1 ) Direct involvement of Yodaya troops in the seizure of Tatmadaw outposts amounts to violating international law and UN fundamental principles
Yodaya and insurgents grow richer by smuggling Myanmar timber, minerals, gems and antiques,
poaching in Myanmar waters and producing narcotic drugs
People of Pathein support mass rallies denouncing SURA and KNU insurgents and respect national sovereignty by hoisting and saluting State Flag
Yangon, 29 June -The ceremony to support the national people's mass rallies denouncing SURA and KNU insurgents, who are undermining security and peace of border areas, and to show respect for sovereignty of the Union of Myanmar took place in the Koethein Sport Ground in Pathein, Ayeyawady Division, yesterday morning.
Present on the occasion were local people from wards of Pathein, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Red Cross Society, Auxiliary Fire Brigade, War Veterans Organization, Pathein Township Sasana Board of Trustees, Women's Affairs Committee, Maternal and Child Welfare Association, teachers, students, the State Flag bearing troupes and band troupes.
People of Bayintnaung column from Zagawa Street gathering point, Alaung-phaya column from the Pyidawwin Pagoda gathering point and Hsinbyushin column from Kanthaya Pyidaungsu Ground gathering point marched to the sports ground and took positions there.
In the sports ground, the people held the banners bearing the words
" Those who harm the Union are our enemies ", " Those who violate the sovereignty are our
enemies", " Those who break up national solidarity are our enemies",
" Crush all destructive elements", "Safeguard the security and tranquillity of the
State", " Oppose all destructive insurgents" , " We dutiful
Ayeyawady", "We faithful Ayeyawady" and "We united Ayeyawady".
Secretary of Pathein District USDA U Nyan Lin acted as master of ceremonies.
First, those present on the occasion saluted the State Flag.
Next, Pathein Township USDA member Daw Than Than Htay explained the ceremony to support the rallies denouncing SURA and KNU insurgents, who are encroaching on security and peace of border areas and the holding of the ceremony to show respect for sovereignty of the Union of Myanmar. She said: hoisting of the State Flags shows the support for the rallies denouncing SURA and KNU insurgents, who are encroaching on security and peace of border areas. Today's mass meeting was held to show that the people would not let the insurgents encroach on sovereignty of the State.
Since early 2002, the drug-trafficking SURA insurgents and KNU insurgents, with the support of Yodaya, have been encroaching on security and peace of the local people along the border area.

The local peoples held the mass rallies in Kengtung on 1 June and in Taunggyi on 2 June to denounce the insurgents who encroached upon the national sovereignty by obtaining support of Yodaya which is lacking good-neighbourly practices.
We all suffer too when some of the national peoples are harmed. We have the tradition of collectively wiping out foreign intruders without letting them occupy an inch of our motherland. We, the people, who love and cherish the country cannot remain indifferent when the insurgents are encroaching upon our sovereignty. Though hilly regions and the plain are divided by geographical condition and distance, the national people in the Union have been living together unitedly by drinking water from the same source and living in the same land like having eggs and the nest intact.
There were many instances in which the national peoples have always been collectively crushing all the dangers posed against the Union. It evidenced that blood is thicker than water.
The drug-trafficking SURA insurgents and the KNU insurgents harmed the border areas in various ways and means. By taking foothold in Yodaya's territory, the insurgents launched destructive acts harming the security and peace of border areas. Anyone who harms national sovereignty is the enemy of the nation and entire people. Hence, we the people bitterly denounce the drug-trafficking insurgent destructionists. We also support the mass rallies held in Taunggyi and Kengtung to denounce
the insurgents. By having passed the period of the brown and black areas, our Ayeyawady Division fully understands the fruits of independence and peace.

Thus, we will always strive to ensure the prevalence of peace and perpetuation of sovereignty. Each and every dweller of Pathein
today hoists the State Flags in the entire township and hold this
rally to show our respect for the sovereignty a s the lifeblood.
Especially among the youths, the spirit of never bowing our head when the sovereignty is harmed and the ardent fervour to crush all encroachments are kept alive and dynamic. Like the blood of King Bayint Naung, the blood of Myanmar peoples are still red. Our blood is as red as red can be.
In conclusion, I would like to urge all the people to put Our Three Main National Causes Non-disintegration of the Union; Non-disintegration of national solidarity and Perpetuation of sovereignty in the fore in view of enabling our nation to stand tall prestigiously in the world by keeping the spirit to crush all the enemies who attempt to disintegrate our Union.
