1 ) Daw Kyaing Kyaing plants Gangaw tree hailing Myanmar Women's Day
22 June - Daw Kyaing Kyaing, wife of Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe, attended the tree planting ceremony hailing the Myanmar Women's Day which falls on 3 July, organized by the Myanmar National Working Committee for Women's Affairs, at the southern archway of Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Buddha Image on Mindhamma Hill in Insein Township at 9 am today and planted trees there.
At 9 am, Daw Kyaing Kyaing and Daw Mya Mya San arrived at the place where the tree planting ceremony will be held, near Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Buddha Image on Mindhamma Hill in Insein Township. They were welcomed there by member of the MNWCWA Vice-Chairperson of the Work Committee for Observance of the Myanmar Women's Day 2002 Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe and Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe, Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa and officials.
Then, Daw Kyaing Kyaing planted the Gangaw tree (Mesua ferra), Daw Mya Mya San the Padauk tree (Pterocarpus macrocarpus), Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe the Ingyin tree (Pentacme suavis) and Daw Khin Than Nwe the star-flower tree together with those present at the ceremony.

Next, Daw Kyaing Kyaing and members of MNWCWA paid homage and donated flowers to Lawka
Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image.
Afterwards, the donation ceremony for all-round construction tasks was held at the Tazaung of the Image. The ceremony was held the three-time recitation of Nao Tassa. Hailing the Myanmar Women's Day, Daw Kyaing Kyaing donated K 100,000 to Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin. Then, the ceremony came to a close with three-time recitation of Buddha Sasanamiram Titthatu.
At 9.45 am, Daw Kyaing Kyaing and party proceeded to Yadana White Elephant House, southern part of Mindhamma Hill, where they were welcomed by Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe, Minister Maj-Gen Sein Htwa and officials.
Then, in-charge of safeguarding white elephants Director U Myint Swe of Forest Department reported on Yadana White Elephants and answered the queries.
Daw Kyaing Kyaing, Daw Mya Mya San, Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe and Daw Khin Than Nwe gave feedstuff to the white elephants. They visited the compound of the white elephant house and left the house at 10.35 am.
( 2 )
Secretary-1 receives ROK guests

Yangon, 22 June - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt received visiting President of Canaan Farmer's School of the Republic of Korea Mr Kim Bum-il and party at Zeyathiri Beikman, Konmyinttha,
at 4.20 pm today.
( 3 ) Secretary-1 addresses handing over ceremony of Myanmar Canaan
Farmers' Training Centre in PyinOoLwin
Yangon, 22 June
- Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, left here by Tatmadaw aircraft this morning and arrived at Mandalay International Airport in TadaU Township, Mandalay Division, at 9 am.
The Secretary-1 and party were welcomed there by Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Ye Myint, Mandalay Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein, military and civilian officers and Union Solidarity and Development Association members.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party, accompanied by Commander Brig-Gen Ye Myint, left for PyinOoLwin. They were welcomed there by Minister for Forestry U Aung Phone, Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Brig-Gen Khin Maung, President of Canaan
Farmers' School Dr Kim Bum-il of Korea, senior military officers of PyinOoLwin Station and departmental personnel.

Next, the handing over ceremony of the Myanmar Canaan
Farmers' Training Centre Buildings, jointly built by the Union of Myanmar and the Republic of Korea, to the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, was held in PyinOoLwin at 10 am this morning, with an address by the Secretary-1.
First, the Secretary-1 unveiled the stone plaque of the training centre.
Then, Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin and President of Canaan
Farmers' School Dr Kim Bum-il of Korea formally opened the Centre.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and party and guests visited the Centre.

Next, the ceremony to hand over the centre was held at the hall of the centre.
First, the Secretary-1 delivered an address. He said:
I wish first of all to express my sincere appreciation and thanks to the President of Canaan
Farmers' School, Korea Dr Kim Bum-il for his personal efforts and support for the realization of this project. I would like to acknowledge the valuable contribution made by the Korean colleagues and the officials of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation who have worked hard for the project.
