1 ) Exercise books and pencils provided for primary schools in Hlinethaya and Shwepyitha townships

Yangon, 21 June - A ceremony to provide exercise books and pencils for basic education primary schools in Hlinethaya and Shwepyitha townships was held at Kanaung Hall of the management office of Shwepyitha Industrial Zone, Shwepyitha Township, this morning, attended by Chairman of Myanmar
Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council
Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.

The Secretary-1 delivered a speech. He said the government is laying down plans to enable all the school age children to attend classes and to complete middle school education; efforts are being made with the public participation and under the leadership of the State to provide assistance for children who could not attend classes due to various reasons and the needy children who face difficulties to enrol at the schools; beginning previous year, exercise books and pencils purchased with cash donations made by well-wishers are being provided to needy schoolchildren. In the first phrase, exercise books and pencils have been donated to monastic education schools in Yangon Division this year. In the second stage, the education assistance is being provided for the primary schools, in which needy schoolchildren are attending; on 15 June exercise books and pencils worth over K 3.6 million were donated to over 8,000 schoolchildren of 63 basic education schools in Yangon West and North Districts; separate arrangements were made to donate exercise books and pencils valued at over 17 million to over 40,000 schoolchildren of 89 basic education primary schools in Hlinethaya and Shwepyitha townships; the government's efforts to nurture and produce human resources to promote the national education begins at schools, the most basic sector of the education sector.

Assistance has been rendered to a certain degree to enable students of basic education schools to pursue education in a peace of mind. He called on teachers to try to nurture schoolchildren to become intellectuals and intelligentsia who serve the interests of the State in accordance with the State's education goal under the leadership of the State and with the sponsorship of well-wishers.
Then, the Secretary-1 presented exercise books and pencils to schoolchildren of BEPS Nos 1 to 7; the commander to schoolchildren of BEPS Nos 8 to 15 of Shwepyitha Township; Minister to the State Peace and Development Council Office Lt-Gen Min Thein to schoolchildren of BEPS Nos 16 to 23; Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa to children of BEPS Nos 24 to 31; Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint to schoolchildren of BEPS Nos 32 to 39; and Minster for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint to schoolchildren of BEPS Nos 40 to 43 in Shwepyitha Township and schoolchildren of BEPS Nos 1 to 4; Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Mya Oo to schoolchildren of BEPS Nos 5 to 12; Minister for Industry-2 Lt-Col Khin Maung Kyaw to schoolchildren of BEPS Nos 13 to 20; Deputy Minister for Education to schoolchildren of BEPS Nos 21 to 28; Deputy Minister for Construction U Tint Swe to schoolchildren of BEPS Nos 29 to 37; and Deputy Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs U Kyaw Tin to schoolchildren of BEPS Nos 38 to 46 of Hlinethaya Township through respective teachers and schoolchildren.

On behalf of the schools, Headmaster of Hlinethaya Township BEPS No 18 U Tin Win spoke words of thanks.
Today's donations totalled 20,337 dozens of exercise books and 6,779 dozens of pencils worth K 17,016,000 for 26,575 schoolchildren of 46 BEPSs in Hlinethaya Township and 14,096 schoolchildren of 43 BEPSs in Shwepyitha Township.
( 2 )
Minister receives guest
Yangon, 21 June - Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone received Commissioner of Gyeong-Sang Namdo Province of the Republic of Korea Mr Kim Hyuk-Kyu
and party at his office this afternoon.
( 3 )
National solidarity serves as nation's political force and steel wall defending and safeguarding sovereignty
Barbarous acts of traitors, SURA and KNU, under instigation of Yodaya so heart-rending and loathsome
People of Shan State (North) show respect for sovereignty
Yangon, 21 June - The ceremony to support the national people's mass rallies denouncing SURA and KNU insurgents, who are encroaching on security and peace in border areas, and to show respect for sovereignty of the Union of Myanmar took place at the Pyidaungsu sports ground in Lashio, Shan State (North) on 19 June morning.
It was attended by local people of wards in Lashio, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Red Cross Society, nurses association, Auxiliary Fire Brigade, War Veterans Organization, Women's Affairs Committee, Maternal and Child Welfare Association, the State flag bearing troupes, band troupes, teachers and students from basic education high schools in Lashio.

