1 ) State Peace and Development Council Chairman Senior General Than Shwe sends message of sympathy to China
Yangon, 29 June - Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of sympathy to His Excellency Mr Jiang Zemin, President of the People's Republic of China, for the heavy loss of life and property caused by recent devastating floods in the People's
Republic of China.
( 2 )
National people including literati urged to equip themselves with strong patriotism, spirit of never giving an inch and yielding to all encroachments on nation's sovereignty and territorial integrity
Entire literary force required to actively, energetically, harmoniously strive for
cent-per-cent realization of literary and national objectives under MWJA's leadership
Third Conference of Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association (2002) opens
Yangon, 28 June - The Third Conference of the Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association (2002) was opened at Pyidaungsu Hall in Kyaikkasan Grounds here this morning, with an address delivered by Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung.
The minister said the men of letters are the persons preserving and promoting the heritage of Myanmar literature and handing it down to the future generations throughout history.
The ancient intellectual monks and lay persons of the literary field preserved the heritage of wisdom and education through literature, giving directions, saying that uplift of the literature would help raise the dignity of the nation and that wisdom could be gained through literature.
The minister elaborated on the efforts of the ancient literati to help preserve the national dignity and integrity and the pride of literature and the present day literati's efforts to promote literature.
It is important to enhance the intellectual level of the people at a time when efforts are being made to modernize and develop the nation.
" Our Three Main National Causes " has been laid down as the national policy for perpetuation of the sovereign of the Union of Myanmar. The 12 political, economic and social objectives have been continuously implemented as a steering force for the national policy.
The third five-year short-term national economic plan from fiscal 2001-2002 to fiscal 2005-2006 has been implemented at present aiming to realize the two objectives Ñ Extension of health and education activities for human resources development; and rural development. Human resources development is a necessity to build a modern and developed nation.
The minister then explained the State's endeavours
to develop the human resources sector. The government has been
extending and maintaining friendly relations with the countries
around the world in accord with its independent and active foreign
policy based on equality, justice, peace and development, enabling
the Union of Myanmar to stand tall among the international community
as a sovereign nation. Myanmar is strictly adhering to the five
principles of peaceful co-existence in extending her international
relations, believing that only the mutual understanding, love,
friendship and cooperation will bring peace and prosperity to
the whole region.
Thus, all the nations are required to observe the good neighbourly practices and the principles of peaceful co-existence.
As they are the highly civilized people, all the Myanmar people including members of MWJA will have to give respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of other nations while trying to equip themselves with the strong patriotism, possessing the spirit of never yielding and giving an inch to all encroachments on the nation's sovereignty and territorial integrity.
The power of literature has been great in organizing to promote the national spirit in the whole country, and it has played a key role in the national movements throughout the successive eras.
The pen was as mightier as the sword in the successive eras of history and also in the anti-colonialists and anti-Fascist struggles. It is high time to awaken the people for national cause and strengthen the national forces as long-term and short-term plans have been laid down and implemented to build a peaceful modern and all-round developed nation. The people should be organized to vitalize their nationalistic fervour. Thus, the entire literary force of the nation should actively, energetically and harmoniously strive for cent-per-cent realization of the literary and national objectives under the leadership of MWJA.
The State is conferring the literary PhD and outstanding awards in the arts field on the doyen literati and other assistance to them in its continuous efforts in developing the literary sector.
The Information and Public Relations Department of the Ministry of Information has opened 318 libraries in townships and districts, organizing and educating the public with the help of TVs, video players, radios, cassettes and books. The ministry has also set up e-libraries with the help of local authorities and people, distributing literary knowledge and information to all the readers. Over 600 self-help libraries have also been set up in towns and villages all over the country. The self-reliant libraries and IPRD libraries of the ministry are serving as the knowledge bank for the people.
Plans are under way to set up learning centres equipped with e-libraries, the Institute of Mass and Multimedia, sub-printing houses at suitable places to distribute information to the people in time and to catch up with the modern information techniques.
The Central Committee for Registration of the Publishers and Printers issued licences for 727 publishers and 4,152 printers up to the end of 2001, who published 7,991 categories of books in 2001.

