1 ) Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt receives
Ambassador of Germany

Yangon, 26 June - On behalf of the Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt received Ambassador of Germany to the Union of Myanmar Dr Marius Haas, who had completed his tour of duty, at Zeyathiri Beikman, Konmyinttha at 9 am today.
( 2 ) Secretary-1 attends 16th Destruction Ceremony of Seized
Narcotic Drugs, Precursor Chemicals and Paraphernalia
Yangon, 26 June - The 16th Destruction Ceremony of Seized Narcotic Drugs, Precursor Chemicals and Paraphernalia, organized by the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control, was held in the compound of the Drug Elimination Museum at the corner of Hanthawady and Kundaw Roads in Kamayut Township at 8 am today, attended by Secre-tary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.

Also present on the occasion were Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe, Chairman of CCDAC Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, Vice-Chairmen Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung and Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt, ministers, the Chief Justice, deputy ministers, departmental heads, ambassadors, charges d'affaires and military attaches of foreign missions, resident representatives and officials of the UN agencies, members of CCDAC and work groups, senior police officers of Myanmar Police Force, U Sein Win of Kyodo News Agency, Patron U Hla Htwe of Myanmar Foreign Correspondents Club, Vice-President U Aung Shwe Oo and members, correspondents of foreign news agencies and broadcasting departments, winners in the short story, article, poem, painting, cartoon and poster competitions to mark the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking and guests.

Police Inspector Ohmma Yin Mie and Police Inspector Ma Pyone of CCDAC of Myanmar Police Force acted as masters of ceremonies and read out the agenda of the ceremony.
At the ceremony, on behalf of the Secretary of CCDAC, Deputy Director-General of MPF Police Brig-Gen Zaw Win reported on the purpose to hold the Destruction Ceremony. He said:

Today is a significant day as we once again destroy narcotic drugs, which is a frightful menace to mankind. You will have the opportunities to witness firsthand that the Myanmar government, totally aware of the scaring threat, is seriously undertaking and trying its utmost best to combat these deplorable drugs as a National Duty.
Today's destruction ceremony is much more meaningful and significant than the previous destructions of its kind. It differs in such a way that the past destructions were occasionally held in honour of international conferences held in Myanmar, visits of dignitaries or to hail commemorative days of the country. However, the significance defers because it is held on the 26th day of June, commemorating the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking.

Since 1990 up to present, we have reached to the 16th ceremony of burning seized drugs, precursor chemicals and paraphernalia in Yangon. In addition to Yangon City, destruction ceremonies of this kind inclusive of poppy seedlings had been held for twenty six times in the border areas.
Starting three or four years back, Myanmar's anti-drugs campaign has been increasingly gaining momentum and achieving significant successes. The Baseline Surveys on poppy cultivation and consumption clearly stands testimony to this trend. According to surveys between 1998-1999 and the year 2001-2002, opium poppy cultivated area declined to 39,426 (thirty-nine thousand four hundred and twenty six) acres, which is a reduction of 38.63%.
Moreover, annual eradication programmes were able to destroy 14,876 (fourteen thousand eight hundred and seventy six) acres between 1997-1998 and 2001-2002, an increase of 151.4 per cent. Moreover, UNDCP and INCB Annual Reports also supported the trend and reported that production has decreased 40 per cent in the past 10 years. The declining figures clearly shows the results of the Myanmar government's unyielding efforts.

Preventive education talks are carried out to stop poppy cultivation altogether in the coming 2002-2003 season. As a result of these measures, poppy farmers voluntarily submitted to the authorities seventy eight thousand eight hundred and thirty six (78,836) baskets, in other words, one twenty eight thousand seven hundred and thirty nine point five kilograms (128,739.5) of poppy seeds. You will be aware that these poppy seeds were burned and destroyed in front of the public in Lashio, Laukkai, Pinlaung, Kengtung and Loikaw. The burning of these poppy seeds have been able to prevent seventy eight thousand eight hundred and thirty six point one nine (78,836.19) acres from cultivation and the production of thirty four point six nine (34.69) tons of heroin.
Commencing 2002-2003, four Deputy Ministers are assigned to supervise, coordinate with local authorities to halt poppy cultivation, have toured poppy cultivation regions of Shan and Kayah States and are executing action plans. Moreover, area of cultivation has been divided into six regions and teams are formed consisting CCDAC members, personnel from Ministry of Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs and Myanmar Police Force to supervise, monitor, give preventive educational talks, evaluate and report back to the CCDAC. For the distribution of alternative crop seeds to farmers CCADC has provided five hundred and twenty five thousand kyats to support the programme.

While Myanmar has limited success in the reduction of opium production, the problem of amphetamine type stimulants (ATS) has become a new threat. Starting 1997, opium and heroin seizures declined annually in Myanmar. This trend is also witnessed in China and Thailand. However, stimulant seizures increased alarmingly from 5.9 million tablets in 1996 to 32.4 million tablets in 2001. This year, 1.8 million tablets have been seized up to May.
Regarding precursor chemicals, nearly ninety thousand litres were seized in 2000. Over eighteen hundred thousand litres in 2001 and over twenty thousand litres were seized up to May this year. Ephedrine, Caffeine and other precursor chemicals essential in manufacturing ATS are not produced in Myanmar but trafficked illegally from neighbouring countries like China, Yodaya and India. We are aware neighbouring countries are also placing stringent controls over chemicals to prevent diversion to illicit channels. However, in spite of these measures, traffickers are still finding ways and means to traffic chemicals to Myanmar. We wish to stress here that it is of vital importance to place effective control mechanisms on precursor chemical production and trade.