Myanmar Canaan
Farmers' Training Centre is the result of the successful cooperation between the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation and the Canaan
Farmers' School of the Republic of Korea. It will stand as a symbol of friendship and cooperation between the peoples of Myanmar and Korea.
I am fully confident that the Training Centre will be of assistance in Myanmar's endeavors to develop its agricultural potential. The objectives of the Training Centre
to combine education of agricultural technology and techniques with development of spirit of affection for agriculture as well as to install patriotism, devotion to work and readiness to make sacrifices for the greater good are indeed laudable. Equipping our farmers with new agricultural technologies while empowering them with correct spiritual and mental outlook will surely serve to increase their productivity.
Agriculture is the mainstay of Myanmar's economy and the source of livelihood for more than 70 per cent of the population. It accounts for about 43 per cent of the national GDP and 33 per cent of total export.
Due to the adoption of correct policies as well as the wholehearted support of the Government, the agricultural sector, has made significant strides in recent years. The sown
acreage in the country increased from approximately 20 million acres in 1988 to 26 million acres at the end of last year.
Moreover, since availability of adequate water resources is necessary for increasing agricultural production, the Government has constructed 134 new dams since it assumed responsibilities in 1988. Moreover, 262 river water pumping projects have already been implemented. As a result, area under irrigation increased from 2.48 million acres in 1988 to over 4.7 million acres. In addition, the Government took special measures to supply the farmers with better quality seeds, including hybrid varieties, as well as new agricultural technology and techniques.
Consequently, during the Second Five Year Plan period of 1996-97 to 2000-2001, the agricultural sector grew by an average of 7.1 per cent. Myanmar is today implementing 2001-2002 to 2005-2006 Third Five-Year Plan and in the first year of the present Five Year Plan that ended last March, preliminary figures shows that the sector achieved 8.5 per cent growth.
As a result, agricultural production has increased significantly and today Myanmar is in a position to export more than a million tons of rice.
At the same time, in 2001-2002 fiscal year, Myanmar exported more than one million tons of beans and pulses making it the second largest exporter in the world.
Due to these successes in the agricultural sector, it can be said that the standard of living and the quality of life of the people living in the countryside have also improved significantly.
One of the unique features of the Training Centre is the emphasis placed on developing the correct mental outlook. We in Myanmar have always placed great importance on the morale and morality of the people. Myanmar people are religious people, guided in their lives by religious teachings and are well-known as being honest, kind, gentle and caring people.
At the same time, since Myanmar's independence was regained after a vigorous struggle with great loss of life and much suffering, our people are imbued with sense of patriotism. We are a nation that is proud of its history, its cultural heritage and its national identity. It is a nation that cherishes its independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, Moreover, one of the distinguishing traits of the Myanmar people is the unity among its people in times of adversity. Therefore, we can appreciation the concept of love of one's country and working for the good of the community that serve as the mottoes for Canaan
Farmers' School.
Although the cooperation between Myanmar and Canaan Farmers' School has only begun recently, this cooperation has been fruitful and training provided to Myanmar students at the Canaan
Farmers' School in Korea to be of great assistance in their work. It is our hope that this cooperation will continue to expand in the years ahead.
In conclusion, allow me to extend my best wishes:
- For lasting friendship between Myanmar and Korea;
- For the success of the Myanmar Canaan Farmers' Training Centre;
- For the continued success of the Canaan Farmers' School in Republic of Korea; and
- For the continued cooperation between the Government of the Union of Myanmar and the Canaan
Farmers' School.
Then, President of Canaan Farmers' School Dr Kim Bum-il of Korea gave a speech.
Next, Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin spoke words of thanks. He said:
First of all, I would like to explain in brief about the Training Centre coming into being. In January 2000, the President of Canaan
Farmers' School Dr Kim Bum-il had visited Myanmar and discussed about the technical cooperation programmes with responsible officials from the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation. On 18th July 2002 the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation and the President of Canaan
Farmers' School, Republic of Korea, had signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the mutual technical cooperation.
