1 ) Secretary-1 attends first donation ceremony for Maha Santisukha Buddhist Missionary Centre

Yangon, 16 June - The first donation ceremony, organized by the Upathaka Executive Committee of Maha Santisukha Buddhist Missionary Centre, was held at the Adhipati Hall of the Centre in Tamway Township this morning, attended by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
First, the ceremony opened with the three-time recitation of Namo Tassa.
Then, the students of the Sunday School opened at the Centre recited religious verses.
Next, Chairman of the Upathaka Executive Committee Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Tharaysithu U Saw Myint explained the opening of foreign missionary courses and summer culture courses, management matters, future tasks and the purpose of holding the donation ceremony.
Afterwards, Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt presented K 10 million donated through Myanmar Education Committee to the trust funds of the Maha Santisukha Buddhist Missionary Centre to Upathaka Executive Committee Chairman Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Tharaysithu U Saw Myint.

The Secretary-1, the commander and the ministers accepted K 17.5 million donated to the trust funds for construction of a nunnery in the compound of the Centre by U Thein Oo and wife Daw Khin Khin Sein, K 10 million towards the trust fund of the centre by Managing Director U Tun Myint Naing of Asia World Co Ltd and wife through General Manager U Myat Cho Win, K 10 million by Chairman U Teza of Htoo Trading and wife Daw Thida Zaw, K 2.6 million by Chairperson of Upathaka Women's Chapter Agga Maha Thiri Thudhamma Theingi Daw Khin Nwe Yi (Shwe Pazun Family) in memory of the Thiri Thudhamma Manijotadhara U Pwint Kaung, K 2.02 million by Vice-Chairman of the Upathaka Executive Committee Thiri Thudhamma Manijotadhara U Sein Tint-Daw Tin Tin Win and family, K 1.1 million by Secretary Nadi Myanmar U Aung Khaing, K 850,000 by Chairman of the Upathaka Executive Committee Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Thayaysithu U Saw Myint-Daw Tin Tin Myint, K 700,000 by Upathaka EC member Col Vankul (Retd)-Daw Yin Yin and family, K 600,000 by Vice-Chairperson of the Women's Chapter Daw Khin Nyo (Mya Yeik Mon), K 500,000 by Vice-Chairman U Chu Than-Daw Win Kyi (Myay Lat Thar), K 300,000 by Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhammajotika Salay Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kosalla through Director-General U Sann Lwin of Department for Promotion and Promotion of the Sasana, K 600,000 by U Aung Win of Shinsawpu Road, K 400,000 by U Tin Hla-Treasurer of the Women's Chapter Thiha Thudhamma Theingi Daw Aye Aye Kyi, K 400,000 by Upathaka EC member Mogok U Thein Aung-Daw Tin Shwe, K 300,000 each by Upathaka EC member Excellent Performance in Social Field (Grade-I) Thiha Thudhamma Manijotadhara Thiri Thudhamma Manijotadhara Duyinthee U Soe Myint-Daw Khin Ma Yi, Vice-Chairperson of the Upathaka Women's Chapter Daw Khin Than Myint (Gon Shein Myint), Secretary of Upathaka Women's Chapter Daw Khin Mya Oo (Yadana Mukha) and U Ye Shwe-Daw Khin Lwan Shwe (Mahamyaing), K 200,000 each by Secretary U Kan Nyunt-Patron of the Women's Chapter Daw San Shin (Mya Sabei), Joint-Secretary Mandalay Ayeetaung U Kyaw Thein-Daw Kywe Kywe, U Maung Lwin-Daw Sein Sein and Daw Pan Lwin Shein (Bago Club), K 100,000 each by Upathaka EC member Daw Yi Yi Nwe (Inyamyaing), Ambo U Nay Zin Latt-Joint Treasurer Daw Khin San, Lt-Col Aung Kyi-Daw Than Than Hlaing and family of 10th Mile, U Tin Hla-Daw Win Kyi, Ma Thet Htar Su Hlaing of Salin Street, U Lun Maung, U Khin Maung Hla-Daw Khin Kyi Htay and family of Botataung and U Thaung Nyunt-Daw Mya Nyunt of Pazundaung, K 280,000 by Upathaka Women's Chapter, K 100,000 by U Bo Sein and Patron of Women's Chapter Daw Ohn Tin and K 500,000 Maung Myo Win-Ma Pa Pa Tun Thein and K 100,000 by Daw Shu Kyu and family.