Regarding precursor chemicals used in the manufacture of narcotic drugs, the Ministry of Health on 5th June 2002 issued Notification 1/2002. According to this Notification, 14 chemicals from Table 1 and 9 chemicals from Table 2 of UN Convention as well as 2 additional chemicals specific to Myanmar are now under control, amounting to 25 chemicals controlled in the Union of Myanmar.
Moreover, to enable financial and assets investigation to take effective action against financiers behind the lucrative drug business, the
"Control of Money Laundering Law" has been enacted by the State Peace and Development Council on 17th June, 2002.

The objectives of the law are to control and take effective action on illicit proceeds of crime, to prevent influence on the executive, economic and social sectors of the State, to be in conformity with the international conventions, and to better international cooperation.
Another significant development is the increase in cross border cooperation between Myanmar and China, culminating in the establishment of Border Liaison Offices at Loije and Chinshwehaw very recently.
This cross border cooperation has enhanced mutual trust and understanding and subsequently facilitated smooth exchange of information resulting in the success of apprehending drug kingpins and traffickers active along the common border. Altogether there have been 6 cases during 2001 and this year where drug traffickers, wanted in China and hiding in Myanmar are investigated, arrested and handed over back to China. It included 2 cases where the Wa authorities handed over 13 drug traffickers. Only in one case, relevant document and information were provided while the culprits was charged and prosecuted in Myanmar. These cases clearly show Myanmar's sincere spirit of cooperation with the international community in the fight against drugs.
Another success story in international law enforcement cooperation was the Fiji drug case where 357 kilos of heroin was seized. With information received from the Australian Federal Police (AFP), 5 traffickers were arrested and all their assets confiscated.
Moreover, successful international cooperation resulted in the arrest of a drug kingpin, trafficking 116 kilos and 7 million tablets of ATS, which were seized in the Andaman Sea. Similarly, seizure of 126 pounds of heroin at New York port led to the successful investigation and arrest of traffickers followed by confiscation of their assets.
As regards law enforcement, Myanmar has been undertaking serious actions domestically as well as in close
cooperation with neighbour countries, conducting cross border meetings alternately for exchanging information and actions to be taken against illicit trafficking of drugs.
I wish to take this opportunity to strongly stress to the international community that Myanmar, in the fight against drugs has not received any international assistance whatsoever, but relying mostly on our own resources and efforts with guidance of the leaders of the government on strategy and tactics.
In conclusion, I would like to present the list of drugs, which are going to be destroyed today:
Opium 3,027 kilos;
Heroin 240 kilos;
Marijuana 434.253 kilos;
ATS tablets 34,946,966
Ephedrine tablets 4,050,947 Nos;
Ephedrine powder 2,865.705 kilos

May I also invited all of you to come down and check the drugs for yourself the authenticity of the drugs before setting them on fire.
Then, bottles of cough syrup with drug potency were destroyed by rollers.
Afterwards, the ambassadors, the charges d'affaire, the military attaches, the resident representatives of UN agencies, officials and guests tested the narcotic drugs to be burnt.
Next, CCDAC Chairman Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, Ambassador of Australia Mr Trevor David Wilson, Charge d'Affaires of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China Mr Tang Ying, Dean of the Diplomatic Corps Lao PDR Ambassador Mr Ly Bounkham and Charge d'Affaires ai of the US Embassy Ms Priscilla A Clapp pressed buttons to incinerate the narcotic drugs.

Then, the Secretary-1 and party, the diplomats, the resident representatives of UN agencies and officials inspected the documentary photos on implementation of the New Destiny Project, destruction ceremonies of poppy seeds handed over by local farmers in Shan State, cultivation of opium substitution crops in Wa region and handing over of culprits who related to drug cases from Myanmar to China.
Later, the Secretary-1 cordially met the Ambassadors, the Charges d'Affaire,
Military Attaches and guests.
Secretary-1 inspects Myanmar International Terminals Thilawa

Yangon, 26 June - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt inspected services at Myanmar International Terminals Thilawa in Kyauktan Township here this evening.

Minister for Forestry U Aung Phone reported to the Secretary-1 on the international tender which was held on June 24 and 25, the number of local and foreign companies which took part in the tender, sale of quality sawn teak and income from the sales. Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt gave suggestions. He then inspected the sawn teak which were purchased by local and foreign companies in the warehouse.
Thirty-four local and foreign companies bought 1,039 tons of quality sawn teak at a price of US $ 2.41 million at the tender.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt then inspected loading and unloading of containers at the port. At the meeting hall of the terminal, the Secretary-1 heard a report on the services of the port presented by General Manager Mr Roger Chai of the Myanmar International Terminals Thilawa. The Secretary-1 gave suggestions.
( 3 ) Kyaukkyibauk Bridge put into service in An Township
Taungup-Maei-Kyaukphyu Road Project covers building of 14 large bridges including the Kyaukkyibauk Bridge and over 680 small bridges
Yangon, 26 June - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than of the Ministry of Defence delivered an address at the inauguration ceremony of Kyaukkyibauk Bridge in An Township, Rakhine
State, on 25 June morning.
Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than of the Ministry of Defence delivered an address.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than said the bridge located on Maei-Kyaukpyu road, a section of Yangon-Kyaukpyu Highway Project, is the 24th bridge in Rakhine State. As transport was difficult in Rakhine State, the government has used billions of kyats to build roads and bridges in the state for its rapid development. Kaingshe Bridge, Lamu Bridge, Tanhlwe Bridge and Maei Bridge covered by Yangon-Kyaukpyu Highway Project, have been built in the previous years.
Road building work is much difficult in Rakhine State, which is a coastal
region with a long rainy season and heavy rains forming a large number of watercourses and marshlands. Thus, many bridges have to be built on the roads. In addition, the soil is soft and the region is mountainous.
The Taungup-Maei-Kyaukphyu Road Project covers building of 14 large bridges including the Kyaukkyibauk Bridge and over 680 small bridges. Ten major bridges and over 800 medium and small bridges were built at a cost of K 9,500 million on Sittway-An section of Yangon-Sittway Highway. The Sittway Highway has become a reality due to harmonious efforts of the State, the people and the Tatmadaw.
Head of State Senior General Than Shwe formally inaugurated Yangon-An-Sittway Highway, the main gateway to northern Rakhine State. After opening the bridge, the Senior General assigned duties to officials to build a new belt road around the state with An as the hub, linking northern and southern parts of the state and connecting Kyaukphyu and Yanbye with Taungup mountain pass road.
Thus, efforts are being made for soonest completion of Yangon-Kyaukphyu Highway in accord with the assignment.
The over 40-mile long Maei-Sane-Minbyin Road of the highway includes a 20-mile long section passing through a region formed with mangrove forests, bogs and soft soil. The Maei-Sane-Minbyin
Road covers construction of nine large bridges Kyaukkyibauk, Sane, Londawbauk, Deedok, Thanthamagyi, Thantamache, Thazinbauk, Wanpaikchaung and Minkyaung bridges and over 70 small bridges.
The builders have faced difficulties in finding fresh water, an important element in building concrete structures, as the bridges have been build in the areas surrounded by brackish water.