The objectives of the Centre are:-
- To improve the agricultural development and progress of agricultural technology in Myanmar through educating the leading farmers.
- To inspire the spirit of affection to agriculture for the greater welfare of Myanmar
farmers' farming communities.
- To promote the pioneering spirit based on ideas of patriotism, work, cooperation and service of the Korea Canaan
Farmers' School.
In choosing the site for the Training Centre, it had been selected in Doe Kwin Farm on 51.5 acres of land at PyinOoLwin, where there is a pleasant climate suitable for agriculture and for easy road communication. The Ground Breaking Ceremony was successfully launched on 11th September 2001. The building construction, donated by Korean Canaan
Farmers' School, was made by Myanmar engineers and technicians in cooperation with the Korean engineers for the goodwill relations of the two countries. The work had been accomplished in time, and a pleasant Centre is now being located on the beautiful hill. The infrastructure works for road construction, electricity and water supply, contributed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation has already finished.
Upon the completion of the handling over of the Centre to Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation by Canaan
Farmers' School, short-term, long-term and graduate studies level training programmes will be conducted in the following fields:-
- Agriculture Economy
- Agricultural Research
- Agricultural Engineering
Technical cooperation will be carried out for he development and production of mushroom, apple, orange, tea, coffee, grape and ginseng in Myanmar, Technical cooperation will cover the transfer of technology and supply of planting materials, related equipment and agro-chemicals.
The training activities for the initial 40 trainees from all over the country will commence by the end of this rainy season. Preference will be given to farmers for training, while the second and third priority will be given to the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation and from the external and non-governmental organizations respectively. Arrangements will be made for the outstanding trainees to have further studies in the Republic of Korea.
I believe that nurturing the trainees to have love and dignity of lab our, self-sacrifice for helping others and spirits of cooperation will accelerate the development of the country's economy and agricultural sector in particular.
President of Canaan Farmers' School Dr Kim Bum-il of Korea handed over documents related to the Centre to Minister Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin who presented a certificate of honour to him.
Then, the Secretary-1 had documentary photo taken together with the President of Canaan
Farmers' School and party and the ceremony came to an end.
At 11 am, the Secretary-1 and party arrived at National Kandawgyi Garden in PyinOoLwin.
First, the Secretary-1 and party inspected progress in upgrading the garden by car.
Next, the Secretary-1 and party inspected 1,010 feet long and 8 feet and six inches wide elevated timber walk way for enabling the visitors to enjoy the scenes of the gardens. Minister for Forestry U Aung Phone conducted the Secretary-1 and party round the garden.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and party proceeded to Nanmyint Tower construction project in the garden.
At the briefing hall there, Minister U Aung Phone reported to the Secretary-1 on the construction project of the tower. Managing Director U Win Tun of Myanma Timber Enterprise reported on datas on the project, Architecture Dr Kyaw Latt of AEP Co on architectural works, Managing Director U Tun Myint Naing of Asia World Co Ltd on construction tasks.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party saw over the construction tasks.
In accord with the Head of State, the Nanmyint Tower being built in the garden will be 232 high. The tower will have 12 storey-buildings comprising 150-person-capacity restaurant, rooms, shops, 100-person-capacity balcony, the lift and conventional ladders.
In addition, restaurants, souvenir shops and car parking will be built in the compound of the tower.
Next, the Secretary-1 and party, accompanied by Commander Brig-Gen Ye Myint, left PyinOoLwin and arrived in Kyaukse. They inspected tasks on lecture halls and multimedia teaching classrooms for development of human resources being carried out Higher Education Department in accord with the 24 development regions and five rural development tasks implementation programme.
At the meeting hall, Commander Brig-Gen Ye Myint, Deputy Minister for Education U Myo Nyunt and officials reported on academic and administration mattes and construction tasks. The Secretary-1 gave necessary instructions.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party inspected the language lab where the teachers are being trained.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and party proceeded to Mandalay International Airport in TadaU.
