1 ) Yodaya helps insurgents conduct training courses, set up arms repair workshop, hospital and houses in its territory
People urged to be always equipped with national spirit to crush enemies attempting to break up nation
People of Shwebo support mass rallies denouncing SURA and KNU insurgents, who undermine security and peace of border areas
People of Shwebo show respect for sovereignty
Yangon, 20 June - A ceremony to support the national people's mass rallies denouncing SURA and KNU insurgents, who are undermining security and peace in border areas, and to show respect for the sovereignty of the Union of Myanmar was held at Yan Gyi Aung Sports Grounds in Shwebo, Shwebo District, Sagaing Division, on 17 June morning.

Present at the rally were local people of townships in Shwebo District, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Red Cross Society, Auxiliary Fire Brigade, War Veterans Organization, Women's Affairs Committee, Maternal and Child Welfare Association, the district band troupe, the State Flag bearing troupes, and teachers and students from basic education high schools in the township.
Led by the State flag bearing troupes, the people of Alaungphaya column from Aungmye venue, Hsinbyushin column from No 1 BEHS venue and Bayintnaung column from No 2 BEHS venue marched into the sports grounds and took positions there.
Executive of Shwebo Township USDA U Nay Lin Than acted as master of ceremonies. Then, those present at the meeting saluted the State Flag.
Afterwards, member of Shwebo USDA Ma Yee Yee Myint explained the purpose of the ceremony.
She said since early 2001, the SURA drug-trafficking terrorist insurgents and KNU insurgents, taking footholds in Yodaya and accepting its assistance, have been launching attacks on the Myanmar territory along the border.
Yodaya has helped the insurgents conduct training courses, and build an arms repair workshop, a hospital and houses in its territory. Yodaya is also providing nine pyis of rice and five cans of fish monthly to individual insurgents at the SURA camp in Minena. Yodaya is providing assistance to the insurgents to such a degree that they can encroach on the sovereignty of Myanmar. Thus, we hold the ceremony to hail the mass rallies denouncing the terrorist insurgents.

The ceremonies to hail the mass rallies are being held to show that the national races are in unity in times of emergency regardless of the distance between their regions. Thus, just as the local people of the border regions, we oppose and condemn the terrorist insurgents. We hail the mass rallies which were held in Kengtung, Taunggyi and other places. Thus, the people of Shwebo are hoisting State flags all over the town showing our strong patriotism and nationalistic fervour to crush any attempts to encroach on our sovereignty and all forms of aggression. On behalf of the people, I warn the country against launching acts of intrusion in the form of colonizing our territory; in fact, these are against the good-neighborly practices. The people of Shwebo who have brilliant historical records will never take lying down instigations and tests in the form of colonizing our territory.
I would like to urge all to be always equipped with national spirit to crush those attempting to break up our nation and to uphold Our Three Main National Causes
--- non-disintegration of the Union; non-disintegration of national solidarity; and perpetuation of sovereignty.
Delegate of the USDA executive of Wetlet Township USDA of Shwebo District U Nanda Min Tun said: I am going to present how SURA and KNU insurgents, taking strongholds in Yodaya, are attempting to disrupt the security and stability of the State and the peaceful situation in border areas through various ways and means.
We support the mass rallies denouncing the encroachments on the sovereignty of Myanmar. Hoisting the State flags all over Shwebo and saluting the State Flag at the gathering show that we take pride in our sovereignty and how much we value it. In other words, we declare that we are going to respond to every encroachment on the sovereignty of the State effectively and strongly.
I am going to give a brief account of the encroachments by some destructive insurgents in collusion with Yodaya.
On 11 February 2001, the SURA drug-trafficking insurgent group launched a surprise attack on the Myanmar Tatmadaw outpost on
"O" hill near Tachilek with the heavy weapon support of Yodaya. They fired heavy weapons into Tachilek with the help of Yodaya army.