They are also facing the problem of finding good quality earth and rock for road construction projects, applying chemical and innovative means to reinforce and harden the over 20-mile soft ground.
Development of the road transport sector will lead to progress of all other sectors including the health, education, social and economic sectors, also helping to consolidate the national unity and uplifting Union Spirit.
While the new highways and roads are being built, the existing ones have been upgraded and repaired.
When the new coastal highway project covering Taungup-Maei, Maei-Sane-Kyaunphyu and Maei-An roads is completed, the gateways to Rakhine State An mountain pass road, Taungup mountain pass road and Thandwe-Gwa-Ngathaingchaung road will be linked with the inner regions of the state, ensuring a smooth and easy transport in the whole region. Thus, the State's goodwill towards the people of Rakhine State have become more obvious.
At present, the total length of the roads built by the Public Works of the Ministry of Construction in the state has reached over 880 miles. In 1988 there were only 440 miles of road in the state. Thus, there is a twice-fold increase in the length of roads in the region.
Priority has been given not only to gaining economic benefits in building a network of roads and bridges in the entire country, but also to realizing a wide array of aims including ensuring smooth transport between the regions, developing the states and divisions and extending relations among the national people enabling them to exchange knowledge and experience and strengthening the bonds of love and friendship.
The 24-zone-development project and the rural development tasks have been implemented for all-round development of the entire Union. Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than then quoted Head of State Senior General Than Shwe as saying,
" As all the people of the nation are living on the same land and partaking the water from the same source, there should not any discrimination against them. Efforts will have to be made for proportionate improvement the living standard of the people to the most possible degree. There are many river-crossing bridges remaining to be built in the Union. Similarly, there are also many other national development projects. The nation needs wealth to continue to practically implement the projects. The people will have to help strengthen the national economy with hard work. Only hard work will bring national
It is required for all the people to harmoniously strive in accord with the guidance.
If the nation's working force and its riches can be combined harmoniously and effectively under the leadership of the State, the nation will have not only the ability implement the Union highway projects and other development undertakings, but also to drive out and smash the internal and external destructive elements hampering and harming the national peace and progress.
All the transport facilities including the Kyaukkyibauk Bridge will benefit the present generation and will become a heritage serving the national interests till future generations. Due to the annual development of the transport infrastructure, Rakhine State gained 7.2 per cent economic growth in 1998-99; 8.2 per cent in 1999-2000; 10.5 per cent in 2000-2001; and 11.2 per cent in 2001-2002.
Emerging of new transport facilities have linked almost every part of the entire Union.
Thus, all the national races are required to be equipped themselves with the spirit of unity and Union Spirit, harmoniously strive to develop and modernize the nation, for perpetual existence of her territory and the Union.
Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun said the Kyaukkyibauk Bridge is on Taungup-Maei-Kyaukphyu Road in Rakhine State. It is the 144th bridge that is 180 feet and above built after 1988. It is the 24th one for Rakhine State. Construction started on 6-2-2001 and it was built in one year and five months.
He said the goal of the State is emergence of a peaceful modern developed nation. To implement the objective, 24 development regions were designated under the guidance of the Head of State Senior General Than Shwe.
He said five rural development tasks are being implemented for equal development in the whole country under the guidance of the Head of State. On completion of rural development projects, all parts of the Union will develop equally.
He said the Yangon-Sittway Road that local people have never expected was built.
Overcoming the natural barriers, 10 major bridges and over 800 small bridges were built on the road. Senior General Than Shwe himself formally opened the bridge on 5-2-2000.
The KYaukkyipauk Bridge is on Yangon-Kyaukphyu Road which is under construction. Sanelpauk, Lonedawpauk, Deedoke Creek, Thanthamagyi, Mingyoung Creeks are being constructed on the Yangon-Kyaukphyu Road, he said.
He said engineers and service personnel of the Ministry of Construction are building bridges on Maei-Kyaukphyu Road as soon as possible. On completion of the road and the bridges, local people can go on the Yangon-Kyaukphyu any time, he added.
He said the bridge is 300 feet long and 24 feet wide. It has three feet wide walkways on each side. Clearance is 160 wide and six feet high and it withstands 60 tons of load.
He said the government is striving for progress in every region. Participation of local people brings about good results.
The minister urged local people to participate in construction tasks and maintain the completed bridge for long-term use.
Commander Brig-Gen Maung Oo said altogether 80 Union roads were extended in accord with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe. New roads and many bridges are being built on the roads. Transport is a main factor for equal development in 14 states and divisions.
There were less relationship among the regions and development gap due to transport difficulty. That is why roads and bridges are being built with added momentum in accord with the guidance of the Head of State. As the smoothness of the transport from one region to another, there will be friendship and unity among the national people and the Union Spirit will also be consolidated, he added.