Then, they left the airport and arrived
back here in the afternoon.
( 4
) Myanmar people collectively crush every internal and external danger to sovereignty and the country throughout history
All national races are united as saying goes
'blood is thicker than water'
Chin State supports mass rallies denouncing SURA and KNU insurgents, who undermine security and peace of border areas
People of Chin State show respect for sovereignty

Yangon, 22 June - The ceremony to support the national mass rallies denouncing SURA and KNU insurgents, who are undermining security and peace in border areas, and to show respect for sovereignty of the Union of Myanmar was held at the Vamthu Maung sports ground in Haka, Chin State, on 16 June morning.

Local people in Haka, representatives and members of the Chin State, District and Township Union Solidarity and Development Associations, Red Cross Society, Auxiliary Fire Brigade, War Veterans Organization, Women's Affairs Committee, Maternal and Child Welfare Association, the State flag bearing troupe and band troupes of basic education high schools in Tiddim, Falam and Haka, and USDA member students in Haka marched in three columns to the sports ground.
Including the State flag bearing troupes and band troupes, the people of Bayintnaung column led by Chin State USDA Secretary U Aung Min from Pyidawtha Ward Peace and Development Council office gathering point, Alaungphaya column led by USDA Member U Khun Hlay Htan from Township Internal Revenue Department gathering point and Hsinbyushin column led by USDA member U Thein Han from Chin State Accounts Office gathering point marched into the sport ground and took positions there.
Haka Township USDA Executive Daw Ngun Pang acted as master of ceremonies with USDA Executive Daw Hle Par.

Then, those present at the rally saluted the State Flag.
Next, Chin State USDA Executive U Kyi Han explained the purpose of the ceremony.
I would like to report on encroachments on security and stability of the State and peace in border areas in various means by SURA and KNU insurgent groups with footholds in Yodaya.
The government and the entire people are responsible for safeguarding the sovereignty of the State and it is a national duty of the entire people.
Our people value their national prestige and integrity. Every person who values national prestige and integrity loves and cherishes his motherland. As is known to all, we would not let anyone encroach upon sovereignty of the State.
Hoisting the State Flags in various parts of Haka and saluting the State Flag at the mass meeting show that it is a sign of respect to sovereignty of the State and we would not accept encroachments on sovereignty.
I will give you a brief account of the encroachments on sovereignty and support of Yodaya.
On 11 February 2001, SURA drug trafficking insurgents launched surprise attack on Myanmar Tatmadaw camps on
"O" hill near Tachilek with the help of heavy weapon support from Yodaya Army. They fired shells of heavy weapons into Tachilek.
SURA drug trafficking insurgents attacked Lwetawkhan camp in border area on 21 February and Parchee camp near Pungpahkyem camp in Mongton Township on 21 April 2001 and Maikyoke camp and new Maikyoke camp on 8 February 2002.
On 6 May 2002, KNU terrorist insurgent group
destroyed Yangon-Myainggalay gas pipe line near Kazaing Bridge on Yangon-Mottama Road between Bilin and Thaton by planting mines and they attacked Minletpan Village near Myawady Township in collaboration with ABSDF on 15 May 2002.
As a result, lives, property and religious structures were destroyed. On 20 May 2002, the drug-trafficking insurgents with the tanks and heavy weapons support from Yodaya brazenly opened fire on Panmongsun, Nyaungbin-gon, Pangangaw and Yanpaingsun outposts in Yodaya-Myanmar border. Yodaya bred some national traitors and provided them with arms, food, shelter and recruits. Obviously, the acts of Yodaya amount to repeatedly insulting our country which is refraining from retaliating it.
Moreover, Yodaya yearly conducts manoeuvres involving a large number of troops near our border. It is a sign of military threat and insults. We regard such an act as danger to our country.