They attacked Lwetawkhan outpost in the border area on 21 February and Pachee outpost near Pungpahkyem in Mongtong Township on 21 April 2001 and Maikyoke outpost and new Maikyoke outpost on 8 February 2002. On 6 May 2002, the KNU terrorist group destroyed Yangon-Myainggalay
gas pipe line near Kazaing Bridge on Yangon-Mottama Highway between Bilin and Thaton by planting mines. On 15 May 2002, KNU terrorists and ABSDF attacked Minletpan Village near Myawady.
As a result, not only lives and property of the
people but also religious buildings were destroyed.
On 20 May 2002, the drug-trafficking insurgents with the tanks and heavy weapons support of Yodaya brazenly attacked Panmongsun, Nyaungbingon, Pangangaw and Yanpaingsun outposts in Yodaya-Myanmar border. Yodaya bred some national traitors and provided them with arms, food, shelter and recruits. Yodaya itself helped the insurgents by firing heavy weapons. Obviously, the acts of Yodaya amounts to repeatedly insulting our country that preserves dignity.
Moreover, Yodaya yearly conduct maneuvers involving a large number of soldiers near our border. It is a sign of military threat and insults. We regard such an act as a danger to our country.
Our Shwebo land is the original place of the third Myanmar Kingdom of the Kongbaung dynasty established by King Alaungmintaya. The world knows that the swords of Shwebo are razor-sharp.
Throughout the course of history, the people of Shwebo bravely annihilated everybody who insulted the sovereignty of Myanmar. It is time for our Shwebo people to put our courage on show, and we all are ready to fight back every danger.
Respecting our territory and sovereignty, we must annihilate destructive insurgents and external intruders at the risk of our lives to ensure the sovereignty of the State, to protect every inch of the territory of the nation and to preserve the integrity of the nation built by our forefathers.
Then, the mass rally shouted slogans "non-disintegration of the Union
--- our cause, our cause; non-disintegration of national solidarity
--- our cause, our cause; perpetuation of sovereignty --- our cause, our
cause", which brought the ceremony to a close.
On that day morning, State flags were proudly hoisted at the houses, buildings and government offices in the townships of Shwebo
District to show respect for the sovereignty of the Union of
( 2 ) Minister for Health receives guests
Yangon, 20 June - Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein received Executive Director of Association Francois-Xavier Bagnoud, Switzerland, Mr Anthony Kozlowski and Resident Representative of AFXB Mr Max O Way at his office here at 2 pm today.
( 3 ) Nation gaining peace, stability and good socio-economic foundations
Yangon, 20 June
- Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann of the Ministry of Defence and Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Vice-Admiral Kyi Min inspected development undertakings and sea prawn breeding in Ayeyawady Division from 17 to 19 June.
Accompanied by Chairman of Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development Council Commander of South-West Command Brig-Gen Htay Oo and officials, Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann and Vice-Admiral Kyi Min inspected the sea prawn farm of the regional battalion in Hainggyikyun Township on 17 June.
Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann and Vice-Admiral Kyi Min and officials looked into the requirements of the farm. During the inspection of the Township People's Hospital, Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann and party met with the hospital staff.
On 18 June, Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann and Vice-Admiral Kyi Min and party visited the sea prawn breeding farm of South-West Command in Ngapudaw Township. After hearing the reports presented by officials, Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann gave suggestions on dissemination of prawn breeding techniques.
In the afternoon, Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann met with officials, local authorities, commanders of battalions and companies, members of social organizations, teachers and
towns elders in Pathein. He said due to the efforts of the departmental personnel in developing the political, economic and social sectors, the nation is gaining peace and stability and good economic and social foundations. All the national people need to strive for national unity and improvement of the socio-economic standard. They should accelerate their efforts with patriotism, Union Spirit and goodwill.
Only then will the nation achieve peace, stability, modernization and progress.
The next day, Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann, Vice-Admiral Kyi Min and Brig-Gen Htay Oo inspected the poultry farm of South-West Command. Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann and party also inspected the factory which manufactures husk-fired engines at the command in Pathein.