The commander spoke at length on fulfilment for development, successful implementation of roads and bridges in Rakhine State and other bridges under construction.
He urged local people to make efforts for regional development realizing the goodwill of the government.
Kyaukpyu District USDA Secretary U Aung Tin Thein spoke words of thanks.
Then, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than presented gifts to Deputy Superintending Engineer U Tin Htut of the bridge construction project.
Next, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Commander Brig-Gen Maung Oo, Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun and guests took designated places.
Then, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, the commander and the minister formally opened the bridge.
Afterwards, they posed for documentary photos at the archway of the bridge.
Minister Maj-Gen Saw Tun unveiled the stone plaque.
Then, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party passed through the bridge.
Kyaukkyibauk Bridge, 300 feet long, is located on Taungup-Maei-Kyaukpyu Road in An Township.
The bridge has 24 feet wife motor way and three feet wide pedestrian way on each sides. The bridge was built of reinforced concrete and steel frame. The bridge has 160 feet wide and 6 feet high water clearance and it can withstand 60-ton loads.
Construction of roads and bridges inspected in Kyaukpyu District
Yangon, 26 June - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than of the Ministry of Defence
and party, arrived at the work-site of Mingyaung Creek bridge construction project in Yanbye, Kyaukpyu District, on 24 June morning.
They were welcomed there by Captain Aung Thaw of Danyawady Naval Regional Command Headquarters and officials. At the briefing hall, project engineer U Tin Soe reported on progress of the bridge construction; and District Senior Engineer U Kyi Soe on earth work and progress of road construction at Sane Khomin Pagoda-Wanphaik Chaung section of Yangon-Kyaukpyu Highway and paving of Painne Hill-Mingyaung road section. Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than gave necessary instructions.
Then, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party inspected progress of construction at the Mingyaung Creek bridge construction project site and left necessary instructions. The 1,984.24-foot bridge is located in Yanbye Township, Kyaukpyu District. It has a 28-foot-wide motorway and two 4-foot-wide pedestrian lanes. Its clearance is 193 feet wide and 25 feet high. It can bear 60 tons of loads.
At the briefing hall of Londawbauk bridge construction project site, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than was reported by assistant engineer U Tin Maung Oo on construction of RCD bole piles and progress of construction. Then, they inspected the construction progress.
The bridge is located in An Township. On completion, it will be 1,034.5 feet long and will have a 24 feet long motorway and two three-foot-wide pedestrian lanes. Its clearance will be 160 feet wide and 20 feet high. Its upper structure will be of iron beams and the lower structure, of reinforced concrete. It can bear 36-ton loads.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party then arrived at Pyinwun station of Public Works near Ma-ei Creek bridge in An Township. At the briefing hall, Chief Engineer (Bridge) U Kyaw Tint, project engineer U Than Nyunt and Deputy Superintending Engineer U Tin Htut reported on construction of roads and bridges in Ma-ei-Kyaukkyibauk-Sanepauk-Londawpauk-Didokpauk-Thanthamagyi-Thantha-mache-Thazintan-Wanphaik-Mingyaung sections of Yangon-Kyaukpyu Highway.
Then, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than gave necessary instructions. The 117 miles and six furlongs long Taungup-Ma-ei-Kyaukpyu section of Yangon-Kyaukpyu Highway is now under construction.
Maj-Gen Tin Aye inspects Bayintnaung Brokerage Area, Bayintnaung Market
Yangon, 26 June - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Tin Aye of the Ministry of Defence, accompanied by Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe, went to Bayintnaung Brokerage Area and Bayintnaung Market this afternoon and inspected selling and buying at the brokerage and sanitation tasks carried out at the market.
At 2 pm, Maj-Gen Tin Aye and Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe arrived at the Bayintnaung Brokerage area where they were welcomed by No 1 Military Region Commander Col Khin Maung Soe, Yangon West District Peace and Development Council Chairman Lt-Col Maung Maung Shein and Myanmar Paddy and Rice Wholesalers Association Chairman U Nyein and officials. Maj-Gen Tin Aye and Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe met with departmental officials, brokers and officials of the highway commodity transport terminals.
Speaking on the occasion, Maj-Gen Tin Aye said the Government had laid down 12 political, economic and social objectives and is building peaceful and developed nation; roads, bridges and dams have been built in States and Divisions for regional development; in addition, the five rural development tasks are being undertaken; tasks are being carried out with momentum for development of education and health sectors; and realizing goodwill of the Government, brokers and merchants should serve interests of the people. Then, officials reported on matters related to Bayintnaung Brokerage and Bayintnaung Market.
Next, Maj-Gen Tin Aye gave necessary instructions and attended to the needs. Afterwards, Maj-Gen Tin Aye and Maj-Gen Myint Swe inspected construction of the cargo jetty at Hline River Bank in Bayintnaung Brokerage Area, selling and buying at the brokerage and sanitation work carried out at the market and fulfilled the requirements.
( 4
) Message sent by CCDAC Chairman Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing on the day to commemorate
the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
(26 June 2002)
Today being the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, functions to commemorate the day against narcotic drugs is certain to be held all over the world. Likewise, I am convinced that in the whole of Myanmar, in many places of State and Division ceremonies to mark the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking will be held.
Myanmar, after regaining independence, successive governments undertook measures appropriate with the times to eliminate narcotic drugs such as suppression by destroying poppy fields, preventive education, treatment and rehabilitating of drug addicts.
In the period after 1988, in the time of the present government, the elimination of narcotic drugs was designated a national duty and since then the efforts to implement task for the purpose has been redoubled from year to year. A 15 Year Narcotics Elimination Plan has been laid down, implementation is in progress, with resources of the State, and considerable success year on year has been achieved. The main task our country will have to undertake regarding drug elimination is the eradication of opium poppy cultivation.
Therefore, the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control has drawn up and is executing a pilot project to control opium poppy cultivation. The pilot project is being implemented in Northern, Eastern and Southern Shan State, Kayah and Kachin States. In implementing the project, measures such as control of opium poppy seeds, control and suppression of opium poppy cultivation and distribution of substitute crop seeds are being undertaken. It has been planned to take administrative, organizational and preventive measures with distribution of substitute crop seeds to the farmers for planting to prevent poppy cultivation.
Moreover, in line with the pilot project, the poppy farmers on one hand are educated on growing of substitute crops while on the other they are provided with alternative crops appropriate to their respective regions.
The poppy farmers realizing the good intentions and sincerity of the government, has on their own accord surrendered the poppy seeds and dried poppy bulbs, they have set aside for the next season. In Shan State (North), Shan State (South) and in Kayah State the burning of the poppy seeds and dried poppy bulbs were witnessed by the diplomats and to local and foreign media. Destroying the poppy seeds thus have prevented planting of the seeds in poppy fields.
