1 ) Victorious Myanmar athletes who won prizes in Asian level invitational event honoured
Yangon, 13 June - A ceremony to present honorary prizes to the victorious athletes who enhanced the dignity of the State at the 8th Asia Championship Marathon held in Hong Kong on 24 February 2002 and the First Asian All-Star Weightlifting Championship held in Doha, Qatar, from 10 to 14 May 2002, took place at the Mya Yeik Nyo Royal Hotel at 7 pm today.

Chairman of Myanmar National Olympic Council Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt attended the ceremony.
The Secretary-1 said the entire national people are striving to raise the sports standard of Myanmar and to enable athletes to win medals in international events.

Thus, it is an honour for the athletes themselves who won medals in Asian and international events, the State and the people who are providing encouragement to them. The victorious athletes should regard the ceremony as a reinforcement for them to win medals in the future international events. With the conviction that the victory in international sports events helps raise the dignity of the State and reflects the national development, the State is striving to improve the national sports level as a national task.
As efforts have been made in accord with the goal
"Myanmar Sports Ñ the World to Conquer", Myanmar athletes are winning medals in Southeast Asian events, Asian events and even in world events due to the leadership and assistance of the State, the cooperation and encouragement of the people and the efforts of the athletes.

But the nation needs to make greater efforts to retain its sports level of the past during which the nation's sportsmen and sportswomen won victories in Southeast Asian events, Asian events and international events.
The Myanmar sports began to improve and win
victories in the international events after it was devoid of success
for over 30 years. The success must be acknowledged.
It is encouraging to see that Myanmar women are winning medals in soccer, weightlifting, rowing, track and field, wushu, judo, taekwondo, shooting, archery and swimming. Three of the four victorious athletes to be honoured at the ceremony are women. This shows the brilliant ability of Myanmar sportswomen. The victorious athletes had taken part in the Asian level invitational event in which top athletes of the world took part.

Over 40,000 runners including over 100 world-class athletes from 27 Asian countries, Kenya, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Belarus, Ethiopia, Germany, the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada and Russia took part in the Eighth Asian Marathon championship, held in Hong Kong in February 2002.

Osaki Satoshi of Japan won first prize with 2 hours 16 minutes and 46 seconds; Yumiki Kurayo second prize with 2 hours 18 minutes and 03 seconds; and Maung Maung Nge of Myanmar third prize with 2 hours 23 minutes and 15 seconds in the men's event. He beat the favourites from China, Korea and India. His time was better than the Southeast Asian record of 2 hours 23 minutes 51 seconds. He also beat the Southeast Asia gold medalist from the Philippines.
In the women's event, Xiang Wujin of the People's Republic of China won first with 2 hours 36 minutes 27 seconds; Kuchi Miyo of Japan second with 2 hours 38 minutes 35 seconds; and Yushi Murahidiko third with 2 hours 42 minutes 21 seconds.
Pa Pa of Myanmar stood fifth with 2 hours, 46 minutes and 47 seconds.
Her record is better than the South-East Asian record of two hours, 52 minutes and 43 seconds.
To select weightlifters for the first Asian All-Star Weightlifting Championship held in Doha, Qatar, in May 2002, the Asian Weightlifting Federation held a contest by inviting four weightlifters of each division who were outstanding and set excellent records at the Sydney Olympic Weightlifting Contest in 2000 and the Asian Weightlifting Contest in 2001.
Altogether 11 women weightlifters from six countries took part in the contest. Only two Myanmar weightlifters participated in it and won prizes.
At the 48-kilo division, Kay Thi Win lifted a total of 192.5 kilos and emerged first; Lesa Lumbewas of Indonesia lifted a total of 190 kilos and emerged second; Guo Wai of China lifted a total of 185 kilos and emerged third.
Kay Thi Win lifted five kilos more than the Chinese weightlifter did and 2.5 kilos more than Lesa Lumbewas, who beat her and stood third at the Sydney Olympic Contest in 2000.
At the 75-kilo event, Deng Meiyuan of China lifted a total of 265 kilos and stood first; Chan Hsiao Lien of Chinese (Taipei) lifted a total of 250 kilos and stood second; Aye Mon Khin of Myanmar lifted a total of 230 kilos and stood third.
At a time when the government and the people, determined to uplift the sports standard of Myanmar, earnestly expect the success of Myanma athletes at international sports events, they have won prizes. Therefore, the government and the people have lauded them.
Their success can be attributed to the encouragement of the government and the people, the leadership of the officials from various sports federations and the strong spirit of athletes.
To continue to win prizes at international sports events, the officials from the sports federations and athletes are urged to continue to try hard with the sporting spirit of winning prizes and the nationalistic spirit of enhancing the dignity of the nation.
In conclusion, the Secretary-1 said "May all the athletes be able to improve the national sports standards, to win prizes at world-class sports events, to win one victory after another and to enhance the national prestige and integrity.
He also thanked Kanbawza Bank which presented handsome prizes to the athletes, officials of the women sports federation and the well-wishers.
Then, the Secretary-1 presented honorary prizes to Gold Medallist Kay Thi Win and Bronze Medallist Aye Mon Khin in First Doha Asian All Star Weightlifting Championship, Bronze Medallist Maung Maung Nge and fifth prize winner Pa Pa in 8th Asian Marathon Championship, instructor and manager U Aung Soe of Myanmar Team and referee U Myint Swe in First Doha Asian All Star Weightlifting Championship, and coach-cum-manager U Tha Aung of Myanmar Team in the 8th Asia Marathon Championship.
Afterwards, Leader of the Panel of Leading Patrons of Myanmar Women's Sports Federation Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe presented honorary prizes to Gold Medallist Kay Thi Win and Bronze Medallist Aye Mon Khin.

