1 ) Meeting held to promote tourism between Myanmar and China
Arrangements to be made for convenience of Chinese tourists
entering Myanmar from border gates
Yangon, 18 June
- The Steering Committee to Promote Tourism between the Union of Myanmar and the People's Republic of China held its first meeting at Zeyathiri Beikman in Konmyinttha here at 3 pm today.
Speaking on the occasion, Chairman of the committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt said the meeting was held to promote tourism between Myanmar and China. In the world today, tourism is an industry that can earn much foreign exchange. As many countries are giving priority to the industry, they are earning a large amount of foreign exchange annually.
Myanmar has plenty of tourist destinations such as ancient cultural zones and edifices, gem mining areas, cultural sites, ecotourism regions and magnificent beaches.
As Myanmar lies between China and India, whose populations exceed one billion mark, arrangements should be made for tourists of both countries to enter Myanmar from border gates to help develop the tourist industry in Myanmar.
During his goodwill visit to Myanmar, the President of PRC visited Ngapali, Bagan and Mandalay, saying that the tourists from PRC would find the places to be interesting.
A member of the State Council of PRC and officials of the tourist industry of the country visited Myanmar and discussed with Myanmar officials matters relating to promotion of tourism between the two nations.
The Ministry of Hotels and Tourism and the respective organizations will have to make
coordination's to enable the tourists from PRC to visit tourist destinations in Myanmar.
Chairman of the External Relations Committee Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung reported to the meeting on the
coordination's between the two nations to enable Chinese tourists to visit Myanmar.
Chairman of Internal Working Committee Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin explained programmes being made to increase the number of visitors from PRC.
The participants then presented proposals and suggestions on ensuring convenience for PRC visitors entering Myanmar from border gates, drawing tour programmes in cooperation with the tourist agencies, toll collection system and distribution of pamphlets featuring the destinations in Myanmar.
The Secretary-1 looked into their requirements.
( 2 ) Information Minister receives Ambassador

Yangon, 18 June - Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung received Ambassador of the Russian Federation Mr Oleg V Kabanov at Myanma Radio and Television on Pyay
Road here at 1 pm today.
( 3 )
State, people, Tatmadaw will have to ward off and crush internal and external destructionists
Power station with three turbines have capacity to generate 30-megawatt of electricity for agriculture, industrial, production sectors
Thaphanseik Dam and power station built to provide heritage serving national interests till future generations
Yangon, 18 June
- The power station of the Thaphanseik Dam near Thaphanseik village, Kyunhla Township, Shwebo District, Sagaing Division, was commissioned into service this morning.
Installed at the Thaphanseik Dam lying 12 miles west of Kyunhla, the power station has three 10-megawatt turbines. It was built at a cost of K 1,375 million and US $ 20 million.
Speaking on the occasion, member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence said the power station was installed at the Thaphanseik Dam which was opened in April 2001. The massive dam is the largest in Myanmar. Its main dam is over four miles long, and is listed in the longest dams in Southeast Asia.
Arrangements have been made to irrigate crops from Shwebo, KhinU, Kanbalu, Taze, YeU and Dabayin townships and up to Budalin and Ayadaw townships. The dam is irrigating about 530,000 acres of crops.
The three turbines at the power station have the capacity to generate 30-megawatt of electricity, fulfilling the nation's power needs to a certain degree.
The State spent thousands of kyats to build the dam which is a major project, irrigating crops, distributing power and helping green the region. The Myanmar engineers and technicians implemented the project on self-reliance with the leadership of the State.
The local farmers will have to effectively use the irrigation water for boosting crop production. It is also required to use the power generated by the dam in agriculture, industrial and production sectors. All will have to effectively use the water resources and power to boost production. Only then, will the national economy be developing with greater momentum.
In the Union of Myanmar, formed with 14 states and divisions, Sagaing Division with a population of 5.5 million is rich in water and land resources.
The State is building economic infrastructures
one after another in creating opportunities in
the division which has much potentials for progress depending on the work capacity.