Furthermore, as it has become necessary to make the international community aware of our efforts to eliminate narcotics, it has also become incumbent upon the responsible subcommittees to strengthen and double their efforts. In this regard, State/Division, District, Township, Village and Ward Drug Control Committees have been restructured to better implement drug elimination measures. On the other hand, close cooperation and mutual relations have been enhanced with neighbouring countries as well as countries of ASEAN.
Myanmar is endeavouring for the proclamation of Kokang and Wa Regions as
"Opium Free Zones" by year 2005. Likewise, measures have been undertaken to proclaim three border towns, Tachilek, Myawady and Kawthoung as
"Drug Free Towns" in the near future. While intensifying law enforcement efforts for elimination of opium poppy cultivation, drug abuse and demand reduction work committees should draw up and implement specific plans and programmes for the designated zones under consideration. Then only supply and demand elimination of drugs measures will be undertaken simultaneously enabling the proclamation of
"Opium Free Zones" a possibility benefiting the people living in these regions to enjoy a pleasant life free of drugs.
The endeavours of the government, coupled with the cooperation of the poppy farmers and the full participation of the national ethnic groups will no doubt lead to the establishment of more
"Opium Free Zones" around the country inevitably leading Myanmar to become a country free from narcotic drugs. On the other hand, this will greatly contribute to control and contain the spread of HIV/AIDS epidemic, which is in line with the UN slogan for 2002
"Substance Abuse and HIV/AIDS".
As Myanmar resolutely strives with her own limited resources for the total eradication of opium poppy cultivation and elimination of production, trafficking and abuse of narcotic drugs, an evil legacy of the colonialism taken root in our country, may I call on the entire people, to join hands for the realization of this paramount duty the
"Elimination of Narcotic Drugs".
The United Nations Secretary-General's Message on the International Day Against
Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
(26 June 2002)
The theme of this year's International Day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking is
"Substance abuse and HIV/AIDS". Injecting drug use is the main mode of transmission of HIV/AIDS in many countries in Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe. It is estimated that between 5 and 10 per cent of global HIV infection are a result of injecting drug users an exceptionally potent way of spreading the virus since injecting drug users are often linked in tight networks and commonly share injecting equipment.
The work of the United Nations International Drug Control Programme (UNDCP) as a partner agency with UNAIDS is an important part of the common strategy to fight the HIV/AIDS epidemic. In Brazil and in Eastern Europe, for instance, UNDCP
is working on the frontline of campaigns to educate the most
vulnerable about the link between intravenous drug use and HIV/AIDS,
and the benefits of living a healthy life, free from drugs.
Preventing HIV/AIDS and stopping drug use and
trafficking are more than public health concerns. HIV/AIDS touches
every part of society. Above all, it affects the young the
disproportionately, decimating the ranks of the skilled and educated
during their prime years, with tragic implications for every
affected country and region. Prevention requires political
leadership, information and public awareness campaigns in schools
and in the workplace, and the mobilization and involvement of all
sectors of society, including religious community leaders. It also
requires urgent action to alleviate poverty, reduce stigma and
ensure access to essential social services for all.
At a Special Session of the General Assembly four
yeas ago, Member States of the United Nations committed themselves
to a vigorous plan of action to combat drug abuse and trafficking.
And last year, at the Special Session on HIV/AIDS, they pledged to
establish policies and programmes to address injecting drug use as a
factor making individuals especially vulnerable to HIV infection. On
this International Day, let us resolve to keep these promises and
work together towards a world free from drugs. In doing so, we will
also do mush to advance another promise that world leaders
reaffirmed at the Millennium Summit in September 2000: to halt and
begin to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS by the year 2015.
( 5 ) Nyaunghnapin vegetable farm inspected
Yangon, 26 June - Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin, together with Ambassador of the People's Republic of China Mr Li Jinjun, departmental heads and officials, inspected the Nyaunghnapin vegetable plantation of Myanma Agriculture Service in Hmawby Township here this morning.
At the briefing hall of the plantation, MAS Managing Director U Tun Than reported on construction of greenhouses with the fund of the Chinese ambassador at the Nyaunghnapin vegetable cultivation special zone for distribution of quality strain vegetables, receiving of laboratory equipment provided and work being done and project manager of the plantation Dr Sein Hla Bo on production and distribution of quality strain vegetables for the special zone.
The minister made a speech. He dealt with the vegetable cultivation special zone project being implemented at Nyaunghnapin region for enabling Yangonites to consume fresh vegetables at reasonable prices in accord with the guidance of the Head of State and arrangements made for ensuring water supply for cultivation in all seasons, and presented fruit baskets to the Chinese ambassador and staff of the PRC embassy and Chinese experts.
Then, the minister and the Chinese ambassador inspected the arrival of equipment to construct greenhouses, construction of greenhouses, rare strains of crops produced from biological laboratory and tasks being carried out by agricultural experts in the laboratory. Afterwards, they discussed matters related to technical co-operation between the PRC and Myanmar for development in agricultural sector. Next, they inspected precious and rare strains of flowers which are thriving.
Minister inspects hotel services in Bagan
Yangon, 26 June - Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin, Director-General of Directorate of Hotels and Tourism U Khin Maung Latt and officials inspected the construction site for Tharaba Gate Hotel by Kappa Co Ltd on 25 June.
Entrepreneur U Kyaw Sein and the Project Manager reported on progress of work. The minister gave instructions.
The minister inspected the site for Bagan Beach Resort Hotel. He gave instructions on construction of the hotel in accord with the rules and regulations in Bagan archaeological zone.
On 27 June, the minister went to Lacquerware Training School where National Seminar on Sustainable Development of Ecotourism is to be held. He inspected preparations for holding of the seminar and discussion hall.
The minister and party also inspected construction of tourism branch office under the ministry and construction of new Arthawka Hotel.
In the evening, the minister met tour operators and discussed development of tourism in the long run, preservation of traditional culture, study of prospects and development of tourism, promotion of services and giving instructions to tour guides.
Book Fair hailing third conference of MWJA opened
Yangon, 26 June - The opening ceremony of the Book Fair hailing the Third Conference of the Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association was held at the Sarpay Beikman Press near Hanthawady Roundabout on Pyay Road this morning, attended by Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung.
Secretary of the committee for holding of the book fair U Myint Kywe (Maung Myint Kywe) acted as master of ceremonies.
Vice-Chairman of the committee U Chit Naing (Chit Naing-Psychology) explained the emergence of the book fair.
Next, Minister Maj-Gen Kyi Aung and MWJA Chairman U Hla Myaing (Ko Hsaung) formally opened the ceremony.
Then, the minister, officials and guests viewed round the book shops at the fair.
The book fair will be held from 9 am to 5 pm daily till 2 July. At the book fair, Sarpay Beikman & News and Periodical Enterprise book shops and other well-known book shops totaling 35 are selling a
verity of books at a special reduced price.
The shop of VCDs and cassette tapes on Maha Vantha Myat Buddha (First portion) by Aenda Swe
is also being opened at the fair.
( 6 )
International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking observed