Gold Medallist Kathi Win spoke words of thanks.
Then, the Secretary-1, together with guests and athletes, enjoyed the dinner.
( 2 )
Minister for Home Affairs
receives Ambassadors
Yangon, 13 June - Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing received Ambassador of the Republic of Italy to Myanmar Dr Cesare Capitan and Ambassador of the Republic of Korea Mr Lee Kyung Woo at his office at 1 pm and 2 pm today respectively.
H&T Minister receives guest
Yangon, 13 June - Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin received Managing Director of Road to Mandalay Ltd, Britain, Mr Gerald John Haines at his office at 3 pm today.
CPT Minister receives Chinese guests
Yangon, 13 June - Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw received Chief Engineer Mr Jiang Zuren of Datang Telecom Technology & Industry Group, PRC, and Mr Jin Honggen, Economic and Commercial Counsellor of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China at his office at 4 pm today.
( 3 ) Time has arrived for people to rise up and show Myanmar identity
Mass rally reflects the people's rancour towards Yodaya
Mon State supports mass rallies to denounce SURA and KNU
insurgents violating security and peaceful condition in border areas and to show respect for sovereignty of the Union of Myanmar
Yangon, 13 June - The ceremony to support the national people's mass rallies denouncing SURA and KNU insurgents, who are undermining the security and peaceful condition of border areas, and to show respect for sovereignty of the Union of Myanmar took place at the Yamanya Sports Grounds in Mawlamyine, Mon State, on 10 June morning.

It was attended by local residents of townships in Mon State, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Women's Affairs Committee, Maternal and Child Welfare Association, War Veterans Organization, Red Cross Society and Auxiliary Fire Brigade, band troupes, the State Flag bearing troupes, teachers and students of basic education high schools and departmental personnel.
Led by the State Flag bearing troupes and band troupes, local people, members of social organizations, students and departmental staff from assembly points at Mawlamyine MCWA office, Township Fire Services Office, No 8 BEHS and No 1 market marched to the sports grounds from designated routes. Showing respect for sovereignty of the Union of Myanmar, the people of Mawlamyine proudly hoisted the State flags in the entire town.
Executive of Mawlamyine District USDA Dr Toe Toe
Aung, master of ceremonies, read out the agenda.
Then, those present saluted the State Flag.

Member of Township USDA representative of Township MCWA Daw Khaing Khaing Maw explained the purpose of holding the ceremony.
She said the time has arrived for the people to rise up and show the Myanmar identity to the world. We salute the State flag in unity in this venue and hoist it in the entire Mawlamyine, showing in unity the Union Spirit and that our blood is red.
As is known to all, Yodaya, which is a bad neighbour, is abetting a handful of SURA drug trafficking insurgents and KNU destructive insurgents in encroaching on some of our territory in border in collusion with these insurgents. It is a sign of insult, unfriendliness, play-acting and conspiracy.
Throughout history Myanmars have possessed Union Spirit and never offended others since time immemorial. Yodaya's show of total disregard for the principles of ASEAN and the duties of a neighbour amounts to revealing its hostile attitude.
We will have to oppose all those who are trying to disturb the peace and stability of the State with the
"Four People's Desires". If Yodaya wishes to adhere to the principles of ASEAN and good neighbourly practices, it should not give sanctuary to SURA and KNU, recruit new members for the insurgents, provide training courses and arms and ammunition and launch attacks on Tatmadaw outposts in collusion with the insurgents. But now, the acts of the country are totally against the principles.