Next, Kangyidaunt Township USDA member Farmer U Win Shwe explained matters relating to the encroachment upon the security, stability and peace of border areas through various ways and means by the SURA and KNU insurgents who are taking footholds in Yodaya. He said: As there were encroachments upon the sovereignty of the State, mass rallies held in Kengtung and Taunggyi. We, the masses of people in Ayeyawady Division, heartily support those mass rallies. In Pathein, the capital of Ayeyawady Division, State Flags are hoisted at every house and buildings. The hoisting of State Flags and marching of the people to this rally and pay respect to the State Flag show that we take value on our sovereignty and will not allow any encroachment upon the sovereignty. We will surely give effective response to any encroachment.
Since February 2002, SURA drug trafficking insurgents with footholds in Yodaya launched attack on Myanmar Tatmadaw camps on hill near Tachilek, Lwedawkhan camp, Pachee camp and Maikyoke camp, with heavy weapons and they encroached upon sovereignty of the border areas.
KNU terrorists has committed destructive acts for over 50 years and harmed Myanmar internal affairs and security of the border region. Yodaya has bred the armed terrorists to weaken Myanmar and to cause disintegration of the Union of Myanmar in various ways and means.
It is found that Yodaya has bred armed insurgents and is attempting to break up the country, blackening our reputation. It received expatriates and runaways including all anti-Myanmar government armed insurgents in its territory. It also opened refugee camps under the pretext of human rights and received international assistance.
On 20 May 2002, the drug-trafficking insurgents with the tanks and heavy weapons from Yodaya opened fire on Panmongsun, Nyaungbingon, Pangangaw and Yan-paingsun outposts. It was an encroachment upon sovereignty and an intolerable act.
In the battle 48 persons from Tatmadaw, Police Force and people's militiamen were lost, 21 arrested and 42 assorted arms were also lost.
There was direct involvement of Yodaya forces in this incident and it is obvious that it violated international laws and fundamental principles of the United Nations.
Myanmar always maintained good relations with all neighbouring countries, especially Yodaya which is bordering about 1,300 miles along the border.
However, Yodaya provided assistance to the insurgents fighting against Myanmar. It is not an act of a good neighbour.
The acts of Yodaya led to disintegration of unity among the national people, racial hatred, killing among them, disruption of stability of the State and undermining the development of the nation. In order to weaken Myanmar, Yodaya is planning to become its dependent nation.
Yodaya and the insurgents have become rich by smuggling out timber, minerals, gems and antiques from border areas in Myanmar, catching fish in Myanmar waters and producing narcotic drugs. There have been many Myanmar people who were persuaded for jobs and extorted money, threatened, arrested and tortured in Yodaya. Near the Myanmar border, Yodaya conducted military exercises with massive forces.
Myanmars should beware it. In early May this year, Yodaya army conducted military exercise with 30,000 members neat the border. It should be assumed that we must be aware of the national danger. It can vividly be seen that Yodaya has made timely arrangements to attack Tatmadaw outposts.
The Tatmadaw outposts which had been lost to the insurgents have now been reoccupied by the Tatmadaw during the period from 6 to 21 June. WE the people of Ayeyawady Division heartily take pride of it and praise the Tatmadawmen. Together with the Tatmadawmen, members of people's militia comprising the national people of Wa, Lahu, Shan and Akha national races took part in the combats.
It reflects the Union Spirit taking root deeply in the hearts of our people.
The entire national people are willing to safeguard the national sovereignty and territorial integrity. I would like to urge all to strive for letting no inch of our territory lost; to enhance the national prestige; and to perpetuate the national sovereignty by crushing all the internal and external destructive elements at the risk of lives and blood bravely.
Then, led by Secretary U Nyan Lin, those present collectively shouted the slogans
" Non-disintegration of the Union our cause, our cause", "Non-disintegration of the national solidarity our cause, our
cause", " Perpetuation of sovereignty our cause, our cause", which brought the rally to an end.
As a gesture showing respect for the sovereignty of the Union of Myanmar, the State flags were proudly hoisted at the government offices, markets, schools, houses, buildings, streets, the Town Hall, the people's
hospital and sports grounds as well as on vehicles and vessels on
that day.