After inspecting the Pathein-Ngwehsaung Road, they visited the sea prawn farm of Yuzana Company in Ngwehsaung region. They also inspected the prawn farms of Shwe Mithasu, Max Myanmar and Shwekhayu companies.
At the meeting hall of Yuzana Company, Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann met with officials, entrepreneurs and hoteliers. He discussed matters relating to the public participation in promoting prawn breeding, disseminating prawn breeding techniques, developing Ngwehsaung Beach and implementing the five rural development tasks. He also attended to the regional needs.
Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann and party then inspected the breeding of fish in cage in Ngawun River. The farm is owned by Yuzana Company. Chairman of the company U Htay Myint explained salient points of the farm.
At Bo Myat Tun Bridge in Nyaungdon, Maubin District, they inspected prevention of the river bank erosion and maintenance of the bridge.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint inspects construction of Shweli Bridge (NgaO), regional development
Yangon, 20 June
- Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence, who spent the night at the office of the project site of Shweli Bridge (NgaO) in Katha Township, Sagaing Division, accompanied by Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Ye Myint, Sagaing Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Commander of North-West Command Brig-Gen Soe Naing, Deputy Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs U Kyaw Tin, senior military officers of the Central Command and North-West Command, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office and departmental officials, chairmen of Katha District and Township Peace and Development Councils and officials, arrived at the briefing hall of the project on 19 June morning.
Project Engineer U Win Kyi of the bridge construction project reported on matters related to the bridge construction tasks. Maj-Gen Ye Myint gave instructions on availability of construction materials, fuel and machinery and timely completion of the bridge and fulfilled the requirements.
Then, Maj-Gen Ye Myint, the commanders and party proceeded to the construction site of the bridge on the bank of Mabein Township by boat and inspected the preparation being made to erect the Pile 11 and construction work. Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party also inspected the preparations for installation of iron frames on Katha bank and gave necessary instructions on meeting the set standard.
Shweli Bridge (NgaO) designed to be 2,330-foot long and 28-foot wide includes two 3-foot pedestrian lanes, will link Katha Township in Sagaing Division and Mabein
Township in Shan State. The construction work has been completed up
to 65 percent. It will be a reinforced concrete bridge and will be
able to bear 60-ton loads on completion. The bridge is situated on Mandalay-Takaung-Katha-Bhamo-Myitkyina new road and construction work will be finished in the beginning of 2003.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party went to the nursery of the Forest Department in Tagaung and inspected the sapling of Thitseint and teaks. Director U Khin Maung Oo of the Division Forest Department conducted round the nursery. Maj-Gen Ye Myint gave necessary instructions.
Then, Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party arrived at the office of Tagaung-Katha road construction special group of the Mandalay-Takaung-Bhamo-Myitkyina highway road construction project in Tagaung where Senior Engineer U Aye Naing Tun reported on construction of Mandalay-Takaung-Katha east side of Ayar highway road and regional roads.
On completion of Shweli Bridge (NgaO), Mandalay-Takaung-Katha Ayar East highway road and Shwegu-Bhamo-Myitkyina road can be linked for the easier and shorter access to Bhamo and Myitkyina from Mandalay. The road is much shorter than the existing Mandalay-Mogok-Momeik-Mabain-Bhamo-Myitkyina.
Then, Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party inspected round the town and Tagaung Station Hospital. Medical superintendent and officials of the hospital conducted round Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party.

Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party spoke words of encouragement to inpatients there and fulfilled the requirements.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party went to the nursery of the Forest Department in Pauktapin Village in Thapakyin Township and inspected the sapling of Thitseint and teaks. Maj-Gen Ye Myint Gave instructions on growing of teak trees on both sides of roads.
On arrival at the office of Twinnge-Momeik road construction project, Road Construction Special Group 14 of Public Works, Maj-Gen Ye Myint heard reports on progress of work presented by Deputy Superintending Engineer U Win Maung. Maj-Gen Ye Myint Gave necessary instructions and inspected along the road by car.