The growing private publishing houses should not lose sight of the task to promote the religion, preserve cultural heritage and vitalize the patriotic spirit and Union Spirit and to observe the principles laid down by the central registration committee.
Throughout history, the literature has educated the people to have a tradition of possessing correct thoughts and lifestyles, standing firm on the right national path, loyally safeguarding the nation and possessing the spirit to love justice. Due to these traditions, Myanmar can stand with dignity as a nation always adhering to the good neighbourly practices and the policy of straightforwardness.
The firmness and the strength of the literary sector is required as it is the main source of the national culture. The conviction the loss of literature will lead to vanishing of the race is not an extreme believe. There is an evidence proving that the conviction is right. For example, failure to create a unformed alphabet system in building the Union had led the foreign alphabets to taken the place of the Myanmar alphabets in some cases.
The MWJA is formed with 165 township branches and a strength of over 6,000. All the branches are required to lay down effective and uniform objectives and work programmes and to unitedly carry out their task.
The minister spoke of the need to continuously hold the ceremony to pay respect to the aged literati and to set up funds for them and to publish classical literature.
All will have to make efforts for qualitative and quantitative improvement of the literature helping vitalize and promote patriotism and Union Spirit, benefit the nation and strengthen the national outlook. They will have to make constructive efforts to wipe out the poisonous literature which leads to perverting the thoughts and morals of the readers.
Efforts should be made to promote the translated works of the Myanmar literature in enabling the people of the world to study and read it. In addition to the routine works, the men of letters have also the national duty to refute all attempts to disturb the national cause.
In conclusion, the minister urged the literati to strive for national and literary development as there is interrelationship between the development of the Union and the literature; to strive for long lasting of the Myanmar society through the literature; to write and publish books benefiting the nation and to get rid of the poisonous literature; to have the conviction that it is their duty to hand down the national pride and integrity to future generations.
The master of ceremonies Secretary of the MWJA Central Body U Hla Tun (Hla Tun-Twante) read out the agenda.
Also present at the meeting were Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe, ministers, the Auditor-General, the chairman of Civil Service Selection and Training Board, deputy ministers, the director-general of the State Peace and Development Council Office, heads of department, Chairman of MWJA U Hla Myaing (Ko Hsaung) and central executive committee members, doyen literati, chief editors of dailies and Myanmar News Agency of the Ministry of Information, members of Myanmar Maternal and Chile Welfare Association, Myanmar National Committee for Women's
Affairs, Yangon Division Union Solidarity and Development
Association, Myanmar War Veterans Organization, Myanmar Foreign
Correspondents Club, Myanmar Motion Picture Association, Myanmar
Music Association, Myanmar Drama Artistes Association, Myanmar
Traditional Artists Association, Myanmar Red Cross Society, Myanmar
Publishers Association, Myanmar Women Entrepreneurs Association and
Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry,
delegates of the states and divisions to the conference, observers,
donors and guests.
( 3 ) Third Conference of Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association commences
Yangon, 28 June- The first day session of the third Conference of Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association 2002 started today at Pyidaungsu Hall of Kyaikkasan Grounds.
It was attended by Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Chairman of MWJA U Hla Myaing (Ko Hsaung) and CEC members, members of the committee for observance of the conference, members of work committees, conference representatives from states and division and observers.
On the occasion, Vice-Chairman of MWJA U Than Maung (Than Maung) presided over the conference, and U Khin Maung Nyein (Khin Maung Nyein-Myangonhsaung) of Sagaing Division, U Tin Nyunt (Maung Hayman) of Kayah State, U Tin Shein (Min Kyawt Shein) of Yangon Division, U Man Thint Naung (Man Thint Naung-Kawkareik) of Kayin State, U Ba Wine (Shwebu Min Zeya) of Yangon Division and U Shein Aung (Shein Aung Bo) of Yangon Division as members. Joint-Secretary of MWJA Dr Tin Tun Oo acted as master of ceremonies. After reading out the agenda of the conference, the third conference 2002 was declared open.
