1 ) Secretary-l inspects construction of educational structures, attends
opening of new building of Myitkyina Education Centre for the Blind
YANGON, 23 June -
Chairman of the Work committee for Development of Border Areas and National
Races Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin
Nyunt left
here by Tatmadaw flight this
morning and arrived in
Bhamo in Kachin State at
10.30 am.
The Secretary-l and party
were welcomed by Chairman
of Kachin State Peace and Development Council Commander of Northern Command Brig-Gen Maung
Maung Swe, senior military
officers of Bhamo station,
members of District and
Township Peace and Development Councils, departmental personnel and members of
the Union Solidarity and Development Association.
The Secretary-l and party
inspected Bhamo Degree
College construction project
being undertaken by the Ministry of Education for the
human resource development
in line with the 24-region
development project and five rural development tasks.
Commander Brig-Gen
Maung Maung Swe, Deputy
Minister for Education U
Myo Nyunt and officials reported on academic and management matters, teaching
aids, power and water supply, communications, transport
and preparations for opening
of Bhamo Degree College.
The Secretary-1 inspected
training of faculty members at language laboratory, computer training centre and
conference room at lecture hall-4. The Secretary-l inspected
lecture halls, furniture and
progress of work.
The Secretary-l and party
and the commander arrived
in Myitkyina in the afternoon. The Secretary-l and
party were welcomed by
Commander of Myitkyina
Air Base Headquarters Brig-Gen Bo Kyi, Deputy Commander of Northern Command Brig-Gen San Thein,
senior military officers, members of Kachin State, District and Township Peace
and Development Councils, departmental personnel, national race leaders from
special regions in Kachin State and
members of the USDA.
A ceremony to open the
new building of Myitkyina
Education Centre for the Blind donated by Japan under the grassroots assistance
was held in Ayemyathaya
Ward in Myitkyina in the
afternoon, attended by the Secretary-l.
The commander, First Secretary Mr Hajime Nagao and
general secretary of Myanmar
Christian Fellowship of the
Blind U Thein Lwin formally
opened the new building of
the centre for the blind.

The Secretary-1 unveiled
the signboard of the new
In his speech, Commander
Brig-Gen Maung Maung Swe
said the building was built
with the contribution of US $
58,408 under the grassroots
assistance of Japan and K 8
million by Myanmar Christian
Fellowship of the Blind.
Opening of the school for the
blind contributes much towards development of blind
students in Kachin State and human resource in Myanmar.
He said the students can serve
the interest of the society
based on education acquired
at the school. He urged them
to try to keep abreast with the
progress of the world.
First Secretary Mr Hajime
Nagao reported on the of the donation to the centre.
General secretary of Myanmar Christian Fellowship of the Blind U Thein
Lwin thanked the donor. He
explained the care for the blind
and progress of work.
U Thein Lwin presented a
commemorative pennant and
gift to the Secretary-l.

Next, the Secretary-l presented K 500,000 for Myitkyina Education Centre for the
Blind to general secretary U
Thein Lwin who presents a
commemorative pennant and
gift to First Secretary Mr Hajime Nagao. The Secretary-l and party and guests enjoyed
the performance of the students
The Secretary-l arrived back there in the evening.
( 2 )
Ambassador U Saw Hla Min presents credentials to King of Cambodia
YANGON, 14 June - U Saw Hla Min, Ambassador
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Union of Myanmar to the
Kingdom of Cambodia, presented his credentials to His Majesty Preah
Bat Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk Varman, King of Cambodia, on 12
June 2002, in Phnom Penh.
( 3
) Maj-Gen Maung Bo donates exercise books, stationery to monastic
education schools
YANGON, 23 June -
Member of the State Peace
and Development Council
Maj-Gen Maung Ho of the
Ministry of Defence, accompanied by Chairman of MOD
State Peace and Development
Council Commander of
South-East Command Brig-Gen Thura Myint Aung and
officials, attended the ceremony to donate exercise books and stationery to monastic education schools held
at Nyaunglebin Kyaungtaik in
Thaton, Mon State, on 21
First, the ceremony
opened with the three-time
recitation of Namo Tassa.
Nyaunglebin Sayadaw
Bhaddanta Panna administered the Five Precepts. Then,
members of the Sangha recited Parittas.