Afterwards, the Secretary-1 delivered an address. He said that the Maha Santisukha Buddhist Missionary Centre, in accord with the wish of world missionary Sayadaw Bhaddanta
Panavamsa, has emerged on a grand scale; after opening the centre, the chairman of Upathaka Executive Committee and EC members are opening the training courses, performing the maintenance tasks and undertaking the durability of the centre; the all-round construction of the centre is a heavy duty; first, the main buildings were built in accord with the wish of the Sayadaw with the aim of opening the training courses; the centre contributes to promotion and propagation of the Sasana; nowadays, the training courses are being opened at the centre as a result of donations to built the centre by members of the Upathaka Executive Committee and well-wishers under the leadership of the Government; departments concerned, Upathaka EC members and well-wishers will carry out the remaining construction tasks of the centre; and the Secretary-1 then wished that the well-wishers may have blessing.
The students of the Sunday School recited verses. Next, the ceremony ended with three-recitation of Buddha Sasanam ‚ iram Titthatu. After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 cordially met with the students of the Sunday School.
Work coordinated to open MMU and MAEU
Yangon, 16 June
- A work coordination meeting on the opening of Myanmar Maritime University and Myanmar Aerospace Engineering University was held at Zeya Thiri Beikman on Konmyinttha here this afternoon, attended by Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
The Secretary-1 said that the committees and subcommittees have been set up to open Myanmar Maritime University and Myanmar Aerospace Engineering University as scheduled, and called on those present to discuss progress of work.
In accordance with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, the basic education sector and the higher education sector are being developed harmoniously to enhance the efficiency of human resources. At universities and colleges, national education promotion programmes are being implemented.
To ensure the equitable development in states and divisions, 24 development regions have been designated. Priority is being given to development of the education and health sectors in these regions.
Before the Tatmadaw government assumed the duty of State in 1988, there were only 32 universities and colleges. Now there are altogether 150 universities and colleges including Myanmar Maritime University and Myanmar Aerospace Engineering University which will soon be opened.
It is a mammoth task to open a university or college. However, the government is building them with the aim of developing human resources.
Myanmar is a Union, and to ensure the equitable development of all national races residing in the Union, universities, colleges, technological colleges and computer colleges are being opened in these development regions. The existing hospitals are also being upgraded.
Now Myanmar Maritime University and Myanmar Aerospace Engineering University will be opened with the aim of developing human resources in accord with the guidance of the Head of State. In conclusion, the Secretary-1 urged respective committees to present progress of work.
Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe reported on the measures taken to open Myanmar Maritime University.
Then, the officials of the subcommittees reported on the admission of students, appointment of faculty members, availability of texts and teaching aids and construction of buildings.
Deputy Minister for Science and Technology U Nyi Hla Nge and the officials of the subcommittees reported on the measures taken to open Myanmar Aerospace Engineering University.
The meeting ended with concluding remarks by the
( 2 )
Secretary-1 inspects white elephants at Mindhamma Hill

Yangon, 16 June - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, this afternoon arrived at the white elephant house, southern part of Mindhamma Hill in Insein Township, where he was welcomed by Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe, the deputy ministers, the vice-mayor, heads of
departments and officials.
Then, the Secretary-1 viewed the white elephants and gave necessary instructions to the
Later, the Secretary-1 left the house in the afternoon after inspecting the construction of the white
elephant garden.
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Myanmars have already known that Yodayas abetted some insurgents and traitors and provided them with arms, supplies and recruits. At present, there are many anti-Myanmar offices and organizations in Bangkok
These acts meant to make Myanmar weakened, undeveloped and unstable and their attitude is that they will give assistance to all those who are against Myanmar
People in Pyay District support mass rallies denouncing SURA and KNU insurgents undermining security and peace in border areas
Yangon, 16 June
- A ceremony to support the national people's mass rallies denouncing SURA and KNU insurgents, who are encroaching upon the security and peaceful situation in border areas, and to show respect for sovereignty of the Union of Myanmar was held at the Independence Monument Grounds in Pyay, Bago Division (West), at 7 am yesterday.
Present on the occasion were Hsinbyushin, Bayintnaung and Nawade Columns comprising members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Red Cross and Auxiliary Fire Brigades, War Veterans Organization, Working Committee for Women's Affairs, Maternal and Child Welfare Association and social organizations in Pyay, Paungde, Paukkhaung, Thegon, Shwedaung and Padaung townships, division, district and township level departmental officials, teachers of the Education College and five Basic Education High Schools, students and the band.
The Hsinbyushin Column, the Nawade Column and the Bayintnaung Column took designated places in the grounds.
