1 ) Secretary-1 attends opening of new buildings at School for the Blind (Kyimyindine)
Yangon, 15 June - The opening ceremony of two-storey and three-storey buildings of the School for the Blind (Kyimyindine) of the Social Welfare Department under the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement was held at the school on Panbingyi Road, Kyimyindine Township, here at 9 am today.
State Peace and Development Council Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt graced the ceremony by attending it.

First, Deputy Minister for SWRR U Hlaing Win and wellwisher Dr Chiu Wen Tso formally opened the three-storey school building by cutting a ribbon. Next, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt formally unveiled the signboard of the three-storey building. Deputy Minister U Hlaing Win and wellwisher Mr Jimbo of Ko Ko Ro Volunteer Group formally opened the two-storey building by cutting a ribbon.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party viewed round the computer rooms and classrooms of the two buildings. The ceremony was then held at the hall of the three-storey building. Wellwishers Dr Chiu Wen Tso and Mr Jimbo and wife handed over the documents relating to the buildings to Deputy Minister U Hlaing Win. The deputy minister also presented them with certificates of honour.
Next, Minister Maj-Gen Sein Htwa delivered an address. He said that the Social Welfare Department
under the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement is a department providing assistance and care to needy persons who are encountering social difficulties due to various reasons. Of the eight tasks of the department, one is rehabilitation of disabled persons. Accordingly, four training schools namely the School for the blind, the School for the dumb, the School for retarded children and the Vocational school for disabled adults are kept open to care the disabled ones, he said.
Since 1 November 1963, the School for the Blind has been opened with the aim of accommodating 100 students. The school had brought out nine graduates of the blind. In 2001, altogether 92 students 65 school boys and 27 school girls were accepted at the school and there are 28 primary school students, 20 middle school students, 10 high school students, 32 handicraft students and 4 university students, he observed.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt during his tour of the school on 17-2-2002 gave instruction to upgrade the school to be of international level, he said. Wellwisher Dr Chiu Wen Tso donated 79,905 US$ for construction of the three-storey building and 10,000 US$ for education fund. Under the arrangement of Ko Ko Ro Volunteer Group, the two-storey building worth 56,000 US$ as well as a computer set and related equipment worth 24,000 US$ have been donated. The two new buildings ensure sufficient accommodation for 300 students at the school. The cash donation of 10,000 US$ is kept as education fund and its interests will be used in education expense for the blind students.
The two new buildings are composed of well-facilitated classrooms, advanced computer rooms, library, music room, handicraft hall, two meeting halls and offices. Continued efforts will be made for all-round development of the blind children with assistance of the Government, social organizations, wellwishers and departments concerned, said the minister.
The Secretary-1 said that the opening of a two-storey building and a three-storey building is a development which will contribute greatly to the implementation of the tasks for the care and rehabilitation of the blind by the government.
He also thanked the wellwishers who contributed the emergence of these grand buildings for the school for the blind which is nurturing those who lost their eyesight.
The care and rehabilitation of the blind who are working hard to be able to benefit the society with strong determination is a very noble humanitarian deed which benefits not only the community of the blind but also the State.
In building a peaceful, modern and developed nation with the participation of the entire national people, the government is creating opportunities for all the citizens so that they will be able to work for the development of the State.
With this attitude in mind, the government has established schools for the disabled and schools for the blind to nurture them with loving-kindness and compassion so that they can make their living by using their able limbs.
The blind who lost their eyesight for various reasons have the right to have human dignity and social privileges as do other people. If a person lost eyesight, his other senses are acute. If such a kind of people are trained with care, they will be able to serve the interests of the State and the people.
In teaching, training and rehabilitating the blind, there are specialized subjects, methods, Braille and teaching aids. Computers and software, multimedia systems for the blind are available.
Therefore, the government is taking the initiative to upgrade schools for the blind so that the blind can be nurtured and trained with the use of these facilities.