Then, Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party left Twinnge Village for Mogok-Phawtawt road construction office of Public Works in Waphyutaung camp, where Senior Engineer of PyinOolwin District Public Works Daw Tin Htway reported on extension of Mogok-Phawtawt road. Chief Engineer U Maung Maung of Upper Myanmar and Mandalay Division Superintending Engineer U Sai Thein Maung made supplementary reports.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party went to Tanga Bridge construction site on Mandalay-Madaya-Mogok road, where deputy superintending engineer U San Win of bridge construction special group 14 reported on progress of construction work. Maj-Gen Ye Myint gave instructions on timely completion of the bridge. Then, Maj-Gen Ye Myint arrived at Mandalay by car in the evening.
Regional development projects seen over in Sagaing Division
Yangon, 20 June - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence, after attending the opening of Thaphanseik Hydel Electric Power Station in Kyunhla Township, Shwebo District, Sagaing Division, together with Chairman of Sagaing Division Peace and Development Council Commander of North-West Command Brig-Gen Soe Naing, Deputy Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs U Kyaw Tin, division level departmental officials and officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, left Kanbalu by car for Htigyaing through Shwebo-Myitkyina Road on 18 June.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party inspected the site chosen for cultivation of sugarcane to the north-west of Baw Village near mile post 60/5 on Shwebo-Myitkyina Road in Kanbalu Township.
Lt-Col Lin Maung of the Directorate of Supply and Transport, Lt-Col Aung Gyi and Shwebo District Peace and Development Council Chairman Lt-Col Than Han reported on the suitable site for cultivation of sugarcane and arrangements made. Maj-Gen Ye Myint gave instructions on observing land, geographical conditions, water availability and transport, and choosing the most suitable site for cultivation of sugarcane.
Then, Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party inspected forests which are thriving on both sides of Shwebo-Myitkyina Road and maintenance work along the road.
They met with departmental personnel at the assembly hall of Htigyaing Basic Education High School in Katha District, Sagaing Division.
Htigyaing Township Peace and Development Council Chairman U Kyi Win reported on geographical conditions of the township, tasks carried out for regional development, agriculture, transport and academic matters; and Katha District Peace and Development Council Chairman Lt-Col Myint Naing on formation of the district, geographical points, agriculture and transport.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint delivered a speech. He said in building a modern developed nation, the government is carrying out tasks for equal development of states and divisions; in doing so, personnel are to steadfastly implement the State's objectives as national duties; perpetuation of sovereignty of the State is of utmost importance; hence, the entire people including personnel are to safeguard the sovereignty; in doing so, emphasis must be placed on the nationalistic spirit and unity; now internal and external destructive elements, who do not want to see the development of the nation, are attempting to break up the Union and national integration and to hinder community welfare services with various means; various attempts of the insurgents are to be crushed with nationalistic spirit.He next called on departmental personnel to join hands with social organizations and the public in making concerted efforts for the development of their respective regions as well as that of the State assuming national duties.
Then, Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party headed for the Nga-O Bridge Construction Project site in Pyinhtaunglay Village, Katha Township, and arrived there in the evening.
( 4
) Minister attends opening of 25-bed hospital in Phakant
Yangon, 20 June
- The Ministry of Health has been systematically making efforts to open new hospitals and to upgrade the existing hospitals in order to effectively and widely carry out public health care services after laying down plans.
The opening ceremony of the new 25-bed hospital took place at the hospital in Phakant Township, Kachin State, on 18 June morning.
It was attended by Chairman of Kachin State Peace and Development Council Commander of Northern Command Brig-Gen Maung Maung Swe, Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, officials, Tactical Operations Commander of the Northern Command Lt-Col Kyaw Tint, members of social organizations and local residents.
The commander and the minister formally opened the hospital. Then, the minister pressed the button to unveil the signboard of the hospital. After that, the commander, the minister and party inspected the laboratory, operation theatre and delivery room and spoke words of encouragement to the patients.
The opening ceremony then followed at the meeting hall.
The minister explained progress in carrying out public health care services and upgrading health care facilities in rural areas and border areas by the State, rural health development projects being implemented by the Ministry of Health, progress of health sector in Kachin State and assistance rendered for development of health care services by Kachin State.