At the ceremony, Pyay District USDA Executive U Khin Aung Win, master of ceremonies, read out the agenda of the ceremony.
First, those present at the ceremony saluted the Flag of the Union of Myanmar.
Thayettaw Ward USDA Organizer of Shwedaung Township Daw Thant Thant Zin explained the purpose of holding the ceremony.
She said: I am Daw Thant Thant Zin, a member of the Union Solidarity and Development Association and organizer from Thayettaw Ward in Shwedaung Township.
I would like to explain why we gather here and salute the State flag.
At the beginning of 2001, SURA and KNU rebels with the assistance of the neighbouring country Yodaya launched attacks along the border areas.
We are infuriated by encroachments on security and peace along the border and sovereignty of our country.

National races held mass rallies to denounce destructive elements in Kengtung on 1 June and in Taunggyi on
2 June.
We in Bago Division (West) who love the country can no longer look with folded arms at the insults hurled at our national
brethren in border areas
by destructive elements. That is why this gathering is
Like national people, we condemn drug-trafficking destructive insurgents.
We support the mass rallies held in various townships. The people in Pyay regard the sovereignty of the country as their life and have hoisted the State flag all over the town.
It shows that we cannot accept any kind of act detrimental to the sovereignty of the State.
The youth are rankled with encroachments on the sovereignty by the neighbouring country. We all must unanimously safeguard the fruits of peace.
In order to stand tall amidst the nations of the world, it is necessary for all citizens to have nationalistic spirit of warding off any danger to the nation or anyone who tries to break up the nation.
We cannot accept disintegration of the Union, disintegration of national solidarity and encroachment on independence and sovereignty.
Therefore, we urge all to uphold the State policy, Our Three main National Causes non-disintegration of the Union, non-disintegration of national solidarity and perpetuation of sovereignty.
Then, Pyay Township Union Solidarity and Development Association Secretary U Myo said: interfering in the internal affairs of a country, inciting unrest and encouraging opposition armed groups is a very wicked act; the country acting accordingly is very obvious.
Since the beginning of 2001, the SURA insurgents, taking the strongholds in Yodaya, attacked Myanmar with heavy weapons, and on 20 May 2002, Panmaingsun, Nyaungbingon, Pangantgaw and Yanpaingsun outposts along the Myanmar border were attacked with tanks and heavy weapons.
Myanmars have already known that Yodayas abetted some insurgents and traitors and provided them with arms, supplies and recruits.
At present, there are a
lot of anti-Myanmar offices and organizations in
These acts are meant to make Myanmar weakened, undeveloped and unstable and their attitude is that
they will give assistance to those who are against Myanmar. By doing so, they try to cause bloodshed among Myanmar citizens,
to make Myanmar unstable and to hinder development
in Myanmar, he pointed out.
Moreover, they try to provoke and threaten Myanmar by
practicing military training near Myanmar border every year. These acts of Yodayas are to be assumed for Myanmars as a national danger. We respect territorial dignity and sovereignty. Sovereignty is our paramount, he added.
So, with national spirit, all the citizens are to
safeguard the territorial dignity and the sovereignty of the State
and not to tolerate even a small degree of encroachment on our
sovereignty. It is a fine tradition of our ancestors.
In conclusion, he urged all to oppose and crush
those encroaching upon the sovereignty of the State and to safeguard
peace and stability.
Then, led by Pyay District USDA Executive U Khin Aung Win, those present at the rally chanted slogans
"Non-disintegration of the Union - our course, our course, Non-disintegration of national solidarity
- our course, our course and perpetuation of sovereignty - our course, our course, which brought the mass rally to end.
On 15 June morning, flags of the Union of Myanmar were hoisted at offices, schools, markets, roads and buildings in six townships of Pyay District hailing the mass rallies denouncing SURA KNU insurgents, who are encroaching upon the security and peaceful situation in border areas, and to show respect for sovereignty of the Union of Myanmar.
( 4
) Maj-Gen Tin Aye inspects Sawbwagyigon Brokerage Sales Centre and Highway Bus Terminal
Yangon, 16 June
- Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Tin Aye of the Ministry of Defence, together with Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe and officials, inspected Sawbwagyigon Brokerage Sales Centre and the Highway Bus Terminal in Insein Township, Yangon North District, this morning.
On arrival at the control office of the brokerage and the bus terminal at 7.30 am, Maj-Gen Tin Aye, Maj-Gen Myint Swe and party were welcomed by No 1 Military Region Commander Col Khin Maung Soe, Chairman of Yangon North District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col San Matu and officials.