Led by the State flag bearing troupes and band troupes, the people of Hsinbyushin column from Hsutaungpyi Mansu Pagoda gathering point and Bayintnaung column from gymnasium gathering point marched into the sports ground and took positions there.

As a gesture of showing respect for sovereignty of the Union of Myanmar, the State flags were hoisted at department offices, schools, markets, streets, houses and buildings on that day.
Lashio Township USDA Member U Sai Sein Lin Oo acted as master of ceremonies.
Then, those present at the meeting saluted the State Flag.

Next, Lashio Township USDA Member Daw Nan Hat Hsaing explained the purpose of the ceremony.
She said it is the inborn duty of all the national people to decisively crush the danger to the security and sovereignty.

On 20 May, the traitors, SURA insurgent group under Ywet Sit's command and KNU remnant insurgents, who are loyal to the other country and not to their own, attacked the Tatmadaw outposts guarding the territory of the nation. These insurgents are relying on Yodaya.

The people held mass rallies denouncing the destructive acts which were held in Kengtung on 1 June and Taunggyi on 2 June.
At present, harmonious efforts are being made for emergence of a new modern and developed nation. We, the national brethren, of Lashio in Shan State (North) hoist State flags and gather here to show our unanimous support to the mass rallies denouncing the destructive acts of SURA and KNU traitors relying on Yodaya army and to make a declaration that we will decisively smash any kind of enemy trying to encroach on the sovereignty.
We, the national people, totally oppose such acts of those who are loyal to the other country and not to their own. Since many many years ago, Myanmar has firmly existed as a united and patriotic nation. Since thousands of years ago, the national brethren have been living on their land in unity.

No foreigner can love the Union of Myanmar more than our national races do. The one that is assisting the insurgents in making attempts to sow seeds of mistrust, to destabilize the Union and to hamper and stop progress is our common enemy.
On 20 May 2002, the SURA and KNU under the instigation and assistance of Yodaya, taking footholds there, disturbed peace and security of border areas in Myanmar. They attacked the Tatmadaw outposts at Panmaisun, Nyaungbingon, Pangangaw and Yanpaisun. The Yodaya military camps opposite to the outposts also gave supporting artillery fire. It was an act brazenly violating our sovereignty.
The barbarous acts of the traitors, SURA and KNU, under the instigation of Yodaya are so heart-rending and loathsome for us.
Yodaya has been making various attempts to destroy Myanmar since many years ago. Especially, Yodaya is making wicked plans to destabilize the political and economic sectors of Myanmar and to give trouble to her people.
All the national race groups of Myanmar are living peacefully and unitedly in the sovereign Myanmar, making
endeavors for emergence of a modern and developed nation.
At this time, a handful of SURA drug-trafficking insurgents and KNU terrorist insurgents are committing terrorist acts to cause a bloodshed among the national people. We are totally against their terrorist attacks. We will decisively crush all attempts to encroach on the sovereignty. Thus, the SURA and KNU will surely fall.
It is the national duty of all the people of Myanmar to smash the SURA and KNU insurgents and foreign enemies trying to encroach on the sovereignty.
It is time SURA and KNU insurgents know that the people are going to smash them as public life and property have lost due to their terrorist acts.
The national solidarity is the nation's political force. It is also a steel wall defending and safeguarding the sovereignty.
So, let us smash all the intruders from outside and inside the country who are trying to disturb national security, progress and sovereignty.

