1 ) State Peace and Development Council
Senior General Than Shwe sends felicitations to Croatia
Yangon, 25 June - Senior General Than Shwe,
Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of
Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to. His Excellency Mr
Stipe Mesic, President of the Republic of Croatia, on the occasion
of the National Day of the Republic of Croatia which falls on 25
June 2002.
State Peace and Development Council Chairman
Senior General Than Shwe sends message of sympathy to Islamic
Republic of Iran
Yangon, 25 June - Senior General Than Shwe,
Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of
Myanmar, .has sent a message of sympathy to His Excellency Mr Seyed
Mohammad Khatami, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, for the
heavy loss of life and property caused by recent devastating
earthquake in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
( 2 )
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt attends meeting 1/2002 of ASEAN Steering Committee
Yangon, 24 June - The meeting 1/2002 of the ASEAN Steering Committee was held at Zeya Thiri Beikman hall, Konmyinttha here this evening, attended by Chairman of ASEAN Steering Committee Sec-retary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.

Chairman of the committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt made an address on the occasion. He said Myanmar has become a full member nation of the ASEAN since 1997. There were only six member nations in the ASEAN in the past, but all ten South-East Asia nations became member nations at present. Due to the collective efforts of all ASEAN member nations, the association has become firm and is playing a vital role in international community, he added.
Myanmar has actively been taking part in ASEAN activities. Not only did she attend the ASEAN meetings but hosted the meetings successfully. Myanmar has spent a large amount of money in carrying out the ASEAN activities and it is needed to make records of Myanmar's active participation in ASEAN affairs as well as cooperation of other nations with Myanmar, he pointed out.
At this meeting, the tasks being carried out by respective ministries during the period between one meeting and another, and future tasks are to be presented, he said.
Next, Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung reported to the Secretary-1 on matters relating to the ASEAN meetings hosted in Myanmar in six months,
participation of Myanmar delegates at the ASEAN meetings, participation of Myanmar embassy officials at the ASEAN meetings on behalf of departments and
arrangements for the ASEAN meetings.
Then, Minister at the State Peace and Development Council Chairman's Office Brig-Gen Abel briefed the Secretary-1 on matters relating to cooperation with ASEAN member nations and ASEAN plus 3 (China, Japan and Korea).
After that, Minister U Win Aung reported to the Secretary-1 on matters relating to the
endeavor for unity among the ASEAN
nations and narrowing the gap
among member nations by giving assistance to four nations to be able
to become new member nations. The ministers and deputy ministers
present held discussions on holding the meeting of the Task Force on
maintenance of ASEAN nature and bio-diversity, the ASEAN meetings to be hosted in Myanmar and the ASEAN activities, the attendance of ministries at the ASEAN meetings.
Afterwards, Chairman of the committee Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt spoke of Myanmar's active participation in all ASEAN activities and BIMST-EC activities, and Myanmar's efforts as a bridge between the ASEAN member nations and BIMST-EC nations. He satisfied Myanmar's participation in the ASEAN and BIM-STEC
activities and urged all ministries to maintain already achieved
momentum in carrying out the activities. Then, the meeting came to a
Highland cultivation will not only improve lives of our brethren in hilly regions but also help protect environment
Myanmar remains one of few countries in the world where 50% of the total land area still covered with forests
Secretary-1 addresses opening ceremony of Second Conference on
Environmental Education and Research for Sustainable Development
Yangon, 24 June - Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt delivered an address at the opening ceremony of the Second Conference on Environmental Education and Research for Sustainable Development at the Diamond Jubilee Hall in Kamayut Township at 9 am today.

At the opening ceremony, the Secretary-1 delivered an address. He said:
Today, there is an increasing awareness of the sources of the threats to the environment and the extent of environmental damages they have caused. Many nations are experiencing degradation of agricultural land, deforestation, desertification, depletion of ground water, pollution of seas and rivers, climatic changes, and loss of plants and animal species. Therefore, it has become imperative that we transform this growing awareness into positive actions if we are to give the Earth another chance to revitalize itself.