The government has built 15 irrigation projects including in Sagaing Division including the Thaphanseik Dam to boost regional crops production.

Forty-eight river-water pumping stations have been installed along the banks of Ayeyawady, Chindwin and Mu rivers. Over 600 small-scale dams and reservoirs have been built with the cooperation of the
regional people. in the rural areas Thus, the total irrigation capacity of all the irrigation facilities combined is over 900,000 acres.
When completed, Yebutalin, Indaw and Nyaungbingyi water pumping stations will irrigate more 60,000 acres of crops. The electricity generated from Thaphanseik Dam will supply power to the stations. All in all, Sagaing Division will emerge as the rice bowl of upper Myanmar in accord with the plan of the State.
As the division is cultivating monsoon and summer paddy it can now produces surplus amount of rice annually. If people of the division make energetic efforts to grow rice, it will be able to
fulfill the food requirements of Mandalay Division, Magway Division and Chin State.
Due to its soil and weather conditions, it is producing the main crops of the nation, rice, cotton, sugarcane, beans and pulses and edible oil crops, and kitchen crops. The division's contribution to the national economy is 12 per-cent. The economy ups and downs and Sagaing Division reflects the nation's development and degeneration. The division's agriculture sector is important for the nation.
Thus, the people of Sagaing Division are needed to fully use the favorable conditions created by the State to grow crops on all available land. All should effectively use the rich land and water resources of the division. Means should be sought to increase the per acre yield of the crops and to reduce crops wastage.
Under the leadership of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, the government is striving to serve the interests of the regions and farmers.
The Head of State has given guidance, saying
"Priority will have to be given to reducing poverty in and developing the rural areas where the majority of the nation's population are living. Attention should be paid to improving the rural roads, rural water supply, rural health, rural economic standard, rural health and education standard as a
duty." Thus, the officials at central and different levels are
energetically implementing the rural development projects in
cooperation with the people.
Only there is progress in the rural areas, will
the towns, which are relying on rural products, be achieving more
development. The rural and urban are mutually relying on each other.
Twenty-four development zones have been set up in states and
divisions to narrow the develop divide and bring a proportionate
progress. Efforts are being made for further progress of the
economic, health, education and transport sectors. The five rural
development tasks, the 24-zone development project and border areas
development programmes have been implemented with greater momentum
to develop the less developed areas and improve the living standards
of the rural people.

Development undertakings have been implemented not only to serve the national interests at present, but also to serve the interests of the future generations. The Thaphanseik Dam and its power station will become a heritage serving the national interests till future generations.
Because of its correct policies and goodwill and the active participation of the people, the Tatmadaw government has been able to implement the nation-building undertakings covering
hide power projects which will help serve the interests of farmers and improve the living standard.
Due to the correct leadership of the State, participation of the people and efforts of the government staff, the nation will achieve firm foundations for progress. The State, the people and the Tatmadaw will have to ward off and crush the dangers of the internal and external destructionists, who have no wish to see progress in Myanmar and are committing perpetrations.
All should try to maintain the dam and to use the irrigation water and power effectively. Sagaing Division Peace and Development Council Chairman North-West Command Commander Brig-Gen Soe Naing made a speech. He said it can be seen that the State has been making arrangements for accelerated development of all states and divisions leading towards building a peaceful, modern and developed nation. For economic development of Sagaing Division, the Thaphanseik multi-purpose dam which is the biggest one in Southeast Asia, reservoirs and river-water pumping tasks have been built to ensure development in agriculture sector and at present 1.03 million acres crops have been irrigated in the division.
Moreover, roads and bridges have been extended and built for better transportation, universities, colleges and institutes and basic education schools have been extended and health care tasks have been accelerated for regional development. Nowadays, due to the genuine goodwill of the State, production of the division has been increasing year by year. In 2001-2002, there was a 10.0 per-cent progress in the gross domestic product of the division;. The per capita income of the division has increased to K 71,896 and economic progress is promising.