U Lon Ze, an organizer of No 5 Ward USDA Lashio said, the purpose of assembling here and saluting the State flag is to declare that we are going to respond with our unity and strength to any act of encroachment on the sovereignty of the State.
Since the beginning of 2001, SURA led by drug-trafficking insurgent Ywet Sit and KNU destructive insurgents, taking footholds in Yodaya, have been attempting to disrupt the security and stability of the State and the peaceful condition in border areas. On 20 May 2002, SURA led by Ywet Sit and KNU insurgents, attacked the border outposts of the Tatmadaw with the heavy weapons support of the Yodaya army. Our national brethren held mass rallies to denounce the act of encroachment on our sovereignty in Kengtung and Taunggyi.
If the nail is pinched, the finger head will feel hurt, so goes the saying, and we, the national brethren from Lashio, Shan State (North), emphatically support these mass rallies and wholeheartedly respect the sovereignty of the Union of Myanmar.
If the State flags hoisted all over Lashio and all over the nation are looked at, red, white and blue
colors will be seen.
Red signifies bravery and decisiveness; white, cleanness and purity; blue, peace and serenity.
As is known to all, the national duty of every citizen is to be imbued with patriotism and national pride.
Our Union of Myanmar has an area of 261,228 square miles. The sovereignty of the Union of Myanmar applies to the whole area.
Therefore, on behalf of our national brethren, I pledge that we will not let even an inch of the territory of the State be conceded and the sovereignty of the nation be encroached upon.
Today Yodaya is accommodating, feeding, arming and financing SURA, KNU and destructive insurgents, and using them as a human shield between the two nations. With the support of the Yodaya army, they are levelling insults at the border areas.This amounts to insulting the sovereignty of our nation and attempting to disrupt the security and peace in the border areas.
Therefore, I would like to sound a clarion call to the entire national people to safeguard the sovereignty of the State in cooperation with the Tatmadaw and to fight against every act of aggression with patriotism.
Anyone who attempts to encroach upon the sovereignty of the State and anyone who attempts to destroy the lives and property of the national brethren are the common enemy of the State and the people.
SURA and KNU insurgents, relying on the Yodaya army, are acting to the detriment of our nation and the national races. It is an act of fawning upon aunt instead of mother. It is time for us to evince Union Spirit bravely and to crush destructive elements.
As is known to all, Yodaya is persistently attempting to slacken our nation. It is blatantly supporting every kind of insurgents opposing Myanmar. Now it is brazenly attempting to encroach upon the sovereignty of the nation. They are acting with the base motive that if our national brethren are not in unity, the State will break up.
Here the point I would like to stress is that our Union-born national people are in unity and harmony. We all have already pledged to crush any enemy who encroaches on the sovereignty of the State.
All the entire national people residing in the Union of Myanmar including the national brethren in Lashio, Shan State (North), are to safeguard the Union with Union Spirit and national solidarity.
In conclusion, I would like to call on all the national people to cooperate with the Tatmadaw in annihilating the remnants of SURA and KNU destructive insurgents who are attempting to disrupt the stability and peaceful condition of the Union of Myanmar and encroaching upon the sovereignty of the State with reliance on the Yodaya army.
Then, the mass rally shouted slogans "non-disintegration of the Union - our cause, our cause; non-disintegration of national solidarity
- our cause, our cause; perpetuation of sovereignty - our cause, our
cause", which brought the ceremony to a close.
( 4
) Maj-Gen Tin Aye inspects tax-free markets
Yangon, 21 June - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Tin Aye of the Ministry of Defence, inspected tax-free markets here this morning.
On arrival at the tax-free market on the corner of Hanthawady Street and Kyundaw Street in Kamayut Township at 7.10 am, Maj-Gen Tin Aye, Maj-Gen Myint Swe, Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa and party were welcomed by No 3 Military Region Commander Col Yan Naing Oo, Chairman of Yangon North District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Maung Maung Shein and officials.
They inspected the sale of goods in the market.
Then, they visited the tax-free markets on Pantra Street in Dagon Township, on Kyaikkasan Street in Tamway Township, near the Ministry of Industry-2 on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road in Yankin Township and on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road in Mayangon Township.
They inspected the sale of goods and chatted with the buyers. Maj-Gen
Tin Aye gave instructions on the sale of fresh vegetables, fish and
meat and keeping the markets clean.
Health care services important for socio-economic development of local people

Yangon, 21 June - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Maung Bo of the Ministry of Defence attended a ceremony to present cash donations to the fund for construction of a ward for Buddhist monks at the traditional medicine hospital in Mawlamyine yesterday.
Commander Brig-Gen Thura Myint Aung delivered an address. Maj-Gen Maung Bo presented K 100,000 for the ward to the commander. He also presented K 1 million donated by Mon State Peace and Development Council for the ward to Maj-Gen Maung Bo.
The monasteries in Mon State presented K 3.9 million, Mawlamyine District Peace and Development Council K 100,000, U Soe Win of Thithsanlwin computer K 200,000, the trawler owners association K 200,000, Daw Ngwe Yi K 100,000, U Nay Win of Arrow Myanmar Enterprise K 100,000, U Hla Myint and U Moe Kyaw K 200,000. The commander accepted the donations.
The donors also presented hospital equipment to the deputy commander and officials. Today's donations amounted to K 7,062,150.