Not only is the government providing assistance to the schools for the blind established by social organizations, but it is also taking measures for the development of Kyimyindine School for the Blind run by the government.
Arrangements are being made to upgrade Kyimyindine School for the Blind so as to admit up to 300 blind students. As a result, one two-storey building and one three-storey building have emerged.
Officials need to take necessary measures for installing computers designed for the blind and teaching them computer and IT technology.
Officials also need to continue to work hard for the emergence of blind technicians capable of serving the interests of the State and the people and for all-round development of Kyimyindine School for the Blind, and to upgrade it up to the international level.
In conclusion, the Secretary-1 thanked all those who contributed to the development of Kyimyindine School for the Blind, and those from departments and social organizations and wellwishers who contributed to the emergence of the new school buildings, and expressed his wish that the products of the school are able to serve the interests of the State and the people in future.
Then, The Secretary-1 accepted donation for Kyimyindine School for the Blind including K 13.8 million by Yangon City Development Committee for the repair of path and hostels, a Braile Printer worth US$ 3,900 by U Thet Oo, K 900,000 by U Tint Hsan ( ACE Construction Group) and wife Dr Daw Nyein Nyein Htay , a computer worth K 418,400 and a set of Jaws for Window software worth FEC 300 for the use of the blind by Managing Director U Tin Maung of Xie Family Co Ltd and family and US$ 2,000 by Dr Cjiu Wen Tso and presented certificates of honour to the wellwishers.

The Secretary-1, wife Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe and family presented K 100,000 for tuition fees to Ma San San Htway, a blind students who will attend the University of Distance Education in the 2002-2003 academic year majoring in English.
Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe and Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa accepted K 240,000 donated by U Mya Soe-Daw Tin Tin Myint (Doh Shwepyi Construction), K 125,000 by U Aung Khaing-Daw Kyu Kyu Than ( Mandaing Diesel Pump and Nozzle Repair), software worth US$ 3,000 by Managing Director U Ye Myat Thu of Alpha Info Tech Co Ltd, K 50,000 by KMD Computer Co Ltd and 20 bags of rice by U Nyein-Daw Ohn Kyin ( OK Rice Brokerage House) and presented certificates of honour to the wellwishers.
Then, the blind students demonstrated their
musical skill and artistic talent. Afterwards, the Secretary-1
presented cash awards to the performers and the ceremony came to an
( 2 )
Significant achievements in education sector made in cooperation with united strength of the people and firm can-do spirit under the guidance of the government
Exercise books and pencils provided to Basic Education Schools in Yangon West and North Districts
Yangon, 15 June - A ceremony to donate exercise books and pencils to Basic Education Schools in Yangon West and North Districts was held at the Diamond Jubilee Hall on Pyay Road this afternoon, attended by Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.

The Secretary-1 said now education promotion programmes are being implemented phase by phase for uplift of the national education standard under the leadership of the government. The four-year special plan for promotion of national education is being undertaken under the guidance of the Head of State with the use of a large sum of money so as to keep abreast with South East Asian countries in the education sector. Moreover, the 30-year long-term education project is also under implementation with the aim of developing human resources from one new generation to another in future, he said.
He said the school enrolment programme for every school-age children, one of the tasks of national education promotion programme, is being launched with the active cooperation of wellwishers and social organizations under the leadership of the government.
said although the tasks of narrowing the education gap between urban
and rural areas for human resource development are easier said than
done, achievements have been made in cooperation with united
strength of the people and firm can-do spirit under the guidance of
the government. He said success will be achieved if people and the
government actively participate in the tasks in unity.
In implementation of education promotion programmes under the leadership of the government, achievements have been made more than expected and significant progress has also been made in education sector due to active participation of the people, he added.
He spoke of the need to learn modern basic computer science for dissemination of information technology, which is very popular in the world.
The government and the people are carrying out the task to possess qualifications needed for the youths who would build a modern nation, he said.