Then, Maj-Gen Maung Bo and the commander donated exercise
books, stationery and cash donations to the
Next, Nyaunglebin
Sayadaw Bhaddanta Panna gave Ovadas on development
of education standard of the
students and arrangements for
perpetuation and propagation
of Pariyatti Sasana and delivered a sermon. Then, Maj-Gen
Maung Bo, the commander
and party shared merits gained.
Later, the ceremony ended
with three-time recitation of Buddha Sasanam Ciram
Titthatu. After the ceremony,
Maj-Gen Maung Bo and the commander supplicated on religious affairs. At the donation
ceremony, exercise books,
cash assistance and clothes
were donated to five monastic
education schools and
Khemarrama Sarthintaik in
Thaton Township.
Afterwards, Maj-Gen
Maung Bo, the commander
and party proceeded to
Thuwunnabonmi Home for the
Aged in Thaton and paid respects to 37 .aged persons.
They then donated 30 bags of
rice and cash for the trust fund
to Chairman U Tun Thein of the Home for the Aged and officials who presented a certificate of honour.
On behalf of the aged persons, a grandpa .and a
grandma extended wishes.
Chairman U Tun Thein spoke
words of thanks. Maj-Gen
Maung Bo also asked after the
health of the elders.
Thence, Maj-Gen Maung
Bo and party proceeded to the
paddy fields of farmer U Win
Hlaing in Kamabikwin in
Paung Township. Maj-Gen
Maung Bo inspected progress
of the 10-acre paddy field and
gave instructions for boosting
the yield.
In the afternoon, Maj-Gen
Maung Bo and party inspected the dredging of
Kyauklongyi Creek. He gave
necessary instructions to the
officials concerned. The
dredging .of silt at 40,200-ft
Kyauklongyi Creek will prevent 5,000 acres of paddy cultivated land on either side of
the creek from flooding.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo,
Commander Brig-Gen Thura
Myint Aung and party cruised
along Thaminyoe Creek by
motor-boat to Zaikkare Sluice
Gate Construction Project site. At the briefing hall there, officials reported on the progress
of work and Maj-Gen Maung
Bo fulfilled the requirements.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party then went to the construction site of the Soap Factory Project of Myanma Industrial Construction Services of
the Ministry of Industry-2. At
the briefing hall there, Project
Director U Khin Win reported on the work progress and
Maj-Gen Maung Bo fulfilled the requirements. He then inspected round the factory.
Afterwards, Maj-Gen
Maung Bo went to the construction site of Thanlwin
River (Mawlamyine) Bridge. At the briefing hall on
Mottama side, officials reported on work being carried
out and future plans. Maj-Gen
Maung Bo gave necessary instructions and fulfilled the requirements. Next, Maj-Gen
Maung Bo inspected the pile driving of the bridge.
( 4
) New Shwehtidaw of Maha Zedihla Pagoda in Sagaing hoisted

YANGON, 23 June - A
ceremony to hoist new
Shwehtidaw donated by
Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe and wife
Daw San San Myint was
held at Maha Zedihla Pagoda
in Laykyunmye Ward in
Sagaing yesterday.
Present were Chairman of
Sagaing Division Peace and Development Council Commander of North-West Command Brig-Gen Soe Naing
and wife, Minister Maj-Gen
Hla Myint Swe and wife,
Deputy Minister for Transport U Pe Than, division, district and township level officials, heads of departments
of the Ministry of Transport
and members of the Union
Solidarity and Development
The congregation received the Nine Precepts
from Chairman of Sagaing
Division Sangha Nayaka
Committee (Shwekyin) Agga
Maha Pandita Agga Maha Sad-dhammajotikadhaja
Hantha Giri Kyaung Sayadaw Bhaddanta Nandavamsa.
Next, disciples presented
Paritta water, Paritta sand and
Paritta flower to the
Sayadaws who recited parittas. The disciples sprayed
Paritta water, Paritta sand and
Paritta flower on the pagoda.

Minister Maj-Gen Hla
Myint Swe supplicated on religious matters. The minister and wife presented
Seinbudaw and Pitaka treatise and offertories to the members of the Sangha.
Commander of North-West Command Brig-Gen
Soe Naing and wife presented Hngetmyatnadaw and
offertories to the members of
the Sangha.
The minister presented
treatise to Thubawdayon and
Shwehintha Taikthit Sayadaws and Daw San San
Myint Neikbannagyaung and
Ayenyeingyaung Nunneries.