At the General Hospital, Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party inspected various wards, the operation theatre
and X-ray rooms. They also enquired after the patients.
During his meeting with the health staff at the hospital, Maj-Gen Maung Bo said the government is making efforts for regional progress. The departmental personnel and local people will have to make collective efforts to realize the aims of the regional development projects. Health care services are important for socio-economic development of the local people.
Thus, the health care staff are required to
disseminate public knowledge in addition to discharging their normal
( 5 )
Minister attends conclusion of Basic Printing Course

Yangoan, 21 June - The concluding ceremony of the Basic Printing Course No 1/2002 conducted by Printing and Publishing Enterprise of the Ministry of Information was held at the training hall of GTC
press in Aungsan, Insein Township, Yangon Division, this morning with an address by Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi
First, Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung made a speech. Managing Director U Myint Thein of PPE presented completion certificates to representative of the trainees U Myint Kyaw (Information and Public Relations Department) and the ceremony came to an end. Altogether 24 trainees of PPE and IPRD have attended the 9-week course. After the ceremony, the minister inspected round the GTC press and Aungsan
press and gave necessary instructions.
Minister meets with departmental officials
Yangon, 21 June - Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin met with director-general, managing directors, directors and officials of departments and enterprises under the ministry in the meeting hall of the beverage industry on Maha Bandoola Road here this morning and delivered an address at the coordination meeting on future tasks.
The minister elaborated on tasks being undertaken
with the help of other related ministries for the success of the
ministry. Then, departmental heads took part in the discussions. The
meeting came to an end at 11.30 am after the minister had given
instructions on meeting the set targets, dutifulness and discipline.
Health Minister attends seminar on review of public health care activities for 2001
Yangon, 21 June - The Health Department of the Ministry of Health held the seminar on review of public health care activities at the central level for the year 2001 at the training school of the Health Department in Dagon Township here this morning, with an address by the Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein.
Speaking on the occasion, the minister said that the seminar is held to review the year-round activities systematically carried out in 2001 to promote the health standard of the people in accord with the national health programmes.
It is therefore needed for health officers to report on health care tasks done
in their respective states and divisions and to have discussions. As public
health care activities and disease control as well as management sectors which
are implementing the health policies of the State in keeping pace with the world
nations will be reviewed at the seminar, more success can be achieved than
before, he said.
The Ministry of Health, in implementing the development tasks
in the health sector, is drawing up health plans systematically in order to gain
as many benefits as possible, taking into consideration man power, money and
materials. Since 1978, health plans have been implemented. The tasks to draw and
implement the national health plan(2001-2006) is now under way in line with the third five-year short-term plan of the State, he said.
Moreover, in order to raise the living standard of people residing in rural areas, where mostly 70 per cent of the population of the nation live, a five-year programme for the development of rural health care activities was drawn up for rural people and is being implemented with added momentum. Among the public health care activities, not only maternal and child health but also reproductive health care were included in the national health programme and are being implemented. In line with the guidance of the Head of State, the Ministry of Health is undertaking the development of human resource in proper order in health field. Courses are necessary to be conducted to increase abilities and skills of health staff in states and divisions, he stressed.
Weak points and strong points of activities carried out in 2001 in states and divisions are to be openly discussed for good results. In realizing the projects and plans to uplift the health standard of the people, active participation is needed to fully gain success, he stressed.
Later, Dr Agostino Borra also made a speech. The minister, the deputy minister and party viewed round the documentary photos shown in the training hall, and then the ceremony was brought to an end.
The meeting continues till 23 June as of today.
Extension of runways inspected