The State, with a far-sighted view, has built the Thaphanseik dam that will supply adequate amount of water to over 0.53 million of land. In addition to it, the newly opened Thaphanseik
hide power station is built with a view to harnessing the dam water more beneficially in generating electricity and cultivating crops. The multi-purpose dam is serving as a proof of the State's genuine goodwill towards the region and local people.
The 30-megawatt turbines can generate 117.2 million kilowatt hours of electricity per year. It can partly
fulfill nation's power need helping improve the economic situation. The power generated by the dam will be supplied to river water pumping projects and production of industrial sectors, he added.
The Tatmadaw Government takes special pride in opening the Thaphanseik multi-purpose dam because it is the first one in Sagaing Division. In addition, the State is making surveys to implement Htamanthi
hide power project, Yuwa hide power project and Shwesaray hide power project along Chindwin River planning to generate thousands of megawatts of electricity from the facilities. On completion of these projects, Sagaing Division will
fulfill the national power demand.
In conclusion, he, on behalf of people in the division, spoke words of thanks to the State for building the Thaphanseik hydel power
project of the Thaphanseik multi-purpose dam project and to staff of the Myanma Electric Power Enterprise and the Department of Hydel Power of the Ministry of Electric Power and urged departmental officials, local people and members of NGOs to strive for long existence of the power station and the dam.
Then, Minister for Electric Power Maj-Gen Tin Htut said that in implementing the political, economic and social objectives for emergence of a modern, peaceful and developed nation, electric power plays a vital role in economic, social and production sectors. Head of State Senior General Than Shwe himself opened the Thaphanseik Dam, the major part of Mu River Project, on 17 April 2001. With completion of
hide power project, the Thaphanseik Dam has been completely constructed. Power supply of
hide power project will contribute to economic and social life of the public while the dam and diversion weirs are extensively contributing to the development of agriculture sector. Hence, the dam is a pride of the State as a basic economic infrastructure.
The Ministry of Electric Power has laid down and is implementing short-term and long-term plans to fulfill the need of electric power which are increasingly used all over the country. At present, it is a great challenge for the ministry to
fulfill the need of power supply on the increase year by year.
The ministry is making efforts day in, day out in implementing medium scale and large scale electric power projects after laying down plans to generate 2,000 more mega watts during the five-year plan started from 2001-2002. It is aimed at fulfilling power supply increasingly needed to meet living standard of the people and economic development of the State.
Altogether 21 projects are being implemented in sectors such as hide power, natural gas power, diesel power, steam power and coal power in generating electric power for national development.
Myanmar is endowed with a great deal of natural resources that can generate
hide power in a cheaper way.
This being so, arrangements are being made to mainly rely on hide power in the long-run.
According to feasibility study, about 40,000 mega watts can be generated from creeks and rivers including Mu River. At present, with Thaphanseik Hydel Power Project, Palaung Project which can generate 280 mega watts, Mong Creek Project 75 mega watts, Ye Ywa Hydel Power Project 780 mega watts, Kunchaung Hydel Power Project 60 mega watts, Shweli Hydel Power Project 400 mega watts and others are being implemented day in, day out. On completion, this will
fulfill the requirement of power supply to a certain extent.
However, to implement a hide power project, a huge sum of money is needed and it takes a long time as well. So the State had to
spend K 1,155 million and US $ 20 million on Thaphanseik Hydel Power Project which took about four years.
Hence, he called on the local people to extend production of crops with the use of water from the dam and to use electric power effectively. With such advantage, the national economy will progress more.
To sum up, the minister urged all the people to maintain and safeguard the hydel power station and the dam already completed for durability and to effectively use the electric power in agriculture, production and industrial sectors which contribute to national development.
Then, Chairman of CITIC Technology Co Ltd of the PRC Mr Sun Xiao Wen spoke words of thanks. On behalf of local residents, Shwebo District USDA Secretary U Tin Myint also thanked the State for construction of the power station.
