatically honour
and support the mass rallies denouncing the insurgents who encroach
on sovereignty of Myanmar held in 16 different places.
The entire people must crush all the dangers
posed against the disintegration of the Union and encroachments on
security and sovereignty of the Union of Myanmar. It is a historical
inborn national duty of all the people.
Myanmar people are proud of national prestige and
integrity and value the motherland like their lifeblood.They will not encroach on other's territory and will not let anyone occupy an inch of our territory.
Myanmar maintains the five principles of peaceful coexistence in international relations with her good-neighbourly practices. However, pretending to be a friend, Yodaya does not observe neighbourly practices and codes of conduct of ASEAN nations. Yodaya is trying to expand the territory and dominate our nation using drug-trafficker SURA and KNU insurgents as a decoy. We unitedly and actively have to safeguard sovereignty of the State. Now the outposts along Yodaya-Myanmar border which were lost to the insurgents have been recaptured by Myanma Tatmadaw sacrificing their lives, blood and sweat. We honour the Tatmadawmen and members of people's militia who safeguard sovereignty of the State sacrificing their lives.
In conclusion, we have to show that Myanmar blood is red if one harms our sovereignty. Let's crush those who help harm our nation with strong spirit and all national races have to safeguard sovereignty as our lifeblood.
Next, joint secretary of Rakhine State Chambers of Commerce and Industry U Soe Khant explained encroachments on peace and development of border areas by SURA and KNU insurgents with the footholds in Yodaya. He said: national people held the mass rallies denouncing encroachments on sovereignty of Myanmar in Kengtung and Taunggyi. We people in Rakhine State heartily support the rallies. Hoisting of the State Flags in Sittway
shows respect for sovereignty of the State and we will not accept
the encroachment on sovereignty and it also shows solidarity of the
We are building a peaceful, modern developed
nation and have gained progress to some extent. At that time drug-trafficker Ywet Sit and SURA and destructive elements KNU go to Yodaya and live there. The insurgents committed destructive acts in Myanmar border areas as Yodaya dictates.
Yodaya receives not only drug-trafficking SURA and KNU insurgents but also any organizations or any insurgents that will oppose Myanmar. It raised them opening camps along the border and provides with arms, ration and training. These are acts that lack good-neighbourly practices.
Moreover, Yodaya conducted military exercise with a large number of soldiers along the Myanmar border.It is a hostile act. Yodaya is dreaming of establishing greater Thailand with old thoughts of Ayudhaya era. So, Yodaya raises SURA and KNU insurgents and makes them destroy the fence of neighbouring country.
Therefore, we oppose encroachment on sovereignty and denounce drug-trafficking SURA and KNU insurgents. Rakhine nationals show solidarity of national races.
As the world knows that Myanma blood is red, international community knows the sharpness of Myanma sword. Myanmar is a sovereign nation. In times of emergency, blood inspires unity and all the national people are united. Now the Tatmadaw and the entire people are crushing the insurgents with the sacrificing spirit.
It is obvious that in the heart of all national people, the spirit of non-disintegration of the Union, non-disintegration of national solidarity and perpetuation of sovereignty, spirit of unity, spirit of not being a
slave and Union spirit are very strong and dynamic.
After regaining independence, drug-trafficking SURA and KNU insurgents with the assistance of Yodaya that lacks true attitude encroached on sovereignty of the Union of Myanmar, disrupted stability and broke up national solidarity throughout the history.
At present, this incidents continue to occur.
There will be similar incidents in the future. Therefore, every citizen must watch Yodaya that is not a good-neighbour and their minions with national awareness and let's safeguard sovereignty effectively with the necessary response.
Then, led by master of ceremonies, those present collectively shouted the slogans
" Non-disintegration of the Union our cause, -our cause" , " Non-disintegration of the national solidarity
- our cause, our cause", " Perpetuation of sovereignty - our cause, our
cause", which brought the rally to an end.
As a gesture showing respect for the sovereignty
of the Union of Myanmar, the State flags were proudly hoisted at the
government offices, houses and buildings on that day.
( 5 ) Text books and cassette tapes handed over

Yangon, 30 June- Under the directive of Chairman of the Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, a ceremony to hand over 3,665 text books of 27 subjects and 170 teaching aid cassette tapes worth US $ 50,000 donated by Cambridge University Press, East Asia Branch, Singapore, through the International Affairs and Research Department, to the respective ministries was held at Tatmadaw Guest House on Inya Road here this morning.

It was attended by Vice-Chief of Military Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, the deputy ministers, senior
military officers, rectors and professors of Yangon University, Yangon Technology University, Yangon Institute of Computer Science, and Yangon University of Foreign Languages and department heads.