People are loathing Yodaya as they have known the incident from the media. Today's mass rally reflects the people's rancour towards Yodaya.
We will never tolerate even a small degree of encroachment on our independence and sovereignty. Upholding Our Three Main National Causes, the entire people will
untidily and dutifully ward off and crush all the enemies of the State with loyalty, patriotism and Union Spirit.

Throughout the history, our forefathers had safeguarded the independence, the sovereignty and the Union which are our heritage. There was unity among the national races who possessed the strong patriotism, Union Spirit and the spirit of national solidarity. Thus, it is important for all of us to be instilled in mind the spirit of King Bayintnaung, King Alaungphaya and King Hsinbyushin. We are required to closely watch the steps of the intruders with awareness to crush them.

Do not tolerate any encroachment on our territory and sovereignty! It is high time for us to show that our blood is red. Let us
untidily crush all encroachments on our nation with the spirit of Alaungphaya and the unyielding spirit.
Member of the USDA representative of workers from Mawlamyine U Nyan Oo explained how SURA and KNU insurgents and some destructive elements, taking foot-holds in Yodaya, are attempting to disrupt the stability, peace and development of Myanmar and the peaceful condition in border areas through various ways and means.
He said: Our Myanmar is a nation made up of over 100 national races. Throughout the course of history which extends years countable by the thousand, Union-born nationals have been residing in the territory of the nation through thick and thin. The most fundamental requirement for the existence of the independent and sovereign Union of Myanmar made up of various national races is Union Spirit.
Union Spirit means the spirit that binds together the entire people living in all parts of the nation under one flag.
We have today saluted the State flag which we all respect and value. All over the town, State flags have been hoisted. This indicates love of the nation, patriotism and nationalistic spirit.
Since the beginning of 2001, a handful of SURA and KNU opium-trafficking insurgents, relying on Yodaya, have been attempting to pick up fights along the Myanmar border. They have been encroaching on the sovereignty of our nation. Therefore, local people in Kengtung and Taunggyi held mass rallies to denounce them. We, the people of Mawlamyine, Mon State, unanimously support these mass rallies. Here I would like to say one thing: Yodaya is giving trouble to our nation through various ways and means, breeding, arming, sheltering and feeding the traitors.
Opium-trafficking insurgents, taking foot-holds in Yodaya, blatantly attacked Panmaingsun, Nyaungbingon, Pangantgaw and Yanpaingsun outposts along the Myanmar border, using heavy weapons and tanks.
They also fired at Maekyoak outpost with heavy weapons. KNU terrorist insurgents, together with ABSDF, attacked Minletpan Village, and looted and destroyed the property of the people.
They are deliberately attempting to undermine the stability, peace and development of the nation.
Today mutual respect, understanding, honesty, forgiveness and trust have been built among national races. At a time when efforts are being speeded up for the development of border areas and national races, Yodaya, placing opium-trafficking SURA and KNU insurgents in front, is encroaching upon the sovereignty of the nation.

Therefore, it is time for all our Myanmar people to be united. In conclusion, I would like to urge all to demonstrate nationalistic spirit.
Then, the mass rally shouted slogans " non-disintegration of the Union
- our cause, our cause; non-disintegration of national solidarity - our cause, our cause; perpetuation of sovereignty
- our cause, our cause", which brought the ceremony to a close.
( 4
) Minister attends conclusion of CAQC course

Yangon, 13 June - Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone attended the concluding ceremony of Commodity Accounting and Quality Control Course 2/2002 held in conjunction with the opening ceremony of Basic Computer Course 1/2002 at the head office of Myanma
Agricultural Produce Trading this morning and made a speech. First,
the minister made a speech and presented completion certificates to
the trainees who stood first, second and third in the course. On
behalf of the trainees, one of them spoke words of thanks.
Prisons Department holds coord meeting

Yangon, 13 June - The first four-monthly work coordination meeting for 2002 of the Prisons Department of the Ministry of Home Affairs was held at the head office of the department this morning with an address by Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing.
( 5 )
Collaborative drug abuse control measures being taken with added momentum along Myanmar-China border
Yangon, 13 June - The government is taking narcotic drug control measures as a national duty with added momentum in border areas in cooperation with neighbouring countries. The cooperation between Myanmar and the People's Republic of China has met with success in exchanging information.