Sayadaw Bhaddanta
Nanobhasa delivered a sermon. The commander and
the minister sprayed scented
water on Seinbudaw, Hngetmyatnadaw and tiers of the
Htidaw. Seinbudaw, Hnget-myat-nadaw and the tiers of
the Htidaw were conveyed
atop the pagoda through decorated carriage. Taingyar
U Than Hla shared the merits gained and performed
rituals of golden and silver
showers, Members of the
Sangha consecrated the pagoda. The commander, the
ministe,r and wife offered
alms to the members of the
Sangha. In the evening, the
minister paid obeisance to
Bodhitahtaung Sayadaw in
Monywa and inspected construction of standing Buddha
Myanmar delegation
arrives back
YANGON, 23 June - The
Myanmar delegation led by
Minister for Labour U Tin
Winn, arrived back here by air
this morning after attending the
90th Annual General meeting
of International Labour Organization held in Geneva, Switzerland, from 3 to 20 June.
They were welcomed
back at Yangon International Airport by Minister for Cooperatives Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe,
Minister for Religious Affairs
U Aung Khin, Deputy Minister for Labour Brig-Gen Win
Sein, departmental officials
and families. of delegation
members. the delegation
comprised Director-General of
the Labour Department U Soe
Nyunt as the representative of
the Government, Vice-President of the Union of Myanmar
Federation of Chambers of
Commerce and Industry U
Win Aung as the representative of employers, Supervisor
Daw. Nu Nu Lwiit of
Myanmar Texkent Garment
Factory as the representative of employees, advisers Director-General of the Attorney-General's Office Dr Tun Shin, Director-General of the International
Organizations and Economic
Affairs Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs U Win
Mra, Director-General U Khin
Maung Yi and Assistant Director Daw San San of the Labour
Department. They also arrived back on the same flight. Minister U Tin Winn delivered a
speech at the conference on 14 June.
Myanmar delegation arrives back
23 June -
The Myanmar delegation led
by Minister for Education U
Than Aung which attended
the opening ceremony of the
General Assembly of United
Malays National Organization
(UMNO) held in Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia, on 20 June
arrived back here by air this
The delegation was
welcomed back at Yangon International Airport by Minister for Livestock and
Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung
Thein, Minister at the Prime
Minister's office U Than
Shwe, officials of the USDA, those of boards and departments under the Ministry of
Education and others.
Minister inspects dual production of oil and natural gas
YANGON, 23 June -
Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi together with officials, inspected Thagyitaung oil and natural gas field
in Pauk Township, Pakokku District, Magway Division,
yesterday morning.
At the briefing hall,
oil field General Manager U
Ohn Myint reported to the
minister on du~1 production
of crude oil and natural gas
extracted from the oil deposit
and the natural gas deposit of
Thagyitaung well No 7.
This dual production is
the first accomplishment in
the course of Myanma oil history due to the innovative
endeavours of the technicians
and engineers of the Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise.
Thagyitaung well No
? can produce 260 barrels of
crude oil and 2.04 million
cubic feet of natural gas per
The minister, after inspecting the production of
oil, presented cash awards to
the staff.
( 5 ) Commander inspects agriculture, livestock breeding
tasks at local battalion in Thanlyin
YANGON, 23 June
Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development
Council Commander of
Yangon Command Maj-Gen
Myint Swe, accompanied by No 1 Military Region commander Col Khin Maung
Soe, went to the local battalion in Thanlyin Township, Yangon South District,
The commander inspected agriculture and live-stock breeding tasks being
carried out at the battalion
and gave necessary instructions.
First, the commander inspected breeding of broilers
and layers at the battalion in
Thanlyin Township. Commanding Officer Lt-Col Tin
Hlaing Shwe reported on egg
and chicken production and
distribution of egg and
chicken to tax-free markets
and other markets in Yangon
City. The commander left
necessary instructions.
Next, the commander inspected cultivation of vegetable patches and gave instructions on vegetables to be put
on the vacant and virgin
lands of the battalion, tamarind, neem, toddy-palm and
Thithseint (belleric
myrobalan) to be planted and
agriculture and livestock
breeding task to be under-taken on manageable scale
by the battalion, the company families.
Then, the commander
saw over the briquette factory of the battalion which
can produce 10,000 briquettes a day and production
process. After hearing the reports by officials, the eommander attended to their
Afterwards, the commander proceeded to
Thanlyin Myoma Market in
Thanlyin and viewed selling
and buying of textile shops,
meat, fish and vegetable
shops. Officials reported on
facts about the market. The
commander left instructions
to the officials on shops of
the market to be kept in hygienic conditions.