( 2 )
Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association third Conference concludes
Yangon, 29 June - The third conference of Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association (2002) continued for the second day at the Pyidaungsu Hall in the Kyaikkasan Ground this morning. It was attended by Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung, Deputy Ministers U Thein Sein and Brig-Gen Aung Thein, MWJA Chairman U Hla Myaing (Ko Hsaung) and CEC members, members of the Central Committee for Holding the conference, work committees, representatives of states and
divisions, observers and guests.
MWJA CEC Member Dr Khin Maung Nyunt (Dr Khin Maung Nyunt) presided over the morning session together with U Khin Latt (Htet Kaung Latt) of Minbu Township, Magway Division, U Aye Wai (Aye Wai-Thayet) of Thayet Township, Magway Division, U Chit Swe (PyinOoLwin-Chit Swe) of PyinOoLwin Township, Mandalay Division, U Khin Maung Gyi (Khin Maung Gyi) of Chanayethazan Township, Mandalay Division, U Tin Soe (Thagadoe) of Pazundaung Township, Yangon Division and U Mya Thein (Moe Htet Myint-Dalta) of Mingaladon Township, Yangon Division. MWJA Central Executive Committee Joint-Secretary Dr Tin Tun Oo (Dr Tin Tun Oo) acted as master of ceremonies.
The CEC members of MWJA presented papers on promotion of journalism. U Khin Swe (Shwe Son Nyo) presented the paper titled
" Active participation of journalists in carrying out tasks for development of literature under the leadership of
MWJA"; U Tin Hlaing (Letwintha Saw Chit), the paper titled " Making collective efforts for promotion of journalism, method and informative writing and for turning out new literary
generations"; Lt-Col Ohn Maung (Retd) (Myinmu-Maung Naing Moe), the paper titled
"Continuous exhortation for flourishing of patriotism and Union Spirit, and active participation in carrying out nation-building
tasks"; U Myo Thant (Maung Hsu Shin), the paper titled " Preserving national
heritage, classical literature and contemporary Myanmar literature and widely exposing them to local and international spheres
"; U Chit Naing (Chit Naing-Psychology), the paper titled " Ensuring contribution of literary benefits towards rural regions for development of human
resources"; and U Kyaw Win (Manuttha Kyaw Win), the paper titled
"Uplift of national prestige, integrity and literature".
Then, U Kyaing Myint (Maung Yan Shin) of Botahtaung Township and U Soe Win (Tekkatho Soe Yin) of Mingala Taungnyunt Township presented their reviews on the six papers of the six CEC members.
Afterwards, CEC Member U Hlaing Kywe (Cartoon Maung Wunna) explained MWJA CECÕs efforts regarding township WJAs formed at the second conference, substitute forming of township organizing committees and reforming of township WJAs to township organizing committees.
The MWJA chairman announced the resignation of CEC members of the second conference and the third conference was in recess.
The afternoon session followed at noon. Chairman of the Election Supervisory Committee of MWJA Dr Kyaw Sein and members supervised tasks in electing new CEC members. Secretary of the Supervisory Committee U Aye Cho (MA) acted as master of ceremonies.
The chairman explained systems of indication to vote for new CEC members.
After that, the new CEC members were elected by ballot. Chairman Dr Kyaw Sein read out the list of the 25 new members.
The newly-elected CEC members held the first meeting of executives and assigned duties.
Dr Kyaw Sein read out the duties assigned to the five members of the Central Committee and the 25 CEC members. Then, the CEC members took an oath in front of the chairman and the afternoon session was adjourned for a while.
The evening session followed at 3.30 pm. MWJA Vice-Chairman 1 U Tin Kha (Tekkatho Tin Kha) chaired the session together with U Kyi Aye (Hsinbyugyun Aung Thein) of Thakayta Township, U Bo Thein (Taungdwin Bo Thein) of Kengtung Township, U Hla Maung Latt (Hsipaw-Ko Latt) of Hsipaw Township, U Lay Myint (Lay Myint) of Myaungmya Township, U Hla Myo (Yebaw Hla Myo) of Pyapon Township and U Tin (Tekkatho Hnin Wai) of Kyimyindine Township. MWJA CEC Secretary U Hla Tun (Hla Tun-Twantay) acted as master of ceremonies.
The master of ceremonies announced that the newly-elected CEC members were selected as members of the Central Committee.
The conference passed five resolutions, made three approvals and put six matters on record, and they were then confirmed and signed by the chairman, the secretary, and members of the panel of chairmen.
Afterwards, newly-elected Chairman U Hla Myaing (Ko Hsaung) extended greetings.