U Maung Maung Thin, in charge of the sales centre and the bus terminal, reported on the condition of the sales centre and bus lines.
Maj-Gen Tin Aye attended to the requirements.
Then, Maj-Gen Tin Aye, Maj-Gen Myint Swe and party inspected the brokerage and the bus terminal. Maj-Gen Tin Aye gave instructions on security of transport, regular and speedy flow of commodities, convenience of passengers and keeping the brokerage and the bus terminal pleasant and clean.
( 5 ) Minister inspects construction works in Ayeyawady Division
Yangon, 16 June - Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, accompanied by officials of Public Works, left here on 14 June afternoon and inspected along Yangon-Pathein Road. Superintending engineer of Yangon North District reported on progress of work in Yangon Division section of the road.
The minister gave instructions on constant attention to the maintenance work of the road during the rainy season.
Then, the minister arrived at the Ayeyawady Division section of the road and heard reports on maintenance work of Yangon-Pathein road, Maubin-Hsarmalauk road, Maubin-Kyaiklat road and Kyaiklat-Pyapon road presented by the superintending engineer of the division and officials.
On 15 June morning, the minister, accompanied by local authorities, left Gonnyintan Bridge in Kyaiklat by boat for the sites chosen for the construction of Pyapon bridge and inspected the axis points.
The minister also inspected the preliminary axes of the Pyapon side of Gonnyintan bridge in Shankwin and Chaungkwin Villages and gave necessary instructions.
In the afternoon, the minister and party arrived at the construction site of Ayeyawady bridge (Dedaye) and heard reports on progress of work presented by the deputy superintending engineer of the site. The minister gave instructions on work-site safety, systematic storage of construction materials and the meeting of set standards and inspected round the site.
Ayeyawady Bridge (Dedaye) is a 4088-foot-long steel-frame one with a 28-foot wide
motorway and two 6-foot wide pedestrian lanes. Its clearance in 36
feet high and 390 feet wide and it can withstand 60 tons of loads.
Stone inscriptions of Myanma Education Goal unveiled and multi-media teaching centre opened
Yangon, 16 June - Stone inscriptions of Myanma Education Goal was unveiled and Multi-media teaching centre was opened at Okshitpin Basic Education High School (Branch), Padaung, Bago Division (North) on 14 June. Outstanding students unveiled the stone inscription. Headmaster U Soe Myint Than and Chairman of the school board of trustees U Aung Myint formally opened the centre.
U Than Aung and Col Tin Hlaing formally unveiled the signboard of the centre. Afterwards, the ministers and guests inspected around the centre and viewed skill demonstration of the students.
Next, the ministers proceeded to Htonbo BEHS in Padung Township where they donated a computer set, exercise books, ball point pens, pencils and stationery to the school through the head master.
Later, they inspected construction of the new building and fulfilled the needs. Then, the ministers arrived at the Pe Gyi village BEMS (branch) and inspected construction of a new building. They donated exercise books and stationery to the students through the headmistress.
Afterwards, they proceeded to Yet Tha village BEPS and gave instructions regarding construction of the new
building. They had a cordial meeting with member of the school board of trustees, parents and teachers. Col Tin Hlaing donated cash for a new school building construction.
Minister for Education U Than Aung accompanied by officials inspected multi-media teaching centre and renovation of the two-storied building at No 1 BHES in Pyay yesterday morning. The minister also visited No 4 BEHS and the Education College in Pyay. He met with education employees at the BEPS on Yangon-Pyay Road in Gyobingauk Township and donated exercise books and stationery to
Ministry of Education holds coord meeting
Yangon, 16 June - The first four-monthly work
coordination meeting for 2002 of the Ministry of Education was held
at the meeting hall of the Universities Central Council, Department
of Higher Education (Lower Myanmar) this morning. Minister for
Education U Than Aung made a speech at the meeting and explained matters related to implementation of work in the basic and higher education sectors during the first four months of 2002. Then, the directors-general reviewed the work done during the first four months and explained the arrangements for the second four months. Afterwards, the first day of the meeting ended. The meeting continues
Minister inspects communication work
Yangon, 16 June - Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw, yesterday morning and fulfilled the requirements. Then, he proceeded to Kungyangon and inspected the post office, telephone exchange and the site chosen for construction of an auto-exchange station.
The minister also inspected Kawhmu and Dalla auto-exchange stations and attended to the needs.
In the afternoon, the minister inspected the 50-line telephone exchange installed and operated under the rural communication development programme in Thaiktukan Model Industrial Village in Thongwa Township.