Head of Township Health Department Dr Aung Lwin Oo reported on construction of the hospital and participation of the public in building it. Chairman of Township Peace and Development Council U San Lwin handed over documents related to the hospital to Director-General of the Health Planning Department Dr Wan Maung.
On behalf of well-wishers, U Yat Haing of the High Gem Co presented K 2 million to the trust fund of the hospital through the minister, who then presented certificates of honour to the well-wishers.
Afterwards, certificates of honour were presented to well-wishers who provided assistance for construction of the hospital.
Later, the commander and the minister attended the ceremony to donate a fire engine to Phakant
Township Auxiliary Fire Brigade and viewed the skill demonstration
presented by the members of the Auxiliary Fire Brigade.
Minister meets with township officers, township
police force commanders and members
Yangon, 20 June - Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, together with member of Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development Council Commissioner U Than Win, Division Police Commander Police Col Than Tun, met with the officials of Hinthada, Ingapu, Myanaung, Zalun, Danubyu and Nyaungdon townships, the commanders of township police forces and members and their families on 16 June.
The minister stressed the need for all to oppose
bravely and conscientiously every encroachment on the sovereignty of
the State, to protect the State and the entire national people with
Union Spirit, to uphold Our Three Main National Causes in
cooperation with other social organizations and to actively carry
out five rural development tasks. Then, the minister inspected the
offices of the district police forces and District General
Administration Department and the Prisons Department.
( 5 )
Commander views sale of uncut jade
Yangon, 20 June
- Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe inspected sale of uncut jade at the Myanma Gems Mart on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road this morning.
The commander was welcomed there by Deputy Minister for Mines U Myint Thein, Managing Director of Myanma Gems Enterprise U Khin Oo and the director-general and managing directors and officials of the departments and enterprises under the ministry.
Then, the commander viewed the raw in the compound of the mart. He was conducted round the compound by the officials.
Afterwards, the commander inspected sale of uncut jade through tender system at the mart and left the venue later in the morning.
Altogether K 189.1 million was realized from the sale of 40 raw jade lots through tender system from 9 am to 5 pm today.
The sale continues tomorrow for the final day. Over 200 local merchants are attending the sale.
( 6 )
London Inter Club Team Champion held
Yangon, 20 June - The opening ceremony of London Inter Club Team Championship, organized by Myanmar Golf Federation and mainly sponsored by Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd was held at Shwemanntaung Golf Club in Mandalay this morning.
It was attended by Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Ye Myint, Mayor of Mandalay Brig-Gen Yan Thein and officials, guests and enthusiasts.
Brig-Gen Ye Myint, Brig-Gen Yan Thein, RPMM Special Projet Manager U Myint Thein and MGF Vice-Chairman U Chit Khaing teed off the ball to open the tournament.
After the opening ceremony, Brig-Gen Ye Myint greeted the golfers who will participate in the championship.
Today, in captain event, Major Myint Maung of Monywa Golf Club stood first with nett total 62 and Myint Oo of MGC second with nett total 65 strokes.
In individual gold division event, Than Naing Oo (Monywa Golf Club) and Aye Ko (Shwemanntaung Golf Club) are leading the tournament with gross total 75 strokes each.
In individual silver division event, Bo Bo (Yangon City Development Committee-Myakantha Club) is leading with gross total 77 strokes, followed by Win Than Kyaw (Mandalay-Shwemanntaung Golf Club) with gross total 78 strokes in the tournament.
In individual bronze division event, Moe Kyaw (Sagaing Club) is leading the tournament with gross total 80 strokes, followed by Aung Nyan Win (Yangon Golf Club) with gross total 86 strokes.
In team championship event, Shwemanntaung Golf Club (Madalay) is leading the play with gross total of 242 strokes; it was followed by Myanmar Golf Club with gross total 245 strokes and Shwesaryan Golf Club, Thirikhitera Golf Club and Myakantha Golf Club (YCDC) with gross total 248 strokes.