Then, Vice-Chairman of MWJA U Than Maung (Than Maung) made an opening address, and Chairman of MWJA U Hla Myaing (Ko Hsaung) made a speech. Next, U Hla Tun (Hla Tun-Twantay), Secretary of MWJA, presented the CEC report of MWJA, which included the chapter (1) formation, chapter (2) organization work, chapter (3) financial work, chapter (4) publishing work, chapter (5) fund-raising work, chapter (6) welfare work, chapter (7) international relations, chapter (8) honouring and documentation, chapter (9) fund supervisory committee, chapter (10) holding of meetings, chapter (11) general, chapter (12) condolence, chapter (13) review and suggestion, and chapter (14) future task.
CEC member of MWJA U Khin Maung Tun (Khin Maung Tun-Lanmadaw) reported on matters related to financial report and literary fund presented by CEC of MWJA. After the audit report presented by the audit board was read out by U Maung Win (Maung Win-Sarpay), leader of the audit board, the morning session went into recess.
CEC member of MWJA U Ohn Pe (Ohn Pe-Pakokku) presided over the conference, which continued at 12.30 pm, and U Tun Shwe (Pyay Tun Shwe) of Yangon Division, U Soe Win (Hmawwun-Win Myat) of Kyauktan Township, U Saw San Oo (Saw Nyein Chan-Myawady) of Kayin State, U Thin Kha Kyaw (MraukU Anichay) of Rakhine State, U Min Chit Shein (Kalawthawt-Min Chit Shein) of Mon State and U Than Wai (Than Wai-Taunggyi) of Shan State as members.
CEC member of MWJA U Khin Swe (Shwesonnyo) acted as master of ceremonies, and read out the conference agenda.
MWJA CEC member U Than Hlaing (Tekkatho Thinkha) read out the amendment to MWJA constitution.
Then, U Myat Wai Toe (Myat Wai Toe-Institute of Education) of Waingmaw Township, Kachin State, U Man Tint Maw (Shwe Myaing-Tint Maw) of Kawkareik Township, Kayin State, U Ba Hsan (Maung Yay Chan-Myaung) of Myaung Township, Sagaing Division, U Aye Than (Wady Aye Than) of Palaw Township, Taninthayi
Division, U Sein Hlaing (Sein Hlaing Bo) of Bago
Township, Bago Division, Daw Saw Kyaing (Ma Aye Nyein-Pakokku) of Pakokku Township, Magway Division, U Kyaw
Than (Maung Khaing Kyaw-Kyaukse) of Kyaukse Township, Mandalay
Division, and U Tin Win (Hlaing Min Nyo) of Bogalay Township,
Ayeyawady Division, supported the report of MWJA Central Executive
Committee. Afterwards, U Maung Maung Win (Lawyer Maung Kan) of
Pabedan Township, Yangon Division, and U Phone Myint (Pyi Phone
Myint) of Dagon Myothit (Seikkan Township), Yangon Division,
supported the amendment to the MWJA constitution. MWJA CEC Member
Daw Khin Khin Sein (Yuwady Khin Sein Hlaing) tabled the motion to
approve the six resolutions laid down by the second conference of
the Central Leading Committee as objectives on policy of MWJA. U
Myat Soe (Myat Soe-Hline) of Hline Township supported the motion. U
Aung Thein Win (Maung Khaing Khant) of Bahan Township tabled a
motion on denouncing SURA and KNU insurgents who are encroaching
upon security and peace at border areas. U Myint Swe (Swe Nwe Oo) of
Chanmyathazi Township, Mandalay Division, supported the motion.
Vice-Chairman of MWJA Central Executive Committee U Than Maung (Than
Maung) replied to the representatives' discussions with regard to
the report of the Central Executive Committee. MWJA CEC Member U Aye
Tun (Htet Aung) tabled a motion on condolences on the late 120 doyen
literati of MWJA members from 23 June 1998 to 31 December 2001. The
conference put it on record and the meeting was adjourned in the
afternoon. Joint-Secretary of MWJA Central Executive Committee U
Chit Naing (Chit Naing-Psychology) presided over the evening session
together with U Hla Myint (Kawthoung-Shwe Pyi Soe) of Kawthoung
Township, Taninthayi Division, U Hsaik Kyin (U Hsaik Kyin-Reporter)
of Thongwa Township, U Nyein Maung (Maung Maung Nyein-Kyaikto) of
Kyaikto Township, Mon State, U Tin Aung (Cheinthe) of Monywa
Township, Sagaing Division, U San Shwe Tun (Minbya-Maung Yu Nwe) of
Minbya Township, Rakhine State, and Lt-Col Hla Wai (Retd) (Sandaka-Yangon
University) of Thegon Township, Bago Division as members.