One of the ways to do this is to share our know-ledge and expertise in environmental protection and sustainable development of the environment. This forum being hosted by the University of Yangon to discuss environment issues is an example of such a strategy. It may be recalled that a similar conference, which focused on environmental education, and research at the tertiary level, which paved the way for the introduction of Environmental Studies at the tertiary level in Myanmar, was held by Yangon University in the same month last year.
We in Myanmar have a long tradition of protecting and preserving our environment. Visitors to Myanmar are often amazed by the verdant beauty of the urban and rural areas alike, which attests to the Myanmar people's love for nature, and our tradition of conserving our environment.
However, as in many developing nations, Myanmar also has to face the challenges of population pressure and industrial expansion. In this age of globalization, it is only natural that Myanmar must develop and modernize to meet the needs of the time. But we do not believe that our programmes and efforts for economic progress should be at the expense of the environment. Indeed, the Government is taking every measure to protect the natural environment of the nation. We are making every effort to protect and preserve our environment through establishment of relevant bodies,
statues and policies, promotion of knowledge and information down to the grass roots level, careful management of forests, systematic formulation of plans and implementation of projects in critical regions.
The general public and in particular our young citizens are being provided both formal and non-formal education and hands-on practical experience in activities to conserve our rich environment and abundant natural resources. I wish also to acknowledge the active support in this national endeavor by national and international NGOs. As an example, the Myanmar National Committee for Women's Affairs organizes a tree-planting ceremony to commemorate Myanmar Women's Day which falls on the 3rd of July every year. Moreover, Would Environment Day is also celebrated in a grand manner in the country to promote environmental awareness.
In addition we are striving to eradicate practice that are harmful to the environment. In this connection, Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council, has recently given guidance on accelerating development of the highland regions and striving for the substitution of the practice of slash an burn shifting cultivation with that of terraced cultivation. The introduction of highland cultivation in place of the slash and burn nomadic practice of cultivation will not only improve the lives of our brethren in the hilly regions but also help to protect the environment.
Myanmar's endeavor to create a better environment for future generations is meeting with success.
The project to transform the nine critical districts in central Myanmar that once faced near desertification into verdant and lush regions is an example of the success we are achieving. Indeed, due to the success attained in the project, it is now being expanded to cover 13 districts.
Myanmar remains one of the few countries in the world where 50 per cent of the total land area is still covered with forests. We are committed to preservation of these forests and are vigorously implementing a 30-year Master Plan towards this end.
A glance at the programme for the conference shows the participation of distinguished scholars from diverse fields, both local as well as foreign, and presentation and discussion of a wide range of topics and issues related to Myanmar remains one of the few countries in the world where 50 per cent of the total land area is still covered with environmental education and research for sustainable development.
An interesting part of the programme is the field trip to Bagan, NyaungU and Mount Popa where the participants will be able to study at first hand the efforts being made in greening the dry zone. It will also give the participants a chance to observe Myanmar culture and history.
In conclusion, I wish the conference great success and a fruitful exchange of experiences and knowledge. I would also like to thank our foreign participants for sharing with us their invaluable knowledge and insights and wish them a very happy stay in Myanmar.
Then, Rector Dr Soe Yin of the University of Yangon extended greetings and the ceremony came to an end.
After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 cordially met local and foreign scholars and resource persons.
( 3
) Minister receives Chinese guests
Yangon, 24 June - Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung received Chief Representative Ms Luo Yan and party of China National Constructional and Agricultural Machinery Import & Export Corporation at the ministry this afternoon.
Minister U Win Aung sends message of sympathy to Islamic Republic of Iran
Yangon, 25 June - U Win Aung, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of Sympathy to His Excellency Dr Kamal Kharrazi, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, for the heavy loss of life and property caused by recent devastating earthquake in the Islamic Republic of
( 4
) The entire people supporting and taking pride in Tatmadawmen who are fighting along border at risk to life and blood in safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity
Magway Division supports mass rallies denouncing SURA and KNU insurgents who encroached on security and peace of border areas
People of Magway Division respect for sovereignty
Yangon, 24 June - The ceremony to support the national mass rallies denouncing SURA and KNU insurgents who are undermining security and peace in border areas, and to show respect for sovereignty of the Union of Myanmar was held at the sports ground of Magway Division in Magway at 7 am on 23 June.