Afterwards, Maj-Gen Ye Myint presented a gift to Mr Sun Xiao Wen and gifts of honour to the personnel who took part in construction of the project.
Next, the opening of the power station followed. Maj-Gen Ye Myint pressed the button to unveil the stone plaque of the power
station. Commander Brig-Gen Soe Naing, Minister Maj-Gen Tin Htut and Mr Sun Xiao Wen formally opened the
power station.
Later, Maj-Gen Ye Myint, the commander, the minister, deputy ministers and guests inspected the power
station and then the ceremony came to an end.
( 4
) Maj-Gen Ye Myint seeks Ovada from Sayadaw for hoisting Htidaw atop Maha Muni Gandakuti Taik
Yangon, 18 June
- Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence, paid homage to Maha Muni Buddha Image in Mandalay on 16 June morning.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party offered flowers, lights, incense sticks and gold foils to the Maha Muni Buddha Image.
Then, they viewed nine-tier gold Htidaw in the Gandakuti Taik.
Next, they went to Mogaung Dhammayon in the precinct of the Pagoda. They attended the meeting on hoisting gold Htidaw atop the Pagoda.
Also present on the occasion were State Ovadacariya Indariyarama Shwegu Taik Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Vicitta, Mandalay Division Sangha Nayaka Committee Chairman Myataung Taik Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Sasanabhivamsa and Ovadacariya Sayadaws and Yedaw Sayadaw Agga Maha Saddhammajotikadhaja Bhaddanta Pan–avamsa.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party took the Five Precepts from the Indariyarama Shwegu Taik Sayadaw.
Then, Maj-Gen Ye Myint, the commander and party donated provisions to Sayadaws.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint supplicated on the ceremony to hoist gold Htidaw atop the Pagoda to the Sayadaws.
Masoeyein Taik Vinaya Naya Padetha Kyaung Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Sayadaw Bhaddanta
Panasamibhivamsa, Maha Withuddhayon Taik Thayettaw Wadan Kyaung Sayadaw Agga Maha
Pandita Bhaddanta Vannitabhivamsa, Paukmyaing Kyaungtaik Sayadaw and Maha Wizitayon Taik Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Vicarindabhivamsa gave advice on the gold Htidaw to be hoisted on 6-7-2002, preparation tasks to be carried out and security measures to be taken.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint supplicated on erecting the pivot for the Htidaw.
After the ceremony, they proceeded to Dekkhinayama Phayagyi Taik Nayakyaung in Mandalay. They paid homage to Sayadaw Abhidhaja Agga Maha
Saddhamma Bhaddanta Medhiyabhivamsa and offered donations to the Sayadaw.
Similarly, they paid homage to State Ovadacariya Shwekyin Nikaya Upa-okkatha Shwekyin Joint-Sasanabaing Sayadaw Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Bhaddanta Agghiya and offered provisions to the Sayadaw.
Likewise, they paid homage to Mandalay Division Sangha Nayaka Committee (Shwekyin) Chairman Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Sujata of Pyinnya Dagun Mogok Kyaung in the precinct of Dahattaw Hsutaungpyay Pagoda.
Afterwards, Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party went to West Khinmagantaik Brama Neinmikayon Okkyaung in Mandalay and paid homage to the State Ovadacariya Sayadaw.
Then, they paid homage to Mandalay Division Sangha Nayaka Committee (Sudhamma) Secretary Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Sasanabhivamsa
at Thudhammawady Kyaung of Mogaung Taik in Mandalay and Maha Gandayon Kyaungtaik Chaw Myat Nwe Thonhtetkyaung Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Maha Dhammakathika Bahujanahitadhara Ashin Kundalabhivamsa in Amarapura.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint inspects construction of blood bank of MGH, Ayeyawady Bridge in Mandalay
Yangon, 18 June - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence, inspected the blood bank building, which is under construction, at Mandalay General Hospital on 16 June.