He said today's donation aimed at realizing the objective of school enrolment programme for every school-going age children. He said he hoped the donations would fulfil the requirements of the needy schoolchildren and their parents to some extent.
He said school enrolment rate is now 92% due to the school enrolment activities and efforts are to be made for cent-per-cent success.
The exercise books and stationery were purchased with the donation of the wellwishers. The Secretary-1 urged the teachers to nurture their students with
catena to become intellectuals and intelligentsia who will serve the interest of the State.
The Secretary-1 presented exercise books and pencils for students of five basic education schools in Mayangon township, Yangon North District and nine basic education schools in Hlaing township.
Afterwards, Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe presented exercise books and pencils for students of four basic education schools in Kyemyindaing township, Yangon North District and five basic education schools in Bahan township.
Then, Minister Maj-Gen Tin Ngwe presented exercise books and pencils for students of ten basic education schools in Hlegu township, Yangon North District. Later, Minister Maj-Gen Sein Htwa presented exercise books and pencils for students of ten basic education schools in Htantabin township, Yangon North District.
Deputy Minister for Education U Myo Nyunt presented exercise books and
pencils for students of ten basic education schools in Taikkyi township, Yangon North District.
Deputy Minister for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung presented exercise books and pencils for students of ten basic education schools in Taikkyi township, Yangon North District.
Next, Headmistress Daw Tin Myint of No 29 BEPS spoke words of thanks. Then, the ceremony came to a close.
At the ceremony, a total of 4,365 dozens of exercise books and 1,455 dozens of pencils worth K 3,652,050 donated by the Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee were provided to 8729 students of 63 basic education schools in Yangon West and North districts.
With the cash donated by the Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee, a total of 37,935 dozens of exercise books and 19,373 dozens of pencils worth K 33,818,230 were donated to students in 2001 and 20,855 dozens of exercise books and 4,695 dozens of pencils worth K 17,491,450 were donated to students in 2002.
( 3 ) Secretary-1 inspects construction of educational buildings of Higher Education Department
Yangon, 15 June - Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace
and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt in Htantabin Township at 2.30 pm today.
First, the Secretary-1 inspected the tasks being carried out for the traffic safety at the junction of Hlinethaya-Htantabin and Hlinethaya-Shwepyitha roads.
Next, the Secretary-1 inspected the laying of concrete on Htantabin Development Road and proceeded to the construction site of educational buildings.
At the briefing hall, the Secretary-1 heard reports on regional development tasks including progress of work in construction of educational buildings of the Higher Education Department for human resource development, storage and installation of teaching aids, arrangements for management and teaching, installation of electric power line and communications, greening of environs, and transportation presented by the commander, the deputy ministers, the vice-mayor, departmental heads and officials.
The Secretary-1 then gave necessary instructions.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 inspected the computer training centre
and language lab at the educational building of the Higher Education
Department and progress of the construction works and left the site
in the afternoon.
( 4
) Coop Minister inspects private industries
Yangon, 15 June - Minister for Cooperatives Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe, accompanied by directors-general and the managing director of Cooperative Department, Cottage Industries Department and Cooperative Export & Import Enterprise, the managing director of Central Cooperative Society and the chairman of Industrial Products Cooperative Syndicate, arrived at Hsan Myanmar Wood, Bamboo, Rattan and Handicraft Cooperative Ltd in the compound of Seinkyaw Oil Mill in Dawbon Township this morning.
Officials conducted them round the work site. The minister gave necessary instructions and inspected production process and the sales room.
Then, the minister and party proceeded to Panthu Geological Service Cooperative Ltd at the corner of Dawei and Bago Streets in Dagon Myothit (South) Township. Officials reported on production and distribution tasks.