Official co-sponsors Air Mandalay, AWB Bank, Loi Hein Co Ltd (Alpine Water), Nadi Myanmar Hotel, K M Golf Centre, Wilson, ACCEL International Co Ltd (Canon), Ping and Sun Far Travels and Tour Co Ltd also provided assistance to the
( 7 )
Cash and kind donated in honour of Myanmar Women's Day
Yangon, 20 June
- To honour the Myanmar Women's Day, which falls on 3 July, Myanmar National Working Committee for Women's Affairs held a ceremony to present cash and kind at the meeting hall of the Social Welfare Department on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road here this morning.
It was attended by Chairman of MNWCWA Deputy Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement U Hlaing Win, Vice-Chairperson of the committee Prof Daw May May Yi, committee member Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, adviser Daw Khin Than Nwe, work committee member Daw Khin Aye and heads of the work committees, committee member of Yangon Division MNWCWA Daw Khin Thet Htay, guests and well-wishers.
On the occasion, U Hlaing Win made a speech before he accepted the cash donation of K 320,000 donated by Vice-Chairperson Prof Daw May May Yi to buy school uniforms and exercise books for trainees of the SWD's girls training school and presented a certificate of honour.
He also accepted 280 shirts worth K 196,000 donated by Myanmar-Japan Friendship Association to the youth training schools of the SWD and presented a certificate of honour to the well-wisher.
Then, for the purpose of sinking tube-wells for the sufficient supply of clean water in water-scarce regions, Agga Maha Thirithudhama Theingi Daw Se made a donation of K 5 million for ten tube-wells and Daw Wai Wai Myine of Inya Road, in memory of late U Aye Maung and Daw Hla Kywe, presented K 500,000 for a tube-well. The donations were accepted by committee member Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, who later presented certificates of honour to the well-wishers.
Next, at a ceremony held as a gesture of hailing the Myanmar Women's Day which falls on 3 July 2002, U Ko Ko Htoo, Daw Sanda Aung and children Maung Min Thiha Htoo and Ma Su Thiri Htoo family donated K 1 million; U Aung Zaw Naing, managing director of Asia Wealth Bank Ltd, K 1 million; U Nyunt Aung and Daw Maw Maw of AKS Trading/Duwan Motel, K 300,000 and one Setellite Receiver (WS-8000) worth K 20,000; U Maung Maung of Shwe Gaba Construction, K 300,000; Myanma Ahla Construction, K 200,000; and U Maung Maung Lwin of Tampadipa Construction and Chairperson of the Myanma Women Entrepreneurs Association Thiha Thudhamma Theingi Daw Sein Sein, K 200,000. Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe accepted the donations and presented certificates of honour to the wellwishers.
Later, adviser of the committee Daw Khin Than Nwe accepted K 100,000 each donated by the Union Solidarity and Development Association (Central); U Myat Thin Aung, Thudhamma Theingi Daw Khin Myint Myint of Aung Aung Company and family; U Tin Hla, Thirithudhamma Theingi Daw Aye Aye Kyi and family; U Win Swe and Dr Myat Thida Myint of Win International Co Ltd; U Tin Wan, Daw Hla Kyin of Shwe Linyon Service and family; Agga Maha Thirithudhamma Theingi Daw Khin Nwe Yi (Shwepazon Family); and Dr Zaw Min and Daw Win Myint of Oriental Co Ltd and presented certificates of honour to the well-wishers.
Moreover, K 100,000 each presented by Daw Ei Ei Myat of Aung Myanmar Technology Co Ltd and U Tun Myint, Daw Aye Aye Nyunt (Kyatshason) and family ; and K 50,000 each by U Kyaw Lin, Daw Daisy Kyaw Lin and family; U Tin Htoo; and U Kyaw Soe of Dipawady Construction and Daw Hla Wadi, joint-secretary of MWEA, were accepted by committee member Daw Khin Aye, who later presented certificates of honour to the well-wishers. Similarly, U Zaw Win and Daw Tin Tin Nwe, U Aye Myint and Daw Myint Myint, U Zaw Aung and Daw Tin Shwe, Daw Khin Aye Myint, Mingalar May Association and Sandi Dewi Women Health Service Cooperatives Ltd made donations of K 50,000 each, which were accepted by Daw Khin Thet Htay, who later presented certificates of honour to the well-wishers. Today's donation of cash in honour of the Myanmar Women's Day by the well-wishers amounted to K 4.35 million.