At the ceremony, Maj-Gen Kyaw Win made an address. Then, he handed over 1,731books and 70 tapes for the Ministry of Education to Deputy Minister U Myo Nyunt, 232 books for the Ministry of Health to Deputy Minister Professor Dr Mya Oo, 550 books and 20 tapes for the Ministry of Science and Technology to Deputy Minister Dr Chan Nyein, 270 books and 35 tapes for the Ministry of Culture to Deputy Minister U Soe Nyunt, 235 books and 17 tapes for the Ministry of Transport to Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint, 61 books for the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation to Deputy Minister U Ohn Myint, 586 books and 28 tapes for the Office of the Chief of Military Intelligence to Head of Department Col Hla Aung and the ceremony came to a close.
Afterwards, Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, the deputy ministers and those present viewed round the books and tapes.
( 6 )
Maj-Gen Ye Myint attends opening of Magway traditional Medicine Hospital (16-Bed)
Yangon, 30 June-Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence attended the opening of the new Magway traditional Medicine Hospital (16-Bed) and formally opened the hospital on 28 June afternoon.
Also present on the occasion were Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Ye Myint, Deputy Minister for Health Prof Dr Kyaw Myint, Chairman of Magway Division Peace and Development Council Col Zaw Min, Director-General of Indigenous Medicine Department Prof Dr Thein Swe and officials from the Ministry of Health, the Magway division health officer and staff, departmental staff, members of division/district/township Women's Affairs Committees and Maternal and Child Welfare Association and band troupe and others.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence formally unveiled the signboard of the new Magway traditional Medicine Hospital (16-Bed). Director-General Prof Dr Thein Swe of Indigenous Medicine Department of the ministry presented the commemorative pennant to him.
Then, member-1 of Magway Division Peace and Development Council U Aung Win handed over documents relating to the hospital buildings to Director-General Prof Dr Thein Swe.
Next, Chairman of Magway Division Peace and Development Council Col Zaw Min and Deputy Minister Prof Dr Kyaw Myint formally opened the new hospital.
Afterwards, Maj-Gen Ye Myint, the commander, the deputy minister and guests looked around the indigenous medicines on display and the ward for men. They also viewed 108 kinds of various herbal plants, herbal nursery with 1,521 herbal plants and the ward for women.
Under the guidance of the Head of State, the hospital was built on 26 August, 2001. The State spent K 7.4 million for construction.
The Magway Division Peace and Development Council and wellwishers also donated over K 7.6 million. The hospital was built at a cost of K 12 million and K 3 million will be used in other tasks. The construction of the hospital was completed on 16 June 2002.

After that, Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party visited the construction site of the new runway at Magway Airport of Asia World Co Ltd. They inspected construction of the runway using heavy machinery and earthen works.
At the briefing hall of the site, Project Engineers U Chan Sein and U Hla Myint reported to Maj-Gen Ye Myint on matters relating to construction tasks.
Then, Maj-Gen Ye Myint gave necessary instructions and attended to the needs.
The 3,300-ft section of the runway has already been paved with concrete for the first layer. Paving the first layer of another 2,000-ft section has been completed up to 40 per cent, and earthen works for paving of 1,500-ft section has been completed up to 90 per cent. Efforts are being made for timely completion of the tasks.
Golden bolts and nuts fixed for iron frame of Ayeyawady River (Magway) Bridge
Yangon, 30 June
- A ceremony to fix golden bolts and nuts at final link of the main iron frame of the Ayeyawady River (Magway) Bridge was held at the pandal on the bridge at 8.30 am today. Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence delivered an address and fixed the golden bolts and nuts.
Also present on the occasion were Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Central Command Commander Brig-Gen Ye Myint, Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Myint Thein, Magway Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Col Zaw Min, local authorities, departmental personnel, technical group leader Mr Shen Qing Long and party of China Agriculture Machinery Co Ltd, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Red Cross Brigade, Auxiliary Fire Brigade, band troupes, pom-pom troupes, dance troupes, students and local people.
First, Maj-Gen Ye Myint delivered an address. He said: Of the bridges across River Ayeyawady, the Magway Bridge is the longest one as well as the sturdiest and most beautiful one. As all have known, the Government has been making earnest efforts by laying down and implementing the Twelve Objectives in order to turn the nation into a peaceful, modern and developed one. With active participation of the public, the Government has been carrying out development works all over the country with the noble aims of enabling the country to keep abreast with world's nations; enhancing the national economic life; and raising the living standard of the people.