Then, the minister inspected the installation of micro-wave equipment in Thongwa Township telephone exchange and explained matters related to the accessibility of telephones to the
towns elders in the post office in Thongwa.
The minister also inspected the microwave
station, auto-telephone exchange and post office and gave
instructions on accessibility of telephones to the rural regions.
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Commander inspects poultry farm
Yangon, 16 June - Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Yangon Command Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe inspected No 1 poultry farm of Yangon Command in Sawbwagyigon in Insein Township this evening.
Farm in-charge Captain Win Zin Maung reported on raising of fowls and sale to tax-free markets in Yangon.
Secretary of Agriculture and Livestock Breeding Committee of Yangon Command Lt-Col Thein Hsint reported on egg and chicken production.
The commander then gave instructions. He also inspected briquette factory that produces 7,000 briquettes a day in the poultry farm. The commander then gave instructions on cultivation of vegetables and cleanliness. Afterwards, the commander inspected Taing-shwegon meat and vegetable
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Bangladeshi delegation arrives
Yangon, 16 June - At the invitation of Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win, a Bangladeshi delegation led by Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr Shamsher Mobin Chowdhury arrived here by air this afternoon.
The guests were welcomed at Yangon International Airport by Director-General U Thaung Tun of Political Department and officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bangladeshi Ambassador Mr Ahmed Rahim and officials of the Bangladeshi Embassy.
The Bangladeshi Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is accompanied by his wife and Director-General Mr Md Mijarul Quayes of Southeast Asia Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
In the evening, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win hosted a dinner in honour of the guests at Karaweik Palace.
Vietnamese delegation leaves for home
Yangon, 16 June - The visiting Vietnamese delegation led by Director of the Voice of Vietnam of the SRV Mr Do Ngoc Anh visited the Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image on Mindhamma Hill here this morning.
The delegation also visited the Drug Elimination Museum in Kamayut Township. Deputy Director of the museum Police Lt-Col Hse Maung conducted them round the museum.
The delegation left here by air for home at 3.45 pm today. It visited Yangon and Mandalay cities from 10 to 16 June. The delegation was seen off at the Yangon International Airport by MRTV Deputy Director-General Lt-Col Thein Aung, Director (Broadcasting) U Ko Ko Htwe
and officials.
( 8
) Illegal logs of timber seized
Yangon, 16 June - A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force and employees of the Forest Department, acting on information about illicit trafficking of timber in Katha Township, combed the area and seized 44 tons of illegal logs of teak and 16 tons of illegal logs of Tamalan, dalbergia oliveri, near Bantbwaygon Village and Shankyun along the Ayeyawady River in Katha Township on 25 May.
Another combined team arrested five culprits together with 14.34 tons of teak and 2.08 tons of In, dipterocarpus tuberculatus, at Pegon Village, Kanbalu Township, on 26 May, and another five culprits together with 38 tons of teak and 1.6 tons of Pyingadoe, xylia
dolabriform is, at Kamma Village, Pakokku Township.
Another combined team, acting on information about smuggling of teak along the routes leading to the border in Bhamo District, inspected a car bound for the border at Hsanga Village, 21st mile from Momauk
on 2 June and seized one culprit and 4.9 tons of sawn teak of
various sizes.
Action is being taken against them.
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) 40.8 grams of marijuana seized
Yangon, 16 June - On 2 June, a combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit, Yangon Anti-Drug Squad and local police force,
acting on information, searched Than Htaik sitting at Arr Thit Tea Shop in Ward-7, South Oakkalapa Township, and apprehended him together with 40.8 grams of marijuana.
Action is being taken against Than Htaik, 25, son of U Than Aung of No 3/A, Bo Sun Pat Street, Bo Tun Zan Ward, Dawbon Township under section 15/19(A) of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by South Oakkalapa Police Station.
Drug dealer gets 15 years
Yangon, 16 June - A combined team including members of local intelligence unit and Tachilek Anti-Drug Squad, acting on a tip-off, searched Than Kyaw (a) Po Htaung near Meteorology & Hydrology Office, Ponehtun Ward, Tachilek, on 28 December 2001 and seized 800 stimulant tablets together with him.
In connection with the case, Tachilek Police Station opened the case against Than Kyaw (a) Po Htaung, 32, son of U Ba Chit of No 35, Mingala Oo Ward-7, Shwenyaung, under section 15/19(A)/21 of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Tachilek District Court sentenced him to 15 years' imprisonment under section 19 (A) on 8 May 2002.