He expressed thanks for electing him new chairman of Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association.
The MWJA has passed 12 years and held the third conference. He praised the chairmen and central executive committee for their service with sense of duty.
He said that the MWJA is a non-governmental mass organization and members of the association are those who participated in development of literature based on their natural bent. Needless to say that duties of literati are high in nation-building tasks. It is clear that the literati have to fulfil the needs of information, education and entertainment activities through their constructive efforts in multi-media era.
This is why standard and high quality works are to be produced in the short term or in the long term.
The MWJA has to discharge the duties for development of literature and producing quality works that serve the interest of the people while undertaking organizing matters and welfare activities to be a consolidated association. Individual capability and unity of the association must be combined.
The third conference has laid down 13 future tasks which are to be carried out by the associations at different levels and individuals. The tasks are also to be implemented with the performance of literati who are intellectuals and intelligentsia.
Literati are the ones on whom the State rely and respected by the people and reading public. They have right qualifications in preservation of national prestige and integrity.
That is why the motto uplift of national prestige and integrity and prestige of literature is being implemented.
In the present international field the terms globalization and development of human resources are popular. Members of MWJA are to make efforts themselves for human resource development and are responsible for organizing people through their literary works.
In conclusion, he urged all members to strive in unity for emergence of a new peaceful, modern and developed nation with the combination of collective leadership and individual responsibility.
Vice-Chairman of MWJA U Tin Kha (Tekkatho Tin Kha) expressed his pleasure for giving advice in implementation of the future tasks.
He said Central Executive Committee would take into consideration the discussions and advice of the delegates. He also hoped that delegates would receive the replies. He thanked the delegates who participated in election of members of Central Executive Committee in unity. It was the example of solidarity that led to perpetuation of the association.
He also thanked those who rendered assistance for success of the conference.
Then, members of the panel of chairmen and delegates shouted the slogans "
Perpetuation of sovereignty our cause, our cause", " Uplift of national prestige and integrity through literature Ñ our cause, our
cause", " Opposing and crushing external and internal destructive elements our cause, our
cause" and "Development of Myanmar literature and its quality our cause, our
cause" and " Establishment of a modern and developed nation must succeed, must
succeed", which brought the conference to an end in the evening.
( 3
MWJA Third Conference passes five resolutions, makes three approvals and put six matters on record
Yangon, 29 June - The Third Conference of Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association, held from 28 to 29 June, successfully concluded at Pyidaungsu Hall in Kyaikkasan Grounds here this evening, and passed five resolutions, approved three issues and put six matters on record. Resolution No 1 is to adopt the instructions of Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung made at the first day session of the conference on 28-6-2002 as working guidance for different levels of the association. Resolution No 2 is to implement the nine future tasks of central executive committee presented at the first day session of the conference as future tasks for different levels of the association.
1. All MWJA members are to participate in implementing five rural development tasks guided by Head of State Senior General Than Shwe.
2. All MWJA members are to actively take part in nation-building endeavours
with their literary skills.
3. to extend organization work and
consolidation of the association, to ensure high leadership and keep
members alive and dynamic in organization matters.
4. to enrich the knowledge of members,
to ensure the literary rights and welfare and to increase the number
of readers.
5. all writers and journalists are to
participate in literary development tasks under the leadership of
the association.
6. to make efforts for the emergence of new generations and in improving the writings of the writers and journalists.
7. to constantly urge reading public to get imbued with nationalist spirit and Union Spirit in participating in nation-building endeavours.
8. to preserve national heritage, classics and contemporary Myanmar literature and to make them known to local and international readers.
9. to have the benefits of literature right
down to the villages for human resource development.
Resolution No 3 passed the following six
objectives as the objectives of the association.
1. All members are to actively participate in literary development tasks.
2. to make collective efforts in boosting the ability of journalism.
3. All members are to strive together with the government, the Tatmadaw and the public in building up a peaceful, modern and developed nation.
4. to constantly uplift the national prestige and integrity and to make efforts for flourishing Union Spirit.
5. to make efforts in preservation of Myanmar literature and make them known to local and international readers.
6. to ensure all readers to enjoy the benefits of the literature for human resource development.
The Resolution No 4 passed was the tasks for implementation of the six papers on acceleration of literary and periodicals tasks tabled by the CEC on the second day session of the Third MWJA Conference (29-6-2002) and seconded by two representatives.