It was attended by members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Red Cross Brigade, Auxiliary Fire brigade, Myanmar War Veterans Organization, Women's Affairs Committee and Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association of Magway, Yenangyaung, Chauk, Taungdwingyi, Natmauk and Myothit Townships in Thayet, Minbu and Magway Districts of Magway Division, departmental personnel, teachers and students, band troupes and flag bearing troupes in four columns.
To attend the ceremony, the Tabinshwehti column led by local people and Auxiliary Fire Brigade members of four wards marched from the gathering point in front of Win Thuzar Shop at the corner of Bogyoke Street and Pyidawtha Street; the Bayint Naung column comprising Red Cross
Society members, nurses and people of 5 wards marched from the gathering point of Division People's Hospital; the Alaungphaya column comprising teachers of Magway Institute of Education, teachers and students of basic education high schools marched from the gathering point of Magway Town Hall; and the Hsinbyushin column comprising USDA members, MWVO members, Women's Affairs Committee members, MMCWA members, service personnel and the local people of Magway, Yenang-yaung, Chauk, Taungdwin-gyi, Natmauk and Myothit townships of Thayet, Minbu and Magway Districts marched from the gathering point of the Division Peace and Development Council Office to the sports ground.

U Han Maung of Magway Division USDA acted as master of ceremonies. He read out the agenda and announced the commencement of the ceremony. First, those present at the ceremony saluted the State Flag.
Next, Daw Aye Aye Moe of Magway Township Women's Affairs Committee explained the purpose of the ceremony. She said: since early 2001, the SURA and KNU insurgents taking footholds in Yodaya launched attacks here and there along the border. The national brethren there had to suffer loss of properties and lives. The national people were exasperated as the insurgents destructionists, with reliance on Yodaya's strength, have encroached upon the State sovereignty and harmed the security and peace at the border areas. Thus, the national people held mass rallies in Kengtung on 1 June and in Taunggyi on 2 June to denounce the insurgents .
The patriotic national people can no longer be tolerant on hindering the
nation's development and undermining the national sovereignty and territorial
integrity. Like the residential people of border areas, the people of Mgaway Division denounced the drug-trafficking insurgents. Peoples of various States and Divisions supported the mass rallies held in Kengtung and Taunggyi and so did the people of Magway Division. Today, the State flags are hoisted at houses,
buildings, offices,. schools, bridges, roads, markets, etc in the entire Magway as a symbol of cherishing and respecting the national sovereignty. It also manifests the fact that the entire national people will in no way accept any encroachment upon the national sovereignty. Especially, the people abhor the encroachment on national sovereignty by the other country. The entire national people are to safeguard the privileges gained from prevalence of peace and tranquility.
In the course of history, Myanmar has never let any external traitorous destructionists to take footholds in its territory. Being a true
neighbor, Myanmar sincerely adheres to the Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence. Yodaya's encroachment on the national sovereignty and abetting the insurgents are unjust.
The entire people are supporting and taking pride of the Tatmadawmen who are fighting along the border at the risk of lives and blood for safeguarding the sovereignty and territorial integrity.
In the anti-colonialist struggles,. through the united strength of the people including the national races of hilly regions, our forefathers had successfully driven out the powerful colonialists. Ancient Myanmar kings such as Anawrahta, Bayint Naung, Hsinbyushin, etc had absolutely crushed the enemies who tried to intrude into the country.
In line with these traditions and in order to enable the Union to stand tall among the
world's nations with dignity, the entire national people must keep nationalist spirit alive and dynamic for wiping out any attempt to disintegrate the Union. In conclusion, I would like to urge all the national people to put Our Three Main National Causes
--- Non-disintegration of the Union; Non-disintegration of national solidarity and Perpetuation of sovereignty
--- in the fore.

Next, Yenangyaung Township USDA organizer U Than Zaw explained the purpose of holding the ceremony. He said: Since 1989, the Government has been implementing development programmes in border areas without sparing day and night with a view to turning the nation into a peaceful, modern and developed one. In the context, the SURA drug-trafficking insurgents and KNU insurgents are making fabrications with ill will and encroaching on the national sovereignty.