Medical Superintendent of MGH Dr Win Shein and Deputy Senior Engineer U Win Pe of Special Housing Construction Group-6, the Public Works, reported to Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party on construction of the blood bank building with the use of charts.
Next, Maj-Gen Ye Myint inspected the construction of the building and gave instructions on timely completion of the building, meeting the set standard.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party proceeded to Ayeyawady Bridge (Yadanabon) construction project site where Deputy Superintending Engineer U Htay Myint reported on progress of construction of piles of the approach bridge, tasks being carried out and future plans, the stockpile of construction materials and machinery oil. Chief Engineer U Maung Maung of the Public Works (Upper Myanmar) gave a supplementary report.
After that, Maj-Gen Ye Myint inspected construction of approach bridge bole piles for Ayeyawady Bridge M-7, M-8 and M-10 and gave necessary instructions to the officials.
Ayeyawady Bridge (Yadanabon) is a main bridge linking Amarapura Township Mandalay Division, and Sagaing Township, Sagaing Division crossing the Ayeyawady River. Head of State Senior General Than Shwe gave guidance to construct the Ayeyawady Bridge (Yadanabon) to substitute for Inwa Bridge which is situated 2000 feet away from the former. With the passage of time, Inwa Bridge at present can no longer withstand loads of
heavy trucks.
Ayeyawady Bridge (Yadanabon) is the iron reinforced bridge and 5,613 feet long and 49 feet wide. It has four-lane motorway and five feet wide pedestrian lane. It's clearance is 700 feet wide and 40 feet high and can withstand 60-ton loads.
In the evening, member of the panel of patrons of the Union Solidarity and Development Association member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence, accompanied by Patron of Mandalay Division USDA Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Ye Myint, went to the Mandalay Division USDA Office and met with the USDA members and made an address.
Mandalay Division USDA Secretary U Tin Maung Oo reported on condition of the set-up and the strength of the association, participation of the association members in health and education sectors and future plans.
Then, Maj-Gen Ye Myint gave instructions on the national duties of the association to strive for the national interest and to participate in implementing the rural development tasks.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint inspects development tasks in Bagan-NyaungU, Taungtha, Myingyan
Yangon, 18 June - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence, left here for Bagan-NyaungU in Mandalay Division by air on 14 June.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party, together with Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Ye Myint and Chairman of Magway Division Peace and Development Council Col Zaw Min, inspected Lawka Nanda River Water Pumping Project in NyaungU Township. They arrived at the project site at 8 am. At the briefing hall there, officials of Water Resource Utilization Department reported progress of work. Maj-Gen Ye Myint gave instructions on completion of the project as schedule and fulfilled the requirements. The project is aimed at supplying water to 11,000 acres of crop land in western part of NyaungU Township through one main water pumping station, six water pumping stations, 30,500 feet long main canal and 12 tributary canals. About 50 per cent of the project has now been completed.
Afterwards, Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party inspected the pumping of water at the main water pumping station PS-1 as well as at the main canal. They also inspected the PS-2 water pumping station.
Later, they inspected the paving of NyaungU Letpanchaypaw-Myingyan Road with gravel. At the briefing hall of the project, officials of Public Works reported on the progress of works. The NyaungU-Myingyan Road will be 40 miles and two furlongs long and it will be 38 miles and six furlongs shorter than the existing NyaungU-Popa-Taungtha-Myingyan Road which is 79 miles long. The people of 19 villages along the road will be able to travel easily from one village to another.
The road will surely contribute towards rural development. In the past, one had to reach Pakokku from NyaungU through Kyun-chaung which is 27 miles away. Now, one can reach Pakokku from NyaungU through Letpanchaypaw village which is only 14 miles long.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint gave instructions for NyaungU-Myingyan motor road, those linking one village and another and tarring the NyaungU-Myingyan Road as guided by Head of State Senior General Than Shwe. They also inspected Letpanchaypaw River Water Pumping Project. At the briefing hall, Officer in-charge U Maung Maung Lwin reported on pumping and supplying water to 1,500 cultivated land through 14,000 feet long canals.