Next, the minister and party went to the furniture factory of New Telesonic Furniture and General Merchandize Trading Cooperative Ltd at 94, Thanchatwun U Nyunt Road. Managing Director U Aye Lwin explained export furniture for garden and others. The minister gave necessary
( 5 ) Myanmar delegation arrives back from Rome
Yangon, 15 June
- The Myanmar delegation led by Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin arrived back here by air this morning after attending FAO Summit held in Rome, Italy from 10 to 13 June. Leader of the delegation Minister Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin attended the round-table meeting on 10 June.
The minister in the evening met with Director-General of FAO Dr Jacques Diouf and discussed development in agriculture, livestock breeding and forestry sectors and measures being taken under the cooperation programme in technology. The minister delivered a speech at the FAO Summit on 11 June.
The delegation was welcomed at the airport by Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Brig-Gen Khin Maung, Resident Representative of FAO Mr Bhaskar Barua, directors-general and Managing Directors of departments and enterprises under the
National level malaria control activities week launched
Yangon, 15 June - A ceremony to launch the third national level malaria control activities week was held at the International Business Centre on Pyay
Road this morning.The minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Seinsaid that malaria is a major health problem in Myanmar. It is the commonest disease.
The number of malaria sufferers and mortality rate are the highest in border areas. Malaria virus have become resistant to medicines.
As malaria is a disease resulting from the bites of a certain species of mosquito, all need to participate in eradicating mosquitoes. Only when everybody contributes to the task, can it be successful. In accord with the guidelines of the National Health Committee, the Ministry of Health is implementing the national health plan, the 30-year health plan and the rural health development plan. The malaria control is one of the main projects. As 70 per cent of the population of Myanmar lives in rural areas, priority is being given to rural people with regard to malaria control and treatment. Now microscopes have been distributed to rural health
centers in 101 townships, and over 50,000 impregnated mosquito-nets to villages. In accordance with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, research is being conducted on treatment of six commonest diseases in Myanmar.
Research on anti-malaria drug is meeting with success.
It is impossible for the Ministry of Health alone to control malaria, and every citizen, every organization and all the departments are required to cooperate with the ministry.
It is necessary to report to the health department as soon as possible if there is any malaria case. If the case is reported too late, mortality rate can increase. The media in some countries can make political capital out of it.
In conclusion, the minister urged those from the central, state/division, district and township levels to provide continuous assistance for malaria control and treatment.
After the ceremony, the minister and guests viewed the exhibition on the national level malaria control activities week, herbal plants, malaria research and medicines for curing malaria at the reception hall.
Then, the minister and guests went to Mya Kan Tha Street, Mya Kan Tha Housing estate, Ward 2 and No 4 Basic Education High School in Kamayut Township, and Malamyaing 8th Street, Ward 16, Hline
Township, where chairmen and members of Township and Ward Peace and
Development Councils, members of the Union Solidarity and
Development Association, Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Red
Cross Society and Auxiliary Fire Brigade, medical staff and ward
dwellers were carrying out preventive measures against malaria to
mark the national level malaria control activities week.
Minister inspects industrial zone
Yangon, 15 June - Minister for Industry-2 Maj-Gen Saw Lwin, Deputy Minister Lt-Col Khin Maung Kyaw and officials arrived at Indakaw Industrial Zone in Indakaw region, Bago Division this morning.
The managing directors of the respective industries under the ministry reported on machinery imported from India and construction of factories and workshops.
The minister inspected ball bearing workshop of Myanma Automobile and Diesel Engine Industries, construction of
aluminum wire workshop and arrival of machines at power tiller factory of Myanma Agricultural Machinery Industries.
The minister gave instructions on timely construction of the factory, production of auto parts as targeted and planting of shade trees in the factory
Prizes, cash assisatnce to outstanding students, athletes
Yangon, 15 June - The Ministry of Transport held the prize presentation for outstanding students who are children of staff and the stipends presentation ceremony at the meeting hall of the ministry on Theinbyu
Street this afternoon. The minister gave a speech. Then, Minister Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, the Minister's wife Daw San San Myint, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint and wife, Deputy Minister U Pe Than and officials presented prizes to outstanding students.