Joint-Secretary of the Central Executive
Committee U Myint Kywe (Maung Myint Kywe) acted as master of
ceremonies. CEC Member U Kyi Lwin (Cartoon Ngwe Kyi) tabled a motion
seeking approval of the report and future tasks of the Central
Executive Committee. Daw Khin Than Win (Kyu Kyu Thin) of Thanlyin
Township supported the motion. Then, U Tin Aung Shwe (Tin Aung
Shwe-Researcher) of Yankin Township tabled a motion seeking the
approval of the report of MWJA financial and audit group and
literary financial statement. Daw Kywe Kywe (Ma Kywe Kywe) of Dagon
Myothit supported the motion. U Soe Shein (Maung Soe Htaik-Thonze)
of Dagon Myothit (South) tabled a motion seeking the approval of the
amendment to MWJA constitution. Daw Nu Nu (Nu Nu-Sarpay Beikman) of
Dagon Township supported the motion. Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Aung
Thein presented the first prizes for excellent performance to Chan-myathazi
Township, South Dagon Township, Mayan-gon Township, Maubin Township,
Hline Township and Insein Township; CEC Member U Kyi Nyunt (Chitkyiyay
Kyi Nyunt) special prizes for excellent performance to Kyauktaw
Township, South Okkalapa Township and Tatkon Township; and CEC
Member Dr Maung Maung (Maung Hsin Chin) to Mawlamyine Township,
Monhyin Township and Yankin Township through the respective township
representatives. After that, Chairman U Hla Myaing (Ko Hsaung) and
Vice-Chairman U Than Maung (Than Maung) presented certificates of
honour to artistes who composed and sang the songs to hail the third
conference, and then the first day session of the conference came to
a close. The second day session of the third conference continues at
Kyaikkasan Ground tomorrow.
( 4
) Minister receives WHO Resident Representative
Yangon, 28 June - Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein received Resident Representative of WHO Dr Agostino Borra at his office this afternoon.
Also present at the call were Deputy Minister Prof Dr Mya Oo and officials
of the ministry.
H & T Minister receives guests
Yangon, 28 June - Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin received Deputy Secretary General Mr Shahril Bin Saat of the Ministry of Culture, Arts and Tourism of Malaysia at 10.30 am and Project Director Mr Jim Styers of Shambhala Company at 11 am and Journalist Mr Atsushi Yamada of the Asahi Shimbun at 12.30 pm today at his office.
Also present at the calls were Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu, Managing Director U Kyi Tun of Myanma
Hotels and Tourism Services and officials.
( 5 )
Minister meets staff of Myanma Railways
Yangon, 28 June - Minister for Rail Transportation U Pan Aung, accompanied by officials, met with engineers and staff of Myanma Railways in Bago railway station in Bago Division yesterday and discussed matters related to the improvement of railway services.
The minister gave instructions on competence of the staff and engineers in respective fields of technology, maintenance and smoothness of railway services.
Then, the minister and party proceeded to the office of Bago Division Union Solidarity and Development Association and met with Commander of No 77 Light Infantry Division Col Than Htay and division, district and township level executives of USDAs in the division. The minister gave instructions on the implementation of the tasks of the association in accordance with the objectives of the association and rural development.
Afterwards, the minister viewed the work on proper drainage being done by USDA members in the Basic Education Primary School, Nyaung Waing Ward, in Bago.
Industry-1 Minister visits factories in Yangon Division

Yangon, 28 June - Minister for Industry-1 U Aung
Thaung, accompanied by Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thein Tun and
officials, arrived at the Enamel Ware factory No 2 of Myanma General
and Maintenance Industries on Okkyin Station Road in Hline Township
this morning. He inspected the metal moulding works by using crunk
press machines, double action press machines and spinning beading
lathe machines in the moulding division.