In accordance with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, the Government is laying emphasis on ensuring smooth and secure transportation for Magway. New airports, Institute of Medicine, Institute of Community Health, Technical College, Computer College, Education College, mills and factories, dams and reservoirs, etc are built in Magway Division for enabling it to possess characteristics of a divisional capital.
In constructing river-crossing bridges, the Government has to spend huge sums of funds including foreign exchange.
However, these endeavours are aimed at balanced development of States and Divisions, and promoting the socio-economic lives of the people. After completion of the bridge, the passengers and goods of the eastern bank of Ayeyawady River can be transported conveniently to the western bank. Regional products of Chin State, Rakhine State, Ayeyawady Division and Sagaing Division can easily be transported to various places on the eastern bank of Ayeyawady River. Next to Anawrahta Bridge, the Magway Bridge will surely benefit the local people of eastern and western banks of Ayeyawady River. At present, the western bank is less developed in comparison with the eastern bank.
The Magway Bridge will contribute towards the regional development on both banks. With better transportation among States and Divisions including border areas, trade as well as socio-economic life of the regional people will be promoted. Better transportation will also lead to increasing
contacts and dealings among the national peoples so that the national unity will further be strengthened. The Head of State has keen interest in the bridge construction and he himself visited the project site and provided necessary guidance and instructions.
The Head of State also urged officials concerned to complete the bridge construction earlier than the target date and to ensure the bridge to be of high quality. He also stressed to pay attention for preventing occupational hazards. Accordingly, local authorities and departmental officials concerned together with the workers are striving to complete the bridge soon. The Ayeyawady River (Magway) Bridge which will be very beneficial to the regional development as well as for the national development will soon emerge, he said.
Then, Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun gave a speech. He said that nowadays is in the period of the third five-year plan after implementing the first four-year plan and the second five-year plan by the Government beginning 1992. It can be seen that success have been achieved in carrying out the tasks in 24 development regions.
The Ministry of Construction is striving for development of transportation which is a fundamental tasks in building a modern and developed nation.
Head of State Senior General Than Shwe gave a guidance that it is necessary to make arrangements for improvement of transportation to equally develop the border areas like other developing regions of the Union and to improve relationships among the border areas and other regions.
Therefore, bridges and roads which are of importance in the transportation sector are being built in time.
For emergence of Ayeyawady Bridge (Magway), technicians of Public Works searched the axis road in Magway on 10-3-2002 in accord with the guidance of the Head of State Senior General Than Shwe. They viewed conditions of the river bank, the approach road, buildings in the area of the approach road, the water way and flow of the river water and submitted facts about Mingala-Phayakoehsukon route which has the stable river bank and suitable soil condition.
Then, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Senior General Than Shwe approved the route submitted at the opening ceremony of Ngamin Dam on 18-4-2002.
According to the decision of the Meeting No 1/99 of the Special Projects Implementation Central Committee held on 2 June 1999, Ayeyawady River (Magway) Project linking Magway and Minbu is being implemented.
The bridge has the 6,969 feet long main bridge and the 2,020 feet long approach bridge, totalling 8,989.
After the stake-driving ceremony on 20 January 2000, construction tasks of the bridge are being carried out with momentum by two working groups on Magway and Minbu banks.
Installation of iron beams at the bridge started on Minbu bank on 15 July 2001 and completed cent per cent on 5 June 2002. Similarly, installation of the iron beams began on 25 July 2001 and completed cent per cent on 18 June 2002. A total of 9,191.691 tons of iron beams were installed at the bridge.
At present, floor tiles have been placed at the main bridge and construction of the bridge will soon be completed in coming some months.
The Ministry of Construction has built roads and bridges all over the country for serving interests of the people in accord with the guidance of the Head of State. In the entire nation, there were 13,635 miles long roads in the past and there are 17,873 miles long roads now increasing 4,238 miles. In Magway Division, there were 1,307 miles long roads in the past and there are 1,642 miles now and the roads are being repaired in the division.
At present, 144 180-feet-long bridges have been opened in the country.
In conclusion, Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun thanked the Head of State and authorities together with workers for their contribution to construction of the bridge with work site safety in time.
Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Central Command Commander Brig-Gen Ye Myint
delivered a speech at the ceremony. He said: since taking over the
State responsibilities, the Government has been carrying out nation
building tasks and regional development tasks with participation of
the people.
As a result, new factories and mills, dams and
reservoirs, roads and bridges, etc have emerged one after another in
the central part of Myanmar. Better transportation will lead to
economic development and strengthening of the unity among the
national people.