The Resolution No 5 passed was designation of townships representatives at the conference and CEC members elected at the Third Conference as the Central Body members according to the MWJA Constitution.
The first issue out of the three approved was the report of the Central Executive Committee submitted by CEC Secretary U Hla Tun (Hla Tun-Twantay) on the first day session of the Conference (28-6-2002) and seconded by eight representatives.
The second issue approved was the financial report and the report on literary fund submitted by CEC member U Khin Maung Tun (Khin Maung Tun-Lanmadaw) on the first day session of the Conference (28-6-2002) and the audit report by leader of the audit group U Maung Win (Maung Win-Sarpay). The third issue approved was the motion on amendment to the MWJA Constitution tabled by CEC member U Than Hlaing on the first day session of the Conference (28-6-2002) and seconded by two representatives.
The first issue out of the six placed on record was the six townships which won first prizes for excellent performance and six townships also won special prizes for excellent performance on the first day session of the Conference (28-6-2002).
The second issue put placed on record was the motion on denouncing SURA and KNU insurgents who are encroaching upon security and peace at border areas tabled on the first day session of the Conference (28-6-2002).
The third issue put on record was the report on organizing of new nine WJAs, upgrading of four township organizing committees as four WJAs and reorganizing of three WJAs as the organizing committees submitted by the CEC member on the second day session of the Conference (29-6-2002).
The fourth issue was the praising of five persons who won the international literary awards and titles from abroad and 44 persons who won titles presented by the State after holding the second Central Body Meeting of MWJA.
The fifth was the contribution of wellwishers, the National Convention Convening Commission, the Ministry of Information and ministries concerned, organizations, companies, artistes and others for the successful holding of the conference.
The sixth issue placed on record was the condolences for 120 MWJA members including 37 doyen literati, MWJA Chairman U Kyaw Aung (Kyaw Aung) and CEC member Dr Tin Shwe (Sayawun Tin Shwe) during the period from the end of the second conference to 31 December, 2001.
Third MWJA conference elects new CEC members

Yangon, 29 June - The second and last day programme of the Third Conference of Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association continued at the Pyidaungsu Hall in Kyaikkasan Ground this morning and successfully concluded in the afternoon. A 25-member new Central Executive Committee was elected at the conference.
Five Central Executive Committee members elected in line with the amendments to the constitution of MWJA are U Tin Kha (Tekkatho-Tin Kha), U Myint Thein (Myint Thein Aung), U Chit Naing (Chit Naing-Psychology), U Aye Tun (Htet Aung) and Daw Cho Cho Tin (Ma Sandar).
Twenty-five Central Executive Committee members are Chairman U Hla Myaing (Ko Hsaung), Vice-Chairman-1 U Tin Kha (Tekkatho-Tin Kha), Vice-Chairman-2 U Than Maung (Than Maung), Vice-Chairman-3 U Myint Thein (Myint Thein Aung), Secretary U Hla Tun (Hla Tun-Twantay), Joint-Secretary-1 U Myint Kywe (Maung Myint Kywe), Joint-Secretary-2 Dr Tin Tun Oo (Dr Tin Tun Oo), Joint-Secretary-3 U Khin Shwe (Shwe Son Nyo), Auditor U Maung Win (Maung Win Publishing House) and members U Myo Thant (Maung Hsu Shin), Dr Khin Maung Nyunt (Dr Khin Maung Nyunt), U Chit Naing (Chit Naing-Psychology), U Kyaw Win (Manutha Kyaw Win), Daw Yin Yin (Saw Mon Hnyin), Daw Khin Khin Sein (Yuwady Khin Sein Hlaing), U Khin Maung Tun (Khin Maung Tun-Lanmadaw), U Tin Hlaing (Letwintha Saw Chit), U Ohn Pe (Ohn Pe-Pakokku), Dr Maung Maung (Maung Hsin Chin), Lt-Col Ohn Maung (Retd) (Myinmu- Maung Naing Moe), U Aye Tun (Htet Aung), U Kyi Nyunt (Chitkyiyay Kyi Nyunt), U Ye Tint (Ye Tint), U Kyaw Min (Min Kyaw Min), U Kyi Lwin (Cartoon Ngwe Kyi), U Hlaing Kywe (Cartoon Maung Wunna), U Than Hlaing (Tekkatho Thinkha), Daw Cho Cho Tin ( Ma Sandar), Daw Khin Than Win (Kyu Kyu Thin) and U Soe Shein (Maung Soe Hteik-Thonze).