( 8
) 127,336.93 kilos of poppy seeds destroyed in this poppy growing season
Production of about 34.309 tons of heroin prevented
Yangon, 20 June - According to the programme of the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control, the government is implementing New Destiny, a project for eradication of poppy cultivation, as of this year in Shan State (North), Shan State (South) and Shan State (East) where poppy was most cultivated.
The project is being implemented by means of the law and administration, distributing seeds of opium substitute crops and controlling poppy seeds. Educative talks on cultivation of opium substitute crops have been given to poppy growers, and at the same time, seeds of crops suitable to the regions have been distributed. As a result, poppy growers, realizing the goodwill of the government, handed over poppy seeds and pods collected to grow in this poppy growing season of their own accord. Up to 8 June 2002, 62,002.375 pyis (101,298.07 kilos) of poppy seeds and 46,681.25 pyis (76,230.481 kilos) of poppy pods were put to torch in Lashio and Laukkai, Shan State (North).
Poppy growers handed over of their own accord 28.675 pyis (46.82 kilos) of poppy seeds in Shan State (East) and 4,252 pyis (6,943.57 kilos) of poppy seeds in Shan State (South). These poppy seeds were destroyed in Kengtung and Mongton in Shan State (East) and Hopon and Loilem in Shan State (South).
Up to 16 June 2002 in this poppy growing season, altogether 66,307.05 pyis (108,279.41 kilos) of poppy seeds and 46,681 pyis (76,230.073 kilos) of poppy pods 58,579 pyis (95,659.507 kilos) of poppy seeds and 46,681 pyis (76,230.073 kilos) of poppy pods in Shan State (North), 5,625 pyis (9,185.62 kilos) of poppy seeds in Shan State (South), 90.05 pyis (147.045 kilos) of poppy seeds in Shan State (East) and 2,013 pyis (3,287.229) kilos of poppy seeds in Mandalay Division were handed over and destroyed.
The poppy seeds handed over and the poppy seeds derived from the poppy pods handed over
totaled 77,977.3 pyis (127,336.93 kilos).
These poppy seeds can be grown on over 77,977 acres of land. If an acre of poppy yields 4.4 kilos, 343,098.8 kilos (343.098 tons) of opium can be obtained. Therefore, production of about 34.309 tons of heroin can be prevented.
( 9
) Drug trafficker sentenced
Yangon, 20 June - A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and the railway police force, acting on information, inspected Lashio-Mandalay train at PyinOolwin station on 31 March this year and seized 20.4 gm of heroin concealed in the sole of a pair of slippers held by Lon Shah Htan in his hand. He was a passenger in the first-class carriage.
Action was taken against Lan Shah Htan, 43, son of U Swa Kan of Ward 1, Region 6 in Lashio under section 15/19 (A) of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by PyinOolwin Police Station.
PyinOolwin District court handed down 20 years' imprisonment on Lan Shah Htan under section 19 (A) of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law on 28 May this
Raw opium seized in Hopong
Yangon, 20 June - A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit, Taunggyi Special Antic-Drugs quad and the local police force, acting on information, inspected the white Hilux car with the number plates Bahtetchaik/ 7496 driven by Tint Lwin Oo at the crop-tax tollgate in Hopong on 4 June afternoon and seized 82 packages of raw opium weighing 120.54 kilos inside 9 wall-paint containers on the roof of the car.
Action is being taken against Tint Lwin Oo, 27, son of U Tin Tun of No 11/19 Natsin Street, Panglong Township, under section 15/19 (A) of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by Hopong
Police Station.