Afterwards, they proceeded to Ngathayauk River Water Pumping Station in NyaungU.
Officials reported on water supply arrangements. Then, Maj-Gen Ye Myint inspected the main station, pumping work and construction of the embankment near Phetthan village.
In the afternoon, they met local authorities and local people at Ngathayauk village-tract BEHS and explained regional development tasks and construction of rural roads. At Ngathayauk Station Hospital, the medical superintendent conducted Maj-Gen Ye Myint round the hospital.
Then, they inspected Ngathayauk-Ywathit-Welaung rural road and arrived at Myingyan Industrial Zone. They met with officials of the industrial zone and attended to their needs. Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party inspected the factories and gave necessary instructions.
Next, they met district and township authorities and departmental officials.
Then, Maj-Gen Ye Myint gave necessary instructions.
In the evening, member of the Panel of Patrons of USDA Maj-Gen Ye Myint met with USDA members at Myingyan
District USDA Office. At the meeting, Maj-Gen Ye Myint gave necessary
( 5 ) Exercise books and pencils donated
Yangon, 18 June - Hailing the year 2002 International Day of Cooperatives, the Mingalar May Women's All-round Development Cooperative Syndicate Ltd presented exercise books, pencils and cash donations for sinking tube-wells and manual water pumping stations at the meeting hall of the Ministry of Cooperatives on Bogyoke Aung San Street here this morning.

It was attended by Minister for Cooperatives Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe made a speech on the occasion.
Chairperson of the syndicate Daw Thet Yee explained the purpose of the donation.
Then, the chairperson, the vice-chairperson, the director, the secretary and the managing director of the syndicate
presented exercise books and pencils to the township education officer, the headmaster and members of the school board of trustees; and documents related to the tube-wells and land pumps to Executive of Yangon Division Union
Solidarity and Development Association U Tha Win and officials of Yangon West
The donations totaled 1,240 dozens of exercise books and pencils worth K 1.2 million for 6,838 students, 60 manual water pumping stations worth 1.2 million and two tube-wells valued at K 500,000.
Prizes presented to best exporters
Yangon, 18 June - The Ministry of Commerce held a ceremony to present prizes to entrepreneurs who exported the largest amount of goods in 2001-2002 fiscal year at the meeting hall of the ministry this afternoon, with an address by Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone.

After delivering an address, the minister presented first, second and third prizes to the entrepreneurs who were best exporters using the maritime route in 2001-2002 fiscal year and first, second and third prizes to the entrepreneurs who were best exporters of goods Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading.
Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan presented first, second and third prizes to the entrepreneurs who were best exporters using border trade route in 2001-2002 fiscal year and those who were best exporters of MATP goods.
Director-General U Nyunt Aye of Directorate of Trade presented prize to Tong Tah Co Ltd Managing Director U Khin Maung Latt who had exported the largest number of new items.
On behalf of the entrepreneurs, Managing Director Mr Guy De Motulle of Louis Dreyfus Trading Ltd of Switzerland spoke words of thanks.
Documents related to Myanmar monastery in Kandy, Sri Lanka, handed over
Yangon, 18 June - A ceremony to hand over the documents related to the Myanmar monastery in Kandy,
Sri Lanka, to the Ministry of Religious Affairs was held at the
office of the ministry at 8 am today.
First, Sayadaw Bhad-danta Kumara invested the congregation with the Five Precepts.
Next, the officials of the ministries and the Attorney-General's Office signed the documents. Sayadaw Bhaddanta Sumanasagara handed over the documents to Minister U Aung Khin.
Then, the minister, the deputy minister and officials presented offertories to the Sayadaws and members of the Sangha. Afterwards, Bhaddanta Sumana Sagara explained the purpose of handing over the documents and delivered a sermon, followed by sharing of merits gained.
The ceremony then came to a close with the three-time recitation of Buddha Sasanam Ciram Titthatu.