( 4
) Maj-Gen Ye Myint inspects dams, road sections in Mandalay, Magway Divisions

Yangon, 29 June - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office and departments, left here by air on 27 June morning and arrived at Bagan-NyaungU Airport at 7.15 am. Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party, accompanied by Brig-Gen Than Tun of Kyaukpadaung Station and Magway Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Col Zaw Min, proceeded to Kyetmauktaung Reservoir in Kyaukpadaung Township and inspected flow of water into the dam and irrigation matters.
Then, they arrived at Taungyaychaung Dam Project which is the No 2 regulating dam of Kyetmauktaung Reservoir. At the briefing hall there, Staff Officer U Aung Moe Win of Construction-7 of Irrigation Department reported on the project No 2 Taungyay-chaung regulating dam in Kyaukpadaung Township and the project No 1 Kyauktada regulating dam in Natmauk Township and progress of work. Maj-Gen Ye Myint gave necessary instructions.
They then inspected the tasks being carried out with the use of heavy machinery. Taungyaychaung Dam Project is located near Tebinhte village in Kyaukpadaung Township. The dam will be of earth one. The dam will have 75 feet high and 4,323 feet long embankment. Storage capacity of the dam will be 5,000 acres-feet. The project is being implemented beginning 2002-2003 fiscal year with the aim of supplying water to Kyetmauktaung Reservoir.
Next, Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party heard reports on repaving of six miles and four furlongs long Zibyugon-Phetthantaung road section presented by Senior Engineer Daw Tin Nwe Aye of
Public Works at the briefing hall at the junction of
Kyaukpadaung-Meiktila Road and Ywamon-Natmauk Road.
Afterwards, they arrived at Pinchaung Dam being maintained by Irrigation Department and inspected the flow of water into the dam.
Then, they saw over
thriving of trees at 1,000
acres of the reserved reed
area being conserved by
Arid Zone Greening Department in Kyaukpadaung Township.
Next, they inspected construction of gravel road near ancient Pin city and repair of the road at the mile post 20/4 at the border of Kyaukpadaung and Natmauk Townships. They then inspected Kyaukpadaung-Zibyugon-Ywamon-Natmauk Road by car and the road section of Kyaukpadaung-Natmauk-Pyawbwe Road.
In Myolulin village in Myothit Township, Maj-Gen Ye Myint heard reports on preparation for repaving the road and availability of gravel and gave necessary instructions.
In the afternoon, they arrived at historic Zeya Pagoda in Taungdwingyi and inspected progress in construction of the first terrace of the pagoda.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint heard reports on renovation tasks and receiving of donations and requirements of the township by officials. Then, Maj-Gen Ye Myint gave instructions to officials.
Taungdwingyi-Myothit-Natmauk-Ywamon-Zibyugon-Kyaukpadaung Road is 77 miles and seven furlongs long. Taungdwingyi-Magway-Yenangyoung-Kyaukpadaung Road is 117 miles long. So the former is 39 miles shorter. Local people will go easily from Ywamon junction to Pyawbwe and Kyaukpa-daung.
On completion of the road, villages along the road will develop. As the road construction tasks are being carried out in line with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, 61 miles long road section on Natmauk-Ywamon-Pyawbwe Road have been repaved. The 77 miles and seven furlongs long road section has been tarred and the 49 miles and one furlong road section has been gravelled. The remaining section is being upgraded as the tarred one.
Next, Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party arrived in Magway at 4 pm.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo presents stationery, clothes, cash
assistance to students in Mawlamyine, Mudon

Yangon, 29 June - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Maung Bo of the Ministry of Defence, accompanied by Chairman of Mon State Peace and Development Council Commander of South-East Command Brig-Gen Thura Myint Aung and officials, attended the ceremony to present rice, cash assistance, stationery and uniforms to the students of training schools under Social Welfare Department in Mon State at Sangyi Ward Youth Training School in Mawlamyine on 27 June morning.
First, Head of Mon State SWD U Ko Ko Naing reported on progress of the training schools of SWD in Mon State. Maj-Gen Maung Bo then presented K 100,000, rice, stationery and clothes to 46 students of the Youth Training School and Commander Brig-Gen Thura Myint Aung, K 100,000, rice, stationery and clothes to 32 school girls of the Women's Yeiktha. On behalf of all the students, a student spoke words of thanks. After the ceremony, Maj-Gen Maung Bo and the commander cordially met with the students.