He also inspected progress of repairs of the kiln
No 2 and gave instructions. Then, he visited the Enamel Ware factory
No 1 on Thamaing Station Road in Mayangon Township, where he
inspected the moulding processes and condition of the kiln No 1 and
2 which are needed to be repaired. Next, the minister presented a
basket of fruits to Chinese technicians who are rendering assistance
to the factory.
Later, the minister inspected ceramic
wares, heating work by the kiln No 2 and the conditions of finished
goods in the factory warehouse before he presented cash awards to
employees who have been serving for many a year. After viewing the
ceramic wares of different sizes displayed at the briefing hall of
the factory, the minister met with officials and left instructions
on more production and distribution of excellent and impressive
ceramic wares and distribution of factory products especially from
the Winthuza shops.
Commander inspects regional development in Htantabin,
Hlinethaya Townships
Yangon, 28 June-Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe, accompanied by Commander of No 1 Military Region Col Khin Maung Soe, Secretary of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Kyaw Tint and members, division level departmental officials, Chairman of Yangon North District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col San Matu and officials, inspected regional development and tasks for ensuring smooth and secure transportation in Htantabin and Hlinethaya Townships this afternoon.
First, the commander and party inspected development tasks and work being carried out for transportation at Tetthitkyun Region in Htantabin Township.
At the briefing hall, officials reported on their respective work sector-wise to the commander who gave instructions on work to be carried out for regional development and assistance to be provided for smooth and secure transportation and attended to the needs.
Then, the commander and party met with departmental officials, members of Union Solidarity and Development Association, Red Cross, Fire Brigade and Maternal and Child Welfare Association, and townselders at the meeting hall of Htantabin Township Peace and Development Council Office.
The commander gave instructions on five rural development tasks, construction of roads and bridges in the township, work being carried out for development in education and agricultural sectors for further improving the living standard of local people.
Afterwards, Chairman of Htantabin Township Peace and Development Council U Thaung Han reported on work being carried out for regional development and agricultural sector and future work.
Then, officials reported on the requirements for regional development.
In response to the reports, the commander fulfilled the requirements and left there in the evening.
( 6 )
Research paper reading sessions of Myanmar Academy of
Agriculture, Forestry, Livestock and Fishery Sciences held
Yangon, 28 June-Research paper reading sessions for Myanmar Academy of Agriculture, Forestry, Livestock and Fishery Sciences were held at the meeting hall of Myanma Farm Enterprise (Head Office) at 9th Mile on Pyay Road here this morning, attended by Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin, Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein, Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation U Ohn Myint, Deputy Minister for Forestry Col Thaik Tun and heads of department, Chairmen of MAAFLFS U Tin Hlaing and members, resource persons and officials.
In his address, Minister Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin said that at a time when systematic efforts are being made at every corner for ensuring strong national economy and enabling the nation to keep abreast of the world's nations, the holding of such paper reading session is an effort to effectively fulfill
the national objectives.
He spoke of the need to use the sustainable
resources in a most effective and beneficial way and so did human
resources. Hence, efforts are to be made to develop agriculture,
forestry and livestock and fisheries from resource based development
to knowledge based development which is based on the natural
resources. Development of agriculture, forestry, livestock and
fisheries plays a key role in development of national economy while
national development and boosting the living standard of the people
depend on economic development.
At the same time, the three major sectors agriculture,
forestry, livestock and fisheries can narrow the gap between rural
development and urban development, he said. Therefore, research and
technological development are to constantly be made in agriculture
sector for economic development of the State. Research and
technological development is also crucial to developing livestock
and fisheries sector from traditional production technique to
advanced one. In livestock and fisheries sector, research is to be
made on conservation, effective prevention and treatment,
production, distribution and preservation of lobsters, sea and fresh
water prawn, pigs and chickens, he stressed.
In addition, research and development are to be
conducted in the forestry sector which plays an important role in
realizing foreign currency and in fulfilling basic social needs of
the national people, he noted. Researches are to be based on
extended extraction of timber of commercial value, extraction and
export of value added forest products, conservation of natural
environment and weather, conservation of searching and exposing
traditional herbal plants in natural forest, and existence of
bio-diversity. In developing agricultural, forestry, livestock and
fisheries sectors, technical intelligentsia and intellectuals are to
be nurtured and brought about and at the same time, production,
services and trade sectors of the State are to be developed in
Then, the paper reading session ended.