Yangon, 21 June - Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, together with Director-General of the Aviation Administration Department U Win Maung and officials, arrived at Heho Airport this morning.
The officials of the Asia World Company reported on extension of the runway. Director-General U Win Maung and officials gave supplementary reports. Then, the minister inspected construction work. The runway, 6,000 feet long and 100 feet wide, will be extended up to a 8,000-foot-long and 100-foot-wide one.
Next, they proceeded to Lashio Airport. North-East Command Commander Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing and the minister inspected extension of the runway and airport building. They also inspected extension of another 3,250-ft runway to the north, and attended to requirements.
Yeywa hydel power project inspected
Yangon, 21 June - Minister for Electric Power Maj-Gen Tin Htut inspected the construction of 22-mile long HtonPho-Kywenapha-Yeywa gravel road leading to Yeywa Hydel Power Project, Mandalay Division, extraction of gravel for the project and digging axis for the dam and diversion tunnel on 19 June morning.
At the briefing hall, Director-General U Win Kyaw explained matters on project implementation to Mr Swan Shao Wai and party of CITIC Technology Co Ltd of the PRC, who were visiting the project site. The minister and party also inspected construction of 36 miles and 7 furlongs long gravel road linking the project site and Belin. On 20 June morning, the minister inspected construction of water control building, sluice gate, subterranean generator facility at Paunglong hydel
power project in Mandalay Division and gave necessary instructions.
Fitter Training Course concludes
Yangon, 21 June - Minister for Energy Brig- Gen
Lun Thi attended the concluding ceremony of Fitter Training Course
No 4 held at the Training and Education Centre of No 1 Oil Refinery
(Thanlyin) this morning. The minister ad. dressed the ceremony and
presented completion certificates cates the trainees.
Also present were Deputy Ministers for Energy U
Tin Tun and Brig-Gen Thein Aung, the director- general, the managing
directors and the departmental officials. Altogether 17 trainees
attended the two-month course.
GAD holds work coord meeting
Yangon, 21 June - The General Administration Department of the Ministry of Home Affairs held its first four-monthly work coordination meeting at the meeting hall of the department (head office) this morning.
Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing addressed the meeting.
Minister Col Tin Hlaing called on all to serve the interests of the State and the people while the nation is being built into a peaceful, modern and developed nation.
He urged all to work hard to become good service personnel who win the trust of the people. He said that the service personnel of the GAD need to cooperate with Myanmar Police Force in striving for the peace and stability of the nation; they also need to work in cooperation with other departments in undertaking five rural development tasks.
The minister also exhorted all to join hands with the people in crushing insurgents who are encroaching upon the sovereignty of the nation and those who are aiding them.
He also spoke of the need to carry out successfully border area development tasks laid down by Head of State Senior General Than Shwe himself and to work for the successful substitution of shifting farming with highland farming. Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung also spoke on the occasion.
The meeting ended in the evening.
Minister attends conclusion of Management

Yangon, 21 June - Minister for Progress of Border
Areas and National Races and Development Affairs
Col Thein Nyunt
attended the concluding ceremony of the Management Course No 13 held
at the Central Training School of the Education and Training
Department of the Ministry of PBANRDA in Ward 51, Dagon Myothit
(North) Township this morning and made a speech.
The minister presented prizes to the outstanding
trainees and completion certificates to the course monitor.
Afterwards, the minister viewed the activities of the basic computer
course and typing course being conducted at the training school and
gave necessary instructions.
( 6 )
Cleanliness of Yangon port and safety of voyages discussed
Yangon, 21 June - A co-ordination meeting on cleanliness of surrounding areas of Yangon port and safety of voyages was held at the office of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council
Chairman Yangon Command Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe this afternoon.
The commander gave instructions on cleanliness of surrounding areas of Yangon port and safety of voyages.
Then, the vice-mayor and the joint-secretary reported on the tasks being carried out for cleanliness of Yangon City and co-operation with departments concerned for cleanliness of Yangon port; Managing Director of MPA Col Thein Htay on the work to be done for cleanliness of Yangon port; Director-General of IWT U Soe Win on daily mooring of ships, motorboats and boats at Yangon port and tasks to be implemented for safety of voyages; and those present on projects to be implemented department-wise. Afterwards, the meeting came to an end with concluding remarks by the commander.
Cash donated for Myitkyina hospital
Yangon, 21 June - A ceremony to donate cash towards the trust funds of Myitkyina General Hospital in Kachin State was held at the City Hall in Myitkyina
on 19 June morning. The Chairman of Kachin State Peace and Development Council Commander of Northern Command Brig-Gen Maung Maung Swe, Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein made speeches.
Then, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen San Tun and Patron of the MCWA Daw Tin Tin Nwe accepted K 2.5 million donated by families of Northern Command and K 2.5 million donated by the MCWA. Next, Medical Superintendent of Myitkyina General Hospital Dr Hla Aung accepted K 8.5 million donated by ten well-wishers and spoke words of thanks.
The Government has been trying to achieve the objectives of the cost-sharing health system since 1994. Those who could afford the medical expenses are to share the cost and to have services of treatment free.
Those who are needy will have to enjoy all costs of treatment including medical expenses. In doing so, the Ministry of Health is making efforts to raise funds at least K 5 million for a station/township level hospital, K 10 million for a district level hospital and K 20 million for a state level hospital.
Altogether K 468.8 million of trust funds have been raised to 475 hospitals out of 750 in the entire nation. With the interests from the funds, a total of over 400,000 patients have enjoyed medical treatment in 2001-2002 fiscal year.
The trust funds including K 13.5 million donated today towards Myitkyina Hospital amounted to K 21.8 million.
After the ceremony, the commander and the minister inspected the Hospital for drug addicts and midwifery training school and gave necessary instructions.
In meeting with state level health officers and medical specialists at the meeting hall of Myitkyina, the minister called on the officials to make efforts together with local people for development of hospitals in Kachin State under the leadership of the commander.
( 7 )
MMCWA donates school uniforms, stationery to BEMS in Kyauktan
Yangon, 21 June - A ceremony to donate educational and social facilities to Myaingthaya Model Village in Kyauktan Township by Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association was held at the meeting hall of Myaingthaya Basic Education Middle School this morning.
Vice-Chairperson of MMCWA Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe gave an opening speech.
Then, the vice-chairperson, Secretary Dr Daw Tin Lay Myint and Patron of Yangon Division MCWA Daw Khin Thet Htay presented bicycles, school uniforms and stationery donated by MMCWA to 40 students.
After the ceremony, they inspected the rural health care centre in Myaingthaya and the operation theatre and wards of Thanlyin People's
Sales of raw jade continue