Afterwards, Maj-Gen Maung Bo attended the donation ceremony of exercise books and stationery at Sasana Weipunla Monastery in Nyaungbinseik Village, Kyaikmaraw Township.
Then, they donated provisions and exercise books to the Sayadaws. After the ceremony, Maj-Gen Maung Bo met with officials of Nyaungbinseik village and explained matters related to rural development tasks. He then inspected construction of new school building.
Next, Maj-Gen Maung Bo attended the ceremony to donate exercise books, stationery and uniforms to Dhamma Thukha Monastery in Shwemyaing Thiri Ward in Mawlamyine and offered exercise books, stationery and uniforms to six monastic education schools.
In the afternoon, they attended the donation ceremony of exercise books, stationery and uniforms to monastic education schools in Mudon Township. Later, Maj-Gen Maung Bo paid homage and donated provisions to Sayadaw U Okkansa of Mula Mingun Thatipahtan Kyaung in Mudon.
( 5 )
Supervisory Committee for Ensuring Smooth and Secure Transport meets
Yangon, 29 June-The weekly work coordination meeting of the Supervisory Committee for Ensuring Smooth and Secure Transport in Yangon Division was held at the meeting hall of Yangon Division All Private Bus Lines Control Committee (Yangon City) on Laydaungtkan Street in Tamwe Township yesterday evening, with an address by Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Chairman of SCESST Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe.
Also present on the occasion were the commanders of military region, the station commanders, members of SCESST, departmental officials, the chairmen of private bus lines in Yangon Division and guests.
In his address, Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe
stressed the need for drivers and conductors to have goodwill on
service personnel, students and the public in ensuring smooth and
comfortable transportation. Complaints by the public may be made to
the authorities concerned and they will systematically be handled,
he said. Action will be taken against those including drivers and
passengers who break the existing laws and traffic rules, he
stressed and urged the officials concerned to make effective
supervision for road safety and ensuring smooth and secure
Those present reported on their respective work
sector-wise and the chairmen of private bus lines on supervisory
tasks for systematic running of bus lines. In response to the
reports, the commander fulfilled the requirements and gave
instructions on setting up the warning signboards near the schools
and systematic supervision of traffic rules enforcement supervisory
committee members.
Commander inspects sanitation work carried out in Yangon Division
Yangon, 29 June - Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe, accompanied by Vice-Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa and officials, inspected sanitation work being carried out in Yangon City by Tatmadawmen, members of Myanmar Police Force, service personnel of YCDC, Union Solidarity and Development Association, Red Cross and Auxiliary Fire Brigade and local people, today.
At 6.45 am, Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe, the vice-mayor and party arrived at the site of sanitation tasks being carried out at Magyitan Drainage at Pale Island of Kandawgyi in Bahan Township. Head of Engineering Department (Road/Bridge) U Bo Htay of YCDC reported on flow of water at Magyitan Drainage and proper drainage.
Then, the Commander and party saw over the clearing of the drainage undertaken at Aungmingala Creek in Kyaukmyaunggyi Ward, Tamway Township, Mani Yadana Creek crossing Thunanda Road in North Okkalapa Township and sanitation works at drainages on both sides of Pyidaungsu Road near the junction of Pyidaungsu Road and Yazadarit Road in Ward 38.
Dagon Myothit (North) Township. Head of the department U Bo Htay reported on cleaning work being carried out and future tasks.
The Commander said that officials at the different levels must supervise sanitation tasks to be undertaken at the drainages and creeks on roads and wards in Yangon City by Tatmadawmen, MPF members, USDA, Red Cross and Auxiliary Fire Brigade members and local people in cooperation with the workers of YCDC on Saturdays and Sundays during the rainy season.
Next, the commander, Deputy Ministers U Kyaw Tin, Brig-Gen Win Sein, Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko and U Nyi Hla Nge, Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa and party attended the merit-sharing ceremony for the three-storey building at Pariyatti Saddhammapala Aungmye-bontha Sankyaung on Pyay Road in Ward 4 of Mayangon Township and supplicated on religious affairs.
Also present were Vice-Chairman of State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Bhaddanta Sirinda-bhivamsa Masoeyein Sayadaw and members of the Sangha, wellwishers and guests.
First, they took the Five Precepts from the Vice-Chairman Sayadaw.
Next, the Commander supplicated on religious affairs and offered provisions to the Sayadaws.