After the ceremony, the ministers and the deputy ministers had a documentary photo taken together with those present.
Then, research paper reading sessions were held at the respective places.
Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation U Ohn Myint made a speech at the research paper reading session held by Myanmar Academy of Agricultural Science at MFE (Head Office) at 9th Mile on Pyay Road while Deputy Minister for Forestry Col Thaik Tun at the research paper reading session held by Myanmar Academy of Forestry Science at Forestry Department (Head Office) in West Gyokon Ward, Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein at the research paper reading session held by Myanmar Academy of Livestock and Fisheries Science at Livestock, Feedstuff and Dairy Prouducts Enterprise (Head Office) in Insein.
The paper reading sessions for Myanmar Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences will be held up to 30 June while paper reading session for Mynamar Academy of Livestock and Fisheries will be held up to 29 June.
( 7 )
Myanmar and International Affairs trainees tour Yangon Division
Yangon, 28 June - Trainees of the Myanmar and International Affairs Course No 5 of Union Solidarity and Development Association, led by in-charge of the course Lt-Col Sein Win, instructors and officials, continued their tour of Yangon Division at Yangon Pharmaceutical Factory in Hmawby Township this morning. Col Than Nyein of the factory extended greetings and Lt-Col Yan Naing explained the salient points of the factory.
The trainees viewed the production processes of the factory from the corridor. Then, the trainees proceeded to the Tatmadaw Football Factory. Manager of the factory U Myint Swe explained salient points of the factory and conducted the trainees round the factory.
In the afternoon, the trainees arrived at the Myawady Television Broadcasting Unit. Commandant of the unit Lt-Col Chit Swe extended greetings to the trainees and explained matters related to the production and broadcasting with the help of video. Then, the trainees viewed the production and broadcasting processes in studios.
At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the trainees visited Myanma Gems Museum on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road.
Ministry of Culture holds work coord meeting
Yangon, 28 June - The first four-monthly work coordination meeting for 2002 of the Ministry of Culture was held at the meeting hall of the ministry on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road this morning, with an address by Minister for Culture U Tin Winn.
Also present at the meeting were Deputy Minister U Soe Nyunt, directors-general, deputy directors-general, rectors, directors, deputy directors and those in charge of states and divisions and officials.
First, the minister elaborated on the political, economic and social situations of the State and urged the service personnel to systematically discharge their duty and to try to be competent staff.
Then, Deputy Minister U Soe Nyunt made a speech. Afterwards, departmental
heads and officials of the respective departments reported on work
being done and matters related to the welfare of the staff. Minister
U Tin Win reviewed the work done during the first four months and
tasks to be carried out in the second four months in the year 2002
and attended to the needs.
USDA CEC members attend conclusion of Management (Multiplier) Courses
Yangon, 28 June - The conclusion ceremony of the Management (Multiplier) Courses for Executives
(1/2002) and (2/2002) organized by Dagon Township Union Solidarity and Development Association, Yangon (West) District, was held at the Central Midwifery Training School yesterday morning.
It was attended by Central Executive Committee member of USDA Yangon Division In-charge Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, CEC member Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin, secretaries and executives of division/district USDAs, Yangon (West) District Peace and Development Council member deputy commissioner, the chairman and members of Dagon Township Peace and Development Council, the secretary, executives and members of Township USDA, officials of Myanmar Red Cross Society, Auxiliary Fire Brigade, Maternal and Child Welfare Association and social organizations, and trainees.
CEC member region in-charge Minister U Aung Khin and CEC member Yangon Division in-charge Minister Col Tin Hlaing made speeches and presented prizes to the outstanding trainees and completion certificates to the representatives of the trainees.
Then, Dagon Township USDA and wellwisher U Lun Sein donated uniforms of the association for the Central Midwifery Training School to the principal and the ceremony came to a close.
Similarly, the opening ceremony of the Management Course No 9 for Executives conducted by Dawbon Township USDA was held at the office of the township association this morning. CEC member Col Tin Hlaing made an opening address and accepted the membership applications and cash donation.