On 11-2-2001, the SURA insurgents taking a foothold in Yodaya attacked Tatmadaw outpost at E-7 hillock near Tachilek with heavy weapons. Ten rounds of heavy weapon fell on Tarlock market in Tarlock ward, leaving seven houses, one monastery, three shops and three motor vehicles destroyed.
On 21-2-2001, a combined force involving about 200 of SURA insurgents and Yodaya army attacked Lwetawkham camp. On 24-2-2001, the SURA insurgents and Yodaya army troops
totaling about 200 attacked Parchee camp near Myanmar-Yodaya border. On 8-2-2002, the SURA insurgents and Yodaya army troops
totaling about 200 attacked Maikyoke camp and new Maikyoke camp. They fired heavy weapons and 28 houses, one motor vehicle and two motorbikes were destroyed. The insurgents also took away with two motorcycles and two motor vehicles. In the Maikyoke camp battle, 5 Tatmadawmen, 3
people's militiamen and 9 villagers were killed.

The KNU insurgents have been committing atrocities and acts of sabotage many years ago. Now, they are encroaching upon the sovereignty and regional security in border areas. On 6-5-2002, a KNU group entered the place
between Bilin and Thaton and blew up the Yangon-Myainggalay natural gas pipe line near Kazein bridge between mile-posts No 130/3 and 130/4 of Yangon-Mottama highway.
On 15-5-2002, the SURA insurgents bonbarded on Minletpan village at the border with artillery. On 20-5-2002, a combined force of the SURA insurgents and Yodaya army insulted us by attacking the Tatmadaw outposts and
people's militia camps in Panmongsum, Nyaungbingon and others. What I would like to stress is that Yodaya has always been
harboring a grudge on Myanmar and it is providing expatriate traitors with the shelter, arms, food and recruitment It amounts to
destabilizing peace and stability of the State, hindering the development of the State and
destroying the property and life of the national races.
The Yodaya conducts military man oeuvre involving a large number of troops near Myanmar-Yodaya border yearly and it is a sign of military threat and insult. We regard such an act as a danger to our country.
We must crunch destructive insurgents and external intruders at the risk to our lives to protect every inch of the national sovereignty and territorial integrity with strong nationalist spirit. Now, the patriotic Tatmadawmen sacrificing blood and sweat and lives are launching an offensive against the insurgents to retake the Tatmadaw outposts and people's militia camps which is situated in Myanamr-Yodaya and lost to the SURA drug-trafficking insurgents due to combined attacks of the SURA insurgents and Yodaya army. The entire people are unitedly behind the Tatmadawmen who making attacks against the insurgents in the front lines.
The entire national people are urged not to loose the fruits of peace, security and development and to courageously oppose and crush anyone who are encroaching on the national sovereignty.
Then, the mass rally chanted the slogans---"non-disintegration of the Union
--- our cause, our cause; non-disintegration of the national solidarity
--- our cause, our cause; perpetuation of sovereignty --- our cause, our
cause", which brought the ceremony to a close.
As a gesture showing respect for sovereignty of Myanmar, the State flags were hoisted at houses, buildings, department offices, markets, schools and either sides of the
( 5 ) Tatmadaw border outposts occupied by SURA drug-trafficking destructive insurgents recaptured
SURA insurgents put poison into Pangangaw Creek during their retreat
Yodaya media and SURA fabricate news that Tatmadaw use chemical weapons to make world misunderstand Myanmar
Yangon, 24 June - A press conference on recapture of Tatmadaw outposts occupied by SURA drug-trafficking destructive- insurgents at Myanmar-Yodaya border was held at Tatmadaw guest house on Inya Road this morning.

Present were Minister for Labour U Tin Winn, Vice-Chief of Military Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win, Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung, senior military officers of the Ministry of Defence, departmental heads, information officials of the Ministry of Information, U Sein Win of Kyodo news agency, Patron of Myanmar Foreign Correspondents Club U Hla Htwe, Vice-President U Aung Shwe Oo, correspondents and guests.