Yangon, 26 June - A ceremony to observe the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking and to present awards for literature, article, song, poem, painting, and poster was held at the meeting hall of the administration building of Drug Elimination Museum at the corner of Kyundaw and Hanthawady Roads in Kamayut Township here this morning.
It was attended by Chairman of Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, Vice-Chairman of CCDAC Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt, the ministers, the chief-justice, the deputy ministers, Dean of Diplomatic Corps Ambassador of Laos to Myanmar Mr Ly Bounkham and officials, departmental heads, officials from social organizations, prize-winners, students and guests.
Speaking on the occasion, Col Tin Hlaing said today is the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. Every year on this day we have participated actively on a national scale in celebrations to mark this auspicious occasion, which have been staged annually for the last 15 years.
At the outset, on behalf of the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control may I express my appreciation to you all for taking time out to attend this ceremony.
On this occasion to commemorate the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, I am pleased to say we have included a ceremony to award prizes to the winners of the competitions on short stories, articles, songs, poems, cartoons, paintings and posters. This the fifth time the competition has been held and prizes awarded.
Today's ceremony is significant because it is preceded this morning by the occasion of the 16th Destruction of seized Narcotic Drugs, an event in the premises of the Drug Elimination Museum inaugurated last year highlighting Myanmar's endeavour and successes in the combat against drugs.
The scourge of narcotic drugs is threatening and harming not only Myanmar, but also the entire human race.
The Government with full commitment and sincerity has been striving resolutely for the elimination of narcotic drugs with her own resources. The Head of State and the leaders being so enthusiastic and ardent on the task that CCDAC and relevant Ministries were able to intensify their efforts in the elimination of narcotic drugs.
In striving for elimination of narcotic drugs, the development of border areas where poppy is cultivated and produced must be effected; their food, clothing and shelter needs to be fulfilled. Furthermore, to upgrade their living standards and change their convictions and attitudes, are deemed important factors to be implemented so that they will willingly abandon poppy cultivation.
It is common knowledge that we have never concealed nor denied the fact that opium poppy is illegally grown in the border areas of Myanmar.
Some of the national races residing in the remote border areas adjacent to our neighbouring countries do not have a choice but to grow poppy, not to get rich but only for their livelihood and subsistence. Actually, the people who get rich are the traffickers and financial backers of narcotics who in carrying out their nefarious trade have been traversing with impurity into the neighbouring countries.
For elimination of narcotic drugs, the evil legacy that the colonialist and neo-colonialist intentionally left
behind to tarnish the prestige of the country and the people, the government has laid down plans and as a national duty is resolutely and systematically striving for total elimination from the face of the country.
Previously, we have seizures of opium and heroin only but have now witnessed a gradual increase in the seizure of stimulants.
For the production of stimulant tablets essential materials/precursor chemicals, paraphernalia, expert chemists and fund are being invested is involved only as a base for the production of stimulant tablets. This sequence of events has gradually spawned the habit of stimulant abuse which is manifested by the seizure of stimulant tablets across the whole of the country. The danger of stimulant tablets needs also to be effectively controlled and enforced.
In our efforts apart from supply elimination and law enforcement programmes the national races in border areas while being educated and persuaded to give up poppy cultivation are at the same time, assisted with substitute crop and other alternate income generating enterprises. Regional development programmes and uplifting of their living standards are also being implemented elimination of poppy cultivation and narcotics the government has laid down plans and is implementing the
"15 Year Narcotics Elimination Plan" is known to all. The plan was launched in 1999-2000 fiscal year and has entered into the fourth year. The plan is divided into 3 phases, in 51 Townships of prioritized regions.
The significance during the fourth year of the programme is that poppy farmers voluntarily surrendered to the authorities poppy seeds and dried poppy bulbs. These were destroyed by burning early this month in Lashio and Laukai in Northern Shan State. Up to 9 June 2002 in Shan State (North), Shan State (South), Shan State (East), Kayah State and Mandalay Division the poppy farmers becoming aware of the Government's goodwill, surrendered to the authorities poppy seeds, poppy seed bulbs and implements, meant to be used in the coming poppy growing season. The surrendered poppy seeds totaled 73,696 Pyis (120, 346 kilos). In a way it amounts to, preventing the cultivation of 73, 679 acres of poppy. If calculated on the estimated yield per acre of 4.4 kilos, the total yield will be 324.2 tons of opium that will be able to produce 32.42 tons of heroin worth 31.89 billion US dollars was destroyed. Up to this date the surrendering and confiscating of poppy seeds are still in progress. For being able to implement the above tasks, the supply reduction sector will surely see a marked decline in production of opium in the coming year.
Myanmar is endeavouring for the proclamation of Kokang and Wa Regions as
"Opium Free Zones" by year 2005. Likewise, measures have been undertaken to proclaim three border towns, Tachilek, Myawady and Kawthaung as
"Drug Free Towns" in the near future. While intensifying law enforcement efforts for elimination of opium poppy cultivation, drug abuse and demand reduction work committees should draw up and implement specific plans and programmes for the designated zones under consideration. Then only supply and demand elimination of drugs measures will be undertaken simultaneously enabling the proclamation of
"Opium Free Zones" a possibility benefiting the people living in these regions to enjoy a pleasant life free of drugs.
The endeavours of the government, coupled with the cooperation of the poppy farmers and the full participation of the national ethnic groups will no doubt lead to the establishment of more
"Opium Free Zones" around the country inevitable leading Myanmar to become a country free from narcotic drugs. On the other hand, this will greatly contribute to control and contain the spread of HIV/AIDS epidemic, which is in line with the UN slogan for 2002
"Substance Abuse and HIV/AIDS".