Rainy season tree planting ceremony 1 held in Mandalay
YANGON, 23 June - The
4th rainy season tree planting ceremony 2002 of the Mandalay City Development
Committee was held at
Kyweyegon section of Mandalay ring road in Dawnabwa
Ward, Aungmyaythazan Township, Mandalay, on 21
June Morning
It was attended by Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development
Council Commander of central Command Brig-Gen Ye Myint, Chairman of MCDC Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein,
Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Nay Win and senior
military officers, Secretary of
Mandalay Division Peace and
Development Council Lt-Col
Tin Ohn and departmental officials and members of social organizations, totalling
over 2000.
The commander
and those present planted
2,200 shady trees on both
sides of the road.
Altogether 1,100 neem
trees, 1,150 rain trees, 30 of
gold mohur trees, 15 tal trees and five star flower trees totalling 2,200 saplings, are
grown and a total of 33,200
shady trees have been planted
during this rainy season.
Commander inspects development tasks, accepts Isuzu fire engine
YANGON, 23 June -
Kachin State Peace and Development Council Chairman Northern Command Commander Brig-Gen Maung
Maung Swe, together with
departmental officials, met
the chairman of Kamong Village Peace and Development
Council, departmental officials and executives of the
Union Solidarity and Development Association at the hall
of Kamong Village Peace and
Development Council Office
on 17 June morning.
The commander was reported by. the officials on construction of No 2 Basic Education Primary School,
Kamong, using US $ 9,200
presented by Kiku war veterans organization of Japan.
Then, the commander inspected construction site of the school
and gave necessary instructions to the officials.
The commander, together with Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, visited
Kamong People's Hospital
and inspected operation room,
medical warehouse, wards
and the minister accepted K
1,976,000 donated by U En
Khan Naw Gya of Myoma
Ward in Kamong, for extension of the station hospital at
the hall of the hospital.
Afterwards, the minister
presented medicines to the
officials for the station hospital. The commander and party
then proceeded to San pya fish
breeding camp No 1 and the
100 acres of modem highland
farn1ing in Lonkhin Village
tract, Phakant Township and
attended to the needs. In the
evening, the commander, the
minister and party inspected
Lonkhin Station Hospital and
the minister presented medicine for the hospital.
After that, they met the
chairn1an and members of
Township Peace and development Council, township
level departmental officials,
towns elders, jade entrepreneurs and executives of
USDA at the hall of Phakant
Township Peace and Development Council office and made speeches.
The minister accepted K
5.3 million donated by the
jade entrepreneurs in Phakant
Township for the trust fund of
Myitkyina People's Hospital. The commander then accepted K 6.4 million donated
by wellwishers for .the trust
fund of Myitkyina Abbots
Training School. Then, well wishers were presented
certificates of honour.
On 18 June morning, the
commander and the minister
visited Nanhmaw in Phakant
Township. They inspected the
3000-ton jade block and attended the opening of the 25-bed township hospital.
The commander made a
speech and accepted the
documents related to the Isuzu fire engine worth K 7
million donated by U Yin
Chauk of Sein Shwe Wah Co
Ltd to Phakant Township Fire
Prevention Group. The ceremony came to a close with
the skills demonstration of fire-fighter.
( 6 )
Commander attends opening of
USDA management multiplier
course for executives
YANGON, 23 June - The
opening ceremony of the
Management Multiplier
Course No 2 tor Executives
of Yangon East District Union Solidarity and Development Association was
held at the hall of Yangon
Division USDA office this
morning with an address by
Patron of Yangon Division
USDA Chainnan of
Yangon Division Reace and
Development Council C9mmander of Yangon command Maj-Gen Myint Swe.
Also present at the ceremony were Central Executive Committee members of
Union Solidarity and development Association Col
Tin Hlaing and Col Maung
Pa, Commander of No 3
Military Region Col Yan
Naing Oo, Chairman of
Yangon East District
Peace and Development
Council Lt-Col Aung Pyae, Secretary U Aye
Myint and executives of Yangon Division Union
Solidarity and Development
Association, course instructors and trainees.
First, Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe made a
speech on the purpose of
the opening of management
multiplier courses.
Then, Union Solidarity
and Development Association CEC member Yangon
Division in-charge Col Tin
Hlaing explained the objectives and future tasks of the
Afterwards, in-charge of
Yangon Division USDA
CEC Col Maung Pa and
Yangon East District Union
Solidarity and Development
Association Secretary U Tin
Aung accepted the donation
of wellwishers and presented certificates of honour
to them.