Yangon, 21 June - Myanma Gems Enterprise of the Ministry of Mines continued the sales of raw jade lots yesterday from 5 pm to 9 pm. National gem merchants bought 47 jade lots at over 98 million kyats through tender system. Yesterday alone, a total of 87 jade lots were sold at over 287.1 million kyats.
A total of 65 jade lots fetched over 84 million kyats through tender system at today's sales from 9 am to 5 pm. At sales from yesterday to today, 152 jade lots realized over 371.1 million kyats. And the sales went on in the evening today.
( 8
) Myanmar, China gaining success in collectively wiping out drug trafficking
Yangon, 21 June - The State has designated the narcotic drugs elimination task as a national duty.
It is accelerating the task at the common borders in cooperation with the neighbours. The People's Republic of China and Myanmar are gaining success in exchanging information on the illicit trafficking of drugs. At the China-Myanmar Junior
Officials' Meeting on Narcotic Drug Control held in Ruili, PRC, on 2 May, 2002, Chinese delegation discussed cooperation in arresting Chinese national culprits at large who trafficked in drugs.
Of them, it was learnt that Htan Minchumk (a) Shikham, 40, the main culprit in trafficking 500,000 stimulant tablets in Lonlin Township in June 1997, was illegally living in Honhai village, Kokang region, after sneaking into Myanmar territory. The authorities managed to arrest Htan Minchumk (a) Shikham in Shwehsin, a new town in Laukkai, on 10 June 2002. Laukkai District Police Commander Police Maj Khin Maung Myint handed over Htan Minchumk (a) Shikham to Police Commander Police Col Kaw Kyintte of Lushi Public Security Department, Yunnan Province, the PRC, on 18 June 2002.
Myanmar has been arresting and handing over culprits to the PRC since 2001-2002.
It has handed over culprits seven times including two times of handing over altogether 13 culprits under the arrangement of Wa nationals of Special Region 2, Shan State (North) and documents one time.
Drug abuse control measures are being taken with added momentum in border areas under close cooperation with the PRC in the exchange of information.
( 9
) Drug traffickers sentenced
Yangon, 21 June - A combined team comprising local intelligence unit members and railway policemen, acting on information, inspected Mandalay-Myitkyina No 55 Up-train at Shwebo station on 28-8-2001 and seized 1.633 kilos of raw opium from Ma Kyi Wai and Ma San San Htwe.
Action was taken against Ma Kyi Wai, 37, daughter of U Thi Mya of Sagaing and Ma San San Htwe, 32, daughter of U Maung Win of Mohnyin Township under section 15/19 (A)/21 of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by Shwebo Police Station. Shwebo District court handed down 22
years' imprisonment each on the two under section 19 (A) of the Law on 9-5-2002.