In the demand reduction sector, trafficking, transaction and abuse of stimulants among students and youths are being investigated and appropriate action is being taken. Preventive measures in the form of effective preventive drug education are undertaken in schools, wards, and villages by regional authorities. Sporting spirit the love and will to defend one's country in the students and the arts are instilled in the students and youths.
Therefore, we have invited the public and the students and youths to take part in short stories, articles, poems, songs, paintings, cartoons and posters competitions. This has been the fifth time the competition has been staged. The winners will be awarded with handsome prizes; the 1st prize 50,000 kyats, the 2nd prize 30,000 kyats, the 3rd prize 20,000 kyats and special prizes 10,000 kyats each, the amount awarded have been increased from previous years. The UNDCP Office in Yangon has every year contributed towards the competition. This shows how much the UN encourages those who are engaged in narcotics elimination tasks.
The participation of both professionals and amateurs in the literature, song, cartoon, painting and poster competitions will not only have the effect to instill the wish to pursue literature, music and the arts but also the involvement amounts to shouldering a national duty. I wish to invite you to actively take part in the competitions in the coming years also. As the number of competitors increases so also will the number who wish to oppose narcotics increase.
In conclusion may I take the opportunity to thank those who have given your time to attend this occasion and also to the personnel from respective departments, scholars, musicians and artists who took part in the competition and make this event a success.
Then, Resident Representative of UNDCP Mr Jean-luc Lemahieu read out the message on the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking sent by the UN Secretary-General, which is reported separately.
Next, Mr Jean-luc Lemahieu presented K 150,000 to Col Tin Hlaing for prizes of the competitions.
At the under-10 painting prize-presentation ceremony, Col Tin Hlaing gave away the first, second and third prizes to Maung Kyaw Zeya, Ma May Thet Zin and Ma Su Myat Noe Nwe respectively and prizes to special prize winners. In cartoon competition, Maung Ye Zani Aung won the first, Maung Kaung Zaw Win the second and Maung Htet Naing Lin the third and prizes were presented by Col Thein Nyunt, who also gave special prizes to winners. In poster competition, Maj-Gen Ket Sein presented the first prize to Khant P Han, second to Ma May Thet Zin, third to Nilar Shon Lat, and special prizes to winners.
Minister for Labour U Tin Winn awarded first, second and third prizes to U Soe Myint, U Thein Swe and cadet Tin Zamaw respectively and awards to special prize winners in short story competition. In article competition, the first prize went to Daw Tin Yi and the third to Sub-inspector Khine Nyein Tun. Prizes were awarded by Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa, who also presented awards to special prize winners. The Chief-Justice U Aung Toe gave away first, second and third prizes to WO I Moe Aung, cadet Aung Ko Ko Thet and U Soe Lwin and special prizes to winners at poem competition.
In song competition, first, second and third
winners WOII Phone Myint, U Soe Htut Khine and U Aye Lwin and special prize winners were presented prizes by Mr Ly Bounkham.
In painting competition of under 10-15, Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung handed first, second and third prizes to Maung Kyaw Zaw Lin, Kaung Myat Min Soe and Maung Zin Ko Ko and special prizes to winners. In painting competition of under 15-20, Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein awarded first, second and third to Ma Aye Myat Mon, Maung Si Thu Aung and Ma Aye Ei Soe San, and prizes to special prize winners. At painting competition of age 20 and up, Ye Aung Myat took away the first prize, U Aung Moe second prize and Maung Hla Han third prize. Deputy Minister for PBANRD Than Tun gave away the prizes. Deputy Minister for SWRR U Hlaing Win presented awards, first to Ma Nwe Oo Wai, second to Maung Kaung Htaik Zaw, and third to Ma Thin Zalwin, and then special prize winners at cartoon competition under 10-15.
At cartoon competition of under 15-20, Deputy Chief-Justice U Khin Maung Aye handed first award to police private Thura, second award to Ye Lin Htut, and third award to Ma Aye Aye Phyu, and special prizes to winners. In cartoon competition of age 20 and up, Mr Jean-luc Lemahieu presented first, second and third awards to U Thein Tun, U Hla Htut Oo and U Maung Maung Lay, and awards to winners of special prizes.
In poster competition of under 10-15, Ma Su Win Htaik, who stood first; Ma Su Myat Now, who stood second; Ma Thin Zalwin, who stood third; and winners of special prize were given awards by Indonesian Ambassador to Myanmar Nasaruddin Koro. Ambassador of Brunei Darussalam to Myanmar Pehin Dato Haji Hussin Bin Haji Sulaiman
presented prizes to first, second and third winners Maung Thura Aung, Maung Sithu Aung and Maung Nanda
Aung and winners of special prize in poster competition of under 15-20. For poster competition of age 20 and up, Vietnamese Ambassador to Myanmar Mr Pham Quang Khon handed first award to U Htay Aung, second to U Zaw Win and third to Maung Ye Htut Aung, and awards to winners of special prize.
Later, the ceremony came to an end after Deputy Director-General of Myanmar Police Force Police Brig-Gen Zaw Win presented gifts to U Tin Hlaing (Letwintha Sawchit), on behalf of members of scrutinizing board of the competitions. After the ceremony, Col Tin Hlaing
and party had a documentary photo taken together with the winners of
the competitions.
( 7 )
Ministry of Labour holds coord meeting
Yangon, 26 June - The second day session of the first four-monthly coordination meeting of departments, the board and committees under the Ministry of Labour was held at the Central Medical Depot of Social Security Board in Ahlon
Township this morning. Officials reported on endeavours in their respective regions.
U Aung Ba Kyi and Director-General U Tin Win of Factories and General Labour Laws Inspection Department gave supplementary reports.
Then, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Win Sein laid down the future plan. Minister U Tin Winn assigned duty to departmental heads for the second four-monthly target for 2002. Later, the minister, the deputy minister and departmental heads presented educational cash assistance to respective personnel.
Minister inspects jeep
Yangon, 26 June - Chairman of Myanmar Industrial Development Committee Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung, together with officials, inspected Myaylatt Jeep, manufactured by U Tun Wai Workshop in Myingyan Industrial Zone in Myingyan this afternoon.
Similar five Myaylatt Jeeps are being manufactured in Myingyan Industrial Zone. The committee is providing the needs of the industrialists.
( 8
) Press conference on holding the ceremony to mark International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking and 16th destruction ceremony of seized narcotic drugs held