Deputy Head of Department of the Ministry of Defence Col San Pwint made clarifications on recapture of Tatmadaw outposts occupied by SURA drug-trafficking destructive insurgents at Myanmar-Yodaya border. He said SURA
drug-trafficking destructive insurgents in collaboration with Yodaya army involving large number of forces opened fire on Tatmadaw outposts such as Panmongsun, Nyaungbingon, Pangangaw and Yanpaingsun outposts in Myanmar territory in Myanmar-Yodaya border on 20 May 2002. In the attack, they fired shells of heavy weapons with the help of tanks and heavy weapons support from Yodaya. The Tatmadaw outposts launched attack on them. Due to the inequality in power, Tatmadaw retreated from the outposts on 21 May. The incident had been clarified to the journalists.

Giving the reason of conducting military exercise called SURA SI (143), Yodaya army deployed its troops, tanks, heavy weapons along our border. After that, they attacked the outposts in collaboration with SURA drug-trafficking destructive insurgents. The military exercise was deliberately timed to coincide with the attack. SURA drug-trafficking destructive insurgents and Yodaya army attacked our outposts with the use of heavy weapons and manpower. As a result, Tatmadawmen and arms and ammunition lost. The Tatmadaw will attack them and recapture the outposts. As our camps are located closely to the border, the Tatmadaw will take special care to ensure that none of the bullets of our troops land on the territory of other nation in trying to recapture the outposts and camps. If the bullets land on the other nation during the attack, the Yodaya army should not take it as advantage to attack us from SURA side or give heavy weapons supporting fire. If the Tatmadawmen are fired by heavy weapons during the attack, Myanmar side will return fire. The attack is informed in advance not to create any misunderstanding and not to draw slanderous accusations from Yodaya side. The clarification was made at the press conference on 4 June.
Knowing the attack to recapture the Tatmadaw camps in advance, over 600 SURA drug-trafficking destructive insurgents with the support of infantry heavy weapons was on the defensive at 20 places in the east and beside of the occupied outposts.
After the plan to attack the outposts was clarified, Col San Pwint said the Tatmadaw columns started launching attack on SURA drug-trafficking destructive insurgents on 6 June. The Tatmadaw columns in cooperation with the people's militia of Wa, Lahu, Shan and Akha nationals fought against the insurgents. The Tatmadaw columns attacked outposts in the east and beside of the camp hills occupied by SURA drug-trafficking insurgents. The columns recaptured the Yanpaingsun camp on 16 June,
Panmongsun camp and police station on 19 June and Nyaungbingon and Pangangaw camps at 11.15 pm on 21 June. SURA drug-trafficking destructive insurgents fled into Yodaya territory. Now all Tatmadaw outposts were recaptured.
In trying to recapture the Tatmadaw outposts, there were 31 small and major engagements from 6 to 21 June. At the time of recapture, 45 bodies of SURA destructive insurgents and places where bodies were buried were found. Over 100 SURA insurgents were killed and over 200 were wounded in the attack, it is learnt. Seven assorted weapons, 91 assorted mines, 47 assorted projectiles and 11,600 assorted ammunition were seized. About 50 Tatmadawmen sacrificed lives for the country and about 200 were wounded. There were casualties of members of
people's militia who fought the enemy together with the Tatmadawmen.
It was found that fabricated news was reported in Yodaya newspapers that the Tatmadaw used chemical weapons called yellow rain in trying to recapture the camps. The true story was that after the columns had recaptured the camps, they found that fish and other marine animals were killed in Pangangaw Creek as SURA insurgents put poison into the creek on 22 June. The SURA insurgents deliberately created the fact that the Tatmadaw used chemical weapons. The insurgents aimed at killing the Tatmadawmen if they used poisoned water. Our Tatmadawmen are far from using the chemical weapon and they have never heard of it. Myanmar has no ability to produce such weapons and no country sells arms to Myanmar, She cannot use such weapon. Use of chemical weapon was totally fabricated accusation. Previous year, fabricated news was reported in Yodaya newspaper that our Tatmadaw used chemical weapons in the Parchee camp attack. As a result, some of the SURA insurgents underwent treatment in hospital in Chiangmai. Yodaya newspaper reported the fabricated news on seizure of stimulants tablets from the Tatmadaw camps. Now Yodaya
is spreading fabricated news of use of chemical weapons so as to
make the world misunderstand Myanmar.