( 7 )
Minister views commemorative sports activities
YANGON, 23 June -
Chainnan of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for
Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye
Myint viewed the sports activities held in commemoration of the Olympic Day by
Myanmar Hockey Federation
in Theinbyu Hockey Pitch
this morning.
Also present at the ceremony were Vice-Chairman of Myanmar
Olympic Committee Brig-Gen Maung Nyo,
President of Myanmar Hockey Federation Commander of No 4 Military Region Commandant of Defence
Services Records Office Brig-Gen Myo Myint, the
deputy director-general and
directors of the Sports and Physical Education Department, member of the Panel of
Leading Patrons of Myanmar
Women's Sports Federation
Daw Aye Aye and executives
and guests.
President of Myanmar
Hockey Federation Brig-Gen
Myo Myint made a speech
and formally opened the
hockey matches.
Then, New Generation
Youth team A and team B
and two Selected Myanmar
teams played demonstration matches.
Afterwards, the minister and the president of the federation presented prizes to the
Sports contests to mark Olympic Day held
YANGON, 23 June -
Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister
for Sports Brig-Gen Thura
Aye Myint participated in the
mass walk race to mark the
2002 Olympic Day this
Also participating
in the walk race were Vice-Chairman of MOC Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen
Maung Nyo and members,
members of the Panel of patrons of the Myanmar Women's Sports Federation, officials of the Ministry of
Sports and the Myanmar
Track & Field Federation,
Myanmar Motion Picture
and Music Asiayons, Red
Cross and Auxiliary Fire Brigades, athletes and students.
They started their way in
front of the grand stand of
Aung San Stadium and
ended at the eastern entrance
to Aung San Stadium
through Yangon Zoological
Gardens Road and Upper
Pansodan Street.
Then, the minister and
party presented prizes to
winners in the 10-km race.
Similarly, Patron Daw Aye
Aye of MWSF, MOC member Brig-Gen Aye Myint
Kyu and Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung
Nyo presented prizes to winners in. the women's and men's 10-km race. The minister presented prizes to the
winners in the men' s open
Afterwards, the minister
and party watched the traditional tug-of-war contest.
Director of Resettlements
Brig-Gen Aung Thein and
Chairperson Daw Mi Mi
Khin presented prizes to the
winners. Similarly, the volley hall, the chinlon demonstration and the tennis event
were held at respective places.
( 8
) Respects paid to doyen film artistes
YANGON, 23 June - The 39th ceremony to pay respects to doyen film artistes
of Myanma Motion Picture
Asiayon was held at MMPA
meeting hall on Wingaba
Road this morning.
At the ceremony, those present paid respects to aged
film artistes.
Then, on behalf of the
elderly, Bogale Tint Aung gave a speech.
( 9
) Drug trafficker gets 15 years
YANGON, 23 June - On 2 May 200 1 , a combined
team comprising members of
local intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force, acting on information, searched
a Nissan truck with number
plates Ga/4599 en route from
Mandalay at Kyun Creek
Bridge in Tawkyweinn and seized 26 polythene bags including ephedrine powder
weighing 518 kilos.
In connection with
the case, Tawkyweinn Police
Station opened the case
against Tun Tun Oo, 28, son
of U Tin Ria of the comer of
36th a.nd 73rd Streets,
Sekkyanwezin Ward,
I Chanmyathazi Township,
under section 19 (A) of the
Narcotic Drugs and
Psychotropic Substances
Bago District Court sentenced him to 15 years,
imprisonment under section
19 (A) on 17 May 2002.
385 stimulant tablets seized
YANGON, 23 June - A
combined team comprising
members of local intelligence
unit and Myitkyina Special
Anti-Drug Squad, acting on information, searched a van with number plates Tha/1786 on its
way from Phakant to
Tannagan Village at Tannagan
check point on 11 June and
seized Ma Jabu together with
385 stimulant tablets.
Action is being taken
against Ma Jabu, 36, daughter
of U Zaw Taung of Seikmu
Village, Ward-4, Phakant
Township and her accomplices
Ma Lahtaw Aphan, 34, daughter of U Bauk Naw of Seikmu
Village, Ward-2, Phakant
Township and Ma Lu Ouan,
30, daughter of U A Bon
Gannaw of Bazanchauk Village, Phakant Township, under
section 15/19(A)/21 of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.