At the China-Myanmar Junior Officials' Meeting on Narcotic Drug Control held in Shweli, PRC, on 2 May, 2002, Chinese delegation discussed cooperation in arresting Chinese national culprits at large who trafficked in drugs.
Chinese national culprit Yue Chun Da (a) Yan In Nein (a) Yan Gui Yon (a) Yue Kun Da, aged 26, son of U Yue Chao Jie, was arrested in Muse on 26 May, 2002. Director of the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control Police Col Tin Maung Htay handed over the culprit to In-charge Mr Wang Hu of Die Hong Dai Drug Squad, Yunnan Province, PRC
10 June, 2002 for exposure of connected information in PRC.
Myanmar has been arresting and handing over culprits to PRC. In 2001-2002, it has handed over culprits for six times including two times hand over of 13 culprits under the arrangement of Wa nationals of Special Region-2, Shan State North and documents for once. Drug abuse control measures are being taken with added momentum in border areas with close
cooperation with PRC in the exchange of information.
( 6 )
Book Fair in honour of third MWJA conference postponed
Yangon, 13 June - The Book Fair to hail the third conference of Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association will be held in the compound of the printing house of Sarpay Beikman near Hanthawady round-about on Pyay Road here from 26 June to 2 July, instead of the dates previously announced. The placement of book shops which have registered in the fair will be made at 1 pm on 21 June. For further details, contact Dr Tin Tun Oo, Ph 200512, 200138; and U Kyaing Myint, Ph 254955, 295988.
( 7 )
Admission to MMU, MAEU to be announced
Yangon, 13 June - Myanmar Maritime University and Myanmar Aerospace Engineering University of the Ministry of Transport will be opened on August, 2002.
The lists of the students who are eligible to the universities will be posted at the Higher Education Department (Lower Myanmar) on Thaton Road, Kamayut Township, MMU, Hsinmalaik, Kamayut Township and Yangon Technology University, Insein
Township, here tomorrow.
( 8
) World No Tobacco Day observed
Yangon, 13 June - Defence Services Institute of Medicine observed the World No Tobacco Day for 2002 on 11 June afternoon here.
Acting Commandant of the Institute Lt-Col Yar Pyi made a speech. Lieutenant Kyaw Myo Tun, Cadet Saw Wai Phyo, Cadet Tun Aung Kyaw, Theikpan Hmu Tin, Academy Zinyaw Maung Maung, Academy May Than Nu and Lt-Col Nay Soe Maung gave talks.
The athletes of the Ministry of Sports demonstrated karatedo and taekwondo. Present were by teachers, officers, cadets and trainees of DSIM and Defence Services Institute of
London Inter Club Championship to be held
Travelling and accommodation expenses
to be borne by Organizing Committee
Yangon, 13 June - London Inter Club Team Championship, organized by Myanmar Golf Federation with Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd as the main sponsor will be held at Shwe Mann Taung Golf Club in Mandalay on 20 and 21 June mornings.
The championship organizing committee will bear
traveling expenses and hotel charges of the participating clubs.
Co-sponsors Air Mandalay, AWB Bank, Loi Hein Co Ltd (Alpine Water), K M Golf Centre, Wilson and Accel International Co Ltd (Canon) will jointly sponsor the championship with aims at bringing out the outstanding golfers and promoting the Myanmar golf standard.
( 9
) Stimulant tablets and raw opium seized in Loikaw
Yangon, 13 June - A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and local battalion, acting on information, searched the house of Maung Hla (a) Myo Aung of Kyaukkonelay Village, Loikaw Township, and seized 3,891 stimulant tablets and 20.41 gm of raw opium on 29 May 2002.
Loikaw Police Station is taking action against Maung Hla (a) Myo Aung, 38, son of U Kalaw, under Section 15/16 (A)/19 (A)/20/21 of the Narcotic Drug and Psychotropic Substances
Marijuana seized in Toungoo
Yangon, 13 June - A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and local police force, acting on a tip-off, stopped a trishaw with number plate 584 and searched the passenger Ma San Aye and another trishaw with number plate 1084 and searched the passenger Ma Myint Myint Naing near Toungoo Station.
The team seized 8.98 kilos of marijuana from them on 18 October 2001. Toungoo Police Station No 1 is taking action against Ma San Aye, 45, daughter of U Kyaw Shein of Ward 155, Dagon Myothit (North), Ma Myint Myint Naing, 14, daughter of U Thet Naing of Ward 20, Toungoo, Kyee Sein, 40, son of U Hla Maung of Ward 13, Dagon Myothit (North) and Ma Phyu Phway, 35, daughter of U Shwe Kyi of Ward 20 Toungoo under Section 15/19 (A) /21 of the Narcotic Drug and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Toungoo District Court handed down 20 years' imprisonment on Ma San Aye under Section 19 (A)/21, 25
years' imprisonment and five years' imprisonment on Kyee Sein under Sections 19 (A) and 15 to serve separately and five
years' imprisonment on Ma Phyu Phway under Section 15 on 30 April 2002. Toungoo Township Court is still hearing the case for Ma Myint Myint Naing as she is only at the age of 14.