The Tatmadaw in cooperation with members of
people's militia is performing operation against SURA drug-trafficking insurgents in our territory in Lwekhanchon and Kyahtina regions in Myanmar-Yodaya border. The troops were informed that they would not enter the territory of Yodaya and would take
care to avoid its shell falling into Yodaya. The troops and
people's militia did not enter the territory of Yodaya at all. Yodaya was informed in advance that the Tatmadaw columns would launch operation against SURA drug-trafficking insurgents in our territory. However, Yodaya army fired 53 shots of artillery at Lwekhanchon from morning to evening on 23 June. A surveillance plane from Yodaya army intruded about 500 yards into the country for 45 minutes from 5.20 pm to 6.05 pm on 22 June and flew over along the border where the Tatmadaw was launching operation against the SURA insurgents. In this connection, a note of protest will be given to military
attaché of Yodaya.
Vice-Chief of Military Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win and Deputy Head of Department Col San Pwint replied to the queries raised by the journalists.
Afterwards, the journalists viewed round the documentary photos on assisting the SURA opium trafficking insurgents in Yodaya territory, documentary photos of SURA opium trafficking insurgents
practicing military exercises in Lwetainghlyan camp in Yodaya, documentary photos on weapons used by Yodaya army, communication machines, other equipment seized from E 7 (O) hillock, Lwekhamchon Kyahtina region, documentary photos on cruel atrocities of Yodaya towards Myanmars, the map showing the camps of SURA opium trafficking insurgents with strong holds in Yodaya, the map showing the attacks on Tatmadaw outposts in Panmongson region launched by SURA opium trafficking insurgents in coalition with Yodaya army, and the map showing the Tatmadaw's recapture of Panmongson region occupied by SURA
opium trafficking insurgents, which were on display.
( 6 )
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than inspects development tasks in Thandwe District
Yangon, 24 June - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than of the Ministry of Defence, left here by air on 21 June afternoon and arrived at Thandwe at 3.40 pm.
They were welcomed there by Chairman of Rakhine State Peace and Development Council Commander of Western Command Brig-Gen Maung Oo, Brig-Gen Kyi Thein of Taungup Station, officials and USDA members.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party, accompanied by Commander Brig-Gen Maung Oo, Brig-Gen Kyi Thein of Taungup Station and officials, met with local authorities of Thandwe District, Thandwe and Gwa Townships, departmental officials and persons of social organizations.
Officials of Thandwe and Gwa Townships reported on agriculture, fisheries and social sectors. Then, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than gave necessary instructions.
On 22 June morning, they attended the opening ceremony of multimedia teaching centre of Basic Education High School (Ngapali) in Thandwe. Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than unveiled the signboard of the multimedia teaching centre and heard reports on efforts to open the multimedia teaching centre of the school by officials.

Next, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than presented teaching aids to Headmaster U Maung Maung Thein. Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than gave a speech and then signed in the
visitors' book of the school.
After the ceremony, they posed for documentary photo together with teachers, members of the School Board of Trustees and students.
Then, they met with officers, Tatmadawmen and families of the local battalions at Ngapali Hall of Thandwe Station.
Afterwards, they inspected progress in upgrading the two-lane Pyaychaung Bridge which is 440 feet long and 24 feet wide on Thandwe-Taungup Road and fulfilled the requirements. Pyaychaung Bridge was a bailey type one in the past. Nowadays, two 100-feet-long spans of the bridge across the river is being built of steel frames and remaining four 60-feet-long spans of reinforced concrete.
Then, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party inspected 44-mile long Thandwe-Taungup
Road and bridges on it.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo attends Mon State monsoon Thithseint tree planting ceremony
Yangon, 24 June - The Mon State monsoon Thithseint tree (Belleric myrobalan) planting ceremony was held at the Central Rubber Cultivation Model Farm of Myanma Perennial Crops Enterprise of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation in Kyonpaik Village, Mudon Township, on 22 June morning, attended by member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Maung Bo of the Ministry of Defence.
Commander Brig-Gen Thura Myint Aung and Mon State Manager of MPCE U Sit Maung formally opened the ceremony. Next, Maj-Gen Maung Bo, the Commander and officials planted Thithseint trees at the designated places.