Throughout history, the people collectively crushed every internal and external danger to sovereignty and the country. Patriotic Chin nationals led by Kyunbi in cooperation with Kachin, Kayah, Kayin, Mon, Bamar, Rakhine
and Shan nationals fought against imperialists. They also showed
their solidarity of the people, strong spirit of the people who did
not want to be slave and the Union spirit. They safeguarded the
Union with full Union spirit and nationalistic spirit for
perpetuation of independent nation and her people .

As we respect our territory and sovereignty, we must annihilate destructive insurgents and external intruders at the risk to our lives to ensure the sovereignty of the State, to protect every inch of the territory of the nation and to preserve the integrity of the nation built by our forefathers.
Next, member of Haka Township Union Solidarity and Development Association Ma Ngun Zit Chin explained why we support the mass rallies denouncing SURA and KNU destructive insurgents who are encroaching on security and peace in border area and hold the ceremony to show respect for sovereignty of the Union of Myanmar.
Every patriotic persons are rankled with encroachments on sovereignty of the State. Chin nationals with patriotism from Chin State emphatically support the mass rallies denouncing SURA and KNU destructive insurgents. Hoisting the State Flags in Haka in Chin State and marching and saluting the State Flag show that we do not accept the encroachment on sovereignty of the State.
Beginning of 2001, SURA and KNU insurgent groups with footholds in Yodaya attacked on various areas along the border.

Yodaya established insurgents' training school, arsenal depot, hospital and housing quarters and it provided nine pyis of rice and five tins of canned fish to every SURA insurgent per month. Yodaya committed not only destructive acts but also hostile acts. That is why we hold the mass rallies respecting sovereignty of the State and denouncing destructive insurgents.
All national races are united as a saying goes
"blood is thicker than water." All Chin nationals oppose and denounce the one that does not behave as good neighbouring nation and its act of testing response and inciting our country to pick up fight with motives to expand our territory and dominate our nation. We will continue to show spirit of annihilating the all forms of aggression with strong patriotism and our sensitive spirit.
Let's oppose and crush any form of any organization that encroaches on the sovereignty, security and stability of the State and breaks up unity among the national people, destructive acts of insurgents and one-sided pressure of international community.
Then, the mass rally shouted slogans "non-disintegration of the Union
- our cause, our cause; non-disintegration of national solidarity - our cause, our cause; perpetuation of sovereignty
- our cause, our cause", which brought the ceremony to a close.
As a gesture showing respect for sovereignty of the Union of Myanmar, the State flags were hoisted at houses and buildings and departmental offices in Haka
on that day morning.
( 5 ) Minister for Commerce inspects industrial zones
Yangon, 22 June - In-charge of South Okkalapa and Thakayta Industrial Zones Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone arrived at the Management Committee Office of South Okkalapa Industrial Zone this morning and met with members of the committee and industrialists.
The minister discussed matters related to the industrial development with them.
Members of the committee reported on the production of 2-ton vehicles by joint effort of the industrialists, investment and measures taken to get a plot of land for the factory. The minister gave instructions on implementation of work as soon as possible and using domestic parts in production of vehicles.
Then, the minister inspected work being done for production of 2-ton vehicles.
Afterwards, the minister proceeded to Thakayta Industrial Zone and met with members of the Management Committee and industrialists. The minister discussed matters related to the industrial development and inspected round the industrial zone.
Educational cash assistance provided
Yangon, 22 June - The Crab Entrepreneurs Association presented cash assistance for education of the children of the staff families of the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries at CEA office in Seikkan Township this afternoon.
Present on the occasion were Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein, Deputy Minister U Aung Thein, Yangon Division Fishery Federation President U Aung Lwin, Seikkan Township Peace and Development Council Chairman U Maung Maung Kyi and members, Seikkan Township Union Solidarity and Development Association Secretary U San Kyaw, CEA
executives, service personnel and their children. Minister and
officials made speeches on the occasion. The deputy minister handed
over K 242,500 to the officials.
Olympic Day commemorative Body building and beauty contest held
Yangon, 22 June - In commemoration of the Olympic Day, body building and beauty contest jointly organized by Myanmar Body Building and Physical Culture Federation of the Sports and Physical Education Department of the Ministry of Sports and MGS Beverages Co Ltd was held at the National Theatre on Myoma Kyaung Street here at noon today.