Next, the minister presented prizes to the rowers who won 12 gold, 3 silver and 11 bronze in the III SEA Canoeing Contest and the 2002 Olympic Committee Chairman's Trophy Traditional Regatta Competition through U Phone Myint Teza and U Myo Zaw and the Minister's wife Daw San San Myint presented prizes to athletes who won 27 gold, 7 silver and 6 bronze in the XXI SEA Women's Soccer Tournament, the 2002 Hanoi International Invitational Women's Soccer Tournament and the Inter-Ministry Open Women's Soccer Tournament through Coach U Win Sein and footballer Ma Aye Nanda Hlaing.
Then, officials provided stipends to children of staff through officials.
On behalf of the outstanding persons, 5-distinction winner Ma Waing Thawdar and U Phone Myint Teza spoke words of thanks.
Minister inspects railway carriage factory
Yangon, 15 June - Minister for Rail Transportation U Pan Aung, accompanied by responsible officials, met with Manager U Tun Oo and service personnel of Passenger and Freight Carriage Factory (Myitngai) at the briefing hall of the factory yesterday and discussed matters related to boosting of production, arrangement for maintenance of carriages and nurturing skilled technicians.
Then, the minister inspected round the factory and attended to the needs.
( 6 )
Sanitation work carried out in Yangon Division
Yangon, 15 June - Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe inspected sanitation work for cleanliness and flood prevention being carried out by Tatmadawmen, members of Myanmar Police Force, personnel of Yangon City Development Committee, War Veterans Organ-ziation, the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Red Cross Society, Auxiliary Fire Brigade, Maternal and Child Welfare Association and people in Yangon this morning.
The commander arrived at the corner of Strand Road and 2nd Street in Lanmadaw Township, where he was welcomed by No 4 Military Region Commander Brig-Gen Myo Myint, YCDC Secretary Col Myint Aung, Police Col Aung Daing of Yangon Myanmar Police Force, Yangon West District Peace and Development Council Chairman Lt-Col Maung Maung Shein and officials. Then, the commander inspected the site.
Afterwards, the commander and party looked into sanitation work being carried out at the corner of Strand Road and Latha Street in Latha Township, at the corner of Strand Road and Shwedagon Pagoda Road in Pabedan Township and in front of the General Post Office on Strand Road in Kyauktada Township.
Officials reported on conditions of the roads which are under water in the rainy season due to the clogging up of the drains and the dredging of the drains with the use of charts.
The commander gave necessary instructions.
Next, the commander and party inspected sanitation tasks being implemented in the surrounding wards of the Botahtaung Pagoda in Seikkan Township and the flowing of water in the drains from Botahtaung Port into Yangon River.
The commander and party also inspected sanitation work done to ensure proper flow of water of Zweson Creek near the office of the Ministry of Religious Affairs on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road in Mayangon Township, Tha-maing Creek on Pyay Road, 7 Mile, Mayangon Township, and Kyaikkasan Creek on Thitsar Street, South Okkalapa Township.
They then inspected construction of the culvert on Waizayandar Road to ensure the proper flow of water in Kyaikkasan Creek in South Okkalapa Township.
They gave instructions to the officials.
In the afternoon, the commander addressed the ceremony to honour victorious athletes representing Yangon Division Headquarters team in tournaments of the year 2001 Defence Services Commander-in-Chief's
trophies and shields and Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) sports tournaments at the meeting hall of Yangon Command.
Chairmen of respective committees for ensuring success of sports and team leaders presented championship trophies and shields to the commander, who then presented K 100,000 each to the victorious teams.
Later, Chairman of the Supporting Committee for Shooting Event Col Thant Swe spoke words of thanks.
The ceremony came to a close with concluding remarks by Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe.
The Yangon Command team took part in 26 tournaments and won 15 gold, six silver and one bronze.