Also present were secretaries and executives of division/district USDAs, District Peace and Development Council member Police Lt-Col Tun Tun, the chairman and members of Dawbon Township Peace and Development Council, members of Red Cross Society, Auxiliary Fire Brigade and MCWA and social organizations totalling 150.
Then, the CEC member proceeded to the Management Multiplier Course No 2 for USDA Executives being conducted at South Okkalapa Township USDA office by Yangon (East) District USDA and gave lectures on political, economic and social affairs of the State.Ward organizers and executives representing 173 wards in 14 townships of Yangon (East) District are attending the
( 8
) 19 armed group members exchange arms for peace
Yangon, 28 June - The State Peace and Development Council, upholding Our Three Main National Causes, is striving for national reconsolidation to ensure the emergence of a peaceful, modern and developed nation with genuine goodwill and with might and main.
Remaining armed groups, realizing that their destructive acts did not benefit the nation at all and hindered development of their regions and understanding the genuine goodwill and correct endeavours of the government, have been exchanging arms for peace individually or in groups.
During the period from 1 to 31 May 2002, in the region of South-East Command, private Khin Pyay of Brigade 1, private Saw Chit Oo (a) Maung Htway of Brigade 1 Battalion 16, Second Lieutenant Saw Kale, Sergeant Saw Tare, Corporal Saw Tar Khwar of Battalion 17, privates Saw Letkaw and Ton Pho Ti of Battalion 18 together with one BA-64 rifle, one magazine 20 rounds of ammunition, one AK-47, two M-16 rifles, six magazines, 150 rounds of ammunition, exchanged arms for peace at the respective camps.
In the Coastal Region Command, private Khine Soe Naing of ALP armed group; private Saw Hpar Hseit and his wife Ma Lay Tin and son Saw Law Hseit; private Saw Hpar Nwe; private Saw Wut Kho and his wife Naw Lay and sons Saw Htoo, Saw Myint and Saw Myo and daughters Saw Nan and Saw Pan of DO Battalion 7 of KNU armed group together with one grenade exchanged arms for peace at the respective camps.
Officials of the military camps warmly welcomed those who exchanged arms for peace and fulfilled their requirements. There are still more members of armed groups to exchange arms for
( 9
) Snacks Fair of women's cooperatives held
Yangon, 28 June - Hailing the International Cooperatives Day 2002, a snacks fairs of women's cooperative societies was held at the Cooperatives Trade Centre (Saya San Plaza) this morning.
It was attended by Minister for Cooperatives Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe, the directors-general of the Cooperatives Department and the Cottage Industries Department, the managing director of Cooperatives Exports and Imports Enterprise, the chairman of the Central Cooperatives Society and officials.
Cho The Orchid Cooperative of Bahan Township, Myittarshinmyar Cooperative Syndicate of Dawbon Township, Thidar Yaysin Cooperative of Thingangyun Township, Chanmyay Myittar Cooperative of Kamayut Township, Thiri May Cooperative of Dagon Township, Shwesin May Cooperative Societies of Mingaladon and Mayangon Townships, Myat Mi Khin Marketing and Services Cooperative of Lanmadaw Township, Myittar Mon Cooperative of Botahtaung Township totalling 13 women's cooperatives sold Myanmar Monhinkha, Kyazanchet, Shwechi Sanwinmakin, Kyaukyaw and others at the Snacks Fair. A billboard hailing the International Cooperatives Day 2002 was also put up in front of the centre this morning.
ISD Basketball Tourney opens
Yangon, 28 June - Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint delivered an address at the opening ceremony of the 33rd Inter-State/Division Men/Women Basketball Tournament 2002 at the Aung San Stadium this morning. After the basketball teams took designated places in the ground, Sagaing Division men and women teams, last year's champions, returned the championship shields to the minister, who later made a speech and opened the tournament.
Before the competitions, the minister and the acting chairman of the federation greeted the players of the basketball team of the embassy of the People's Republic of China and the team of the MBF individually, which will play a friendly match as a gesture of marking the Olympic Day 2002. Then, the minister presented a commemorative flower basket before the friendly match started. Later, the first day matches followed. The tournament will be held till 9 July and 14 men's teams and 10 women's teams are taking part in the