On-job training course concludes
Yangon, 18 June
- On-job training six-month course No 1/2002, organized by the
Ministry of Industry-1, concluded at training hall of the ministry
this morning. Minister U Aung Thaung delivered a speech and presented prizes to the outstanding trainees U Han Lin Maung, Head of Section of Bicycle Factory, Myanmar General and Maintenance Industries, Supervisor Daw Swe Swe Win Than of the Directorate of Industries and Supervisor Daw Khin Chaw Su Han of Myanma Ceramics Industries who stood first, second and third in the course respectively.
Next, the minister presented certificates to the trainees through the course monitor.
( 6 )
Commander inspects markets in Bahan, Ahlon Townships
Yangon, 18 June - Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe, accompanied by officials, inspected development affairs markets in Yangon City this morning and gave instructions on cleaning of the markets and buying and selling matters to the officials.
At 2.30 pm, the commander arrived at Bahan Market at the corner of Gyartawya and Yedashe Roads in Bahan Township where he was welcomed by No 3 Military Region Commander Col Yan Naing Oo and officials.
Then, the commander and party inspected personal goods shops, textile shops, robes shops, vegetables, meat and fish shops and sanitation tasks carried out at the market. Assistant Head of Markets Department of Yangon City Development Committee Daw Khin Ni reported on shops of the market and the sale of goods.
The commander gave instructions on sanitation tasks to be carried out, systematic buying and selling and security.
Next, they proceeded to Theikpan Market on Lower Kyimyindine Road in Ahlon
Township and inspected personal goods shops, grocery shops and meat,
fish and vegetable shops. At the office of the market in-charge, the
commander gave instructions on sanitation work to be carried out and
assistance to be provided to consumers and shopkeepers, and left the
market in the afternoon.
( 7 )
Ambassadors and economic counsellors briefed on development undertakings of coop societies
Yangon, 18 June - Under the arrangement of the Ministry of Cooperatives and the Cooperatives Imports and Exports Enterprise, ambassadors and economic
counselors of foreign embassies in Myanmar were briefed on development undertakings carried out by cooperatives societies at the meeting hall of the Ministry of Cooperatives this morning and were conducted round cooperative societies which are engaged in import-substitute goods and export-prospective industries.
Managing Director Daw Khin Swe Soe of CIEE explained the activities of Myanma Cooperatives.
Led by Daw Khin Swe Soe, ambassadors and economic counselors visited Circus Wafer snack industrial cooperatives society in Kamayut Township, Kiss Brand candy factory, chemical engineer industrial cooperatives society and metallurgy industrial cooperatives society in Shwepyitha Township and detergent powder industrial cooperatives society in Hlinethaya Township and viewed the production process there.
Directors and factory managers of respective
industrial cooperative societies explained work being done to substitute
imports to save foreign exchange in order to produce goods that meet
international standard, production lines, use of raw materials and
distribution of finished goods. Later, the guests took a look at the
samples of finished goods and gave suggestions.
( 8
) MWJA third conference to be held
Yangon, 18 June - The Third Conference of the Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association will be held at Pyidaungsu Hall in Kyaikkasan Grounds here from 28 June (Friday) to 30 June (Sunday) 2002. One representative each from township Writers and Journalists Associations and an observer each from township Organizing
Committees are permitted to attend the conference. They are to report at the Kyaikkasan
Grounds on 27 June.
( 9
) 196 tourists arrive on charter flight
Yangon, 18 June
- Under the supervision of the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism and with the assistance of the Ministry of Transport and the arrangement of Exotossimo Travel Co Ltd (Myanmar), altogether 196 tourists arrived here via Malaysia this afternoon by Boeing 767 of Qantas Airlines of Australia.
They were welcomed at the airport by officials from the ministries concerned and Exotossimo Travel Co Ltd (Myanmar).
The charter plane carrying 220 tourists arrived here for the first time in June 2001. This is the second time. Majority of the tourists are Australians and they will go sightseeing around Yangon today and tomorrow.
The aircraft will leave for Nepal on 20 June.