Afterwards, Maj-Gen Maung Bo, the Commander and party proceeded to Shwehintha Golf Course in Mudon and planted Thithseint trees at the golf course. They also viewed planting of Thithseint trees by Tatmadawmen of the local battalion, families, students and local people on both sides of Mudon-Chaunghnakhwa Road. They then visited the Thithseint tree planting ceremonies at the local region. In the South-East Command area, 2,885 acres of land have been put under 144,242 Thithseint trees in Mon State, 63 acres of land under 3,150 trees in Kayin state, totaling 2,948 acres under 147,392 trees.
Then, Maj-Gen Maung Bo viewed the 600 feet long reclining Buddha image being built in Kyauktalon village, Mudon Township. He paid homage and donated provisions to Winsein Sayadaw Agga Maha Saddhammajotikadhaja Bhaddanta Kesara at the Dhammayon of the pagoda.
( 7 )
Minister inspects construction of Hsinlam dam
Yangon, 24 June - Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin, accompanied by responsible officials, inspected the construction of Hsinlam dam near Hsinlam Village in PyinOolwin Township being carried out by Construction Group 4 of the Irrigation Department on 22 June afternoon.

Director U Maung Maung Tin of the construction group reported on progress of work, tasks being carried and future tasks. Director-General U Kyaw San Win of ID explained matters related to distribution of water for drinking and cultivation purposes on completion of the dam. The minister gave necessary instructions.
Then, the minister inspected the construction site of the dam.
On completion, the dam will be able to supply 2.5 million gallons for PyinOolwin and will be able to irrigate 500 acres of farmland under the dam for the year-long cultivation of crops. Afterwards, the minister inspected Mandalay canal, a main canal of Hsedawgyi Dam, by car.
Next, the minister proceeded to Training Centre for Development of Irrigation Technology (Upper Myanmar) in Patheingyi Township and urged responsible officials to nurture competent staff for the department.
Minister inspects Pakokku Industrial Zone and production of salt
Yangon, 24 June - Minister for Industry-2 Maj-Gen Saw Lwin, together with Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Aung Thein Lin, on 22 June, arrived at the salt field near Kyathtoe Village, Pakokku Township, Magway Division, where Chairman of Pakokku District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Tin Soe and officials welcomed them and reported on production process of salt, distribution of salt and providing assistance for salt-makers.
The minister met with salt-makers and inspected condition of making salt. He also inspected the sites where salt will be made by the Ministry of Industry-2 and gave instructions to the officials on transport and distribution of salt.
In the afternoon, the minister went to Pakokku Industrial Zone and there Chairman of Pakokku Industrial Zone Entrepreneurs Association U Win Ko, and Chairman of Zone Supervisory Committee Pakokku Chairman of District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Tin Soe reported on construction of the zone and progress of work of the zone. The minister inspected the vehicles manufactured by the Pakokku Industrial Zone. He then gave instructions to the officials on systematic utilizing of car spare parts which were sold by the State and urged them to implement the tasks for the development of the zone.
Then, the minister proceeded to the site for extended construction of Pakokku
People's Hospital being undertaken by Myanma Industrial Construction Services. Managing Director U Ye Tun reported to the minister on progress of work and tasks to be carried for extended construction of the hospital. The minister later inspected round the site and gave instructions on construction of the hospital meeting the set standard.
Minister attends opening of Special Refresher Course for Border Area Development
Yangon, 24 June - The opening ceremony of the Special Refresher Course for Border Area Development No 1/2002 was held at the Ohndaw Hall of the Central Institute of Civil Service (Phaunggyi) this morning with an address by Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing.

In his address, the minister said, special refresher course for border areas and national races development 1/2002 was conducted in accord with the guidance of the Head of State, Chairman of the Central Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races, and it will nurture the trainees to be able to successfully and speedily implement development tasks in the border areas which lag behind others in development. He urged the trainees to learn hard for the successful implementation of regional development tasks based on Union Spirit, to exert utmost efforts for the development of the regions where they are assigned duties and to actively implement the five rural development tasks.
Altogether 399 trainees of respective ministries are attending the six-week
USDA CEC member tours Mandalay
Yangon, 24 June - Union Solidarity and Development Association Central Executive Committee Member U Aung Thaung, together with Mandalay Division USDA Secretary U Tin Maung Oo and officials, on 22 June morning, met with the executives and organizers at the USDA offices in Natogyi Township and Myingyan Township, Mandalay, and briefed them on the five rural development tasks.