( 7 )
Sub-printing house of NPE opened in Kalay
Yangon, 15 June - A ceremony to open the
sub-printing house of News and Periodicals Enterprise of the
Ministry of Information was held at the house in Kale this morning.
At the ceremony, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Aung Thein and Brig-Gen Khin Maung Aye of Kale Station opened the house and the deputy minister then formally unveiled the signboard of the house. Next, the managing director explained the purpose to open the sub-printing house. On behalf of the local people, Township USDA Secretary U Yu Win Tint spoke words of thanks.
Afterwards, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Aung Thein presented commemorative pennants to Brig-Gen Khin Maung Aye of Kale Station and Kalay District Chairman Lt-Col Myo Chit. The deputy minister and party visited the house. As a result of opening the sub-printing house, people of Kale, Kalewa, Tamu, Mawlaik, Phaungpyin, Mingin and hill region townships such as Falam, Haka, Tiddim and Tonzang in Chin State can read the newspapers within the day of the printing.
Deputy Minister inspects Kale District IPRD and TV retransmission station
Yangon, 15 June - Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein, together with Managing Director of Printing and Publishing Enterprise U Myint Thein and officials, inspected Kale District Information and Public Relations Department in Kale yesterday morning.
After inspecting the tasks being carried out by the department, the deputy minister gave instructions to the officials on organizing wall bulletins, exhibitions and mobile libraries for the interest and benefit of the people and tasks to be implemented in telecasting educative TV programmes for the study of students.
The deputy minister and party also inspected Kale TV Retransmission Station. He then gave instructions on making progress for the tasks, staff welfare and cultivation and livestock breeding on a manageable scale and inspected staff quarters.
( 8
) Vietnamese delegation continues Yangon tour
Yangon, 15 June - The visiting Vietnamese delegation led by Director of the Voice of Vietnam of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Mr Do Ngoc Anh visited the City Farm and Resort Centre of Yangon City Development Committee in U-to Village, Taikkyi Township, this morning.
At the briefing hall, Member of YCDC Chairman of the Agriculture and Livestock Breeding Supervisory Committee of the Centre Col Thaung Wai briefed them on the centre. Then, officials conducted the delegation round the centre.
In the afternoon, the delegation arrived at Yangon Command No 1 livestock breeding farm, where they were welcomed and briefed on the farm by the officials. The delegation viewed round the chicken runs and feedstuff factory.
The delegation also visited Hlinethaya Industrial City and the Golden Yacht Garment Factory.
( 9
) Marijuana seized in Toungoo
Yangon, 15 June - According to a confession of the accused Ma Phyu Phway of the case with FIR 13/2001 filed at Toungoo police station No 1, under section 15/ 19(A)/ 21 of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law, a combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and local Police Force arrested Ma Thein Mya together with 7.185 kilos of marijuana hidden in the bush on the north of her house in Ward-20, Toungoo, at midnight on18 October 2001.
The police station filed up a case with FIR 14/2001 under section 15/ 19(A)/ 21 of the same law against Ma Phyu Phway, 35, daughter of U Shwe Kyee of Ward-20, Toungoo, and Ma Thein Mya, 40, daughter of U Myint Oo of U Htun Mya Street, Ward-155, Dagon Myothit (North) Township. The Toungoo District Court sentenced each of the two to 20
years' imprisonment under section 19(A) on 30-4-2002.
Raw opium saeized at Naba Station
Yangon, 15 June - A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and Railway Police Force, acting on information, searched 55-Up Mandalay-Myitkyina train which arrived at Naba Station on 1 June morning and seized 3.511 kilos of raw opium from passenger Win Naing who was traveling by train without ticket.
Indaw police station is taking action against Win Naing, 30, son of U Tin Win of No 14, 57th Street, Ward-4, Theikpan Street (South), Mandalay, under section 15/19 (A)/20 (A) of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.