Among the spectators were Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint and wife, Yangon Mayor U Ko Lay and wife, officials of the Sports and Physical Education Department, guests and fans.
U Pyar, U Bo Cho and U Khun Tin Maung Maung stood first, second and third respectively in age-50 and above body building division. Maung Han Min Lwin won Mr Quench first prize, Maung Aung Myo Zaw second, Maung Tun Tun third. Maung Aung Gyi won Mr Star Power Plus first prize, Maung Nay Lin second and Maung Htwe Hla third.
Ms Star first prize went to Ma Ngu Cherry Khaing, the second prize to Ma Thiri Naing and the third prize to Ma Theint Theint Ei. Ms Crusher first prize went to Ma Thuzar, the second prize to Ma Khin Su Su Lwin and the third prize to Ma May Pwint
ISD Karatedo
Tournament opens
Yangon, 22 June - Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint attended the opening ceremony of the Seventh Inter-State and Division Karatedo Tournament to be held up to 24 June at Aung San Stadium this morning and made a speech.
Champions of the previous year presented the championship shields to the minister. Selected Myanmar Karatedo players and Myanmar Aikido Organization athletes demonstrated their skills and the tournament then followed. Afterwards, the minister attended a ceremony to honour
the coaches who received badminton coach certificates presented by
Asian Badminton Federation at the Central Hotel and made a speech.
( 6 )
Sanitation work carried out in Yangon City
Yangon, 22 June - Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Yangon Command Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe, overflowing of water on the roads in Yangon City.
The commander inspected sanitation work being carried out for proper flow of water of Aung Theikdi Creek on the border of Mayangon and Insein Townships by YCDC staff, members of Red Cross Society, Auxiliary Fire Brigade and ward dwellers.
YCDC Engineering Department (Road and Bridge) Head U Bo Htay reported on flowing of water from Aung Theikdi Creek into Thamaing Creek and thence into the Hline River and the dredging of Aung Theikdi Creek. The commander gave necessary instructions and inspected the worksite.
Then, the commander and party looked into sanitation tasks carried out and systematic parking of highway buses in the compound of Sawbwagyigon brokerage sales centre and the high bus terminal in Insein Township. There they met with officials concerned and gave instructions on supervision for cleanliness of the compound, systematic parking of vehicles and preventive measures against accidents.
The officials reported on work being done and the commander left necessary instructions and fulfilled their requirements.
The commander and party next inspected sanitation tasks collectively carried out for proper flow in Khunhnapinlein Creek near the junction of Waizayandar Street and Laydauntkan Streets between Tamway and Thingangyun Townships. U Bo Htay reported on tasks being undertaken and then the commander gave instructions.
Later, the commander inspected dredging of Natchaung drain for proper flow of water.
He gave instructions on speeding up sanitation tasks to be carried out by Tatmadawmen,
policemen, service personnel, NGOs and ward dwellers on Saturdays
for cleanliness and creating situations conducive to health.
London Inter-Club Team Championship ends
Yangon, 22 June - The second round of the London Inter-Club Team Championship, organized by Myanmar Golf Federation and mainly sponsored by Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd, was held in conjunction with the prize presentation ceremony at Shwemantaung Golf Club in Mandalay yesterday.
Present on the occasion were Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Ye Myint, Mandalay Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein, Deputy Managing Director Col Aung San of RPMM and officials, guests and golf fans.
After the second round, Executive of MGF U Ko Ko Lay presented gifts to all 16 competing teams. Deputy Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Nay Win presented first and second prizes to Maj Myint Maung of Monywa Club and Myint Oo of MGC in the
captain event.
Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein presented first prize in the single bronze division to Moe Kyaw of Sagaing Club with gross total of 166 strokes, first prize in the silver division to Khin Maung Lwin of PyinOoLwin Club with 163 strokes and first prize in the gold division to Kyaw Kyaw of Shwesayan Club with 152 strokes.