Yangon, 26 June - A press conference on holding the ceremony to mark International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking and the 16th destruction ceremony of seized narcotic drugs, precursor chemicals and paraphernalia in Yangon was held at the meeting hall of the Drug Elimination Museum at the corner of Kyundaw Street and Hanthawady Street in Kamayut Township here at 11 am today.

It was attended by members of the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control, officials of Myanmar Police Force (Headquarters), departmental heads, local and foreign correspondents, officials of the Ministry of Information, Vice-President of the Myanmar Foreign Correspondents Club U Aung Shwe Oo and member correspondents and officials. First, CCDAC Joint Secretary Police Col Kham Aung explained the purpose of the holding of the ceremonies in Yangon.

Then, Police Col Kham Aung, Director-General of the Attorney-General's Office Dr Tun Shin and CCDAC and Drug Elimination Department Director (International) Police Col Sit Aye answered queries put by those present.
( 9
) 0.33 kilos of heroin seized in Muse
Yangon, 26 - A combined team comprising members of
local intelligence unite and Myanmar Police Force, acting on information
intercepted and searched a super cub motorcycle driven by Taungya Htan,
son of Ran Htin of Homon Ward, Muse, Muse-Lashio Road on the way to
Mawtaung from Mongyu 105- Mile Village on 15 June and seized 0.33 kilos
of heroin kept in 15 soap cases.
After questioning him, the authorities also Zaw Tin
Htan, the herion possessor , son of U Gwan Mu of Aung Villagetract,
Kalay Township , and Ma Thander Tun, daughter of U Pa Ko of Myohaung
Ward, Hakha Township.
Action is being taken against them under the Narcotic
Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by the police station concerned.