He then inspected the preparations for the opening ceremony of the multimedia classroom of Basic Education High School, Simigon Village, Myingyan Township.
At 3.30 pm, he attended the concluding ceremony of USDA Executives' Basic Multiplier Course No 13 at Myingyan District USDA Office and presented prizes to the outstanding trainees. On behalf of the staff of the Industry-1, he donated a set of computer to Pyawbwe model village.
In the evening, Myanma Industry Development Committee Chairman Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung met and discussed with entrepreneurs at dyeing and printing factory in Myingyan Industrial Zone.
Later, the CEC member inspected the USDA building constructed by Ministry of Industry-1 at Taungtha Township USDA Office. Then, on behalf of the staff of the ministry, he presented K 500,000 to renovate the lake in Zajan village.
The CEC member planted and sprinkled the Bo tree with scented water at Talaing Ywathit Village, Taungtha Township next day. In the morning, he attended the opening ceremony of a new school building at Pwaykyit Village in Kyaukpadaung Township.
Then, he met with members of USDA War Veterans Organization and discussed on the rural development tasks at Kyaukpadaung Township USDA Office. Afterwards, the minister inspected the production of salt by the Myanma Paper and Chemical Industries of Ministry of Industry-1 near Ngathayauk Village. In the evening, he also inspected Nyaung-U Winthuza shop.
( 8
) Illegal timber logs seized
Yangon, 24 June - A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force and employees of the Forest Department seized 289 illegal logs of teak (95.4 tons) in Plot No 1, 2 and 3 near Yebyu Village, Pauk Township, Pakokku District on 4 June, 2002. Culprits were U Aung Min, 48, son of U Nyo Maung of Ward 12, Pakokku, and U Hla Myint, 47, son of U Ohn Maung of Ward 2, Pakokku.
The two were granted permit for extracting discarded timber for 2000-2001 by Pakokku District Forest Department. However, they felled teak trees of commercial value and made them look like discarded timber.
Other combined teams seized six owners of the illegal saw mills and 13 owners of the illegal timber, together with 30.5610 tons of illegal teak logs and 11.557 tons of illegal sawn teak in Sanpya Village, Myaing Township on 27 May, 84.7228 tons of illegal teak and 24.4685 tons of illegal Pyingadoe, xylia dolabriformis, in Mintaing-pin, Wunbegyaink, Lattaun-gyi, Kyunbogone and Hnawkan Villages in Pale Township between 28 and 30 May .
Another combined team, acting on information, searched a green Nissan car with Number Plates 1 Kha/ 3722 and a Hino truck with number plates 2 Kha/ 3986 en route from Mandaly to Yangon at Kontha Bridge between Meilktila and Pyawbwe Townships on 12 June and seized 34 tons of assorted sizes of illegal sawn teak. The authorities arrested Aung Moe, son of U Tin Win of Kyaukme and 4 others.
Action is being taken against them.
( 9
) Drug Trafficker gets 12 years
Yangon - 24 June -A combined team comprising
members of local intelligence unit and local police force, acting on
a tip-off, on 23 April afternoon, searched a shop in Anawmar Ward,
Thakayta Township and seized 15.3 grams of marijuana from Aung
In connection with the case, No 1 Police Station,
Thakayta opened the case against Aung Khaing, 31, son of U Pan 00 of
Anawmar Ward, Thakayta Township, under section 15/16 (C) of the
Narcotic Drugs and psycho- tropic Substances Law.
Thakayta Townsbip Court sentenced him to five
years imprisonment under section 15 and seven years imprisonment
under section 16 (C) to serve separately.
510 stimulants tablets seized in Hopong
Yangon, 24 June -A combined team comprising
members of local intelligence unit and Taunggyi Special Anti-Drugs
Squad, acting on information, searched the house of Ma Sein Shwe of
Hopong Township on 12 June and seized 510 stimulant tablets.
Action is being taken against Ma Sein Shwe, 38,
daughter of U Su Wunna by Hopong Police Station 15./19 (a)/20 (a) of
the Narchotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.