Then, Chairman of the Building Construction Committee Deputy Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs U Kyaw Tin reported on construction of the building and Secretary of the Fund-raising Sub-committee Chairman of Mayangon Township Peace and Development Council U Hla Moe on financial report.
Afterwards, the Commander accepted donations from the wellwishers and presented certificates of honour to them. Later, Joint-Secretary of State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Agga Maha Pandita Sayadaw Bhaddanta Osadhabhivamsa delivered a sermon, followed by sharing of merits.
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Commander visits blood donation ceremony, sanitation work
Yangon, 29 June - Hailing the Myanmar Women's Day, which falls on 3 July 2002, Township USDA members of townships in Yangon West District organized by Yangon Division USDA carried out sanitation work at Central Midwifery Training School on Khayebin Road in Dagon Township and donated blood at Children's Hospital this morning.
Present on the occasion were Yangon Division USDA Patron Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe, Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, Deputy Minister Professor Dr Mya Oo, USDA CEC member Yangon Division in-charge Col Maung Pa and officials. At 7 am, the collective blood donation ceremony was held at the Children's Hospital on Pyidaungsu Yeiktha Road in Dagon Township. Yangon Division USDA Secretary U Aye Myint explained the purpose of the donation ceremony and Medical Superintendent Dr Mya Thein spoke words of thanks.
Then, Yangon Division Secretary U Aye Myint presented K 81,000 for the blood bank of Children's Hospital donated by Yangon Division USDA and YCDC Vice-Chairman Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa to K 100,000 for ChildrenÕs Hospital donated by YCDC to the medical
Next, the commander, the minister and officials visited the blood donation ceremony of 60 USDA members from Yangon West District.
Similarly, the sanitation work was carried out in the compound of Central Midwifery Training School from 7 am to 10 am. USDA members of Yangon West District, MPF members, Committees for Women's Affairs of townships in the district, Maternal and Child Welfare Association and Red Cross and Auxiliary Fire Brigades participated in the sanitation work.
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MCB holds general meeting
Yangon, 29 June - Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone attended the Tenth General Meeting of Myanmar
Citizens' Bank Ltd held at the Yuzana Garden Hotel on Alanpya Pagoda Road this morning.
Also present at the meeting were members of the Board of Directors of the bank, share holders and guests.
The minister and the meeting chairman made speeches. Member of BOD U Than Aung submitted the report of BOD, financial statement and auditing report and announced the profit sharing.
Then, member of BOD Managing Director of Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading U Min Hla Aung announced the new members of the BOD, and share holder Daw Mi Mi Kyaw
the list of the internal audit committee.
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Matriculation examination results announced
Yangon, 29 June - The results of the matriculation examination held in March 2002 were announced at the respective examination centres in townships of States and Divisions at 6 am on Sunday (30-6-2002).
In addition, results for the students of States and Divisions except Yangon Division were announced at Basic Education High School No 1 in Insein Township, BEHS No 1 in Yankin Township, BEHS No 3 in Kamayut Township, BEHS No 1 in Lanmadaw Township, BEHS No 2 in Dagon Township and BEHS No 1 in Thingangyun
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) Matriculation exam results of difficult transport areas
on air
Yangon, 29 June - The results of the matriculation examination 2002 for examination centres where transport and communications is difficult in States and Divisions will be broadcast on the programme of the Radio Myanmar on the 30.85 metre at 1.30 pm on 30 June (Sunday).
The areas are: Tanai, Machambaw, Putao, Nagmon, Phakant and Sumprabum in Kachin State, Papun, Kyain-Seikkyi and Kamamaung in Kayin State, Kanpetlet, Matupi, Mindat and Paletwa in Chin State, Gwa, Kyeintali, An, Manaung and Zayatkon-khin in Rakhine State, Momeik, Namsang (North), Monghsat, Kunlong, Mong-ton, Mongpyin, Maukmai, Mongyawng, Kehsi Mahsam, Kunhing, Hopang, Mongkhat, Mongpan, Mongphyat, Ma-bein, Mongshu and Mongton in Shan State, Palaw, Bokpyin and Pala in Taninthayi Division, Pauk, Htilin, Saw, Laungshe, Kyaukhtu, Sedok-tara and Ngaphe in Sagaing Division, Nanyun in Sagaing Division and Coco Islands Yangon Division. The broadcast of the remaining part of the results will continue at 520 metre medium wave and 30.85 metre short wave at 9 pm after the Myanmar programmes.