Hence, the Government has been implementing road and bridge construction projects. In accordance with the guidance provided by Head of State Senior General Than Shwe major bridges needed for travelling from one place to another as well as for ensuring smooth and secure transportation and speedy flow of commodities are built here and there. The Ayeyawady River (Magway) Bridge is one of those projects. The Ayeyawady river is dividing the eastern and western banks and due to difficult transportation, the regions had less development.
The regional people in the past had to rely on waterways which is dangerous and inconvenient. Now the main iron frame of the Ayeyawady River (Magway) Bridge has been installed and the bridge construction will soon be completed. The bridge will surely be beneficial to the regional people as well as the entire national people. The completion of the bridge will bring about the network of transportation among States and Divisions and thus the bridge can be called as the Union Bridge. It will also be an important infrastructure for socio-economic development of the people of Central Myanmar.
Next, Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, Commander Brig-Gen Ye Myint and Divisional Peace and Development Council Chairman Col Zaw
Min took designated places and fixed golden bolts and nuts of the
bridge at the auspicious time of 9.11 am. Then the bolts and nuts
were sprinkled with scented water. Later, they strolled along the
bridge and inspected round it.
( 7 )
Maj-Gen Ye Myint addresses opening of multimedia teaching centre
Yangon, 30 June-Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence attended the opening of multimedia classrooms held at No 1
Basic Education High School, Minbu, on 28 June morning.

Also present on the occasion were Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Ye Myint, Chairman of Magway Division Peace and Development Council Col Zaw Min, Deputy Director-General of No 2 Basic Education Department (Upper Myanmar) U Thaung Khaing, members of division/district/township Peace and Development Councils, Parent-Teacher Association, the school board of trustees, WomenÕs Affairs Committees and Maternal and Child Welfare Association and the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Auxiliary Fire Brigade and students.
Headmaster U Hla Myint and Secretary of the School Board of Trustees U Kyaw Win Myint released
gas balloons and formally opened the ceremony. Maj-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence formally unveiled the signboard of the multimedia teaching centre.
Then, Maj-Gen Ye Myint, the commander, the chairman of Division Peace and Development Council and guests looked around the altar, the computer application and E-mail room, the computer aided instruction room, the reading corner and the language lab and inspected learning of the students. They also inspected the students learning at the domestic science room, the audio visual room, the painting room and the handicraft room. Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party were entertained with music and dance by the students.
Then, the opening cere-mony of the multimedia teaching centre was held at U Awbasa Hall of the school. Tenth grader Ma Yi Mon Nyein extended greetings and spoke words of thanks. Afterwards, Headmaster U Hla Myint and Secretary of the School Board of Trustees U Kyaw Win Myint briefed Maj-Gen Ye Myint on tasks for the multimedia class rooms.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint then presented video tapes to the headmaster and made a speech.
He said there are altogether 70 high schools in Magway Division and the multimedia classrooms have been opened at 14 schools. Measures have been undertaken for opening of multimedia classrooms at the rest schools during the 2002-2003 academic year.
Due to collective efforts of local authorities, school trustees, parents and wellwishers, multimedia classrooms have been emerging one after another day by day. National education plays a pivotal role for development of a nation and its people. Multimedia classrooms of the basic education schools are to be facilitated well as future oriented classrooms in view of ensuring them to be in line with IT development of 21st century.
Universities of Distant Education are upgraded to Open Universities by using the multimedia classrooms. The world is becoming the global
village due to the rapid development of IT which narrows down time and space. While IT is effecting conventional teaching and learning field, Myanmar should be able to obtain the advanced technology for keeping abreast with the developed nations.
State Peace and Development Council Chairman Senior General Than Shwe has
given the guidance to draw up long-term educational plan in line with
the 30-year Plans and to lay emphasis on education sector for ensuring
national human resource development.
order to enable the students to achieve all-round development, necessary
teaching and learning aids should be provided in full for doing
practical exercises, carrying out sports and school health activities,
and learning domestic science, agricultural and livestock breeding
lessons and arts and craft lessons at vocational training schools.
Nowadays, educational gap between rural and urban areas has become
narrow gradually.
In conclusion, Maj-Gen Ye Myint urged teachers and students to effectively utilize modern electronic facilities of the multimedia classrooms.
Afterwards, Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Commander Brig-Gen Ye Myint and Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Col Zaw Min posed for a documentary photo together with PTA members, school trustees and outstanding students.
( 8
) Surgical treatments performed for cleft lip and palate patients
Yangon, 30 June
- Under the arrangement to give surgical treatment free of charge to cleft lip and palate patients cooperated by the Ministry of Health and Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association, surgical operations were performed at Thanlyin Township People's Hospital this morning.
Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe and executives of MMCWA, Patron Daw Khin Thet Htay and committee members of Yangon Division Maternal and Child Welfare Supervisory Committee, Commander of No 2 Military Region Col Tin Oo Lwin, Deputy Director-General Dr Hla Pe and officials of the Health Department, chairmen of District and Township Peace and Development Councils in Yangon South District and members of MCWA of the nine townships in the district viewed the treatments of the surgical operations.
First, Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe and party viewed the operations and provided cash assistance to the patients.
Then, Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe explained the arrangement to give surgical treatments free of charge to cleft lip and palate patients by MMCWA and presented honorary gifts to the physicians who helped perform the surgical operations.
Under the arrangement, altogether 58 cleft lip and palate patients in Yangon South District were to be given surgical treatment free of charge. MMCWA conducted the gathering of patients, coordination with the specialists group led by Prof Dr Khin Maung Lwin of the Face, Jaw and Oral Surgery Unit of Yangon General Hospital and medical group led by the medical superintendent of Thanlyin People's Hospital to jointly perform surgical operations to the patients, coordination with local authorities and providing cash assistance to the patients.
A 28-member surgical team led by Prof Dr Khin Maung Lwin of the Face, Jaw and Oral Surgery Unit of Yangon General Hospital, lecturer Dr Htay Htay Yi, Anaesthetist Dr Kyaw Kyaw Soe and Matron Daw Khin Khin Kyu and another 20-member surgical team led by Surgical Specialist Dr Than Lwin, Anaesthetist Dr Mar Mar Oo of Thanlyin People's Hospital jointly performed the surgical operations free of charge.
Charges for the operations were spent out of the donation to the Chairman of the National Health Committee.
Afterwards, Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe and party proceeded to the delivery room of Thanlyin Township MCWA and donated required materials for the family income promotion measures of Myaingthaya Advanced Model Village in Kyauktan Township being implemented under the rural development programme by MMCWA. Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe
and party viewed the functions of the delivery room and fulfilled
the requirements.
Minister inspects bridge construction
Yangon, 30 June - Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, accompanied by officials, inspected Ayeyawady Bridge (Dedaye) construction site in Dedaye this morning. The superintending engineer reported on progress of work.
Ayeyawady Bridge (Dedaye) is situated on Yangon-Dalla-Kanbe-Kawhmu-Kungyangon-Dedaye-Pyapon Road crossing Ayeyawady River. It is 4,008 feet long and has 28 feet wide motorway and six feet wide pedestrian lanes on each side. The clearance is 39 feet wide and 36 feet high and it can withstand 60-ton loads.
( 9
) Yangon Command Commander's shield soccer tournament ends
Yangon, 30 June -The final match and prize presentation ceremony of Yangon Command Commander's shield soccer tournament for 2002 was held at Yangon Command Sports Grounds, Mingaladon, here yesterday evening. Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe attended the ceremony and presented the prizes and shield.
Also present were No 4 Military Region Commander Brig-Gen Myo Myint and the military region commanders, the station commanders, senior military officers and fans.
At the final match, Central Ordnance Depot team beat No 323 Supply and Transport Battalion team 7-6.
Then, a prize-presentation ceremony followed.
No 1 Military Region Commander Col Khin Maung Soe presented individual prizes to No 323 Supply and Transport Battalion team which stood second and No 2 Military Region Commander Col Tin Oo Lwin presented individual prizes to Central Ordnance Depot team which stood first. No 3 Military Region Commander Col Yan Naing Oo and No 4 Region Commander Brig-Gen Myo Myint presented the best player awards.
Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe presented championship shield to Central
Ordnance Depot team.
MWJA Conference delegates visit Book Fair
Yangon, 30 June-Book Fair being held in commemoration of the Third Conference of Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association in Sarpay Beikman Press compound on Pyay Road continued at 9 am
In the afternoon, dele-gates of the Third Conference of MWJA visited the Book Fair. Members of the committee for holding the Book Fair welcomed the
delegates, and on behalf of the committee Joint-Secretary 1 of MWJA U Myint Kywe (Maung Myint Kywe) extended greetings to them. Then, the delegates together with the visiting book lovers including monks and laity viewed the book stalls of News and Periodicals Enterprise, Sarpay Beikman of Printing and Publishing Enterprise and others. A shop selling VCDs and cassette tapes on Buddha Mahavamsa (Part-1) composed by Aenda Swe was also opened at the Book Fair. The Book Fair continues till 2 July from 9 am to 5 pm daily.