Commander Brig-Gen Ye Myint also presented first, second and third prizes to Myakantha Golf Club (YCDC) with 493 strokes, Thiri Khittaya Golf Club (Bago Division) with 495 and Myanmar Golf Club with 495 in the team event respectively. Then, Deputy Managing Director Col Aung San presented gifts for Shwemantaung Golf Club to General Manager of the Club Maj Hla Kun (Retd).
The championship was jointly sponsored by Air Mandalay, AWB Bank, Loi Hein Co Ltd (Alpine Water), Nadi Myanmar Hotel, KM Golf Centre, Wilson Accel International Co Ltd (Canon), Ping and Sun Far Travels and Tour Co Ltd. The championship was also organized by Han Event Management.
( 7 )
Sales of raw jade concludes
Yangon, 22 June - Sales of raw jade of Myanma Gems Enterprise continued from 5 pm to 10 pm yesterday. National gem merchants bought 82 lots of raw jade for K 38.9 million through competitive bidding. K 122.9 million was realized from yesterday's sales of 147 lots of raw jade. A total of K 410 million was fetched from the sales of 234 lots of raw jade on 20 and 21 June.
At the sale, 246 lots of raw jade have been fixed with a reserve price of K 109.1 million. Managing Director U Khin Oo of Myanma Gems Enterprise presented a gift to Managing Director of Power Gems Co U Khaung Daung, who bought raw jade lots most.
MGE conducted sales of uncut jade for four times in August 1994, July 1995, January 1996 and July 1996 in Yangon. Furthermore, it also conducted jade sales for two times at jade mining centre (Lonkhin) in Phakant Township in May and December 2001. Out of the jade sales, the current 7th jade sale was most successful and set the record.
The State has been providing assistance to mining and trading of gems and it has permitted national private gem merchants to trade gems in accordance with rules and regulations as well as to export to earn foreign exchange officially. Hence, the gem business is now thriving in the country.
The MGE under the supervision of the Ministry of Mines is making arrangements to hold a similar jade sale at the jade mining centre (Lonkhin) in Phakant Township in December this year for the benefit of the State and gem merchants.
( 8
) Shooting Championship concludes
Yangon, 22 June - The prize-distribution ceremony of the Shooting Championship for the No 11 LID Commander's Shield was held at the LID in Mingon, Hlegu Township, Yangon Division, this morning. It was attended by No 11 LID Commander Brig-Gen Ko Ko, officers and other ranks of battalions and units under the division and their families, marksmen of the competing shooting teams and others. Brig-Gen Ko Ko and officials presented prizes to team-wise and individual winners. No 220 Light Infantry Regiment emerged champion in the tournament which was participated by 20 teams from battalions and units under the division.
( 9
) Drug traffickers sentenced
Yangon, 22 June - A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and Monywa Special Anti-Drug Squad, acting on information, intercepted a Hilux car with number plates Da/8073 in Monywa on its way from Mandalay on 4 August, 2001 and seized 161.37 kilos of raw opium.
Action was taken against Myint Lwin, 39, son of U Pyay Aye and Myint Swe, 39, son of U Tun Aung of Chanmyathazi Ward in Monywa and Hla Swe, 42, son of U Ba Hlaing of Ayethaya Ward in Monywa under section 15/19 (A)/21 of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by Monywa Police Station-1. Monywa District court handed down life imprisonment each on them under section 19 (A) of the Narcotic and Psychotropic Substances Law on 9 May this
Stimulant tablets seized
Yangon, 22 June - A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and Bhamo Special Anti-Drug Squad, inspected a white Peking Jeep with number plates 1 Kha/5400 at Lajayan Traffic Inspection Camp on 24 May and seized 200 stimulant tablets from Nan Zain Bran.
Action is being taken against Nan Zain Bran, 50, son of U Nan Zane Bran of Group 8, Hmaw Wun Ward in Phakant Township under section 15/19 (A) of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by Moemauk Police